Package com.lightcrafts.jai.utils

Source Code of com.lightcrafts.jai.utils.LCTileCache$TileReaper

/* Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Fabio Riccardi */

* $RCSfile:,v $
* Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
* $Revision: 1.1 $
* $Date: 2005/02/11 04:57:02 $
* $State: Exp $
package com.lightcrafts.jai.utils;

import com.lightcrafts.utils.cache.*;
import com.lightcrafts.utils.MemoryLimits;
import com.lightcrafts.utils.LCArrays;
import com.lightcrafts.jai.JAIContext;

import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.EnumeratedParameter;
import com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.TileCache;
import com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.util.ImagingListener;

* This is Sun Microsystems' reference implementation of the
* <code>com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.TileCache</code> interface.  It provides a
* central location for images to cache computed tiles, and is used as
* the default tile cache mechanism when no other tile cache objects
* are specified.
* <p> In this implementation, the cache size is limited by the memory
* capacity, which may be set at construction time or using the
* <code>setMemoryCapacity(long)</code> method.  The tile capacity
* is not used.  Different images may have very different tile sizes.
* Therefore, the memory usage for a specific tile capacity may vary
* greatly depends on the type of images involved.  In fact, the tile
* capacity is rather meaningless.
* @see com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.TileCache

public final class LCTileCache extends Observable
                                implements TileCache,
        CacheDiagnostics {

    /** The default memory capacity of the cache (16 MB). */
    private static final long DEFAULT_MEMORY_CAPACITY = 16L * 1024L * 1024L;

    /** The default hashtable capacity (heuristic) */
    private static final int DEFAULT_HASHTABLE_CAPACITY = 1009; // prime number

    /** The hashtable load factor */
    private static final float LOAD_FACTOR = 0.5F;

    /** Listener for the flush() method, to detect low memory situations. */
    private static LCTileCacheListener Listener;

     * The tile cache.
     * A Hashtable is used to cache the tiles.  The "key" is a
     * <code>Object</code> determined based on tile owner's UID if any or
     * hashCode if the UID doesn't exist, and tile index.  The
     * "value" is a LCCachedTile.
    private Hashtable cache;

     * Sorted (Tree) Set used with tile metrics.
     * Adds another level of metrics used to determine
     * which tiles are removed during memoryControl().
    private SortedSet cacheSortedSet;

    /** The memory capacity of the cache. */
    private long memoryCapacity;

    /** The amount of memory currently being used by the cache. */
    private long memoryUsage = 0;

    /** The amount of memory to keep after memory control */
    private float memoryThreshold = 0.75F;

    /** A indicator for tile access time. */
    private long timeStamp = 0;

    /** Custom comparator used to determine tile cost or
     *  priority ordering in the tile cache.
    private Comparator comparator = null;

    /** Pointer to the first (newest) tile of the linked LCCachedTile list. */
    private LCCachedTile first = null;

    /** Pointer to the last (oldest) tile of the linked LCCachedTile list. */
    private LCCachedTile last = null;

    /** Tile count used for diagnostics */
    private long tileCount = 0;

    /** Cache hit count */
    private long hitCount = 0;

    /** Cache miss count */
    private long missCount = 0;

    /** Diagnostics enable/disable */
    private boolean diagnostics;

    private Cache m_objectCache;

    // diagnostic actions
    // !!! If actions are changed in any way (removal, modification, addition)
    // then the getCachedTileActions() method below should be changed to match.
    private static final int ADD                 = 0;
    private static final int REMOVE              = 1;
    private static final int REMOVE_FROM_FLUSH   = 2;
    private static final int REMOVE_FROM_MEMCON  = 3;
    private static final int UPDATE_FROM_ADD     = 4;
    private static final int UPDATE_FROM_GETTILE = 5;
    private static final int ABOUT_TO_REMOVE     = 6;
    private static final int REMOVE_FROM_GCEVENT = 7;

     * Returns an array of <code>EnumeratedParameter</code>s corresponding
     * to the numeric values returned by the <code>getAction()</code>
     * method of the <code>CachedTile</code> implementation used by
     * <code>SunTileCache</code>.  The "name" of each
     * <code>EnumeratedParameter</code> provides a brief string
     * describing the numeric action value.
    public static EnumeratedParameter[] getCachedTileActions() {
        return new EnumeratedParameter[] {
            new EnumeratedParameter("add", ADD),
            new EnumeratedParameter("remove", REMOVE),
            new EnumeratedParameter("remove_by_flush", REMOVE_FROM_FLUSH),
            new EnumeratedParameter("remove_by_memorycontrol",
            new EnumeratedParameter("remove_by_gcevent",
            new EnumeratedParameter("timestamp_update_by_add", UPDATE_FROM_ADD),
            new EnumeratedParameter("timestamp_update_by_gettile",
            new EnumeratedParameter("preremove", ABOUT_TO_REMOVE)

    /** Get callbacks about calls to flush(), to detect low memory. */
    public static synchronized void setListener(LCTileCacheListener listener) {
        Listener = listener;

     * No args constructor. Use the DEFAULT_MEMORY_CAPACITY of 16 Megs.
    public LCTileCache(boolean useDisk) {
        this(DEFAULT_MEMORY_CAPACITY, useDisk);

     * Constructor.  The memory capacity should be explicitly specified.
     * @param memoryCapacity  The maximum cache memory size in bytes.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException  If <code>memoryCapacity</code>
     *         is less than 0.
    public LCTileCache(long memoryCapacity, boolean useDisk) {
        if (memoryCapacity < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("memory capacity must be >= 0");

        this.memoryCapacity = memoryCapacity;

        // try to get a prime number (more efficient?)
        // lower values of LOAD_FACTOR increase speed, decrease space efficiency
        cache = new Hashtable(DEFAULT_HASHTABLE_CAPACITY, LOAD_FACTOR);

        if (useDisk) {
            m_objectCache = createDiskCache();

            m_tileReaper = new TileReaper( this );

     * Adds a tile to the cache.
     * <p> If the specified tile is already in the cache, it will not be
     * cached again.  If by adding this tile, the cache exceeds the memory
     * capacity, older tiles in the cache are removed to keep the cache
     * memory usage under the specified limit.
     * @param owner            The image the tile blongs to.
     * @param tileX            The tile's X index within the image.
     * @param tileY            The tile's Y index within the image.
     * @param tile             The tile to be cached.
    public void add(RenderedImage owner,
                    int tileX,
                    int tileY,
                    Raster tile) {
        add(owner, tileX, tileY, tile, null);

     * Adds a tile to the cache with an associated tile compute cost.
     * <p> If the specified tile is already in the cache, it will not be
     * cached again.  If by adding this tile, the cache exceeds the memory
     * capacity, older tiles in the cache are removed to keep the cache
     * memory usage under the specified limit.
     * @param owner            The image the tile blongs to.
     * @param tileX            The tile's X index within the image.
     * @param tileY            The tile's Y index within the image.
     * @param tile             The tile to be cached.
     * @param tileCacheMetric  Metric for prioritizing tiles
    public synchronized void add(RenderedImage owner,
                                 int tileX,
                                 int tileY,
                                 Raster tile,
                                 Object tileCacheMetric) {

        if ( memoryCapacity == 0 ) {

        // This tile is not in the cache; create a new LCCachedTile.
        // else just update.
        Object key = LCCachedTile.hashKey(owner, tileX, tileY);
        LCCachedTile ct = (LCCachedTile) cache.get(key);

        if ( ct != null ) {
            updateTileList(ct, UPDATE_FROM_ADD);
        } else {
            // create a new tile
            ct = new LCCachedTile(owner, tileX, tileY, tile, tileCacheMetric);
            ct.timeStamp = timeStamp++;
            ct.previous = null;
   = first;

            if (first == null && last == null) {
                first = ct;
                last  = ct;
            } else {
                first.previous = ct;
                first = ct;        // put this tile at the top of the list

            // add to tile cache
            if ( cache.put(ct.key, ct) == null ) {
                memoryUsage += ct.memorySize;
                //missCount++;  Not necessary?

                if ( cacheSortedSet != null ) {

                if ( diagnostics ) {
                    ct.action = ADD;

            // Bring memory usage down to memoryThreshold % of memory capacity.
            if (memoryUsage > memoryCapacity) {

        if (m_tileReaper != null) {
            // TODO: do we need this?
            synchronized ( this ) {
                WeakReference weakKey = null;

                Set keySet = m_imageMap.keySet();
                Iterator it = keySet.iterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    WeakReference ref = (WeakReference);

                    if (ref.get() == owner) {
                        weakKey = ref;

                // weakKey = (WeakReference) m_weakRefMap.get(owner);

                if (weakKey == null) {
                    weakKey = new WeakReference( owner, m_tileReaper.getRefQ() );
                    // m_weakRefMap.put(owner, weakKey);

                Set hashKeys = (HashSet) m_imageMap.get(weakKey);

                if (hashKeys == null) {
                    hashKeys = new HashSet();
                    m_imageMap.put(weakKey, hashKeys);


    private boolean removeFromTileList(Object key, int action) {
        LCCachedTile ct = (LCCachedTile) cache.remove(key);

        if (ct != null) {
            memoryUsage -= ct.memorySize;

            if ( cacheSortedSet != null ) {

            if ( ct == first ) {
                if ( ct == last ) {
                    first = null// only one tile in the list
                    last  = null;
                } else {
                    first =;
                    first.previous = null;
            } else if ( ct == last ) {
                last = ct.previous;
       = null;
            } else {
       = ct.previous;

            // Notify observers that a tile has been removed.
            if ( diagnostics ) {
                ct.action = action;

            ct.previous = null;
   = null;
            ct = null;

            return true;
        return false;

    private void updateTileList(LCCachedTile ct, int action) {
        ct.timeStamp = timeStamp++;

        if (ct != first) {
            // Bring this tile to the beginning of the list.
            if (ct == last) {
                last = ct.previous;
       = null;
            } else {
       = ct.previous;

            ct.previous = null;
   = first;

            first.previous = ct;
            first = ct;


        if ( diagnostics ) {
            ct.action = action;

     * Removes a tile from the cache.
     * <p> If the specified tile is not in the cache, this method
     * does nothing.
    public synchronized void remove(RenderedImage owner,
                                    int tileX,
                                    int tileY) {

        if ( memoryCapacity == 0 ) {

        Object key = LCCachedTile.hashKey(owner, tileX, tileY);
        LCCachedTile ct = (LCCachedTile) cache.get(key);

        if ( ct != null ) {
            // Notify observers that a tile is about to be removed.
            // It is possible that the tile will be removed from the
            // cache before the observers get notified.  This should
            // be ok, since a hard reference to the tile will be
            // kept for the observers, so the garbage collector won't
            // remove the tile until the observers release it.
            ct.action = ABOUT_TO_REMOVE;

            removeFromTileList(key, REMOVE);
        } else {
            // if the tile is not in the memory cache than it might be on disk...
            if (m_objectCache != null && m_objectCache.contains(key)) {

     * Retrieves a tile from the cache.
     * <p> If the specified tile is not in the cache, this method
     * returns <code>null</code>.  If the specified tile is in the
     * cache, its last-access time is updated.
     * @param owner  The image the tile blongs to.
     * @param tileX  The tile's X index within the image.
     * @param tileY  The tile's Y index within the image.
    public synchronized Raster getTile(RenderedImage owner,
                                       int tileX,
                                       int tileY) {
        if ( memoryCapacity == 0 )
            return null;

        Object key = LCCachedTile.hashKey(owner, tileX, tileY);
        LCCachedTile ct = (LCCachedTile) cache.get(key);

        if (m_objectCache != null && ct == null) {
            Raster raster = readTileFromDisk(owner, tileX, tileY, key);
            if (raster != null) {
                add(owner, tileX, tileY, raster, null);
                ct = (LCCachedTile) cache.get(key);
                assert ct != null;

        Raster tile = null;

        if ( ct == null ) {
        } else {    // found tile in cache
            tile = (Raster) ct.getTile();

            updateTileList(ct, UPDATE_FROM_GETTILE);

        return tile;

     * Retrieves a contiguous array of all tiles in the cache which are
     * owned by the specified image.  May be <code>null</code> if there
     * were no tiles in the cache.  The array contains no null entries.
     * @param owner The <code>RenderedImage</code> to which the tiles belong.
     * @return An array of all tiles owned by the specified image or
     *         <code>null</code> if there are none currently in the cache.
    public synchronized Raster[] getTiles(RenderedImage owner) {
        Raster[] tiles = null;

        if ( memoryCapacity == 0 ) {
            return null;

        int size = Math.min(owner.getNumXTiles() * owner.getNumYTiles(),

        if ( size > 0 ) {
            int minTx = owner.getMinTileX();
            int minTy = owner.getMinTileY();
            int maxTx = minTx + owner.getNumXTiles();
            int maxTy = minTy + owner.getNumYTiles();

            // arbitrarily set a temporary vector size
            Vector temp = new Vector(10, 20);

            for (int y = minTy; y < maxTy; y++) {
                for (int x = minTx; x < maxTx; x++) {
                    Raster raster = getTile(owner, x, y);

                    if ( raster != null ) {

            int tmpsize = temp.size();
            if ( tmpsize > 0 ) {
                tiles = (Raster[])temp.toArray(new Raster[tmpsize]);

        return tiles;

     * Removes all the tiles that belong to a <code>RenderedImage</code>
     * from the cache.
     * @param owner  The image whose tiles are to be removed from the cache.
    public void removeTiles(RenderedImage owner) {
        if ( memoryCapacity > 0 ) {
            int minTx = owner.getMinTileX();
            int minTy = owner.getMinTileY();
            int maxTx = minTx + owner.getNumXTiles();
            int maxTy = minTy + owner.getNumYTiles();

            for (int y=minTy; y<maxTy; y++) {
                for (int x=minTx; x<maxTx; x++) {
                    remove(owner, x, y);

     * Adds an array of tiles to the tile cache.
     * @param owner The <code>RenderedImage</code> that the tile belongs to.
     * @param tileIndices An array of <code>Point</code>s containing the
     *        <code>tileX</code> and <code>tileY</code> indices for each tile.
     * @param tiles The array of tile <code>Raster</code>s containing tile data.
     * @param tileCacheMetric Object which provides an ordering metric
     *        associated with the <code>RenderedImage</code> owner.
     * @since 1.1
    public synchronized void addTiles(RenderedImage owner,
                                      Point[] tileIndices,
                                      Raster[] tiles,
                                      Object tileCacheMetric) {

        if ( memoryCapacity == 0 ) {

        for ( int i = 0; i < tileIndices.length; i++ ) {
            int tileX = tileIndices[i].x;
            int tileY = tileIndices[i].y;
            Raster tile = tiles[i];

            add(owner, tileX, tileY, tile, tileCacheMetric);

     * Returns an array of tile <code>Raster</code>s from the cache.
     * Any or all of the elements of the returned array may be <code>null</code>
     * if the corresponding tile is not in the cache.
     * @param owner The <code>RenderedImage</code> that the tile belongs to.
     * @param tileIndices  An array of <code>Point</code>s containing the
     *        <code>tileX</code> and <code>tileY</code> indices for each tile.
     * @since 1.1
    public synchronized Raster[] getTiles(RenderedImage owner, Point[] tileIndices) {

        if ( memoryCapacity == 0 ) {
            return null;

        Raster[] tiles = new Raster[tileIndices.length];

        for ( int i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++ ) {
            int tileX = tileIndices[i].x;
            int tileY = tileIndices[i].y;

            tiles[i] = getTile(owner, tileX, tileY);

        return tiles;

    /** Removes -ALL- tiles from the cache. */
    public synchronized void flush() {
        // Call the LCTileCacheListener, if one is defined.  This helps detect
        // low memory conditions.
        if (Listener != null) {
        // NOTE: we don't do flushing for disk caches, it wipes the persistent cache, rather spill half of the cache out
        if (m_objectCache != null) {
            System.err.println("flushing the cache");
            float mt = memoryThreshold;
            memoryThreshold = 0.1f;
            memoryThreshold = mt;

        // It is necessary to clear all the elements
        // from the old cache in order to remove dangling
        // references, due to the linked list.  In other
        // words, it is possible to reache the object
        // through 2 paths so the object does not
        // become weakly reachable until the reference
        // to it in the hash map is null. It is not enough
        // to just set the object to null.
        Enumeration keys = cache.keys();    // all keys in Hashtable

        // reset counters before diagnostics
        hitCount  = 0;
        missCount = 0;

        while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
            Object key = keys.nextElement();

            removeFromTileList(key, REMOVE_FROM_FLUSH);

        if ( memoryCapacity > 0 ) {
            cache = new Hashtable(DEFAULT_HASHTABLE_CAPACITY, LOAD_FACTOR);

        if ( cacheSortedSet != null ) {
            cacheSortedSet = Collections.synchronizedSortedSet( new TreeSet(comparator) );

        // force reset after diagnostics
        tileCount   = 0;
        timeStamp   = 0;
        memoryUsage = 0;

        // no System.gc() here, it's too slow and may occur anyway.

     * Returns the cache's tile capacity.
     * <p> This implementation of <code>TileCache</code> does not use
     * the tile capacity.  This method always returns 0.
    public int getTileCapacity() { return 0; }

     * Sets the cache's tile capacity to the desired number of tiles.
     * <p> This implementation of <code>TileCache</code> does not use
     * the tile capacity.  The cache size is limited by the memory
     * capacity only.  This method does nothing and has no effect on
     * the cache.
     * @param tileCapacity  The desired tile capacity for this cache
     *        in number of tiles.
    public void setTileCapacity(int tileCapacity) { }

    /** Returns the cache's memory capacity in bytes. */
    public long getMemoryCapacity() {
        return memoryCapacity;

     * Sets the cache's memory capacity to the desired number of bytes.
     * If the new memory capacity is smaller than the amount of memory
     * currently being used by this cache, tiles are removed from the
     * cache until the memory usage is less than the specified memory
     * capacity.
     * @param memoryCapacity  The desired memory capacity for this cache
     *        in bytes.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException  If <code>memoryCapacity</code>
     *         is less than 0.
    public void setMemoryCapacity(long memoryCapacity) {
        if (memoryCapacity < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("memory capacity must be >= 0");
        } else if ( memoryCapacity == 0 ) {

        this.memoryCapacity = memoryCapacity;

        if ( memoryUsage > memoryCapacity ) {

    /** Enable Tile Monitoring and Diagnostics */
    public void enableDiagnostics() {
        diagnostics = true;

    /** Turn off diagnostic notification */
    public void disableDiagnostics() {
        diagnostics = false;

    public long getCacheTileCount() {
        return tileCount;

    public long getCacheMemoryUsed() {
        return memoryUsage;

    public long getCacheHitCount() {
        return hitCount;

    public long getCacheMissCount() {
        return missCount;

     * Reset hit and miss counters.
     * @since 1.1
    public void resetCounts() {
        hitCount  = 0;
        missCount = 0;

     * Set the memory threshold value.
     * @since 1.1
    public void setMemoryThreshold(float mt) {
        if ( mt < 0.0F || mt > 1.0F ) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("memory threshold must be between 0 and 1");
        } else {
            memoryThreshold = mt;

     * Returns the current <code>memoryThreshold</code>.
     * @since 1.1
    public float getMemoryThreshold() {
        return memoryThreshold;

    /** Returns a string representation of the class object. */
    public String toString() {
        return getClass().getName() + "@" + Integer.toHexString(hashCode()) +
               ": memoryCapacity = " + Long.toHexString(memoryCapacity) +
               " memoryUsage = " + Long.toHexString(memoryUsage) +
               " #tilesInCache = " + Integer.toString(cache.size());

    /** Returns the <code>Object</code> that represents the actual cache. */
    public Object getCachedObject() {
        return cache;

     * Removes tiles from the cache based on their last-access time
     * (old to new) until the memory usage is memoryThreshold % of that of the
     * memory capacity.
    public synchronized void memoryControl() {
        if ( cacheSortedSet == null ) {
        } else {

    // time stamp based memory control (LRU)
    private final void standard_memory_control() {
        long limit = (long)(memoryCapacity * memoryThreshold);

        while( memoryUsage > limit && last != null ) {
            LCCachedTile ct = (LCCachedTile) cache.get(last.key);

            if ( ct != null ) {
                RenderedImage owner = ct.getOwner();
                if (owner != null && owner.getProperty(JAIContext.PERSISTENT_CACHE_TAG) == Boolean.TRUE)
                    if (m_objectCache != null)
                        writeTileToDisk(ct, last.key);

                removeFromTileList(last.key, REMOVE_FROM_MEMCON);

    private static class TileCacheCacheObjectBroker implements CacheObjectBroker {

        public int getEncodedSizeOf( Object obj ) {
            if ( obj instanceof byte[] ) {
                final byte[] ba = (byte[])obj;
                return ba.length;
            } else if ( obj instanceof short[] ) {
                final short[] sa = (short[])obj;
                return sa.length * 2;
            } else if ( obj instanceof int[] ) {
                final int[] ia = (int[])obj;
                return ia.length * 4;
            } else
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "can't get size of " + obj.getClass()

        // TODO: cache the ByteBuffer with a soft reference

        public Object decodeFromByteBuffer( ByteBuffer buf, Object obj ) {
            if ( obj instanceof byte[] )
                //buf.get( (byte[])obj );
                LCArrays.copy( buf.array(), 0, (byte[])obj, 0, buf.capacity() );
            else if ( obj instanceof short[] )
                //buf.asShortBuffer().get( (short[])obj );
                LCArrays.copy( buf.array(), 0, (short[])obj, 0, buf.capacity() );
            else if ( obj instanceof int[] )
                //buf.asIntBuffer().get( (int[])obj );
                LCArrays.copy( buf.array(), 0, (int[])obj, 0, buf.capacity() );
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "can't decode " + obj.getClass()
            return obj;

        public void encodeToByteBuffer( ByteBuffer buf, Object obj ) {
            if ( obj instanceof byte[] )
                //buf.put( (byte[])obj );
                LCArrays.copy( (byte[])obj, 0, buf.array(), 0, buf.capacity() );
            else if ( obj instanceof short[] )
                //buf.asShortBuffer().put( (short[])obj );
                LCArrays.copy( (short[])obj, 0, buf.array(), 0, buf.capacity() );
            else if ( obj instanceof int[] )
                //buf.asIntBuffer().put( (int[])obj );
                LCArrays.copy( (int[])obj, 0, buf.array(), 0, buf.capacity() );
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "can't encode " + obj.getClass()

    static class CacheFileFilter implements FilenameFilter {
        File goodFile;

        CacheFileFilter(File goodFile) {
            this.goodFile = goodFile;

        public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
            if (!name.equals(goodFile.getName()) && name.startsWith("LCCacheFile") && name.endsWith(".cce"))
                return true;
            return false;

    private final static Preferences Prefs =

    private final static String CacheDirKey = "ScratchDirectory";

    private File tmpFile = null;

    private Cache createDiskCache() {
        try {
            // Try creating the temp file in the user-specified location
            String path = Prefs.get(CacheDirKey, null);
            tmpFile = null;
            if (path != null) {
                File tmpDir = new File(path);
                if (tmpDir.isDirectory() && tmpDir.canWrite()) {
                    tmpFile = File.createTempFile("LCCacheFile", ".cce", tmpDir);
            // Fall back to the regular java temp directory
            if (tmpFile == null) {
                tmpFile = File.createTempFile("LCCacheFile", ".cce");

            // Try to delete old cache files, checking if the file is locked by some other instance of ourself
            File[] oldCacheFiles = tmpFile.getParentFile().listFiles(new CacheFileFilter(tmpFile));
            if ( oldCacheFiles != null )
                for ( int i = 0; i < oldCacheFiles.length; i++ )

            int defaultMemorySize = MemoryLimits.getDefault();
            Preferences prefs = Preferences.userRoot().node("/com/lightcrafts/app");
            long maxMemory = (long) prefs.getInt("MaxMemory", defaultMemorySize) * 1024 * 1024;
            long maxHeap = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory();
            long extraCaheSize = (maxMemory - maxHeap)/(1024 * 1024);

            System.out.println("Allocating " + extraCaheSize + "MB for the image cache.");

            return new Cache(
                new TileCacheCacheObjectBroker(),
                extraCaheSize < 128 * 1024 * 1024 ?
                    new WriteThroughCacheObjectMap() :
                    new LRUCacheObjectMap(
                        new NativeByteBufferAllocator( CHUNK_SIZE ), extraCaheSize
                new DirectFileCacheStore( tmpFile ),
                new CoalescingFreeBlockManager()
        catch ( IOException e ) {
            return null;

    // private static final long CACHE_SIZE = (long) (1024 * 1024 * 1024);
    private static final int CHUNK_SIZE = 16 * 1024 * 1024;

    public synchronized void dispose() throws IOException {

        // Close and delete the old cache file
        if (m_tileReaper != null)

        if (tmpFile != null)

     * Finalize an <code>LCTileCache</code>.
    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {

    private long tilesWritten = 0;
    private long tilesRead = 0;
    private long tilesOnDisk = 0;

    public long tilesWritten() {
        return tilesWritten;

    public long tilesRead() {
        return tilesRead;

    public long tilesOnDisk() {
        return tilesOnDisk;

    private Raster readTileFromDisk(RenderedImage owner, int tileX, int tileY, Object key) {
        if (m_objectCache.contains(key)) {
            SampleModel sm = owner.getSampleModel();
            DataBuffer db = sm.createDataBuffer();

            try {
                switch (db.getDataType()) {
                    case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
                        m_objectCache.getOnce(key, ((DataBufferByte) db).getData());

                    case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT:
                        m_objectCache.getOnce(key, ((DataBufferUShort) db).getData());

                    case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT:
                        m_objectCache.getOnce(key, ((DataBufferInt) db).getData());

                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported image type " + db.getClass());
                synchronized (this) {
            } catch (IOException e) {

            WritableRaster raster;

            if (true)
                raster = Raster.createWritableRaster(sm, db, new Point(tileX * owner.getTileWidth(),
                                                                       tileY * owner.getTileHeight()));
            else {
                int bands = sm.getNumBands();
                int bandOffsets[] = ((PixelInterleavedSampleModel) sm).getBandOffsets();

                raster = Raster.createInterleavedRaster(db, owner.getTileWidth(), owner.getTileHeight(),
                                                        bands * owner.getTileWidth(), bands, bandOffsets,
                                                        new Point(tileX * owner.getTileWidth(),
                                                                  tileY * owner.getTileHeight()));
            synchronized (this) {
            return raster;
        } else
            return null;

    private void writeTileToDisk(LCCachedTile ct, Object key) {
        Raster raster = ct.getTile();
        DataBuffer db = raster.getDataBuffer();

        try {
            switch (db.getDataType()) {
                case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
                    m_objectCache.put(key, ((DataBufferByte) db).getData());

                case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT:
                    m_objectCache.put(key, ((DataBufferUShort) db).getData());

                case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT:
                    m_objectCache.put(key, ((DataBufferInt) db).getData());

                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported image type " + db.getClass());
            synchronized (this) {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        synchronized (this) {

    // comparator based memory control (TreeSet)
    private final void custom_memory_control() {
        long limit = (long)(memoryCapacity * memoryThreshold);
        Iterator iter = cacheSortedSet.iterator();
        LCCachedTile ct;

        while( iter.hasNext() && (memoryUsage > limit) ) {
            ct = (LCCachedTile);

            memoryUsage -= ct.memorySize;
            synchronized (this) {

            // remove from sorted set
            try {
            } catch(ConcurrentModificationException e) {
                ImagingListener listener =
                listener.errorOccurred("something wrong with the TileCache",
                                       e, this, false);
//                e.printStackTrace();

            // remove tile from the linked list
            if ( ct == first ) {
                if ( ct == last ) {
                    first = null;
                    last  = null;
                } else {
                    first =;

                    if ( first != null ) {
                        first.previous = null;
            } else if ( ct == last ) {
                last = ct.previous;

                if ( last != null ) {
           = null;
                    last.previous = ct.previous.previous;
            } else {
                LCCachedTile ptr =;

                while( ptr != null ) {

                    if ( ptr == ct ) {
                        if ( ptr.previous != null ) {

                        if ( != null ) {
                   = ptr.previous;


                    ptr =;

            // remove reference in the hashtable

            // diagnostics
            if ( diagnostics ) {
                ct.action = REMOVE_FROM_MEMCON;

        // If the custom memory control didn't release sufficient
        // number of tiles to satisfy the memory limit, fallback
        // to the standard memory controller.
        if ( memoryUsage > limit ) {

     *  The <code>Comparator</code> is used to produce an
     *  ordered list of tiles based on a user defined
     *  compute cost or priority metric.  This determines
     *  which tiles are subject to "ordered" removal
     *  during a memory control operation.
     *  @since 1.1
    public synchronized void setTileComparator(Comparator c) {
        if (comparator != null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("TileComparator not supported by LCTileCache");

        comparator = c;

        if ( comparator == null ) {
            // turn of comparator
            if ( cacheSortedSet != null ) {
                cacheSortedSet = null;
        } else {
            // copy tiles from hashtable to sorted tree set
            cacheSortedSet = Collections.synchronizedSortedSet( new TreeSet(comparator) );

            Enumeration keys = cache.keys();

            while( keys.hasMoreElements() ) {
                Object key = keys.nextElement();
                Object ct = cache.get(key);

     * Return the current comparator
     * @since 1.1
    public Comparator getTileComparator() {
        return comparator;

    // test
    public void dump() {

        System.out.println("first = " + first);
        System.out.println("last  = " + last);

        Iterator iter = cacheSortedSet.iterator();
        int k = 0;

        while( iter.hasNext() ) {
            LCCachedTile ct = (LCCachedTile);

    void sendExceptionToListener(String message, Exception e) {
        ImagingListener listener =
        listener.errorOccurred(message, e, this, false);

     * A <code>TileReaper</code> is-a {@link Thread} that runs continuously and
     * asynchronously in the background waiting for {@link RenderedImage}s that
     * the Java garbage collector has determined are weakly reachable.  Once
     * that's the case, remove all of a {@link RenderedImage}'s associated
     * tiles from the disk cache.
    private static final class TileReaper extends Thread {

        ////////// public /////////////////////////////////////////////////////

         * Run the thread: wait for a weakly reachable {@link RenderedImage} to
         * become available and remove all of its tiles from the disk cache
         * (if any).
        public void run() {
            while ( !m_killed ) {
                try {
                    final Reference weakKey = m_refQ.remove(); // Image to be garbage collected

                    final LCTileCache tileCache =
                        (LCTileCache) m_tileCacheRef.get();

                    if ( tileCache == null )

                    synchronized ( tileCache ) {
                        // System.out.println( "Removing tiles from caches" );

                        Set hashKeys = (Set) tileCache.m_imageMap.remove(weakKey);

                        assert hashKeys != null;

                        for ( Iterator i = hashKeys.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
                            Object o =;

                            if (tileCache.removeFromTileList(o, REMOVE_FROM_GCEVENT)) {
                                // System.out.println("removed entry from memory cache");

                            if (tileCache.m_objectCache.remove(o)) {
                                synchronized (tileCache) {
                                // System.out.println("removed entry from disk cache");
                catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
                    // do nothing

        ////////// package ////////////////////////////////////////////////////

         * Construct a <code>TileReaper</code> and make it a daemon.
        TileReaper( LCTileCache tileCache ) {
            setDaemon( true );
            m_refQ = new ReferenceQueue();
            m_tileCacheRef = new WeakReference( tileCache );

         * Gets the {@link ReferenceQueue} being used.
         * @return Returns said {@link ReferenceQueue}.
        ReferenceQueue getRefQ() {
            return m_refQ;

         * Kill this thread.
        void kill() {
            m_killed = true;

        ////////// private ////////////////////////////////////////////////////

         * A flag to indicate whether this thread has been killed.
        private boolean m_killed;

         * The {@link ReferenceQueue} wherein the Java garbage collector
         * deposits objects that have become weakly reachable.
        private final ReferenceQueue m_refQ;

         * A {@link WeakReference} to the owning {@link LCTileCache}.
         * TODO: explain why this is needed instead of using an inner class.
        private final WeakReference m_tileCacheRef;

     * This is a set of {@link WeakReference}s to {@link RenderedImage}s.
    private final Map m_imageMap = new HashMap();

     * The {@link TileReaper} associated with this  <code>LCTileCache</code>.
    private TileReaper m_tileReaper;
/* vim:set et sw=4 ts=4: */ 

Related Classes of com.lightcrafts.jai.utils.LCTileCache$TileReaper

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