
Source Code of

* $RCSfile:,v $
* Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
* $Revision: 1.1 $
* $Date: 2005/02/11 04:56:13 $
* $State: Exp $
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.image.DataBuffer;
import java.awt.image.Raster;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;
import com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.BorderExtender;
import com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.ImageLayout;
import com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.Interpolation;
import com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.RasterAccessor;
import com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.RasterFormatTag;
import java.util.Map;
// import;

* An OpImage subclass that performs bilinear Affine mapping
final class AffineBilinearOpImage extends AffineOpImage {

     * Constructs an AffineBilinearOpImage from a RenderedImage source,
     * @param source a RenderedImage.
     * @param extender a BorderExtender, or null.
     * @param layout an ImageLayout optionally containing the tile grid layout,
     *        SampleModel, and ColorModel, or null.
     * @param interp an Interpolation object to use for resampling
     * @param transform the desired AffineTransform.
    public AffineBilinearOpImage(RenderedImage source,
                                 BorderExtender extender,
                                 Map config,
                                 ImageLayout layout,
                                 AffineTransform transform,
                                 Interpolation interp,
                                 double[] backgroundValues) {

     * Performs an affine transform on a specified rectangle. The sources are
     * cobbled.
     * @param sources an array of source Rasters, guaranteed to provide all
     *                necessary source data for computing the output.
     * @param dest a WritableRaster tile containing the area to be computed.
     * @param destRect the rectangle within dest to be processed.
    protected void computeRect(Raster [] sources,
                               WritableRaster dest,
                               Rectangle destRect) {
        // Retrieve format tags.
        RasterFormatTag[] formatTags = getFormatTags();

        Raster source = sources[0];

        Rectangle srcRect = source.getBounds();

        int srcRectX = srcRect.x;
        int srcRectY = srcRect.y;

        // Get data for the source rectangle & the destination rectangle
        // In the first version source Rectangle is the whole source
        // image always.
        // See if we can cache the source to avoid multiple rasteraccesors
        RasterAccessor srcAccessor =
            new RasterAccessor(source,
        RasterAccessor dstAccessor =
            new RasterAccessor(dest,

        switch (dstAccessor.getDataType()) {
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:

        case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT:

        case DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT:

        case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT:

        case DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT:

        case DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE:

        // If the RasterAccessor object set up a temporary buffer for the
        // op to write to, tell the RasterAccessor to write that data
        // to the raster, that we're done with it.
        if (dstAccessor.isDataCopy()) {

    private void byteLoop(RasterAccessor src,
                          Rectangle destRect,
                          int srcRectX,
                          int srcRectY,
                          RasterAccessor dst) {

        float src_rect_x1 = src.getX();
        float src_rect_y1 = src.getY();
        float src_rect_x2 = src_rect_x1 + src.getWidth();
        float src_rect_y2 = src_rect_y1 + src.getHeight();

        float s_x, s_y;

        float fracx, fracy;

        int pxlow, pylow, pxhigh, pyhigh;

        int s, s00, s01, s10, s11;
        float s0, s1;
        float tmp;

        int dstPixelOffset;
        int dstOffset = 0;

        Point2D dst_pt = new Point2D.Float();
        Point2D src_pt = new Point2D.Float();

        int dwidth = dst.getWidth();
        int dheight = dst.getHeight();
        int dnumBands = dst.getNumBands();

        byte dstDataArrays[][] = dst.getByteDataArrays();
        int dstBandOffsets[] = dst.getBandOffsets();
        int dstPixelStride = dst.getPixelStride();
        int dstScanlineStride = dst.getScanlineStride();

        byte srcDataArrays[][] = src.getByteDataArrays();
        int bandOffsets[] = src.getBandOffsets();
        int srcPixelStride = src.getPixelStride();
        int srcScanlineStride = src.getScanlineStride();

        int dst_num_bands = dst.getNumBands();

        int dst_min_x = destRect.x;
        int dst_min_y = destRect.y;
        int dst_max_x = destRect.x + destRect.width;
        int dst_max_y = destRect.y + destRect.height;

  byte[] backgroundByte = new byte[dst_num_bands];
  for (int i = 0; i < dst_num_bands; i++)
      backgroundByte[i] = (byte)backgroundValues[i];

        for (int y = dst_min_y; y < dst_max_y; y++)  {

            dstPixelOffset = dstOffset;

            // Backward map the first point in the line
            // The energy is at the (pt_x + 0.5, pt_y + 0.5)
            dst_pt.setLocation((double)dst_min_x + 0.5,
                               (double)y + 0.5);
            mapDestPoint(dst_pt, src_pt);

            // Get the mapped source coordinates
            s_x = (float)src_pt.getX();
            s_y = (float)src_pt.getY();

            // As per definition of bilinear interpolation
            s_x -= 0.5;
            s_y -= 0.5;

            // Floor to get the integral coordinate
            int s_ix = (int) Math.floor(s_x);
            int s_iy = (int) Math.floor(s_y);

            fracx = s_x - (float)s_ix;
            fracy = s_y - (float)s_iy;

            // Translate to/from SampleModel space & Raster space
            pylow = (s_iy - srcRectY) * srcScanlineStride;
            pxlow = (s_ix - srcRectX) * srcPixelStride;
            pyhigh = pylow + srcScanlineStride;
            pxhigh = pxlow + srcPixelStride;

            int tmp00 = pxlow + pylow;
            int tmp01 = pxhigh + pylow;
            int tmp10 = pxlow + pyhigh;
            int tmp11 = pxhigh + pyhigh;

            for (int x = dst_min_x; x < dst_max_x; x++)  {
                // Check against the source rectangle
                if ((s_ix >= src_rect_x1) &&
                    (s_ix < (src_rect_x2 - 1)) &&
                    (s_iy >= src_rect_y1) &&
                    (s_iy < (src_rect_y2 - 1))) {
                    for (int k2=0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) {
                        // Get the 4 neighbourhood pixels
                        byte tmp_row[];
                        int tmp_col;

                        // Get to the right row
                        tmp_row = srcDataArrays[k2];

                        // Position at the bandOffset
                        tmp_col = bandOffsets[k2];

                        s00 = tmp_row[tmp00 + tmp_col] & 0xff;
                        s01 = tmp_row[tmp01 + tmp_col] & 0xff;
                        s10 = tmp_row[tmp10 + tmp_col] & 0xff;
                        s11 = tmp_row[tmp11 + tmp_col] & 0xff;

                        // Weighted Average of these 4 pixels
                        s0 = (float) s00 + ((float) (s01 - s00) * fracx);
                        s1 = (float) s10 + ((float) (s11 - s10) * fracx);

                        tmp = s0 + ((s1 - s0) * fracy);

                        // Round
                        if (tmp < 0.5F) {
                            s = 0;
                        } else if (tmp > 254.5F) {
                            s = 255;
                        } else {
                            s = (int) (tmp + 0.5F);

                        // Write the result
                            [dstPixelOffset+dstBandOffsets[k2]] =
                            (byte) (s & 0xff);
                } else if (setBackground) {
        for (int k=0; k < dst_num_bands; k++)
      dstDataArrays[k][dstPixelOffset+dstBandOffsets[k]] =

                // walk
                if (fracx < fracdx1) {
                    s_ix += incx;
                    fracx += fracdx;
                } else {
                    s_ix += incx1;
                    fracx -= fracdx1;

                if (fracy < fracdy1) {
                    s_iy += incy;
                    fracy += fracdy;
                } else {
                    s_iy += incy1;
                    fracy -= fracdy1;

                // Translate to/from SampleModel space & Raster space
                pylow = (s_iy - srcRectY) * srcScanlineStride;
                pxlow = (s_ix - srcRectX) * srcPixelStride;
                pyhigh = pylow + srcScanlineStride;
                pxhigh = pxlow + srcPixelStride;

                tmp00 = pxlow + pylow;
                tmp01 = pxhigh + pylow;
                tmp10 = pxlow + pyhigh;
                tmp11 = pxhigh + pyhigh;

                // Go to next pixel
                dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride;

            // Go to the next line in the destination rectangle
            dstOffset += dstScanlineStride;

    private void intLoop(RasterAccessor src,
                         Rectangle destRect,
                         int srcRectX,
                         int srcRectY,
                         RasterAccessor dst) {

        float src_rect_x1 = src.getX();
        float src_rect_y1 = src.getY();
        float src_rect_x2 = src_rect_x1 + src.getWidth();
        float src_rect_y2 = src_rect_y1 + src.getHeight();

        float s_x, s_y;

        float fracx, fracy;

        int pxlow, pylow, pxhigh, pyhigh;

        int s, s00, s01, s10, s11;
        float s0, s1;
        float tmp;

        int dstPixelOffset;
        int dstOffset = 0;

        Point2D dst_pt = new Point2D.Float();
        Point2D src_pt = new Point2D.Float();

        int dwidth = dst.getWidth();
        int dheight = dst.getHeight();
        int dnumBands = dst.getNumBands();

        int dstDataArrays[][] = dst.getIntDataArrays();
        int dstBandOffsets[] = dst.getBandOffsets();
        int dstPixelStride = dst.getPixelStride();
        int dstScanlineStride = dst.getScanlineStride();

        int srcDataArrays[][] = src.getIntDataArrays();
        int bandOffsets[] = src.getBandOffsets();
        int srcPixelStride = src.getPixelStride();
        int srcScanlineStride = src.getScanlineStride();

        int dst_num_bands = dst.getNumBands();

        int dst_min_x = destRect.x;
        int dst_min_y = destRect.y;
        int dst_max_x = destRect.x + destRect.width;
        int dst_max_y = destRect.y + destRect.height;

  int[] backgroundInt = new int[dst_num_bands];
  for (int i = 0; i < dst_num_bands; i++)
      backgroundInt[i] = (int)backgroundValues[i];

        for (int y = dst_min_y; y < dst_max_y; y++)  {

            dstPixelOffset = dstOffset;

            // Backward map the first point in the line
            dst_pt.setLocation((double)dst_min_x + 0.5,
                               (double)y + 0.5);
            mapDestPoint(dst_pt, src_pt);

            // Get the mapped source coordinates
            s_x = (float)src_pt.getX();
            s_y = (float)src_pt.getY();

            // As per definition of bilinear interpolation
            s_x -= 0.5;
            s_y -= 0.5;

            // Floor to get the integral coordinate
            int s_ix = (int) Math.floor(s_x);
            int s_iy = (int) Math.floor(s_y);

            fracx = s_x - (float)s_ix;
            fracy = s_y - (float)s_iy;

            // Translate to/from SampleModel space & Raster space
            pylow = (s_iy - srcRectY) * srcScanlineStride;
            pxlow = (s_ix - srcRectX) * srcPixelStride;
            pyhigh = pylow + srcScanlineStride;
            pxhigh = pxlow + srcPixelStride;

            int tmp00 = pxlow + pylow;
            int tmp01 = pxhigh + pylow;
            int tmp10 = pxlow + pyhigh;
            int tmp11 = pxhigh + pyhigh;

            for (int x = dst_min_x; x < dst_max_x; x++)  {
                // Check against the source rectangle
                if ((s_ix >= src_rect_x1) &&
                    (s_ix < (src_rect_x2 - 1)) &&
                    (s_iy >= src_rect_y1) &&
                    (s_iy < (src_rect_y2 - 1))) {
                    for (int k2=0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) {
                        // Get the 4 neighbourhood pixels
                        int tmp_row[];
                        int tmp_col;

                        // Get to the right row
                        tmp_row = srcDataArrays[k2];

                        // Position at the bandOffset
                        tmp_col = bandOffsets[k2];

                        s00 = tmp_row[tmp00 + tmp_col];
                        s01 = tmp_row[tmp01 + tmp_col];
                        s10 = tmp_row[tmp10 + tmp_col];
                        s11 = tmp_row[tmp11 + tmp_col];

                        // Weighted Average of these 4 pixels
                        s0 = (float) s00 + ((float) (s01 - s00) * fracx);
                        s1 = (float) s10 + ((float) (s11 - s10) * fracx);

                        tmp = s0 + ((s1 - s0) * fracy);

                        // Round
                        if (tmp < (float) Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
                            s = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                        } else if (tmp > (float) Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
                            s = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                        } else if (tmp > 0) {
                            s = (int) (tmp + 0.5F);
                        } else {
                            s = (int) (tmp - 0.5F);

                        // Write the result
                            [dstPixelOffset+dstBandOffsets[k2]] = s;
                } else if (setBackground) {
        for (int k=0; k < dst_num_bands; k++)
      dstDataArrays[k][dstPixelOffset+dstBandOffsets[k]] =

                // walk
                if (fracx < fracdx1) {
                    s_ix += incx;
                    fracx += fracdx;
                } else {
                    s_ix += incx1;
                    fracx -= fracdx1;

                if (fracy < fracdy1) {
                    s_iy += incy;
                    fracy += fracdy;
                } else {
                    s_iy += incy1;
                    fracy -= fracdy1;

                // Translate to/from SampleModel space & Raster space
                pylow = (s_iy - srcRectY) * srcScanlineStride;
                pxlow = (s_ix - srcRectX) * srcPixelStride;
                pyhigh = pylow + srcScanlineStride;
                pxhigh = pxlow + srcPixelStride;

                tmp00 = pxlow + pylow;
                tmp01 = pxhigh + pylow;
                tmp10 = pxlow + pyhigh;
                tmp11 = pxhigh + pyhigh;

                dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride;

            dstOffset += dstScanlineStride;

    private void shortLoop(RasterAccessor src,
                           Rectangle destRect,
                           int srcRectX,
                           int srcRectY,
                           RasterAccessor dst) {

        float src_rect_x1 = src.getX();
        float src_rect_y1 = src.getY();
        float src_rect_x2 = src_rect_x1 + src.getWidth();
        float src_rect_y2 = src_rect_y1 + src.getHeight();

        float s_x, s_y;

        float fracx, fracy;

        int pxlow, pylow, pxhigh, pyhigh;

        int s, s00, s01, s10, s11;
        float s0, s1;
        float tmp;

        int dstPixelOffset;
        int dstOffset = 0;

        Point2D dst_pt = new Point2D.Float();
        Point2D src_pt = new Point2D.Float();

        int dwidth = dst.getWidth();
        int dheight = dst.getHeight();
        int dnumBands = dst.getNumBands();

        short dstDataArrays[][] = dst.getShortDataArrays();
        int dstBandOffsets[] = dst.getBandOffsets();
        int dstPixelStride = dst.getPixelStride();
        int dstScanlineStride = dst.getScanlineStride();

        short srcDataArrays[][] = src.getShortDataArrays();
        int bandOffsets[] = src.getBandOffsets();
        int srcPixelStride = src.getPixelStride();
        int srcScanlineStride = src.getScanlineStride();

        int dst_num_bands = dst.getNumBands();

        int dst_min_x = destRect.x;
        int dst_min_y = destRect.y;
        int dst_max_x = destRect.x + destRect.width;
        int dst_max_y = destRect.y + destRect.height;

  short[] backgroundShort = new short[dst_num_bands];
  for (int i = 0; i < dst_num_bands; i++)
      backgroundShort[i] = (short)backgroundValues[i];

        for (int y = dst_min_y; y < dst_max_y; y++)  {

            dstPixelOffset = dstOffset;

            // Backward map the first point in the line
            dst_pt.setLocation((double)dst_min_x + 0.5,
                               (double)y + 0.5);
            mapDestPoint(dst_pt, src_pt);

            // Get the mapped source coordinates
            s_x = (float)src_pt.getX();
            s_y = (float)src_pt.getY();

            // As per definition of bilinear interpolation
            s_x -= 0.5;
            s_y -= 0.5;

            // Floor to get the integral coordinate
            int s_ix = (int) Math.floor(s_x);
            int s_iy = (int) Math.floor(s_y);

            fracx = s_x - (float)s_ix;
            fracy = s_y - (float)s_iy;

            // Translate to/from SampleModel space & Raster space
            pylow = (s_iy - srcRectY) * srcScanlineStride;
            pxlow = (s_ix - srcRectX) * srcPixelStride;
            pyhigh = pylow + srcScanlineStride;
            pxhigh = pxlow + srcPixelStride;

            int tmp00 = pxlow + pylow;
            int tmp01 = pxhigh + pylow;
            int tmp10 = pxlow + pyhigh;
            int tmp11 = pxhigh + pyhigh;

            for (int x = dst_min_x; x < dst_max_x; x++)  {
                // Check against the source rectangle
                if ((s_ix >= src_rect_x1) &&
                    (s_ix < (src_rect_x2 - 1)) &&
                    (s_iy >= src_rect_y1) &&
                    (s_iy < (src_rect_y2 - 1))) {
                    for (int k2=0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) {
                        // Get the 4 neighbourhood pixels
                        short tmp_row[];
                        int tmp_col;

                        // Get to the right row
                        tmp_row = srcDataArrays[k2];

                        // Position at the bandOffset
                        tmp_col = bandOffsets[k2];

                        s00 = tmp_row[tmp00 + tmp_col];
                        s01 = tmp_row[tmp01 + tmp_col];
                        s10 = tmp_row[tmp10 + tmp_col];
                        s11 = tmp_row[tmp11 + tmp_col];

                        // Weighted Average of these 4 pixels
                        s0 = (float) s00 + ((float) (s01 - s00) * fracx);
                        s1 = (float) s10 + ((float) (s11 - s10) * fracx);
                        tmp = s0 + ((s1 - s0) * fracy);

                        // Round
                        if (tmp < ((float) Short.MIN_VALUE)) {
                            s = Short.MIN_VALUE;
                        } else if (tmp > ((float) Short.MAX_VALUE)) {
                            s = Short.MAX_VALUE;
                        } else if (tmp > 0 ) {
                            s = (int) (tmp + 0.5F);
                        } else {
                            s = (int) (tmp - 0.5F);

                        // Write the result
                            [dstPixelOffset+dstBandOffsets[k2]] = (short)(s);
                } else if (setBackground) {
        for (int k=0; k < dst_num_bands; k++)
      dstDataArrays[k][dstPixelOffset+dstBandOffsets[k]] =

                // walk
                if (fracx < fracdx1) {
                    s_ix += incx;
                    fracx += fracdx;
                } else {
                    s_ix += incx1;
                    fracx -= fracdx1;

                if (fracy < fracdy1) {
                    s_iy += incy;
                    fracy += fracdy;
                } else {
                    s_iy += incy1;
                    fracy -= fracdy1;

                // Translate to/from SampleModel space & Raster space
                pylow = (s_iy - srcRectY) * srcScanlineStride;
                pxlow = (s_ix - srcRectX) * srcPixelStride;
                pyhigh = pylow + srcScanlineStride;
                pxhigh = pxlow + srcPixelStride;

                tmp00 = pxlow + pylow;
                tmp01 = pxhigh + pylow;
                tmp10 = pxlow + pyhigh;
                tmp11 = pxhigh + pyhigh;

                dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride;

            dstOffset += dstScanlineStride;

    private void ushortLoop(RasterAccessor src,
                            Rectangle destRect,
                            int srcRectX,
                            int srcRectY,
                            RasterAccessor dst) {

        float src_rect_x1 = src.getX();
        float src_rect_y1 = src.getY();
        float src_rect_x2 = src_rect_x1 + src.getWidth();
        float src_rect_y2 = src_rect_y1 + src.getHeight();

        float s_x, s_y;

        float fracx, fracy;

        int pxlow, pylow, pxhigh, pyhigh;

        int s, s00, s01, s10, s11;
        float s0, s1;
        float tmp;

        int dstPixelOffset;
        int dstOffset = 0;

        Point2D dst_pt = new Point2D.Float();
        Point2D src_pt = new Point2D.Float();

        int dwidth = dst.getWidth();
        int dheight = dst.getHeight();
        int dnumBands = dst.getNumBands();

        short dstDataArrays[][] = dst.getShortDataArrays();
        int dstBandOffsets[] = dst.getBandOffsets();
        int dstPixelStride = dst.getPixelStride();
        int dstScanlineStride = dst.getScanlineStride();

        short srcDataArrays[][] = src.getShortDataArrays();
        int bandOffsets[] = src.getBandOffsets();
        int srcPixelStride = src.getPixelStride();
        int srcScanlineStride = src.getScanlineStride();

        int dst_num_bands = dst.getNumBands();

        int dst_min_x = destRect.x;
        int dst_min_y = destRect.y;
        int dst_max_x = destRect.x + destRect.width;
        int dst_max_y = destRect.y + destRect.height;

  short[] backgroundUShort = new short[dst_num_bands];
  for (int i = 0; i < dst_num_bands; i++)
      backgroundUShort[i] = (short)backgroundValues[i];

        for (int y = dst_min_y; y < dst_max_y; y++)  {

            dstPixelOffset = dstOffset;

            // Backward map the first point in the line
            dst_pt.setLocation((double)dst_min_x + 0.5,
                               (double)y + 0.5);
            mapDestPoint(dst_pt, src_pt);

            // Get the mapped source coordinates
            s_x = (float)src_pt.getX();
            s_y = (float)src_pt.getY();

            // As per definition of bilinear interpolation
            s_x -= 0.5;
            s_y -= 0.5;

            // Floor to get the integral coordinate
            int s_ix = (int) Math.floor(s_x);
            int s_iy = (int) Math.floor(s_y);

            fracx = s_x - (float)s_ix;
            fracy = s_y - (float)s_iy;

            // Translate to/from SampleModel space & Raster space
            pylow = (s_iy - srcRectY) * srcScanlineStride;
            pxlow = (s_ix - srcRectX) * srcPixelStride;
            pyhigh = pylow + srcScanlineStride;
            pxhigh = pxlow + srcPixelStride;

            int tmp00 = pxlow + pylow;
            int tmp01 = pxhigh + pylow;
            int tmp10 = pxlow + pyhigh;
            int tmp11 = pxhigh + pyhigh;

            for (int x = dst_min_x; x < dst_max_x; x++)  {
                // Check against the source rectangle
                if ((s_ix >= src_rect_x1) &&
                    (s_ix < (src_rect_x2 - 1)) &&
                    (s_iy >= src_rect_y1) &&
                    (s_iy < (src_rect_y2 - 1))) {
                    for (int k2=0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) {
                        // Get the 4 neighbourhood pixels
                        short tmp_row[];
                        int tmp_col;

                        // Get to the right row
                        tmp_row = srcDataArrays[k2];

                        // Position at the bandOffset
                        tmp_col = bandOffsets[k2];

                        s00 = tmp_row[tmp00 + tmp_col] & 0xffff;
                        s01 = tmp_row[tmp01 + tmp_col] & 0xffff;
                        s10 = tmp_row[tmp10 + tmp_col] & 0xffff;
                        s11 = tmp_row[tmp11 + tmp_col] & 0xffff;

                        // Weighted Average of these 4 pixels
                        s0 = (float) s00 + ((float) (s01 - s00) * fracx);
                        s1 = (float) s10 + ((float) (s11 - s10) * fracx);
                        tmp = s0 + ((s1 - s0) * fracy);

                        // Round
                        if (tmp < 0.0) {
                            s = 0;
                        } else if (tmp > (float)(USHORT_MAX)) {
                            s = (int) (USHORT_MAX);
                        } else {
                            s = (int) (tmp + 0.5F);

                        // Write the result
                            [dstPixelOffset+dstBandOffsets[k2]] =
                            (short)(s & 0xFFFF);
                } else if (setBackground) {
        for (int k=0; k < dst_num_bands; k++)
      dstDataArrays[k][dstPixelOffset+dstBandOffsets[k]] =

                // walk
                if (fracx < fracdx1) {
                    s_ix += incx;
                    fracx += fracdx;
                } else {
                    s_ix += incx1;
                    fracx -= fracdx1;

                if (fracy < fracdy1) {
                    s_iy += incy;
                    fracy += fracdy;
                } else {
                    s_iy += incy1;
                    fracy -= fracdy1;

                // Translate to/from SampleModel space & Raster space
                pylow = (s_iy - srcRectY) * srcScanlineStride;
                pxlow = (s_ix - srcRectX) * srcPixelStride;
                pyhigh = pylow + srcScanlineStride;
                pxhigh = pxlow + srcPixelStride;

                tmp00 = pxlow + pylow;
                tmp01 = pxhigh + pylow;
                tmp10 = pxlow + pyhigh;
                tmp11 = pxhigh + pyhigh;

                dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride;

            dstOffset += dstScanlineStride;

    private void floatLoop(RasterAccessor src,
                           Rectangle destRect,
                           int srcRectX,
                           int srcRectY,
                           RasterAccessor dst) {

        float src_rect_x1 = src.getX();
        float src_rect_y1 = src.getY();
        float src_rect_x2 = src_rect_x1 + src.getWidth();
        float src_rect_y2 = src_rect_y1 + src.getHeight();

        float s_x, s_y;

        float fracx, fracy;

        int pxlow, pylow, pxhigh, pyhigh;

        float s, s00, s01, s10, s11;
        float s0, s1;

        int dstPixelOffset;
        int dstOffset = 0;

        Point2D dst_pt = new Point2D.Float();
        Point2D src_pt = new Point2D.Float();

        int dwidth = dst.getWidth();
        int dheight = dst.getHeight();
        int dnumBands = dst.getNumBands();

        float dstDataArrays[][] = dst.getFloatDataArrays();
        int dstBandOffsets[] = dst.getBandOffsets();
        int dstPixelStride = dst.getPixelStride();
        int dstScanlineStride = dst.getScanlineStride();

        float srcDataArrays[][] = src.getFloatDataArrays();
        int bandOffsets[] = src.getBandOffsets();
        int srcPixelStride = src.getPixelStride();
        int srcScanlineStride = src.getScanlineStride();

        int dst_num_bands = dst.getNumBands();

        int dst_min_x = destRect.x;
        int dst_min_y = destRect.y;
        int dst_max_x = destRect.x + destRect.width;
        int dst_max_y = destRect.y + destRect.height;

  float[] backgroundFloat = new float[dst_num_bands];
  for (int i = 0; i < dst_num_bands; i++)
      backgroundFloat[i] = (float)backgroundValues[i];

        for (int y = dst_min_y; y < dst_max_y; y++)  {

            dstPixelOffset = dstOffset;

            // Backward map the first point in the line
            dst_pt.setLocation((double)dst_min_x + 0.5,
                               (double)y + 0.5);
            mapDestPoint(dst_pt, src_pt);

            // Get the mapped source coordinates
            s_x = (float)src_pt.getX();
            s_y = (float)src_pt.getY();

            // As per definition of bilinear interpolation
            s_x -= 0.5;
            s_y -= 0.5;

            // Floor to get the integral coordinate
            int s_ix = (int) Math.floor(s_x);
            int s_iy = (int) Math.floor(s_y);

            fracx = s_x - (float)s_ix;
            fracy = s_y - (float)s_iy;

            // Translate to/from SampleModel space & Raster space
            pylow = (s_iy - srcRectY) * srcScanlineStride;
            pxlow = (s_ix - srcRectX) * srcPixelStride;
            pyhigh = pylow + srcScanlineStride;
            pxhigh = pxlow + srcPixelStride;

            int tmp00 = pxlow + pylow;
            int tmp01 = pxhigh + pylow;
            int tmp10 = pxlow + pyhigh;
            int tmp11 = pxhigh + pyhigh;

            for (int x = dst_min_x; x < dst_max_x; x++)  {
                // Check against the source rectangle
                if ((s_ix >= src_rect_x1) &&
                    (s_ix < (src_rect_x2 - 1)) &&
                    (s_iy >= src_rect_y1) &&
                    (s_iy < (src_rect_y2 - 1))) {
                    for (int k2=0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) {
                        // Get the 4 neighbourhood pixels
                        float tmp_row[];
                        int tmp_col;

                        // Get to the right row
                        tmp_row = srcDataArrays[k2];

                        // Position at the bandOffset
                        tmp_col = bandOffsets[k2];

                        s00 = tmp_row[tmp00 + tmp_col];
                        s01 = tmp_row[tmp01 + tmp_col];
                        s10 = tmp_row[tmp10 + tmp_col];
                        s11 = tmp_row[tmp11 + tmp_col];

                        // Weighted Average of these 4 pixels
                        s0 = s00 + ((s01 - s00) * fracx);
                        s1 = s10 + ((s11 - s10) * fracx);
                        s = s0 + ((s1 - s0) * fracy);

                        // Write the result
                            [dstPixelOffset+dstBandOffsets[k2]] = s;
                } else if (setBackground) {
        for (int k=0; k < dst_num_bands; k++)
      dstDataArrays[k][dstPixelOffset+dstBandOffsets[k]] =

                // walk
                if (fracx < fracdx1) {
                    s_ix += incx;
                    fracx += fracdx;
                } else {
                    s_ix += incx1;
                    fracx -= fracdx1;

                if (fracy < fracdy1) {
                    s_iy += incy;
                    fracy += fracdy;
                } else {
                    s_iy += incy1;
                    fracy -= fracdy1;

                // Translate to/from SampleModel space & Raster space
                pylow = (s_iy - srcRectY) * srcScanlineStride;
                pxlow = (s_ix - srcRectX) * srcPixelStride;
                pyhigh = pylow + srcScanlineStride;
                pxhigh = pxlow + srcPixelStride;

                tmp00 = pxlow + pylow;
                tmp01 = pxhigh + pylow;
                tmp10 = pxlow + pyhigh;
                tmp11 = pxhigh + pyhigh;

                dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride;

            dstOffset += dstScanlineStride;

    private void doubleLoop(RasterAccessor src,
                            Rectangle destRect,
                            int srcRectX,
                            int srcRectY,
                            RasterAccessor dst) {

        float src_rect_x1 = src.getX();
        float src_rect_y1 = src.getY();
        float src_rect_x2 = src_rect_x1 + src.getWidth();
        float src_rect_y2 = src_rect_y1 + src.getHeight();

        float s_x, s_y;

        double fracx, fracy;

        int pxlow, pylow, pxhigh, pyhigh;

        double s, s00, s01, s10, s11;
        double s0, s1;

        int dstPixelOffset;
        int dstOffset = 0;

        Point2D dst_pt = new Point2D.Float();
        Point2D src_pt = new Point2D.Float();

        int dwidth = dst.getWidth();
        int dheight = dst.getHeight();
        int dnumBands = dst.getNumBands();

        double dstDataArrays[][] = dst.getDoubleDataArrays();
        int dstBandOffsets[] = dst.getBandOffsets();
        int dstPixelStride = dst.getPixelStride();
        int dstScanlineStride = dst.getScanlineStride();

        double srcDataArrays[][] = src.getDoubleDataArrays();
        int bandOffsets[] = src.getBandOffsets();
        int srcPixelStride = src.getPixelStride();
        int srcScanlineStride = src.getScanlineStride();

        int dst_num_bands = dst.getNumBands();

        int dst_min_x = destRect.x;
        int dst_min_y = destRect.y;
        int dst_max_x = destRect.x + destRect.width;
        int dst_max_y = destRect.y + destRect.height;

        for (int y = dst_min_y; y < dst_max_y; y++)  {

            dstPixelOffset = dstOffset;

            // Backward map the first point in the line
            dst_pt.setLocation((double)dst_min_x + 0.5,
                               (double)y + 0.5);
            mapDestPoint(dst_pt, src_pt);

            // Get the mapped source coordinates
            s_x = (float)src_pt.getX();
            s_y = (float)src_pt.getY();

            // As per definition of bilinear interpolation
            s_x -= 0.5;
            s_y -= 0.5;

            // Floor to get the integral coordinate
            int s_ix = (int) Math.floor(s_x);
            int s_iy = (int) Math.floor(s_y);

            fracx = s_x - (float)s_ix;
            fracy = s_y - (float)s_iy;

            // Translate to/from SampleModel space & Raster space
            pylow = (s_iy - srcRectY) * srcScanlineStride;
            pxlow = (s_ix - srcRectX) * srcPixelStride;
            pyhigh = pylow + srcScanlineStride;
            pxhigh = pxlow + srcPixelStride;

            int tmp00 = pxlow + pylow;
            int tmp01 = pxhigh + pylow;
            int tmp10 = pxlow + pyhigh;
            int tmp11 = pxhigh + pyhigh;

            for (int x = dst_min_x; x < dst_max_x; x++)  {
                // Check against the source rectangle
                if ((s_ix >= src_rect_x1) &&
                    (s_ix < (src_rect_x2 - 1)) &&
                    (s_iy >= src_rect_y1) &&
                    (s_iy < (src_rect_y2 - 1))) {
                    for (int k2=0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) {
                        // Get the 4 neighbourhood pixels
                        double tmp_row[];
                        int tmp_col;

                        // Get to the right row
                        tmp_row = srcDataArrays[k2];

                        // Position at the bandOffset
                        tmp_col = bandOffsets[k2];

                        s00 = tmp_row[tmp00 + tmp_col];
                        s01 = tmp_row[tmp01 + tmp_col];
                        s10 = tmp_row[tmp10 + tmp_col];
                        s11 = tmp_row[tmp11 + tmp_col];

                        // Weighted Average of these 4 pixels
                        s0 = s00 + ((s01 - s00) * fracx);
                        s1 = s10 + ((s11 - s10) * fracx);
                        s = s0 + ((s1 - s0) * fracy);

                        // Write the result
                            [dstPixelOffset+dstBandOffsets[k2]] = s;
                } else if (setBackground) {
        for (int k=0; k < dst_num_bands; k++)
      dstDataArrays[k][dstPixelOffset+dstBandOffsets[k]] =

                // walk
                if (fracx < fracdx1) {
                    s_ix += incx;
                    fracx += fracdx;
                } else {
                    s_ix += incx1;
                    fracx -= fracdx1;

                if (fracy < fracdy1) {
                    s_iy += incy;
                    fracy += fracdy;
                } else {
                    s_iy += incy1;
                    fracy -= fracdy1;

                // Translate to/from SampleModel space & Raster space
                pylow = (s_iy - srcRectY) * srcScanlineStride;
                pxlow = (s_ix - srcRectX) * srcPixelStride;
                pyhigh = pylow + srcScanlineStride;
                pxhigh = pxlow + srcPixelStride;

                tmp00 = pxlow + pylow;
                tmp01 = pxhigh + pylow;
                tmp10 = pxlow + pyhigh;
                tmp11 = pxhigh + pyhigh;

                dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride;

            dstOffset += dstScanlineStride;

//     public static OpImage createTestImage(OpImageTester oit) {
//   Interpolation interp = new InterpolationBilinear();
//         AffineTransform tr = new AffineTransform(0.707107,
//                                                  -0.707106,
//                                                  0.707106,
//                                                  0.707107,
//                                                  0.0,
//                                                  0.0);

//         return new AffineBilinearOpImage(oit.getSource(), null, null,
//                                          new ImageLayout(oit.getSource()),
//                                          tr,
//                                          interp);
//     }

//     // Calls a method on OpImage that uses introspection, to make this
//     // class, discover it's createTestImage() call, call it and then
//     // benchmark the performance of the created OpImage chain.
//     public static void main(String args[]) {
//         String classname = "";
//         OpImageTester.performDiagnostics(classname, args);
//     }

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