Package shen

Source Code of shen.Shen$Cons$ConsIterator

package shen;

import sun.invoke.anon.AnonymousClassLoader;
import sun.invoke.util.Wrapper;
import sun.misc.Unsafe;

import java.lang.invoke.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Executable;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.function.*;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;

import static java.lang.Character.isUpperCase;
import static java.lang.ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader;
import static java.lang.ClassLoader.getSystemResources;
import static java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits;
import static java.lang.Double.longBitsToDouble;
import static java.lang.Math.floorMod;
import static java.lang.Math.toIntExact;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.lang.System.*;
import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleProxies.asInterfaceInstance;
import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.*;
import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.lookup;
import static java.lang.invoke.MethodType.genericMethodType;
import static java.lang.invoke.MethodType.methodType;
import static java.lang.invoke.SwitchPoint.invalidateAll;
import static java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isPublic;
import static java.util.Arrays.*;
import static java.util.Arrays.fill;
import static java.util.Collections.*;
import static java.util.Objects.deepEquals;
import static java.util.function.Predicate.isEqual;
import static java.util.jar.Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static*;
import static*;
import static shen.Shen.Compiler.*;
import static shen.Shen.Cons.toCons;
import static shen.Shen.KLReader.lines;
import static;
import static shen.Shen.Numbers.*;
import static shen.Shen.Numbers.asNumber;
import static shen.Shen.Primitives.EQ;
import static shen.Shen.Primitives.*;
import static shen.Shen.RT.*;
import static shen.Shen.RT.lookup;
import static sun.invoke.util.BytecodeName.toBytecodeName;
import static sun.invoke.util.BytecodeName.toSourceName;
import static sun.invoke.util.Wrapper.*;

@SuppressWarnings({"UnusedDeclaration", "Convert2Diamond"})
public class Shen {
    public static void main(String... args) throws Throwable {

    static final Map<String, Symbol> symbols = new HashMap<>();

    static {
        set("*language*", "Java");
        set("*implementation*", format("%s (build %s)", getProperty(""), getProperty("java.runtime.version")));
        set("*porters*", new String("Håkan Råberg".getBytes(), Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1")));
        set("*port*", version());
        set("*stinput*", in);
        set("*stoutput*", out);
        set("*debug*", Boolean.getBoolean("shen.debug"));
        set("*debug-asm*", Boolean.getBoolean("shen.debug.asm"));
        set("*compile-path*", getProperty("shen.compile.path", "target/classes"));
        set("*home-directory*", getProperty("user.dir"));

        register(Primitives.class, RT::defun);
        register(Overrides.class, RT::override);

        asList(Math.class, System.class).forEach(Primitives::KL_import);

    interface LLPredicate { boolean test(long a, long b); }
    interface Invokable { MethodHandle invoker() throws Exception; }

    public static class Numbers implements Opcodes {
        static final long tag = 1, real = 0, integer = 1;
        static final Set<Symbol> operators = new HashSet<>();

        // longs are either 63 bit signed integers or doubleToLongBits with bit 0 used as tag, 0 = double, 1 = long.
        // Java: 5ms, 10ms, Boxed Java: 15ms. Which ever branch that starts will be faster for some reason.
        static {
            ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES);
            cw.visit(V1_7, ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_FINAL, "shen/Shen$Operators", null, getInternalName(Object.class), null);

            binaryOp(cw, "+", ADD);
            binaryOp(cw, "-", SUB);
            binaryOp(cw, "*", MUL);
            binaryOp(cw, "/", realOp(DIV), integerDivision());
            binaryOp(cw, "%", REM);
            binaryComp(cw, "<", LT);
            binaryComp(cw, "<=", LE);
            binaryComp(cw, ">", GT);
            binaryComp(cw, ">=", GE);

            register(loader.loadClass(cw.toByteArray()), Numbers::op);

        static Consumer<GeneratorAdapter> integerOp(int op) {
            return mv -> toInteger(mv, op);

        static Consumer<GeneratorAdapter> realOp(int op) {
            return mv -> toReal(mv, op);

        static Consumer<GeneratorAdapter> integerDivision() {
            return mv -> {
                Label notZero = new Label();
                mv.ifZCmp(IFNE, notZero);
                mv.push("Division by zero");
                mv.invokeConstructor(getType(ArithmeticException.class), method("<init>", desc(void.class, String.class)));
                mv.swap(DOUBLE_TYPE, LONG_TYPE);
                mv.swap(DOUBLE_TYPE, DOUBLE_TYPE);
                toReal(mv, DIV);

        static void toInteger(GeneratorAdapter mv, int op) {
            mv.math(op, LONG_TYPE);
            mv.push((int) tag);

        static void toReal(GeneratorAdapter mv, int op) {
            mv.math(op, DOUBLE_TYPE);
            mv.invokeStatic(getType(Double.class), method("doubleToRawLongBits", desc(long.class, double.class)));

        static void binaryComp(ClassWriter cw, String op, int test) {
            binaryOp(cw, op, boolean.class, comparison(DOUBLE_TYPE, test), comparison(LONG_TYPE, test));

        static Consumer<GeneratorAdapter> comparison(Type type, int test) {
            return mv -> {
                Label _else = new Label();
                mv.ifCmp(type, test, _else);

        static void binaryOp(ClassWriter cw, String op, int instruction) {
            binaryOp(cw, op, long.class, realOp(instruction), integerOp(instruction));

        static void binaryOp(ClassWriter cw, String op, Consumer<GeneratorAdapter> realOp, Consumer<GeneratorAdapter> integerOp) {
            binaryOp(cw, op, long.class, realOp, integerOp);

        static void binaryOp(ClassWriter cw, String op, Class<?> returnType, Consumer<GeneratorAdapter> realOp,
                             Consumer<GeneratorAdapter> integerOp) {
            GeneratorAdapter mv = new GeneratorAdapter(ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_STATIC,
                    method(toBytecodeName(op), desc(returnType, long.class, long.class)), null, null, cw);

            isInteger(mv, 0);
            Label argOneIsLong = new Label();
            mv.ifZCmp(IFNE, argOneIsLong);
            asDouble(mv, 0);
            isInteger(mv, 1);
            Label argTwoIsLong = new Label();
            mv.ifZCmp(IFNE, argTwoIsLong);
            asDouble(mv, 1);
            Label doubleOperation = new Label();
            asLong(mv, 1);
            isInteger(mv, 1);
            Label longOperation = new Label();
            mv.ifZCmp(IFNE, longOperation);
            asLong(mv, 0);
            asDouble(mv, 1);
            asLong(mv, 0);
            asLong(mv, 1);

        static void asDouble(GeneratorAdapter mv, int arg) {
            mv.invokeStatic(getType(Double.class), method("longBitsToDouble", desc(double.class, long.class)));

        static void asLong(GeneratorAdapter mv, int arg) {
            mv.push((int) tag);

        static void isInteger(GeneratorAdapter mv, int arg) {
            mv.push((int) tag);

        static void op(Method op) {
            try {
                Symbol symbol = intern(toSourceName(op.getName()));
            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                throw uncheck(e);

        static Object maybeNumber(Object o) {
            return o instanceof Long ? asNumber((Long) o) : o;

        public static long number(Number n) {
            return n instanceof Double ? real(n.doubleValue()) : integer(n.longValue());

        static long real(double d) {
            return ~tag & doubleToLongBits(d);

        static long integer(long l) {
            return l << tag | tag;

        static double asDouble(long l) {
            return isInteger(l) ? l >> tag : longBitsToDouble(l);

        public static int asInt(long l) {
            return toIntExact(asNumber(l).longValue());

        public static Number asNumber(long fp) { //noinspection RedundantCast
            return isInteger(fp) ? (Number) (fp >> tag) : (Number) longBitsToDouble(fp);

        static boolean isInteger(long l) {
            return (tag & l) == integer;

    public final static class Symbol implements Invokable {
        public final String symbol;
        public List<MethodHandle> fn = new ArrayList<>();
        public SwitchPoint fnGuard;
        public Object var;
        public Collection source;

        Symbol(String symbol) {
            this.symbol = symbol.intern();

        public String toString() {
            return symbol;

        public <T> T value() {
            if (var == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("variable " + this + " has no value");
            //noinspection unchecked
            return (T) var;

        public boolean equals(Object o) { //noinspection StringEquality
            return o instanceof Symbol && symbol == ((Symbol) o).symbol;

        public int hashCode() {
            return symbol.hashCode();

        public MethodHandle invoker() throws IllegalAccessException {
            if (fn.isEmpty()) return reLinker(symbol, 0);
            MethodHandle mh = fn.get(0);
            if (fn.size() > 1) return reLinker(symbol, mh.type().parameterCount());
            return mh;

    public final static class Cons extends AbstractCollection {
        public final Object car, cdr;
        public final int size;

        public Cons(Object car, Object cdr) {
   = car;
            this.cdr = cdr;
            this.size = cdr instanceof Cons ? 1 + (((Cons) cdr).size) : EMPTY_LIST.equals(cdr) ? 1 : 2;

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (this == o) return true;
            if (o instanceof List && isList()) //noinspection unchecked
                return vec(toList().stream().map(Numbers::maybeNumber)).equals(o);
            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
            //noinspection ConstantConditions
            Cons cons = (Cons) o;
            return EQ(car, && cdr.equals(cons.cdr);

        boolean isList() {
            return cdr instanceof Cons || EMPTY_LIST.equals(cdr);

        public int hashCode() {
            return 31 * car.hashCode() + cdr.hashCode();

        public Iterator iterator() {
            if (!isList()) throw new IllegalStateException("cons pair is not a list: " + this);
            return new ConsIterator();

        public int size() {
            return size;

        public String toString() {
            if (isList()) return vec(toList().stream().map(Numbers::maybeNumber)).toString();
            return "[" + maybeNumber(car) + " | " + maybeNumber(cdr) + "]";

        public List<Object> toList() {
            return new ArrayList<Object>(this);

        public static Collection toCons(List<?> list) {
            if (list.isEmpty()) return list;
            Cons cons = null;
            list = new ArrayList<>(list);
            for (Object o : list) {
                if (o instanceof List) o = toCons((List<?>) o);
                if (cons == null) cons = new Cons(o, EMPTY_LIST);
                else cons = new Cons(o, cons);
            return cons;

        class ConsIterator implements Iterator {
            Cons cons = Cons.this;

            public boolean hasNext() {
                return cons != null;

            public Object next() {
                if (cons == null) throw new NoSuchElementException();
                try {
                    if (!cons.isList()) return cons;
                } finally {
                    cons =!cons.isList() || EMPTY_LIST.equals(cons.cdr) ? null : (Cons) cons.cdr;

    public static final class Primitives {
        public static boolean EQ(Object left, Object right) {
            if (Objects.equals(left, right)) return true;
            if (absvectorP(left) && absvectorP(right))  {
                Object[] leftA = (Object[]) left;
                Object[] rightA = (Object[]) right;
                if (leftA.length != rightA.length) return false;
                for (int i = 0; i < leftA.length; i++)
                    if (!EQ(leftA[i], rightA[i]))
                        return false;
                return true;
            if (numberP(left) && numberP(right)) {
                long a = (Long) left;
                long b = (Long) right;
                return (tag & a) == integer && (tag & b) == integer ? a == b : asDouble(a) == asDouble(b);
            return false;

        public static Class KL_import(Symbol s) throws ClassNotFoundException {
            Class aClass = Class.forName(s.symbol);
            return set(intern(aClass.getSimpleName()), aClass);

        static Class KL_import(Class type) {
            try {
                return KL_import(intern(type.getName()));
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                throw uncheck(e);

        public static Cons cons(Object x, Object y) {
            return new Cons(x, y);

        public static boolean consP(Object x) {
            return x instanceof Cons;

        public static Object simple_error(String s) {
            throw new RuntimeException(s, null, false, false) {};

       public static String error_to_string(Throwable e) {
            return e.getMessage() == null ? e.toString() : e.getMessage();

        public static Object hd(Cons cons) {

        public static Object tl(Cons cons) {
            return cons.cdr;

        public static String str(Object x) {
            if (consP(x)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(x + " is not an atom; str cannot convert it to a string.");
            if (x != null && x.getClass().isArray()) return deepToString((Object[]) x);
            if (x instanceof Long) x = asNumber((Long) x);
            return String.valueOf(x);

        public static String pos(String x, long n) {
            return str(x.charAt((int) (n >> tag)));

        public static String tlstr(String x) {
            return x.substring(1);

        public static Class type(Object x) {
            return x.getClass();

        public static Object[] absvector(long n) {
            Object[] objects = new Object[(int) (n >> tag)];
            fill(objects, intern("fail!"));
            return objects;

        public static boolean absvectorP(Object x) {
            return x.getClass() == Object[].class;

        public static Object LT_address(Object[] vector, long n) {
            return vector[((int) (n >> tag))];

        public static Object[] address_GT(Object[] vector, long n, Object value) {
            vector[((int) (n >> tag))] = value;
            return vector;

        public static boolean numberP(Object x) {
            return x instanceof Long;

        public static boolean stringP(Object x) {
            return x instanceof String;

        public static String n_GTstring(long n) {
            if (n >> tag < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(n + " is not a valid character");
            return Character.toString((char) (n >> tag));

        public static String byte_GTstring(long n) {
            return n_GTstring(n >> tag);

        public static long string_GTn(String s) {
            return integer((int) s.charAt(0));

        public static long read_byte(InputStream s) throws IOException {
            return integer(;

        public static Long convertToLong(Object x) {
            return (Long) asNumber((Long) x);

        public static <T> T write_byte(T x, OutputStream s) throws IOException {
            return x;

        public static Closeable open(String string, Symbol direction) throws IOException {
            File file = new File(string);
            if (!file.isAbsolute()) {
                //noinspection RedundantCast
                file = new File((String) intern("*home-directory*").value(), string);

            switch (direction.symbol) {
                case "in": return new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
                case "out": return new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid direction");

        public static Object close(Closeable stream) throws IOException {
            return EMPTY_LIST;

        static long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        public static long get_time(Symbol time) {
            switch (time.symbol) {
                case "run": return real((currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000.0);
                case "unix": return integer(currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("get-time does not understand the parameter " + time);

        public static String cn(String s1, String s2) {
            return s1 + s2;

        public static Symbol intern(String name) {
            return symbols.computeIfAbsent(name, Symbol::new);

        public static <T> T value(Symbol x) {
            return x.value();

        public static <T> T set(Symbol x, T y) {
            return (T) (x.var = y);

        static <T> T set(String x, T y) {
            return set(intern(x), y);

        public static MethodHandle function(Invokable x) throws Exception {
            return x.invoker();

        static MethodHandle function(String x) throws Exception {
            return function(intern(x));

        public static Object eval_kl(Object kl) throws Throwable {
            return new Compiler(kl).load("__eval__", Callable.class).newInstance().call();

        public static boolean or(boolean x, boolean y) {
            return x || y;

        public static boolean and(boolean x, boolean y) {
            return x && y;

    public static final class Overrides {
        static final Symbol _true = intern("true"), _false = intern("false"), shen_tuple = intern("shen.tuple");

        public static boolean variableP(Object x) {
            return x instanceof Symbol && isUpperCase(((Symbol) x).symbol.charAt(0));

        public static boolean booleanP(Object x) {
            return x instanceof Boolean || _true == x || _false == x;

        public static boolean symbolP(Object x) {
            return x instanceof Symbol && !booleanP(x);

        public static long length(Collection x) {
            return integer(x.size());

        public static Object[] ATp(Object x, Object y) {
            return new Object[] {shen_tuple, x, y};

        public static long hash(Object s, long limit) {
            long hash = s.hashCode();
            if (hash == 0) return 1;
            return integer(floorMod(hash, limit >> tag));

        public static Object[] shen_fillvector(Object[] vector, long counter, long n, Object x) {
            fill(vector, (int) (counter >> tag), (int) (n >> tag) + 1, x);
            return vector;

    static boolean isDebug() {
        return booleanProperty("*debug*");

    static boolean booleanProperty(String property) {
        return intern(property).var == Boolean.TRUE;

    public static Object eval(String kl) throws Throwable {
        return eval_kl(read(new StringReader(kl)).get(0));

    static void install() throws Throwable {
        set("shen-*installing-kl*", true);
        for (String file : asList("toplevel", "core", "sys", "sequent", "yacc", "reader",
                "prolog", "track", "load", "writer", "macros", "declarations", "types", "t-star"))
            load("klambda/" + file, Callable.class).newInstance().call();
        for (String file : asList("types"))
          load("klambda-custom/" + file, Callable.class).newInstance().call();
        set("shen-*installing-kl*", false);
        set("*home-directory*", getProperty("user.dir")); //Resetting it because it gets overwritten in declarations.kl
        builtins.addAll(vec(symbols.values().stream().filter(s -> !s.fn.isEmpty())));

    static void readTypes() throws Throwable {
        try {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) {
            try (Reader in = resource("klambda/types.kl")) {
                List<Object> declarations = vec(read(in).stream().filter(List.class::isInstance)
                        .filter(c -> ((List) c).get(0).equals(intern("declare"))));
                for (Object declaration : declarations) {
                    List list = (List) declaration;
                    Symbol symbol = (Symbol) list.get(1);
                    if (!tooStrictTypes.contains(symbol))
                        //noinspection unchecked
                        typesForInstallation.put(symbol, typeSignature(symbol, shenTypeSignature(((Cons) eval_kl(list.get(2))).toList())));

    static <T> Class<T> load(String file, Class<T> aClass) throws Throwable {
        try {
            return (Class<T>) getSystemClassLoader().loadClass(file.replaceAll("/", "."));
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            debug("compiling: %s", file);
            return compile(file, aClass);

    static <T> Class<T> compile(String file, Class<T> aClass) throws Throwable {
        try (Reader in = resource(format("%s.kl", file))) {
            debug("loading: %s", file);
            Compiler compiler = new Compiler(null, file, cons(intern("do"), read(in)));
            //noinspection RedundantCast
            File compilePath = new File((String) intern("*compile-path*").value());
            File classFile = new File(compilePath, file + ".class");
            if (!(compilePath.mkdirs() || compilePath.isDirectory())) throw new IOException("could not make directory: " + compilePath);
            try {
                return compiler.load(classFile.getName().replaceAll(".class$", ".kl"), aClass);
            } finally {
                if (compiler.bytes != null)
                    try (OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(classFile)) {

    static Reader resource(String resource) {
        return new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(getSystemClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(resource)));

    static String version() {
        try (InputStream manifest = find(Collections.list(getSystemResources("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF")).stream(),
                                            u -> u.getPath().matches(".**?.jar!.*")).openStream()) {
                return new Manifest(manifest).getMainAttributes().getValue(IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION);
        } catch (IOException | NullPointerException ignored) {
        return "<unknown>";

    public static class KLReader {
        static Map<Object, Integer> lines = new IdentityHashMap<>();
        static int currentLine;

        static List<Object> read(Reader reader) throws Exception {
            currentLine = 1;
            return tokenizeAll(new Scanner(reader).useDelimiter("(\\s|\\)|\")"));

        static Object tokenize(Scanner sc) throws Exception {
            if (find(sc, "\\(")) return tokenizeAll(sc);
            if (find(sc, "\"")) return nextString(sc);
            if (find(sc, "\\)")) return null;
            if (sc.hasNextBoolean()) return sc.nextBoolean();
            if (sc.hasNextLong()) return integer(sc.nextLong());
            if (sc.hasNextDouble()) return real(sc.nextDouble());
            if (sc.hasNext()) return intern(;
            return null;

        static void whitespace(Scanner sc) {
            while (find(sc, "\\n")) {

        static boolean find(Scanner sc, String pattern) {
            return sc.findWithinHorizon(pattern, 1) != null;

        static Object nextString(Scanner sc) throws IOException {
            String s = sc.findWithinHorizon("(?s).*?\"", 0);
            currentLine += s.replaceAll("[^\n]", "").length();
            return s.substring(0, s.length() - 1);

        static List<Object> tokenizeAll(Scanner sc) throws Exception {
            List<Object> list = list();
            lines.put(list, currentLine);
            Object x;
            while ((x = tokenize(sc)) != null) list.add(x);
            return list;

    public static class RT {
        static final Lookup lookup = lookup();
        static final Set<Symbol> overrides = new HashSet<>();
        static final Set<Symbol> builtins = new HashSet<>();
        static final Map<Symbol, MethodType> typesForInstallation = new HashMap<>();
        static final Map<Object, CallSite> sites = new HashMap<>();
        static final Map<Object, MethodHandle> guards = new HashMap<>();

        static final MethodHandle
                link = mh(RT.class, "link"), proxy = mh(RT.class, "proxy"),
                checkClass = mh(RT.class, "checkClass"), toIntExact = mh(Math.class, "toIntExact"),
                asNumber = mh(Numbers.class, "asNumber"), number = mh(Numbers.class, "number"),
                asInt = mh(Numbers.class, "asInt"), toList = mh(Cons.class, "toList"),
                partial = mh(RT.class, "partial"), arityCheck = mh(RT.class, "arityCheck");

        public static Object link(MutableCallSite site, String name, Object... args) throws Throwable {
            name = toSourceName(name);
            MethodType type = site.type();
            debug("LINKING: %s%s %s", name, type, vec(stream(args).map(Numbers::maybeNumber)));
            List<Class<?>> actualTypes = vec(stream(args).map(Object::getClass));
            debug("actual types: %s", actualTypes);
            Symbol symbol = intern(name);
            debug("candidates: %s", symbol.fn);

            if (symbol.fn.isEmpty()) {
                MethodHandle java = javaCall(site, name, type, args);
                if (java != null) {
                    debug("calling java: %s", java);
                    return java.invokeWithArguments(args);
                throw new NoSuchMethodException("undefined function " + name + type
                        + (symbol.fn.isEmpty() "" : " in " + vec(;

            int arity = symbol.fn.get(0).type().parameterCount();
            if (arity > args.length) {
                MethodHandle partial = insertArguments(reLinker(name, arity), 0, args);
                debug("partial: %s", partial);
                return partial;

            MethodHandle match = find(, f -> every(actualTypes, f.type().parameterList(), RT::canCastStrict));
            if (match == null) throw new NoSuchMethodException("undefined function " + name + type);
            debug("match based on argument types: %s", match);

            MethodHandle fallback = linker(site, toBytecodeName(name)).asType(type);
            if (symbol.fn.size() 1 && !match.type().parameterList().stream().allMatch(isEqual(long.class))) {
                match = guards.computeIfAbsent(asList(type, symbol.fn), key -> guard(type, symbol.fn));
                debug("selected: %s", match);

            synchronized (symbol.symbol) {
                if (symbol.fnGuard == null) symbol.fnGuard = new SwitchPoint();
                site.setTarget(symbol.fnGuard.guardWithTest(match.asType(type), fallback));
            Object result = match.invokeWithArguments(args);
            maybeRecompile(type, symbol, result == null ? Object.class : result.getClass());
            return result;

        static void maybeRecompile(MethodType type, Symbol symbol, Class returnType) throws Throwable {
            if (symbol.source == null || booleanProperty("shen-*installing-kl*")) return;
            MethodType signature = typeSignature(symbol);
            type = signature != null ? signature : type.changeReturnType(isWrapperType(returnType) ? wrapper(returnType).primitiveType()
                    : isPrimitiveType(returnType) ? returnType : Object.class);
            if ((signature != null || (type.changeReturnType(Object.class).hasPrimitives() && !builtins.contains(symbol))))
                recompile(type, symbol);

        static void recompile(MethodType type, Symbol symbol) throws Throwable {
            if (symbol.source == null || return;
            debug("recompiling as %s: %s", type, symbol.source);
            List<MethodHandle> fn = new ArrayList<>(symbol.fn);
            try {
            } finally {
                if (!type.returnType().equals(Object.class))
                    symbol.fn.removeIf(f -> f.type().equals(type.changeReturnType(Object.class)));

        static final Map<Object, Class> types = new HashMap<>();
        static {
            types.put(intern("symbol"), Symbol.class);
            types.put(intern("number"), long.class);
            types.put(intern("boolean"), boolean.class);
            types.put(intern("string"), String.class);
            types.put(intern("exception"), Exception.class);
            types.put(intern("list"), Iterable.class);
            types.put(intern("vector"), Object[].class);

        static Set<Symbol> tooStrictTypes = new HashSet<>(asList(intern("concat"), intern("fail-if"),
                intern("tail"), intern("systemf")));

        static MethodType typeSignature(Symbol symbol) throws Throwable {
            if (tooStrictTypes.contains(symbol) || !hasKnownSignature(symbol)) return null;
            return typeSignature(symbol, shenTypeSignature(symbol));

        static MethodType typeSignature(Symbol symbol, List<Object> shenTypes) {
            List<Class<?>> javaTypes = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Object argumentType : shenTypes) {
                if (argumentType instanceof Cons)
                    argumentType = ((Cons) argumentType).car;
                javaTypes.add(types.containsKey(argumentType) ? types.get(argumentType) :
                        argumentType instanceof Class ? (Class<?>) argumentType : Object.class);
            MethodType type = methodType(javaTypes.remove(javaTypes.size() - 1), javaTypes);
            debug("%s has Shen type signature: %s mapped to Java %s", symbol, shenTypes, type);
            return type;

        static boolean hasKnownSignature(Symbol symbol) {
            return intern("shen.*signedfuncs*").var instanceof Cons && ((Cons) intern("shen.*signedfuncs*").var).contains(symbol);

        static List<Object> shenTypeSignature(Symbol symbol) throws Throwable {
            return shenTypeSignature(((Cons) eval(format("(shen-typecheck %s (gensym A))", symbol))).toList());

        static List<Object> shenTypeSignature(List<Object> signature) {
            if (signature.size() != 3)
                return vec("-->")).negate()));
            List<Object> argumentTypes = new ArrayList<>();
            for (; signature.size() == 3; signature = ((Cons) signature.get(2)).toList()) {
                if (!(signature.get(2) instanceof Cons) || signature.get(2) instanceof Cons
                        && !((Cons) signature.get(2)).contains(intern("-->"))) {
            return argumentTypes;

        static MethodHandle guard(MethodType type, List<MethodHandle> candidates) {
            candidates = bestMatchingMethods(type, candidates);
            debug("applicable candidates: %s", candidates);
            MethodHandle match = candidates.get(candidates.size() - 1).asType(type);
            for (int i = candidates.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
                MethodHandle fallback = candidates.get(i);
                MethodHandle target = candidates.get(i - 1);
                Class<?> differentType = find(target.type().parameterList(), fallback.type().parameterList(), (x, y) -> !x.equals(y));
                int firstDifferent = target.type().parameterList().indexOf(differentType);
                if (firstDifferent == -1) firstDifferent = 0;
                debug("switching on %d argument type %s", firstDifferent, differentType);
                debug("target: %s ; fallback: %s", target, fallback);
                MethodHandle test = checkClass.bindTo(differentType);
                test = dropArguments(test, 0, type.dropParameterTypes(firstDifferent, type.parameterCount()).parameterList());
                test = test.asType(test.type().changeParameterType(firstDifferent, type.parameterType(firstDifferent)));
                match = guardWithTest(test, target.asType(type), match);
            return match;

        static List<MethodHandle> bestMatchingMethods(MethodType type, List<MethodHandle> candidates) {
            return vec(
                    .filter(f -> every(type.parameterList(), f.type().parameterList(), RT::canCast))
                    .sorted((x, y) -> y.type().changeReturnType(type.returnType()).equals(y.type().erase()) ? -1 : 1)
                    .sorted((x, y) -> every(y.type().parameterList(), x.type().parameterList(), RT::canCast) ? -1 : 1));

        public static boolean checkClass(Class<?> xClass, Object x) {
            return xClass != null && canCastStrict(x.getClass(), xClass);

        static MethodHandle relinkOn(Class<? extends Throwable> exception, MethodHandle fn, MethodHandle fallback) {
            return catchException(fn.asType(fallback.type()), exception, dropArguments(fallback, 0, Exception.class));

        static MethodHandle javaCall(MutableCallSite site, String name, MethodType type, Object... args) throws Exception {
            if (name.endsWith(".")) {
                Class aClass = intern(name.substring(0, name.length() - 1)).value();
                if (aClass != null)
                    return findJavaMethod(type, aClass.getName(), aClass.getConstructors());
            if (name.startsWith("."))
                return relinkOn(ClassCastException.class, findJavaMethod(type, name.substring(1), args[0].getClass().getMethods()),
                        linker(site, toBytecodeName(name)));
            String[] classAndMethod = name.split("/");
            if (classAndMethod.length == 2 && intern(classAndMethod[0]).var instanceof Class)
                return findJavaMethod(type, classAndMethod[1], ((Class) intern(classAndMethod[0]).value()).getMethods());
            return null;

        public static Object proxy(Method sam, Object x) throws Throwable {
            if (x instanceof MethodHandle) {
                MethodHandle target = (MethodHandle) x;
                int arity = sam.getParameterTypes().length;
                int actual = target.type().parameterCount();
                if (arity < actual) target = insertArguments(target, arity, new Object[actual - arity]);
                if (arity > actual) target = dropArguments(target, actual, asList(sam.getParameterTypes()).subList(actual, arity));
                return asInterfaceInstance(sam.getDeclaringClass(), target);
            return null;

        static MethodHandle filterJavaTypes(MethodHandle method) throws IllegalAccessException {
            MethodHandle[] filters = new MethodHandle[method.type().parameterCount()];
            for (int i = 0; i < method.type().parameterCount() - (method.isVarargsCollector() ? 1 : 0); i++)
                if (isSAM(method.type().parameterType(i)))
                    filters[i] = proxy.bindTo(findSAM(method.type().parameterType(i)))
                            .asType(methodType(method.type().parameterType(i), Object.class));
                else  if (canCast(method.type().parameterType(i), int.class))
                    filters[i] = asInt.asType(methodType(method.type().parameterType(i), Object.class));
                else  if (canCast(method.type().wrap().parameterType(i), Number.class))
                        filters[i] = asNumber.asType(methodType(method.type().parameterType(i), Object.class));
            if (canCast(method.type().wrap().returnType(), Number.class))
                method = filterReturnValue(method, number.asType(methodType(long.class, method.type().returnType())));
            return filterArguments(method, 0, filters);

        static <T extends Executable> MethodHandle findJavaMethod(MethodType type, String method, T[] methods) {
            return some(stream(methods), m -> {
                try {
                    if (m.getName().equals(method)) {
                        MethodHandle mh = (m instanceof Method) ? lookup.unreflect((Method) m) : lookup.unreflectConstructor((Constructor) m);
                        mh.asType(methodType(type.returnType(), vec(type.parameterList().stream()
                                .map(c -> c.equals(Long.class) ? Integer.class : c.equals(long.class) ? int.class : c))));
                        return filterJavaTypes(mh);
                } catch (WrongMethodTypeException | IllegalAccessException ignored) {
                return null;

        public static MethodHandle function(Object target) throws Exception {
            return target instanceof Invokable ? Primitives.function((Invokable) target) : (MethodHandle) target;

        static MethodHandle linker(MutableCallSite site, String name) {
            return insertArguments(link, 0, site, name).asCollector(Object[].class, site.type().parameterCount());

        static MethodHandle reLinker(String name, int arity) throws IllegalAccessException {
            MutableCallSite reLinker = new MutableCallSite(genericMethodType(arity));
            return relinkOn(IllegalStateException.class, reLinker.dynamicInvoker(), linker(reLinker, toBytecodeName(name)));

        public static CallSite invokeBSM(Lookup lookup, String name, MethodType type) throws IllegalAccessException {
            if (isOverloadedInternalFunction(name)) return invokeCallSite(name, type);
            return sites.computeIfAbsent(name + type, key -> invokeCallSite(name, type));

        static boolean isOverloadedInternalFunction(String name) {
            return intern(toSourceName(name)).fn.size() > 1;

        static CallSite invokeCallSite(String name, MethodType type) {
            MutableCallSite site = new MutableCallSite(type);
            site.setTarget(linker(site, name).asType(type));
            return site;

        public static CallSite symbolBSM(Lookup lookup, String name, MethodType type) {
            return sites.computeIfAbsent(name, key -> new ConstantCallSite(constant(Symbol.class, intern(toSourceName(name)))));

        public static CallSite applyBSM(Lookup lookup, String name, MethodType type) throws Exception {
            return sites.computeIfAbsent(name + type, key -> applyCallSite(type));

        public static Object partial(MethodHandle target, Object... args) throws Throwable {
            if (args.length > target.type().parameterCount()) return uncurry(target, args);
            return insertArguments(target, 0, args);

        public static boolean arityCheck(int arity, MethodHandle target) throws Throwable {
            return target.type().parameterCount() == arity;

        static CallSite applyCallSite(MethodType type) {
            MethodHandle apply = invoker(type.dropParameterTypes(0, 1));
            MethodHandle test = insertArguments(arityCheck, 0, type.parameterCount() - 1);
            return new ConstantCallSite(guardWithTest(test, apply, partial.asType(type)).asType(type));

        static MethodHandle mh(Class<?> aClass, String name, Class... types) {
            try {
                return lookup.unreflect(find(stream(aClass.getMethods()), m -> m.getName().equals(name)
                        && (types.length == 0 || deepEquals(m.getParameterTypes(), types))));
            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                throw uncheck(e);

        static MethodHandle field(Class<?> aClass, String name) {
            try {
                return lookup.unreflectGetter(aClass.getField(name));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw uncheck(e);

        static boolean canCast(Class<?> a, Class<?> b) {
            return a == Object.class  || b == Object.class || canCastStrict(a, b);

        static boolean canCastStrict(Class<?> a, Class<?> b) {
            return a == b || b.isAssignableFrom(a) || canWiden(a, b);

        static boolean canWiden(Class<?> a, Class<?> b) {
            return wrapper(b).isNumeric() && wrapper(b).isConvertibleFrom(wrapper(a));

        static Wrapper wrapper(Class<?> type) {
            if (isPrimitiveType(type)) return forPrimitiveType(type);
            if (isWrapperType(type)) return forWrapperType(type);
            return forBasicType(type);

        public static Symbol defun(Symbol name, MethodHandle fn) throws Throwable {
            if (overrides.contains(name)) return name;
            synchronized (name.symbol) {
                SwitchPoint guard = name.fnGuard;
                if (guard != null) {
                    name.fnGuard = new SwitchPoint();
                    invalidateAll(new SwitchPoint[] {guard});
                return name;

        static void register(Class<?> aClass, Consumer<? super Method> hook) {
            stream(aClass.getDeclaredMethods()).filter(m -> isPublic(m.getModifiers())).forEach(hook);

        static void override(Method m) {

        static Symbol defun(Method m) {
            try {
                Symbol name = intern(unscramble(m.getName()));
                return name;
            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                throw uncheck(e);

        static Object uncurry(Object chain, Object... args) throws Throwable {
            for (Object arg : args)
                chain = ((MethodHandle) chain).invokeExact(arg);
            return chain;

        public static MethodHandle bindTo(MethodHandle fn, Object arg) {
            return insertArguments(fn, 0, arg);

        static String unscramble(String s) {
            return toSourceName(s).replaceAll("_", "-").replaceAll("^KL-", "") .replaceAll("GT", ">").replaceAll("EQ", "=")
                    .replaceAll("LT", "<").replaceAll("EX$", "!").replaceAll("P$", "?").replaceAll("^AT", "@");

        static MethodHandle findSAM(Object lambda) {
            try {
                return lookup.unreflect(findSAM(lambda.getClass())).bindTo(lambda);
            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                throw uncheck(e);

        static Method findSAM(Class<?> lambda) {
            List<Method> methods = vec(stream(lambda.getDeclaredMethods()).filter(m -> !m.isSynthetic()));
            return methods.size() == 1 ? methods.get(0) : null;

        static boolean isSAM(Class<?> aClass) {
            return findSAM(aClass) != null;

    public static class Compiler implements Opcodes {
        static final AnonymousClassLoader loader = AnonymousClassLoader.make(unsafe(), RT.class);
        static final Map<Symbol, MethodHandle> macros = new HashMap<>();
        static final List<Class<?>> literals = asList(Long.class, String.class, Boolean.class, Handle.class);
        static final Handle
                applyBSM = handle(RT.class, "applyBSM"), invokeBSM = handle(RT.class, "invokeBSM"),
                symbolBSM = handle(RT.class, "symbolBSM"), or = handle(Primitives.class, "or"),
                and = handle(Primitives.class, "and");
        static final Map<Class, MethodHandle> push = new HashMap<>();
        static {
            register(Macros.class, Compiler::macro);

        static int id = 1;

        String className;
        ClassWriter cw;

        byte[] bytes;
        GeneratorAdapter mv;
        Object kl;
        static ThreadLocal<MethodType> typeHint = new ThreadLocal<>();

        Symbol self; method;
        Map<Symbol, Integer> locals;
        List<Symbol> args;
        List<Type> argTypes;
        Type topOfStack;
        Label recur;

        static class TypedValue {
            final Type type;
            final Object value;

            TypedValue(Type type, Object value) {
                this.type = type;
                this.value = value;

        public Compiler(Object kl, Symbol... args) throws Throwable {
            this(null, "shen/ShenEval" + id++, kl, args);

        public Compiler(ClassWriter cn, String className, Object kl, Symbol... args) throws Throwable {
   = cn;
            this.className = className;
            this.kl = kl;
            this.args = list(args);
            this.locals = new HashMap<>();

        static ClassWriter classWriter(String name, Class<?> anInterface) {
            ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(COMPUTE_FRAMES) {}; // Needs to be in this package for some reason.
            cw.visit(V1_7, ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_FINAL, name, null, getInternalName(Object.class), new String[] {getInternalName(anInterface)});
            return cw;

        static method(String name, String desc) {
            return new, desc);

        static String desc(Class<?> returnType, Class<?>... argumentTypes) {
            return methodType(returnType, argumentTypes).toMethodDescriptorString();

        static String desc(Type returnType, List<Type> argumentTypes) {
            return getMethodDescriptor(returnType, argumentTypes.toArray(new Type[argumentTypes.size()]));

        static Handle handle(Class<?> declaringClass, String name) {
            return handle(getInternalName(declaringClass), name, mh(declaringClass, name).type().toMethodDescriptorString());

        static Handle handle(String className, String name, String desc) {
            return new Handle(Opcodes.H_INVOKESTATIC, className, name, desc);

        static Type boxedType(Type type) {
            if (!isPrimitive(type)) return type;
            return getType(forBasicType(type.getDescriptor().charAt(0)).wrapperType());

        static boolean isPrimitive(Type type) {
            return type.getSort() < ARRAY;

        static void macro(Method m) {
            try {
                macros.put(intern(unscramble(m.getName())), lookup.unreflect(m));
            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                throw uncheck(e);

        GeneratorAdapter generator(int access, method) {
            return new GeneratorAdapter(access, method, cw.visitMethod(access, method.getName(), method.getDescriptor(), null, null));

        TypedValue compile(Object kl) {
            return compile(kl, true);

        TypedValue compile(Object kl, boolean tail) {
            return compile(kl, getType(Object.class), tail);

        TypedValue compile(Object kl, Type returnType, boolean tail) {
            return compile(kl, returnType, true, tail);

        TypedValue compile(Object kl, Type returnType, boolean handlePrimitives, boolean tail) {
            try {
                Class literalClass = find(, c -> c.isInstance(kl));
                if (literalClass != null) push(literalClass, kl);
                else if (kl instanceof Symbol) symbol((Symbol) kl);
                else if (kl instanceof Collection) {
                    List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>((Collection<?>) kl);
                    if (list.isEmpty()) emptyList();
                    else {
                        Object first = list.get(0);
                        if (first instanceof Symbol && !inScope((Symbol) first)) {
                            Symbol s = (Symbol) first;
                            if (macros.containsKey(s)) macroExpand(s, rest(list), returnType, tail);
                            else indy(s, rest(list), returnType, tail);

                        } else {
                            compile(first, tail);
                            apply(returnType, rest(list));
                } else
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot compile: " + kl + " (" + kl.getClass() + ")");
                if (handlePrimitives) handlePrimitives(returnType);
                return new TypedValue(topOfStack, kl);
            } catch (RuntimeException | Error e) {
                throw e;
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                throw uncheck(t);

        void handlePrimitives(Type returnType) {
            if (isPrimitive(returnType) && !isPrimitive(topOfStack)) unbox(returnType);
            else if (!isPrimitive(returnType) && isPrimitive(topOfStack)) box();

        void lineNumber(List<Object> list) {
            if (lines.containsKey(list))
                mv.visitLineNumber(lines.get(list), mv.mark());

        boolean inScope(Symbol x) {
            return (locals.containsKey(x) || args.contains(x));

        void macroExpand(Symbol s, List<Object> args, Type returnType, boolean tail) throws Throwable {
            macros.get(s).invokeWithArguments(into(asList(new Macros(), tail, returnType),
                    vec( -> x instanceof Cons ? ((Cons) x).toList() : x))));

        void indy(Symbol s, List<Object> args, Type returnType, boolean tail) throws ReflectiveOperationException {
            Iterator<Type> selfCallTypes = asList(method.getArgumentTypes()).iterator();
            List<TypedValue> typedValues = vec( -> compile(o, isSelfCall(s, args)
                    ? : getType(Object.class), false, false)));
            List<Type> argumentTypes = vec( -> t.type));
            if (isSelfCall(s, args)) {
                if (tail) {
                    debug("recur: %s", s);
                } else {
                    debug("can only recur from tail position: %s", s);
                    mv.invokeDynamic(toBytecodeName(s.symbol), desc(method.getReturnType(), argumentTypes), invokeBSM);
                    returnType = method.getReturnType();
            } else {
                if (operators.contains(s) && returnType.equals(getType(Object.class)) && argumentTypes.size() == 2)
                    returnType = getType(s.fn.get(0).type().returnType());
                mv.invokeDynamic(toBytecodeName(s.symbol), desc(returnType, argumentTypes), invokeBSM);
            topOfStack = returnType;

        void recur(List<Type> argumentTypes) {
            for (int i = args.size()- 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                if (!isPrimitive(method.getArgumentTypes()[i])) mv.valueOf(argumentTypes.get(i));

        boolean isSelfCall(Symbol s, List<Object> args) {
            return self.equals(s) && args.size() == this.args.size();

        void apply(Type returnType, List<Object> args) throws ReflectiveOperationException {
            if (!topOfStack.equals(getType(MethodHandle.class)))
                mv.invokeStatic(getType(RT.class), method("function", desc(MethodHandle.class, Object.class)));
            List<Type> argumentTypes = cons(getType(MethodHandle.class), vec( -> compile(o, false).type)));
            mv.invokeDynamic("__apply__", desc(returnType, argumentTypes), applyBSM);
            topOfStack = returnType;

        class Macros {
            public void trap_error(boolean tail, Type returnType, Object x, Object f) throws Throwable {
                Label after = mv.newLabel();

                Label start = mv.mark();
                compile(x, returnType, tail);

                mv.catchException(start, mv.mark(), getType(Throwable.class));
                compile(f, false);

                mv.invokeVirtual(getType(MethodHandle.class), method("invokeExact", desc(Object.class)));
                if (isPrimitive(returnType)) unbox(returnType);
                else topOfStack(Object.class);

            public void KL_if(boolean tail, Type returnType, Object test, Object then, Object _else) throws Exception {
                if (test == Boolean.TRUE || test == intern("true")) {
                    compile(then, returnType, tail);
                if (test == Boolean.FALSE || test == intern("false")) {
                    compile(_else, returnType, tail);

                Label elseStart = mv.newLabel();
                Label end = mv.newLabel();

                compile(test, BOOLEAN_TYPE, false);
                if (!BOOLEAN_TYPE.equals(topOfStack)) {
                    mv.throwException(getType(IllegalArgumentException.class), "boolean expected");
                mv.visitJumpInsn(IFEQ, elseStart);

                compile(then, returnType, tail);
                Type typeOfThenBranch = topOfStack;

                compile(_else, returnType, tail);

                if (!typeOfThenBranch.equals(topOfStack) && !isPrimitive(returnType))

            public void cond(boolean tail, Type returnType, List... clauses) throws Exception {
                if (clauses.length == 0)
                    mv.throwException(getType(IllegalArgumentException.class), "condition failure");
                else {
                    List clause = clauses[0];
                    KL_if(tail, returnType, clause.get(0), clause.get(1), cons(intern("cond"), rest(list((Object[]) clauses))));

            public void or(boolean tail, Type returnType, Object x, Object... clauses) throws Exception {
                if (clauses.length == 0)
                    bindTo(or, x);
                else {
                    KL_if(tail, BOOLEAN_TYPE, x, true, (clauses.length > 1 ? cons(intern("or"), list(clauses)) : clauses[0]));
                    if (!isPrimitive(returnType));

            public void and(boolean tail, Type returnType, Object x, Object... clauses) throws Exception {
                if (clauses.length == 0)
                    bindTo(and, x);
                else {
                    KL_if(tail, BOOLEAN_TYPE, x, (clauses.length > 1 ? cons(intern("and"), list(clauses)) : clauses[0]), false);
                    if (!isPrimitive(returnType));

            public void lambda(boolean tail, Type returnType, Symbol x, Object y) throws Throwable {
                fn("__lambda__", y, x);

            public void freeze(boolean tail, Type returnType, Object x) throws Throwable {
                fn("__freeze__", x);

            public void defun(boolean tail, Type returnType, Symbol name, final List<Symbol> args, Object body) throws Throwable {
                debug("compiling: %s%s in %s", name, args, getObjectType(className).getClassName());
                name.source = toCons(asList(intern("defun"), name, args, body));
                if (booleanProperty("shen-*installing-kl*") && typesForInstallation.containsKey(name))
                fn(name.symbol, body, args.toArray(new Symbol[args.size()]));
                mv.invokeStatic(getType(RT.class), method("defun", desc(Symbol.class, Symbol.class, MethodHandle.class)));

            public void let(boolean tail, Type returnType, Symbol x, Object y, Object z) throws Throwable {
                Label start = mv.mark();
                compile(y, false);
                Integer hidden = locals.get(x);
                int let = hidden != null && tail ? hidden : mv.newLocal(topOfStack);
                locals.put(x, let);
                compile(z, returnType, tail);
                if (hidden != null) locals.put(x, hidden);
                else  locals.remove(x);
                if (!tail) {
                    mv.push((String) null);
                mv.visitLocalVariable(x.symbol, mv.getLocalType(let).getDescriptor(), null, start, mv.mark(), let);

            public void KL_do(boolean tail, Type returnType, Object... xs) throws Throwable {
                for (int i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {
                    boolean last = i == xs.length - 1;
                    compile(xs[i], last ? returnType : getType(Object.class), last && tail);
                    if (!last) popStack();

            public void thaw(boolean tail, Type returnType, Object f) throws Throwable {
                compile(f, false);
                mv.invokeVirtual(getType(MethodHandle.class), method("invokeExact", desc(Object.class)));

        void fn(String name, Object kl, Symbol... args) throws Throwable {
            String bytecodeName = toBytecodeName(name) + "_" + id++;
            List<Symbol> scope = vec(closesOver(new HashSet<>(asList(args)), kl).distinct());
            scope.retainAll(into(locals.keySet(), this.args));

            if (name.startsWith("__")) typeHint.remove();
            List<Type> types = into(vec(, typeHint.get() != null
                    ? vec(typeHint.get().parameterList().stream().map(Type::getType)) : nCopies(args.length, getType(Object.class)));
            Type returnType = typeHint.get() != null ? getType(typeHint.get().returnType()) : getType(Object.class);
            push(handle(className, bytecodeName, desc(returnType, types)));
            insertArgs(0, scope);

            Compiler fn = new Compiler(cw, className, kl, scope.toArray(new Symbol[scope.size()]));
            fn.method(ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_STATIC | ACC_FINAL, intern(name), bytecodeName, returnType, types);

        Stream<Symbol> closesOver(Set<Symbol> scope, Object kl) {
            if (kl instanceof Symbol && !scope.contains(kl))
                return singleton((Symbol) kl).stream();
            if (kl instanceof Collection) {
                List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>((Collection<?>) kl);
                if (!list.isEmpty())
                    switch (list.get(0).toString()) {
                        case "let": return concat(closesOver(scope, list.get(2)), closesOver(conj(scope, list.get(2)), list.get(3)));
                        case "lambda": return closesOver(conj(scope, list.get(2)), list.get(2));
                        case "defun": return closesOver(into(scope, (Collection) list.get(2)), list.get(3));
                    return -> closesOver(scope, o));
            return empty();

        void emptyList() {
            mv.getStatic(getType(Collections.class), "EMPTY_LIST", getType(List.class));

        void symbol(Symbol s) throws Throwable {
            if (asList("true", "false").contains(s.symbol)) {
                push(Boolean.class, Boolean.valueOf(s.symbol));
            else if (locals.containsKey(s)) mv.loadLocal(locals.get(s));
            else if (args.contains(s)) mv.loadArg(args.indexOf(s));
            else push(s);
            topOfStack = typeOf(s);

        Type typeOf(Symbol s) {
            if (locals.containsKey(s)) return mv.getLocalType(locals.get(s));
            else if (args.contains(s)) return argTypes.get(args.indexOf(s));
            return getType(Symbol.class);

        void loadArgArray(List<?> args) {

            for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
                compile(args.get(i), false);

        void push(Symbol kl) {
            mv.invokeDynamic(toBytecodeName(kl.symbol), desc(Symbol.class), symbolBSM);

        void push(Handle handle) {

        void push(Class<?> aClass, Object kl) throws Throwable {
            aClass = asPrimitiveType(aClass);
            push.computeIfAbsent(aClass, c -> mh(mv.getClass(), "push", c)).invoke(mv, kl);

        void box() {
            Type maybePrimitive = topOfStack;
            topOfStack = boxedType(maybePrimitive);

        void unbox(Type type) {
            topOfStack = type;

        void popStack() {
            if (topOfStack.getSize() == 1) mv.pop(); else mv.pop2();

        void maybeCast(Class<?> type) {

        void maybeCast(Type type) {
            if (!type.equals(topOfStack)) mv.checkCast(type);
            topOfStack = type;

        void topOfStack(Class<?> aClass) {
            topOfStack = getType(aClass);

        public <T> Class<T> load(String source, Class<T> anInterface) throws Exception {
            try {
                cw = classWriter(className, anInterface);
                cw.visitSource(source, null);
                Method sam = findSAM(anInterface);
                List<Type> types = vec(stream(sam.getParameterTypes()).map(Type::getType));
                method(ACC_PUBLIC, intern(sam.getName()), toBytecodeName(sam.getName()), getType(sam.getReturnType()), types);
                bytes = cw.toByteArray();
                if (booleanProperty("*debug-asm*")) printASM(bytes, sam);
                //noinspection unchecked
                return (Class<T>) loader.loadClass(bytes);
            } catch (VerifyError e) {
                printASM(bytes, null);
                throw e;

        void method(int modifiers, Symbol name, String bytecodeName, Type returnType, List<Type> argumentTypes) {
            this.self = name;
            this.argTypes = argumentTypes;
            this.method = method(bytecodeName, desc(returnType, argumentTypes));
            mv = generator(modifiers, method);
            recur = mv.mark();
            compile(kl, returnType, true);

        void constructor() {
            GeneratorAdapter ctor = generator(ACC_PUBLIC, method("<init>", desc(void.class)));
            ctor.invokeConstructor(getType(Object.class), method("<init>", desc(void.class)));

        void bindTo(Handle handle, Object arg) {
            compile(arg, false);

        void bindTo() {
            mv.invokeStatic(getType(RT.class), method("bindTo",desc(MethodHandle.class, MethodHandle.class, Object.class)));

        void insertArgs(int pos, List<?> args) {
            if (args.isEmpty()) return;
            mv.invokeStatic(getType(MethodHandles.class), method("insertArguments",
                    desc(MethodHandle.class, MethodHandle.class, int.class, Object[].class)));

        static void printASM(byte[] bytes, Method method) {
            ASMifier asm = new ASMifier();
            PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(err);
            TraceClassVisitor printer = new TraceClassVisitor(null, asm, pw);
            if (method == null)
               new ClassReader(bytes).accept(printer, SKIP_DEBUG);
            else {
                ClassNode cn = new ClassNode();
                new ClassReader(bytes).accept(cn, SKIP_DEBUG);
                find(, mn ->;

        static Unsafe unsafe() {
            try {
                Field unsafe = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");
                return (Unsafe) unsafe.get(null);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw uncheck(e);

    static void debug(String format, Object... args) {
        if (isDebug()) err.println(format(format,
                stream(args).map(o -> o != null && o.getClass() == Object[].class
                        ? deepToString((Object[]) o) : o).toArray()));

    static <T> List<T> list(T... items) {
        return new ArrayList<>(asList(items));

    static <T> List<T> vec(Stream<T> coll) {
        return new ArrayList<>(coll.collect(Collectors.<T>toList()));

    static <T> T find(Stream<T> coll, Predicate<? super T> pred) {
        return coll.filter(pred).findFirst().orElse(null);

    static <T, R> R some(Stream<T> coll, Function<? super T, ? extends R> pred) {

    static <T, C extends Collection<T>> C into(C to, Collection<? extends T> from) {
        Collector<Object, ?, ? extends Collection<Object>> collector = to instanceof Set ? toSet() : Collectors.toList();
        //noinspection unchecked
        return (C) concat(,;

    static <T, C extends Collection<T>> C conj(C coll, Object x) { //noinspection unchecked
        return into(coll, singleton((T) x));

    static <T> List<T> cons(T x, List<T> seq) {
        return into(singletonList(x), seq);

    static <T, R> Stream<R> map(Stream<T> c1, Stream<T> c2, BiFunction<T, T, R> f) {
        Iterator<T> it1 = c1.iterator();
        Iterator<T> it2 = c2.iterator();
        List<R> result= new ArrayList<R>();
        while (it1.hasNext() && it2.hasNext()) {

    static <T> boolean every(Collection<T> c1, Collection<T> c2, BiPredicate<T, T> pred) {
        return map(,, pred::test).allMatch(isEqual(true));

    static <T> T find(Collection<T> c1, Collection<T> c2, BiPredicate<T, T> pred) {
        return find(map(,, (x, y) -> pred.test(x, y) ? x : null), Objects::nonNull);

    static <T> List<T> rest(List<T> coll) {
        return coll.isEmpty() ? coll : coll.subList(1, coll.size());

    static RuntimeException uncheck(Throwable t) {
        return uncheckAndThrow(t);

    static <T extends Throwable> T uncheckAndThrow(Throwable t) throws T { //noinspection unchecked
        throw (T) t;

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