Package com.taskadapter.redmineapi

Source Code of com.taskadapter.redmineapi.IssueManager

package com.taskadapter.redmineapi;

import com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.Issue;
import com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.IssueCategory;
import com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.IssuePriority;
import com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.IssueRelation;
import com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.IssueRelationFactory;
import com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.IssueStatus;
import com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.Project;
import com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.ProjectFactory;
import com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.SavedQuery;
import com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.TimeEntry;
import com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.TimeEntryActivity;
import com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.Tracker;
import com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.Watcher;
import com.taskadapter.redmineapi.internal.Joiner;
import com.taskadapter.redmineapi.internal.Transport;
import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

public class IssueManager {
    private final Transport transport;

    IssueManager(Transport transport) {
        this.transport = transport;

     * There could be several issues with the same summary, so the method returns List.
     * @return empty list if not issues with this summary field exist, never NULL
     * @throws RedmineAuthenticationException invalid or no API access key is used with the server, which
     *                                 requires authorization. Check the constructor arguments.
     * @throws NotFoundException
     * @throws RedmineException
    public List<Issue> getIssuesBySummary(String projectKey, String summaryField) throws RedmineException {
        if ((projectKey != null) && (projectKey.length() > 0)) {
            return transport.getObjectsList(Issue.class,
                    new BasicNameValuePair("subject", summaryField),
                    new BasicNameValuePair("project_id", projectKey));
        } else {
            return transport.getObjectsList(Issue.class,
                    new BasicNameValuePair("subject", summaryField));

     * Generic method to search for issues.
     * @param pParameters the http parameters key/value pairs to append to the rest api request
     * @return empty list if not issues with this summary field exist, never NULL
     * @throws RedmineAuthenticationException invalid or no API access key is used with the server, which
     *                                 requires authorization. Check the constructor arguments.
     * @throws NotFoundException
     * @throws RedmineException
    public List<Issue> getIssues(Map<String, String> pParameters) throws RedmineException {
        Set<NameValuePair> params = new HashSet<NameValuePair>();

        for (final Map.Entry<String, String> param : pParameters.entrySet()) {
            params.add(new BasicNameValuePair(param.getKey(), param.getValue()));

        return transport.getObjectsList(Issue.class, params);

     * @param id      the Redmine issue ID
     * @param include list of "includes". e.g. "relations", "journals", ...
     * @return Issue object
     * @throws RedmineAuthenticationException invalid or no API access key is used with the server, which
     *                                 requires authorization. Check the constructor arguments.
     * @throws NotFoundException       the issue with the given id is not found on the server
     * @throws RedmineException
    public Issue getIssueById(Integer id, Include... include) throws RedmineException {
        String value = Joiner.join(",", include);
        return transport.getObject(Issue.class, id, new BasicNameValuePair("include", value));

    public void addWatcherToIssue(Watcher watcher, Issue issue) throws RedmineException {
        transport.addWatcherToIssue(watcher.getId(), issue.getId());

    public void deleteWatcherFromIssue(Watcher watcher, Issue issue) throws RedmineException {
        transport.deleteChildId(Issue.class, Integer.toString(issue.getId()), watcher, watcher.getId() );

     * Sample usage:
     * <pre>
     * {@code
     *   Issue issueToCreate = IssueFactory.create();
     *   issueToCreate.setSubject("This is the summary line 123");
     *   Issue newIssue = mgr.createIssue(PROJECT_KEY, issueToCreate);
     * }
     * @param projectKey The project "identifier". This is a string key like "project-ABC", NOT a database numeric ID.
     * @param issue      the Issue object to create on the server.
     * @return the newly created Issue.
     * @throws RedmineAuthenticationException invalid or no API access key is used with the server, which
     *                                 requires authorization. Check the constructor arguments.
     * @throws NotFoundException       the project with the given projectKey is not found
     * @throws RedmineException
    public Issue createIssue(String projectKey, Issue issue) throws RedmineException {
        final Project oldProject = issue.getProject();
        final Project newProject = ProjectFactory.create();
        try {
            return transport.addObject(issue, new BasicNameValuePair("include",
        } finally {

    public void deleteIssue(Integer id) throws RedmineException {
        transport.deleteObject(Issue.class, Integer.toString(id));

     * @param projectKey ignored if NULL
     * @param queryId    id of the saved query in Redmine. the query must be accessible to the user
     *                   represented by the API access key (if the Redmine project requires authorization).
     *                   This parameter is <b>optional<b>, NULL can be provided to get all available issues.
     * @return list of Issue objects
     * @throws RedmineAuthenticationException invalid or no API access key is used with the server, which
     *                                 requires authorization. Check the constructor arguments.
     * @throws RedmineException
     * @see Issue
    public List<Issue> getIssues(String projectKey, Integer queryId, Include... include) throws RedmineException {
        List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
        if (queryId != null) {
            params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("query_id", String.valueOf(queryId)));

        if ((projectKey != null) && (projectKey.length() > 0)) {
            params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("project_id", projectKey));
        String includeStr = Joiner.join(",", include);
        params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("include", includeStr));

        return transport.getObjectsList(Issue.class, params);

    public IssueRelation createRelation(Integer issueId, Integer issueToId, String type) throws RedmineException {
        IssueRelation toCreate = IssueRelationFactory.create();
        return transport.addChildEntry(Issue.class, issueId.toString(),

     * Delete Issue Relation with the given ID.
    public void deleteRelation(Integer id) throws RedmineException {
        transport.deleteObject(IssueRelation.class, Integer.toString(id));

     * Delete all issue's relations
    public void deleteIssueRelations(Issue redmineIssue) throws RedmineException {
        for (IssueRelation relation : redmineIssue.getRelations()) {

     * Delete relations for the given issue ID.
     * @param issueId issue ID
    public void deleteIssueRelationsByIssueId(Integer issueId) throws RedmineException {
        Issue issue = getIssueById(issueId, Include.relations);

    public List<IssuePriority> getIssuePriorities() throws RedmineException {
        return transport.getObjectsList(IssuePriority.class);

    public List<TimeEntry> getTimeEntries() throws RedmineException {
        return transport.getObjectsList(TimeEntry.class);

     * @param id the database Id of the TimeEntry record
    public TimeEntry getTimeEntry(Integer id) throws RedmineException {
        return transport.getObject(TimeEntry.class, id);

    public List<TimeEntry> getTimeEntriesForIssue(Integer issueId) throws RedmineException {
        return transport.getObjectsList(TimeEntry.class,
                new BasicNameValuePair("issue_id", Integer.toString(issueId)));

    public TimeEntry createTimeEntry(TimeEntry obj) throws RedmineException {
        return transport.addObject(obj);

    private void validate(TimeEntry obj) {
        if (!obj.isValid()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("You have to either define a Project or Issue ID for a Time Entry. "
                        + "The given Time Entry object has neither defined.");

    public void deleteTimeEntry(Integer id) throws RedmineException {
        transport.deleteObject(TimeEntry.class, Integer.toString(id));

    public List<TimeEntryActivity> getTimeEntryActivities() throws RedmineException {
        return transport.getObjectsList(TimeEntryActivity.class);

    public void update(TimeEntry obj) throws RedmineException {

    public void update(Issue obj) throws RedmineException {

     * delivers a list of {@link com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.IssueCategory}s of a {@link Project}
     * @param projectID the ID of the {@link Project}
     * @return the list of {@link com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.IssueCategory}s of the {@link Project}
     * @throws RedmineAuthenticationException thrown in case something went wrong while trying to login
     * @throws RedmineException        thrown in case something went wrong in Redmine
     * @throws NotFoundException       thrown in case an object can not be found
    public List<IssueCategory> getCategories(int projectID) throws RedmineException {
        return transport.getChildEntries(Project.class,
                Integer.toString(projectID), IssueCategory.class);

     * creates a new {@link IssueCategory} for the {@link Project} contained. <br/>
     * Pre-condition: the attribute {@link Project} for the {@link IssueCategory} must
     * not be null!
     * @param category the {@link IssueCategory}. Must contain a {@link Project}.
     * @return the new {@link IssueCategory} created by Redmine
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown in case the category does not contain a project.
     * @throws RedmineAuthenticationException  thrown in case something went wrong while trying to login
     * @throws RedmineException         thrown in case something went wrong in Redmine
     * @throws NotFoundException        thrown in case an object can not be found
    public IssueCategory createCategory(IssueCategory category) throws RedmineException {
        if (category.getProject() == null
                || category.getProject().getId() == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "IssueCategory must contain an existing project");

        return transport.addChildEntry(Project.class, category.getProject()
                .getId().toString(), category);

     * deletes an {@link IssueCategory}. <br/>
     * @param category the {@link IssueCategory}.
     * @throws RedmineAuthenticationException thrown in case something went wrong while trying to login
     * @throws RedmineException        thrown in case something went wrong in Redmine
     * @throws NotFoundException       thrown in case an object can not be found
    public void deleteCategory(IssueCategory category) throws RedmineException {

     * Delivers a list of existing {@link com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.IssueStatus}es.
     * @return a list of existing {@link com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.IssueStatus}es.
     * @throws RedmineAuthenticationException thrown in case something went wrong while trying to login
     * @throws RedmineException        thrown in case something went wrong in Redmine
     * @throws NotFoundException       thrown in case an object can not be found
    public List<IssueStatus> getStatuses() throws RedmineException {
        return transport.getObjectsList(IssueStatus.class);

     * @return a list of all {@link com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.Tracker}s available (like "Bug", "Task", "Feature")
     * @throws RedmineAuthenticationException thrown in case something went wrong while trying to login
     * @throws RedmineException        thrown in case something went wrong in Redmine
     * @throws NotFoundException       thrown in case an object can not be found
    public List<Tracker> getTrackers() throws RedmineException {
        return transport.getObjectsList(Tracker.class);

     * Get "saved queries" for the given project available to the current user.
     * <p/>
     * <p>This REST API feature was added in Redmine 1.3.0. See
    public List<SavedQuery> getSavedQueries(String projectKey) throws RedmineException {
        Set<NameValuePair> params = new HashSet<NameValuePair>();

        if ((projectKey != null) && (projectKey.length() > 0)) {
            params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("project_id", projectKey));

        return transport.getObjectsList(SavedQuery.class, params);

     * Get all "saved queries" available to the current user.
     * <p/>
     * <p>This REST API feature was added in Redmine 1.3.0. See
    public List<SavedQuery> getSavedQueries() throws RedmineException {
        return transport.getObjectsList(SavedQuery.class);


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