
Source Code of


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
import javax.persistence.Query;
import org.fluxtream.core.aspects.FlxLogger;
import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.Connector;
import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.updaters.AbstractUpdater;
import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.updaters.ScheduleResult;
import org.fluxtream.core.connectors.updaters.UpdateInfo.UpdateType;
import org.fluxtream.core.domain.ApiKey;
import org.fluxtream.core.domain.ApiNotification;
import org.fluxtream.core.domain.ApiUpdate;
import org.fluxtream.core.domain.ConnectorInfo;
import org.fluxtream.core.domain.UpdateWorkerTask;
import org.fluxtream.core.domain.UpdateWorkerTask.Status;
import org.fluxtream.core.utils.JPAUtils;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeConstants;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeUtils;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
import org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;

public class ConnectorUpdateServiceImpl implements ConnectorUpdateService, InitializingBean, DisposableBean {

    static FlxLogger logger = FlxLogger.getLogger(ConnectorUpdateServiceImpl.class);

    private Map<Connector, AbstractUpdater> updaters = new Hashtable<Connector, AbstractUpdater>();

    BeanFactory beanFactory;

    ApiDataService apiDataService;

    ThreadPoolTaskExecutor executor;

    GuestService guestService;

    SystemService systemService;

    EntityManager em;

    MetadataService metadataService;

    WorkerDispatchService workerDispatchService;

    public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {

     * This makes sure that we are only executing Update Jobs that were
     * created while this server was alive
    private final String SERVER_UUID = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

     * Update all the facet types for a given user and connector.
     * @param apiKey The apiKey for which we want to update facets
     * @param force force an update (sync now); if false, it means it was called by the background "cron" task
     * @return
    public List<ScheduleResult> updateConnector(final ApiKey apiKey, boolean force) {
        return updateConnector(apiKey, force, System.currentTimeMillis());

    public List<ScheduleResult> updateConnector(final ApiKey apiKey, boolean force, long updateTime) {
        List<ScheduleResult> scheduleResults = new ArrayList<ScheduleResult>();
        // TODO: check if this connector type is enabled and supportsSync before calling update.
        // If it is disabled and/or does not support sync, don't try to update it.

        // if forcing an update (sync now), we actually want to flush the update requests
        // that have stacked up in the queue
        if (force)
            flushUpdateWorkerTasks(apiKey, false);

        // some connectors (e.g. the fitbit) need to decide what objectTypes to update by themselves;
        // for those, we pass 0 for the objectType parameter, which will be overridden by the connector's updater
        if (apiKey.getConnector().isAutonomous()) {
            final boolean historyUpdateCompleted = isHistoryUpdateCompleted(apiKey, 0);
            scheduleObjectTypeUpdate(apiKey, 0, scheduleResults, historyUpdateCompleted
                                                                             ? UpdateType.INCREMENTAL_UPDATE
                                                                             : UpdateType.INITIAL_HISTORY_UPDATE,
        } else {
            int[] objectTypeValues = apiKey.getConnector().objectTypeValues();
            ConnectorInfo connectorInfo = null;
            String connectorName = "unknown";
            try {
                connectorInfo = systemService.getConnectorInfo(apiKey.getConnector().getName());
                connectorName = connectorInfo.connectorName;
            catch (Throwable e) {
                // This connector is not in Connector info; skip it
            if (connectorInfo==null || !connectorInfo.enabled ||!connectorInfo.supportsSync) {
      "Not updating " + connectorName);
                return scheduleResults;
            for (int objectTypes : objectTypeValues) {
                final boolean historyUpdateCompleted = isHistoryUpdateCompleted(apiKey, objectTypes);
                scheduleObjectTypeUpdate(apiKey, objectTypes, scheduleResults, historyUpdateCompleted
                                                                                           ? UpdateType.INCREMENTAL_UPDATE
                                                                                           : UpdateType.INITIAL_HISTORY_UPDATE,
        long guestId=0;
        if(apiKey !=null) {
            guestId = apiKey.getGuestId();

        // Give feedback about result
        int schedNum=0;
        int skipNum=0;
        for (ScheduleResult result : scheduleResults) {
            if(result.type == ScheduleResult.ResultType.SCHEDULED_UPDATE_IMMEDIATE ||
               result.type == ScheduleResult.ResultType.SCHEDULED_UPDATE_DEFERRED) {
            else if(result.type == ScheduleResult.ResultType.ALREADY_SCHEDULED) {
        System.out.println("updateConnector: guestId=" + guestId +
                           ", updateTime=" + updateTime + ", sched/skip=" + schedNum +
                           "/" + skipNum + ", apiKey=" + apiKey);

        return scheduleResults;

    public boolean isHistoryUpdateCompleted(final ApiKey apiKey,
                                            int objectTypes) {
        List<UpdateWorkerTask> updateWorkerTasks = JPAUtils.find(em, UpdateWorkerTask.class, "updateWorkerTasks.completed", Status.DONE, UpdateType.INITIAL_HISTORY_UPDATE, objectTypes, apiKey.getId());
        return updateWorkerTasks.size() > 0;

    public List<ScheduleResult> updateConnectorObjectType(ApiKey apiKey,
                                                              int objectTypes,
                                                              boolean force,
                                                              boolean historyUpdate) {
        return updateConnectorObjectType(apiKey, objectTypes, force, historyUpdate, System.currentTimeMillis());


    public List<ScheduleResult> updateConnectorObjectType(ApiKey apiKey,
                                                          int objectTypes,
                                                          boolean force,
                                                          boolean historyUpdate,
                                                          long updateTime) {
        List<ScheduleResult> scheduleResults = new ArrayList<ScheduleResult>();
        getUpdateWorkerTask(apiKey, objectTypes);
        // if forcing an update (sync now), we actually want to flush the update requests
        // that have stacked up in the queue
        if (force)
            flushUpdateWorkerTasks(apiKey, objectTypes, historyUpdate);
        UpdateType updateType = isHistoryUpdateCompleted(apiKey, objectTypes)
                ? UpdateType.INCREMENTAL_UPDATE
                : UpdateType.INITIAL_HISTORY_UPDATE;
        scheduleObjectTypeUpdate(apiKey, objectTypes, scheduleResults, updateType, updateTime);
        return scheduleResults;

     * Schedules a new update if there is no update for the user for this ObjectType and <code>force</code> is false
     * @param apiKey The apiKey for which we want to update a specific facet/object type
     * @param objectTypes the integer bitmask of object types to be updated
     * @param scheduleResults The result of adding the update will be added to the list. \result.type will be of type
     *                        ScheduleResult.ResultType. If there was a previously existing \result.type will be
     *                        ALREADY_SCHEDULED
    private void scheduleObjectTypeUpdate(final ApiKey apiKey, int objectTypes,
                                          List<ScheduleResult> scheduleResults,
                                          UpdateType updateType, long timeScheduled) {
        ConnectorInfo connectorInfo = null;
        try {
            connectorInfo = systemService.getConnectorInfo(apiKey.getConnector().getName());
        catch (Throwable e) {
            // This connector is not in Connector info; skip it
        if (connectorInfo == null || !connectorInfo.supportsSync)

        UpdateWorkerTask updateWorkerTask = getUpdateWorkerTask(apiKey, objectTypes);
        if (updateWorkerTask != null)
            scheduleResults.add(new ScheduleResult(apiKey.getId(), apiKey.getConnector().getName(), objectTypes, ScheduleResult.ResultType.ALREADY_SCHEDULED, updateWorkerTask.timeScheduled));
        else {
            final ScheduleResult scheduleResult = scheduleUpdate(apiKey, objectTypes, updateType, timeScheduled);

    public void cleanupStaleData() {
        // Keeping one week seems to lead to api/connectors/installed being too slow as of December 2013.
        // Reduce to two days
        long twoDaysAgo = System.currentTimeMillis() - (DateTimeConstants.MILLIS_PER_DAY*2);
        final Query cleanupUpdateWorkerTasks = em.createNativeQuery(String.format("DELETE FROM UpdateWorkerTask WHERE not(status=2 AND updateType=2) and timeScheduled<%s", twoDaysAgo));
        final int updateWorkerTasksDeleted = cleanupUpdateWorkerTasks.executeUpdate();
        System.out.println("deleted " + updateWorkerTasksDeleted + " UpdateWorkerTasks");
        final Query cleanupApiUpdates = em.createNativeQuery(String.format("DELETE FROM ApiUpdates WHERE ts<%s", twoDaysAgo));
        final int apiUpdatesDeleted = cleanupApiUpdates.executeUpdate();
        System.out.println("deleted " + apiUpdatesDeleted + " ApiUpdates");

     * Calls updateConnector(...) for all of a guest's connector
     * @param guestId
     * @return a list of objects that describe worker tasks that have been either modified or added
     * to the update queue
    public void cleanupStaleData(final long guestId) {
        final List<ApiKey> connectors = guestService.getApiKeys(guestId);
        for (ApiKey key : connectors) {
            if (key!=null && key.getConnector()!=null) {
                // cleanup previously executed tasks

     * Calls updateConnector(...) for all of a guest's connector
     * @param guestId
     * @param force if true then delete all pending updates for the connectors, otherwise respect
     *              any pending updates and return ALREADY_SCHEDULED if present
     * * @return a list of objects that describe worker tasks that have been either modified or added
     * to the update queue
    public List<ScheduleResult> updateAllConnectors(final long guestId, boolean force) {
        return updateAllConnectors(guestId, force, System.currentTimeMillis());
    public List<ScheduleResult> updateAllConnectors(final long guestId, boolean force, long updateTime) {
        List<ScheduleResult> scheduleResults = new ArrayList<ScheduleResult>();
        final List<ApiKey> connectors = guestService.getApiKeys(guestId);
        for (ApiKey key : connectors) {
            // Make sure the connector is of a type which is still supported.  Otherwise
            // skip trying to update it.
            try {
                if (key != null && key.getConnector() != null) {
                    final ConnectorInfo connectorInfo = systemService.getConnectorInfo(key.getConnector().getName());
                    // Make sure that this connector type supports sync and is enabled in this Fluxtream instance
                    if (connectorInfo.supportsSync && connectorInfo.enabled && key.getStatus() != ApiKey.Status.STATUS_PERMANENT_FAILURE) {
                        List<ScheduleResult> updateRes = updateConnector(key, force, updateTime);
            catch (Throwable e) {
                // Ignore this connector
        return scheduleResults;

    @Transactional(readOnly = false)
    public ScheduleResult reScheduleUpdateTask(long updateWorkerTaskId, long time, boolean incrementRetries,
                                               UpdateWorkerTask.AuditTrailEntry auditTrailEntry) {
        UpdateWorkerTask updt = em
                .find(UpdateWorkerTask.class, updateWorkerTaskId);

        // Check if updt is null.  This can happen if we were in the process of updating a
        // connector instance which was subsequently deleted.  In that case, print a message
        // and return
        if(updt==null) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("module=updateQueue component=connectorUpdateService action=reScheduleUpdateTask")
                        .append(" updateWorkerTaskId="+updateWorkerTaskId)
                        .append(" message=\"Ignoring reschedule of an update task which is no longer in the system (deleted connector?)");
            return null;

        // Set the audit trail according to what just happened if a non-null auditTrailEntry is provided

        // Spawn a duplicate entry in the UpdateWorker table to record this failure and the reason for it
        if (!incrementRetries) {
            UpdateWorkerTask failed = new UpdateWorkerTask(updt);
            failed.workerThreadName = updt.workerThreadName;
            failed.startTime = updt.startTime;
            failed.endTime = DateTimeUtils.currentTimeMillis();
            failed.auditTrail = updt.auditTrail;
            failed.apiKeyId = updt.apiKeyId;
            failed.retries = updt.retries;
            failed.connectorName = updt.connectorName;
            failed.status = Status.FAILED;
            failed.guestId = updt.guestId;
            failed.timeScheduled = updt.timeScheduled;
            failed.serverUUID = updt.serverUUID;
            updt.retries = 0;
        } else
            updt.retries += 1;

        // Reschedule the original task
        updt.status = Status.SCHEDULED;
        updt.workerThreadName = null;
        updt.startTime = null;
        updt.endTime = null;

        // Reset serverUUID to UNCLAIMED to reflect the fact that this task is no longer in the process of being
        // executed.
        updt.serverUUID = UNCLAIMED;
        updt.timeScheduled = time;

        return new ScheduleResult(

    public void pollScheduledUpdateWorkerTasks() {

        int maxThreads = executor.getMaxPoolSize();
        int activeThreads = executor.getActiveCount();
        int availableThreads = maxThreads - activeThreads;

        // the following is delegated to a separate service (part of the impl package) that will execute the database
        // queries on own its behalf - this is because we can't apparently ensure that nested methods (in here) will
        // be properly demarcated by spring's aop transaction mechanisms, which would mean that there would be
        // no guarantee that entities would be properly persisted when exiting such a nested method.
        // Please note that WorkerDispatchService's methods have a @Transactional annotation with a propagation=Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW attribute

        final List<UpdateWorkerTask> updateWorkerTasks = workerDispatchService.claimTasksForDispatch(availableThreads, SERVER_UUID);

        for (int i=0; i<updateWorkerTasks.size(); i++) {
            UpdateWorkerTask updateWorkerTask = updateWorkerTasks.get(i);
  "module=updateQueue component=connectorUpdateService action=pollScheduledUpdateWorkerTasks" +
                        " message=\"Executing update: " +
                        " \"" + updateWorkerTask);

            UpdateWorker updateWorker = beanFactory.getBean(UpdateWorker.class);
            updateWorker.task = updateWorkerTask;
            try {
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                logger.warn("executor.execute failed. activeCount=" + executor.getActiveCount() + " maxPoolSize=" + executor.getMaxPoolSize());


    public void addUpdater(Connector connector, AbstractUpdater updater) {
        updaters.put(connector, updater);

    public AbstractUpdater getUpdater(Connector connector) {
        return beanFactory.getBean(connector.getUpdaterClass());

    @Transactional(readOnly = false)
    public ScheduleResult scheduleUpdate(final ApiKey apiKey,
                                         int objectTypes, UpdateType updateType, long timeScheduled,
                                         String... jsonParams) {
        UpdateWorkerTask updateScheduled = getUpdateWorkerTask(apiKey, objectTypes);
        ScheduleResult scheduleResult = null;
        if (updateScheduled==null) {
            UpdateWorkerTask updateWorkerTask = new UpdateWorkerTask();
            updateWorkerTask.guestId = apiKey.getGuestId();
            updateWorkerTask.connectorName = apiKey.getConnector().getName();
            updateWorkerTask.apiKeyId = apiKey.getId();
            updateWorkerTask.objectTypes = objectTypes;
            updateWorkerTask.updateType = updateType;
            updateWorkerTask.status = Status.SCHEDULED;
            updateWorkerTask.timeScheduled = timeScheduled;
            updateWorkerTask.serverUUID = UNCLAIMED;
            if (jsonParams!=null&&jsonParams.length>0)
                updateWorkerTask.jsonParams = jsonParams[0];
            long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
            scheduleResult = new ScheduleResult(apiKey.getId(), apiKey.getConnector().getName(), objectTypes,
                                                timeScheduled <= now
                                                ? ScheduleResult.ResultType.SCHEDULED_UPDATE_IMMEDIATE
                                                : ScheduleResult.ResultType.SCHEDULED_UPDATE_DEFERRED,
        } else {
            scheduleResult = new ScheduleResult(apiKey.getId(), apiKey.getConnector().getName(), objectTypes,
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("module=updateQueue component=connectorUpdateService action=scheduleUpdate")
                .append(" guestId=").append(apiKey.getGuestId())
                .append(" connectorName=").append(apiKey.getConnector().getName())
                .append(" objectTypes=").append(objectTypes)
                .append(" resultType=").append(scheduleResult.type.toString());;
        return scheduleResult;

    @Transactional(readOnly = false)
    public void addApiNotification(Connector connector, long guestId, String content) {
        ApiNotification notification = new ApiNotification();
        notification.api = connector.value();
        notification.guestId = guestId;
        notification.ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
        notification.content = content;

    @Transactional(readOnly = false)
    public void addApiUpdate(final ApiKey apiKey, int objectTypes, long ts, long elapsed, String query,
                             boolean success, Integer httpResponseCode, String reason) {
        ApiUpdate updt = new ApiUpdate();
        updt.guestId = apiKey.getGuestId();
        updt.api = apiKey.getConnector().value();
        updt.apiKeyId = apiKey.getId();
        updt.ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
        updt.query = query;
        updt.objectTypes = objectTypes;
        updt.elapsed = elapsed;
        updt.success = success;
        updt.httpResponseCode = httpResponseCode;
        updt.reason = reason;

    public ApiUpdate getLastUpdate(ApiKey apiKey) {
        return JPAUtils.findUnique(em, ApiUpdate.class, "apiUpdates.last", apiKey.getId());

    public ApiUpdate getLastSuccessfulUpdate(ApiKey apiKey) {
        return JPAUtils.findUnique(em, ApiUpdate.class, "apiUpdates.last.successful.byApi", apiKey.getId());

    public List<ApiUpdate> getUpdates(ApiKey apiKey, final int pageSize, final int page) {
        return JPAUtils.findPaged(em, ApiUpdate.class, "apiUpdates.last.paged", pageSize, page, apiKey.getId());

    public ApiUpdate getLastSuccessfulUpdate(ApiKey apiKey,
                                             int objectTypes) {
        if (objectTypes == -1)
            return getLastSuccessfulUpdate(apiKey);
        return JPAUtils.findUnique(em, ApiUpdate.class, "apiUpdates.last.successful.byApiAndObjectTypes", objectTypes, apiKey.getId());

    public List<UpdateWorkerTask> getUpdateWorkerTasks(final ApiKey apiKey, int objectTypes, int max) {
        final List<UpdateWorkerTask> updateWorkerTasks = JPAUtils.findWithLimit(em, UpdateWorkerTask.class, "updateWorkerTasks.withObjectTypes", 0, max, objectTypes, apiKey.getId(), getLiveServerUUIDs());
        return updateWorkerTasks;

    public UpdateWorkerTask getUpdateWorkerTask(final ApiKey apiKey, int objectTypes) {
        UpdateWorkerTask updateWorkerTask = JPAUtils.findUnique(em, UpdateWorkerTask.class, "updateWorkerTasks.withObjectTypes.isScheduled", getLiveServerUUIDs(), objectTypes, apiKey.getId());
        return updateWorkerTask;

    public List<UpdateWorkerTask> getAllSynchingUpdateWorkerTasks() {
        List<UpdateWorkerTask> updateWorkerTasks = JPAUtils.find(em, UpdateWorkerTask.class, "updateWorkerTasks.all.synching", getLiveServerUUIDs());
        return updateWorkerTasks;

    public List<UpdateWorkerTask> getAllScheduledUpdateWorkerTasks() {
        List<UpdateWorkerTask> updateWorkerTasks = JPAUtils.find(em, UpdateWorkerTask.class,
        return updateWorkerTasks;

    public List<UpdateWorkerTask> getScheduledUpdateWorkerTasksForConnectorNameBeforeTime(final String connectorName, long beforeTime) {
        List<UpdateWorkerTask> updateWorkerTasks = JPAUtils.find(em, UpdateWorkerTask.class,
        return updateWorkerTasks;

    public List<UpdateWorkerTask> getScheduledOrInProgressUpdateTasks(final ApiKey apiKey) {
        // Get the tasks that are currently scheduled or in progress and either have the active
        List<UpdateWorkerTask> updateWorkerTask = JPAUtils.find(em, UpdateWorkerTask.class,
         return updateWorkerTask;

    public Collection<UpdateWorkerTask> getUpdatingUpdateTasks(final ApiKey apiKey) {
        List<UpdateWorkerTask> tasks = JPAUtils.find(em, UpdateWorkerTask.class, "updateWorkerTasks.isInProgressOrScheduledBefore",
                                                     System.currentTimeMillis(), getLiveServerUUIDs(),
        HashMap<Integer, UpdateWorkerTask> seen = new HashMap<Integer, UpdateWorkerTask>();
        for(UpdateWorkerTask task : tasks)
                if(seen.get(task.objectTypes).timeScheduled < task.timeScheduled)
                    seen.put(task.objectTypes, task);
                seen.put(task.objectTypes, task);
        return seen.values();

    private List<String> getLiveOrUnclaimedServerUUIDs() {
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
        return list;

    public List<String> getLiveServerUUIDs() {
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
        return list;

     * cleanup done tasks for a guest's connector
     * @param apiKey The apiKey for which we want to update facets
    @Transactional(readOnly = false)
    public void cleanupUpdateWorkerTasks(final ApiKey apiKey) {
        final int tasksDeleted = JPAUtils.execute(em, "updateWorkerTasks.cleanup.byApi", apiKey.getId(), UpdateType.INITIAL_HISTORY_UPDATE);"module=updateQueue component=connectorUpdateService action=cleanupUpdateWorkerTasks" +
                    " deleted=" + tasksDeleted + " connector=" + apiKey.getConnector().getName());

     * delete pending tasks for a guest's connector
     * @param apiKey The apiKey for which we want to update facets
     * @param wipeOutHistory whether to delete everything including the initial history update that
     *                       we use to track whether we need to everything from scratch or just do so
     *                       incrementally
    @Transactional(readOnly = false)
    public void flushUpdateWorkerTasks(final ApiKey apiKey, boolean wipeOutHistory) {
        if (!wipeOutHistory) {
            // Here we want to leave the completed history updates but get rid of the scheduled
            // items for this apiKey.  That translates into deleting items with status=0.
             JPAUtils.execute(em, "updateWorkerTasks.delete.scheduledByApi",
        else {
            // Here we want to delete all update worker tasks relating to this
            // apiKey other than the ones that are currently in progress.
            // This happens asynchronously after connector deletion and
            // is executed by ApiDataCleanupWorker, or while servicing a request to
            // reset a connector.
            JPAUtils.execute(em, "updateWorkerTasks.delete.byApi", apiKey.getId(),

     * delete pending tasks for a guest's connector
     * @param apiKey The apiKey for which we want to update a specific facet/object type
     * @param wipeOutHistory whether to delete everything including the initial history update that
     *                       we use to track whether we need to everything from scratch or just do so
     *                       incrementally
    @Transactional(readOnly = false)
    public void flushUpdateWorkerTasks(final ApiKey apiKey, int objectTypes, boolean wipeOutHistory) {
        if (!wipeOutHistory) {
            // Here we want to leave the completed history updates but get rid of the scheduled
            // items for this apiKey.  That translates into deleting items with status=0.
            JPAUtils.execute(em, "updateWorkerTasks.delete.scheduledByApiAndObjectType",
        else {
            // Here we want to delete all update worker tasks relating to this
            // apiKey other than the ones that are currently in progress.
            // This happens asynchronously after connector deletion and
            // is executed by ApiDataCleanupWorker, or while servicing a request to
            // reset a connector.
            JPAUtils.execute(em, "updateWorkerTasks.delete.scheduledAndHistoryByApiAndObjectType",

    public long getTotalNumberOfUpdatesSince(Connector connector, long then) {
        return JPAUtils.count(em,
                              "apiUpdates.count.all.since", connector.value(), then);

    public long getNumberOfUpdatesSince(final long guestId, int connectorValue, long then) {
        return JPAUtils.count(em,
                              "apiUpdates.count.byGuest.since", guestId, connectorValue,

    public Collection<UpdateWorkerTask> getLastFinishedUpdateTasks(ApiKey apiKey) {
        List<UpdateWorkerTask> tasks = JPAUtils.find(em, UpdateWorkerTask.class,
        HashMap<Integer, UpdateWorkerTask> seen = new HashMap<Integer, UpdateWorkerTask>();
        for(UpdateWorkerTask task : tasks)
                if(seen.get(task.objectTypes).timeScheduled < task.timeScheduled)
                    seen.put(task.objectTypes, task);
                seen.put(task.objectTypes, task);
        return seen.values();

    @Transactional(readOnly = false)
    public UpdateWorkerTask setUpdateWorkerTaskStatus(long updateWorkerTaskId, Status status)
            throws RuntimeException {
        UpdateWorkerTask updt = em
                .find(UpdateWorkerTask.class, updateWorkerTaskId);
        // Check if updt is null.  This can happen if we were in the process of updating a
        // connector instance which was subsequently deleted.  In that case, print a message
        // and return
        if (updt == null) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("module=updateQueue component=connectorUpdateService action=setUpdateWorkerTaskStatus")
                    .append(" updateWorkerTaskId="+updateWorkerTaskId)
                    .append(" message=\"Ignoring set status for an update task which is no longer in the system (deleted connector?)");
        else {
            updt.status = status;
            if (status==Status.DONE||status==Status.FAILED) {
                updt.endTime = DateTimeUtils.currentTimeMillis();

            // If the status is in_progress, set serverUUID to the current one.
            // For SCHEDULED tasks, set the serverUUID to unclaimed
            if(status==Status.IN_PROGRESS) {
                updt.serverUUID = SERVER_UUID;
            } else if (status==Status.SCHEDULED) {
                updt.serverUUID = UNCLAIMED;
        return updt;

    public UpdateWorkerTask claimForExecution(final long taskId, final String workerThreadName) {
        UpdateWorkerTask task = em.find(UpdateWorkerTask.class, taskId);

        // Check if task is null.  This can happen if we were in the process of updating a
        // connector instance which was subsequently deleted.  In that case, print a message
        // and return
        if(task==null) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("module=updateQueue component=connectorUpdateService action=claimForExecution")
                    .append(" updateWorkerTaskId="+taskId)
                    .append(" message=\"Ignoring claimForExecution request for an update task which is no longer in the system (deleted connector?)");
            return null;
        } else {
  "claiming task " + taskId + " for execution");
            task.status = Status.IN_PROGRESS;
            task.workerThreadName = workerThreadName;
            task.startTime = DateTimeUtils.currentTimeMillis();
            return task;

    public void addAuditTrail(final long updateWorkerTaskId, final UpdateWorkerTask.AuditTrailEntry auditTrailEntry) {
        UpdateWorkerTask task = em.find(UpdateWorkerTask.class, updateWorkerTaskId);

        // Check if task is null.  This can happen if we were in the process of updating a
        // connector instance which was subsequently deleted.  In that case, print a message
        // and return
        if(task==null) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("module=updateQueue component=connectorUpdateService action=addAuditTrail")
                        .append(" updateWorkerTaskId="+updateWorkerTaskId)
                        .append(" message=\"Ignoring addAuditTrail request for an update task which is no longer in the system (deleted connector?)");
        else {

    public UpdateWorkerTask getTask(long taskId) {
        return em.find(UpdateWorkerTask.class, taskId);

    public void destroy() throws Exception {

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