Package wyvern.targets.Common.wyvernIL.interpreter.tests

Source Code of wyvern.targets.Common.wyvernIL.interpreter.tests.TestClass

package wyvern.targets.Common.wyvernIL.interpreter.tests;

import org.junit.Test;
import wyvern.targets.Common.wyvernIL.interpreter.values.BytecodeInt;
import wyvern.targets.Common.wyvernIL.interpreter.values.BytecodeValue;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

public class TestClass extends TestUtil {

  public void defineSimpleClassAndInstance() {
    PRINTS_ON = false;
    String s =  "class Hello                  \n"
        "  class def make():Hello = new        \n"
        "  var testVal:Int = 5              \n"
        "  def setV(n : Int):Unit = this.testVal = n  \n"
        "  def getV():Int = this.testVal        \n"
        +   "val hello : Hello = Hello.make()         \n"
        +   "hello.setV(13)                  \n"
        +   "hello.getV()                  \n";
    BytecodeValue res = runTest(s);
    assertEquals(res.toString(), "13");
    String[] names = { "Hello" };
    BytecodeValue[] vals = { clasDef };

  public void defineSimpleClassAndInstance2() {
    PRINTS_ON = false;

    String s =   " class X                  \n"
        "   class def create() : X   \n"
        "     new                    \n"
        "   val x:Int = 2            \n"
        "   def getX():Int           \n"
        "     this.x                 \n"   
        " val tX : X = X.create()    \n"
        " tX.getX()                  \n";

    BytecodeValue res = runTest(s);
    assertEquals(res.toString(), "2");
    String[] names = { "X", "tX" };
    BytecodeValue[] vals = { clasDef, clas };
  public void uniqueThisTest() {
    PRINTS_ON = false;
    String s =   "class X                          \n"
        "   class def create(i:Int) : X      \n"
        "       new                          \n"
        "         val t = i                      \n"
          "   val t:Int                        \n"
          "   def get():Int                    \n"
          "        this.t                      \n"
          "val c : X = X.create(1)        \n"
          "val a:Unit->Int = c.get            \n"
          "val b:Unit->Int = X.create(2).get  \n"
          "b() + a()                           \n";

    BytecodeValue res = runTest(s);
    assertEquals(res.toString(), "3")
    String[] names = { "X", "c", "a", "b" };
    BytecodeValue[] vals = { clasDef, clas, func, func };
  public void simpleTest() {
    PRINTS_ON = false;
    String s =   "val y:Int = 12 + 4            \n"
        "class X                         \n"
        "   class def create() : X       \n"
        "      new                       \n"
        "   val z:Int = y                \n"
        "   def get():Int                \n"
        "      this.z                    \n"
        "X.create().get()                \n";

    BytecodeValue res = runTest(s);
    assertEquals(res.toString(), "16")
    String[] names = { "X", "y" };
    BytecodeValue[] vals = { clasDef, new BytecodeInt(16) };
  public void initTest() {
    PRINTS_ON = false;
    String s =   "class X                         \n"
        "   val z:Int = 4 * 2            \n"
        "   def get():Int                \n"
        "      this.z                    \n"
        "   class def create() : X       \n"
        "      new                       \n"
        "X.create().get()                \n";

    BytecodeValue res = runTest(s);
    assertEquals(res.toString(), "8");
    String[] names = { "X" };
    BytecodeValue[] vals = { clasDef };
  public void initAndThisTest() {
    PRINTS_ON = false;
    String s =   "class X                         \n"
        "   var z:Int = 4 * 2            \n"
        "   def increase() : Int    \n"
        +   "      this.z = this.z + 1    \n"
        +   "      this.z          \n"
        "   def get():Int                \n"
        "      this.z                    \n"
        "   class def create() : X       \n"
        "      new                       \n"
        "val x1 : X = X.create()    \n"
        +   "var z1 : Int = x1.increase()  \n"
        +   "val x2 : X = X.create()    \n"
        +   "var z2 : Int = x2.increase()  \n"
        +   "val z3 : Int = x2.increase()  \n";

    BytecodeValue res = runTest(s);
    assertEquals(res.toString(), "()")
    String[] names = { "X", "x1", "x2", "z1", "z2", "z3" };
    BytecodeInt nine = new BytecodeInt(9);
    BytecodeValue[] vals = { clasDef, clas, clas, nine, nine, new BytecodeInt(10) };
  public void mutualDependencyTest() {
    PRINTS_ON = false;
    String s =   "class X                         \n"
        "   var y:Y            \n"
        +   "   class def make() : X     \n"
        +   "     new            \n"
        +   "class Y            \n"
        +   "   var x:X            \n"
        +   "   class def make() : Y    \n"
        +   "     new            \n"
        +   "var x1 : X = X.make()      \n"
        +   "var y1 : Y = Y.make()      \n";

    BytecodeValue res = runTest(s);
    assertEquals(res.toString(), "()")
    String[] names = { "X", "Y", "x1", "y1" };
    BytecodeValue[] vals = { clasDef, clasDef, clas, clas };
  public void classAndFieldTest() {
    PRINTS_ON = false;
    String s =   "class Hello                  \n"
        "  class def make():Hello = new        \n"
        "  def get4():Int = 4              \n"
        "  def get5():Int = 5              \n"
        "  def getP():Int = this.get4()+this.get5()  \n"
        "val h:Hello = Hello.make()            \n"
        "h.getP()                    \n";

    BytecodeValue res = runTest(s);
    assertEquals(res.toString(), "9");
    String[] names = { "Hello", "h" };
    BytecodeValue[] vals = { clasDef, clas };
  public void differntUseOfNew() {
    PRINTS_ON = false;
    String s =  "class X          \n"
        +   "  var x : Int        \n"
        +   "  class def create() : X  \n"
        +   "    val inst : X =   new  \n"
        +   "    inst.x = 4      \n"
        +   "    inst        \n"
        +   "  def setX() : Unit    \n"
        +   "    this.x = 2      \n"
        +   "  def getX() : Int    \n"
        +   "    this.x        \n"
        +   "val y : X = X.create()    \n"
        +   "val xBefore = y.getX()    \n"
        +   "y.setX()          \n"
        +   "val xAfter = y.getX()    \n";
    BytecodeValue res = runTest(s);
    assertEquals(res.toString(), "()");
    String[] names = { "X", "xBefore", "xAfter" };
    BytecodeValue[] vals = { clasDef, new BytecodeInt(4), new BytecodeInt(2) };
  public void classIfClosureTest() {
    PRINTS_ON = false;
    String s =   "var a : Int = 4                 \n"
        +   "class Hello                  \n"
        "  class def make():Hello = new        \n"
        "  def getA() : Int = a            \n"
        +   "  def setA()                  \n"
        +   "    if a == 4                 \n"
        +   "      then                \n"
        +   "        a = 2              \n"
        +   "      else                \n"
        +   "        a = 4              \n"
        +   "val h : Hello = Hello.make()          \n"
        +   "val aBefore = h.getA()              \n"
        +   "h.setA()                    \n"
        +   "val aAfter = h.getA()              \n";

    BytecodeValue res = runTest(s);
    assertEquals(res.toString(), "()");
    String[] names = { "Hello", "h", "a", "aBefore", "aAfter" };
    BytecodeValue[] vals = { clasDef, clas, new BytecodeInt(2),
        new BytecodeInt(4), new BytecodeInt(2) };

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