Package viewer.histogram

Source Code of viewer.histogram.InfoPanelForSummary$TextAreaBuffer

*  (C) 2001 by Argonne National Laboratory
*      See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.

*  @author  Anthony Chan

package viewer.histogram;

import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;

import base.drawable.Topology;
import base.statistics.CategoryWeightF;
import base.statistics.CategoryTimeBox;
import base.statistics.TimeAveBox;
import base.statistics.Summarizable;
import base.topology.SummaryState;
import viewer.common.Const;
import viewer.common.Routines;
import viewer.legends.CategoryLabel;
import viewer.zoomable.TimeFormat;

public class InfoPanelForSummary extends JPanel
    private static final long           serialVersionUID = 12100L;

    private static final Component      STRUT = Box.createHorizontalStrut( 10 );
    private static final Component      GLUE  = Box.createHorizontalGlue();

    private static final String         FORMAT = "0.0#";
    private static       DecimalFormat  nfmt   = null;
    private static       TimeFormat     tfmt   = null;

    private static       Border         Normal_Border  = null;

    public InfoPanelForSummary( final JTree         tree_view,
                                final String[]      y_colnames,
                                final Summarizable  summarizable )
        super.setLayout( new BoxLayout( this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS ) );

        /* Define DecialFormat for the TimeAve Number of Real Objects */
        if ( nfmt == null ) {
            nfmt = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance();
            nfmt.applyPattern( FORMAT );
        if ( tfmt == null )
            tfmt = new TimeFormat();
        if ( Normal_Border == null ) {
            Normal_Border = BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(
                            BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder() );
            Normal_Border = BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder();

        Topology  topo          = summarizable.getTopology();
        int       rowID_start   = summarizable.getStartRowID();
        int       rowID_final   = summarizable.getFinalRowID();
        Object    clicked_obj   = summarizable.getClickedObject();
        String    type_name     = " Summary " + topo + " ";

        Border        border     = null;
        CategoryLabel label_type = null;
        if ( clicked_obj instanceof CategoryTimeBox ) {
            CategoryWeightF  twgf;
            twgf       = ( (CategoryTimeBox) clicked_obj ).getCategoryWeightF();
            label_type = new CategoryLabel( twgf.getCategory() );
            border     = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(
                                       Normal_Border, type_name,
                                       TitledBorder.LEFT, TitledBorder.TOP,
                                       Const.FONT, Color.magenta );
        else // if ( clicked_obj instanceof TimeAveBox )
            label_type = new CategoryLabel( type_name, topo,
                                            SummaryState.ForeColor );
            border     = Normal_Border;

        // Set the CategoryLabel Icon
        Dimension     panel_max_size;
        JPanel        top_panel  = new JPanel();
        top_panel.setLayout( new BoxLayout( top_panel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS ) );
            top_panel.add( STRUT );
            top_panel.add( label_type );
            top_panel.add( GLUE );
            top_panel.setBorder( border );
        top_panel.setAlignmentX( Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT );
        panel_max_size        = top_panel.getPreferredSize();
        panel_max_size.width  = Short.MAX_VALUE;
        top_panel.setMaximumSize( panel_max_size );
        super.add( top_panel );

        // Determine the text of the drawable
        TextAreaBuffer  textbuf;
        int             num_cols, num_rows;
        textbuf = new TextAreaBuffer( tree_view, y_colnames );
        textbuf.setEndRowIDsText( topo, rowID_start, rowID_final );
        if ( clicked_obj instanceof CategoryTimeBox )
            textbuf.setCategoryTimeBoxText( (CategoryTimeBox) clicked_obj );
        else // if ( clicked_obj instanceof TimeAveBox )
            textbuf.setTimeAveBoxText( (TimeAveBox) clicked_obj );
        num_cols  = textbuf.getColumnCount();
        num_rows  = textbuf.getRowCount();

        // Set the TextArea
        JTextArea  text_area;
        int        adj_num_cols;
        text_area    = new JTextArea( textbuf.toString() );
        adj_num_cols = Routines.getAdjNumOfTextColumns( text_area, num_cols );
        num_cols     = (int) Math.ceil( adj_num_cols * 85.0d / 100.0d );
        text_area.setColumns( num_cols );
        text_area.setRows( num_rows );
        text_area.setEditable( false );
        text_area.setLineWrap( true );
        JScrollPane scroller = new JScrollPane( text_area );
        scroller.setAlignmentX( Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT );
        super.add( scroller );

    private class TextAreaBuffer
        private              JTree          tree_view;
        private              String[]       y_colnames;
        private              StringBuffer   strbuf;
        private              String         strbuf2str;
        private              int            num_cols;
        private              int            num_rows;

        public TextAreaBuffer( final JTree     in_tree_view,
                               final String[]  in_y_colnames )
            tree_view           = in_tree_view;
            y_colnames          = in_y_colnames;
            strbuf              = new StringBuffer();
            strbuf2str          = null;

            // Initialize num_cols and num_rows.
            num_cols            = 0;
            num_rows            = 0;

        // this.finalized() needs to be called before
        // getColumnCount()/getRowCount()/toString()
        public void finalized()
            int num_lines;
            strbuf2str = strbuf.toString();
            num_lines  = this.getNumOfLines();
            if ( num_lines <= 3 )
                num_rows = 3;
                num_rows = 4;

        public int getColumnCount()
        { return num_cols; }

        public int getRowCount()
        { return num_rows; }

        public String toString()
        { return strbuf2str; }

        private int getNumOfLines()
            int num_lines;
            int str_length;
            int ipos;
            if ( strbuf2str != null ) {
                num_lines  = 1;
                ipos       = 0;
                str_length = strbuf2str.length();
                while ( ipos >= 0 && ipos < str_length ) {
                    ipos = strbuf2str.indexOf( '\n', ipos );
                    if ( ipos >= 0 ) {
                return num_lines;
                return -1;

        public void  setEndRowIDsText( final Topology  topo,
                                             int       rowID_start,
                                             int       rowID_final )
            StringBuffer      linebuf;
            Object[]          y_labels;
            int               idx;

            if ( topo.isArrow() ) {
                linebuf  = new StringBuffer( "Between" );
                y_labels = tree_view.getPathForRow( rowID_start ).getPath();
                for ( idx = 1; idx < y_labels.length; idx++ )
                     linebuf.append( " " + y_colnames[ idx-1 ]
                                   + "=" + y_labels[ idx ] );
                if ( num_cols < linebuf.length() )
                    num_cols = linebuf.length();
                strbuf.append( linebuf.toString() );

                linebuf  = new StringBuffer( "   and   " );
                y_labels = tree_view.getPathForRow( rowID_final ).getPath();
                for ( idx = 1; idx < y_labels.length; idx++ )
                     linebuf.append( " " + y_colnames[ idx-1 ]
                                   + "=" + y_labels[ idx ] );
                if ( num_cols < linebuf.length() )
                    num_cols = linebuf.length();
                strbuf.append( "\n" + linebuf.toString() );
            else {
                linebuf  = new StringBuffer( "At" );
                y_labels = tree_view.getPathForRow( rowID_start ).getPath();
                for ( idx = 1; idx < y_labels.length; idx++ )
                     linebuf.append( " " + y_colnames[ idx-1 ]
                                   + "=" + y_labels[ idx ] );
                if ( num_cols < linebuf.length() )
                    num_cols = linebuf.length();
                strbuf.append( linebuf.toString() );

        private int   getPrintStatus( final Topology topo )
            if ( topo.isState() )
                if ( SummaryState.isDisplayTypeEqualWeighted() )
                    return CategoryWeightF.PRINT_ALL_RATIOS;
                    if ( SummaryState.isDisplayTypeExclusiveRatio() )
                        return CategoryWeightF.PRINT_EXCL_RATIO;
                        return CategoryWeightF.PRINT_INCL_RATIO;
            else  //  Non state, i.e. arrow and event;
                return CategoryWeightF.PRINT_INCL_RATIO;

        public void  setCategoryTimeBoxText( final CategoryTimeBox typebox )
            CategoryWeightF twgf;
            String          twgf_str;
            int             print_status;
            twgf          = typebox.getCategoryWeightF();
            print_status  = getPrintStatus( twgf.getCategory().getTopology() );
            strbuf.append( "\n" + CategoryWeightF.getPrintTitle(print_status) );

            twgf_str      = twgf.toInfoBoxString( print_status );
            if ( num_cols < twgf_str.length() )
                num_cols = twgf_str.length();
            strbuf.append( "\n" + twgf_str );

        // For Shadow Primitive
        public void setTimeAveBoxText( final TimeAveBox  avebox )
            StringBuffer       linebuf;
            Topology           avebox_topo;
            CategoryTimeBox[]  typeboxes;
            CategoryWeightF    twgf;
            String             twgf_str;
            int                print_status;
            int                idx;

            typeboxes     = avebox.arrayOfCategoryTimeBoxes();
            twgf          = typeboxes[ 0 ].getCategoryWeightF();
            avebox_topo   = twgf.getCategory().getTopology();

         // linebuf = new StringBuffer("Averaged Number of Real Drawables = ");
            linebuf = new StringBuffer( "Averaged Number of Real " );
            linebuf.append( avebox_topo + "s = " );
            linebuf.append( nfmt.format( avebox.getAveNumOfRealObjects() ) );
            if ( num_cols < linebuf.length() )
                num_cols = linebuf.length();
            strbuf.append( "\n" + linebuf.toString() );
            print_status  = getPrintStatus( avebox_topo );
            strbuf.append( "\n" + CategoryWeightF.getPrintTitle(print_status) );
            for ( idx = 0; idx < typeboxes.length; idx++ ) {
                twgf     = typeboxes[ idx ].getCategoryWeightF();
                twgf_str = twgf.toInfoBoxString( print_status );
                if ( num_cols < twgf_str.length() )
                    num_cols = twgf_str.length();
                strbuf.append( "\n" + twgf_str );
    }   //  End of   private class TextAreaBuffer

Related Classes of viewer.histogram.InfoPanelForSummary$TextAreaBuffer

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