Package org.gridgain.grid.kernal.visor.gui.tasks

Source Code of org.gridgain.grid.kernal.visor.gui.tasks.VisorDataCollectorTask$VisorDataCollectorJobResult

Copyright (C) GridGain Systems. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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/*  _________        _____ __________________        _____
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package org.gridgain.grid.kernal.visor.gui.tasks;

import org.gridgain.grid.*;
import org.gridgain.grid.cache.*;
import org.gridgain.grid.compute.*;
import org.gridgain.grid.ggfs.*;
import org.gridgain.grid.kernal.*;
import org.gridgain.grid.kernal.processors.ggfs.*;
import org.gridgain.grid.kernal.processors.task.*;
import org.gridgain.grid.kernal.visor.cmd.*;
import org.gridgain.grid.kernal.visor.cmd.dto.*;
import org.gridgain.grid.kernal.visor.cmd.dto.event.*;
import org.gridgain.grid.kernal.visor.gui.dto.*;
import org.gridgain.grid.lang.*;
import org.gridgain.grid.streamer.*;
import org.gridgain.grid.util.ipc.*;
import org.gridgain.grid.util.typedef.internal.*;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.*;

import java.util.*;

import static org.gridgain.grid.kernal.GridProductImpl.ENT;
import static org.gridgain.grid.kernal.visor.gui.VisorTaskUtilsEnt.*;
import static org.gridgain.grid.kernal.visor.gui.dto.VisorComputeMonitoringHolder.*;

* Collects current Grid state mostly topology and metrics.
public class VisorDataCollectorTask extends VisorMultiNodeTask<VisorDataCollectorTask.VisorDataCollectorTaskArg,
        VisorDataCollectorTask.VisorDataCollectorTaskResult, VisorDataCollectorTask.VisorDataCollectorJobResult> {
    /** */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Nullable @Override public Map<? extends GridComputeJob, GridNode> map(List<GridNode> subgrid,
        @Nullable GridBiTuple<Set<UUID>, VisorDataCollectorTaskArg> arg) throws GridException {
        assert arg != null;
        assert arg.get1() != null;

        taskArg = arg.get2();

        Map<GridComputeJob, GridNode> map = new HashMap<>();

        // Collect data from ALL nodes.
        for (GridNode node : g.nodes())
            map.put(job(taskArg), node);

        return map;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override protected VisorDataCollectorJob job(VisorDataCollectorTaskArg arg) {
        return new VisorDataCollectorJob(arg);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Nullable @Override public VisorDataCollectorTaskResult reduce(List<GridComputeJobResult> results) throws GridException {
        VisorDataCollectorTaskResult data = new VisorDataCollectorTaskResult();

        for (GridComputeJobResult res : results) {
            VisorDataCollectorJobResult jobData = res.getData();

            if (jobData != null) {
                UUID nid = res.getNode().id();

                GridException unhandledEx = res.getException();

                if (unhandledEx == null) {
                    data.gridNames.put(nid, jobData.gridName);

                    data.topologyVersions.put(nid, jobData.topologyVersion);

                    data.taskMonitoringEnabled.put(nid, jobData.taskMonitoringEnabled);

                    if (!

                    if (jobData.eventsEx != null)
                        data.eventsEx.put(nid, jobData.eventsEx);

                    if (jobData.license != null)
                        data.licenses.put(nid, jobData.license);

                    if (jobData.licenseEx != null)
                        data.licensesEx.put(nid, jobData.licenseEx);

                    if (!jobData.caches.isEmpty())
                        data.caches.put(nid, jobData.caches);

                    if (jobData.cachesEx != null)
                        data.cachesEx.put(nid, jobData.cachesEx);

                    if (!jobData.streamers.isEmpty())
                        data.streamers.put(nid, jobData.streamers);

                    if (jobData.streamersEx != null)
                        data.streamersEx.put(nid, jobData.streamersEx);

                    if (!jobData.ggfss.isEmpty())
                        data.ggfss.put(nid, jobData.ggfss);

                    if (!jobData.ggfsEndpoints.isEmpty())
                        data.ggfsEndpoints.put(nid, jobData.ggfsEndpoints);

                    if (jobData.ggfssEx != null)
                        data.ggfssEx.put(nid, jobData.ggfssEx);

                    if (jobData.dr != null)
                        data.drs.put(nid, jobData.dr);

                    if (jobData.drEx != null)
                        data.drsEx.put(nid, jobData.drEx);

                    // TODO: gg-mongo if (jobData.mongo != null)
                    //      data.mongos.put(nid, jobData.mongo);

                    //   if (jobData.mongoEx != null)
                    // TODO: gg-mongo data.mongosEx.put(nid, jobData.mongoEx)
                else {
                    // Ignore nodes that left topology.
                    if (!(unhandledEx instanceof GridEmptyProjectionException))
                        data.unhandledEx.put(nid, unhandledEx);

        return data;

     * Arguments for {@link VisorDataCollectorTask}
    public static class VisorDataCollectorTaskArg implements Serializable {
        /** */
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;

        /** Whether task monitoring should be enabled. */
        private final boolean taskMonitoringEnabled;

        /** Visor unique key to get last event order from node local storage. */
        private final String evtOrderKey;

        /** Visor unique key to get lost events throttle counter from node local storage. */
        private final String evtThrottleCntrKey;

         * Whether cache sampling enabled in Visor preferences.
         * This parameter was not supported anymore and will be ignored.
         * Should be removed on next-breaking-compatibility release.
        private final boolean samplingEnabled;

        /** cache sample size. */
        private final int sample;

         * Create task arguments with given parameters.
         * @param taskMonitoringEnabled Required task monitoring state.
         * @param evtOrderKey Event order key, unique for Visor instance.
         * @param evtThrottleCntrKey Event throttle counter key, unique for Visor instance.
         * @param samplingEnabled Whether to perform cache sampling.
         * @param sample How many entries use in sampling.
        public VisorDataCollectorTaskArg(boolean taskMonitoringEnabled, String evtOrderKey,
            String evtThrottleCntrKey, boolean samplingEnabled, int sample) {
            this.taskMonitoringEnabled = taskMonitoringEnabled;
            this.evtOrderKey = evtOrderKey;
            this.evtThrottleCntrKey = evtThrottleCntrKey;
            this.samplingEnabled = samplingEnabled;
            this.sample = sample;

     * Data collector task result.
    public static class VisorDataCollectorTaskResult implements Serializable {
        /** */
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;

        public static final VisorDataCollectorTaskResult EMPTY = new VisorDataCollectorTaskResult();

        /** Unhandled exceptions from nodes. */
        private final Map<UUID, Throwable> unhandledEx = new HashMap<>();

        /** Nodes grid names. */
        private final Map<UUID, String> gridNames = new HashMap<>();

        /** Nodes topology versions. */
        private final Map<UUID, Long> topologyVersions = new HashMap<>();

        /** All task monitoring state collected from nodes. */
        private final Map<UUID, Boolean> taskMonitoringEnabled = new HashMap<>();

        /** All events collected from nodes. */
        private final List<VisorGridEvent> events = new ArrayList<>();

        /** Exceptions caught during collecting events from nodes. */
        private final Map<UUID, Throwable> eventsEx = new HashMap<>();

        /** All licenses collected from nodes. */
        private final Map<UUID, VisorLicense> licenses = new HashMap<>();

        /** Exceptions caught during collecting licenses from nodes. */
        private final Map<UUID, Throwable> licensesEx = new HashMap<>();

        /** All caches collected from nodes. */
        private final Map<UUID, Collection<VisorCache>> caches = new HashMap<>();

        /** Exceptions caught during collecting caches from nodes. */
        private final Map<UUID, Throwable> cachesEx = new HashMap<>();

        /** All GGFS collected from nodes. */
        private final Map<UUID, Collection<VisorGgfs>> ggfss = new HashMap<>();

        /** All GGFS endpoints collected from nodes. */
        private final Map<UUID, Collection<VisorGgfsEndpoint>> ggfsEndpoints = new HashMap<>();

        /** Exceptions caught during collecting GGFS from nodes. */
        private final Map<UUID, Throwable> ggfssEx = new HashMap<>();

        /** All streamers collected from nodes. */
        private final Map<UUID, Collection<VisorStreamer>> streamers = new HashMap<>();

        /** Exceptions caught during collecting streamers from nodes. */
        private final Map<UUID, Throwable> streamersEx = new HashMap<>();

        /** All DR collected from nodes. */
        private final Map<UUID, VisorDr> drs = new HashMap<>();

        /** Exceptions caught during collecting DRs from nodes. */
        private final Map<UUID, Throwable> drsEx = new HashMap<>();

        /** All mongos collected from nodes. */
        // TODO: gg-mongo private final Map<UUID, VisorMongo> mongos= new HashMap<>();

        /** Exceptions caught during collecting mongos from nodes. */
        // TODO: gg-mongo private final Map<UUID, Throwable> mongosEx = new HashMap<>();

         * @return {@code true} If no data was collected.
        public boolean isEmpty() {
                gridNames.isEmpty() &&
                topologyVersions.isEmpty() &&
                unhandledEx.isEmpty() &&
                taskMonitoringEnabled.isEmpty() &&
                events.isEmpty() &&
                eventsEx.isEmpty() &&
                licenses.isEmpty() &&
                licensesEx.isEmpty() &&
                caches.isEmpty() &&
                cachesEx.isEmpty() &&
                ggfss.isEmpty() &&
                ggfsEndpoints.isEmpty() &&
                ggfssEx.isEmpty() &&
                streamers.isEmpty() &&
                streamersEx.isEmpty() &&
                drs.isEmpty() &&
            // TODO: gg-mongo mongos.isEmpty() &&
            // TODO: gg-mongo mongosEx.isEmpty() &&

         * @return Unhandled exceptions from nodes.
        public Map<UUID, Throwable> unhandledEx() {
            return unhandledEx;

         * @return Nodes grid names.
        public Map<UUID, String> gridNames() {
            return gridNames;

         * @return Nodes topology versions.
        public Map<UUID, Long> topologyVersions() {
            return topologyVersions;

         * @return All task monitoring state collected from nodes.
        public Map<UUID, Boolean> taskMonitoringEnabled() {
            return taskMonitoringEnabled;

         * @return All events collected from nodes.
        public List<VisorGridEvent> events() {
            return events;

         * @return Exceptions caught during collecting events from nodes.
        public Map<UUID, Throwable> eventsEx() {
            return eventsEx;

         * @return All licenses collected from nodes.
        public Map<UUID, VisorLicense> licenses() {
            return licenses;

         * @return Exceptions caught during collecting licenses from nodes.
        public Map<UUID, Throwable> licensesEx() {
            return licensesEx;

         * @return All caches collected from nodes.
        public Map<UUID, Collection<VisorCache>> caches() {
            return caches;

         * @return Exceptions caught during collecting caches from nodes.
        public Map<UUID, Throwable> cachesEx() {
            return cachesEx;

         * @return All GGFS collected from nodes.
        public Map<UUID, Collection<VisorGgfs>> ggfss() {
            return ggfss;

         * @return All GGFS endpoints collected from nodes.
        public Map<UUID, Collection<VisorGgfsEndpoint>> ggfsEndpoints() {
            return ggfsEndpoints;

         * @return Exceptions caught during collecting GGFS from nodes.
        public Map<UUID, Throwable> ggfssEx() {
            return ggfssEx;

         * @return All streamers collected from nodes.
        public Map<UUID, Collection<VisorStreamer>> streamers() {
            return streamers;

         * @return Exceptions caught during collecting streamers from nodes.
        public Map<UUID, Throwable> streamersEx() {
            return streamersEx;

         * @return All DR collected from nodes.
        public Map<UUID, VisorDr> drs() {
            return drs;

         * @return Exceptions caught during collecting DRs from nodes.
        public Map<UUID, Throwable> drsEx() {
            return drsEx;

     * Data collector job result.
    public static class VisorDataCollectorJobResult implements Serializable {
        /** */
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;

        /** Grid name. */
        private String gridName;

        /** Node topology version. */
        private long topologyVersion;

        /** Task monitoring state collected from node. */
        private boolean taskMonitoringEnabled;

        /** Node events.*/
        private final Collection<VisorGridEvent> events = new ArrayList<>();
        /** Exception while collecting node events.*/
        private Throwable eventsEx;

        /** Node license.*/
        private VisorLicense license;
        /** Exception while collecting node license.*/
        private Throwable licenseEx;

        /** Node caches. */
        private final Collection<VisorCache> caches = new ArrayList<>();
        /** Exception while collecting node caches.*/
        private Throwable cachesEx;

        /** Node GGFSs. */
        private final Collection<VisorGgfs> ggfss = new ArrayList<>();
        /** All GGFS endpoints collected from nodes. */
        private final Collection<VisorGgfsEndpoint> ggfsEndpoints = new ArrayList<>();
        /** Exception while collecting node GGFSs.*/
        private Throwable ggfssEx;

        /** Node streamers. */
        private final Collection<VisorStreamer> streamers = new ArrayList<>();
        /** Exception while collecting node streamers.*/
        private Throwable streamersEx;

        /** Node DR. */
        private VisorDr dr;
        /** Exception while collecting node DR.*/
        private Throwable drEx;

        /** Node Mongo. */
        // TODO: gg-mongo private VisorMongo mongo;
        /** Exception while collecting node mongo.*/
        // TODO: gg-mongo private Throwable mongoEx;

     * Job that collects data from node.
    private static class VisorDataCollectorJob extends VisorJob<VisorDataCollectorTaskArg, VisorDataCollectorJobResult> {
        /** */
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;

         * Create job with given argument.
         * @param arg Job argument.
        private VisorDataCollectorJob(VisorDataCollectorTaskArg arg) {

        /** Collect events. */
        private void events(VisorDataCollectorJobResult res, VisorDataCollectorTaskArg arg) {
            try {
                // Visor events explicitly enabled in configuration.
                if (checkExplicitTaskMonitoring(g))
                    res.taskMonitoringEnabled = true;
                else {
                    // Get current task monitoring state.
                    res.taskMonitoringEnabled = arg.taskMonitoringEnabled;

                    if (arg.taskMonitoringEnabled) {
                        GridNodeLocalMap<String, VisorComputeMonitoringHolder> storage = g.nodeLocalMap();

                        VisorComputeMonitoringHolder holder = storage.get(COMPUTE_MONITORING_HOLDER_KEY);

                        if (holder == null) {
                            VisorComputeMonitoringHolder holderNew = new VisorComputeMonitoringHolder();

                            VisorComputeMonitoringHolder holderOld = storage.putIfAbsent(COMPUTE_MONITORING_HOLDER_KEY, holderNew);

                            holder = holderOld == null ? holderNew : holderOld;

                        // Enable task monitoring for new node in grid.
                        holder.startCollect(g, arg.evtOrderKey);

                        // Update current state after change (it may not changed in some cases).
                        res.taskMonitoringEnabled = g.allEventsUserRecordable(VISOR_TASK_EVTS);

      , arg.evtOrderKey, arg.evtThrottleCntrKey, arg.taskMonitoringEnabled));
            catch(Throwable eventsEx) {
                res.eventsEx = eventsEx;

        /** Collect license. */
        private void license(VisorDataCollectorJobResult res) {
            if (ENT)
                try {
                    // If license could not be retrieved, try to let it load for 5 time.
                    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                        res.license = VisorLicense.from(g);

                        if (res.license != null)

                catch(Throwable licenseEx) {
                    res.licenseEx = licenseEx;

        /** Collect caches. */
        private void caches(VisorDataCollectorJobResult res, VisorDataCollectorTaskArg arg) {
            try {
                for (GridCache cache : g.cachesx()) {
                    res.caches.add(VisorCache.from(g, cache, arg.sample));
            catch(Throwable cachesEx) {
                res.cachesEx = cachesEx;

        /** Collect GGFS. */
        private void ggfs(VisorDataCollectorJobResult res) {
            try {
                GridGgfsProcessorAdapter ggfsProc = ((GridKernal)g).context().ggfs();

                for (GridGgfs ggfs : ggfsProc.ggfss()) {
                    Collection<GridIpcServerEndpoint> endPoints = ggfsProc.endpoints(;

                    if (endPoints != null) {
                        for (GridIpcServerEndpoint ep : endPoints)
                            if (ep.isManagement())
                                res.ggfsEndpoints.add(new VisorGgfsEndpoint(,,
                                    ep.getHost(), ep.getPort()));

            catch(Throwable ggfssEx) {
                res.ggfssEx = ggfssEx;

        /** Collect streamers. */
        private void streamers(VisorDataCollectorJobResult res) {
            try {
                GridStreamerConfiguration[] cfgs = g.configuration().getStreamerConfiguration();

                if (cfgs != null) {
                    for (GridStreamerConfiguration cfg : cfgs) {
            catch(Throwable streamersEx) {
                res.streamersEx = streamersEx;

        /** Collect DR. */
        private void dr(VisorDataCollectorJobResult res) {
            if (ENT) // Collect DR only for Enterprise edition.
                try {
                    if (g.dr() != null)
                        res.dr = VisorDr.from(g);
                catch(Throwable drEx) {
                    res.drEx = drEx;

        // TODO: gg-mongo private void mongo(VisorDataCollectorJobResult res) {
        //            try {
        //                GridMongo mongo = g.mongo();
        //                if (mongo != null)
        //                    res.mongo = VisorMongo.create(mongo);
        //            } catch (Throwable mongoEx) {
        //                res.mongoEx = mongoEx;
        //            }
        // TODO: gg-mongo }

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        @Override protected VisorDataCollectorJobResult run(VisorDataCollectorTaskArg arg) throws GridException {
            VisorDataCollectorJobResult res = new VisorDataCollectorJobResult();

            res.gridName =;

            res.topologyVersion = g.topologyVersion();

            events(res, arg);


            caches(res, arg);




            // TODO: gg-mongo mongo(res);

            return res;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        @Override public String toString() {
            return S.toString(VisorDataCollectorJob.class, this);

Related Classes of org.gridgain.grid.kernal.visor.gui.tasks.VisorDataCollectorTask$VisorDataCollectorJobResult

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