
Source Code of

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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

/*  _________        _____ __________________        _____
*  __  ____/___________(_)______  /__  ____/______ ____(_)_______
*  _  / __  __  ___/__  / _  __  / _  / __  _  __ `/__  / __  __ \
*  / /_/ /  _  /    _  /  / /_/ /  / /_/ /  / /_/ / _  /  _  / / /
*  \____/   /_/     /_/   \_,__/   \____/   \__,_/  /_/   /_/ /_/

import org.gridgain.client.marshaller.*;
import org.gridgain.grid.*;
import org.gridgain.grid.marshaller.*;
import org.gridgain.grid.marshaller.jdk.*;
import org.gridgain.grid.util.*;
import org.gridgain.grid.util.nio.*;
import org.gridgain.grid.util.typedef.internal.*;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.*;

import java.nio.*;
import java.nio.charset.*;
import java.util.*;

import static*;
import static org.gridgain.grid.util.nio.GridNioSessionMetaKey.*;

* Parser for extended memcache protocol. Handles parsing and encoding activity.
public class GridTcpRestParser implements GridNioParser {
    /** UTF-8 charset. */
    private static final Charset UTF_8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8");

    /** JDK marshaller. */
    private final GridMarshaller jdkMarshaller = new GridJdkMarshaller();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Nullable @Override public GridClientMessage decode(GridNioSession ses, ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException,
        GridException {
        ParserState state = ses.removeMeta(PARSER_STATE.ordinal());

        if (state == null)
            state = new ParserState();

        GridClientPacketType type = state.packetType();

        if (type == null) {
            byte hdr = buf.get(buf.position());

            switch (hdr) {
                case MEMCACHE_REQ_FLAG:
                    state.packet(new GridMemcachedMessage());


                case GRIDGAIN_REQ_FLAG:
                    // Skip header.



                case GRIDGAIN_HANDSHAKE_FLAG:
                    // Skip header.



                    throw new IOException("Failed to parse incoming packet (invalid packet start) [ses=" + ses +
                        ", b=" + Integer.toHexString(hdr & 0xFF) + ']');

        GridClientMessage res = null;

        switch (state.packetType()) {
            case MEMCACHE:
                res = parseMemcachePacket(ses, buf, state);


            case GRIDGAIN_HANDSHAKE:
                res = parseHandshake(buf, state);


            case GRIDGAIN:
                res = parseCustomPacket(ses, buf, state);


        if (res == null)
            // Packet was not fully parsed yet.
            ses.addMeta(PARSER_STATE.ordinal(), state);

        return res;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public ByteBuffer encode(GridNioSession ses, Object msg0) throws IOException, GridException {
        assert msg0 != null;

        GridClientMessage msg = (GridClientMessage)msg0;

        if (msg instanceof GridMemcachedMessage)
            return encodeMemcache((GridMemcachedMessage)msg);
        else if (msg == GridClientPingPacket.PING_MESSAGE)
            return ByteBuffer.wrap(GridClientPingPacket.PING_PACKET);
        else if (msg instanceof GridClientHandshakeResponse)
            return ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] {
        else {
            GridClientMarshaller marsh = marshaller(ses);

            ByteBuffer res = marsh.marshal(msg, 45);

            ByteBuffer slice = res.slice();

            slice.putInt(res.remaining() - 5);

            return res;

     * Parses memcache protocol message.
     * @param ses Session.
     * @param buf Buffer containing not parsed bytes.
     * @param state Current parser state.
     * @return Parsed packet.s
     * @throws IOException If packet cannot be parsed.
     * @throws GridException If deserialization error occurred.
    @Nullable private GridClientMessage parseMemcachePacket(GridNioSession ses, ByteBuffer buf, ParserState state)
        throws IOException, GridException {
        assert state.packetType() == GridClientPacketType.MEMCACHE;
        assert state.packet() != null;
        assert state.packet() instanceof GridMemcachedMessage;

        GridMemcachedMessage req = (GridMemcachedMessage)state.packet();
        ByteArrayOutputStream tmp = state.buffer();
        int i = state.index();

        while (buf.remaining() > 0) {
            byte b = buf.get();

            if (i == 0)
            else if (i == 1)
            else if (i == 2 || i == 3) {

                if (i == 3) {
                    req.keyLength(U.bytesToShort(tmp.toByteArray(), 0));

            else if (i == 4)
            else if (i >= 8 && i <= 11) {

                if (i == 11) {
                    req.totalLength(U.bytesToInt(tmp.toByteArray(), 0));

            else if (i >= 12 && i <= 15) {

                if (i == 15) {

            else if (i >= HDR_LEN && i < HDR_LEN + req.extrasLength()) {

                if (i == HDR_LEN + req.extrasLength() - 1) {

            else if (i >= HDR_LEN + req.extrasLength() &&
                i < HDR_LEN + req.extrasLength() + req.keyLength()) {

                if (i == HDR_LEN + req.extrasLength() + req.keyLength() - 1) {

            else if (i >= HDR_LEN + req.extrasLength() + req.keyLength() &&
                i < HDR_LEN + req.totalLength()) {

                if (i == HDR_LEN + req.totalLength() - 1) {


            if (i == HDR_LEN + req.totalLength() - 1)
                // Assembled the packet.
                return assemble(ses, req);



        return null;

     * Parses a client handshake, checking a client version and
     * reading the marshaller protocol ID.
     * @param buf Message bytes.
     * @param state Parser state.
     * @return True if a hint was parsed, false if still need more bytes to parse.
    @Nullable private GridClientMessage parseHandshake(ByteBuffer buf, ParserState state) {
        assert state.packetType() == GridClientPacketType.GRIDGAIN_HANDSHAKE;

        int idx = state.index();

        GridClientHandshakeRequest packet = (GridClientHandshakeRequest)state.packet();

        if (packet == null) {
            packet = new GridClientHandshakeRequest();


        int rem = buf.remaining();

        if (rem > 0) {
            byte[] bbuf = new byte[5]; // Buffer to read data to.

            int nRead = Math.min(rem, bbuf.length); // Number of bytes to read.

            buf.get(bbuf, 0, nRead); // Batch read from buffer.

            int nAvailable = nRead; // Number of available bytes.

            if (idx < 4) { // Need to read version bytes.
                int len = Math.min(nRead, 4 - idx); // Number of version bytes available in buffer.

                packet.putBytes(bbuf, idx, len);

                idx += len;
                nAvailable -= len;

            assert idx <= 4 : "Wrong idx: " + idx;
            assert nAvailable == 0 || nAvailable == 1 : "Wrong nav: " + nAvailable;

            if (idx == 4 && nAvailable > 0)
                return packet;

        return null; // Wait for more data.

     * Parses custom packet serialized by GridGain marshaller.
     * @param ses Session.
     * @param buf Buffer containing not parsed bytes.
     * @param state Parser state.
     * @return Parsed message.
     * @throws IOException If packet parsing or deserialization failed.
     * @throws GridException If failed.
    @Nullable private GridClientMessage parseCustomPacket(GridNioSession ses, ByteBuffer buf, ParserState state)
        throws IOException, GridException {
        assert state.packetType() == GridClientPacketType.GRIDGAIN;
        assert state.packet() == null;

        ByteArrayOutputStream tmp = state.buffer();

        int len = state.index();

        if (buf.remaining() > 0) {
            if (len == 0) { // Don't know the size yet.
                byte[] lenBytes = statefulRead(buf, tmp, 4);

                if (lenBytes != null) {
                    len = U.bytesToInt(lenBytes, 0);

                    if (len == 0)
                        return GridClientPingPacket.PING_MESSAGE;
                    else if (len < 0)
                        throw new IOException("Failed to parse incoming packet (invalid packet length) [ses=" + ses +
                            ", len=" + len + ']');


            if (len > 0 && state.header() == null) {
                byte[] hdrBytes = statefulRead(buf, tmp, 40);

                if (hdrBytes != null) {
                    long reqId = GridClientByteUtils.bytesToLong(hdrBytes, 0);
                    UUID clientId = GridClientByteUtils.bytesToUuid(hdrBytes, 8);
                    UUID destId = GridClientByteUtils.bytesToUuid(hdrBytes, 24);

                    state.header(new HeaderData(reqId, clientId, destId));

            if (len > 0 && state.header() != null) {
                final int packetSize = len - 40;

                if (tmp.size() + buf.remaining() >= packetSize) {
                    if (buf.remaining() > 0) {
                        byte[] bodyBytes = new byte[packetSize - tmp.size()];



                    return parseClientMessage(ses, state);
                    copyRemaining(buf, tmp);

        return null;

     * Tries to read the specified amount of bytes using intermediate buffer. Stores
     * the bytes to intermediate buffer, if size requirement is not met.
     * @param buf Byte buffer to read from.
     * @param intBuf Intermediate buffer to read bytes from and to save remaining bytes to.
     * @param size Number of bytes to read.
     * @return Resulting byte array or {@code null}, if both buffers contain less bytes
     *         than required. In case of non-null result, the intermediate buffer is empty.
     *         In case of {@code null} result, the input buffer is empty (read fully).
     * @throws IOException If IO error occurs.
    @Nullable private byte[] statefulRead(ByteBuffer buf, ByteArrayOutputStream intBuf, int size) throws IOException {
        if (intBuf.size() + buf.remaining() >= size) {
            int off = 0;
            byte[] bytes = new byte[size];

            if (intBuf.size() > 0) {
                assert intBuf.size() < size;

                byte[] tmpBytes = intBuf.toByteArray();

                System.arraycopy(tmpBytes, 0, bytes, 0, tmpBytes.length);

                off = intBuf.size();


            buf.get(bytes, off, size - off);

            return bytes;
        else {
            copyRemaining(buf, intBuf);

            return null;

     * Copies remaining bytes from byte buffer to output stream.
     * @param src Source buffer.
     * @param dest Destination stream.
     * @throws IOException If IO error occurs.
    private void copyRemaining(ByteBuffer src, OutputStream dest) throws IOException {
        byte[] b = new byte[src.remaining()];



     * Parses {@link GridClientMessage} from raw bytes.
     * @param ses Session.
     * @param state Parser state.
     * @return A parsed client message.
     * @throws IOException On marshaller error.
     * @throws GridException If no marshaller was defined for the session.
    protected GridClientMessage parseClientMessage(GridNioSession ses, ParserState state) throws IOException, GridException {
        GridClientMarshaller marsh = marshaller(ses);

        GridClientMessage msg = marsh.unmarshal(state.buffer().toByteArray());


        return msg;

     * Encodes memcache message to a raw byte array.
     * @param msg Message being serialized.
     * @return Serialized message.
     * @throws GridException If serialization failed.
    private ByteBuffer encodeMemcache(GridMemcachedMessage msg) throws GridException {
        GridByteArrayList res = new GridByteArrayList(HDR_LEN);

        int keyLen = 0;

        int keyFlags = 0;

        if (msg.key() != null) {
            ByteArrayOutputStream rawKey = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

            keyFlags = encodeObj(msg.key(), rawKey);


            keyLen = rawKey.size();

        int dataLen = 0;

        int valFlags = 0;

        if (msg.value() != null) {
            ByteArrayOutputStream rawVal = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

            valFlags = encodeObj(msg.value(), rawVal);


            dataLen = rawVal.size();

        int flagsLen = 0;

        if (msg.addFlags())// || keyFlags > 0 || valFlags > 0)
            flagsLen = FLAGS_LENGTH;



        // Cast is required due to packet layout.

        // Cast is required due to packet layout.

        // Data type is always 0x00.


        res.add(keyLen + flagsLen + dataLen);

        res.add(msg.opaque(), 0, msg.opaque().length);

        // CAS, unused.

        assert res.size() == HDR_LEN;

        if (flagsLen > 0) {
            res.add((short) keyFlags);
            res.add((short) valFlags);

        assert msg.key() == null || msg.key() instanceof byte[];
        assert msg.value() == null || msg.value() instanceof byte[];

        if (keyLen > 0)
            res.add((byte[])msg.key(), 0, ((byte[])msg.key()).length);

        if (dataLen > 0)
            res.add((byte[])msg.value(), 0, ((byte[])msg.value()).length);

        return ByteBuffer.wrap(res.entireArray());

     * Validates incoming packet and deserializes all fields that need to be deserialized.
     * @param ses Session on which packet is being parsed.
     * @param req Raw packet.
     * @return Same packet with fields deserialized.
     * @throws IOException If parsing failed.
     * @throws GridException If deserialization failed.
    private GridClientMessage assemble(GridNioSession ses, GridMemcachedMessage req) throws IOException, GridException {
        byte[] extras = req.extras();

        // First, decode key and value, if any
        if (req.key() != null || req.value() != null) {
            short keyFlags = 0;
            short valFlags = 0;

            if (req.hasFlags()) {
                if (extras == null || extras.length < FLAGS_LENGTH)
                    throw new IOException("Failed to parse incoming packet (flags required for command) [ses=" +
                        ses + ", opCode=" + Integer.toHexString(req.operationCode() & 0xFF) + ']');

                keyFlags = U.bytesToShort(extras, 0);
                valFlags = U.bytesToShort(extras, 2);

            if (req.key() != null) {
                assert req.key() instanceof byte[];

                byte[] rawKey = (byte[])req.key();

                // Only values can be hessian-encoded.
                req.key(decodeObj(keyFlags, rawKey));

            if (req.value() != null) {
                assert req.value() instanceof byte[];

                byte[] rawVal = (byte[])req.value();

                req.value(decodeObj(valFlags, rawVal));

        if (req.hasExpiration()) {
            if (extras == null || extras.length < 8)
                throw new IOException("Failed to parse incoming packet (expiration value required for command) [ses=" +
                    ses + ", opCode=" + Integer.toHexString(req.operationCode() & 0xFF) + ']');

            req.expiration(U.bytesToInt(extras, 4) & 0xFFFFFFFFL);

        if (req.hasInitial()) {
            if (extras == null || extras.length < 16)
                throw new IOException("Failed to parse incoming packet (initial value required for command) [ses=" +
                    ses + ", opCode=" + Integer.toHexString(req.operationCode() & 0xFF) + ']');

            req.initial(U.bytesToLong(extras, 8));

        if (req.hasDelta()) {
            if (extras == null || extras.length < 8)
                throw new IOException("Failed to parse incoming packet (delta value required for command) [ses=" +
                    ses + ", opCode=" + Integer.toHexString(req.operationCode() & 0xFF) + ']');

  , 0));

        if (extras != null) {
            // Clients that include cache name must always include flags.
            int len = 4;

            if (req.hasExpiration())
                len += 4;

            if (req.hasDelta())
                len += 8;

            if (req.hasInitial())
                len += 8;

            if (extras.length - len > 0) {
                byte[] cacheName = new byte[extras.length - len];

                U.arrayCopy(extras, len, cacheName, 0, extras.length - len);

                req.cacheName(new String(cacheName, UTF_8));

        return req;

     * Decodes value from a given byte array to the object according to the flags given.
     * @param flags Flags.
     * @param bytes Byte array to decode.
     * @return Decoded value.
     * @throws GridException If deserialization failed.
    private Object decodeObj(short flags, byte[] bytes) throws GridException {
        assert bytes != null;

        if ((flags & SERIALIZED_FLAG) != 0)
            return jdkMarshaller.unmarshal(bytes, null);

        int masked = flags & 0xff00;

        switch (masked) {
            case BOOLEAN_FLAG:
                return bytes[0] == '1';
            case INT_FLAG:
                return U.bytesToInt(bytes, 0);
            case LONG_FLAG:
                return U.bytesToLong(bytes, 0);
            case DATE_FLAG:
                return new Date(U.bytesToLong(bytes, 0));
            case BYTE_FLAG:
                return bytes[0];
            case FLOAT_FLAG:
                return Float.intBitsToFloat(U.bytesToInt(bytes, 0));
            case DOUBLE_FLAG:
                return Double.longBitsToDouble(U.bytesToLong(bytes, 0));
            case BYTE_ARR_FLAG:
                return bytes;
                return new String(bytes, UTF_8);

     * Encodes given object to a byte array and returns flags that describe the type of serialized object.
     * @param obj Object to serialize.
     * @param out Output stream to which object should be written.
     * @return Serialization flags.
     * @throws GridException If JDK serialization failed.
    private int encodeObj(Object obj, ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws GridException {
        int flags = 0;

        byte[] data = null;

        if (obj instanceof String)
            data = ((String)obj).getBytes(UTF_8);
        else if (obj instanceof Boolean) {
            data = new byte[] {(byte)((Boolean)obj ? '1' : '0')};

            flags |= BOOLEAN_FLAG;
        else if (obj instanceof Integer) {
            data = U.intToBytes((Integer)obj);

            flags |= INT_FLAG;
        else if (obj instanceof Long) {
            data = U.longToBytes((Long)obj);

            flags |= LONG_FLAG;
        else if (obj instanceof Date) {
            data = U.longToBytes(((Date)obj).getTime());

            flags |= DATE_FLAG;
        else if (obj instanceof Byte) {
            data = new byte[] {(Byte)obj};

            flags |= BYTE_FLAG;
        else if (obj instanceof Float) {
            data = U.intToBytes(Float.floatToIntBits((Float)obj));

            flags |= FLOAT_FLAG;
        else if (obj instanceof Double) {
            data = U.longToBytes(Double.doubleToLongBits((Double)obj));

            flags |= DOUBLE_FLAG;
        else if (obj instanceof byte[]) {
            data = (byte[])obj;

            flags |= BYTE_ARR_FLAG;
        else {
            jdkMarshaller.marshal(obj, out);

            flags |= SERIALIZED_FLAG;

        if (data != null)
            out.write(data, 0, data.length);

        return flags;

     * Returns marshaller.
     * @return Marshaller.
    protected GridClientMarshaller marshaller(GridNioSession ses) {
        GridClientMarshaller marsh = ses.meta(MARSHALLER.ordinal());

        assert marsh != null;

        return marsh;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString() {
        return S.toString(GridTcpRestParser.class, this);

     * Holder for parser state and temporary buffer.
    protected static class ParserState {
        /** Parser index. */
        private int idx;

        /** Temporary data buffer. */
        private ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

        /** Packet being assembled. */
        private GridClientMessage packet;

        /** Packet type. */
        private GridClientPacketType packetType;

        /** Header data. */
        private HeaderData hdr;

         * @return Stored parser index.
        public int index() {
            return idx;

         * @param idx Index to store.
        public void index(int idx) {
            this.idx = idx;

         * @return Temporary data buffer.
        public ByteArrayOutputStream buffer() {
            return buf;

         * @return Pending packet.
        @Nullable public GridClientMessage packet() {
            return packet;

         * @param packet Pending packet.
        public void packet(GridClientMessage packet) {
            assert this.packet == null;

            this.packet = packet;

         * @return Pending packet type.
        public GridClientPacketType packetType() {
            return packetType;

         * @param packetType Pending packet type.
        public void packetType(GridClientPacketType packetType) {
            this.packetType = packetType;

         * @return Header.
        public HeaderData header() {
            return hdr;

         * @param hdr Header.
        public void header(HeaderData hdr) {
            this.hdr = hdr;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        @Override public String toString() {
            return S.toString(ParserState.class, this);

     * Header.
    protected static class HeaderData {
        /** Request Id. */
        private final long reqId;

        /** Request Id. */
        private final UUID clientId;

        /** Request Id. */
        private final UUID destId;

         * @param reqId Request Id.
         * @param clientId Client Id.
         * @param destId Destination Id.
        private HeaderData(long reqId, UUID clientId, UUID destId) {
            this.reqId = reqId;
            this.clientId = clientId;
            this.destId = destId;

         * @return Request Id.
        public long reqId() {
            return reqId;

         * @return Client Id.
        public UUID clientId() {
            return clientId;

         * @return Destination Id.
        public UUID destinationId() {
            return destId;

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