Package com.alee.extended.filechooser

Source Code of com.alee.extended.filechooser.WebPathField

* This file is part of WebLookAndFeel library.
* WebLookAndFeel library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* WebLookAndFeel library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with WebLookAndFeel library.  If not, see <>.

package com.alee.extended.filechooser;

import com.alee.extended.drag.FileDragAndDropHandler;
import com.alee.extended.layout.HorizontalFlowLayout;
import com.alee.laf.button.WebButton;
import com.alee.laf.button.WebToggleButton;
import com.alee.laf.list.WebList;
import com.alee.laf.list.WebListCellRenderer;
import com.alee.laf.panel.WebPanel;
import com.alee.laf.scroll.WebScrollPane;
import com.alee.laf.text.WebTextField;
import com.alee.managers.focus.DefaultFocusTracker;
import com.alee.managers.focus.FocusManager;
import com.alee.managers.hotkey.Hotkey;
import com.alee.managers.hotkey.HotkeyManager;
import com.alee.managers.hotkey.HotkeyRunnable;
import com.alee.utils.CollectionUtils;
import com.alee.utils.FileUtils;
import com.alee.utils.SwingUtils;
import com.alee.utils.SystemUtils;
import com.alee.utils.filefilter.AbstractFileFilter;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.CaretEvent;
import javax.swing.event.CaretListener;
import javax.swing.event.PopupMenuEvent;
import javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileSystemView;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

* User: mgarin Date: 05.07.11 Time: 18:20

public class WebPathField extends WebPanel
     * Used icons.
    protected static final ImageIcon down = new ImageIcon ( WebPathField.class.getResource ( "icons/down.png" ) );
    protected static final ImageIcon left = new ImageIcon ( WebPathField.class.getResource ( "icons/left.png" ) );
    protected static final ImageIcon right = new ImageIcon ( WebPathField.class.getResource ( "icons/right.png" ) );

    protected static final String FILE_ICON = "fileIcon";

    protected List<PathFieldListener> listeners = new ArrayList<PathFieldListener> ( 1 );

    protected boolean focusOwner = false;

    protected static FileSystemView fsv = FileSystemView.getFileSystemView ();

    protected AbstractFileFilter fileFilter = GlobalConstants.DIRECTORIES_FILTER;

    protected int preferredWidth = -1;
    protected boolean filesDropEnabled = true;

    protected File selectedPath;

    protected boolean autocompleteEnabled = true;
    protected JWindow autocompleteDialog = null;

    protected WebPanel contentPanel;

    protected WebTextField pathField;
    protected FocusAdapter pathFocusListener;

    protected WebButton myComputer = null;

    protected int rootsMenuItemsCount = 0;
    protected WebPopupMenu rootsMenu = null;
    protected WebToggleButton rootsArrowButton = null;

    protected final DefaultFocusTracker focusTracker;

    public WebPathField ()
        this ( FileUtils.getDiskRoots ()[ 0 ] );

    public WebPathField ( final String path )
        this ( new File ( path ) );

    public WebPathField ( final File path )
        super ( true );

        // Default settings
        setMargin ( -1 );
        setOpaque ( false );
        setPaintFocus ( true );
        setWebColoredBackground ( false );
        setBackground ( Color.WHITE );

        // Files TransferHandler
        setTransferHandler ( new FileDragAndDropHandler ()
            public boolean isDropEnabled ()
                return filesDropEnabled;

            public boolean filesDropped ( final List<File> files )
                // Setting dragged files
                final FileFilter filter = getFileFilter ();
                for ( final File file : files )
                    final File actualFile = file.isDirectory () ? file : file.getParentFile ();
                    if ( filter == null || filter.accept ( actualFile ) )
                        folderSelected ( actualFile );
                        return true;
                return false;
        } );

        contentPanel = new WebPanel ();
        contentPanel.setOpaque ( false );
        contentPanel.setLayout ( new HorizontalFlowLayout ( 0, true ) );
        add ( contentPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER );

        //        WebImage editImage = new WebImage ( WebPathField.class, "icons/edit.png" );
        //        editImage.setCursor ( Cursor.getPredefinedCursor ( Cursor.TEXT_CURSOR ) );
        //        editImage.addMouseListener ( new MouseAdapter ()
        //        {
        //            public void mousePressed ( MouseEvent e )
        //            {
        //                if ( SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton ( e ) )
        //                {
        //                    startEditing ();
        //                }
        //            }
        //        } );
        //        add ( editImage,BorderLayout.EAST );

        pathField = WebTextField.createWebTextField ( false );
        pathField.setMargin ( 2 );
        pathField.addActionListener ( new ActionListener ()
            public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
                if ( autocompleteDialog == null || !autocompleteDialog.isVisible () )
                    if ( pathField.getText ().trim ().equals ( "" ) )
                        folderSelected ( null );
                        final File choosenPath = new File ( pathField.getText () );
                        if ( choosenPath.exists () && choosenPath.isDirectory () )
                            folderSelected ( choosenPath );
                            updatePath ();
                    WebPathField.this.transferFocus ();
        } );
        pathField.addKeyListener ( new KeyAdapter ()
            public void keyPressed ( final KeyEvent e )
                if ( autocompleteDialog == null || !autocompleteDialog.isVisible () )
                    if ( Hotkey.ESCAPE.isTriggered ( e ) )
                        if ( selectedPath == null && pathField.getText ().trim ().equals ( "" ) ||
                                selectedPath != null && getProperSelectedPath ().equals ( pathField.getText () ) )
                            updatePath ();
                            WebPathField.this.transferFocus ();
                            pathField.setText ( getProperSelectedPath () );
        } );

        pathFocusListener = new FocusAdapter ()
            public void focusLost ( final FocusEvent e )
                if ( selectedPath == null && pathField.getText ().trim ().equals ( "" ) ||
                        selectedPath != null && getProperSelectedPath ().equals ( pathField.getText () ) )
                    updatePath ();

        // Autocomplete dialog listener
        pathField.addCaretListener ( new CaretListener ()
            private WebList list = null;
            private WebScrollPane listScroll;

            public void caretUpdate ( final CaretEvent e )
                if ( !autocompleteEnabled || !pathField.isVisible () || !pathField.isShowing () )
                    if ( autocompleteDialog != null && autocompleteDialog.isVisible () )
                        hideDialog ();

                if ( autocompleteDialog == null )
                    autocompleteDialog = new JWindow ( SwingUtils.getWindowAncestor ( WebPathField.this ) );
                    autocompleteDialog.getContentPane ().setLayout ( new BorderLayout () );
                    autocompleteDialog.setFocusable ( false );

                    SwingUtils.getWindowAncestor ( WebPathField.this ).addComponentListener ( new ComponentAdapter ()
                        public void componentMoved ( final ComponentEvent e )
                            hideDialog ();

                        public void componentResized ( final ComponentEvent e )
                            hideDialog ();
                    } );

                    list = new WebList ();
                    list.setFocusable ( false );
                    list.setSelectionMode ( ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION );
                    list.setRolloverSelectionEnabled ( true );
                    list.setCellRenderer ( new WebListCellRenderer ()
                        public Component getListCellRendererComponent ( final JList list, final Object value, final int index,
                                                                        final boolean isSelected, final boolean cellHasFocus )
                            final JLabel renderer =
                                    ( JLabel ) super.getListCellRendererComponent ( list, value, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus );
                            renderer.setIcon ( FileUtils.getFileIcon ( ( File ) value ) );
                            renderer.setText ( FileUtils.getDisplayFileName ( ( File ) value ) );
                            return renderer;
                    } );
                    list.addMouseListener ( new MouseAdapter ()
                        public void mousePressed ( final MouseEvent e )
                            final int index = list.getUI ().locationToIndex ( list, e.getPoint () );
                            if ( SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton ( e ) && index != -1 )
                                setSelectedPath ( ( File ) list.getModel ().getElementAt ( index ) );
                    } );
                    list.addKeyListener ( new KeyAdapter ()
                        public void keyPressed ( final KeyEvent e )
                            if ( Hotkey.ENTER.isTriggered ( e ) )
                                setSelectedPath ( ( File ) list.getSelectedValue () );
                    } );
                    listScroll = new WebScrollPane ( list );
                    listScroll.setShadeWidth ( 0 );
                    //                    listScroll.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy (
                    //                            WebScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER );
                    autocompleteDialog.getContentPane ().add ( listScroll, BorderLayout.CENTER );

                    pathField.addKeyListener ( new KeyAdapter ()
                        public void keyPressed ( final KeyEvent e )
                            if ( autocompleteDialog.isShowing () && list.getModel ().getSize () > 0 )
                                if ( list.getSelectedIndex () != -1 )
                                    if ( Hotkey.ESCAPE.isTriggered ( e ) || Hotkey.F2.isTriggered ( e ) ||
                                            Hotkey.CTRL_ENTER.isTriggered ( e ) )
                                        hideDialog ();
                                    else if ( Hotkey.ENTER.isTriggered ( e ) )
                                        setSelectedPath ( ( File ) list.getSelectedValue () );
                                    else if ( Hotkey.UP.isTriggered ( e ) )
                                        if ( list.getSelectedIndex () == 0 )
                                            list.setSelectedIndex ( list.getModel ().getSize () - 1 );
                                            scrollToSelected ();
                                            list.setSelectedIndex ( list.getSelectedIndex () - 1 );
                                            scrollToSelected ();
                                    else if ( Hotkey.DOWN.isTriggered ( e ) )
                                        if ( list.getSelectedIndex () == list.getModel ().getSize () - 1 )
                                            list.setSelectedIndex ( 0 );
                                            scrollToSelected ();
                                            list.setSelectedIndex ( list.getSelectedIndex () + 1 );
                                            scrollToSelected ();
                                    list.setSelectedIndex ( 0 );
                                    scrollToSelected ();

                        private void scrollToSelected ()
                            list.scrollRectToVisible (
                                    list.getUI ().getCellBounds ( list, list.getSelectedIndex (), list.getSelectedIndex () ) );
                    } );

                    pathField.addFocusListener ( new FocusAdapter ()
                        public void focusLost ( final FocusEvent e )
                            hideDialog ();
                    } );

                //                new Thread ( new Runnable ()
                //                {
                //                    public void run ()
                //                    {
                // Taking only the part till the caret
                final String t = pathField.getText ().substring ( 0, pathField.getCaretPosition () );

                // Retrieving parent path
                int beginIndex = t.lastIndexOf ( File.separator );
                beginIndex = beginIndex != -1 ? beginIndex + 1 : 0;

                // Parent file
                final String parentPath = t.substring ( 0, beginIndex );
                final File parent = parentPath.trim ().equals ( "" ) ? null : new File ( parentPath );

                final List<File> similar = getSimilarFileChilds ( parent, t.substring ( beginIndex ) );
                if ( similar != null && similar.size () > 0 )
                    updateList ( similar );
                    hideDialog ();
                //                    }
                //                } ).start ();

            private void updateList ( final List<File> similar )
                SwingUtils.invokeLater ( new Runnable ()
                    public void run ()
                        list.setModel ( new AbstractListModel ()
                            public int getSize ()
                                return similar.size ();

                            public Object getElementAt ( final int i )
                                return similar.get ( i );
                        } );
                        list.setVisibleRowCount ( Math.min ( similar.size (), 6 ) );
                        list.updateUI ();
                        if ( similar.size () > 0 )
                            list.setSelectedIndex ( 0 );

                        // Fixing window bounds
                        final Point los = pathField.getLocationOnScreen ();
                        autocompleteDialog.setSize ( pathField.getWidth (), listScroll.getPreferredSize ().height );
                        autocompleteDialog.setLocation ( pathField.getComponentOrientation ().isLeftToRight () ? los.x :
                                los.x + pathField.getWidth () - autocompleteDialog.getWidth (), los.y + pathField.getHeight () );

                        // Showing dialog if needed
                        if ( !autocompleteDialog.isShowing () )
                            autocompleteDialog.setVisible ( true );
                            WebPathField.this.transferFocus ();
                } );

            private void hideDialog ()
                SwingUtils.invokeLater ( new Runnable ()
                    public void run ()
                        autocompleteDialog.setVisible ( false );
                } );

            private void setSelectedPath ( final File path )
                String text = path.getAbsolutePath ();
                text = text.endsWith ( File.separator ) ? text : text + File.separator;
                pathField.setText ( text );
                pathField.setCaretPosition ( text.length () );
        } );

        // Edit start listeners
        contentPanel.addMouseListener ( new MouseAdapter ()
            public void mousePressed ( final MouseEvent e )
                if ( SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton ( e ) )
                    startEditing ();
        } );
        HotkeyManager.registerHotkey ( WebPathField.this, WebPathField.this, Hotkey.F2, new HotkeyRunnable ()
            public void run ( final KeyEvent e )
                startEditing ();
        }, true );

        // Resize listener
        addComponentListener ( new ComponentAdapter ()
            public void componentResized ( final ComponentEvent e )
                if ( !pathField.isShowing () )
                    updatePath ();
        } );

        // Focus listener
        focusTracker = new DefaultFocusTracker ()
            public void focusChanged ( final boolean focused )
                focusOwner = focused;
                WebPathField.this.repaint ();
        FocusManager.addFocusTracker ( WebPathField.this, focusTracker );

        // Updatin initial path
        updatePath ( path );

    protected void startEditing ()
        if ( !pathField.isFocusOwner () )
            // Updating path field preferred size
            pathField.setPreferredSize ( new Dimension ( 1, contentPanel.getHeight () ) );

            // Clearing content
            contentPanel.removeAll ();

            // Updating path text
            if ( selectedPath != null )
                pathField.setText ( getProperSelectedPath () );
                pathField.setText ( "" );
            pathField.selectAll ();

            // Adding field as main component
            contentPanel.add ( pathField );
            contentPanel.revalidate ();
            contentPanel.repaint ();

            // Focusing field
            WebPathField.this.transferFocus ();
            pathField.addFocusListener ( pathFocusListener );

    protected String getProperSelectedPath ()
        String path = selectedPath.getAbsolutePath ();
        path = path.endsWith ( File.separator ) ? path : path + File.separator;
        return path;

    public boolean isEditing ()
        return pathField.isFocusOwner ();

    public boolean isAutocompleteEnabled ()
        return autocompleteEnabled;

    public void setAutocompleteEnabled ( final boolean autocompleteEnabled )
        this.autocompleteEnabled = autocompleteEnabled;

    public AbstractFileFilter getFileFilter ()
        return fileFilter;

    public void setFileFilter ( final AbstractFileFilter fileFilter )
        setFileFilter ( fileFilter, true );

    public void setFileFilter ( final AbstractFileFilter fileFilter, final boolean updatePath )
        this.fileFilter = fileFilter;
        if ( updatePath )
            updatePath ();

    public boolean isFilesDropEnabled ()
        return filesDropEnabled;

    public void setFilesDropEnabled ( final boolean filesDropEnabled )
        this.filesDropEnabled = filesDropEnabled;

    public File getSelectedPath ()
        return selectedPath;

    public void setSelectedPath ( final File selectedPath )
        updatePath ( selectedPath );

    public WebTextField getPathField ()
        return pathField;

    public void updatePath ()
        updatePath ( selectedPath );

    protected synchronized void updatePath ( final File path )
        // todo check if path is proper (filter/hidden)

        // todo Save focused state properly
        // Saving focus state
        // boolean hadFocus = focusOwner;

        // Saving new path
        selectedPath = path;

        // Clearing old path components
        pathField.removeFocusListener ( pathFocusListener );
        contentPanel.removeAll ();

        // Determining oriention
        final boolean ltr = WebPathField.this.getComponentOrientation ().isLeftToRight ();

        // Determining root
        if ( SystemUtils.isWindows () )
            final WebButton computerButton = getMyComputer ();
            contentPanel.add ( computerButton );
            contentPanel.add ( getRootsArrowButton ( ltr ) );

        if ( selectedPath != null )
            // Creating parents list
            File folder = new File ( selectedPath.getAbsolutePath () );
            final List<File> parents = new ArrayList<File> ();
            parents.add ( 0, folder );
            while ( folder.getParent () != null )
                folder = folder.getParentFile ();
                parents.add ( 0, folder );

            // Adding path buttons
            boolean first = true;
            for ( final File file : parents )
                final WebButton wb = new WebButton ();
                wb.setRound ( !SystemUtils.isWindows () && first ? StyleConstants.smallRound : 0 );
                wb.setShadeWidth ( 0 );
                wb.setLeftRightSpacing ( 0 );
                wb.setRolloverDecoratedOnly ( true );
                wb.setRolloverDarkBorderOnly ( false );
                wb.setFocusable ( false );
                if ( !SystemUtils.isWindows () && first )
                    wb.setIcon ( FileUtils.getMyComputerIcon () );
                    wb.putClientProperty ( FILE_ICON, FileUtils.getMyComputerIcon () );
                    wb.setText ( fsv.getSystemDisplayName ( file ) );
                    wb.putClientProperty ( FILE_ICON, FileUtils.getFileIcon ( file, false ) );
                wb.addActionListener ( new ActionListener ()
                    public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
                        folderSelected ( file );
                } );
                contentPanel.add ( wb );

                int childsCount = 0;
                final WebPopupMenu menu = new WebPopupMenu ();
                final File[] files = FileUtils.sortFiles ( getFileChilds ( file ) );
                if ( files != null )
                    for ( final File root : files )
                        if ( root.isDirectory () )
                            final WebMenuItem menuItem = new WebMenuItem ( FileUtils.getDisplayFileName ( root ) );
                            menuItem.setIcon ( FileUtils.getFileIcon ( root, false ) );
                            menuItem.addActionListener ( new ActionListener ()
                                public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
                                    folderSelected ( root );
                            } );
                            menu.add ( menuItem );
                if ( !SystemUtils.isWindows () && first )
                    setRootsMenu ( menu, childsCount );

                final WebToggleButton childs = new WebToggleButton ();
                childs.setIcon ( ltr ? right : left );
                childs.setSelectedIcon ( down );
                childs.setShadeToggleIcon ( false );
                childs.setRound ( 0 );
                childs.setShadeWidth ( 0 );
                childs.setRolloverDecoratedOnly ( true );
                childs.setRolloverDarkBorderOnly ( false );
                childs.setFocusable ( false );
                childs.setComponentPopupMenu ( menu );
                childs.setMargin ( 0 );
                childs.setLeftRightSpacing ( 0 );
                childs.setEnabled ( childsCount > 0 );
                childs.addActionListener ( new ActionListener ()
                    public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
                        // todo Apply orientation globally on change, not here
                        WebPathField.this.transferFocus ();
                        SwingUtils.applyOrientation ( menu );
                        menu.showBelowMiddle ( childs );
                } );
                contentPanel.add ( childs );

                menu.addPopupMenuListener ( new PopupMenuListener ()
                    public void popupMenuWillBecomeVisible ( final PopupMenuEvent e )

                    public void popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible ( final PopupMenuEvent e )
                        childs.setSelected ( false );

                    public void popupMenuCanceled ( final PopupMenuEvent e )
                        childs.setSelected ( false );
                } );

                first = false;

        // Filling space
        contentPanel.add ( new JLabel () );

        // Shortening long elemets
        if ( !SystemUtils.isWindows () )
            while ( getRootsMenu ().getComponentCount () > getRootsMenuItemsCount () )
                getRootsMenu ().remove ( 0 );
        if ( canShortenPath () )
            getRootsMenu ().addSeparator ( 0 );
        while ( canShortenPath () )
            // Andding menu element
            final WebButton wb = ( WebButton ) contentPanel.getComponent ( 2 );
            final WebMenuItem menuItem = new WebMenuItem ();
            menuItem.setIcon ( ( Icon ) wb.getClientProperty ( FILE_ICON ) );
            menuItem.setText ( wb.getText () );
            menuItem.addActionListener ( wb.getActionListeners ()[ 0 ] );
            getRootsMenu ().add ( menuItem, 0 );

            // Removing hidden path and menu buttons from panel
            contentPanel.remove ( 2 );
            contentPanel.remove ( 2 );

        // Updating pane
        revalidate ();
        repaint ();

    protected List<File> getSimilarFileChilds ( final File file, final String namePart )
        final String searchText = namePart.toLowerCase ();
        final File[] childs = getFileChilds ( file );
        final List<File> similar = new ArrayList<File> ();
        if ( childs != null )
            for ( final File child : childs )
                if ( child.getName ().toLowerCase ().contains ( searchText ) )
                    similar.add ( child );
        return similar;

    protected File[] getFileChilds ( final File file )
        return file != null ? file.listFiles ( fileFilter ) : FileUtils.getDiskRoots ();

    protected boolean canShortenPath ()
        return contentPanel.getPreferredSize ().width > contentPanel.getWidth () && contentPanel.getComponentCount () > 5;

    protected WebButton getMyComputer ()
        if ( myComputer == null )
            myComputer = WebButton.createIconWebButton ( FileUtils.getMyComputerIcon () );
            myComputer.setRound ( getRound () );
            myComputer.setShadeWidth ( 0 );
            myComputer.setLeftRightSpacing ( 0 );
            myComputer.setRolloverDecoratedOnly ( true );
            myComputer.setRolloverDarkBorderOnly ( false );
            myComputer.setDrawFocus ( false );
            myComputer.setDrawRight ( false );
            myComputer.setDrawRightLine ( true );
            myComputer.addActionListener ( new ActionListener ()
                public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
                    folderSelected ( null );
            } );
        return myComputer;

    public WebPopupMenu getRootsMenu ()
        return rootsMenu;

    public int getRootsMenuItemsCount ()
        return rootsMenuItemsCount;

    public void setRootsMenu ( final WebPopupMenu rootsMenu, final int childsCount )
        this.rootsMenu = rootsMenu;
        this.rootsMenuItemsCount = childsCount;

    protected WebToggleButton getRootsArrowButton ( final boolean ltr )
        if ( rootsArrowButton == null )
            rootsMenu = new WebPopupMenu ();

            final File[] rootFiles = FileUtils.getDiskRoots ();
            for ( final File root : FileUtils.sortFiles ( rootFiles ) )
                final WebMenuItem menuItem = new WebMenuItem ( FileUtils.getDisplayFileName ( root ) );
                menuItem.setIcon ( FileUtils.getFileIcon ( root, false ) );
                menuItem.addActionListener ( new ActionListener ()
                    public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
                        folderSelected ( root );
                } );
                rootsMenu.add ( menuItem );

            rootsArrowButton = new WebToggleButton ();
            rootsArrowButton.setIcon ( ltr ? right : left );
            rootsArrowButton.setSelectedIcon ( down );
            rootsArrowButton.setShadeToggleIcon ( false );
            rootsArrowButton.setRound ( 0 );
            rootsArrowButton.setShadeWidth ( 0 );
            rootsArrowButton.setRolloverDecoratedOnly ( true );
            rootsArrowButton.setRolloverDarkBorderOnly ( false );
            rootsArrowButton.setFocusable ( false );
            rootsArrowButton.setMargin ( 0 );
            rootsArrowButton.setLeftRightSpacing ( 0 );
            rootsArrowButton.setComponentPopupMenu ( rootsMenu );
            rootsArrowButton.addActionListener ( new ActionListener ()
                public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
                    WebPathField.this.transferFocus ();
                    SwingUtils.applyOrientation ( rootsMenu );
                    rootsMenu.showBelowMiddle ( rootsArrowButton );
            } );

            rootsMenu.addPopupMenuListener ( new PopupMenuListener ()
                public void popupMenuWillBecomeVisible ( final PopupMenuEvent e )


                public void popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible ( final PopupMenuEvent e )
                    rootsArrowButton.setSelected ( false );

                public void popupMenuCanceled ( final PopupMenuEvent e )
                    rootsArrowButton.setSelected ( false );
            } );
            rootsArrowButton.setIcon ( ltr ? right : left );
        while ( rootsMenu.getComponentCount () > rootsMenuItemsCount )
            rootsMenu.remove ( 0 );
        return rootsArrowButton;

    protected void folderSelected ( File folder )
        // Normalize file
        folder = FileUtils.normalize ( folder );

        // Update visual path
        updatePath ( folder );

        // Notify about selection change
        fireDirectoryChanged ( folder );

        // Requesting focus as it is internal change from internal event
        WebPathField.this.transferFocus ();

    public void addPathFieldListener ( final PathFieldListener listener )
        listeners.add ( listener );

    public void removePathFieldListener ( final PathFieldListener listener )
        listeners.remove ( listener );

    protected void fireDirectoryChanged ( final File newDirectory )
        for ( final PathFieldListener listener : CollectionUtils.copy ( listeners ) )
            listener.directoryChanged ( newDirectory );

    public void applyComponentOrientation ( final ComponentOrientation o )
        super.applyComponentOrientation ( o );
        updatePath ();

Related Classes of com.alee.extended.filechooser.WebPathField

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