Package org.fcrepo.server.journal

Source Code of org.fcrepo.server.journal.JournalCreator

/* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright terms
* detailed in the license directory at the root of the source tree (also
* available online at
package org.fcrepo.server.journal;

import org.fcrepo.server.Context;
import org.fcrepo.server.errors.GeneralException;
import org.fcrepo.server.errors.ModuleInitializationException;
import org.fcrepo.server.errors.ModuleShutdownException;
import org.fcrepo.server.errors.ServerException;
import org.fcrepo.server.journal.entry.CreatorJournalEntry;
import org.fcrepo.server.messaging.PName;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;

* This is the worker class to use in Journaling mode (normal mode).
* <p/>
* Each time a "writing" Management method is called, create a
* CreatorJournalEntry and ask it to invoke the method on the
* ManagementDelegate. If a "read-only" Management method is called, just pass
* it along to the ManagementDelegate.
* @author Jim Blake
public class JournalCreator
        implements JournalWorker, JournalConstants {

    private static final Logger logger =

    private final JournalWriter writer;

    private final String role;

    private ManagementDelegate delegate;

     * Get a JournalWriter to use, based on the server parameters.
    public JournalCreator(Map<String, String> parameters,
                          String role,
                          ServerInterface server)
            throws ModuleInitializationException {
        this.role = role;

        try {
            writer = JournalWriter.getInstance(parameters, role, server);
        } catch (JournalException e) {
            String msg = "Problem creating the JournalWriter";
            logger.error(msg, e);
            throw new ModuleInitializationException(msg, role, e);

     * Receive a ManagementDelegate module to perform the Management operations.
    public void setManagementDelegate(ManagementDelegate delegate) {
        this.delegate = delegate;

     * Server is shutting down, so tell the JournalWriter to shut down.
    public void shutdown() throws ModuleShutdownException {
        try {
        } catch (JournalException e) {
            throw new ModuleShutdownException("JournalWriter generated an error on shutdown()",

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Create a Journal entry for each call to one of the Management API
    // "writing" methods.
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Let the delegate do it, and then write a journal entry.
    public String ingest(Context context,
                         InputStream serialization,
                         String logMessage,
                         String format,
                         String encoding,
                         String pid) throws ServerException {
        try {
            CreatorJournalEntry cje =
                    new CreatorJournalEntry(METHOD_INGEST, context);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_SERIALIZATION, serialization);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_LOG_MESSAGE, logMessage);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_FORMAT, format);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_ENCODING, encoding);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_NEW_PID, pid);
            return (String) cje.invokeAndClose(delegate, writer);
        } catch (JournalException e) {
            throw new GeneralException("Problem creating the Journal", e);

     * Create a journal entry, add the arguments, and invoke the method.
    public Date modifyObject(Context context,
                             String pid,
                             String state,
                             String label,
                             String ownerId,
                             String logMessage,
                             Date lastModifiedDate) throws ServerException {
        try {
            CreatorJournalEntry cje =
                    new CreatorJournalEntry(METHOD_MODIFY_OBJECT, context);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_PID, pid);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_STATE, state);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_LABEL, label);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_OWNERID, ownerId);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_LOG_MESSAGE, logMessage);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_LAST_MODIFIED_DATE, lastModifiedDate);
            return (Date) cje.invokeAndClose(delegate, writer);
        } catch (JournalException e) {
            throw new GeneralException("Problem creating the Journal", e);

     * Create a journal entry, add the arguments, and invoke the method.
    public Date purgeObject(Context context,
                            String pid,
                            String logMessage) throws ServerException {
        try {
            CreatorJournalEntry cje =
                    new CreatorJournalEntry(METHOD_PURGE_OBJECT, context);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_PID, pid);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_LOG_MESSAGE, logMessage);
            return (Date) cje.invokeAndClose(delegate, writer);
        } catch (JournalException e) {
            throw new GeneralException("Problem creating the Journal", e);

     * Create a journal entry, add the arguments, and invoke the method.
    public String addDatastream(Context context,
                                String pid,
                                String dsID,
                                String[] altIDs,
                                String dsLabel,
                                boolean versionable,
                                String MIMEType,
                                String formatURI,
                                String location,
                                String controlGroup,
                                String dsState,
                                String checksumType,
                                String checksum,
                                String logMessage) throws ServerException {
        try {
            CreatorJournalEntry cje =
                    new CreatorJournalEntry(METHOD_ADD_DATASTREAM, context);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_PID, pid);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_DS_ID, dsID);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_ALT_IDS, altIDs);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_DS_LABEL, dsLabel);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_VERSIONABLE, versionable);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_MIME_TYPE, MIMEType);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_FORMAT_URI, formatURI);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_LOCATION, location);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_CONTROL_GROUP, controlGroup);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_DS_STATE, dsState);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_CHECKSUM_TYPE, checksumType);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_CHECKSUM, checksum);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_LOG_MESSAGE, logMessage);
            return (String) cje.invokeAndClose(delegate, writer);
        } catch (JournalException e) {
            throw new GeneralException("Problem creating the Journal", e);

     * Create a journal entry, add the arguments, and invoke the method.
    public Date modifyDatastreamByValue(Context context,
                                        String pid,
                                        String datastreamID,
                                        String[] altIDs,
                                        String dsLabel,
                                        String mimeType,
                                        String formatURI,
                                        InputStream dsContent,
                                        String checksumType,
                                        String checksum,
                                        String logMessage,
                                        Date lastModifiedDate) throws ServerException {
        try {
            CreatorJournalEntry cje =
                    new CreatorJournalEntry(METHOD_MODIFY_DATASTREAM_BY_VALUE,
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_PID, pid);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_DS_ID, datastreamID);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_ALT_IDS, altIDs);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_DS_LABEL, dsLabel);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_MIME_TYPE, mimeType);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_FORMAT_URI, formatURI);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_DS_CONTENT, dsContent);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_CHECKSUM_TYPE, checksumType);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_CHECKSUM, checksum);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_LOG_MESSAGE, logMessage);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_LAST_MODIFIED_DATE, lastModifiedDate);
            return (Date) cje.invokeAndClose(delegate, writer);
        } catch (JournalException e) {
            throw new GeneralException("Problem creating the Journal", e);

     * Create a journal entry, add the arguments, and invoke the method.
    public Date modifyDatastreamByReference(Context context,
                                            String pid,
                                            String datastreamID,
                                            String[] altIDs,
                                            String dsLabel,
                                            String mimeType,
                                            String formatURI,
                                            String dsLocation,
                                            String checksumType,
                                            String checksum,
                                            String logMessage,
                                            Date lastModifiedDate)
            throws ServerException {
        try {
            CreatorJournalEntry cje =
                    new CreatorJournalEntry(METHOD_MODIFY_DATASTREAM_BY_REFERENCE,
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_PID, pid);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_DS_ID, datastreamID);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_ALT_IDS, altIDs);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_DS_LABEL, dsLabel);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_MIME_TYPE, mimeType);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_FORMAT_URI, formatURI);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_DS_LOCATION, dsLocation);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_CHECKSUM_TYPE, checksumType);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_CHECKSUM, checksum);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_LOG_MESSAGE, logMessage);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_LAST_MODIFIED_DATE, lastModifiedDate);
            return (Date) cje.invokeAndClose(delegate, writer);
        } catch (JournalException e) {
            throw new GeneralException("Problem creating the Journal", e);

     * Create a journal entry, add the arguments, and invoke the method.
    public Date setDatastreamState(Context context,
                                   String pid,
                                   String dsID,
                                   String dsState,
                                   String logMessage) throws ServerException {
        try {
            CreatorJournalEntry cje =
                    new CreatorJournalEntry(METHOD_SET_DATASTREAM_STATE,
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_PID, pid);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_DS_ID, dsID);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_DS_STATE, dsState);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_LOG_MESSAGE, logMessage);
            return (Date) cje.invokeAndClose(delegate, writer);
        } catch (JournalException e) {
            throw new GeneralException("Problem creating the Journal", e);

     * Create a journal entry, add the arguments, and invoke the method.
    public Date setDatastreamVersionable(Context context,
                                         String pid,
                                         String dsID,
                                         boolean versionable,
                                         String logMessage)
            throws ServerException {
        try {
            CreatorJournalEntry cje =
                    new CreatorJournalEntry(METHOD_SET_DATASTREAM_VERSIONABLE,
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_PID, pid);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_DS_ID, dsID);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_VERSIONABLE, versionable);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_LOG_MESSAGE, logMessage);
            return (Date) cje.invokeAndClose(delegate, writer);
        } catch (JournalException e) {
            throw new GeneralException("Problem creating the Journal", e);

     * Create a journal entry, add the arguments, and invoke the method.
    public Date[] purgeDatastream(Context context,
                                  String pid,
                                  String datastreamID,
                                  Date startDT,
                                  Date endDT,
                                  String logMessage) throws ServerException {
        try {
            CreatorJournalEntry cje =
                    new CreatorJournalEntry(METHOD_PURGE_DATASTREAM, context);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_PID, pid);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_DS_ID, datastreamID);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_START_DATE, startDT);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_END_DATE, endDT);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_LOG_MESSAGE, logMessage);
            return (Date[]) cje.invokeAndClose(delegate, writer);
        } catch (JournalException e) {
            throw new GeneralException("Problem creating the Journal", e);

     * Create a journal entry, add the arguments, and invoke the method.
    public String putTempStream(Context context, InputStream in)
            throws ServerException {
        try {
            CreatorJournalEntry cje =
                    new CreatorJournalEntry(METHOD_PUT_TEMP_STREAM, context);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_IN, in);
            return (String) cje.invokeAndClose(delegate, writer);
        } catch (JournalException e) {
            throw new GeneralException("Problem creating the Journal", e);

     * Create a journal entry, add the arguments, and invoke the method.
    public String[] getNextPID(Context context, int numPIDs, String namespace)
            throws ServerException {
        try {
            CreatorJournalEntry cje =
                    new CreatorJournalEntry(METHOD_GET_NEXT_PID, context);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_NUM_PIDS, numPIDs);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_NAMESPACE, namespace);
            return (String[]) cje.invokeAndClose(delegate, writer);
        } catch (JournalException e) {
            throw new GeneralException("Problem creating the Journal", e);

    public boolean addRelationship(Context context,
                                   String pid,
                                   String relationship,
                                   String objURI,
                                   boolean isLiteral,
                                   String datatype) throws ServerException {
        try {
            CreatorJournalEntry cje =
                    new CreatorJournalEntry(METHOD_ADD_RELATIONSHIP, context);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_PID, pid);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_RELATIONSHIP, relationship);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_OBJECT, objURI);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_IS_LITERAL, isLiteral);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_DATATYPE, datatype);
            return (Boolean) cje.invokeAndClose(delegate, writer);
        } catch (JournalException e) {
            throw new GeneralException("Problem creating the Journal", e);

    public boolean purgeRelationship(Context context,
                                     String pid,
                                     String relationship,
                                     String object,
                                     boolean isLiteral,
                                     String datatype) throws ServerException {
        try {
            CreatorJournalEntry cje =
                    new CreatorJournalEntry(METHOD_PURGE_RELATIONSHIP, context);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_PID, pid);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_RELATIONSHIP, relationship);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_OBJECT, object);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_IS_LITERAL, isLiteral);
            cje.addArgument(ARGUMENT_NAME_DATATYPE, datatype);
            return (Boolean) cje.invokeAndClose(delegate, writer);
        } catch (JournalException e) {
            throw new GeneralException("Problem creating the Journal", e);

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // For read-only methods, don't bother with a Journal entry.
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Let the delegate do it.
    public String compareDatastreamChecksum(Context context,
                                            String pid,
                                            String dsID,
                                            Date versionDate)
            throws ServerException {
        return delegate.compareDatastreamChecksum(context,

     * Let the delegate do it.
    public RelationshipTuple[] getRelationships(Context context,
                                                String pid,
                                                String relationship)
            throws ServerException {
        return delegate.getRelationships(context, pid, relationship);

     * Let the delegate do it.
    public InputStream getObjectXML(Context context, String pid, String encoding)
            throws ServerException {
        return delegate.getObjectXML(context, pid, encoding);

     * Let the delegate do it.
    public InputStream export(Context context,
                              String pid,
                              String format,
                              String exportContext,
                              String encoding) throws ServerException {
        return delegate.export(context, pid, format, exportContext, encoding);

     * Let the delegate do it.
    public Datastream getDatastream(Context context,
                                    String pid,
                                    String datastreamID,
                                    Date asOfDateTime) throws ServerException {
        return delegate.getDatastream(context, pid, datastreamID, asOfDateTime);

     * Let the delegate do it.
    public Datastream[] getDatastreams(Context context,
                                       String pid,
                                       Date asOfDateTime,
                                       String dsState) throws ServerException {
        return delegate.getDatastreams(context, pid, asOfDateTime, dsState);

     * Let the delegate do it.
    public Datastream[] getDatastreamHistory(Context context,
                                             String pid,
                                             String datastreamID)
            throws ServerException {
        return delegate.getDatastreamHistory(context, pid, datastreamID);

     * Let the delegate do it.
    public InputStream getTempStream(String id) throws ServerException {
        return delegate.getTempStream(id);

     * Let the delegate do it.
    public Validation validate(@PName("context") Context context, @PName("pid") String pid,
                               @PName("asOfDateTime") Date asOfDateTime) throws ServerException {
        return delegate.validate(context, pid, asOfDateTime);


Related Classes of org.fcrepo.server.journal.JournalCreator

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