Package org.exist.versioning.svn

Source Code of org.exist.versioning.svn.WorkingCopy

* ====================================================================
* Copyright (c) 2004-2010 TMate Software Ltd.  All rights reserved.
* This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
* you should have received as part of this distribution.  The terms
* are also available at
* If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
* newer version instead, at your option.
* ====================================================================
package org.exist.versioning.svn;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.exist.versioning.svn.internal.wc.DefaultSVNOptions;
import org.exist.versioning.svn.wc.ISVNEventHandler;
import org.exist.versioning.svn.wc.ISVNInfoHandler;
import org.exist.versioning.svn.wc.SVNClientManager;
import org.exist.versioning.svn.wc.SVNCopySource;
import org.exist.versioning.svn.wc.SVNUpdateClient;
import org.exist.versioning.svn.wc.SVNWCUtil;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.ISVNDirEntryHandler;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCommitInfo;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNDepth;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNDirEntry;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNURL;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNRevision;

public class WorkingCopy {

    private static SVNClientManager ourClientManager;
    private static ISVNEventHandler myCommitEventHandler;
    private static ISVNEventHandler myUpdateEventHandler;
    private static ISVNEventHandler myWCEventHandler;
    public WorkingCopy(String username, String password) {

         * Creating custom handlers that will process events
        myCommitEventHandler = new CommitEventHandler();
        myUpdateEventHandler = new UpdateEventHandler();
        myWCEventHandler = new WCEventHandler();

         * Creates a default run-time configuration options driver. Default options
         * created in this way use the Subversion run-time configuration area (for
         * instance, on a Windows platform it can be found in the '%APPDATA%\Subversion'
         * directory).
         * readonly = true - not to save  any configuration changes that can be done
         * during the program run to a config file (config settings will only
         * be read to initialize; to enable changes the readonly flag should be set
         * to false).
         * SVNWCUtil is a utility class that creates a default options driver.
        DefaultSVNOptions options = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultOptions(true);
         * Creates an instance of SVNClientManager providing authentication
         * information (name, password) and an options driver
        ourClientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance(options, username, password);
         * Sets a custom event handler for operations of an SVNCommitClient
         * instance
         * Sets a custom event handler for operations of an SVNUpdateClient
         * instance

         * Sets a custom event handler for operations of an SVNWCClient
         * instance
     * Initializes the library to work with a repository via
     * different protocols.
    private static void setupLibrary() {
         * For using over http:// and https://
         * For using over svn:// and svn+xxx://
         * For using over file:///

     * Creates a new version controlled directory (doesn't create any intermediate
     * directories) right in a repository. Like 'svn mkdir URL -m "some comment"'
     * command. It's done by invoking
     * SVNCommitClient.doMkDir(SVNURL[] urls, String commitMessage)
     * which takes the following parameters:
     * urls - an array of URLs that are to be created;
     * commitMessage - a commit log message since a URL-based directory creation is
     * immediately committed to a repository.
    public SVNCommitInfo makeDirectory(SVNURL url, String commitMessage) throws SVNException{
         * Returns SVNCommitInfo containing information on the new revision committed
         * (revision number, etc.)
        return ourClientManager.getCommitClient().doMkDir(new SVNURL[]{url}, commitMessage);
     * Imports an unversioned directory into a repository location denoted by a
     * destination URL (all necessary parent non-existent paths will be created
     * automatically). This operation commits the repository to a new revision.
     * Like 'svn import PATH URL (-N) -m "some comment"' command. It's done by
     * invoking
     * SVNCommitClient.doImport(File path, SVNURL dstURL, String commitMessage, boolean recursive)
     * which takes the following parameters:
     * path - a local unversioned directory or singal file that will be imported into a
     * repository;
     * dstURL - a repository location where the local unversioned directory/file will be
     * imported into; this URL path may contain non-existent parent paths that will be
     * created by the repository server;
     * commitMessage - a commit log message since the new directory/file are immediately
     * created in the repository;
     * recursive - if true and path parameter corresponds to a directory then the directory
     * will be added with all its child subdirictories, otherwise the operation will cover
     * only the directory itself (only those files which are located in the directory). 
    public SVNCommitInfo importDirectory(File localPath, SVNURL dstURL, String commitMessage,
            boolean isRecursive) throws SVNException{
         * Returns SVNCommitInfo containing information on the new revision committed
         * (revision number, etc.)
        return ourClientManager.getCommitClient().doImport(localPath, dstURL, commitMessage, null, true, false,
     * Committs changes in a working copy to a repository. Like
     * 'svn commit PATH -m "some comment"' command. It's done by invoking
     * SVNCommitClient.doCommit(File[] paths, boolean keepLocks, String commitMessage,
     * boolean force, boolean recursive)
     * which takes the following parameters:
     * paths - working copy paths which changes are to be committed;
     * keepLocks - if true then doCommit(..) won't unlock locked paths; otherwise they will
     * be unlocked after a successful commit;
     * commitMessage - a commit log message;
     * force - if true then a non-recursive commit will be forced anyway; 
     * recursive - if true and a path corresponds to a directory then doCommit(..) recursively
     * commits changes for the entire directory, otherwise - only for child entries of the
     * directory;
    public SVNCommitInfo commit(File wcPath, boolean keepLocks, String commitMessage)
            throws SVNException {
         * Returns SVNCommitInfo containing information on the new revision committed
         * (revision number, etc.)
        return ourClientManager.getCommitClient().doCommit(new File[] { wcPath }, keepLocks, commitMessage,
                null, null, false, false, SVNDepth.INFINITY);

    public void revert(File[] paths) throws SVNException {
      ourClientManager.getWCClient().doRevert(paths, SVNDepth.INFINITY, null);

     * Checks out a working copy from a repository. Like 'svn checkout URL[@REV] PATH (-r..)'
     * command; It's done by invoking
     * SVNUpdateClient.doCheckout(SVNURL url, File dstPath, SVNRevision pegRevision,
     * SVNRevision revision, boolean recursive)
     * which takes the following parameters:
     * url - a repository location from where a working copy is to be checked out;
     * dstPath - a local path where the working copy will be fetched into;
     * pegRevision - an SVNRevision representing a revision to concretize
     * url (what exactly URL a user means and is sure of being the URL he needs); in other
     * words that is the revision in which the URL is first looked up;
     * revision - a revision at which a working copy being checked out is to be;
     * recursive - if true and url corresponds to a directory then doCheckout(..) recursively
     * fetches out the entire directory, otherwise - only child entries of the directory;  
    public long checkout(SVNURL url,
            SVNRevision revision, File destPath, boolean isRecursive)
            throws SVNException {

        SVNUpdateClient updateClient = ourClientManager.getUpdateClient();
         * sets externals not to be ignored during the checkout
         * returns the number of the revision at which the working copy is
        return updateClient.doCheckout(url, destPath, revision, revision, SVNDepth.fromRecurse(isRecursive),
     * Updates a working copy (brings changes from the repository into the working copy).
     * Like 'svn update PATH' command; It's done by invoking
     * SVNUpdateClient.doUpdate(File file, SVNRevision revision, boolean recursive)
     * which takes the following parameters:
     * file - a working copy entry that is to be updated;
     * revision - a revision to which a working copy is to be updated;
     * recursive - if true and an entry is a directory then doUpdate(..) recursively
     * updates the entire directory, otherwise - only child entries of the directory;  
    public long update(File wcPath, SVNRevision updateToRevision, boolean isRecursive) throws SVNException {

        SVNUpdateClient updateClient = ourClientManager.getUpdateClient();
         * sets externals not to be ignored during the update
         * returns the number of the revision wcPath was updated to
        return updateClient.doUpdate(wcPath, updateToRevision, SVNDepth.fromRecurse(isRecursive), false, false);
     * Updates a working copy to a different URL. Like 'svn switch URL' command.
     * It's done by invoking
     * SVNUpdateClient.doSwitch(File file, SVNURL url, SVNRevision revision, boolean recursive)
     * which takes the following parameters:
     * file - a working copy entry that is to be switched to a new url;
     * url - a target URL a working copy is to be updated against;
     * revision - a revision to which a working copy is to be updated;
     * recursive - if true and an entry (file) is a directory then doSwitch(..) recursively
     * switches the entire directory, otherwise - only child entries of the directory;  
    public long switchToURL(File wcPath, SVNURL url, SVNRevision updateToRevision, boolean isRecursive) throws SVNException {
        SVNUpdateClient updateClient = ourClientManager.getUpdateClient();
         * sets externals not to be ignored during the switch
         * returns the number of the revision wcPath was updated to
        return updateClient.doSwitch(wcPath, url, SVNRevision.UNDEFINED, updateToRevision,
                SVNDepth.getInfinityOrFilesDepth(isRecursive), false, false);

     * Collects status information on local path(s). Like 'svn status (-u) (-N)'
     * command. It's done by invoking
     * SVNStatusClient.doStatus(File path, boolean recursive,
     * boolean remote, boolean reportAll, boolean includeIgnored,
     * boolean collectParentExternals, ISVNStatusHandler handler)
     * which takes the following parameters:
     * path - an entry which status info to be gathered;
     * recursive - if true and an entry is a directory then doStatus(..) collects status
     * info not only for that directory but for each item inside stepping down recursively;
     * remote - if true then doStatus(..) will cover the repository (not only the working copy)
     * as well to find out what entries are out of date;
     * reportAll - if true then doStatus(..) will also include unmodified entries;
     * includeIgnored - if true then doStatus(..) will also include entries being ignored;
     * collectParentExternals - if true then externals definitions won't be ignored;
     * handler - an implementation of ISVNStatusHandler to process status info per each entry
     * doStatus(..) traverses; such info is collected in an SVNStatus object and
     * is passed to a handler's handleStatus(SVNStatus status) method where an implementor
     * decides what to do with it. 
    public void showStatus(File wcPath, boolean isRecursive, boolean isRemote, boolean isReportAll,
            boolean isIncludeIgnored, boolean isCollectParentExternals)
            throws SVNException {
         * StatusHandler displays status information for each entry in the console (in the
         * manner of the native Subversion command line client)
        ourClientManager.getStatusClient().doStatus(wcPath, SVNRevision.HEAD, SVNDepth.fromRecurse(isRecursive),
                isRemote, isReportAll, isIncludeIgnored, isCollectParentExternals, new StatusHandler(isRemote),

     * Collects information on local path(s). Like 'svn info (-R)' command.
     * It's done by invoking
     * SVNWCClient.doInfo(File path, SVNRevision revision,
     * boolean recursive, ISVNInfoHandler handler)
     * which takes the following parameters:
     * path - a local entry for which info will be collected;
     * revision - a revision of an entry which info is interested in; if it's not
     * WORKING then info is got from a repository;
     * recursive - if true and an entry is a directory then doInfo(..) collects info
     * not only for that directory but for each item inside stepping down recursively;
     * handler - an implementation of ISVNInfoHandler to process info per each entry
     * doInfo(..) traverses; such info is collected in an SVNInfo object and
     * is passed to a handler's handleInfo(SVNInfo info) method where an implementor
     * decides what to do with it.    
    public void showInfo(File wcPath, SVNRevision revision, boolean isRecursive, ISVNInfoHandler handler) throws SVNException {
         * InfoHandler displays information for each entry in the console (in the manner of
         * the native Subversion command line client)
        ourClientManager.getWCClient().doInfo(wcPath, SVNRevision.UNDEFINED, revision,
                SVNDepth.getInfinityOrEmptyDepth(isRecursive), null, handler);
     * Puts directories and files under version control scheduling them for addition
     * to a repository. They will be added in a next commit. Like 'svn add PATH'
     * command. It's done by invoking
     * SVNWCClient.doAdd(File path, boolean force,
     * boolean mkdir, boolean climbUnversionedParents, boolean recursive)
     * which takes the following parameters:
     * path - an entry to be scheduled for addition;
     * force - set to true to force an addition of an entry anyway;
     * mkdir - if true doAdd(..) creates an empty directory at path and schedules
     * it for addition, like 'svn mkdir PATH' command;
     * climbUnversionedParents - if true and the parent of the entry to be scheduled
     * for addition is not under version control, then doAdd(..) automatically schedules
     * the parent for addition, too;
     * recursive - if true and an entry is a directory then doAdd(..) recursively
     * schedules all its inner dir entries for addition as well.
    public void addEntry(File wcPath) throws SVNException {
        ourClientManager.getWCClient().doAdd(wcPath, false, false, false, SVNDepth.INFINITY, false, false);
     * Locks working copy paths, so that no other user can commit changes to them.
     * Like 'svn lock PATH' command. It's done by invoking
     * SVNWCClient.doLock(File[] paths, boolean stealLock, String lockMessage)
     * which takes the following parameters:
     * paths - an array of local entries to be locked;
     * stealLock - set to true to steal the lock from another user or working copy;
     * lockMessage - an optional lock comment string.
    public void lock(File wcPath, boolean isStealLock, String lockComment) throws SVNException {
        ourClientManager.getWCClient().doLock(new File[] { wcPath }, isStealLock, lockComment);
    public void unlock(File wcPath, boolean breakLock) throws SVNException {
        ourClientManager.getWCClient().doUnlock(new File[] { wcPath }, breakLock);

     * Schedules directories and files for deletion from version control upon the next
     * commit (locally). Like 'svn delete PATH' command. It's done by invoking
     * SVNWCClient.doDelete(File path, boolean force, boolean dryRun)
     * which takes the following parameters:
     * path - an entry to be scheduled for deletion;
     * force - a boolean flag which is set to true to force a deletion even if an entry
     * has local modifications;
     * dryRun - set to true not to delete an entry but to check if it can be deleted;
     * if false - then it's a deletion itself. 
    public void delete(File wcPath, boolean force) throws SVNException {
        ourClientManager.getWCClient().doDelete(wcPath, force, false);
     * Duplicates srcURL to dstURL (URL->URL)in a repository remembering history.
     * Like 'svn copy srcURL dstURL -m "some comment"' command. It's done by
     * invoking
     * doCopy(SVNURL srcURL, SVNRevision srcRevision, SVNURL dstURL,
     * boolean isMove, String commitMessage)
     * which takes the following parameters:
     * srcURL - a source URL that is to be copied;
     * srcRevision - a definite revision of srcURL
     * dstURL - a URL where srcURL will be copied; if srcURL & dstURL are both
     * directories then there are two cases:
     * a) dstURL already exists - then doCopy(..) will duplicate the entire source
     * directory and put it inside dstURL (for example,
     * consider srcURL = svn://localhost/rep/MyRepos,
     * dstURL = svn://localhost/rep/MyReposCopy, in this case if doCopy(..) succeeds
     * MyRepos will be in MyReposCopy - svn://localhost/rep/MyReposCopy/MyRepos);
     * b) dstURL doesn't exist yet - then doCopy(..) will create a directory and
     * recursively copy entries from srcURL into dstURL (for example, consider the same
     * srcURL = svn://localhost/rep/MyRepos, dstURL = svn://localhost/rep/MyReposCopy,
     * in this case if doCopy(..) succeeds MyRepos entries will be in MyReposCopy, like:
     * svn://localhost/rep/MyRepos/Dir1 -> svn://localhost/rep/MyReposCopy/Dir1...); 
     * isMove - if false then srcURL is only copied to dstURL what
     * corresponds to 'svn copy srcURL dstURL -m "some comment"'; but if it's true then
     * srcURL will be copied and deleted - 'svn move srcURL dstURL -m "some comment"';
     * commitMessage - a commit log message since URL->URL copying is immediately
     * committed to a repository.
    public SVNCommitInfo copy(SVNURL srcURL, SVNURL dstURL, boolean isMove, String commitMessage) throws SVNException {
         * SVNRevision.HEAD means the latest revision.
         * Returns SVNCommitInfo containing information on the new revision committed
         * (revision number, etc.)
        return ourClientManager.getCopyClient().doCopy(new SVNCopySource[] {new SVNCopySource(SVNRevision.HEAD, SVNRevision.HEAD, srcURL)},
                dstURL, isMove, true, false, commitMessage, null);
     * Displays error information and exits.
    public void error(String message, Exception e){
        System.err.println(message+(e!=null ? ": "+e.getMessage() : ""));
//        System.exit(1);
     * This method does not relate to SVNKit API. Just a method which creates
     * local directories and files :)
    public final void createLocalDir(Resource aNewDir, Resource[] localFiles, String[] fileContents){
        if (!aNewDir.mkdirs()) {
            error("failed to create a new directory '" + aNewDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'.", null);
        for(int i=0; i < localFiles.length; i++){
          Resource aNewFile = localFiles[i];
            try {
              if (!aNewFile.createNewFile()) {
                  error("failed to create a new file '"
                          + aNewFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'.", null);
          } catch (IOException ioe) {
              error("error while creating a new file '"
                      + aNewFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'", ioe);
          String contents = null;
          if(i > fileContents.length-1){
            contents = fileContents[i];
           * writing a text into the file
          OutputStream fos = null;
          try {
            fos = aNewFile.getOutputStream();
          } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
              error("the file '" + aNewFile.getAbsolutePath() + "' is not found", fnfe);
          } catch (IOException ioe) {
              error("error while writing into the file '"
                      + aNewFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'", ioe);
          } finally {
              if (fos != null) {
                  try {
                  } catch (IOException ioe) {

    public final List<SVNDirEntry> list(SVNURL url, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision, boolean fetchLocks,
            SVNDepth depth, int entryFields) throws SVNException {
      final List<SVNDirEntry> result = new ArrayList<SVNDirEntry>();
      ourClientManager.getLogClient().doList(url, pegRevision, revision, fetchLocks, depth, entryFields,
          new ISVNDirEntryHandler() {
          public void handleDirEntry(SVNDirEntry entry) throws SVNException {
//            if (entry.getKind() == SVNNodeKind.DIR) {
//            }
      return result;

Related Classes of org.exist.versioning.svn.WorkingCopy

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