Package org.molgenis.framework.ui.html

Source Code of org.molgenis.framework.ui.html.CodeInput

* File: <br>
* Copyright: Inventory 2000-2006, GBIC 2005, all rights reserved <br>
* Changelog:
* <ul>
* <li>2006-03-08, 1.0.0, DI Matthijssen; Creation
* <li>2006-05-14, 1.1.0, MA Swertz; Refectoring into Invengine.
* </ul>
* TODO look at the depreciated functions.

package org.molgenis.framework.ui.html;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.molgenis.framework.ui.FreemarkerView;

* Renders an editor for freemarker including code higlighting and line numbers.
* Based on (thanks!)
public class CodeInput extends StringInput
  public enum Parser

    FREEMARKER("\"../contrib/freemarker/js/parsefreemarker.js\"", "css/freemarkercolors.css"), JAVA(

    private final String path;
    private final String css;

    Parser(String path, String css)
      this.path = path;
      this.css = css;

    public String getPath()
      return path;

    public String getCssPath()
      return css;


  private Parser parser = Parser.FREEMARKER;

  public CodeInput(String name)
    this(name, null, Parser.FREEMARKER);

  public CodeInput(String name, String value, Parser parser)
    super(name, value);
    this.parser = parser;

  protected CodeInput()
    // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

  public String getCustomHtmlHeaders()
    // borrow style from mce
    return "\n<link rel=\"stylesheet\" style=\"text/css\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"generated-res/lib/tinymce-3.4.4/themes/advanced/skins/o2k7/ui_silver.css\">"
        + "\n<link rel=\"stylesheet\" style=\"text/css\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"generated-res/lib/tinymce-3.4.4/themes/advanced/skins/o2k7/ui.css\">"
        + "\n<script src=\"generated-res/lib/codemirror-1.0/js/codemirror.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n"
        + "\n<style type=\"text/css\">"
        + "\n.CodeMirror-line-numbers {"
        + "\n   width: 2em;"
        + "\n   color: #aaa;"
        + "\n   background-color: #eee;"
        + "\n   text-align: right;"
        + "\n   padding-right: .3em;"
        + "\n   font-family: monospace;"
        + "\n  font-size: 12px;"
        + "\n   line-height: normal;"
        + "\n   padding-top: .4em;"
        + "\n  margin-bottom: 20px;"
        + "\n }"
        + "\n.CodeMirror-wrapping {"
        + "\n  border: 1px #AAA solid;"
        + "\n  margin: 2px;"
        + "\n  padding-bottom: 20px;"
        + "\n  width: 320px;"
        + "\n  background-color: #EEE;"
        + "\n}"
        + "\n.CodeMirror-iframe {"
        + "\n   border: 1px #AAA solid;"
        + "\n}"
        + "\n .editbox {"
        + "\n  background: white;"
        + "\n}"
        + "\n.CodeMirror-scroll {"
        + "\n  height: auto;"
        + "\n  overflow-y: hidden;" + "\n  overflow-x: auto;" + "\n  width: 100%" + "\n}" + "\n</style>";

  public String getParser()
    return this.parser.getPath();

  public String getParserStyle()
    return this.parser.getCssPath();

  public String toHtml()
    Map<String, Object> parameters = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
    parameters.put("input", this);

    // delegate to freemarker (sad Java doesn't allow multiline strings).
    return new FreemarkerView("org/molgenis/framework/ui/html/CodeInput.ftl", parameters).render();

Related Classes of org.molgenis.framework.ui.html.CodeInput

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