Package org.modeshape.jcr.cache.document

Source Code of org.modeshape.jcr.cache.document.DocumentTranslator$ChildReferencesInfo

* ModeShape (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.modeshape.jcr.cache.document;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import org.infinispan.schematic.DocumentFactory;
import org.infinispan.schematic.Schematic;
import org.infinispan.schematic.SchematicEntry;
import org.infinispan.schematic.document.Binary;
import org.infinispan.schematic.document.Document;
import org.infinispan.schematic.document.Document.Field;
import org.infinispan.schematic.document.EditableArray;
import org.infinispan.schematic.document.EditableDocument;
import org.infinispan.schematic.document.Null;
import org.modeshape.common.annotation.Immutable;
import org.modeshape.common.text.NoOpEncoder;
import org.modeshape.common.text.TextDecoder;
import org.modeshape.common.text.TextEncoder;
import org.modeshape.common.util.StringUtil;
import org.modeshape.jcr.ExecutionContext;
import org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon;
import org.modeshape.jcr.api.value.DateTime;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.CachedNode.ReferenceType;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.ChildReference;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.ChildReferences;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.NodeKey;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.document.SessionNode.ChangedAdditionalParents;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.document.SessionNode.ChangedChildren;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.document.SessionNode.Insertions;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.document.SessionNode.ReferrerChanges;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.BinaryFactory;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.BinaryKey;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.DateTimeFactory;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.Name;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.NameFactory;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.Path;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.Path.Segment;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.PathFactory;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.Property;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.PropertyFactory;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.Reference;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.ReferenceFactory;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.ValueFactories;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.ValueFactory;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.basic.NodeKeyReference;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.binary.BinaryStoreException;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.binary.EmptyBinaryValue;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.binary.ExternalBinaryValue;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.binary.InMemoryBinaryValue;

* A utility class that encapsulates all the logic for reading from and writing to {@link Document} instances.
public class DocumentTranslator implements DocumentConstants {

    private final DocumentStore documentStore;
    private final AtomicLong largeStringSize = new AtomicLong();
    private final ExecutionContext context;
    private final PropertyFactory propertyFactory;
    private final ValueFactories factories;
    private final PathFactory paths;
    private final NameFactory names;
    private final DateTimeFactory dates;
    private final BinaryFactory binaries;
    private final ValueFactory<Long> longs;
    private final ValueFactory<Double> doubles;
    private final ValueFactory<URI> uris;
    private final ValueFactory<BigDecimal> decimals;
    private final ValueFactory<String> strings;
    private final ReferenceFactory refs;
    private final ReferenceFactory weakrefs;
    private final ReferenceFactory simplerefs;
    private final TextEncoder encoder = NoOpEncoder.getInstance();
    private final TextDecoder decoder = NoOpEncoder.getInstance();

    public DocumentTranslator( ExecutionContext context,
                               DocumentStore documentStore,
                               long largeStringSize ) {
        this.documentStore = documentStore;
        this.context = context;
        this.propertyFactory = this.context.getPropertyFactory();
        this.factories = this.context.getValueFactories();
        this.paths = this.factories.getPathFactory();
        this.names = this.factories.getNameFactory();
        this.dates = this.factories.getDateFactory();
        this.binaries = this.factories.getBinaryFactory();
        this.longs = this.factories.getLongFactory();
        this.doubles = this.factories.getDoubleFactory();
        this.uris = this.factories.getUriFactory();
        this.decimals = this.factories.getDecimalFactory();
        this.refs = this.factories.getReferenceFactory();
        this.weakrefs = this.factories.getWeakReferenceFactory();
        this.simplerefs = this.factories.getSimpleReferenceFactory();
        this.strings = this.factories.getStringFactory();
        assert this.largeStringSize.get() >= 0;

    public DocumentTranslator withLargeStringSize( long largeStringSize ) {
        return new DocumentTranslator(context, documentStore, largeStringSize);

    public final ValueFactory<String> getStringFactory() {
        return strings;

    public final NameFactory getNameFactory() {
        return names;

    public final ReferenceFactory getReferenceFactory() {
        return this.refs;

    public final PropertyFactory getPropertyFactory() {
        return propertyFactory;

    void setMinimumStringLengthForBinaryStorage( long largeValueSize ) {
        assert largeValueSize > -1;

     * Obtain the preferred {@link NodeKey key} for the parent of this node. Because a node can be used in more than once place,
     * it may technically have more than one parent. Therefore, in such cases this method prefers the parent that is in the
     * {@code primaryWorkspaceKey} and, if there is no such parent, the parent that is in the {@code secondaryWorkspaceKey}.
     * @param document the document for the node; may not be null
     * @param primaryWorkspaceKey the key for the workspace in which the parent should preferably exist; may be null
     * @param secondaryWorkspaceKey the key for the workspace in which the parent should exist if not in the primary workspace;
     *        may be null
     * @return the key representing the preferred parent, or null if the document contains no parent reference or if the parent
     *         reference(s) do not have the specified workspace keys
    public NodeKey getParentKey( Document document,
                                 String primaryWorkspaceKey,
                                 String secondaryWorkspaceKey ) {
        Object value = document.get(PARENT);
        return keyFrom(value, primaryWorkspaceKey, secondaryWorkspaceKey);

    public Set<NodeKey> getAdditionalParentKeys( Document document ) {
        Object value = document.get(PARENT);
        if (value instanceof String) {
            // The first key is the primary parent, so there are no more additional parents ...
            return Collections.emptySet();
        if (value instanceof List<?>) {
            List<?> values = (List<?>)value;
            if (values.size() == 1) {
                // The first key is the primary parent, so there are no more additional parents ...
                return Collections.emptySet();
            Set<NodeKey> keys = new LinkedHashSet<NodeKey>();
            Iterator<?> iter = values.iterator();
            // skip the first parent, since it's the primary parent ...
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                Object v =;
                if (v == null) {
                String key = (String)v;
                keys.add(new NodeKey(key));
            return keys;
        return Collections.emptySet();

    private final NodeKey keyFrom( Object value,
                                   String primaryWorkspaceKey,
                                   String secondaryWorkspaceKey ) {
        if (value instanceof String) {
            return new NodeKey((String)value);
        if (value instanceof List<?>) {
            List<?> values = (List<?>)value;
            if (values.size() == 1) {
                return keyFrom(values.get(0), primaryWorkspaceKey, secondaryWorkspaceKey);
            NodeKey keyWithSecondaryWorkspaceKey = null;
            for (Object v : values) {
                if (v == null) {
                NodeKey key = new NodeKey((String)v);
                if (key.getWorkspaceKey().equals(primaryWorkspaceKey)) {
                    return key;
                if (keyWithSecondaryWorkspaceKey == null && secondaryWorkspaceKey != null
                    && key.getWorkspaceKey().equals(secondaryWorkspaceKey)) {
                    keyWithSecondaryWorkspaceKey = key;
            return keyWithSecondaryWorkspaceKey;
        return null;

    public void getProperties( Document document,
                               Map<Name, Property> result ) {
        // Get the properties container ...
        Document properties = document.getDocument(PROPERTIES);
        if (properties != null) {

            // For all namespaces ...
            for (Field nsField : properties.fields()) {
                String namespaceUri = nsField.getName();
                Document nsDoc = nsField.getValueAsDocument();

                // Get all the properties in the namespace ...
                for (Field propField : nsDoc.fields()) {
                    String localName = propField.getName();
                    Name propertyName = names.create(namespaceUri, localName);
                    if (!result.containsKey(propertyName)) {
                        Object fieldValue = propField.getValue();
                        Property property = propertyFor(propertyName, fieldValue);
                        result.put(propertyName, property);

    public int countProperties( Document document ) {
        // Get the properties container ...
        Document properties = document.getDocument(PROPERTIES);
        if (properties == null) {
            return 0;

        int count = 0;
        for (Field nsField : properties.fields()) {
            Document urlProps = nsField.getValueAsDocument();
            if (urlProps != null) {
                for (Field propField : urlProps.fields()) {
                    if (!Null.matches(propField.getValue())) {
        return count;

    public boolean hasProperties( Document document ) {
        // Get the properties container ...
        Document properties = document.getDocument(PROPERTIES);
        if (properties == null) {
            return false;

        for (Field nsField : properties.fields()) {
            Document urlProps = nsField.getValueAsDocument();
            if (urlProps != null) {
                for (Field propField : urlProps.fields()) {
                    if (!Null.matches(propField.getValue())) {
                        return true;
        return false;

    public boolean hasProperty( Document document,
                                Name propertyName ) {
        // Get the properties container ...
        Document properties = document.getDocument(PROPERTIES);
        if (properties == null) {
            return false;

        // Get the namespace container for the property name's namespace ...
        Document urlProps = properties.getDocument(propertyName.getNamespaceUri());
        if (urlProps == null) {
            return false;

        // Get the property ...
        Object fieldValue = urlProps.get(propertyName.getLocalName());
        return !Null.matches(fieldValue);

    public Property getProperty( Document document,
                                 String propertyName ) {
        return getProperty(document, names.create(propertyName));

    public Property getProperty( Document document,
                                 Name propertyName ) {
        // Get the properties container ...
        Document properties = document.getDocument(PROPERTIES);
        if (properties == null) {
            return null;

        // Get the namespace container for the property name's namespace ...
        Document urlProps = properties.getDocument(propertyName.getNamespaceUri());
        if (urlProps == null) {
            return null;

        // Get the property ...
        Object fieldValue = urlProps.get(propertyName.getLocalName());
        return fieldValue == null ? null : propertyFor(propertyName, fieldValue);

    public Name getPrimaryType( Document document ) {
        return names.create(getProperty(document, JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE).getFirstValue());

    public String getPrimaryTypeName( Document document ) {
        return strings.create(getProperty(document, JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE).getFirstValue());

    public Set<Name> getMixinTypes( Document document ) {
        Property prop = getProperty(document, JcrLexicon.MIXIN_TYPES);
        if (prop == null || prop.size() == 0) return Collections.emptySet();

        if (prop.size() == 1) {
            Name name = names.create(prop.getFirstValue());
            return Collections.singleton(name);
        Set<Name> result = new HashSet<Name>();
        for (Object value : prop) {
            Name name = names.create(value);
        return result;

    public Set<String> getMixinTypeNames( Document document ) {
        Property prop = getProperty(document, JcrLexicon.MIXIN_TYPES);
        if (prop == null || prop.size() == 0) return Collections.emptySet();

        if (prop.size() == 1) {
            String name = strings.create(prop.getFirstValue());
            return Collections.singleton(name);
        Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>();
        for (Object value : prop) {
            String name = strings.create(value);
        return result;

    protected Property propertyFor( Name propertyName,
                                    Object fieldValue ) {
        Object value = valueFromDocument(fieldValue);
        if (value instanceof List<?>) {
            List<?> values = (List<?>)value;
            return propertyFactory.create(propertyName, values);
        return propertyFactory.create(propertyName, value);

    public void setProperty( EditableDocument document,
                             Property property,
                             Set<BinaryKey> unusedBinaryKeys,
                             Set<BinaryKey> usedBinaryKeys) {
        // Get or create the properties container ...
        EditableDocument properties = document.getDocument(PROPERTIES);
        if (properties == null) {
            properties = document.setDocument(PROPERTIES);

        // Get or create the namespace container for the property name's namespace ...
        Name propertyName = property.getName();
        String namespaceUri = propertyName.getNamespaceUri();
        EditableDocument urlProps = properties.getDocument(namespaceUri);
        if (urlProps == null) {
            urlProps = properties.setDocument(namespaceUri);

        // Get the old value ...
        String localName = propertyName.getLocalName();
        Object oldValue = urlProps.get(localName);
        decrementBinaryReferenceCount(oldValue, unusedBinaryKeys, usedBinaryKeys);

        // Now set the property ...
        if (property.isEmpty()) {
        } else if (property.isMultiple()) {
            EditableArray values = Schematic.newArray(property.size());
            for (Object v : property) {
                values.add(valueToDocument(v, unusedBinaryKeys, usedBinaryKeys));
            urlProps.setArray(localName, values);
        } else {
            assert property.isSingle();
            Object value = valueToDocument(property.getFirstValue(), unusedBinaryKeys, usedBinaryKeys);
            if (value == null) {
            } else {
                urlProps.set(localName, value);

    public Property removeProperty( EditableDocument document,
                                    Name propertyName,
                                    Set<BinaryKey> unusedBinaryKeys,
                                    Set<BinaryKey> usedBinaryKeys) {
        // Get the properties container if it exists ...
        EditableDocument properties = document.getDocument(PROPERTIES);
        if (properties == null) {
            // Doesn't contain the property ...
            return null;

        // Get the namespace container for the property name's namespace ...
        String namespaceUri = propertyName.getNamespaceUri();
        EditableDocument urlProps = properties.getDocument(namespaceUri);
        if (urlProps == null) {
            // Doesn't contain the property ...
            return null;

        // Now remove the property ...
        String localName = propertyName.getLocalName();
        Object fieldValue = urlProps.remove(localName);

        // We're removing a reference to a binary value, and we need to decrement the reference count ...
        decrementBinaryReferenceCount(fieldValue, unusedBinaryKeys, usedBinaryKeys);

        // Now remove the namespace if empty ...
        if (urlProps.isEmpty()) {
        return fieldValue == null ? null : propertyFor(propertyName, fieldValue);

    public void addPropertyValues( EditableDocument document,
                                   Name propertyName,
                                   boolean isMultiple,
                                   Collection<?> values,
                                   Set<BinaryKey> unusedBinaryKeys,
                                   Set<BinaryKey> usedBinaryKeys) {
        assert values != null;
        int numValues = values.size();
        if (numValues == 0) {

        // Get or create the properties container ...
        EditableDocument properties = document.getDocument(PROPERTIES);
        if (properties == null) {
            properties = document.setDocument(PROPERTIES);

        // Get or create the namespace container for the property name's namespace ...
        String namespaceUri = propertyName.getNamespaceUri();
        EditableDocument urlProps = properties.getDocument(namespaceUri);
        if (urlProps == null) {
            urlProps = properties.setDocument(namespaceUri);

        // Now add the value to the property ...
        String localName = propertyName.getLocalName();
        Object propValue = urlProps.get(localName);
        if (propValue == null) {
            // We have to create the property ...
            if (isMultiple || numValues > 1) {
                EditableArray array = Schematic.newArray(numValues);
                for (Object value : values) {
                    array.addValue(valueToDocument(value, unusedBinaryKeys, usedBinaryKeys));
                urlProps.setArray(localName, array);
            } else {
                urlProps.set(localName, valueToDocument(values.iterator().next(), unusedBinaryKeys, usedBinaryKeys));
        } else if (propValue instanceof List<?>) {
            // Decrement the reference count of any binary references ...
            decrementBinaryReferenceCount(propValue, unusedBinaryKeys, usedBinaryKeys);

            // There's an existing property with multiple values ...
            EditableArray array = urlProps.getArray(localName);
            for (Object value : values) {
                value = valueToDocument(value, unusedBinaryKeys, usedBinaryKeys);
        } else {
            // Decrement the reference count of any binary references ...
            decrementBinaryReferenceCount(propValue, unusedBinaryKeys, usedBinaryKeys);

            // There's just a single value ...
            if (numValues == 1) {
                Object value = valueToDocument(values.iterator().next(), unusedBinaryKeys, usedBinaryKeys);
                if (!value.equals(propValue)) {
                    // But the existing value is different, so we have to change to an array ...
                    EditableArray array = Schematic.newArray(value, propValue);
                    urlProps.setArray(localName, array);
            } else {
                EditableArray array = Schematic.newArray(numValues);
                for (Object value : values) {
                    value = valueToDocument(value, unusedBinaryKeys, usedBinaryKeys);
                    if (!value.equals(propValue)) {
                assert !array.isEmpty();
                urlProps.setArray(localName, array);

    public void removePropertyValues( EditableDocument document,
                                      Name propertyName,
                                      Collection<?> values,
                                      Set<BinaryKey> unusedBinaryKeys,
                                      Set<BinaryKey> usedBinaryKeys) {
        assert values != null;
        int numValues = values.size();
        if (numValues == 0) {

        // Get the properties container if it exists ...
        EditableDocument properties = document.getDocument(PROPERTIES);
        if (properties == null) {
            // Doesn't contain the property ...

        // Get the namespace container for the property name's namespace ...
        String namespaceUri = propertyName.getNamespaceUri();
        EditableDocument urlProps = properties.getDocument(namespaceUri);
        if (urlProps == null) {
            // Doesn't contain the property ...

        // Now add the value to the property ...
        String localName = propertyName.getLocalName();
        Object propValue = urlProps.get(localName);
        decrementBinaryReferenceCount(propValue, unusedBinaryKeys, usedBinaryKeys);

        if (propValue instanceof List<?>) {
            // There's an existing property with multiple values ...
            EditableArray array = urlProps.getArray(localName);
            for (Object value : values) {
                value = valueToDocument(value, null, null);
        } else if (propValue != null) {
            // There's just a single value ...
            for (Object value : values) {
                value = valueToDocument(value, unusedBinaryKeys, usedBinaryKeys);
                if (value.equals(propValue)) {
                    // And the value matches, so remove the field ...

        // Now remove the namespace if empty ...
        if (urlProps.isEmpty()) {

    public void setParents( EditableDocument document,
                            NodeKey parent,
                            NodeKey oldParent,
                            ChangedAdditionalParents additionalParents ) {
        Object existingParent = document.get(PARENT);
        if (existingParent == null) {
            if (parent != null) {
                if (additionalParents == null || additionalParents.isEmpty()) {
                    document.setString(PARENT, parent.toString());
                } else {
                    EditableArray parents = Schematic.newArray(additionalParents.additionCount() + 1);
                    for (NodeKey added : additionalParents.getAdditions()) {
                    document.set(PARENT, parents);
            } else if (additionalParents != null && !additionalParents.isEmpty()) {
                EditableArray parents = Schematic.newArray(additionalParents.additionCount());
                for (NodeKey added : additionalParents.getAdditions()) {
                document.set(PARENT, parents);
        if (existingParent instanceof List<?>) {
            // Remove the old parent and add the new parent ...
            EditableArray parents = document.getArray(PARENT);
            if (parent != null && !parent.equals(oldParent)) {
                if (oldParent != null) {
            if (additionalParents != null) {
                for (NodeKey removedParent : additionalParents.getRemovals()) {
                    // When the primary parent is removed and changed to one of the additional parents, then the additional
                    // parent is removed. Therefore, we only want to remove it if it does not equal the new parent ...
                    if (!removedParent.equals(parent)) {
                        parents.remove((Object)removedParent.toString()); // remove by value (not by name)
                for (NodeKey added : additionalParents.getAdditions()) {
        } else if (existingParent instanceof String) {
            String existing = (String)existingParent;
            if (parent != null && (additionalParents == null || additionalParents.isEmpty())) {
                String oldParentStr = oldParent != null ? oldParent.toString() : null;
                if (existing.equals(oldParentStr)) {
                    // Just replace the
                    document.set(PARENT, parent.toString());
                } else {
                    // Add it ...
                    EditableArray parents = Schematic.newArray(2);
                    document.set(PARENT, parents);
            } else {
                // Just replace the existing 'parent' field ...
                int totalNumber = additionalParents.additionCount() - additionalParents.removalCount() + 1;
                assert totalNumber >= 0;
                EditableArray parents = Schematic.newArray(totalNumber);
                if (parent != null && !existingParent.equals(parent.toString())) {
                } else {
                for (NodeKey removed : additionalParents.getRemovals()) {
                for (NodeKey added : additionalParents.getAdditions()) {
                document.set(PARENT, parents);

    public void setKey( EditableDocument document,
                        NodeKey key ) {
        assert document.getString(KEY) == null;
        document.setString(KEY, key.toString());

    public void setKey( EditableDocument document,
                        String key ) {
        assert key != null;
        document.setString(KEY, key);

    public String getKey( Document document ) {
        return document.getString(KEY);

    public void changeChildren( EditableDocument document,
                                ChangedChildren changedChildren,
                                ChildReferences appended ) {
        assert !(changedChildren == null && appended == null);

        // Get the total number of children and the number of children in this block ...
        ChildReferencesInfo info = getChildReferencesInfo(document);
        long newTotalSize = 0L;

        EditableDocument doc = document;
        EditableDocument lastDoc = document;
        String lastDocKey = null;
        if (changedChildren != null && !changedChildren.isEmpty()) {
            Map<NodeKey, Insertions> insertionsByBeforeKey = changedChildren.getInsertionsByBeforeKey();

            // Handle removals and renames ...
            Set<NodeKey> removals = changedChildren.getRemovals();
            Map<NodeKey, Name> newNames = changedChildren.getNewNames();
            while (doc != null) {
                // we need to clean up projections
                if (isFederatedDocument(doc) && !removals.isEmpty()) {
                    Set<String> removalsStrings = new HashSet<String>();
                    for (NodeKey key : removals) {
                        // only when we're dealing with a foreign key do we need to do this
                        if (!key.toString().startsWith(documentStore.getLocalSourceKey())) {
                    removeFederatedSegments(doc, removalsStrings);

                // Change the existing children ...
                long blockCount = insertChildren(doc, insertionsByBeforeKey, removals, newNames);
                newTotalSize += blockCount;

                // Look at the 'childrenInfo' document for info about the next block of children ...
                SchematicEntry nextEntry = null;
                ChildReferencesInfo docInfo = doc == document ? info : getChildReferencesInfo(doc);
                if (docInfo != null && docInfo.nextKey != null) {
                    // The children are segmented, so get the next block of children ...
                    nextEntry = documentStore.get(docInfo.nextKey);

                if (nextEntry != null) {
                    assert docInfo != null && docInfo.nextKey != null;
                    // There is more than one block, so update the block size ...
                    doc.getDocument(CHILDREN_INFO).setNumber(BLOCK_SIZE, blockCount);

                    doc = documentStore.edit(docInfo.nextKey, true);
                    lastDoc = doc;
                    assert docInfo != null;
                    lastDocKey = docInfo.nextKey;
                } else {
                    if (doc == document && doc.containsField(CHILDREN_INFO)) {
                        // This is still the first document, so there shouldn't be a block size ...
                        EditableDocument childInfo = doc.getDocument(CHILDREN_INFO);
                        childInfo.set(COUNT, newTotalSize);
                    doc = null;
        } else {
            // We're not inserting or removing children, so we've not modified the number of children ...
            newTotalSize = info != null ? info.totalSize : 0L;

        if (appended != null && appended.size() != 0) {
            String lastKey = info != null ? info.lastKey : null;
            if (lastKey != null && !lastKey.equals(lastDocKey)) {
                // Find the last document ...
                lastDoc = documentStore.edit(lastKey, true);
            } else {
                lastKey = null;
            // Just append the new children to the end of the last document; we can use an asynchronous process
            // to adjust/optimize the number of children in each block ...
            EditableArray lastChildren = lastDoc.getOrCreateArray(CHILDREN);
            for (ChildReference ref : appended) {

            if (lastDoc != document) {
                // We've written to at least one other document, so update the block size ...
                EditableDocument lastDocInfo = lastDoc.getOrCreateDocument(CHILDREN_INFO);
                lastDocInfo.setNumber(BLOCK_SIZE, lastChildren.size());

            // And update the total size and last block on the starting document ...
            EditableDocument childInfo = document.getOrCreateDocument(CHILDREN_INFO);
            newTotalSize += appended.size();
            childInfo.setNumber(COUNT, newTotalSize);

            // And if needed the reference to the last block ...
            if (lastKey != null) {
                childInfo.setString(LAST_BLOCK, lastKey);

    protected long insertChildren( EditableDocument document,
                                   Map<NodeKey, Insertions> insertionsByBeforeKey,
                                   Set<NodeKey> removals,
                                   Map<NodeKey, Name> newNames ) {
        List<?> children = document.getArray(CHILDREN);
        LinkedHashSet<ChildReference> newChildren = new LinkedHashSet<ChildReference>();
        if (children != null) {
            // process existing children
            for (Object value : children) {
                ChildReference ref = childReferenceFrom(value);
                if (ref == null) {
                NodeKey childKey = ref.getKey();
                // Are nodes inserted before this node?
                Insertions insertions = insertionsByBeforeKey.remove(childKey);
                if (insertions != null) {
                    for (ChildReference inserted : insertions.inserted()) {
                if (removals.remove(childKey)) {
                    // The node is removed ...
                } else {
                    // The node remains ...
                    Name newName = newNames.get(childKey);
                    if (newName != null) {
                        // But has been renamed ...
                        ref = ref.with(newName, 1);

        if (!insertionsByBeforeKey.isEmpty()) {
            // there are transient insertions (due to reordering of transient nodes) that have to be inserted in a correct order
            // if any reorderings involved existing children, they would have already been removed by the previous block
            // note that these insertions have to be added as child because *they do not appear* in the appended list
            LinkedList<ChildReference> toBeInsertedInOrder = new LinkedList<ChildReference>();
            for (Insertions insertion : insertionsByBeforeKey.values()) {
                // process the remaining insertions-before, which indicate transient & reordered children (reordering removes
                // children
                // from the appended list
                for (ChildReference activeReference : insertion.inserted()) {
                    if (toBeInsertedInOrder.contains(activeReference)) {
                        // the current reference is already in the list
                    Insertions insertionsBeforeActive = insertionsByBeforeKey.get(activeReference.getKey());
                    if (insertionsBeforeActive == null) {
                    for (ChildReference referenceBeforeActive : insertionsBeforeActive.inserted()) {
                        if (!toBeInsertedInOrder.contains(referenceBeforeActive)) {

        EditableArray newChildrenArray = Schematic.newArray(newChildren.size());
        for (ChildReference childReference : newChildren) {
        document.set(CHILDREN, newChildrenArray);
        return newChildren.size();

    public ChildReferences getChildReferences( WorkspaceCache cache,
                                               Document document ) {
        boolean hasChildren = document.containsField(CHILDREN);
        boolean hasFederatedSegments = document.containsField(FEDERATED_SEGMENTS);
        if (!hasChildren && !hasFederatedSegments) {
            return ImmutableChildReferences.EMPTY_CHILD_REFERENCES;
        ChildReferences internalChildRefs = hasChildren ? ImmutableChildReferences.create(this, document, CHILDREN) : ImmutableChildReferences.EMPTY_CHILD_REFERENCES;
        ChildReferences externalChildRefs = hasFederatedSegments ? ImmutableChildReferences.create(this, document,
                                                                                                   FEDERATED_SEGMENTS) : ImmutableChildReferences.EMPTY_CHILD_REFERENCES;

        // Now look at the 'childrenInfo' document for info about the next block of children ...
        ChildReferencesInfo info = getChildReferencesInfo(document);
        if (!hasChildren) {
            return ImmutableChildReferences.create(externalChildRefs, info, cache);
        } else if (!hasFederatedSegments) {
            return ImmutableChildReferences.create(internalChildRefs, info, cache);
        } else {
            return ImmutableChildReferences.create(internalChildRefs, info, externalChildRefs, cache);

     * Reads the children of the given block and returns a {@link ChildReferences} instance.
     * @param block a {@code non-null} {@link Document} representing a block of children
     * @return a {@code non-null} child references instance
    public ChildReferences getChildReferencesFromBlock( Document block ) {
        if (!block.containsField(CHILDREN)) {
            return ImmutableChildReferences.EMPTY_CHILD_REFERENCES;
        return ImmutableChildReferences.create(this, block, CHILDREN);

    public ChildReferencesInfo getChildReferencesInfo( Document document ) {
        // Now look at the 'childrenInfo' document for info about the next block ...
        Document childrenInfo = document.getDocument(CHILDREN_INFO);
        if (childrenInfo != null) {
            long totalSize = childrenInfo.getLong(COUNT, 0L);
            long blockSize = childrenInfo.getLong(BLOCK_SIZE, 0L);
            String nextBlockKey = childrenInfo.getString(NEXT_BLOCK);
            String lastBlockKey = childrenInfo.getString(LAST_BLOCK, nextBlockKey);
            return new ChildReferencesInfo(totalSize, blockSize, nextBlockKey, lastBlockKey);
        return null;

    public static class ChildReferencesInfo {
        public final long totalSize;
        public final long blockSize;
        public final String nextKey;
        public final String lastKey;

        public ChildReferencesInfo( long totalSize,
                                    long blockSize,
                                    String nextKey,
                                    String lastKey ) {
            this.totalSize = totalSize;
            this.blockSize = blockSize;
            this.nextKey = nextKey;
            this.lastKey = lastKey;

        public String toString() {
            return "totalSize: " + totalSize + "; blockSize: " + blockSize + "; nextKey: " + nextKey + "; lastKey: " + lastKey;

    protected ChildReference childReferenceFrom( Object value ) {
        if (value instanceof Document) {
            Document doc = (Document)value;
            String keyStr = doc.getString(KEY);
            NodeKey key = new NodeKey(keyStr);
            String nameStr = doc.getString(NAME);
            Name name = names.create(nameStr, decoder);
            // We always use 1 for the SNS index, since the SNS index is dependent upon SNS nodes before it
            return new ChildReference(key, name, 1);
        return null;

    public EditableDocument fromChildReference( ChildReference ref ) {
        // We don't write the
        return Schematic.newDocument(KEY, valueToDocument(ref.getKey(), null, null), NAME, strings.create(ref.getName()));

    public Set<NodeKey> getReferrers( Document document,
                                      ReferenceType type ) {
        // Get the properties container ...
        Document referrers = document.getDocument(REFERRERS);
        if (referrers == null) {
            return new HashSet<NodeKey>();

        // Get the NodeKeys in the respective arrays ...
        Set<NodeKey> result = new HashSet<NodeKey>();
        if (type != ReferenceType.WEAK) {
            Document strong = referrers.getDocument(STRONG);
            if (strong != null) {
                for (String keyString : strong.keySet()) {
                    result.add(new NodeKey(keyString));
        if (type != ReferenceType.STRONG) {
            Document weak = referrers.getDocument(WEAK);
            if (weak != null) {
                for (String keyString : weak.keySet()) {
                    result.add(new NodeKey(keyString));
        return result;

    public Map<NodeKey, Integer> getReferrerCounts( Document document,
                                                    ReferenceType type ) {
        // Get the properties container ...
        Document referrers = document.getDocument(REFERRERS);
        if (referrers == null) {
            return Collections.emptyMap();

        // Get the NodeKeys in the respective arrays ...
        Map<NodeKey, Integer> result = new HashMap<>();
        if (type == ReferenceType.STRONG || type == ReferenceType.BOTH) {
            Document strong = referrers.getDocument(STRONG);
            if (strong != null) {
                for (String keyString : strong.keySet()) {
                    result.put(new NodeKey(keyString), strong.getInteger(keyString));
        if (type == ReferenceType.WEAK || type == ReferenceType.BOTH) {
            Document weak = referrers.getDocument(WEAK);
            if (weak != null) {
                for (String keyString : weak.keySet()) {
                    result.put(new NodeKey(keyString), weak.getInteger(keyString));
        return result;

    public void changeReferrers( EditableDocument document,
                                 ReferrerChanges changes ) {
        if (changes.isEmpty()) {
            // There are no changes requested ...

        // Get the properties container ...
        EditableDocument referrers = document.getDocument(REFERRERS);
        List<NodeKey> strongAdded = changes.getAddedReferrers(ReferenceType.STRONG);
        List<NodeKey> weakAdded = changes.getAddedReferrers(ReferenceType.WEAK);

        if (referrers == null) {
            // There are no references in the document, so create it from the added references ...
            referrers = document.setDocument(REFERRERS);
            if (!strongAdded.isEmpty()) {
                Set<NodeKey> strongAddedSet = new HashSet<NodeKey>(strongAdded);
                EditableDocument strong = referrers.setDocument(STRONG);
                for (NodeKey key : strongAddedSet) {
                    strong.set(key.toString(), Collections.frequency(strongAdded, key));
            if (!weakAdded.isEmpty()) {
                Set<NodeKey> weakAddedSet = new HashSet<NodeKey>(weakAdded);
                EditableDocument weak = referrers.setDocument(WEAK);
                for (NodeKey key : weakAddedSet) {
                    weak.set(key.toString(), Collections.frequency(weakAdded, key));

        // There are already some references, so update them
        List<NodeKey> strongRemoved = changes.getRemovedReferrers(ReferenceType.STRONG);
        Map<NodeKey, Integer> strongCount = computeReferrersCountDelta(strongAdded, strongRemoved);
        if (!strongCount.isEmpty()) {
            EditableDocument strong = referrers.getOrCreateDocument(STRONG);
            updateReferrers(strong, strongCount);

        List<NodeKey> weakRemoved = changes.getRemovedReferrers(ReferenceType.WEAK);
        Map<NodeKey, Integer> weakCount = computeReferrersCountDelta(weakAdded, weakRemoved);
        if (!weakCount.isEmpty()) {
            EditableDocument weak = referrers.getOrCreateDocument(WEAK);
            updateReferrers(weak, weakCount);

    private void updateReferrers( EditableDocument owningDocument,
                                  Map<NodeKey, Integer> referrersCountDelta ) {
        for (NodeKey strongKey : referrersCountDelta.keySet()) {
            int newCount = referrersCountDelta.get(strongKey);
            String keyString = strongKey.toString();
            Integer existingCount = (Integer)owningDocument.get(keyString);

            if (existingCount != null) {
                int actualCount = existingCount + newCount;
                if (actualCount <= 0) {
                } else {
                    owningDocument.set(keyString, actualCount);
            } else if (newCount > 0) {
                owningDocument.set(keyString, newCount);

     * Given the lists of added & removed referrers (which may contain duplicates), compute the delta with which the count has to
     * be updated in the document
     * @param addedReferrers the list of referrers that was added
     * @param removedReferrers the list of referrers that was removed
     * @return a map(nodekey, delta) pairs
    private Map<NodeKey, Integer> computeReferrersCountDelta( List<NodeKey> addedReferrers,
                                                              List<NodeKey> removedReferrers ) {
        Map<NodeKey, Integer> referrersCountDelta = new HashMap<NodeKey, Integer>(0);

        Set<NodeKey> addedReferrersUnique = new HashSet<NodeKey>(addedReferrers);
        for (NodeKey addedReferrer : addedReferrersUnique) {
            int referrersCount = Collections.frequency(addedReferrers, addedReferrer)
                                 - Collections.frequency(removedReferrers, addedReferrer);
            referrersCountDelta.put(addedReferrer, referrersCount);

        Set<NodeKey> removedReferrersUnique = new HashSet<NodeKey>(removedReferrers);
        for (NodeKey removedReferrer : removedReferrersUnique) {
            // process what's left in the removed list, only if not found in the added
            if (!referrersCountDelta.containsKey(removedReferrer)) {
                referrersCountDelta.put(removedReferrer, -1 * Collections.frequency(removedReferrers, removedReferrer));
        return referrersCountDelta;

    protected Object valueToDocument( Object value,
                                      Set<BinaryKey> unusedBinaryKeys,
                                      Set<BinaryKey> usedBinaryKeys) {
        if (value == null) {
            return null;
        if (value instanceof String) {
            String valueStr = (String)value;
            if (valueStr.length() < this.largeStringSize.get()) {
                // It's just a small string ...
                return value;
            // Otherwise, this string is larger than our threshold, and we should treat it as a binary value ...
            value = binaries.create(valueStr);
            // and just continue, where the value will be processed below ...
        if (value instanceof NodeKey) {
            return ((NodeKey)value).toString();
        if (value instanceof UUID) {
            return Schematic.newDocument("$uuid", this.strings.create((UUID)value));
        if (value instanceof Boolean) {
            return value;
        if (value instanceof Long) {
            return value;
        if (value instanceof Integer) {
            return new Long(((Integer)value).intValue());
        if (value instanceof Double) {
            return value;
        if (value instanceof Name) {
            Name name = (Name)value;
            return Schematic.newDocument("$name", name.getString(encoder));
        if (value instanceof Path) {
            Path path = (Path)value;
            List<Object> segments = Schematic.newArray(path.size());
            for (Segment segment : path) {
                String str = segment.getString(encoder);
            boolean relative = !path.isAbsolute();
            return Schematic.newDocument("$path", segments, "$relative", relative);
        if (value instanceof DateTime) {
            return Schematic.newDocument("$date", this.strings.create((DateTime)value));
        if (value instanceof BigDecimal) {
            return Schematic.newDocument("$dec", this.strings.create((BigDecimal)value));
        if (value instanceof Reference) {
            Reference ref = (Reference)value;
            String key = null;
            if (ref.isSimple()) {
                key = SIMPLE_REFERENCE_FIELD;
            } else {
                key = ref.isWeak() ? WEAK_REFERENCE_FIELD : REFERENCE_FIELD;

            String refString = ref instanceof NodeKeyReference ? ((NodeKeyReference)ref).getNodeKey().toString() : this.strings.create(ref);
            boolean isForeign = ref.isForeign();
            return Schematic.newDocument(key, refString, "$foreign", isForeign);
        if (value instanceof URI) {
            return Schematic.newDocument("$uri", this.strings.create((URI)value));
        if (value instanceof ExternalBinaryValue) {
            ExternalBinaryValue externalBinaryValue = (ExternalBinaryValue)value;
            return Schematic.newDocument(EXTERNAL_BINARY_ID_FIELD, externalBinaryValue.getId(), SOURCE_NAME_FIELD,
        if (value instanceof org.modeshape.jcr.value.BinaryValue) {
            org.modeshape.jcr.value.BinaryValue binary = (org.modeshape.jcr.value.BinaryValue)value;
            if (binary instanceof InMemoryBinaryValue) {
                return new Binary(((InMemoryBinaryValue)binary).getBytes());
            // This is a large value ...
            String sha1 = binary.getHexHash();
            long size = binary.getSize();
            Document ref = Schematic.newDocument(SHA1_FIELD, sha1, LENGTH_FIELD, size);

            // Find the document metadata and increment the usage count ...
            incrementBinaryReferenceCount(binary.getKey(), unusedBinaryKeys, usedBinaryKeys);

            // Now return the sha-1 reference ...
            return ref;
        assert false : "Unexpected property value \"" + value + "\" of type " + value.getClass().getSimpleName();
        return null;

    protected final String keyForBinaryReferenceDocument( String sha1 ) {
        return sha1 + "-ref";

     * Increment the reference count for the stored binary value with the supplied SHA-1 hash.
     * @param binaryKey the key for the binary value; never null
     * @param unusedBinaryKeys the set of binary keys that are considered unused; may be null
     * @param usedBinaryKeys the set of binary keys that are considered used; may be null
    protected void incrementBinaryReferenceCount( BinaryKey binaryKey,
                                                  Set<BinaryKey> unusedBinaryKeys,
                                                  Set<BinaryKey> usedBinaryKeys ) {
        // Find the document metadata and increment the usage count ...
        String sha1 = binaryKey.toString();
        String key = keyForBinaryReferenceDocument(sha1);
        EditableDocument entry = documentStore.edit(key, false);
        if (entry == null) {
            // The document doesn't yet exist, so create it ...
            Document content = Schematic.newDocument(SHA1, sha1, REFERENCE_COUNT, 1L);
            documentStore.localStore().put(key, content);
        } else {
            Long countValue = entry.getLong(REFERENCE_COUNT);
            entry.setNumber(REFERENCE_COUNT, countValue != null ? countValue + 1 : 1L);
        // We're using the sha1, so remove it if its in the set of unused binary keys ...
        if (unusedBinaryKeys != null) {
        if (usedBinaryKeys != null) {

     * Decrement the reference count for the binary value.
     * @param fieldValue the value in the document that may contain a binary value reference; may be null
     * @param unusedBinaryKeys the set of binary keys that are considered unused; may be null
     * @param usedBinaryKeys the set of binary keys that are considered used; may be null
    protected void decrementBinaryReferenceCount( Object fieldValue,
                                                  Set<BinaryKey> unusedBinaryKeys,
                                                  Set<BinaryKey> usedBinaryKeys) {
        if (fieldValue instanceof List<?>) {
            for (Object value : (List<?>)fieldValue) {
                decrementBinaryReferenceCount(value, unusedBinaryKeys, usedBinaryKeys);
        } else if (fieldValue instanceof Object[]) {
            for (Object value : (Object[])fieldValue) {
                decrementBinaryReferenceCount(value, unusedBinaryKeys, usedBinaryKeys);
        } else {
            String sha1 = null;
            if (fieldValue instanceof Document) {
                Document docValue = (Document)fieldValue;
                sha1 = docValue.getString(SHA1_FIELD);
            } else if (fieldValue instanceof BinaryKey) {
                sha1 = fieldValue.toString();
            } else if (fieldValue instanceof org.modeshape.jcr.api.Binary && !(fieldValue instanceof InMemoryBinaryValue)) {
                sha1 = ((org.modeshape.jcr.api.Binary)fieldValue).getHexHash();

            if (sha1 != null) {
                BinaryKey binaryKey = new BinaryKey(sha1);
                // Find the document metadata and decrement the usage count ...
                EditableDocument sha1Usage = documentStore.edit(keyForBinaryReferenceDocument(sha1), false);
                if (sha1Usage != null) {
                    Long countValue = sha1Usage.getLong(REFERENCE_COUNT);
                    assert countValue != null;

                    long count = countValue - 1;
                    assert count >= 0;

                    if (count == 0) {
                        // We're not using the binary value anymore ...
                        if (unusedBinaryKeys != null) {
                        if (usedBinaryKeys != null) {
                    sha1Usage.setNumber(REFERENCE_COUNT, count);
                } else {
                    // The documentStore doesn't contain the binary ref count doc, so we're no longer using the binary value ...
                    if (unusedBinaryKeys != null) {
                    if (usedBinaryKeys != null) {

    public Object valueFromDocument( Object value ) {
        if (value == null) {
            return null;
        if (value instanceof String) {
            return value;
        if (value instanceof Boolean) {
            return value;
        if (value instanceof Long) {
            return value;
        if (value instanceof Double) {
            return value;
        if (value instanceof Binary) {
            Binary binary = (Binary)value;
            return binaries.create(binary.getBytes());
        if (value instanceof URI) {
            URI uri = (URI)value;
            return uris.create(uri);
        if (value instanceof List<?>) {
            List<?> values = (List<?>)value;
            int size = values.size();
            if (size == 0) {
                return Collections.emptyList();
            List<Object> result = new ArrayList<Object>(values.size());
            for (Object val : values) {
            return result;
        if (value instanceof Document) {
            Document doc = (Document)value;
            String valueStr = null;
            List<?> array = null;
            if (!Null.matches(valueStr = doc.getString("$name"))) {
                return names.create(valueStr, decoder);
            if (!Null.matches(array = doc.getArray("$path"))) {
                List<Segment> segments = segmentsFrom(array);
                boolean relative = doc.getBoolean("$relative");
                return relative ? paths.createRelativePath(segments) : paths.createAbsolutePath(segments);
            if (!Null.matches(valueStr = doc.getString("$date"))) {
                return dates.create(valueStr);
            if (!Null.matches(valueStr = doc.getString("$dec"))) {
                return decimals.create(valueStr);
            if (!Null.matches(valueStr = doc.getString(REFERENCE_FIELD))) {
                return createReferenceFromString(refs, doc, valueStr);
            if (!Null.matches(valueStr = doc.getString(WEAK_REFERENCE_FIELD))) {
                return createReferenceFromString(weakrefs, doc, valueStr);
            if (!Null.matches(valueStr = doc.getString(SIMPLE_REFERENCE_FIELD))) {
                return createReferenceFromString(simplerefs, doc, valueStr);
            if (!Null.matches(valueStr = doc.getString("$uuid"))) {
                return UUID.fromString(valueStr);
            if (!Null.matches(valueStr = doc.getString("$uri"))) {
                return uris.create(valueStr);
            if (!Null.matches(valueStr = doc.getString(EXTERNAL_BINARY_ID_FIELD))) {
                String sourceName = doc.getString(SOURCE_NAME_FIELD);
                ExternalBinaryValue externalBinaryValue = documentStore.getExternalBinary(sourceName, valueStr);
                return externalBinaryValue != null ? externalBinaryValue : EmptyBinaryValue.INSTANCE;
            if (!Null.matches(valueStr = doc.getString(SHA1_FIELD))) {
                long size = doc.getLong(LENGTH_FIELD);
                try {
                    return binaries.find(new BinaryKey(valueStr), size);
                } catch (BinaryStoreException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
        if (value instanceof Integer) {
            return longs.create(((Integer)value).longValue());
        if (value instanceof Float) {
            return doubles.create(((Float)value).doubleValue());
        assert false : "Unexpected document value \"" + value + "\" of type " + value.getClass().getSimpleName();
        return null;

    private Object createReferenceFromString( ReferenceFactory referenceFactory,
                                              Document doc,
                                              String valueStr ) {
        boolean isForeign = doc.getBoolean("$foreign");
        if (!NodeKey.isValidFormat(valueStr)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("The reference " + valueStr + " is corrupt: expected a node-key reference");
        return referenceFactory.create(new NodeKey(valueStr), isForeign);

    protected List<Segment> segmentsFrom( List<?> segmentValues ) {
        List<Segment> segments = new ArrayList<Segment>(segmentValues.size());
        for (Object value : segmentValues) {
            Segment segment = paths.createSegment(value.toString(), decoder);
        return segments;

     * Checks if the given document is already locked
     * @param doc the document
     * @return true if the change was made successfully, or false otherwise
    public boolean isLocked( EditableDocument doc ) {
        return hasProperty(doc, JcrLexicon.LOCK_OWNER) || hasProperty(doc, JcrLexicon.LOCK_IS_DEEP);

    protected boolean isFederatedDocument( Document document ) {
        return document.containsField(FEDERATED_SEGMENTS);

    protected void removeFederatedSegments( EditableDocument federatedDocument,
                                            Set<String> externalNodeKeys ) {
        if (!federatedDocument.containsField(FEDERATED_SEGMENTS)) {
        EditableArray federatedSegments = federatedDocument.getArray(FEDERATED_SEGMENTS);
        for (int i = 0; i < federatedSegments.size(); i++) {
            Object federatedSegment = federatedSegments.get(i);
            assert federatedSegment instanceof Document;
            String segmentKey = getKey((Document)federatedSegment);
            if (externalNodeKeys.contains(segmentKey)) {
        if (federatedSegments.isEmpty()) {

    protected boolean isQueryable( Document document ) {
        // all documents are considered queryable by default
        return document.getBoolean(QUERYABLE_FIELD, true);

     * Marks the given document as queryable, by setting a flag.
     * @param document a {@link EditableDocument} instance; never null
     * @param queryable a boolean which indicates whether the document should be queryable or not.
    public void setQueryable( EditableDocument document,
                              boolean queryable ) {
        document.set(QUERYABLE_FIELD, queryable);

    protected void addFederatedSegment( EditableDocument document,
                                        String externalNodeKey,
                                        String name ) {
        EditableArray federatedSegmentsArray = document.getArray(FEDERATED_SEGMENTS);
        if (federatedSegmentsArray == null) {
            federatedSegmentsArray = Schematic.newArray();
            document.set(FEDERATED_SEGMENTS, federatedSegmentsArray);

        if (!StringUtil.isBlank(externalNodeKey)) {
            EditableDocument federatedSegment = DocumentFactory.newDocument(KEY, externalNodeKey, NAME, name);

     * Returns the value of the {@link org.modeshape.jcr.cache.document.DocumentTranslator#CACHE_TTL_SECONDS} field, if such a
     * value exists.
     * @param document a {@code non-null} document
     * @return either the value of the above field, or {@code null} if such a value doesn't exist.
    protected Integer getCacheTtlSeconds( Document document ) {
        return document.getInteger(CACHE_TTL_SECONDS);

Related Classes of org.modeshape.jcr.cache.document.DocumentTranslator$ChildReferencesInfo

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