Package com.sun.messaging.jms.ra

Source Code of com.sun.messaging.jms.ra.DirectProducer

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package com.sun.messaging.jms.ra;

import javax.jms.*;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsservice.JMSPacket;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsservice.JMSService;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsservice.JMSServiceReply;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsservice.JMSServiceException;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsservice.JMSService.MessageDeliveryMode;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsservice.JMSService.MessagePriority;

*  DirectProducer encapsulates JMS MessageProducer behavior for MQ DIRECT mode
*  operation
public class DirectProducer
        implements MessageProducer, QueueSender, TopicPublisher
     *  The JMSService for this DirectProducer
    private JMSService jmsservice;

     *  The parent DirectSession that created this DirectProducer
    private DirectSession ds;

     *  The connectionId of the parent DirectConnectio
    private long connectionId;

     *  The sessionId of the parent DirectSession
    private long sessionId;

     *  The producerId for this DirectProducer when the Destination is specified
     *  at Producer creation time.
    private long producerId = 0L;

     *  The default deliveyMode for this DirectProducer
    private MessageDeliveryMode deliveryMode;
    private int jmsDeliveryMode = javax.jms.Message.DEFAULT_DELIVERY_MODE;

     *  The default message priority for this DirectProducer
    private MessagePriority priority;
    private int jmsPriority = javax.jms.Message.DEFAULT_PRIORITY;

     *  The default timeToLive for messages produced by this DirectProducer
    private long jmsTimeToLive = javax.jms.Message.DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE;

     *  The JMS Destination that is associated with this DirectProducer when the
     *  Destination is specified at Producer creation time.
    private Destination destination = null;

     *  The JMSService Destination that is associated with this DirectProducer
    private com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsservice.Destination jmsservice_destination;

     *  Holds whether MessageID is disabled or not
    private boolean disableMessageID = false;

     *  Holds whether MessageTimestamp is disabled or not
    private boolean disableMessageTimestamp = false;

     *  Holds the closed state of this DirectProducer
    private boolean isClosed;
    private boolean isClosing;

     *  Holds the map of producerId entries for a DirectProducer that is created
     *  with an unspecified Destination
    private HashMap<String, Long> producerIds;
    /** For optimized logging while messaging */
    protected int _logLevel;
    protected boolean _logFINE = false;

     *  Logging
    private static transient final String _className =
    private static transient final String _lgrNameOutboundConnection =
    private static transient final String _lgrNameJMSProducer =
    private static transient final Logger _loggerOC =
    private static transient final Logger _loggerJMP =
    private static transient final String _lgrMIDPrefix = "MQJMSRA_DMP";
    private static transient final String _lgrMID_EET = _lgrMIDPrefix + "1001: ";
    private static transient final String _lgrMID_INF = _lgrMIDPrefix + "1101: ";
    private static transient final String _lgrMID_WRN = _lgrMIDPrefix + "2001: ";
    private static transient final String _lgrMID_ERR = _lgrMIDPrefix + "3001: ";
    private static transient final String _lgrMID_EXC = _lgrMIDPrefix + "4001: ";

    /** Creates a new instance of DirectProducer with unspecified destination */
    public DirectProducer(DirectSession ds, JMSService jmsservice) {
        Object params[] = new Object[2];
        params[0] = ds;
        params[1] = jmsservice;
        _loggerOC.entering(_className, "constructor()", params);       
        this.ds = ds;
        this.jmsservice = jmsservice;
        this.connectionId = ds.getConnectionId();
        this.sessionId = ds.getSessionId();
        producerIds = new HashMap<String, Long>();

    /** Creates a new instance of DirectProducer with a specified destination */
    public DirectProducer(DirectSession ds, JMSService jmsservice,
            long producerId, Destination destination,
            com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsservice.Destination jmsservice_dest) {
        Object params[] = new Object[5];
        params[0] = ds;
        params[1] = jmsservice;
        params[2] = producerId;
        params[3] = destination;
        params[4] = jmsservice_dest;
        _loggerOC.entering(_className, "constructor()", params);       
        this.ds = ds;
        this.jmsservice = jmsservice;
        this.producerId = producerId;
        this.destination = destination;
        if (this.destination == null) {
            //Initialize producerIds table if DirectProducer created for
            //unspecified Destination (i.e. null)
            producerIds = new HashMap<String, Long>();
        this.jmsservice_destination = jmsservice_dest;
        this.connectionId = ds.getConnectionId();
        this.sessionId = ds.getSessionId();
        java.util.logging.Level _level = _loggerJMP.getLevel();
        if (_level != null) {
            this._logLevel = _level.intValue();
            if (this._logLevel <= java.util.logging.Level.FINE.intValue()){
                this._logFINE = true;

    //  methods that implement javax.jms.MessageProducer
     *  Close this MessageProducer
    public synchronized void close()
    throws JMSException {
        //harmless if already closed
        if (isClosed){
        } else {

     *  Return the default JMS Message DeliveryMode for this MessageProducer
     *  @return The deliveryMode
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the MessageProducer has been closed.
     *  @see javax.jms.DeliveryMode javax.jms.DeliveryMode
    public int getDeliveryMode()
    throws JMSException{
        return this.jmsDeliveryMode;
        switch(this.deliveryMode) {
            case NON_PERSISTENT:
                return javax.jms.DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT;
            case PERSISTENT:
                return javax.jms.DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT;

     *  Return the Destination associated with this MessageProducer
     *  @return The Destination
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the MessageProducer has been closed.
    public Destination getDestination()
    throws JMSException {
        String methodName = "getDestination()";
                methodName +
                ((this.jmsservice_destination == null)
                ? null : this.jmsservice_destination.toString()));
        return this.destination;

     *  Return whether MessageIDs are disabled by this MessageProducer.<p>
     *  @return {@code true} If MessageIDs are diabled;<br> {@code false}
     *          If MessageIDs are not diabled.
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the MessageProducer has been closed.
    public boolean getDisableMessageID()
    throws JMSException {
        return this.disableMessageID;

     *  Return whether MessageIDs are disabled by this MessageProducer.<p>
     *  @return {@code true} If MessageIDs are diabled;<br> {@code false}
     *          If MessageIDs are not diabled.
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the MessageProducer has been closed.
    public boolean getDisableMessageTimestamp()
    throws JMSException {
        return this.disableMessageTimestamp;

     *  Return the default JMS Message Priority for this MessageProducer
     *  @return The priority
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the MessageProducer has been closed.
     *  @see javax.jms.Message#DEFAULT_PRIORITY javax.jms.Message.DEFAULT_PRIORITY
     *  @see com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsservice.JMSService.MessagePriority
    public int getPriority()
    throws JMSException{
        return this.jmsPriority;
        switch(this.priority) {
            case PRIORITY_0:
                return 0;
            case PRIORITY_1:
                return 1;
            case PRIORITY_2:
                return 2;
            case PRIORITY_3:
                return 3;
            case PRIORITY_4:
                return 4;
            case PRIORITY_5:
                return 5;
            case PRIORITY_6:
                return 6;
            case PRIORITY_7:
                return 7;
            case PRIORITY_8:
                return 8;
            case PRIORITY_9:
                return 9;
                return javax.jms.Message.DEFAULT_PRIORITY;

     *  Return the timeToLive associated with this MessageProducer
     *  @return The timeToLive
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the MessageProducer has been closed.
    public long getTimeToLive()
    throws JMSException {
        return this.jmsTimeToLive;

     *  Send a Message to the specified Destination using this MessageProducer
     *  @param  message The JMS Message to send
     *  @param  destination The JMS Destination to use when sending the
     *          message.
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the MessageProducer has been closed or
     *          it fails to send the message due to an internal error in the
     *          provider.
     *  @throws javax.jms.MessageFormatException If an invalid Message is used
     *  @throws javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException If an invalid Destination
     *          is used.
     *  @throws javax.jms.UnsupportedOperationException If this method is used
     *          with a MessageProducer hat specified a Destination at creation
     *          time.
    public void send(Destination destination, Message message)
    throws JMSException {
        String methodName = "send(Destination, Message)";
        if (this._logFINE){
            _loggerJMP.fine(_lgrMID_INF+"producerId="+producerId+":"+ methodName);
        this._checkDestinationParam(methodName, destination);
        this._send(destination, message,
                this.jmsDeliveryMode, this.jmsPriority, this.jmsTimeToLive);

     *  Send a Message to the specified Destination using this MessageProducer
     *  @param  message The JMS Message to send
     *  @param  destination The JMS Destination to use when sending the
     *          message.
     *  @param  deliveryMode The JMS DeliveryMode to use when sending the
     *          message.
     *  @param  priority The JMS Priority to use when sending the message.
     *  @param  timeToLive The JMS Expiration to use when sending the message
     *          in milliseconds.
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the MessageProducer has been closed or
     *          it fails to send the message due to an internal error in the
     *          provider.
     *  @throws javax.jms.MessageFormatException If an invalid Message is used
     *  @throws javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException If an invalid Destination
     *          is used.
     *  @throws javax.jms.UnsupportedOperationException If this method is used
     *          with a MessageProducer hat specified a Destination at creation
     *          time.
    public void send(Destination destination, Message message, int deliveryMode,
            int priority, long timeToLive)
    throws JMSException {
        String methodName = "send(Destination, Message, deliveryMode, priority, timeToLive)";
        if (this._logFINE){
            _loggerJMP.fine(_lgrMID_INF+"producerId="+producerId+":"+ methodName);
        this._checkDestinationParam(methodName, destination);
        this._send(destination, message, deliveryMode, priority, timeToLive);

     *  Send a Message to the Destination specified by this MessageProducer
     *  using the values of deliveryMode, priority, timeToLive that are
     *  configured in this MessageProducer.
     *  @param  message The JMS Message to send
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the MessageProducer has been closed or
     *          it fails to send the message due to an internal error in the
     *          provider.
     *  @throws javax.jms.MessageFormatException If an invalid Message is used
     *  @throws javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException If the Destination is
     *          invalid at the time of the send.
     *  @throws javax.jms.UnsupportedOperationException If this method is used
     *          with a MessageProducer that did not specify a Destination at
     *          creation time.
    public void send(Message message)
    throws JMSException {
        String methodName = "send(Message)";
        if (this._logFINE){
            _loggerJMP.fine(_lgrMID_INF+"producerId="+producerId+":"+ methodName);
        this._checkForUnsupportedOperation(methodName, null, true);
        this._send(this.destination, message,
                this.jmsDeliveryMode, this.jmsPriority, this.jmsTimeToLive);

     *  Send a Message to the Destination specified by this MessageProducer
     *  using the specified deliveryMode, priority, and timeToLive.
     *  @param  message The JMS Message to send
     *  @param  deliveryMode The JMS DeliveryMode to use when sending the
     *          message.
     *  @param  priority The JMS Priority to use when sending the message.
     *  @param  timeToLive The JMS Expiration to use when sending the message
     *          in milliseconds.
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the MessageProducer has been closed or
     *          it fails to send the message due to an internal error in the
     *          provider.
     *  @throws javax.jms.MessageFormatException If an invalid Message is used
     *  @throws javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException If the Destination is
     *          invalid at the time of the send.
     *  @throws javax.jms.UnsupportedOperationException If this method is used
     *          with a MessageProducer that did not specify a Destination at
     *          creation time.
    public void send(Message message, int deliveryMode, int priority,
            long timeToLive)
    throws JMSException {
        String methodName = "send(Message, deliveryMode, priority, timeToLive)";
        _loggerJMP.fine(_lgrMID_INF+"producerId="+producerId+":"+ methodName);
        this._checkForUnsupportedOperation(methodName, null, true);
        this._send(this.destination, message, deliveryMode, priority, timeToLive);

     *  Set the default JMS Message DeliveryMode for this MessageProducer
     *  @param  deliveryMode The deliveryMode to set for this MessageProducer
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the MessageProducer has been closed.
     *  @see javax.jms.DeliveryMode javax.jms.DeliveryMode
    public void setDeliveryMode(int deliveryMode)
    throws JMSException{
        switch(deliveryMode) {
            case javax.jms.DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT:
                this.deliveryMode = JMSService.MessageDeliveryMode.PERSISTENT;
                this.jmsDeliveryMode = javax.jms.DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT;
            case javax.jms.DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT:
                this.deliveryMode = JMSService.MessageDeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT;
                this.jmsDeliveryMode = javax.jms.DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT;
                String excMsg = _lgrMID_EXC + "setDeliveryMode():" +
                    "Invalid deliveryMode=" + deliveryMode;
            throw new JMSException(excMsg);

     *  Set whether MessageID is disabled by this MessageProducer.<p>
     *  @param  disableMessageID {@code true} if MessageIDs are to be disabled<br>
     *          {@code false} if MessageIDs are to be enabled
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the MessageProducer has been closed.
    public void setDisableMessageID(boolean disableMessageID)
    throws JMSException {
        this.disableMessageID = disableMessageID;

     *  Set whether MessageTimestamp is disabled by this MessageProducer.<p>
     *  @param  disableMessageTimestamp {@code true} If MessageTimestamp is
     *          diabled<br>
     *          {@code false} If MessageTimestamp is not diabled.
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the MessageProducer has been closed.
    public void setDisableMessageTimestamp(boolean disableMessageTimestamp)
    throws JMSException {
        this.disableMessageTimestamp = disableMessageTimestamp;

     *  Set the JMS Message Priority for this MessageProducer
     *  @param  priority The priority to set for this MessageProducer
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the MessageProducer has been closed.
     *  @see javax.jms.Message#DEFAULT_PRIORITY javax.jms.Message.DEFAULT_PRIORITY
     *  @see com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsservice.JMSService.MessagePriority
    public void setPriority(int priority)
    throws JMSException{
        switch(priority) {
            case 0:
                this.priority = JMSService.MessagePriority.PRIORITY_0;
            case 1:
                this.priority = JMSService.MessagePriority.PRIORITY_1;
            case 2:
                this.priority = JMSService.MessagePriority.PRIORITY_2;
            case 3:
                this.priority = JMSService.MessagePriority.PRIORITY_3;
            case 4:
                this.priority = JMSService.MessagePriority.PRIORITY_4;
            case 5:
                this.priority = JMSService.MessagePriority.PRIORITY_5;
            case 6:
                this.priority = JMSService.MessagePriority.PRIORITY_6;
            case 7:
                this.priority = JMSService.MessagePriority.PRIORITY_7;
            case 8:
                this.priority = JMSService.MessagePriority.PRIORITY_8;
            case 9:
                this.priority = JMSService.MessagePriority.PRIORITY_9;
                String excMsg = _lgrMID_EXC + "setPriority():" +
                    "Invalid to set priority outside (0-9):value=" + priority;
            throw new JMSException(excMsg);
        this.jmsPriority = priority;

     *  Set the default timeToLive associated with this MessageProducer
     *  @param  timeToLive The default message expiration time in milliseconds
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the MessageProducer has been closed.
    public void setTimeToLive(long timeToLive)
    throws JMSException {
        if (timeToLive < 0){
                String excMsg = _lgrMID_EXC + "setTimeToLive():" +
                    "Invalid to set timeToLive as negative:value=" + timeToLive;
            throw new JMSException(excMsg);
        } else {
            this.jmsTimeToLive = timeToLive;
    //  end javax.jms.MessageProducer
    //  methods that implement javax.jms.QueueSender
     *  Return the Queue associated with this QueueSender
     *  @return The Queue
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the QueueSender has been closed.
    public Queue getQueue()
    throws JMSException {
        String methodName = "getQueue()";
        _loggerJMP.fine(_lgrMID_INF+"producerId="+producerId+":" + methodName);
        if (this.destination == null) {
            return (Queue)null;
        } else {
            if (this.destination instanceof Queue) {
                return (Queue)this.destination;
                methodName + " called on Destination:"+this.destination);
        return (Queue)null;

     *  Send a Message to the specified Queue using this QueueSender
     *  @param  message The JMS Message to send
     *  @param  queue The JMS Queue to use when sending the message.
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the QueueSender has been closed or
     *          it fails to send the message due to an internal error in the
     *          provider.
     *  @throws javax.jms.MessageFormatException If an invalid Message is used
     *  @throws javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException If an invalid Destination
     *          is used.
     *  @throws javax.jms.UnsupportedOperationException If this method is used
     *          with a QueueSender hat specified a Destination at creation
     *          time.
    public void send(Queue queue, Message message)
    throws JMSException {
        String methodName = "send(Queue, Message)";
        if (this._logFINE){
            _loggerJMP.fine(_lgrMID_INF+"producerId="+producerId+":"+ methodName);
        this._checkDestinationParam(methodName, queue);
        this._send(queue, message,
                this.jmsDeliveryMode, this.jmsPriority, this.jmsTimeToLive);

     *  Send a Message to the specified Queue using this QueueSender
     *  @param  message The JMS Message to send
     *  @param  queue The JMS Queue to use when sending the
     *          message.
     *  @param  deliveryMode The JMS DeliveryMode to use when sending the
     *          message.
     *  @param  priority The JMS Priority to use when sending the message.
     *  @param  timeToLive The JMS Expiration to use when sending the message
     *          in milliseconds.
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the QueueSender has been closed or
     *          it fails to send the message due to an internal error in the
     *          provider.
     *  @throws javax.jms.MessageFormatException If an invalid Message is used
     *  @throws javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException If an invalid Queue
     *          is used.
     *  @throws javax.jms.UnsupportedOperationException If this method is used
     *          with a QueueSender that specified a Queue at creation
     *          time.
    public void send(Queue queue, Message message, int deliveryMode,
            int priority, long timeToLive)
    throws JMSException {
        String methodName = "send(Queue, Message, deliveryMode, priority, timeToLive)";
        if (this._logFINE){
            _loggerJMP.fine(_lgrMID_INF+"producerId="+producerId+":"+ methodName);
        this._checkDestinationParam(methodName, queue);
        this._send(queue, message, deliveryMode, priority, timeToLive);
    //  end javax.jms.QueueSender
    //  methods that implement javax.jms.TopicPublisher
     *  Return the Topic associated with this TopicPublisher
     *  @return The Topic
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the TopicPublisher has been closed.
    public Topic getTopic()
    throws JMSException {
        String methodName = "getTopic()";
        if (this.destination == null){
            return (Topic)null;
        } else {
            if (this.destination instanceof Topic) {
                return (Topic)this.destination;
                methodName+" called on Destination:"+this.destination);
        return (Topic)null;

     *  Publish a Message to the Topic specified by this TopicPublisher
     *  using the values of deliveryMode, priority, timeToLive that are
     *  configured in this TopicPublisher.
     *  @param  message The JMS Message to send
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the TopicPublisher has been closed or
     *          it fails to send the message due to an internal error in the
     *          provider.
     *  @throws javax.jms.MessageFormatException If an invalid Message is used
     *  @throws javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException If the Topic is
     *          invalid at the time of the send.
     *  @throws javax.jms.UnsupportedOperationException If this method is used
     *          with a TopicPublisher that did not specify a Topic at
     *          creation time.
    public void publish(Message message)
    throws JMSException {
        String methodName = "publish(Message)";
        _loggerJMP.fine(_lgrMID_INF+"producerId="+producerId+":"+ methodName);
        this._checkForUnsupportedOperation(methodName, null, true);
        this._send(this.destination, message,
                this.jmsDeliveryMode, this.jmsPriority, this.jmsTimeToLive);

     *  Send a Message to the Topic specified by this TopicPublisher
     *  using the specified deliveryMode, priority, and timeToLive.
     *  @param  message The JMS Message to send
     *  @param  deliveryMode The JMS DeliveryMode to use when sending the
     *          message.
     *  @param  priority The JMS Priority to use when sending the message.
     *  @param  timeToLive The JMS Expiration to use when sending the message
     *          in milliseconds.
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the TopicPublisher has been closed or
     *          it fails to send the message due to an internal error in the
     *          provider.
     *  @throws javax.jms.MessageFormatException If an invalid Message is used
     *  @throws javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException If the Topic is
     *          invalid at the time of the send.
     *  @throws javax.jms.UnsupportedOperationException If this method is used
     *          with a TopicPublisher that did not specify a Destination at
     *          creation time.
    public void publish(Message message, int deliveryMode, int priority,
            long timeToLive)
    throws JMSException {
        String methodName = "publish(Message, deliveryMode, priority, timeToLive)";
        if (this._logFINE){
            _loggerJMP.fine(_lgrMID_INF+"producerId="+producerId+":"+ methodName);
        this._checkForUnsupportedOperation(methodName, null, true);
        this._send(this.destination, message, deliveryMode, priority, timeToLive);

     *  Publish a Message to the specified Topic using this TopicPublisher
     *  @param  message The JMS Message to send
     *  @param  topic The JMS Topic to use when sending the message.
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the TopicPublisher has been closed or
     *          it fails to send the message due to an internal error in the
     *          provider.
     *  @throws javax.jms.MessageFormatException If an invalid Message is used
     *  @throws javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException If an invalid Destination
     *          is used.
     *  @throws javax.jms.UnsupportedOperationException If this method is used
     *          with a TopicPublisher that specified a Topic at creation
     *          time.
    public void publish(Topic topic, Message message)
    throws JMSException {
        String methodName = "publish(Topic, Message)";
        if (this._logFINE){
            _loggerJMP.fine(_lgrMID_INF+"producerId="+producerId+":"+ methodName);
        this._checkDestinationParam(methodName, topic);
        this._send(topic, message,
                this.jmsDeliveryMode, this.jmsPriority, this.jmsTimeToLive);

     *  Publish a Message to the specified Topic using this TopicPublisher
     *  @param  message The JMS Message to send
     *  @param  topic The JMS Topic to use when sending the
     *          message.
     *  @param  deliveryMode The JMS DeliveryMode to use when sending the
     *          message.
     *  @param  priority The JMS Priority to use when sending the message.
     *  @param  timeToLive The JMS Expiration to use when sending the message
     *          in milliseconds.
     *  @throws javax.jms.JMSException If the TopicPublisher has been closed or
     *          it fails to send the message due to an internal error in the
     *          provider.
     *  @throws javax.jms.MessageFormatException If an invalid Message is used
     *  @throws javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException If an invalid Topic
     *          is used.
     *  @throws javax.jms.UnsupportedOperationException If this method is used
     *          with a TopicPublisher that specified a Topic at creation
     *          time.
    public void publish(Topic topic, Message message, int deliveryMode,
            int priority, long timeToLive)
    throws JMSException {
        String methodName = "publish(Topic, Message, deliveryMode, priority, timeToLive)";
        if (this._logFINE){
            _loggerJMP.fine(_lgrMID_INF+"producerId="+producerId+":"+ methodName);
        this._checkDestinationParam(methodName, topic);
        this._send(topic, message, deliveryMode, priority, timeToLive);
    //  end javax.jms.TopicPublisher
    //  MQ methods
     *  Return the connectionId for this DirectProducer
     *  @return The connectionId
    public long getConnectionId() {
        return this.connectionId;

     *  Return the sessionId for this DirectProducer
     *  @return The sessionId
    public long getSessionId() {
        return this.sessionId;

     *  Return the producerId for this DirectProducer
     *  @return The producerId
    public long getProducerId() {
        return this.producerId;

     *  Return the closed state of this DirectProducer
     *  @return {@code true} if this producer has been closed;
     *          {@code false} otherwise
    public synchronized boolean isClosed() {
        return this.isClosed;

     *  Check if the DirectProducer is closed prior to performing an
     *  operation and throw a JMSException if it is closed.
     *  @param  methodname The name of the method from which this is called
     *  @throws JMSException if it is closed
    private void _checkIfClosed(String methodname)
    throws JMSException {
        if (isClosed()) {
            String closedmsg = _lgrMID_EXC + methodname +
                    "MessageProducer is closed:Id=" + producerId;
            throw new javax.jms.IllegalStateException(closedmsg);

     *  Create and add a producerId to this DirectProducer
    private void _createAndAddProducerId(Destination destination)
    throws JMSException {
        //Spcified destination case
        String _name = null, dName = null;
        com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsservice.Destination.Type _type =
        com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsservice.Destination.Life _life =

        if (destination instanceof javax.jms.Queue){
            _name = ((Queue)destination).getQueueName();
            _type = com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsservice.Destination.Type.QUEUE;
            if (destination instanceof javax.jms.TemporaryQueue){
                _life =
                dName = _name;
            } else {
                dName = _type + _name;
        if (destination instanceof javax.jms.Topic){
            _name = ((Topic)destination).getTopicName();
            _type = com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsservice.Destination.Type.TOPIC;
            if (destination instanceof javax.jms.TemporaryTopic){
                _life =
                dName = _name;
            } else {
                dName = _type + ":" + _name;
        com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsservice.Destination _destination =
                new com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsservice.Destination(_name,
                _type, _life);
        //XXX:tharakan:Need to Verify Destination first ???
        //Destination may have been removed even if it was created before
        //Check producerIds for existing producerId for this destination (dName)
        if (!this.producerIds.containsKey(dName)) {
            long producerId = this.ds._createProducerId(_destination);
            this.producerIds.put(dName, producerId);
     *  Check if a null Destination was used when a non-null Destination is
     *  required.
     *  @param  methodname The name of the method from which this is called
     *  @param  dest The Destination parameter used to the calling
     *          method
     *  @throws InvalidDestinationException If a null Destination is used
     *  @throws UnsupportedOperationException If a non-null Destination
     *          parameter method is used to produce a message when the
     *          MessageProducer has been created with a specified Destination
    private void _checkDestinationParam(String methodname, Destination dest)
    throws JMSException {
        if (dest == null){
            String nullDestMsg = _lgrMID_EXC + methodname +
                    ":Null Destination used:";
            throw new InvalidDestinationException(nullDestMsg);
        } else {
            this._checkForUnsupportedOperation(methodname, dest, false);

     *  Check for UnsupportedOperation
     *  @param  methodname The name of the method from which this is called
     *  @param  dest The Destination parameter used to the calling
     *          method
     *  @param  mpDest_Required Indicates whether the MessageProducer
     *          destination is required to be non-null or not.<br>
     *          {@code true} if it is required to be non-null.<br>
     *          {@code false} if it is required to be null
    private void _checkForUnsupportedOperation(String methodname,
            Destination dest, boolean mpDest_Required) {
        if (mpDest_Required == false){
            //the MessageProducer destination is required to be null
            //If found throw UnsupportedOperationException
            if (this.destination != null){
                String nonNullDestMsg = null;
                String dest_name = null;
                try {
                    dest_name = ((dest instanceof javax.jms.Queue)
                        ? ((Queue) dest).getQueueName()
                        : ((Topic) dest).getTopicName());
                } catch (JMSException ex) {
                    dest_name = "null";
                nonNullDestMsg = _lgrMID_EXC + methodname +
                        ":Unsupported Operation:" +
                        "Producing to destination:" + dest_name +
                        ":in MessageProducer with specified Destination";
                if (this.jmsservice_destination != null) {
                    nonNullDestMsg = nonNullDestMsg + "=" +
                        this.jmsservice_destination.getType() + ":" +
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(nonNullDestMsg);
        } else {
            //the MessageProducer destination is required to be non-null
            //If not found throw UnsupportedOperationException
            if (this.destination == null){
                String nullDestMsg = _lgrMID_EXC + methodname +
                        ":Unsupported Operation:"+
                        "Producing destination not specified (null) " +
                        "in MessageProducer with unspecified Destination";
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(nullDestMsg);

     *  Send a Message
    private void _send(Destination destination, Message msg, int deliveryMode,
            int priority, long timeToLive)
    throws JMSException{
        JMSPacket msgPkt = null;
        DirectPacket dPkt = null;
        boolean foreignMessageConverted = false;
        //System.out.println("_send:Message is instanceof-"+msg.getClass().getName());
        if (msg instanceof DirectPacket) {
            dPkt = (DirectPacket)msg;
        } else {
            dPkt = DirectPacket.constructFromForeignMessage(this.jmsservice,
                    this.ds, msg);
            foreignMessageConverted = true;
        assert dPkt != null;
        msgPkt = (JMSPacket)dPkt;
        if (foreignMessageConverted){
            DirectPacket.updateForeignMessageAfterSend(dPkt, msg);

     *  Close Producer for use when Session.close is used
    protected synchronized void _close()
    throws JMSException{
        //harmless if already closed
        if (isClosed){
        } else {
            isClosing = true;
        try {
            if (destination !=null) {
                //System.out.println("DP:Destroying prducerId="+producerId+":connectionId="+connectionId);
                jmsservice.deleteProducer(connectionId, sessionId, producerId);
            } else {
                //must cycle through producerIds and delete them one by one
                long t_producerId;
                String dName = null;
                Iterator<String> k = producerIds.keySet().iterator();
                while (k.hasNext()) {
                    dName =;
                    t_producerId = producerIds.get(dName);
                    try {
                        //System.out.println("DP:Destroying t_producerId="+t_producerId);
                        jmsservice.deleteProducer(connectionId, sessionId,
                    } catch (JMSServiceException jmssel){
                                "Destination=:" + dName +
        } catch (JMSServiceException jmsse){
                    "Destination=:" + destination +
        this.isClosed = true;
        this.isClosing = false;

Related Classes of com.sun.messaging.jms.ra.DirectProducer

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