Package com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.jdbc.sharecc

Source Code of com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.jdbc.sharecc.ShareConfigRecordDAOImpl

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package com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.jdbc.sharecc;

import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.log.Logger;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.resources.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.ChangeRecordInfo;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.jdbc.Util;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.jdbc.comm.CommDBManager;

import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.sql.*;

* This class implements ShareConfigRecordDAO
public class ShareConfigRecordDAOImpl extends ShareConfigRecordBaseDAOImpl
implements ShareConfigRecordDAO {

    protected String tableName;

    // SQLs

    protected String insertSQLOracle;
    protected String selectSeqSQLOracle;

    protected String insertSQL;
    protected String insertResetRecordSQL;
    protected String insertResetRecordWithLockSQL;
    protected String selectRecordsSinceSQL;
    protected String selectSinceWithResetRecordSQL;
    protected String selectAllSQL;
    protected String selectSeqByUUIDSQL;
    protected String updateResetRecordUUIDSQL;
    protected String setResetRecordFLAGNULLSQL;
    protected String selectResetRecordUUIDSQL;

     * Constructor
     * @throws com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException
    ShareConfigRecordDAOImpl() throws BrokerException {

        tableName = getDBManager().getTableName( TABLE_NAME_PREFIX );

        insertSQL = new StringBuffer(128)
            .append( "INSERT INTO " ).append( tableName )
            .append( " ( " )
            .append( UUID_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( RECORD_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( TYPE_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( CREATED_TS_COLUMN )
            .append( ") VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )" )

        insertSQLOracle = new StringBuffer(128)
            .append( "INSERT INTO " ).append( tableName )
            .append( " ( " )
            .append( SEQ_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( UUID_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( RECORD_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( TYPE_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( CREATED_TS_COLUMN )
            .append( ") VALUES ("+tableName+"_seq.NEXTVAL, ?, ?, ?, ? )" )

        selectSeqSQLOracle = new StringBuffer(128)
            .append( "SELECT " ).append( tableName+"_seq.CURRVAL " )
            .append( "FROM DUAL" )

        insertResetRecordSQL = new StringBuffer(128)
            .append( "INSERT INTO " ).append( tableName )
            .append( " ( " )
            .append( SEQ_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( UUID_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( RECORD_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( TYPE_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( CREATED_TS_COLUMN )
            .append( ") VALUES ( 1, ?, ?, ?, ? )" )

        insertResetRecordWithLockSQL = new StringBuffer(128)
            .append( "INSERT INTO " ).append( tableName )
            .append( " ( " )
            .append( SEQ_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( UUID_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( RECORD_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( TYPE_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( CREATED_TS_COLUMN ).append(", ")
            .append( FLAG_COLUMN )
            .append( ") VALUES ( 1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" )

        selectSinceWithResetRecordSQL = new StringBuffer(128)
            .append( "SELECT " )
            .append( SEQ_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( UUID_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( RECORD_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( TYPE_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( CREATED_TS_COLUMN )
            .append( " FROM " ).append( tableName )
            .append( " WHERE " )
            .append( SEQ_COLUMN ).append( " > ?" )
            .append( " OR " )
            .append( TYPE_COLUMN ).append" = " )
            .append( ChangeRecordInfo.TYPE_RESET_PERSISTENCE )
            .append( " ORDER BY " ).append( SEQ_COLUMN )

        selectAllSQL = new StringBuffer(128)
            .append( "SELECT " )
            .append( SEQ_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( UUID_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( RECORD_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( TYPE_COLUMN ).append( ", " )
            .append( CREATED_TS_COLUMN )
            .append( " FROM " ).append( tableName )
            .append( " ORDER BY " ).append( SEQ_COLUMN )

        selectSeqByUUIDSQL = new StringBuffer(128)
            .append( "SELECT " )
            .append( SEQ_COLUMN )
            .append( " FROM " ).append( tableName )
            .append( " WHERE " )
            .append( UUID_COLUMN ).append( " = ?" )

        updateResetRecordUUIDSQL = new StringBuffer(128)
            .append( "UPDATE " ).append( tableName )
            .append( " SET " )
            .append( UUID_COLUMN ).append( " = ?" )
            .append( " WHERE " )
            .append( TYPE_COLUMN ).append( " = " )
            .append( ChangeRecordInfo.TYPE_RESET_PERSISTENCE )

        setResetRecordFLAGNULLSQL = new StringBuffer(128)
            .append( "UPDATE " ).append( tableName )
            .append( " SET " )
            .append( FLAG_COLUMN ).append( " = NULL" )
            .append( " WHERE " )
            .append( TYPE_COLUMN ).append( " = " )
            .append( ChangeRecordInfo.TYPE_RESET_PERSISTENCE )

        selectResetRecordUUIDSQL = new StringBuffer(128)
            .append( "SELECT " )
            .append( UUID_COLUMN )
            .append( " FROM " ).append( tableName )
            .append( " WHERE " )
            .append( TYPE_COLUMN ).append( " = " )
            .append( ChangeRecordInfo.TYPE_RESET_PERSISTENCE )

     * Get the prefix name of the table.
     * @return table name
    public final String getTableNamePrefix() {
        return TABLE_NAME_PREFIX;

     * Get the name of the table.
     * @return table name
    public final String getTableName() {
        return tableName;

    public ChangeRecordInfo insert( Connection conn,
                                    ChangeRecordInfo rec )
                                    throws BrokerException {
        return insertconn, rec, true );

     * Insert a new entry.
     * @param conn database connection
     * @param rec the record to be inserted  
     * @return the record inserted    
     * @throws com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException
    public ChangeRecordInfo insert( Connection conn,
                                    ChangeRecordInfo rec,
                                    boolean clearFlag )
                                    throws BrokerException {

        String sql = null;
        boolean myConn = false;
        PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        Exception myex = null;
        try {
            CommDBManager mgr = getDBManager();
            if ( conn == null ) {
                conn = mgr.getConnection( (mgr.isDerby() ? true:false) );
                myConn = true;
            String resetUUID = rec.getResetUUID();

            if (clearFlag) {
                setResetRecordFLAGNULL( conn );

            if (mgr.isOracle()) {
                sql = insertSQLOracle;
            } else {
                sql = insertSQL;
            if (mgr.supportsGetGeneratedKey()) {
                pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( sql, new String[]{SEQ_COLUMN} );
            } else {
                pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( sql );
            pstmt.setString( 1, rec.getUUID() );
            Util.setBytes( pstmt, 2, rec.getRecord() );
            pstmt.setInt( 3, rec.getType() );
            pstmt.setLong( 4, rec.getTimestamp() );
            Long seq = null;
            if (mgr.supportsGetGeneratedKey()) {
                rs = pstmt.getGeneratedKeys();
                if ( {
                    seq = new Long(rs.getLong( 1 ));
            } else if (mgr.isOracle()) {
                Statement st = conn.createStatement()
                rs = st.executeQuery( selectSeqSQLOracle );
                if ( {
                    seq = new Long(rs.getLong( 1 ));
                rs = null;
            } else {
                seq = getSequenceByUUID( conn, rec.getUUID() );
            if (seq == null) {
                throw new BrokerException(
                    br.getKString(br.X_SHARECC_FAIL_GET_SEQ_ON_INSERT, rec));
            String currResetUUID = getResetRecordUUID( conn );
            if (resetUUID != null && !currResetUUID.equals(resetUUID)) {
                throw new BrokerException(br.getKString(br.X_SHARECC_TABLE_RESET,
                   "["+resetUUID+", "+currResetUUID+"]"), Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED);

            if ( myConn  && !conn.getAutoCommit() ) {

            if (resetUUID == null) {
                rec.setResetUUID( currResetUUID );

            return rec;

        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            myex = e;
            try {
                if ( (conn != null) && !conn.getAutoCommit() ) {
            } catch ( SQLException rbe ) {
                logger.log( Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.X_DB_ROLLBACK_FAILED, rbe );

            Exception ex;
            if ( e instanceof BrokerException ) {
                throw (BrokerException)e;
            } else if ( e instanceof SQLException ) {
                ex = getDBManager().wrapSQLException("[" + sql + "]", (SQLException)e);
            } else {
                ex = e;

            throw new BrokerException(
                br.getKString( br.X_SHARECC_INSERT_RECORD_FAIL,
                    rec.toString(), ex.getMessage() ), ex );
        } finally {
            if ( myConn ) {
                closeSQLObjects( rs, pstmt, conn, myex );
            } else {
                closeSQLObjects( rs, pstmt, null, myex );

     * Insert reset record.
     * @param conn database connection
     * @param rec the reset record to be inserted  
     * @param canExist Exception if the reset record already exist
     * @throws com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException
    public void insertResetRecord( Connection conn,
                                   ChangeRecordInfo rec,
                                   boolean canExist)
                                   throws BrokerException {

        String sql = null;
        boolean myConn = false;
        PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
        Exception myex = null;
        try {
            // Get a connection
            if ( conn == null ) {
                conn = getDBManager().getConnection( false );
                myConn = true;

            if (!hasResetRecord( conn )) {
                sql = insertResetRecordSQL;
                if (!canExist) {
                    sql = insertResetRecordWithLockSQL;
                pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( sql );
                pstmt.setString( 1, rec.getUUID() );
                Util.setBytes( pstmt, 2, rec.getRecord() );
                pstmt.setInt( 3, ChangeRecordInfo.TYPE_RESET_PERSISTENCE );
                pstmt.setLong( 4, rec.getTimestamp() );
                if (!canExist) {
                    pstmt.setInt( 5,  ChangeRecordInfo.FLAG_LOCK);
                int count = pstmt.executeUpdate();
                if ( count == 1) {
                    setResetRecordUUID( conn, rec.getUUID() );
                 } else if (!hasResetRecord(conn) || !canExist ) {
                     throw new BrokerException("Unexpected affected row count "+count+" on  "+sql);
            } else if (!canExist) {
                 throw new BrokerException(br.getKString(br.E_SHARECC_TABLE_NOT_EMPTY,
            if ( myConn ) {
        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            myex = e;
            try {
                if ( (conn != null) && !conn.getAutoCommit() ) {
            } catch ( SQLException rbe ) {
                logger.log( Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.X_DB_ROLLBACK_FAILED, rbe );

            try {
                boolean exist = hasResetRecord( conn );
                if (exist) {
                    if (!canExist) {
                        throw new BrokerException(br.getKString(br.E_SHARECC_TABLE_NOT_EMPTY,
                    myex = null;
            } catch ( Exception e2 ) {
                 logger.log( Logger.ERROR, br.getKString(
                     br.E_SHARECC_CHECK_EXIST_EXCEPTION, e2.getMessage()));

            Exception ex;
            if ( e instanceof BrokerException ) {
                throw (BrokerException)e;
            } else if ( e instanceof SQLException ) {
                ex = getDBManager().wrapSQLException("[" + insertResetRecordSQL + "]", (SQLException)e);
            } else {
                ex = e;

            throw new BrokerException(
                br.getKString(br.X_SHARECC_INSERT_RESET_RECORD_FAIL, ex.getMessage()), ex);
        } finally {
            if ( myConn ) {
                closeSQLObjects( null, pstmt, conn, myex );
            } else {
                closeSQLObjects( null, pstmt, null, myex );

     * @param conn database connection
     * @param uuid 
     * @param record
     * @param timestamp
     * @throws com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException
    public boolean hasResetRecord( Connection conn )
    throws BrokerException {

        boolean myConn = false;
        PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        Exception myex = null;
        try {
            // Get a connection
            if ( conn == null ) {
                conn = getDBManager().getConnection( true );
                myConn = true;

            pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( selectAllSQL );
            rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
            if ( ) {
                int typ  = rs.getInt( 4 );
                if (typ == ChangeRecordInfo.TYPE_RESET_PERSISTENCE) {
                    return true;
                throw new BrokerException(
                "Unexpected 1st record type "+typ+" for first record in database table "+getTableName());
            } else {
                return false;
        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            myex = e;
            try {
                if ( (conn != null) && !conn.getAutoCommit() ) {
            } catch ( SQLException rbe ) {
                logger.log( Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.X_DB_ROLLBACK_FAILED, rbe );

            Exception ex;
            if ( e instanceof BrokerException ) {
                throw (BrokerException)e;
            } else if ( e instanceof SQLException ) {
                ex = getDBManager().wrapSQLException("[" + selectAllSQL + "]", (SQLException)e);
            } else {
                ex = e;

            throw new BrokerException(br.getKString(
                br.X_SHARECC_QUERY_RESET_RECORD_FAIL, ex.getMessage()), ex);
        } finally {
            if ( myConn ) {
                closeSQLObjects( null, pstmt, conn, myex );
            } else {
                closeSQLObjects( null, pstmt, null, myex );

     * @param conn database connection
     * @param uuid 
     * @throws com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException
    public void setResetRecordUUID( Connection conn, String uuid )
                                    throws BrokerException {

        boolean myConn = false;
        PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        Exception myex = null;
        try {
            // Get a connection
            if ( conn == null ) {
                conn = getDBManager().getConnection( true );
                myConn = true;

            pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( updateResetRecordUUIDSQL );
            pstmt.setString( 1, uuid );
            if ( pstmt.executeUpdate() < 1 ) {
                throw new BrokerException(
                "Unexpected affected row count for "+updateResetRecordUUIDSQL);
        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            myex = e;
            try {
                if ( (conn != null) && !conn.getAutoCommit() ) {
            } catch ( SQLException rbe ) {
                logger.log( Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.X_DB_ROLLBACK_FAILED, rbe );

            Exception ex;
            if ( e instanceof BrokerException ) {
                throw (BrokerException)e;
            } else if ( e instanceof SQLException ) {
                ex = getDBManager().wrapSQLException("[" + updateResetRecordUUIDSQL + "]", (SQLException)e);
            } else {
                ex = e;

            throw new BrokerException(br.getKString(
            br.X_SHARECC_SET_RESET_RECORD_UUID_FAIL, uuid, ex.getMessage()), ex);
        } finally {
            if ( myConn ) {
                closeSQLObjects( rs, pstmt, conn, myex );
            } else {
                closeSQLObjects( rs, pstmt, null, myex );

     * @param conn database connection
     * @throws com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException
    public void setResetRecordFLAGNULL( Connection conn )
    throws BrokerException {

        boolean myConn = false;
        PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        Exception myex = null;
        try {
            // Get a connection
            if ( conn == null ) {
                conn = getDBManager().getConnection( true );
                myConn = true;

            pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( setResetRecordFLAGNULLSQL );
            if ( pstmt.executeUpdate() < 1 ) {
                throw new BrokerException(
                "Unexpected affected row count for "+setResetRecordFLAGNULLSQL);
        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            myex = e;
            try {
                if ( (conn != null) && !conn.getAutoCommit() ) {
            } catch ( SQLException rbe ) {
                logger.log( Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.X_DB_ROLLBACK_FAILED, rbe );

            Exception ex;
            if ( e instanceof BrokerException ) {
                throw (BrokerException)e;
            } else if ( e instanceof SQLException ) {
                ex = getDBManager().wrapSQLException("[" +setResetRecordFLAGNULLSQL+ "]", (SQLException)e);
            } else {
                ex = e;

            throw new BrokerException(br.getKString(
            br.X_SHARECC_CLEAR_RESET_RECORD_FLAG_FAIL, FLAG_COLUMN, ex.getMessage()), ex);
        } finally {
            if ( myConn ) {
                closeSQLObjects( rs, pstmt, conn, myex );
            } else {
                closeSQLObjects( rs, pstmt, null, myex );

     * @param conn database connection
     * @throws com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException
    public String getResetRecordUUID( Connection conn )
                                throws BrokerException {

        boolean myConn = false;
        PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        Exception myex = null;
        try {
            // Get a connection
            if ( conn == null ) {
                conn = getDBManager().getConnection( true );
                myConn = true;

            pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( selectResetRecordUUIDSQL );
            rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
            String uuid = null;
            if ( ) {
                uuid = rs.getString( 1 );
            if (uuid == null) {
                throw new BrokerException(
                "No reset record found in database table "+getTableName());
            return uuid;
        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            myex = e;
            try {
                if ( (conn != null) && !conn.getAutoCommit() ) {
            } catch ( SQLException rbe ) {
                logger.log( Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.X_DB_ROLLBACK_FAILED, rbe );

            Exception ex;
            if ( e instanceof BrokerException ) {
                throw (BrokerException)e;
            } else if ( e instanceof SQLException ) {
                ex = getDBManager().wrapSQLException("[" + selectResetRecordUUIDSQL + "]", (SQLException)e);
            } else {
                ex = e;

            throw new BrokerException(br.getKString(
            br.X_SHARECC_QUERY_RESET_RECORD_UUID_FAIL, ex.getMessage()), ex);
        } finally {
            if ( myConn ) {
                closeSQLObjects( rs, pstmt, conn, myex );
            } else {
                closeSQLObjects( rs, pstmt, null, myex );

     * Get records since sequence seq (exclusive) or get all records
     * @param conn database connection
     * @param seq sequence number, null if get all records
     * @param resetUUID last reset UUID this broker has processed
     * @return an array of ShareConfigRecord
     * @throws com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException
    public List<ChangeRecordInfo> getRecords( Connection conn, Long seq,
                                              String resetUUID, boolean canReset )
                                              throws BrokerException {

        ArrayList<ChangeRecordInfo> records =  new ArrayList<ChangeRecordInfo>();

        boolean myConn = false;
        PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        String selectSQL = null;
        Exception myex = null;
        try {
            // Get a connection
            if ( conn == null ) {
                conn = getDBManager().getConnection( false );
                myConn = true;

            if (seq == null || resetUUID == null) {
                records = getAllRecords( conn );

            } else {

          selectSQL  = selectSinceWithResetRecordSQL;
                pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( selectSQL );
                pstmt.setLong( 1, seq.longValue() );
                rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
                long seqv = -1;
                String uuidv = null;
                byte[] buf =  null;
                int typv = 0;
                long tsv = -1;
                ChangeRecordInfo cri = null;
                boolean loadfail = false;
                boolean reseted = false, foundreset = false;
                String newResetUUID = null;
                while ( ) {
                    try {
                        seqv = rs.getLong( 1 );
                        uuidv  = rs.getString( 2 );
                        buf = Util.readBytes( rs, 3 );
                        typv  = rs.getInt( 4 );
                        tsv  = rs.getLong( 5 );
                        if (typv == ChangeRecordInfo.TYPE_RESET_PERSISTENCE) {
                            foundreset = true;
                            if (uuidv.equals(resetUUID)) {
                            newResetUUID = uuidv;
                            reseted = true;
                        cri = new ChangeRecordInfo(Long.valueOf(seqv), uuidv, buf, typv, tsv);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        loadfail = true;
                        IOException ex = getDBManager().wrapIOException(
                                         "[" + selectAllSQL + "]", e );
                        logger.logStack( Logger.ERROR,
                            String.valueOf( seq ), ex);
                if (!foundreset) {
                    throw new BrokerException(
                    "Unexpected: shared database table "+getTableName()+" has no reset record",
                if (reseted) {
                    if (!canReset) {
                        throw new BrokerException(br.getKString(br.X_SHARECC_TABLE_RESET,
                        "["+resetUUID+", "+newResetUUID+"]"), Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED);
                    logger.log(logger.INFO, br.getKString(br.I_SHARECC_USE_RESETED_TABLE,
                                            "["+resetUUID+", "+newResetUUID+"]"));
                    records = getAllRecords( conn );
            if (myConn) {
        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            myex = e;
            try {
                if ( (conn != null) && !conn.getAutoCommit() ) {
            } catch ( SQLException rbe ) {
                logger.log( Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.X_DB_ROLLBACK_FAILED, rbe );

            Exception ex;
            if ( e instanceof BrokerException ) {
                throw (BrokerException)e;
            } else if ( e instanceof SQLException ) {
                ex = getDBManager().wrapSQLException("[" + selectSQL + "]", (SQLException)e);
            } else {
                ex = e;

            throw new BrokerException( br.getKString(
                br.X_SHARECC_QUERY_RECORDS_FAIL, ex.getMessage()), ex );
        } finally {
            if ( myConn ) {
                closeSQLObjects( rs, pstmt, conn, myex );
            } else {
                closeSQLObjects( rs, pstmt, null, myex );

        return records;

    public ArrayList<ChangeRecordInfo> getAllRecords( Connection conn )
    throws BrokerException {

        ArrayList<ChangeRecordInfo> records =  new ArrayList<ChangeRecordInfo>();

        boolean myConn = false;
        PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        Exception myex = null;
        try {
            // Get a connection
            if ( conn == null ) {
                conn = getDBManager().getConnection( true );
                myConn = true;

            pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( selectAllSQL );
            rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
            long seqv = -1;
            String uuidv = null;
            byte[] buf =  null;
            int typv = 0;
            long tsv = -1;
            ChangeRecordInfo cri = null;
            boolean foundreset = false;
            while ( ) {
                try {
                    seqv = rs.getLong( 1 );
                    uuidv  = rs.getString( 2 );
                    buf = Util.readBytes( rs, 3 );
                    typv  = rs.getInt( 4 );
                    if (typv == ChangeRecordInfo.TYPE_RESET_PERSISTENCE) {
                        foundreset = true;
                    tsv  = rs.getLong( 5 );
                    cri = new ChangeRecordInfo(Long.valueOf(seqv), uuidv, buf, typv, tsv);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    IOException ex = getDBManager().wrapIOException(
                        "[" + selectAllSQL + "]", e );
                    logger.logStack( Logger.ERROR,
                        String.valueOf( seqv ), ex);
                    throw new BrokerException(ex.getMessage(), Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED);
            if (!foundreset) {
                throw new BrokerException(
                "Unexpected: shared database table "+getTableName()+" has no reset record",
        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            myex = e;
            try {
                if ( (conn != null) && !conn.getAutoCommit() ) {
            } catch ( SQLException rbe ) {
                logger.log( Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.X_DB_ROLLBACK_FAILED, rbe );

            Exception ex;
            if ( e instanceof BrokerException ) {
                throw (BrokerException)e;
            } else if ( e instanceof SQLException ) {
                ex = getDBManager().wrapSQLException("[" + selectAllSQL + "]", (SQLException)e);
            } else {
                ex = e;

            throw new BrokerException( br.getKString(
                br.X_SHARECC_QUERY_ALL_RECORDS_FAIL, ex.getMessage()), ex );
        } finally {
            if ( myConn ) {
                closeSQLObjects( rs, pstmt, conn, myex );
            } else {
                closeSQLObjects( rs, pstmt, null, myex );

        return records;

     * Get the sequence number of the specified record
     * @param conn database connection
     * @param uuid uid of the record
     * @return null if no such record
    private Long getSequenceByUUID( Connection conn, String uuid )
        throws BrokerException {

        Long seq = null;

        boolean myConn = false;
        PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        Exception myex = null;
        try {
            // Get a connection
            if ( conn == null ) {
                conn = getDBManager().getConnection( true );
                myConn = true;

            pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( selectSeqByUUIDSQL );
            pstmt.setString( 1, uuid );
            rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
            if ( ) {
                long seqv = rs.getLong( 1 );
                seq = new Long(seqv);
        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            myex = e;
            try {
                if ( (conn != null) && !conn.getAutoCommit() ) {
            } catch ( SQLException rbe ) {
                logger.log( Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.X_DB_ROLLBACK_FAILED, rbe );

            Exception ex;
            if ( e instanceof BrokerException ) {
                throw (BrokerException)e;
            } else if ( e instanceof SQLException ) {
                ex = getDBManager().wrapSQLException("[" + selectSeqByUUIDSQL + "]", (SQLException)e);
            } else {
                ex = e;

            String[] args = new String[] { SEQ_COLUMN, String.valueOf(seq),
                                           ex.getMessage() };
            throw new BrokerException( br.getKString(
                br.X_SHARECC_QUERY_SEQ_BY_UUID_FAIL, args), ex );
        } finally {
            if ( myConn ) {
                closeSQLObjects( rs, pstmt, conn, myex );
            } else {
                closeSQLObjects( rs, pstmt, null, myex );

        return seq;

     * Get debug information about the store.
     * @param conn database connection
     * @return a HashMap of name value pair of information
    public HashMap getDebugInfo( Connection conn ) {

        HashMap map = new LinkedHashMap();
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        ArrayList<ChangeRecordInfo> records = null;
        try {
            records = getAllRecords( conn );
            Iterator<ChangeRecordInfo>  itr = records.iterator();
            ChangeRecordInfo rec = null;
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                rec =;
        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            logger.log( Logger.ERROR, e.getMessage(), e.getCause() );

        map.put("Cluster Config Change Records:\n", buf.toString());
        if (records != null) {
            map.put( "Count", records.size());
        return map;

Related Classes of com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.jdbc.sharecc.ShareConfigRecordDAOImpl

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