Package com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist

Source Code of com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.StoreManager

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* @(#)  1.25 06/29/07

package com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist;

import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.log.Logger;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.Globals;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.BrokerStateHandler;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.jdbc.JDBCStore;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.jdbc.DBManager;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.jdbc.comm.DBConnectionPool;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.sharecc.ShareConfigChangeStore;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.config.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.resources.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException;

* This class contains static methods to obtain a singleton Store instance
* for storing and retrieving data needed by the broker.

public class StoreManager {

    static private final String PERSIST_PROP = Globals.IMQ + ".persist.";
    static private final String CLASS_PROP = ".class";
    static private final String STORE_TYPE_PROP =
          Globals.IMQ + "";

    static private final String TXNLOG_ENABLED_PROP =
                    Globals.IMQ + ".persist.file.txnLog.enabled";

    static public final String NEW_TXNLOG_ENABLED_PROP =
                    Globals.IMQ + ".persist.file.newTxnLog.enabled";

    static public final boolean NEW_TXNLOG_ENABLED_PROP_DEFAULT = true;

    static private final String DEFAULT_STORE_TYPE = Store.FILE_STORE_TYPE;

    static private final String DEFAULT_FILESTORE_CLASS =

    static private final String DEFAULT_JDBCSTORE_CLASS =

    static private final String DEFAULT_INMEMORYSTORE_CLASS =

    static private Boolean isConfiguredFileStore = null;
    static private Boolean txnLogEnabled = null;
    static private Boolean newTxnLogEnabled = null;

    // Singleton Store instance
    static private Store store = null;

    static private ShareConfigChangeStore shareccStore = null;

     * Return a singleton instance of a Store object.
     * <p>
     * The type of store to use is defined in the property:<br>
     * <p>
     * The class to use for the specified type is defined in:<br>
     * jmq.persist.<type>.class=<classname>
     * <p>
     * If the type property is not defined, the default file based
     * store will be instantiated and returned.
     * If 'jdbc' type is defined, and no class is defined, the default
     * jdbc based store will be instantiated and returned.
     * <p>
     * If the type property is defined but we fail to instantiate the
     * correspoinding class, a BrokerException will be thrown
     * @return  a Store
     * @exception BrokerException  if it fails to instantiate a Store
     *          instance
    public static synchronized Store getStore() throws BrokerException {
        Logger logger = Globals.getLogger();
        BrokerResources br = Globals.getBrokerResources();

        if (store == null) {
            // Can't open the store if we are shutting down
            if (BrokerStateHandler.shuttingDown) {
                throw new BrokerException(

      BrokerConfig config = Globals.getConfig();

      String type = config.getProperty(STORE_TYPE_PROP,
      if (Store.getDEBUG()) {
    logger.log(logger.DEBUG, STORE_TYPE_PROP + "=" + type);

      String classname = config.getProperty(
        PERSIST_PROP + type + CLASS_PROP);
        isConfiguredFileStore = new Boolean(false);
      if (classname == null || classname.equals("")) {
    if (type.equals(Store.FILE_STORE_TYPE)) {
        classname = DEFAULT_FILESTORE_CLASS;
            isConfiguredFileStore = new Boolean(true);
    } else if (type.equals(Store.JDBC_STORE_TYPE))
        classname = DEFAULT_JDBCSTORE_CLASS;
    else if (type.equals(Store.INMEMORY_STORE_TYPE))
        classname = null;

      if (classname == null) {
    throw new BrokerException(
                    br.getString(br.E_BAD_STORE_TYPE, type));
      } else {
    if (Store.getDEBUG()) {
      PERSIST_PROP + type + CLASS_PROP + "=" + classname);

      try {
                boolean reload = false;
                do {
                    store = (Store)Class.forName(classname).newInstance();
                    txnLogEnabled = new Boolean(config.getBooleanProperty(TXNLOG_ENABLED_PROP, false));
                    newTxnLogEnabled = new Boolean(config.getBooleanProperty(
                                       NEW_TXNLOG_ENABLED_PROP, NEW_TXNLOG_ENABLED_PROP_DEFAULT));
                     if (!isConfiguredFileStore.booleanValue()) {
                        if (txnLogEnabled.booleanValue()) {
                            logger.log(Logger.WARNING, Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(
                            BrokerResources.W_PROP_SETTING_TOBE_IGNORED, TXNLOG_ENABLED_PROP+"=true"));
                        if (newTxnLogEnabled.booleanValue()) {
                            logger.log(Logger.WARNING, Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(
                            BrokerResources.W_PROP_SETTING_TOBE_IGNORED, NEW_TXNLOG_ENABLED_PROP+"=true"));

                      // txn logger is now read during store.init
                      return store;
                    // Initialize transaction logging class if enabled.
                    // If return status is set to true, the store need to be
                    // reload because the store has been reconstructed from
                    // the txn log files; probably due to system crash or the
                    // broker didn't shutdown cleanly.
                    if (reload) {
                        if (store.initTxnLogger()) {
                            // Shouldn't happens
                            throw new BrokerException(br.getString(
                    } else {
                        // 1st time through the loop
                        reload = store.initTxnLogger();
                        if (reload) {
                            store = null;
                } while (reload);
      } catch (Exception e) {
                if (e instanceof BrokerException) {
                    throw (BrokerException)e;
                } else {
                    throw new BrokerException(
                        br.getString(br.E_OPEN_STORE_FAILED), e);

  return store;

    private static boolean isConfiguredFileStore() {
        Boolean isfs = isConfiguredFileStore;
        if (isfs != null) return isfs.booleanValue();

        String type = Globals.getConfig().getProperty(STORE_TYPE_PROP, DEFAULT_STORE_TYPE);
        return ((type.equals(Store.FILE_STORE_TYPE)));

    public static boolean txnLogEnabled() {
        if (!isConfiguredFileStore()) return false;

        Boolean tloge = txnLogEnabled;
        if (tloge != null) return tloge.booleanValue();

        return Globals.getConfig().getBooleanProperty(TXNLOG_ENABLED_PROP, false);
    public static boolean newTxnLogEnabled() {
        if (!isConfiguredFileStore()) return false;

        Boolean ntloge = newTxnLogEnabled;
        if (ntloge != null) return ntloge.booleanValue();

        return Globals.getConfig().getBooleanProperty(

    public static synchronized ShareConfigChangeStore
    getShareConfigChangeStore() throws BrokerException {

        if (BrokerStateHandler.shuttingDown) {
            throw new BrokerException(
        if (shareccStore == null) {
            shareccStore = ShareConfigChangeStore.getStore();
        return shareccStore;

     * Release the singleton instance of a Store object.
     * The store will be closed and any resources used by it released.
     * <p>
     * The next time <code>getStore()</code> is called, a new instance will
     * be instantiaed.
     * @param  cleanup  if true, the store will be cleaned up, i.e.
     *      redundant data removed.
    public static synchronized void releaseStore(boolean cleanup) {

        if (store != null) {
            // this check is for tonga test so that the store
            // is not closed twice
            if (!store.closed()) {
            store = null;

        if (shareccStore != null) {
            shareccStore = null;
        isConfiguredFileStore = null;
        txnLogEnabled = null;
        newTxnLogEnabled = null;

    public static Store getStoreForTonga() throws BrokerException {

        // For tonga test, get a store without a lock otherwise we'll
        // an error because the store is already locked by the broker!
        BrokerConfig config = Globals.getConfig();
        String type = config.getProperty(STORE_TYPE_PROP, DEFAULT_STORE_TYPE);
        if (type.equals(Store.JDBC_STORE_TYPE)) {
            config.put(JDBCStore.LOCK_STORE_PROP, "false");
            // Limit the # of conn in the pool to 2
            config.put(DBManager.JDBC_PROP_PREFIX+DBConnectionPool.NUM_CONN_PROP_SUFFIX, "2");
        return getStore();

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