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* obtain a copy of the License at
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* When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
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* GPL Classpath Exception:
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;

import javax.transaction.xa.XAResource;

import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.Globals;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.Consumer;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.ConsumerUID;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.Destination;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.DestinationUID;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.PacketReference;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.Producer;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.ProducerUID;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.Session;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.SessionUID;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.service.imq.IMQConnection;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.DestType;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.JMQXid;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.log.Logger;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.selector.Selector;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.selector.SelectorFormatException;

* Api used for direct access to the broker. This code is not integrated into
* the handler classes because the interaction (e.g. when callbacks happen)
* is different for the jms protocol and other protocols.

public class ProtocolImpl implements Protocol

    private static boolean DEBUG = false;

    PacketRouter pr = null;

    public ProtocolImpl(PacketRouter router)
        pr = router;

     * called when a new connection is created.
     * <P>Packet:<B>HELLO,HELLO_REPLY</b></p>

    public void hello() {
        // does nothing

     * Authenticate with the passed in username, password
     * <P>Packet:<B>AUTHENTICATE</b></p>
    public void authenticate(String username, String password)
        throws BrokerException
         * TBD - currently does nothing

     * called when a connection is closed
     * <P>Packet:<B>GOODBYE</b></p>
    public void goodbye() {
        // does nothing

     * gets license information.
     * <P>Packet:<B>GET_LICENSE</b></p>
     *@returns a hashtable with license info

    public Hashtable getLicense() {
        // does nothing
       return new Hashtable();

     * gets information about the broker/cluster.
     * <P>Packet:<B>INFO_REQUEST</b></p>
     *@param cluster if true, return cluster information otherwise
     *               return local broker information.
     *@returns a hashtable with broker/cluster information

    public Hashtable getInfo(boolean cluster) {
        // currently does nothing
        return new Hashtable();

     * handles receiving a ping from a client.
     * <P>Packet:<B>PING</b></p>

    public void ping() {
        // does nothing

     * handles receiving a flow paused from a client.
     * <P>Packet:<B>FLOW_PAUSED</b></p>
    public void flowPaused(int size) {
       throw new UnsupportedOperationException("flow paused is not supported by the client");

     * Processes acknowledgements.
     * <P>Packet:<B>ACKNOWLEDGE</b></p>
     *@param tid transaction id (or null if no transaction) associated
     *           with the acknowledgement.
     *@param validate  should the acks just be validated (normally false)
     *@param ackType acknowledge type of the request. One of <UL>
     *               <LI>ACKNOWLEDGE == 0 </LI><LI>UNDELIVERABLE==1</LI>
     *               <LI>DEAD</LI></UL>
     *@param exception exception associated with a dead message (should be null
     *                 if ackType != DEAD)
     *@param deadComment the explaination why a message was marked dead (should be null
     *               if ackType != DEAD)
     *@param deliverCnt number of times a dead message was delivered (should be 0
     *               if ackType != DEAD)
     *@param ids  list of message ids to process
     *@param cids list of consumerIDs associated with a message, should directly
     *            correspond to the same index in ids
    public void acknowledge(IMQConnection con, TransactionUID tid,
                boolean validate,
                int ackType, Throwable exception, String deadComment,
                int deliverCnt, SysMessageID ids[], ConsumerUID cids[])
           throws BrokerException, IOException
        if (DEBUG) {
        "ProtocolImpl.ACKNOWLEDGE:TID="+tid+", ackType="+ackType+", ids="+ids+
        ", cids="+cids+", validate="+validate+", deadComment="+deadComment+
        ", deliverCnt="+deliverCnt+", exception="+exception);

        List cleanList = null;
        AckHandler handler = (AckHandler)
        if (validate) {
            if (ackType == handler.DEAD_REQUEST ||
                ackType == handler.UNDELIVERABLE_REQUEST) {
                throw new BrokerException("Can not use JMQValidate with"
                        + " an ackType of " + ackType,
            } else if (tid == null) {
                throw new BrokerException("Can not use JMQValidate with"
                        + " no tid",
            } else if (!handler.validateMessages(tid, ids, cids)) {
                throw new BrokerException("Acknowledgement could not be found",
        } else if (ackType == handler.DEAD_REQUEST) {
            cleanList = handler.handleDeadMsgs(con, ids, cids,
                            exception, deadComment, deliverCnt);
        } else if (ackType == handler.UNDELIVERABLE_REQUEST) {
            cleanList = handler.handleUndeliverableMsgs(con, ids, cids);
        } else if (tid != null) {
            cleanList = handler.handleTransaction(con, tid, ids, cids);
        } else {
            cleanList = handler.handleAcks(con, ids, cids, true); //XXX ackack flag

        // cleanup


     *sets/checks the clientID.
     * <P>Packet:<B>SET_CLIENTID</b></p>
     *@param con the connection to set the clientID on
     *@param clientID the clientID to set
     *@param namespace to concatonate to clientID if shared
     *                 (generally set to null)
     *@param share true if the clientID is shared
     *@throws BrokerException if the clientId can not be set

    public void setClientID(IMQConnection con,
                String clientID,
                String namespace,
                boolean share)
        throws BrokerException
        ClientIDHandler handler = (ClientIDHandler)
        handler.setClientID(con, clientID, namespace, share);

     * creates a producer.
     * <P>Packet:<B>ADD_PRODUCER</b></p>
     *@param d the destination to create the producer on
     *@param con the conectio to use for the producer
     *@param uid a unique string used for finding the producer
     *@throws BrokerException if the producer can not be created
    public Producer addProducer(Destination d, IMQConnection con, String uid, boolean acc)
        throws BrokerException
        if (acc)
            checkAccessPermission(PacketType.ADD_PRODUCER, d, con);
        ProducerHandler handler = (ProducerHandler)
        return handler.addProducer(d.getDestinationUID(), con, uid, false);

     * Destroys a producer.
     * <P>Packet:<B>REMOVE_PRODUCER</b></p>
     *@param d the destination to create the producer on
     *@param con the conectio to use for the producer
     *@param uid a unique string used for finding the producer
     *@throws BrokerException if the producer can not be created
    public void removeProducer(ProducerUID uid, IMQConnection con,
              String suid)
        throws BrokerException
        ProducerHandler handler = (ProducerHandler)
        handler.removeProducer(uid, false, con, suid);

    public void resumeFlow(IMQConnection con, int bufsize)
        FlowHandler handler = (FlowHandler)
        handler.connectionFlow(con, bufsize);

     * resumes flow control on a connection.
     * <P>Packet:<B>RESUME_FLOW</b></p>
     *@param bufsize size of the buffer to receive (-1 indicates unlimited)
     *@param con the consumer to resume
    public void resumeFlow(Consumer con, int bufsize)
        FlowHandler handler = (FlowHandler)
        handler.consumerFlow(con, bufsize);

     * mimics the behavior of DELIVER
     * <P>Packet:<B>DELIVER</b></p>
     *@param cid consumer id to attach to the messages
     *@param ids a list of id's to deliver
     *@return an ArrayList of packets
    public ArrayList deliver(long cid, ArrayList ids)
        throws BrokerException, IOException
        ArrayList returnlist = new ArrayList();
        Iterator itr = ids.iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            SysMessageID id = (SysMessageID);
            PacketReference ref = Destination.get(id);
            if (ref == null) continue;
            Packet realp = ref.getPacket();
            if (ref.isInvalid()) continue;
            Packet p = new Packet(false /* use direct buffers */);
        return returnlist;
     * mimics the behavior of REDELIVER. It retrieves the messages
     * in a similar way but does not retrieve
     * <P>Packet:<B>REDELIVER</b></p>
     *The consumer should stop sessions before requeueing the
     *@param cids consumer id to attach to the messages
     *@param ids a list of id's to deliver
     *@return an ArrayList of packets
    public ArrayList redeliver(TransactionUID tid, ConsumerUID cids[],
            SysMessageID[] ids, boolean redeliver)
        throws BrokerException
        // does nothing currently
        //XXX - TBD
        return new ArrayList();


      * Creates a session and attaches it to the connection
      * <P>Packet:<B>CREATE_SESSION</b></p>
      *@param ackType acknowledge type to use
      *@param con connection to attach the session to
     public Session createSession(int ackType, IMQConnection con)
        throws BrokerException

        Object obj = new Object();
        SessionHandler handler = (SessionHandler)
        return handler.createSession(ackType, obj.toString(), con,

      * Destroy a session
      * <P>Packet:<B>DESTROY_SESSION</b></p>
      *@param uid sessionUID to destroy
      *@param con connection to deattach the session from
     public void destroySession(SessionUID uid, IMQConnection con)
        throws BrokerException
        SessionHandler handler = (SessionHandler)
        handler.closeSession(uid, con, false);

      *Pause a session
      *@param uid session to pause
     public void pauseSession(SessionUID uid)
        throws BrokerException
         Session ses = Session.getSession(uid);
         if (ses == null)
             throw new BrokerException("No session for " + uid);

      *Resume a session
      *@param uid session to resume
     public void resumeSession(SessionUID uid)
        throws BrokerException
         Session ses = Session.getSession(uid);
         if (ses == null)
             throw new BrokerException("No session for " + uid);

      *Pause a connection
      *@param con connection to pause
     public void pauseConnection(IMQConnection con)

      *Resume a connection
      *@param con connection to start
     public void resumeConnection(IMQConnection con)

      * Browse a queue
      * <P>Packet:<b>BROWSE</b></p>
      *@param d destination to browse
      *@param sstr selector string to use (or null if none)
      *@return an ordered list of SysMessageIDs
      public ArrayList browseQueue(Destination d, String sstr, IMQConnection con, boolean acc)
          throws BrokerException,SelectorFormatException
          if (acc)
             checkAccessPermission(PacketType.BROWSE, d, con);
          QBrowseHandler handler = (QBrowseHandler)
          return handler.getQBrowseList(d, sstr);

       * Create a consumer
       * <P>Packet:<b>ADD_CONSUMER</b></p>
       *@param d Destination to create the consumer on
       *@param con Connection associated with the consumer
       *@param session session associated with the consumer
       *@param selector selector string (or null if none)
       *@param clientid clientid or null if none
       *@param durablename durable name or null if none
       *@param nolocal is NoLocal turned on (topics only)
       *@param size prefetch size (or -1 if none)
       *@param shared is this a shared connection
       *@param creator_uid a unique id to use as the creator for this consumer
       *                   which is used for indempotence (usually sysmessageid)
       *@return a consumer
      public Consumer createConsumer(Destination d, IMQConnection con,
                        Session session, String selector, String clientid,
                        String durablename, boolean nolocal, int size,
                        boolean shared, String creator_uid, boolean acc, boolean useFlowControl)
        throws BrokerException, SelectorFormatException, IOException
          if (acc)
              checkAccessPermission(PacketType.ADD_CONSUMER, d, con);
          ConsumerHandler handler = (ConsumerHandler)
          Consumer[] c = handler.createConsumer(d.getDestinationUID(), con,
                       session, selector, clientid, durablename,
                       nolocal, size, shared, creator_uid, false, useFlowControl);
          if (c[2] != null)
              c[2].resume("Resuming from protocol");
          if (c[1] != null)
              c[1].resume("Resuming from protocol");
          return c[0];

       * Destroys a durable subscription
       * <P>Packet:<b>DELETE_CONSUMER</b></P>
       *@param durableName durable name associated with the subscription
       *@param clientID clientID associated with the subscription
      public void unsubscribe(String durableName, String clientID)
          throws BrokerException
          ConsumerHandler handler = (ConsumerHandler)
          handler.destroyConsumer(null, null, null,
                  durableName, clientID, null, false, false);

       * Closes a consumer
       * <P>Packet:<b>DELETE_CONSUMER</b></P>
       *@param uid ConsumerUID to close.
       *@param session session associated with the consumer.
       *@param con Connection associated with the consumer (used
       *          for retrieving protocol version).
      public void destroyConsumer(ConsumerUID uid, Session session,
            IMQConnection con)
          throws BrokerException
          ConsumerHandler handler = (ConsumerHandler)
          handler.destroyConsumer(con, session, uid,
                  null, null, null, true, false);

     * End a transaction.
     * @param id  The TransactionUID to end
     * @param xid The Xid of the transaction to end. Required if transaction
     *            is an XA transaction. Must be null if it is not an XA
     *            transaction.
     * @param xaFlags  xaFlags passed on END operation. Used only if
     *                 an XA transaction.
     public void endTransaction(TransactionUID id, JMQXid xid,
              Integer xaFlags)
          throws BrokerException
          if (DEBUG) {
          "ProtocolImpl.END TRANSACTION:TID="+id+", XID="+xid+", xaFlags="+xaFlags);
          TransactionHandler handler = (TransactionHandler)
          TransactionState ts = handler.getTransactionList().retrieveState(id);

          handler.doEnd(PacketType.END_TRANSACTION, xid,
                  xaFlags, ts, id);


     * Start a transaction.
     * @param xid The Xid of the transaction to start. Required if transaction
     *            is an XA transaction. Must be null if it is not an XA
     *            transaction.
     * @param xaFlags  xaFlags passed on START operation. Used only if
     *                 an XA transaction.
     * @param con       Connection client start packet came in on (or null if internal)
     * @param type  how rollback should be handled (e.g. only not prepared)
     * @param lifetime how long the transaction should live (0 == forever)
     * @return The TransactionUID started
     public TransactionUID startTransaction(JMQXid xid,
              Integer xaFlags, AutoRollbackType type, long lifetime, IMQConnection con)
          throws BrokerException
          if (DEBUG) {
          "ProtocolImpl.START TRANSACTION:XID="+xid+", type="+type+", conn="+con);
          List conlist = con.getTransactionListThreadSafe();

          TransactionHandler handler = (TransactionHandler)

          // allocated a TID
          TransactionUID id = null;
          if (xaFlags == null ||
              TransactionState.isFlagSet(XAResource.TMNOFLAGS, xaFlags)) {
              id = new TransactionUID();
          } else if (xid != null) {
              TransactionList translist = handler.getTransactionList();

              id = translist.xidToUID(xid);
          } else { // XID is null, something is wrong
              throw new BrokerException("Invalid xid");

          Object o = new Object();
          handler.doStart(id, conlist, con,
                  type, xid, xid!= null, lifetime, 0,
                        xaFlags, PacketType.START_TRANSACTION,
                        false, o.toString());
          if (DEBUG) {
          "ProtocolImpl.STARTED TRANSACTION:TID="+id+", XID="+xid+", type="+type+", con="+con);

          return id;


     * Commit a transaction.
     * @param id  The TransactionUID to commit
     * @param xid The Xid of the transaction to commit. Required if transaction
     *            is an XA transaction. Must be null if it is not an XA
     *            transaction.
     * @param xaFlags  xaFlags passed on COMMIT operation. Used only if
     *                 an XA transaction.
     * @param con       Connection client commit packet came in on (or null if internal)
     public void commitTransaction(TransactionUID id, JMQXid xid,
              Integer xaFlags, IMQConnection con)
          throws BrokerException
          if (DEBUG) {
          "ProtocolImpl.COMMIT TRANSACTION:TID="+id+", XID="+xid+", xaFlags="+xaFlags);
          List conlist = con.getTransactionListThreadSafe();

          TransactionHandler handler = (TransactionHandler)

          if (0L == id.longValue()) {
              if (xid == null) {
                  throw new BrokerException("Unexpected TransactionUID  " + id);
              id = handler.getTransactionList().xidToUID(xid);
              if (id == null) {
                  throw new BrokerException("Unknown XID " + xid, Status.NOT_FOUND);

          TransactionState ts = handler.getTransactionList().retrieveState(id);

          if (ts == null) {
              throw new BrokerException(
              "Unknown transaction "+id+(xid == null ? "":" XID="+xid), Status.NOT_FOUND);
          if (xid != null) {
              if (ts.getXid() == null || !xid.equals(ts.getXid())) {
                  throw new BrokerException(
                  "Transaction XID mismatch "+xid+", expected "+ts.getXid()+" for transaction "+id);

          handler.doCommit(id, xid, xaFlags, ts, conlist, false,con, null);

     * prepare a transaction.
     * @param id  The TransactionUID to prepare
     * @param xaFlags  xaFlags passed on PREPARE operation. Used only if
     *                 an XA transaction.
     public void prepareTransaction(TransactionUID id, Integer xaFlags)
          throws BrokerException
          if (DEBUG) {
          "ProtocolImpl.PREPARE TRANSACTION:TID="+id+", xaFlags="+xaFlags);

          TransactionHandler handler = (TransactionHandler)

          TransactionState ts = handler.getTransactionList().retrieveState(id);
          handler.doPrepare(id, xaFlags, ts, PacketType.PREPARE_TRANSACTION);

     * Rollback a transaction
     * @param id  The TransactionUID to rollback
     * @param xid The Xid of the transaction to rollback. Required if transaction
     *            is an XA transaction. Must be null if it is not an XA
     *            transaction.
     * @param redeliver should messages be redelivered
     * @param setRedeliver if the messages are redelivered, should the redeliver
     *                     flag be set on all messages or not
     * @param xaFlags  xaFlags passed on ROLLBACK operation. Used only if
     *                 an XA transaction.
     * @param con       Connection client rollback packet came in on (or null if internal)
     public void rollbackTransaction(TransactionUID id, JMQXid xid,
              Integer xaFlags, IMQConnection con, boolean redeliver, boolean setRedeliver)
          throws BrokerException
          if (DEBUG) {
          "ProtocolImpl.ROLLBACK TRANSACTION:TID="+id+", XID="+xid+
          ", xaFlags="+xaFlags+", redeliver="+redeliver+", setRedeliver="+setRedeliver);

          List conlist = con.getTransactionListThreadSafe();

          TransactionHandler handler = (TransactionHandler)

          if (0L == id.longValue()) {
              if (xid == null) {
                  throw new BrokerException("Unexpected TransactionUID  " + id);
              id = handler.getTransactionList().xidToUID(xid);
              if (id == null) {
                  throw new BrokerException("Unknown XID " + xid, Status.NOT_FOUND);

          TransactionState ts = handler.getTransactionList().retrieveState(id);

          if (ts == null) {
              throw new BrokerException(
              "Unknown transaction "+id+(xid == null ? "":" XID="+xid), Status.NOT_FOUND);
          if (xid != null) {
              if (ts.getXid() == null || !xid.equals(ts.getXid())) {
                  throw new BrokerException(
                  "Transaction XID mismatch "+xid+", expected "+ts.getXid()+" for transaction "+id);

          handler.preRollback(id, xid, xaFlags, ts);

          if (redeliver) {
              handler.redeliverUnacked(id, true, setRedeliver);

          handler.doRollback(id, xid, xaFlags, ts, conlist, con,  RollbackReason.APPLICATION);

      * Recover a transaction.
      *@param id id to recover or null if all
     public JMQXid[] recoverTransaction(TransactionUID id)
         if (DEBUG) {
         Globals.getLogger().log(Logger.INFO, "ProtocolImpl.RECOVER TRANSACTION:TID="+id);

         TransactionHandler handler = (TransactionHandler)

         TransactionList translist = handler.getTransactionList();
         Vector v = null;
         if (id == null) {
             v = translist.getTransactions(TransactionState.PREPARED);
         } else { // look at a single transaction
             v = new Vector();
             TransactionState ts = translist.retrieveState(id);
             if (ts.getState() == TransactionState.PREPARED) {

         JMQXid xids[] = new JMQXid[v.size()];
         Iterator itr = v.iterator();
         int i = 0;
         while (itr.hasNext()) {
             TransactionUID tuid = (TransactionUID);
             TransactionState _ts = translist.retrieveState(tuid);
             if (_ts == null) {
                 // Should never happen
             JMQXid _xid = _ts.getXid();

         return xids;

     * Verify a destination exists.
     * @param destination destination name
     * @param type DestType of the destination
     * @param selectorstr selector string to verify or null if none
     * @see com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.DestType
     * @return a hashmap which contains the following
     *  entries:<UL><LI>JMQStatus</LI><LI>JMQCanCreate</LI><LI>DestType</LI></UL>
     public HashMap verifyDestination(String destination,
               int type, String selectorstr /* may be null */)
        throws BrokerException, IOException

         HashMap returnmap = new HashMap();
         try {
             if (selectorstr != null) {
                Selector selector = Selector.compile(selectorstr);
                selector = null;
         } catch (SelectorFormatException ex) {
              returnmap.put("JMQStatus", new Integer(Status.BAD_REQUEST));
              return returnmap;
         Destination d =  Destination.getDestination(destination,

         if (d == null) {
             returnmap.put("JMQCanCreate", Boolean.valueOf(
             returnmap.put("JMQStatus", new Integer(Status.NOT_FOUND));
         } else {
             returnmap.put("JMQDestType", new Integer(d.getType()));
             returnmap.put("JMQStatus", new Integer(Status.OK));
         return returnmap;

      * Verify a transaction is PREPARED
      * @param tuid transaction id to verify
     public Map verifyTransaction(TransactionUID tuid)
         throws BrokerException
         TransactionHandler handler = (TransactionHandler)
         TransactionList translist = handler.getTransactionList();
         TransactionState ts = translist.retrieveState(tuid, true);
         if (ts == null) return null; // GONE
         int realstate = ts.getState();

         if (realstate != TransactionState.PREPARED) {
             return null; // GONE
         return  translist.getTransactionMap(tuid, true);

      * Redeliver messages
     public void redeliver(ConsumerUID ids[], SysMessageID sysids[],
               IMQConnection con, TransactionUID tid, boolean redeliver)
         throws BrokerException, IOException
         RedeliverHandler handler = (RedeliverHandler)
         handler.redeliver(ids, sysids, con, tid, redeliver);

      * route, store and forward a message
      public void processMessage(IMQConnection con, Packet msg)
          throws BrokerException, SelectorFormatException, IOException
          DataHandler handler = (DataHandler)

          Destination d = null;
          PacketReference ref = null;
          Set s = null;
          boolean route = false;
          boolean isadmin = con.isAdminConnection();
          try {
               d = Destination.getDestination(
                      msg.getDestination(), msg.getIsQueue());
               if (d == null) {
                   throw new BrokerException("Unknown Destination:" + msg.getDestination());
               Producer pausedProducer = handler.checkFlow(msg, con);
               boolean transacted = (msg.getTransactionID() != 0);
               if (DEBUG) {
               "ProtocolImpl.PROCESS MESSAGE["+msg+"]TID="+msg.getTransactionID()+" on connection "+con);
                // OK generate a ref. This checks message size and
                // will be needed for later operations
                ref = handler.createReference(msg, d.getDestinationUID(), con, isadmin);
                // dont bother calling route if there are no messages
                // to improve performance, we route and later forward
                route = handler.queueMessage(d, ref, transacted);
                s = handler.routeMessage(transacted, ref, route, d);
                // handle producer flow control
                handler.pauseProducer(d, pausedProducer, con);
         } catch (BrokerException ex) {
            int status = ex.getStatusCode();
            if (status == Status.ERROR && ref!= null && d != null)
                handler.cleanupOnError(d, ref);
            // rethrow
            throw ex;
         if (route && d != null && s != null) {
            handler.forwardMessage(d, ref, s);


      * create a destination
      * Implemented CREATE_DESTINATION
      * @param dname name of the destination
      * @param dtype type of the destination as a bit flag from DestType

    public Destination createDestination(String dname, int dtype, IMQConnection con, boolean acc)
        throws BrokerException, IOException
        if (acc)
            checkAccessPermission(PacketType.CREATE_DESTINATION, dname, dtype, con);
        if (DestType.isTemporary(dtype)) {
            boolean storeTemps = con.getConnectionUID().
            long reconnectTime = con.getReconnectInterval();
            Destination d = Destination.createTempDestination(
                         dname, dtype, con.getConnectionUID(),
                         storeTemps, reconnectTime);
            if (con.getConnectionUID().equals(d.getConnectionUID())) {
            return d;

        return Destination.getDestination(dname, dtype, true,

     * destroy a destination
     * Implemented DESTROY_DESTINATION
    public void destroyDestination(DestinationUID duid)
         throws BrokerException , IOException
        Destination.removeDestination(duid, true,
               "request from protocol");


    void checkAccessPermission(int pktType, Destination d, IMQConnection con)
                    throws AccessControlException,

        checkAccessPermission(pktType, d.getName(), d.getType(), con);

    void checkAccessPermission(int pktType, String dname, int dtype, IMQConnection con)
                    throws AccessControlException,
        String op = PacketType.mapOperation(pktType);
        if (op == null) return;
        PacketHandler.checkPermission(pktType, op, dname, dtype,

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