Package com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core

Source Code of com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.Session

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package com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core;

import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.lists.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.lang.ref.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.Globals;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.lists.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.service.ConnectionUID;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.service.Connection;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.resources.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.license.LicenseBase;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.log.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.JMQXid;

public class Session implements EventBroadcaster, EventListener
    private static boolean DEBUG = false;
    private static boolean DEBUG_CLUSTER_MSG =
                        Globals.IMQ + ".cluster.debug.msg") || DEBUG;

     * types of consumers
    public static final int AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE = 1;
    public static final int CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE = 2;
    public static final int DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE = 3;
    public static final int NO_ACK_ACKNOWLEDGE= 32768;
    // NONE may be transacted or an error
    public static final int NONE = 0;

    protected Logger logger = Globals.getLogger();

    private int ackType = 0; // XXX -should really use this not consumer

    private boolean isTransacted = false;
    private boolean isXATransacted = false;
    private TransactionUID currentTransactionID = null;

    SessionUID uid;
    Map deliveredMessages;

    Map cidToStoredCid = null;

    // single session lock
    Object sessionLock = new Object();

    EventBroadcastHelper evb = new EventBroadcastHelper();

    private Map cleanupList = new HashMap();
    private Map storeMap = new HashMap();

    Map consumers = null;
    Map listeners = null;
    Set busyConsumers = null;

    boolean paused = false;
    int pausecnt = 0;
    boolean valid = false;
    private boolean busy = false;

    ConnectionUID parentCuid = null;

    transient String creator = null;

    private static boolean NOACK_ENABLED = false;
    static {
        try {
            LicenseBase license = Globals.getCurrentLicense(null);
            NOACK_ENABLED = license.getBooleanProperty(
                                license.PROP_ENABLE_NO_ACK, false);
        } catch (BrokerException ex) {
            NOACK_ENABLED = false;


    public static boolean isValidAckType(int type) {
        switch (type) {
            case Session.NONE: // transacted
            case Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE:
            case Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE:
            case Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE:
            case Session.NO_ACK_ACKNOWLEDGE:
                return true;
                return false;

    public ConnectionUID getConnectionUID() {
        return parentCuid;

    public static Hashtable getAllDebugState() {
        Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
        ht.put("TABLE", "All Sessions");
        Hashtable all = new Hashtable();
        synchronized(allSessions) {
            ht.put("allSessionCnt", String.valueOf(allSessions.size()));
            Iterator itr = allSessions.values().iterator();
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                Session s = (Session);
        ht.put("allSessions", all);
        all = new Hashtable();
        synchronized(ConsumerToSession) {
            ht.put("ConsumerToSession", String.valueOf(ConsumerToSession.size()));
            Iterator itr = ConsumerToSession.keySet().iterator();
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                Object o =;
        ht.put("ConsumerToSession", all);
        return ht;

    public Hashtable getDebugState() {
        Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
        ht.put("TABLE", "Session[" + uid.longValue() + "]");
        ht.put("uid", String.valueOf(uid.longValue()));
        ht.put("connection", String.valueOf(parentCuid.longValue()));
        ht.put("paused", String.valueOf(paused));
        ht.put("pausecnt", String.valueOf(pausecnt));
        ht.put("valid", String.valueOf(valid));
        ht.put("busy", String.valueOf(busy));
        ht.put("PendingAcks(deliveredMessages)", String.valueOf(deliveredMessages.size()));

        // ok deal w/ unacked per consumer - its easier at this level

        if (deliveredMessages.size() > 0) {
            HashMap copyDelivered = null;
            ArrayList copyCuids = null;
            int cuidCnt[] = null;
            synchronized (deliveredMessages) {
                copyDelivered = new HashMap(deliveredMessages);
            synchronized (consumers) {
                copyCuids = new ArrayList(consumers.keySet());
            cuidCnt = new int[copyCuids.size()];
            Iterator itr = copyDelivered.values().iterator();
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                ackEntry e = (ackEntry);
                int indx = copyCuids.indexOf(e.getConsumerUID());
                if (indx == -1)
                     cuidCnt[indx] ++;
            Hashtable m = new Hashtable();
            for (int i=0; i < copyCuids.size(); i ++ ) {
                if (cuidCnt[i] == 0) continue;
                ConsumerUID cuid = (ConsumerUID) copyCuids.get(i);
                m.put(String.valueOf(cuid.longValue()), String.valueOf(cuidCnt[i]));
            if (!m.isEmpty())
                ht.put("PendingAcksByConsumer", m);

        ht.put("consumerCnt", String.valueOf(consumers.size()));
        Vector v = new Vector();
        synchronized (consumers) {
            Iterator itr = consumers.keySet().iterator();
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                ConsumerUID cuid = (ConsumerUID);
        ht.put("consumers", v);
        ht.put("busyConsumerCnt", String.valueOf(busyConsumers.size()));
        v = new Vector();
        synchronized (busyConsumers) {
            Iterator itr = busyConsumers.iterator();
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                ConsumerUID cuid = (ConsumerUID);
        ht.put("busyConsumers", v);
        return ht;

    public Vector getDebugMessages(boolean full) {
        Vector v = new Vector();
        synchronized (deliveredMessages) {
            Iterator itr = deliveredMessages.values().iterator();
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                ackEntry e = (ackEntry);
        return v;

    // used for JMX
    public int getNumPendingAcks(ConsumerUID uid)
         return getPendingAcks(uid).size();

    public List getPendingAcks(ConsumerUID uid)
        List acks = new ArrayList();
        Map copyDelivered = new HashMap();
        synchronized (deliveredMessages) {
            if (deliveredMessages.size() == 0)
                   return acks;

        Iterator itr = copyDelivered.values().iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            ackEntry e = (ackEntry);
            if (e.getConsumerUID().equals(uid)) {
        return acks;

    public void setAckType(int type)
        throws BrokerException
        if (!Session.isValidAckType(type))

            throw new BrokerException(
                        "Internal Error: Invalid Ack Type :" + type,

        if (type == Session.NO_ACK_ACKNOWLEDGE && !NOACK_ENABLED) {
            throw new BrokerException(
                        (Throwable) null,
        ackType = type;

    public int getConsumerCnt() {
        if (consumers == null) return 0;
        return consumers.size();

    public Iterator getConsumers() {
        if (consumers == null)
            return (new ArrayList()).iterator();
        return (new ArrayList(consumers.values())).iterator();

    public boolean isAutoAck(ConsumerUID uid) {
        if (isUnknown()) {
            return uid.isAutoAck();
        return ackType == Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE;

    public boolean isUnknown() {
        return ackType == Session.NONE;

    public boolean isClientAck(ConsumerUID uid) {
        if (isUnknown()) {
            return !uid.isAutoAck() && !uid.isDupsOK();
        return ackType == Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE;

    public boolean isDupsOK(ConsumerUID uid) {
        if (isUnknown()) {
            return uid.isDupsOK();
        return ackType == Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE;

    public boolean isUnsafeAck(ConsumerUID uid) {
        return isDupsOK(uid) || isNoAck(uid);

    public boolean isNoAck(ConsumerUID uid) {
        if (isUnknown()) {
            return uid.isNoAck();
        return ackType == Session.NO_ACK_ACKNOWLEDGE;

    public boolean isTransacted() {
        return isTransacted;

    public TransactionUID getCurrentTransactionID() {
        return currentTransactionID;

    public ConsumerUID getStoredIDForDetatchedConsumer(ConsumerUID cuid) {
        return (ConsumerUID)storeMap.get(cuid);

    public void debug(String prefix) {
        if (prefix == null)
            prefix = "";
        logger.log(Logger.INFO,prefix + "Session " + uid);
        logger.log(Logger.INFO,"Paused " + paused);
        logger.log(Logger.INFO,"pausecnt " + pausecnt);
        logger.log(Logger.INFO,"busy " + busy);
        logger.log(Logger.INFO,"ConsumerCnt " + consumers.size());
        logger.log(Logger.INFO,"BusyConsumerCnt " + consumers.size());
        Iterator itr = consumers.values().iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            Consumer c = (Consumer);


    private Session(ConnectionUID uid, String sysid) {
        this(new SessionUID(), uid, sysid);

    private Session(SessionUID uid, ConnectionUID cuid, String sysid ) {
        this.uid = uid;
        parentCuid = cuid;
        deliveredMessages = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap());
        cidToStoredCid = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
        consumers = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
        listeners = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
        busyConsumers = Collections.synchronizedSet(new LinkedHashSet());
        valid = true;
        creator = sysid;
        DEBUG = (DEBUG || logger.getLevel() <= Logger.DEBUG || DEBUG_CLUSTER_MSG);
        logger.log(Logger.DEBUG,"Created new session " + uid
              + " on connection " + cuid);

    public void dump(String prefix) {
        if (prefix == null)
            prefix = "";

        logger.log(Logger.INFO,prefix + " Session " + uid);
        logger.log(Logger.INFO, prefix + "---------------------------");
        logger.log(Logger.INFO, prefix + "busyConsumers (size) " + busyConsumers.size());
        logger.log(Logger.INFO, prefix + "busyConsumers (list) " + busyConsumers);
        logger.log(Logger.INFO, prefix + "consumers (size) " + consumers.size());
        logger.log(Logger.INFO, prefix + "consumers (list) " + consumers);
        logger.log(Logger.INFO, prefix + "---------------------------");
        Iterator itr = consumers.values().iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            ((Consumer) + "\t");

    class ackEntry
        ConsumerUID uid = null;
        ConsumerUID storedcid = null;

        Object pref = null;
        SysMessageID id = null;
        TransactionUID tuid = null;
        int hc = 0;

        public ackEntry(SysMessageID id,
              ConsumerUID uid)
             assert id != null;
             assert uid != null;
    = id;
             this.uid = uid;
             pref = null;

        public String toString() {
            return id+"["+uid+","+storedcid+"]"+ (tuid == null? "":"TUID="+tuid);

        public String getDebugMessage(boolean full)
            PacketReference ref = getReference();
            Packet p = (ref == null ? null : ref.getPacket());

            String str = "[" + uid + "," + storedcid + "," +
                    (p == null ? "null" : p.toString()) + "]";
            if (full && p != null) {
                 str += "\n" + p.dumpPacketString(">>");
            return str;

        public void setTUID(TransactionUID uid) {
            this.tuid = uid;
        public TransactionUID getTUID() {
            return tuid;

        public ConsumerUID getConsumerUID() {
            return uid;
        public ConsumerUID getStoredUID() {
            return storedcid;
        public SysMessageID getSysMessageID() {
            return id;
        public PacketReference getReference() {
            if (pref instanceof WeakReference) {
                return (PacketReference)((WeakReference)pref).get();
            } else {
                return (PacketReference)pref;

        public ackEntry(PacketReference ref,
               ConsumerUID uid, ConsumerUID storedUID)
            if (ref.isLocal()) {
                pref = new WeakReference(ref);
            } else {
                pref = ref;
            id = ref.getSysMessageID();
            storedcid = storedUID;
            this.uid = uid;

        public PacketReference acknowledged(boolean notify) throws BrokerException {
            return acknowledged(notify, null, null, true);

        public PacketReference acknowledged(boolean notify, boolean ackack) throws BrokerException {
            return acknowledged(notify, null, null, ackack);

        public PacketReference acknowledged(boolean notify, TransactionUID tid,
                                            HashMap remoteNotified, boolean ackack)
            throws BrokerException
            assert pref != null;
            boolean rm = false;

            PacketReference ref = getReference();

            try {
                if (ref != null && ref.isOverrided()) {
                    BrokerException bex = new BrokerException(
                               "Message requeued:"+ref, Status.GONE);
                    throw bex;
                if (ref == null) {
                    // XXX weird
                    ref = Destination.get(id);
                if (ref == null) {
                    String emsg = null;
                    if (tid == null) {
                        emsg = Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(
                        BrokerResources.W_ACK_MESSAGE_GONE, this.toString());
                    } else {
                        emsg = Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(
                        BrokerResources.W_ACK_MESSAGE_GONE_IN_TXN, tid.toString(),
                    logger.log(Logger.WARNING, emsg);
                    throw new BrokerException(emsg, Status.CONFLICT);
                rm = ref.acknowledged(uid, storedcid, !isUnsafeAck(uid),
                                      notify, tid, remoteNotified, ackack);
                Consumer c = (Consumer)consumers.get(uid);
                if (c != null) {
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                assert false : ref;
                String emsg = Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(
                    this.toString()+"["+ref.getDestinationUID()+"]", ex.getMessage());
                if (logger.getLevel() <= Logger.DEBUG) {
                    logger.logStack(Logger.DEBUG, emsg, ex);
                } else {
                    logger.log(Logger.WARNING, emsg);
                if (ex instanceof BrokerException) throw (BrokerException)ex;
                throw new BrokerException(emsg, ex);
            return (rm ? ref : null);

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (! (o instanceof ackEntry)) {
                return false;
            ackEntry ak = (ackEntry)o;
            return uid.equals(ak.uid) &&
        public int hashCode() {
            // uid is 4 bytes
            if (hc == 0) {
                hc = id.hashCode()*15 + uid.hashCode();
            return hc;

    public SessionUID getSessionUID() {
        return uid;

    public void pause(String reason) {
        synchronized(sessionLock) {
            paused = true;
            pausecnt ++;
            if (DEBUG)
                logger.log(Logger.INFO,"Session: Pausing " + this
                    + "[" + pausecnt + "]" + reason);

    public void resume(String reason) {
        synchronized(sessionLock) {
            pausecnt --;
            if (pausecnt <= 0)
                paused = false;
            assert pausecnt >= 0: "Bad pause " + this;
            if (DEBUG)
                logger.log(Logger.INFO,"Session: Resuming " + this
                     + "[" + pausecnt + "]" + reason);

    public boolean isPaused() {
        return paused;

    public boolean hasWork() {
        return (busyConsumers.size() > 0);

    public boolean fillNextPacket (Packet p, ConsumerUID cid)
        if (paused) {
            return false;
        Consumer consumer = (Consumer)consumers.get(cid);
        PacketReference ref = null;
        synchronized (sessionLock) {
            ref = consumer.getAndFillNextPacket(p);
            if (ref == null) return false;

            ConsumerUID sid = consumer.getStoredConsumerUID();

            ackEntry entry = null;
            if (!consumer.getConsumerUID().isNoAck()) {
                entry = new ackEntry(ref, cid, sid);
                synchronized(deliveredMessages) {
                    deliveredMessages.put(entry, entry);

            try  {
                ConsumerUID c = consumer.getConsumerUID();
                boolean store = !isAutoAck(c) ||
                       deliveredMessages.size() == 1;
                if (ref.delivered(c, sid, !isUnsafeAck(c), store)) {
                    // either hit limit or need to ack message
                    Destination d = ref.getDestination();
                    //XXX - use destination limit
                    if (ref.isDead()) { // undeliverable
                        Packet pk = ref.getPacket();
                       if (pk != null && !pk.getConsumerFlow()) {
                           synchronized(deliveredMessages) {
                           ref = null;
                    } else { // no ack remove
                           RemoveReason.ACKNOWLEDGED, !ref.isExpired());
                       synchronized(deliveredMessages) {

            } catch (Exception ex) {
                    "Message Gone, unable to update"
                    + " state of the message " + ref ,ex);
                synchronized(deliveredMessages) {
                    if (entry != null)
        return ref != null;

    public ConsumerUID fillNextPacket(Packet p)
       //throws BrokerException, IOException
        if (paused) {
            return null;
        ConsumerUID cid = null;
        Consumer consumer = null;
        while (!paused) {         
            // get a consumer
            synchronized (busyConsumers) {
               if (busyConsumers.isEmpty()) {
               Iterator itr = busyConsumers.iterator();
               cid = (ConsumerUID);
               consumer = (Consumer)consumers.get(cid);

            assert p != null;

            if (consumer == null) return null;

            PacketReference ref = null;
            synchronized (sessionLock) {
                if (paused)  {
                    synchronized (busyConsumers) {
                        if (consumer.isBusy())
                    return null;

                ref = consumer.getAndFillNextPacket(p);
                synchronized (busyConsumers) {
                    if (consumer.isBusy())

                if (ref == null) {

                // ok the consumer wrote what it could
                // now store the session info

                ConsumerUID sid = consumer.getStoredConsumerUID();

                ackEntry entry = null;
                if (!consumer.getConsumerUID().isNoAck()) {
                    entry = new ackEntry(ref, cid,
                    synchronized(deliveredMessages) {
                        deliveredMessages.put(entry, entry);

                try  {
                    ConsumerUID c = consumer.getConsumerUID();
                    boolean store = !isAutoAck(c) ||
                           deliveredMessages.size() == 1;
                    if (ref.delivered(c, sid, !isUnsafeAck(c), store)) {
                        // either hit limit or need to ack message
                        Destination d = ref.getDestination();
                        //XXX - use destination limit
                        if (ref.isDead()) { // undeliverable
                            Packet pk = ref.getPacket();
                            if (pk != null && !pk.getConsumerFlow()) {
                                ref = null;
                        } else { // no ack remove
                               RemoveReason.ACKNOWLEDGED, !ref.isExpired());

                } catch (Exception ex) {
                        "Message Gone, unable to update"
                        + " state of the message " + ref ,ex);
                    synchronized(deliveredMessages) {
                        if (entry != null)

            return (ref != null && cid != null ? cid : null);

        return null;

    public Object getBusyLock() {
        return busyConsumers;

    public boolean isBusy() {
        synchronized (busyConsumers) {
            return busy;

    public String toString() {
        return "Session [" + uid + "]";


    private Set detachedRConsumerUIDs = Collections.synchronizedSet(new LinkedHashSet());

    public synchronized void attachConsumer(Consumer c) throws BrokerException {
        logger.log(Logger.DEBUG,"Attaching Consumer " + c.getConsumerUID()
           + " to Session " + uid);

        if (!valid) {
            throw new BrokerException(Globals.getBrokerResources().
                getKString(BrokerResources.X_SESSION_CLOSED, this.toString()));
        ConsumerUID cuid = c.getConsumerUID();
        consumers.put(cuid, c);

        Destination d = c.getFirstDestination();
        listeners.put(cuid, c.addEventListener(this,
             EventType.BUSY_STATE_CHANGED, null));
        if (c.isBusy()) {
        synchronized(ConsumerToSession) {


     * clean indicated that it was made by a 3.5 consumer calling
     * close
     * @param id last SysMessageID seen (null indicates all have been seen)
     * @param redeliverAll  ignore id and redeliver all
     * @param redeliverPendingConsume - redeliver pending messages
    public Consumer detatchConsumer(ConsumerUID c, SysMessageID id,
               boolean redeliverPendingConsume, boolean redeliverAll)
        throws BrokerException
        pause(" detatch consumer " + c);
        Consumer con = (Consumer)consumers.remove(c);
        if (con == null) {
            assert con != null;
            resume(" bad removal " + c);
            throw new BrokerException("Detatching consumer " + c
                 + " not currently attached "
                  "to " + this );
        con.pause(" detatch consumer " + c
             + " DEAD"); // we dont want to ever remove messages
        detatchConsumer(con, id, redeliverPendingConsume, redeliverAll);
        resume(" detatch consumer " + c);
        return con;

     * @param id last SysMessageID seen (null indicates all have been seen)
     * @param redeliverAll  ignore id and redeliver all
     * @param redeliverPendingConsume - redeliver pending messages
    private void detatchConsumer(Consumer con, SysMessageID id,
           boolean redeliverPendingConsume, boolean redeliverAll)
        if (DEBUG) {
        logger.log(Logger.INFO,"Detaching Consumer "+con.getConsumerUID()+
           " on connection "+ con.getConnectionUID()+
           " from Session " + uid + " last id was " + id);
        con.pause(" Detatch consumer 1 " + con   );
        pause(" Detatch consumer A " + con);
        ConsumerUID c = con.getConsumerUID();
        ConsumerUID sid = con.getStoredConsumerUID();
        Object listener= listeners.remove(c);
        assert listener != null;

        // OK, we have 2 sets of messages:
        //    messages which were seen (and need the state
        //         set to consumed)
        //    messages which were NOT seen (and need the
        //         state reset)
        // get delivered messages
        Set s = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashMap remotePendings = new HashMap();

        boolean holdmsgs = false;

        // get all the messages for the consumer
        synchronized (deliveredMessages) {
            ackEntry startEntry = null;

            // workaround for client sending ack if acknowledged
            if (id != null) {
                ackEntry entry = new ackEntry(id, c);
                startEntry = (ackEntry)deliveredMessages.get(entry);
            // make a copy of all of the data
            cleanupList.put(c, con.getParentList());
            storeMap.put(c, con.getStoredConsumerUID());

            // OK first loop through all of the consumed
            // messages and mark them consumed
            Iterator itr = deliveredMessages.values().iterator();
            boolean found = (startEntry == null && id != null);
            while (!redeliverAll && !found && itr.hasNext()) {
                ackEntry val = (ackEntry);
                if (val == startEntry) {
                     // we are done with consumed messages
                     found = true;
                // see if we are for a different consumer
                //forward port 6829773
                if (!val.storedcid.equals(sid) || !val.uid.equals(c))
                PacketReference pr = val.getReference();
                // we know the consumer saw it .. mark it consumed
                if (pr != null) {
                    try {
                        pr.consumed(sid, !isUnsafeAck(c), isAutoAck(c));
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        Object[] args = { "["+pr+","+sid+"]", c, ex.getMessage() };
                        logger.log(Logger.WARNING, Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(
                        BrokerResources.W_UNABLE_UPDATE_REF_STATE_ON_CLOSE_CONSUMER, args), ex);
                if (redeliverPendingConsume) {
                    if (pr != null) {
                if (this.isTransacted) {
                    if (!Globals.getTransactionList().isConsumedInTransaction(
                                              val.getSysMessageID(), val.uid)) {
                        if (pr != null) {
                if (pr != null && !pr.isLocal() && this.valid) {
                    BrokerAddress ba = pr.getAddress();  
                    if (ba != null) {
                        List l = (List)remotePendings.get(ba);
                        if (l == null) {
                            l = new ArrayList();
                            remotePendings.put(ba, l);
                holdmsgs = true;
            // now deal with re-queueing messages
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                ackEntry val = (ackEntry);
                // see if we are for a different consumer
                if (!val.storedcid.equals(sid|| !val.uid.equals(c))
                PacketReference pr = val.getReference();
                if (this.isTransacted) {
                    if (Globals.getTransactionList().isConsumedInTransaction(
                                              val.getSysMessageID(), val.uid)) {
                if (pr != null && !pr.isLocal() && this.valid) {
                            BrokerAddress ba = pr.getAddress();  
                            if (ba != null) {
                                List l = (List)remotePendings.get(ba);
                                if (l == null) {
                                    l = new ArrayList();
                                    remotePendings.put(ba, l);
                        holdmsgs = true;
                if ( pr != null) {
                try {
                    if (pr != null) {
                        pr.removeDelivered(sid, true);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    logger.log(Logger.INFO,"Internal Error " +
                        "Unable to consume " + sid + ":" + pr, ex);
        con.destroyConsumer(s, remotePendings,
                            (con.tobeRecreated() || (!valid && !isXATransacted)),
                            false, true);

        if (!holdmsgs && this.valid) {
            synchronized (deliveredMessages) {
            synchronized(ConsumerToSession) {

        resume(" resuming after detatch " + con);


    public BrokerAddress acknowledgeInTransaction(ConsumerUID cuid, SysMessageID id,
                                                  TransactionUID tuid, boolean isXA)
        throws BrokerException
        //workaround client REDELIVER protocol for XA transaction
        if (!isTransacted) isTransacted = true;
        if (isXA && !isXATransacted) isXATransacted = true;
        currentTransactionID = tuid;

        // remove from the session pending list
        ackEntry entry = new ackEntry(id, cuid);
        synchronized(deliveredMessages) {
            entry = (ackEntry)deliveredMessages.get(entry);
        if (entry == null) {
                String info = "Received unknown message for transaction " + tuid + " on session " + uid + " ack info is " + cuid + "," + id;
                // for debugging see if message exists
                PacketReference m = Destination.get(id);
                if (m == null) {
                    info +=": Broker does not know about the message";
                } else {
                    info += ":Broker knows about the message, not associated with the session";
                // send acknowledge
                logger.log(Logger.WARNING, info);
                BrokerException bex = new BrokerException(info, Status.GONE);
                throw bex;
        if (entry.getTUID() != null && !entry.getTUID().equals(tuid)) {
                BrokerException bex = new BrokerException(
                "Message requeued:"+entry.getReference(), Status.GONE);
                throw bex;
        PacketReference ref = entry.getReference();
        if (ref == null) {
            throw new BrokerException(Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(
            ""+id+"["+cuid+":"+entry.getStoredUID()+"]TUID="+tuid), Status.CONFLICT);
        if (ref.isOverrided()) {
                BrokerException bex = new BrokerException(
                "Message requeued:"+entry.getReference(), Status.GONE);
                throw bex;
        return ref.getAddress();
        // return;

    private void close() {
        synchronized(this) {
            if (!valid) return;
            valid = false;
        logger.log(Logger.DEBUG,"Close Session " + uid);
        Connection conn = Globals.getConnectionManager().getConnection(getConnectionUID());
        boolean old = false;
        if (conn != null && conn.getClientProtocolVersion() < Connection.RAPTOR_PROTOCOL) {
            old =true;

        Iterator itr = null;
        synchronized (this) {
            itr = new HashSet(consumers.values()).iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            Consumer c =(Consumer);
            detatchConsumer(c, null, old, false);

        // deal w/ old messages
        synchronized(deliveredMessages) {
            if (!deliveredMessages.isEmpty()) {
                // get the list by IDs
                HashMap openMsgs = new HashMap();
                itr = deliveredMessages.entrySet().iterator();
                while (itr.hasNext()) {
                    Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
                    ackEntry e = (ackEntry)entry.getValue();

                    ConsumerUID cuid = e.getConsumerUID();
                    ConsumerUID storeduid = (e.getStoredUID() == null ? cuid:e.getStoredUID());

                    // deal w/ orphan messages
                    TransactionUID tid = e.getTUID();
                    if (tid != null) {
                        JMQXid jmqxid = Globals.getTransactionList().UIDToXid(tid);
                        if (jmqxid != null) {
                                    tid, e.getSysMessageID(), storeduid, cuid);
                        TransactionState ts = Globals.getTransactionList().retrieveState(tid, true);
                        if (ts != null && ts.getState() == TransactionState.PREPARED) {
                                    tid, e.getSysMessageID(), storeduid, cuid);
                        if (ts != null && ts.getState() == TransactionState.COMMITTED) {
                        if (ts != null && conn != null &&
                            ts.getState() == TransactionState.COMPLETE &&
                            conn.getConnectionState() >= Connection.STATE_CLOSED) {
                            String[] args = { ""+tid,
                                              getConnectionUID().toString() };
                            logger.log(Logger.INFO, Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(
                                       BrokerResources.I_CONN_CLEANUP_KEEP_TXN, args));
                                    tid, e.getSysMessageID(), storeduid, cuid);
                    PacketReference ref = e.getReference();
                    if (ref == null) ref = Destination.get(e.getSysMessageID());
                    if (ref != null && !ref.isLocal()) {
                        try {
                            if ((ref = e.acknowledged(false)) != null) {
                                Destination d = ref.getDestination();
                                             RemoveReason.ACKNOWLEDGED, ref);
                        } catch(Exception ex) {
                            logger.logStack(DEBUG_CLUSTER_MSG ?
          Logger.WARNING:Logger.DEBUG, "Unable to clean up remote message "
                            + e.getDebugMessage(false), ex);

                    // we arent in a transaction ID .. cool
                    // add to redeliver list
                    Set s = (Set)openMsgs.get(cuid);
                    if (s == null) {
                        s = new LinkedHashSet();
                        openMsgs.put(cuid, s);
                    if (ref != null) {

                // OK .. see if we ack or cleanup
                itr = openMsgs.keySet().iterator();
                while (itr.hasNext()) {
                    ConsumerUID cuid = (ConsumerUID);
                    Prioritized parent = (Prioritized)cleanupList.get(cuid);
                    ConsumerUID sid = (ConsumerUID)storeMap.get(cuid);
                    if (parent == null) {
                        Set s = (Set)openMsgs.get(cuid);
                        Iterator sitr = s.iterator();
                        while (sitr.hasNext()) {
                            ackEntry e = (ackEntry);
                            try {
                                PacketReference ref = e.acknowledged(false);
                                if (ref != null ) {
                                      Destination d= ref.getDestination();
                                      try {
                                      } catch (Exception ex) {
                                          logger.logStack(Logger.INFO,"Internal Error",
                            } catch (Exception ex) {
                                // ignore
                     } else {
                        LinkedHashSet msgs = new LinkedHashSet();
                        Set s = (Set)openMsgs.get(cuid);
                        Iterator sitr = s.iterator();
                        while (sitr.hasNext()) {
                            ackEntry e = (ackEntry);
                            PacketReference ref = e.getReference();
                            if (ref != null) {
                                try {
                                    ref.consumed(sid, !isUnsafeAck(cuid), isAutoAck(cuid));
                                } catch (Exception ex) {
                                    logger.log(Logger.INFO,"Internal Error " +
                                       "Unable to consume " + sid + ":" + ref, ex);
                            } else {

        synchronized(detachedRConsumerUIDs) {
           itr = (new LinkedHashSet(detachedRConsumerUIDs)).iterator();

        if (!isXATransacted) {
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                Consumer c =Consumer.newInstance((ConsumerUID);
                try {
                Globals.getClusterBroadcast().destroyConsumer(c, null, true);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                       "Unable to send consumer ["+c+
                       "] cleanup notification for closing of session ["+ this + "].");

          // Clear up old session to consumer match
          synchronized(ConsumerToSession) {
              Iterator citr = ConsumerToSession.values().iterator();
              while (citr.hasNext()) {
                  SessionUID suid = (SessionUID);
                  if (suid.equals(uid)) {



     * handles an undeliverable message. This means:
     * <UL>
     *   <LI>removing it from the pending ack list</LI>
     *   <LI>Sending it back to the destination to route </LI>
     * </UL>
     * If the message can not be routed, returns the packet reference
     * (to clean up)
    public PacketReference handleUndeliverable(ConsumerUID cuid,
           SysMessageID id)
        throws BrokerException

        Consumer c = Consumer.getConsumer(cuid);
        // get our stored UID

        ackEntry entry = new ackEntry(id, cuid);
        PacketReference ref = null;
        synchronized(deliveredMessages) {
            entry = (ackEntry)deliveredMessages.remove(entry);
        if (entry == null) {
                return null;
        ref = entry.getReference();
        if (ref == null) {
           // already gone
           return null;
        ConsumerUID storedid = c.getStoredConsumerUID();
        if (storedid.equals(cuid)) {
            //not a durable or receiver, nothing to do
            try {
                if (ref.acknowledged(cuid,
                        storedid, false, false)) {
                    return ref;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                logger.logStack(Logger.DEBUG,"Error handling undeliverable", ex);
            return null;
        // handle it like an orphan message
        // this re-queues it on the durable or queue
        Destination d = ref.getDestination();
        d.forwardOrphanMessage(ref, storedid);
        return null;

     * handles an undeliverable message. This means:
     * <UL>
     *   <LI>removing it from the pending ack list</LI>
     *   <LI>Sending it back to the destination to route </LI>
     * </UL>
     * If the message can not be routed, returns the packet reference
     * (to clean up)
    public PacketReference handleDead(ConsumerUID cuid,
           SysMessageID id, RemoveReason deadReason, Throwable thr,
           String comment, int deliverCnt)
           throws BrokerException {

        if (DEBUG) {
        logger.log(logger.INFO, "handleDead["+id+", "+cuid+"]"+deadReason);
        Consumer c = Consumer.getConsumer(cuid);
        // get our stored UID

        ackEntry entry = new ackEntry(id, cuid);
        PacketReference ref = null;
        synchronized(deliveredMessages) {
            entry = (ackEntry)deliveredMessages.remove(entry);
        if (entry == null) {
                return null;
        ref = entry.getReference();
        if (ref == null) {
           // already gone
           return null;
        ConsumerUID storedid = c.getStoredConsumerUID();
        Destination d = ref.getDestination();
        if (ref.markDead(cuid, storedid, comment, thr,
                         deadReason, deliverCnt, null)) {
            return ref;
        return null;

     * @param ackack whether client requested ackack

    public PacketReference ackMessage(ConsumerUID cuid, SysMessageID id, boolean ackack)
        throws BrokerException
        return ackMessage(cuid, id, null, null, ackack);

    public PacketReference ackMessage(ConsumerUID cuid, SysMessageID id,
            TransactionUID tuid, HashMap remoteNotified, boolean ackack)
        throws BrokerException
        ackEntry entry = new ackEntry(id, cuid);
        PacketReference ref = null;
        synchronized(deliveredMessages) {
            entry = (ackEntry)deliveredMessages.remove(entry);
        if (entry == null) {
            String emsg = null;
            if (tuid == null) {
                emsg = Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(
                       BrokerResources.W_ACK_MESSAGE_GONE, id+"["+cuid+"]");
            } else {
                emsg = Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(
                           tuid.toString(), id+"["+cuid+"]");
            logger.log(Logger.WARNING, emsg);
            throw new BrokerException(emsg, Status.CONFLICT);
        ref = entry.acknowledged(true, tuid, remoteNotified, ackack);
        if (isAutoAck(entry.getConsumerUID())) {
            synchronized(deliveredMessages) {
                Iterator itr = deliveredMessages.values().iterator();
                while (itr.hasNext()) {
                    ackEntry e= (ackEntry);
                    PacketReference newref = e.getReference();
                    if (newref == null) {
                        // see if we can get it by ID
                        newref = Destination.get(id);
                        if (newref == null) {
                            logger.log(Logger.DEBUGMED,"Removing purged reference "
                                + e);
                        } else {
                            logger.log(Logger.INFO,"Weird reference behavior" +
                            // acknowledge it
                            try {
                                e.acknowledged(true, ackack);
                            } catch (Exception ex) {
                    } else {
                        try {
                              true, newref.isStored());
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                               "Internal error, unable to deliver " + cuid
                               + ":" + ref, ex);
        return ref;

     * @param ackack whether client requested ackack
    public boolean acknowledgeToMessage(ConsumerUID cuid, SysMessageID id, boolean ackack)
        throws BrokerException
        boolean removed = false;
        ackEntry entry = new ackEntry(id, cuid);
        synchronized(deliveredMessages) {
            ackEntry value = (ackEntry)deliveredMessages.get(entry);

            if (value == null)  {
                assert false : entry;
                return false;

            Iterator itr = deliveredMessages.values().iterator();
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                ackEntry val = (ackEntry);
                PacketReference ref = val.acknowledged(true, ackack);
                if (ref != null) {
                    Destination d= ref.getDestination();
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        logger.logStack(Logger.INFO, "Internal Error", ex);

                removed = true;
                if (val.equals(value)) {
        return removed;

    public void eventOccured(EventType type,  Reason r,
            Object target, Object oldval, Object newval,
            Object userdata) {

        ConsumerUID cuid = ((Consumer)target).getConsumerUID();
        if (type == EventType.BUSY_STATE_CHANGED) {

            synchronized(busyConsumers) {
                Consumer c = (Consumer)consumers.get(cuid);
                if ( c != null && c.isBusy()) {
                    // busy
            checkState(null); // cant hold a lock, we need to prevent a
                              // deadlock

        } else  {
            assert false : " event is not valid ";

     * Request notification when the specific event occurs.
     * @param listener object to notify when the event occurs
     * @param type event which must occur for notification
     * @param userData optional data queued with the notification
     * @return an id associated with this notification
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the broadcaster does not
     *          publish the event type passed in
    public Object addEventListener(EventListener listener,
                        EventType type, Object userData)
        throws UnsupportedOperationException {

        if (type != EventType.BUSY_STATE_CHANGED ) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only " +
                "Busy and Not Busy types supported on this class");
        return evb.addEventListener(listener,type, userData);

     * Request notification when the specific event occurs AND
     * the reason matched the passed in reason.
     * @param listener object to notify when the event occurs
     * @param type event which must occur for notification
     * @param userData optional data queued with the notification
     * @param reason reason which must be associated with the
     *               event (or null for all events)
     * @return an id associated with this notification
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the broadcaster does not
     *         support the event type or reason passed in
    public Object addEventListener(EventListener listener,
                        EventType type, Reason reason,
                        Object userData)
        throws UnsupportedOperationException
        if (type != EventType.BUSY_STATE_CHANGED ) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only " +
                "Busy and Not Busy types supported on this class");
        return evb.addEventListener(listener,type, reason, userData);

     * remove the listener registered with the passed in
     * id.
     * @return the listener callback which was removed
    public Object removeEventListener(Object id) {
        return evb.removeEventListener(id);
    private void checkState(Reason r) {

        boolean notify = false;
        boolean isBusy = false;
        synchronized(busyConsumers) {
            isBusy = !paused && (busyConsumers.size() > 0);
            if (isBusy != busy) {
                busy = isBusy;
                notify = true;
        if (notify) {
                r, this, Boolean.valueOf(!isBusy), Boolean.valueOf(isBusy));

    private void notifyChange(EventType type,  Reason r,
               Object target,
               Object oldval, Object newval)
        evb.notifyChange(type,r, target, oldval, newval);

    public synchronized Consumer getConsumerOnSession(ConsumerUID uid)
        return (Consumer)consumers.get(uid);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static Methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    static Map ConsumerToSession = new HashMap();
    static Map allSessions = new HashMap();

    public static void clearSessions()

    public static Session getSession(ConsumerUID uid)
        SessionUID suid = null;
        synchronized(ConsumerToSession) {
            suid = (SessionUID)ConsumerToSession.get(uid);
        if (suid == null) return null;
        return getSession(suid);

    // used for internal errors only
    public static void dumpAll() {
        synchronized(allSessions) {
            Globals.getLogger().log(Logger.INFO,"Dumping active sessions");
            Iterator itr = allSessions.keySet().iterator();
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                Object k =;
                Object v = allSessions.get(k);
                Globals.getLogger().log(Logger.INFO,"\t"+k+ " : " + v);

    public static Session createSession(ConnectionUID uid, String id )
        Session s = new Session(uid, id);
        synchronized(allSessions) {
            allSessions.put(s.getSessionUID(), s);
        return s;

    // for default session only
    public static Session createSession(SessionUID uid, ConnectionUID cuid,
                 String id)
        Session s = new Session(uid, cuid, id);
        synchronized(allSessions) {
            allSessions.put(s.getSessionUID(), s);
        return s;

     * @param clean closeSession was called
    public static void closeSession(SessionUID uid) {
        Session s = null;
        synchronized(allSessions) {
            s = (Session)allSessions.remove(uid);
        if (s == null) {
            // already was closed
        assert s != null;

    public static Session getSession(SessionUID uid)
        synchronized(allSessions) {
            return (Session)allSessions.get(uid);

    public static Session getSession(String creator)
        if (creator == null) return null;

        synchronized(allSessions) {
            Iterator itr = allSessions.values().iterator();
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                Session c = (Session);
                if (creator.equals(c.creator))
                    return c;
        return null;



Related Classes of com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.Session

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