Package com.esotericsoftware.kryo

Source Code of com.esotericsoftware.kryo.SerializationBenchmarkTest$SampleObject

package com.esotericsoftware.kryo;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

//import org.gridgain.grid.marshaller.GridMarshaller;
//import org.gridgain.grid.marshaller.optimized.GridOptimizedMarshaller;

import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.serializers.FieldSerializer;
import com.esotericsoftware.minlog.Log;

/*** This test was originally taken from a GridGain blog. It is a compares the speed of serialization using Java serialization,
* Kryo, Kryo with Unsafe patches and GridGain's serialization.
* @author Roman Levenstein <> */
public class SerializationBenchmarkTest extends KryoTestCase {
  private static final int WARMUP_ITERATIONS = 1000;

  /** Number of runs. */
  private static final int RUN_CNT = 1;

  /** Number of iterations. Set it to something rather big for obtaining meaningful results */
// private static final int ITER_CNT = 200000;
  private static final int ITER_CNT = 100;

  private static final int SLEEP_BETWEEN_RUNS = 100;
  private static final int OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 * 10 * 4;

  SampleObject obj = createObject();

  private static SampleObject createObject () {
    long[] longArr = new long[3000];

    for (int i = 0; i < longArr.length; i++)
      longArr[i] = i;

    double[] dblArr = new double[3000];

    for (int i = 0; i < dblArr.length; i++)
      dblArr[i] = 0.1 * i;

    return new SampleObject(123, 123.456f, (short)321, longArr, dblArr);

// public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// // Create sample object.
// SampleObject obj = createObject();
// SerializationBenchmarkTest benchmark = new SerializationBenchmarkTest();
// // Run Java serialization test.
// // benchmark.testJavaSerialization(obj);
// // benchmark.testJavaSerializationWithoutTryCatch(obj);
// // Run Kryo serialization test.
// // benchmark.kryoSerialization(obj);
// benchmark.testKryoSerializationUmodified(obj);
// benchmark.testKryoSerializationWithoutTryCatch(obj);
// benchmark.testKryoUnsafeSerializationWithoutTryCatch(obj);
// // Run GridGain serialization test.
// // benchmark.gridGainSerialization(obj);
// }

  public void testJavaSerialization () throws Exception {
    // Warm-up phase: Perform 100000 iterations
    runJavaSerialization(1, WARMUP_ITERATIONS, false);
    runJavaSerialization(RUN_CNT, ITER_CNT, true);

  public void testJavaSerializationWithoutTryCatch () throws Exception {
    // Warm-up phase: Perform 100000 iterations
    runJavaSerializationWithoutTryCatch(1, WARMUP_ITERATIONS, false);
    runJavaSerializationWithoutTryCatch(RUN_CNT, ITER_CNT, true);

  public void testKryoSerialization () throws Exception {
    // Warm-up phase: Perform 100000 iterations
    runKryoSerialization(1, WARMUP_ITERATIONS, false);
    runKryoSerialization(RUN_CNT, ITER_CNT, true);

  public void testKryoSerializationUnmodified () throws Exception {
    // Warm-up phase: Perform 100000 iterations
    runKryoSerializationUmodified(1, WARMUP_ITERATIONS, false);
    runKryoSerializationUmodified(RUN_CNT, ITER_CNT, true);

  public void testKryoSerializationWithoutTryCatch () throws Exception {
    // Warm-up phase: Perform 100000 iterations
    runKryoSerializationWithoutTryCatch(1, WARMUP_ITERATIONS, false);
    runKryoSerializationWithoutTryCatch(RUN_CNT, ITER_CNT, true);

  public void testKryoSerializationWithoutTryCatchWithFastStreams () throws Exception {
    // Warm-up phase: Perform 100000 iterations
    runKryoSerializationWithoutTryCatchWithFastStreams(1, WARMUP_ITERATIONS, false);
    runKryoSerializationWithoutTryCatchWithFastStreams(RUN_CNT, ITER_CNT, true);

  public void testKryoUnsafeSerializationWithoutTryCatch () throws Exception {
    // Warm-up phase: Perform 100000 iterations
    runKryoUnsafeSerializationWithoutTryCatch(1, WARMUP_ITERATIONS, false);
    runKryoUnsafeSerializationWithoutTryCatch(RUN_CNT, ITER_CNT, true);

  public void testKryoUnsafeSerializationWithoutTryCatchWithoutAsm () throws Exception {
    // Warm-up phase: Perform 100000 iterations
    runKryoUnsafeSerializationWithoutTryCatchWithoutAsm(1, WARMUP_ITERATIONS, false);
    runKryoUnsafeSerializationWithoutTryCatchWithoutAsm(RUN_CNT, ITER_CNT, true);

  public void testKryoUnsafeSerializationWithoutTryCatchWithoutReferences () throws Exception {
    // Warm-up phase: Perform 100000 iterations
    runKryoUnsafeSerializationWithoutTryCatchWithoutReferences(1, WARMUP_ITERATIONS, false);
    runKryoUnsafeSerializationWithoutTryCatchWithoutReferences(RUN_CNT, ITER_CNT, true);

  private void runJavaSerialization (final int RUN_CNT, final int ITER_CNT, boolean outputResults) throws Exception {
    long avgDur = 0;
    long bestTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;

    for (int i = 0; i < RUN_CNT; i++) {
      SampleObject newObj = null;

      long start = System.nanoTime();

      for (int j = 0; j < ITER_CNT; j++) {
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);

        ObjectOutputStream objOut = null;

        try {
          objOut = new ObjectOutputStream(out);

        } finally {
          // U.close(objOut, null);

        ObjectInputStream objIn = null;

        try {
          objIn = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray()));

          newObj = (SampleObject)objIn.readObject();
        } finally {
          // U.close(objIn, null);

      long dur = System.nanoTime() - start;
      dur = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(dur);
      // Check that unmarshalled object is equal to original one (should
      // never fail).
      if (!obj.equals(newObj)) throw new RuntimeException("Unmarshalled object is not equal to original object.");

      if (outputResults) System.out.format(">>> Java serialization via Externalizable (run %d): %,d ms\n", i + 1, dur);
      avgDur += dur;
      bestTime = Math.min(bestTime, dur);

    avgDur /= RUN_CNT;

    if (outputResults) {
      System.out.format("\n>>> Java serialization via Externalizable (average): %,d ms\n\n", avgDur);
      System.out.format("\n>>> Java serialization via Externalizable (best time): %,d ms\n\n", bestTime);


  private void systemCleanupAfterRun () throws InterruptedException {

  private void runJavaSerializationWithoutTryCatch (final int RUN_CNT, final int ITER_CNT, boolean outputResults)
    throws Exception {
    long avgDur = 0;
    long bestTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;

    for (int i = 0; i < RUN_CNT; i++) {
      SampleObject newObj = null;

      long start = System.nanoTime();

      for (int j = 0; j < ITER_CNT; j++) {
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);

        ObjectOutputStream objOut = null;

        objOut = new ObjectOutputStream(out);

        // U.close(objOut, null);

        ObjectInputStream objIn = null;

        objIn = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray()));

        newObj = (SampleObject)objIn.readObject();
        // U.close(objIn, null);

      long dur = System.nanoTime() - start;
      dur = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(dur);
      // Check that unmarshalled object is equal to original one (should
      // never fail).
      if (!obj.equals(newObj)) throw new RuntimeException("Unmarshalled object is not equal to original object.");
      if (outputResults) System.out.format(">>> Java serialization without try-catch (run %d): %,d ms\n", i + 1, dur);

      avgDur += dur;
      bestTime = Math.min(bestTime, dur);

    avgDur /= RUN_CNT;

    if (outputResults) {
      System.out.format("\n>>> Java serialization without try-catch via Externalizable (average): %,d ms\n\n", avgDur);
      System.out.format("\n>>> Java serialization without try-catch via Externalizable (best time): %,d ms\n\n", bestTime);

  private void runKryoSerialization (final int RUN_CNT, final int ITER_CNT, boolean outputResults) throws Exception {
    Kryo marsh = new Kryo();
    marsh.register(SampleObject.class, 40);

    long avgDur = 0;
    long bestTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    byte[] out = new byte[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];

    for (int i = 0; i < RUN_CNT; i++) {
      SampleObject newObj = null;

      long start = System.nanoTime();

      for (int j = 0; j < ITER_CNT; j++) {

        Output kryoOut = null;

        try {
          kryoOut = new Output(out);
          marsh.writeObject(kryoOut, obj);
        } finally {
          // U.close(kryoOut, null);

        Input kryoIn = null;

        try {
          kryoIn = new Input(kryoOut.getBuffer(), 0, kryoOut.position());
          newObj = marsh.readObject(kryoIn, SampleObject.class);
        } finally {
          // U.close(kryoIn, null);

      long dur = System.nanoTime() - start;
      dur = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(dur);
      // Check that unmarshalled object is equal to original one (should
      // never fail).
      if (!obj.equals(newObj)) throw new RuntimeException("Unmarshalled object is not equal to original object.");

      if (outputResults) System.out.format(">>> Kryo serialization (run %d): %,d ms\n", i + 1, dur);
      avgDur += dur;
      bestTime = Math.min(bestTime, dur);

    avgDur /= RUN_CNT;

    if (outputResults) {
      System.out.format("\n>>> Kryo serialization (average): %,d ms\n\n", avgDur);
      System.out.format("\n>>> Kryo serialization (best time): %,d ms\n\n", bestTime);


  private void runKryoSerializationUmodified (final int RUN_CNT, final int ITER_CNT, boolean outputResults) throws Exception {
    Kryo marsh = new Kryo();

    long avgDur = 0;
    long bestTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;

    for (int i = 0; i < RUN_CNT; i++) {
      SampleObject newObj = null;

      long start = System.nanoTime();

      for (int j = 0; j < ITER_CNT; j++) {

        Output kryoOut = null;

        try {
          kryoOut = new Output(OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);

          marsh.writeObject(kryoOut, obj);
        } finally {
          // U.close(kryoOut, null);

        Input kryoIn = null;

        try {
          kryoIn = new Input(kryoOut.getBuffer(), 0, kryoOut.position());
          newObj = marsh.readObject(kryoIn, SampleObject.class);
        } finally {
          // U.close(kryoIn, null);

      long dur = System.nanoTime() - start;
      dur = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(dur);

      // Check that unmarshalled object is equal to original one (should
      // never fail).
      if (!obj.equals(newObj)) throw new RuntimeException("Unmarshalled object is not equal to original object.");

      if (outputResults) System.out.format(">>> Kryo unmodified serialization (run %d): %,d ms\n", i + 1, dur);

      avgDur += dur;
      bestTime = Math.min(bestTime, dur);

    avgDur /= RUN_CNT;

    if (outputResults) {
      System.out.format("\n>>> Kryo unmodified serialization (average): %,d ms\n\n", avgDur);
      System.out.format("\n>>> Kryo unmodified serialization (best time): %,d ms\n\n", bestTime);

  private void runKryoSerializationWithoutTryCatch (final int RUN_CNT, final int ITER_CNT, boolean outputResults)
    throws Exception {
    Kryo marsh = new Kryo();
    marsh.register(SampleObject.class, 40);

    long avgDur = 0;
    long bestTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;

    byte[] out = new byte[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];

    for (int i = 0; i < RUN_CNT; i++) {
      SampleObject newObj = null;

      long start = System.nanoTime();

      for (int j = 0; j < ITER_CNT; j++) {

        Output kryoOut = null;

        kryoOut = new Output(out);

        marsh.writeObject(kryoOut, obj);
        // U.close(kryoOut, null);

        Input kryoIn = null;

        kryoIn = new Input(kryoOut.getBuffer(), 0, kryoOut.position());

        newObj = marsh.readObject(kryoIn, SampleObject.class);
        // U.close(kryoIn, null);

      long dur = System.nanoTime() - start;
      dur = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(dur);
      // Check that unmarshalled object is equal to original one (should
      // never fail).
      if (!obj.equals(newObj)) throw new RuntimeException("Unmarshalled object is not equal to original object.");
      if (outputResults) System.out.format(">>> Kryo serialization without try-catch (run %d): %,d ms\n", i + 1, dur);

      avgDur += dur;
      bestTime = Math.min(bestTime, dur);

    avgDur /= RUN_CNT;

    if (outputResults) {
      System.out.format("\n>>> Kryo serialization without try-catch (average): %,d ms\n\n", avgDur);
      System.out.format("\n>>> Kryo serialization without try-catch (best time): %,d ms\n\n", bestTime);

  private void runKryoSerializationWithoutTryCatchWithFastStreams (final int RUN_CNT, final int ITER_CNT, boolean outputResults)
    throws Exception {
    Kryo marsh = new Kryo();
    marsh.register(SampleObject.class, 40);

    long avgDur = 0;
    long bestTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;

    byte[] out = new byte[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];

    for (int i = 0; i < RUN_CNT; i++) {
      SampleObject newObj = null;

      long start = System.nanoTime();

      for (int j = 0; j < ITER_CNT; j++) {

        Output kryoOut = null;

        kryoOut = new FastOutput(out);

        marsh.writeObject(kryoOut, obj);
        // U.close(kryoOut, null);

        Input kryoIn = null;

        kryoIn = new FastInput(kryoOut.getBuffer(), 0, kryoOut.position());

        newObj = marsh.readObject(kryoIn, SampleObject.class);
        // U.close(kryoIn, null);

      long dur = System.nanoTime() - start;
      dur = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(dur);
      // Check that unmarshalled object is equal to original one (should
      // never fail).
      if (!obj.equals(newObj)) throw new RuntimeException("Unmarshalled object is not equal to original object.");
      if (outputResults)
        System.out.format(">>> Kryo serialization without try-catch with fast streams (run %d): %,d ms\n", i + 1, dur);

      avgDur += dur;
      bestTime = Math.min(bestTime, dur);

    avgDur /= RUN_CNT;

    if (outputResults) {
      System.out.format("\n>>> Kryo serialization without try-catch with fast streams (average): %,d ms\n\n", avgDur);
      System.out.format("\n>>> Kryo serialization without try-catch with fast streams (best time): %,d ms\n\n", bestTime);

  private void runKryoUnsafeSerializationWithoutTryCatch (final int RUN_CNT, final int ITER_CNT, boolean outputResults)
    throws Exception {
    Kryo marsh = new Kryo();
    marsh.register(double[].class, 30);
    marsh.register(long[].class, 31);
    // Explicitly tell to use Unsafe-based serializer
    marsh.register(SampleObject.class, new FieldSerializer<SampleObject>(marsh, SampleObject.class), 40);

    // Use fastest possible serialization of object fields
    FieldSerializer<SampleObject> ser = (FieldSerializer<SampleObject>)marsh.getRegistration(SampleObject.class)

    long avgDur = 0;
    long bestTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;

    byte[] out = new byte[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
    for (int i = 0; i < RUN_CNT; i++) {
      SampleObject newObj = null;

      long start = System.nanoTime();

      for (int j = 0; j < ITER_CNT; j++) {

        Output kryoOut = null;

        kryoOut = new UnsafeOutput(out);

        marsh.writeObject(kryoOut, obj);
        // U.close(kryoOut, null);

        Input kryoIn = null;

        kryoIn = new UnsafeInput(kryoOut.getBuffer(), 0, kryoOut.position());

        newObj = marsh.readObject(kryoIn, SampleObject.class);
        // U.close(kryoIn, null);

      long dur = System.nanoTime() - start;
      dur = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(dur);
      // Check that unmarshalled object is equal to original one (should
      // never fail).
      if (!obj.equals(newObj)) throw new RuntimeException("Unmarshalled object is not equal to original object.");

      if (outputResults) System.out.format(">>> Kryo unsafe serialization without try-catch (run %d): %,d ms\n", i + 1, dur);

      avgDur += dur;
      bestTime = Math.min(bestTime, dur);

    avgDur /= RUN_CNT;

    if (outputResults) {
      System.out.format("\n>>> Kryo unsafe serialization without try-catch (average): %,d ms\n\n", avgDur);
      System.out.format("\n>>> Kryo unsafe serialization without try-catch (best time): %,d ms\n\n", bestTime);

  private void runKryoUnsafeSerializationWithoutTryCatchWithoutAsm (final int RUN_CNT, final int ITER_CNT, boolean outputResults)
    throws Exception {
    Kryo marsh = new Kryo();
    marsh.register(double[].class, 30);
    marsh.register(long[].class, 31);
    // Explicitly tell to use Unsafe-based serializer
    marsh.register(SampleObject.class, new FieldSerializer<SampleObject>(marsh, SampleObject.class), 40);

// // Use fastest possible serialization of object fields
// FieldSerializer<SampleObject> ser = (FieldSerializer<SampleObject>) marsh.getRegistration(SampleObject.class).getSerializer();
// ser.setUseAsm(false);

    long avgDur = 0;
    long bestTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;

    byte[] out = new byte[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
    for (int i = 0; i < RUN_CNT; i++) {
      SampleObject newObj = null;

      long start = System.nanoTime();

      for (int j = 0; j < ITER_CNT; j++) {

        Output kryoOut = null;

        kryoOut = new UnsafeOutput(out);

        marsh.writeObject(kryoOut, obj);
        // U.close(kryoOut, null);

        Input kryoIn = null;

        kryoIn = new UnsafeInput(kryoOut.getBuffer(), 0, kryoOut.position());

        newObj = marsh.readObject(kryoIn, SampleObject.class);
        // U.close(kryoIn, null);

      long dur = System.nanoTime() - start;
      dur = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(dur);
      // Check that unmarshalled object is equal to original one (should
      // never fail).
      if (!obj.equals(newObj)) throw new RuntimeException("Unmarshalled object is not equal to original object.");

      if (outputResults)
        System.out.format(">>> Kryo unsafe serialization without try-catch, without ASM (run %d): %,d ms\n", i + 1, dur);

      avgDur += dur;
      bestTime = Math.min(bestTime, dur);

    avgDur /= RUN_CNT;

    if (outputResults) {
      System.out.format("\n>>> Kryo unsafe serialization without try-catch, without ASM (average): %,d ms\n\n", avgDur);
      System.out.format("\n>>> Kryo unsafe serialization without try-catch, without ASM (best time): %,d ms\n\n", bestTime);


  private void runKryoUnsafeSerializationWithoutTryCatchWithoutReferences (final int RUN_CNT, final int ITER_CNT,
    boolean outputResults) throws Exception {
    Kryo marsh = new Kryo();
    marsh.register(double[].class, 30);
    marsh.register(long[].class, 31);
    // Explicitly tell to use Unsafe-based serializer
    marsh.register(SampleObject.class, new FieldSerializer<SampleObject>(marsh, SampleObject.class), 40);

    // Use fastest possible serialization of object fields
    FieldSerializer<SampleObject> ser = (FieldSerializer<SampleObject>)marsh.getRegistration(SampleObject.class)

    long avgDur = 0;
    long bestTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;

    for (int i = 0; i < RUN_CNT; i++) {
      SampleObject newObj = null;
      byte[] out = new byte[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];

      long start = System.nanoTime();

      for (int j = 0; j < ITER_CNT; j++) {

        Output kryoOut = null;

        kryoOut = new UnsafeOutput(out);

        marsh.writeObject(kryoOut, obj);
        // U.close(kryoOut, null);

        Input kryoIn = null;

        kryoIn = new UnsafeInput(kryoOut.getBuffer(), 0, kryoOut.position());

        newObj = marsh.readObject(kryoIn, SampleObject.class);
        // U.close(kryoIn, null);

      long dur = System.nanoTime() - start;
      dur = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(dur);
      // Check that unmarshalled object is equal to original one (should
      // never fail).
      if (!obj.equals(newObj)) throw new RuntimeException("Unmarshalled object is not equal to original object.");

      if (outputResults)
          ">>> Kryo unsafe serialization without try-catch, without ASM, without references (run %d): %,d ms\n", i + 1, dur);

      avgDur += dur;
      bestTime = Math.min(bestTime, dur);

    avgDur /= RUN_CNT;

    if (outputResults) {
        "\n>>> Kryo unsafe serialization without try-catch, without ASM, without references (average): %,d ms\n\n", avgDur);
        "\n>>> Kryo unsafe serialization without try-catch, without ASM, without references (best time): %,d ms\n\n",


// private static long gridGainSerialization()
// throws Exception {
// GridMarshaller marsh = new GridOptimizedMarshaller(false,
// Arrays.asList(SampleObject.class.getName()), null);
// long avgDur = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < RUN_CNT; i++) {
// SampleObject newObj = null;
// long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
// for (int j = 0; j < ITER_CNT; j++)
// newObj = marsh.unmarshal(marsh.marshal(obj), null);
// long dur = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
// // Check that unmarshalled object is equal to original one (should
// // never fail).
// if (!obj.equals(newObj))
// throw new RuntimeException(
// "Unmarshalled object is not equal to original object.");
// System.out.format(">>> GridGain serialization (run %d): %,d ms\n",
// i + 1, dur);
// avgDur += dur;
// }
// avgDur /= RUN_CNT;
// System.out.format("\n>>> GridGain serialization (average): %,d ms\n\n",
// avgDur);
// return avgDur;
// }

  protected void setUp () throws Exception {

  private static class SampleObject implements Externalizable, KryoSerializable {
    private int intVal;
    private float floatVal;
    private Short shortVal;
    private long[] longArr;
    private double[] dblArr;
    private SampleObject selfRef;

    public SampleObject () {

    SampleObject (int intVal, float floatVal, Short shortVal, long[] longArr, double[] dblArr) {
      this.intVal = intVal;
      this.floatVal = floatVal;
      this.shortVal = shortVal;
      this.longArr = longArr;
      this.dblArr = dblArr;

      selfRef = this;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public boolean equals (Object other) {
      if (this == other) return true;

      if (other == null || getClass() != other.getClass()) return false;

      SampleObject obj = (SampleObject)other;

      assert this == selfRef;
      assert obj == obj.selfRef;

      return intVal == obj.intVal && floatVal == obj.floatVal && shortVal.equals(obj.shortVal)
        && Arrays.equals(dblArr, obj.dblArr) && Arrays.equals(longArr, obj.longArr);

    // Required by Kryo serialization.
    public void read (Kryo kryo, Input in) {
      intVal = kryo.readObject(in, Integer.class);
      floatVal = kryo.readObject(in, Float.class);
      shortVal = kryo.readObject(in, Short.class);
      longArr = kryo.readObject(in, long[].class);
      dblArr = kryo.readObject(in, double[].class);
      selfRef = kryo.readObject(in, SampleObject.class);

    // Required by Java Externalizable.
    public void readExternal (ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
      intVal = in.readInt();
      floatVal = in.readFloat();
      shortVal = in.readShort();
      longArr = (long[])in.readObject();
      dblArr = (double[])in.readObject();
      selfRef = (SampleObject)in.readObject();

    // Required by Kryo serialization.
    public void write (Kryo kryo, Output out) {
      kryo.writeObject(out, intVal);
      kryo.writeObject(out, floatVal);
      kryo.writeObject(out, shortVal);
      kryo.writeObject(out, longArr);
      kryo.writeObject(out, dblArr);
      kryo.writeObject(out, selfRef);

    // Required by Java Externalizable.
    public void writeExternal (ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {

Related Classes of com.esotericsoftware.kryo.SerializationBenchmarkTest$SampleObject

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