Package org.akubraproject.txn.derby

Source Code of org.akubraproject.txn.derby.TransactionalStore$Action

/* $HeadURL::                                                                            $
* $Id$
* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 DuraSpace
* In collaboration with Topaz Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package org.akubraproject.txn.derby;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.sql.XAConnection;
import javax.transaction.Transaction;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedXADataSource;

import org.akubraproject.BlobStore;
import org.akubraproject.BlobStoreConnection;
import org.akubraproject.txn.AbstractTransactionalStore;

* A simple transactional store using Derby db for the transaction logging and id mappings. It
* provides snapshot isolation with fail-fast semantics, meaning it will immediately throw a
* {@link org.akubraproject.txn.ConcurrentBlobUpdateException ConcurrentBlobUpdateException}
* if a transaction tries to modify (insert, delete, or overwrite) a blob which was modified by
* another transaction since the start of the first transaction (even if the change by the other
* transaction hasn't been committed yet). The assumption is that rollbacks are rare and that it is
* better to be notified of a conflict immediately rather than wasting time uploading large amounts
* of data that will just have to be deleted again.
* <p>In general a transaction must be considered failed and should be rolled back after any
* exception occurred.
* <p>This store must be configured with exactly one underlying blob-store. It supports arbitrary
* application-ids and maps them to the underlying blob-store's id's; it currently requires that
* the underlying blob-store to be capable of generating ids.
* <p>Snapshot isolation is implemented using a MVCC design as follows. A name-map holds a list of
* versioned id mappings which maps application-ids to underlying store-ids; in addition, each
* mapping has two flags indicating whether the mapping has been deleted and whether it has been
* committed. When a transaction starts it is given a read version number (these increase
* monotonically); only committed map entries with a version less than this read version or
* uncommitted entries with a version the same as the read version will be read; if there are
* multiple such entries for a given app-id, then the one with the highest version is used. If the
* transaction makes a change (adding, removing, replacing, etc), a new entry in recorded in the
* map with the version set to the read-version and with the committed flag set to false. On commit
* the transaction is assigned a write version number (which is higher than any previously issued
* read version numbers) and which it then sets on all entries written as part of this transaction;
* it also sets the committed flag to true on these entries.
* <p>Old entries (and the underlying blobs) are cleaned out as they become unreferenced, i.e. when
* no active transaction could refer to them anymore. In order to speed up the discovery of such
* entries, a separate deleted-list is kept into which an entry is made each time an entry in the
* main map is marked as deleted and each time a blob is marked as deleted. This list is processed
* at the end of every transaction and upon startup (on startup the list is completely cleared as
* there are no active transactions).
* <p><em>A note on locking</em>: Derby, even in read-uncommitted mode, likes to acquire exclusive
* locks on rows when doing inserts, deletes, and updates. This would be ok, except that it
* sometimes attempts to lock rows it won't change. This can lead to deadlocks. The way around this
* that I've found is to ensure Derby always uses an index when searching for the rows to update or
* delete. This is accomplished by giving the optimizer explicit instructions via the
* <var>DERBY-PROPERTIES</var> directive in the queries. Since this directive is only supported in
* select statements, all updates and deletes are done via updatable queries (result-sets). This
* actually performs about the same as a direct update or delete statement. See also the thread <a
* href="">disabling locking</a> (<a
* href="">continued</a>),
* or at <a href="">gmane</a>.
* Unfortunately, however, this does not seem to be sufficient: Derby may still lock other rows, as
* documented in <a
* href="">Scope of locks</a>
* in Derbys's developer guide. When this happens, the wait for the lock will eventually time out
* and an exception will be thrown. However, I have not enountered this issue so far. But a related
* issue is present in 10.4 and earlier, namely <a
* href="">DERBY-2991</a>; testing with 10.5
* indicates this issue has been resolved. For these reasons a flag is provided to restrict the
* number of concurrent write-transactions to one, and the
* {@link #TransactionalStore(URI, BlobStore, String) three-argument-constructor} will set this
* single-writer flag to true for derby 10.4 and earlier.
* @author Ronald Tschalär
public class TransactionalStore extends AbstractTransactionalStore {
  /** The SQL table used by this store to hold the name mappings */
  public static final String NAME_TABLE = "NAME_MAP";
  /** The SQL table used by this store to hold the list of deleted blobs */
  public static final String DEL_TABLE  = "DELETED_LIST";

  private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TransactionalStore.class);

  private final EmbeddedXADataSource dataSource;
  private final Set<Long>            activeTxns = new HashSet<Long>();
  private final Set<URI>             uriLocks = new HashSet<URI>();
  private final boolean              singleWriter;
  private       long                 nextVersion;
  private       long                 writeVersion = -1;
  private       long                 writeLockHolder = -1;
  private       boolean              purgeInProgress = false;
  private       int                  numPurgesDelayed = 0;
  private       boolean              started = false;

   * Create a new transactional store. The single-writer flag will be determined automatically
   * depending on the version of derby being used.
   * @param id           the id of this store
   * @param wrappedStore the wrapped non-transactional store
   * @param dbDir        the directory to use to store the transaction information
   * @throws IOException if there was an error initializing the db
  public TransactionalStore(URI id, BlobStore wrappedStore, String dbDir) throws IOException {
    this(id, wrappedStore, dbDir, needSingleWriter());

  private static boolean needSingleWriter() {
    return sysinfo.getMajorVersion() < 10 ||
           sysinfo.getMajorVersion() == 10 && sysinfo.getMinorVersion() < 5;

   * Create a new transactional store.
   * @param id           the id of this store
   * @param wrappedStore the wrapped non-transactional store
   * @param dbDir        the directory to use to store the transaction information
   * @param singleWriter if true, serialize all writers to avoid all locking issues with
   *                     Derby; if false, some transactions may fail sometimes due to
   *                     locks timing out
   * @throws IOException if there was an error initializing the db
  public TransactionalStore(URI id, BlobStore wrappedStore,
                            String dbDir, boolean singleWriter) throws IOException {
    super(id, wrappedStore);
    this.singleWriter = singleWriter;

    //TODO: redirect logging to logger
    //System.setProperty("", "50000");
    //System.setProperty("", new File(base, "derby.log").toString());
    //System.setProperty("derby.language.logStatementText", "true");
    //System.setProperty("", "java.sql.DriverManager.getLogStream");

    dataSource = new EmbeddedXADataSource();

    Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
      public void run() {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
          logger.warn("Error shutting down derby", e);

    nextVersion = findYoungestVersion() + 1;"TransactionalStore started: dbDir='" + dbDir + "', version=" + nextVersion);

  private void createTables() throws IOException {
    runInCon(new Action<Void>() {
      public Void run(Connection con) throws SQLException {
        // test if table exists
        ResultSet rs = con.getMetaData().getTables(null, null, NAME_TABLE, null);
        try {
          if (
            return null;
        } finally {

        // nope, so create it"Creating tables and indexes for name-map");

        Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
        try {
          stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE " + NAME_TABLE +
                       " (appId VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL, storeId VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL, " +
                       "  version BIGINT NOT NULL, deleted SMALLINT, committed SMALLINT)");
          stmt.execute("CREATE INDEX " + NAME_TABLE + "_AIIDX ON " + NAME_TABLE + "(appId)");
          stmt.execute("CREATE INDEX " + NAME_TABLE + "_VIDX ON " + NAME_TABLE + "(version)");

          stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE " + DEL_TABLE + " (appId VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL, " +
                       " storeId VARCHAR(1000), version BIGINT NOT NULL)");
          stmt.execute("CREATE INDEX " + DEL_TABLE + "_VIDX ON " + DEL_TABLE + "(version)");

          // ensure Derby never uses table-locks, only row-locks
            "CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.locks.escalationThreshold', '" +
            Integer.MAX_VALUE + "')");

          // we should really never be waiting for a lock let alone deadlock, but just in case
            "CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.locks.deadlockTimeout', '30')");
        } finally {

        return null;
    }, "Failed to create tables");

  private long findYoungestVersion() throws IOException {
    return runInCon(new Action<Long>() {
      public Long run(Connection con) throws SQLException {
        Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
        try {
          ResultSet rs =                                // NOPMD
              stmt.executeQuery("SELECT version FROM " + NAME_TABLE + " ORDER BY version DESC");
          return ? rs.getLong(1) : -1L;
        } finally {
    }, "Failed to find youngest version");

   * @throws IllegalStateException if no backing store has been set yet
  public BlobStoreConnection openConnection(Transaction tx, Map<String, String> hints)
      throws IllegalStateException, IOException {
    long version;
    synchronized (this) {

      if (!started) {
        started = true;

      while (writeVersion >= 0 && nextVersion == writeVersion) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
          logger.debug("Out of available versions - waiting for write-lock to be released");

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
          throw new IOException("wait for write-lock interrupted", ie);

      version = nextVersion++;

      boolean isNew = activeTxns.add(version);
      assert isNew : "duplicate version " + version;

    boolean ok = false;
    try {
      XAConnection xaCon;
      Connection   con;
      synchronized (dataSource) {
        xaCon = dataSource.getXAConnection();
        con   = xaCon.getConnection();



      BlobStoreConnection bsc =
          new TransactionalConnection(this, wrappedStore, xaCon, con, tx, hints, version);

      if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
        logger.debug("Opened connection, read-version=" + version);

      ok = true;
      return bsc;
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      throw ioe;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new IOException("Error connecting to db", e);
    } finally {
      if (!ok) {
        synchronized (this) {

  boolean singleWriter() {
    return singleWriter;

   * Acquire the write lock. This is a simple, re-entrant lock without a lock count. If the lock
   * is already held this will block until it is free.
   * @param version the version acquiring the lock
   * @throws InterruptedException if waiting for the lock was interrupted
  synchronized void acquireWriteLock(long version) throws InterruptedException {
    while (writeLockHolder >= 0 && writeLockHolder != version)

    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      logger.trace("Transaction " + version + " acquired write lock");

    writeLockHolder = version;

   * Release the write lock. This always completely releases lock no matter how often {@link
   * #acquireWriteLock} was invoked.
   * @param version the version that acquired the lock
   * @throws IllegalStateException if the lock is not held by <var>version</var>
  synchronized void releaseWriteLock(long version) {
    if (writeLockHolder != version)
      throw new IllegalStateException("Connection '" + version + "' is not the holder of the " +
                                      "write lock; '" + writeLockHolder + "' is");

    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      logger.trace("Transaction " + version + " released write lock");

    writeLockHolder = -1;

   * Acquire a lock on the given URI. Each lock for each URI is a simple, non-reentrant lock and
   * each lock for each URI is independent of the others. If the lock is already held this will
   * block until it is free.
   * @param uri the URI for which to acquire the lock
   * @throws InterruptedException if waiting for the lock was interrupted
  void acquireUriLock(URI uri) throws InterruptedException {
    synchronized (uriLocks) {
      while (uriLocks.contains(uri))


   * Release the lock on the given URI.
   * @param uri the URI for which to release the lock
   * @throws IllegalStateException if the lock was not held
  void releaseUriLock(URI uri) throws IllegalStateException {
    synchronized (uriLocks) {
      if (!uriLocks.remove(uri))
        throw new IllegalStateException("Uri lock for <" + uri + "> was not held");


   * Prepare the transaction. This acquires the write-lock and hence must always be followed by
   * {@link #txnComplete} to release it.
   * @param numMods the number of modifications made during this transaction; this is used
   *                to estimate how long the commit might take
   * @param version the transaction's read-version - used for logging
   * @return the write version
   * @throws InterruptedException if interrupted while waiting for the write-lock
  synchronized long txnPrepare(int numMods, long version) throws InterruptedException {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
      logger.debug("Preparing transaction " + version);


    /* Leave a little space in the version number sequence so other transactions may start while
     * this one completes. The constant '1/100' is pulled out of thin air, and represents a guess
     * on the upper bound on how many transactions are likely to be started during the time it
     * takes this one to complete; if it is too large then we just have larger holes and the
     * transaction numbers jump more than necessary, which isn't tragic as long as the jumps are
     * not so large that we run into a real possibility of version number wrap-around; if it is too
     * small then that just means transactions may be needlessly held up waiting for this one to
     * complete. Also, we always leave a little extra room to account for the fact that there's a
     * semi-fixed overhead that a commit will take even if there are only a few changes.
    writeVersion = Math.max(nextVersion + numMods / 100, 10);

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
      logger.debug("Prepared transaction " + version + ", write-version=" + writeVersion);

    return writeVersion;

   * Signal that the transaction is complete. This must always be invoked.
   * @param committed whether the transaction was committed or rolled back
   * @param version   the transaction's read-version
  synchronized void txnComplete(boolean committed, long version) {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
      logger.debug("Transaction " + version + " completed " +
                   (committed ? "(committed)" : "(rolled back)"));

    boolean wasActive = activeTxns.remove(version);
    assert wasActive : "completed unknown transaction " + version +
                       (committed ? "(committed)" : "(rolled back)");

    if (writeLockHolder != version)
      return;           // never prepared (e.g. r/o txn, or rollback)

    if (committed && writeVersion >= 0)
      nextVersion = writeVersion + 1;
    writeVersion = -1;


   * Purge all old versions that are not being used anymore.
   * @param lastCompletedVersion the version of the recently completed transaction; if there are
   *                             other, older transactions still active then the purge can be
   *                             avoided, i.e. this is just for optimization.
  void purgeOldVersions(long lastCompletedVersion) {
    final long minVers;
    synchronized (this) {
      minVers = activeTxns.isEmpty() ? nextVersion : Collections.min(activeTxns);
      if (minVers < lastCompletedVersion)
        return;           // we didn't release anything

      /* Derby has issues trying to run multiple purges in parallel (NPE's, waiting for
       * locks that should be held by anybody, and even deadlocks). Also, there isn't
       * that much point in running multiple purges simultaneously, as the next purge
       * will clean up stuff too.
       * However, just short-circuiting here if a purge is already in progress can cause
       * the purging to fall seriously behind under load (in a sort of negative feedback
       * loop: the more it falls behind, the longer it takes to catch up, the more it
       * falls behind, ...). Hence we keep track of how many times we've skipped the
       * purge and after some threshhold we start blocking to let the purge catch up.
      while (purgeInProgress) {
        if (numPurgesDelayed < 10) {

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
          throw new RuntimeException("Interrupted waiting for purge lock", ie);

      purgeInProgress  = true;
      numPurgesDelayed = 0;

    try {
      if (singleWriter)

      runInCon(new Action<Void>() {
        public Void run(Connection con) throws SQLException {
          if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("Purging deleted blobs older than revision " + minVers);

          // clean out stale mapping entries
          PreparedStatement findOld = con.prepareStatement(
              "SELECT appId, version FROM " + DEL_TABLE + " WHERE version < ?");
          findOld.setLong(1, minVers);
          ResultSet rs = findOld.executeQuery();        // NOPMD
          int cntM = 0;

          try {
            if (!
              return null;

            PreparedStatement purge = con.prepareStatement(
                "SELECT version FROM " + NAME_TABLE + " -- DERBY-PROPERTIES index=NAME_MAP_AIIDX \n" +
                " WHERE appId = ? AND (version < ? OR version = ? AND deleted <> 0)",
                ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);

            do {
              purge.setString(1, rs.getString(1));
              purge.setLong(2, rs.getLong(2));
              purge.setLong(3, rs.getLong(2));

              ResultSet rs2 = purge.executeQuery();     // NOPMD
              try {
                while ( {
              } finally {
            } while (;

          } finally {
            try {
            } finally {

          // remove unreferenced blobs
          findOld = con.prepareStatement(
              "SELECT storeId FROM " + DEL_TABLE + " WHERE version < ? AND storeId IS NOT NULL");
          findOld.setLong(1, minVers);
          rs = findOld.executeQuery();
          int cntB = 0;

          try {
            BlobStoreConnection bsc = wrappedStore.openConnection(null, null);
            try {
              while ( {
                String storeId = rs.getString(1);
                if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
                  logger.trace("Purging deleted blob '" + storeId + "'");

                try {
                  bsc.getBlob(URI.create(storeId), null).delete();
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                  logger.warn("Error purging blob '" + storeId + "'", ioe);
            } finally {
          } catch (IOException ioe) {
            logger.warn("Error opening connection to underlying store to purge old versions", ioe);
          } finally {
            try {
            } finally {

          // purge processed entries from the delete table
          String sql = "SELECT version FROM " + DEL_TABLE +
                       " -- DERBY-PROPERTIES index=DELETED_LIST_VIDX \n WHERE version < ?";
          PreparedStatement purge =
              con.prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
          purge.setLong(1, minVers);
          rs = purge.executeQuery();
          int cntD = 0;

          try {
            while ( {
          } finally {
            try {
            } finally {

          // debug log the stats
          try {
            int cntL = 0;
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
              BlobStoreConnection bsc = wrappedStore.openConnection(null, null);
              for (Iterator<URI> iter = bsc.listBlobIds(null); iter.hasNext();

            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
              logger.debug("purged: " + cntM + " mappings, " + cntB + " blobs, " + cntD +
                           " deletes" + (logger.isTraceEnabled() ? "; " + cntL + " blobs left" : ""));
          } catch (Exception e) {

          return null;
      }, "Error purging old versions");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.warn("Error purging old versions", e);
    } finally {
      try {
        if (singleWriter)
      } finally {
        synchronized (this) {
          purgeInProgress = false;

  private <T> T runInCon(Action<T> action, String errMsg) throws IOException {
    try {
      XAConnection xaCon;
      Connection   con;
      synchronized (dataSource) {
        xaCon = dataSource.getXAConnection();
        con   = xaCon.getConnection();

      boolean committed = false;

      try {
        T res =;
        committed = true;
        return res;
      } finally {
        if (!committed) {
          try {
          } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            logger.error("Error rolling back after failure", sqle);
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
      throw new IOException(errMsg, sqle);

  private static interface Action<T> {
    public T run(Connection con) throws SQLException;

Related Classes of org.akubraproject.txn.derby.TransactionalStore$Action

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