Package cc.mallet.grmm.learning

Source Code of cc.mallet.grmm.learning.ACRF$PairwiseFactorTemplate

/* Copyright (C) 2003 Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, Computer Science Dept.
   This file is part of "MALLET" (MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit).
   This software is provided under the terms of the Common Public License,
   version 1.0, as published by  For further
   information, see the file `LICENSE' included with this distribution. */

package cc.mallet.grmm.learning;

import java.util.logging.Logger;


import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import gnu.trove.*;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.JDOMException;
import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;

import cc.mallet.grmm.inference.*;
import cc.mallet.grmm.types.*;
import cc.mallet.grmm.util.LabelsAssignment;
import cc.mallet.grmm.util.Models;
import cc.mallet.optimize.Optimizable;
import cc.mallet.pipe.Pipe;
import cc.mallet.types.*;
import cc.mallet.util.ArrayUtils;
import cc.mallet.util.MalletLogger;

* Class for Arbitrary CRFs.  These are CRFs with completely
*  arbitrary graphical structure.  The user passes in a list
*  of instances of ACRF.CliqueFactory, which get to look at
*  the sequence and decide what
* @author <a href="">Charles Sutton</a>
* @version $Id:,v 1.1 2007/10/22 21:37:43 mccallum Exp $
public class ACRF implements Serializable {

  transient private static Logger logger = MalletLogger.getLogger (ACRF.class.getName());

  Template[] templates;
  List fixedPtls = new ArrayList (0);
  private GraphPostProcessor graphProcessor;

  Alphabet inputAlphabet;

  private Inferencer globalInferencer = new TRP();
  private Inferencer viterbi = TRP.createForMaxProduct ();

  int defaultFeatureIndex;

  private Pipe inputPipe;

  private boolean cacheUnrolledGraphs = false;
  transient private Map graphCache = new THashMap ();

  private double gaussianPriorVariance = DEFAULT_GAUSSIAN_PRIOR_VARIANCE;
  private static final double DEFAULT_GAUSSIAN_PRIOR_VARIANCE = 10.0;

  private boolean doSizeScale = false;

   *  Create a ACRF for a 1-d sequence.  Needs an array
   *   of Templates.
  public ACRF (Pipe inputPipe, Template[] tmpls)
    throws IllegalArgumentException
    this.inputPipe = inputPipe;
    this.templates = tmpls;
    this.inputAlphabet = inputPipe.getDataAlphabet();
    this.defaultFeatureIndex = inputAlphabet.size ();
    for (int tidx = 0; tidx < templates.length; tidx++) templates [tidx].index = tidx;

  //  Accessors

  public Alphabet getInputAlphabet () { return inputAlphabet; }
  public int getDefaultFeatureIndex () { return defaultFeatureIndex; }

  public Inferencer getInferencer () { return globalInferencer; }
  public void setInferencer (Inferencer inf) { globalInferencer = inf; }

  public Inferencer getViterbiInferencer () { return viterbi; }
  public void setViterbiInferencer (Inferencer inf) { viterbi = inf; }

  public boolean isDoSizeScale ()
    return doSizeScale;

  public void setDoSizeScale (boolean doSizeScale)
    this.doSizeScale = doSizeScale;

   * Sets all templates of this ACRF to use supported features only.
   * @param b If true, all templates will use supported features only.  Otherwise, all unsupported features will be used.
  public void setSupportedOnly (boolean b)
    for (int i = 0; i < templates.length; i++) {
       templates[i].setSupportedOnly (b);

  public boolean isCacheUnrolledGraphs () { return cacheUnrolledGraphs; }
  public void setCacheUnrolledGraphs (boolean cacheUnrolledGraphs) { this.cacheUnrolledGraphs = cacheUnrolledGraphs; }

  public void setFixedPotentials (Template[] fixed) {
    this.fixedPtls = java.util.Arrays.asList (fixed);
    for (int tidx = 0; tidx < fixed.length; tidx++) fixed [tidx].index = -1;

  public void addFixedPotentials (Template[] tmpls) {
    for (int i = 0; i < tmpls.length; i++) {
      Template tmpl = tmpls[i];
      tmpl.setTrainable (false);
      fixedPtls.add (tmpl);
      tmpl.index = -1;

  public Template[] getTemplates () { return templates; }

  public Pipe getInputPipe () { return inputPipe; }

  public Template[] getFixedTemplates ()
    return (Template[]) fixedPtls.toArray (new Template [fixedPtls.size()]);

  public void addFixedPotential (Template tmpl)
    tmpl.setTrainable (false);
    fixedPtls.add (tmpl);
    tmpl.index = -1;

  public double getGaussianPriorVariance ()
    return gaussianPriorVariance;

  public void setGaussianPriorVariance (double gaussianPriorVariance)
    this.gaussianPriorVariance = gaussianPriorVariance;

  public void setGraphProcessor (GraphPostProcessor graphProcessor)
    this.graphProcessor = graphProcessor;

   * Interface for making global transformations to an unrolled graph after it has been generated.
   *   For example, directed models can be simulated by selectively normalizing potentials.
  public static interface GraphPostProcessor extends Serializable {
    void process (UnrolledGraph graph, Instance inst);

   *  A type of clique in the model.  Each type of clique is assumed
   *   to have the same number of possible outcomes and the same set
   *   of weights
  // TODO Make an interface, implement with LogLinearTemplate & FixedTemplate
  public abstract static class Template implements Serializable
    private static final double SOME_UNSUPPORTED_THRESHOLD = 0.1;

    private boolean unsupportedWeightsAdded = false;

     * Adds all instiated cliques for an instance.  This method is
     *  called as a graph is being unrolled for an instance.
     *  @param graph The graph that the cliques will be added to.
     *  @param instance Instance to unroll grpah for.  Subclasses are free
     *   to specify what types they expect in the Instance's slots.
    public abstract void addInstantiatedCliques (UnrolledGraph graph, Instance instance);

     * Modifies a factor computed from this template.  This is useful for templates that
     *  wish to implement special normalization, etc. The default implementation does nothing.
     * <P>
     * WARNING: If you implement this method, it is likely that you will change the derivative of
     *  this factor with respect to weights[].  This means that you will not be able to use the
     * default <tt>ACRFTrainer</tt> for this template.
     * @param unrolledGraph The graph in which the factor sits
     * @param clique The set of nodes which are the domain of the factor
     * @param ptl The factor to modify
    protected void modifyPotential (UnrolledGraph unrolledGraph, UnrolledVarSet clique, AbstractTableFactor ptl) {}

    protected SparseVector[] weights;
    private BitSet assignmentsPresent;

    private boolean supportedOnly = true;

    protected boolean isSupportedOnly ()
        return supportedOnly;

     * Sets whether this template will use supported features only.
    void setSupportedOnly (boolean supportedOnly)
      this.supportedOnly = supportedOnly;

    public boolean isUnsupportedWeightsAdded ()
      return unsupportedWeightsAdded;

    protected BitSet getAssignmentsPresent ()
      return assignmentsPresent;

     * Returns the weights for this clique template.  Each possible
     *  assignment to the clique can in general have a different set of
     *  weights ,so this method returns an array of SparseVectors w,
     *  where w[i] are the weights for assignment i.
    public SparseVector[] getWeights () { return weights; }

    public void setWeights (SparseVector[] w) {
      if ((weights != null) && w.length != weights.length) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Weights length changed; was "+weights.length+" now is "+w.length);
      weights = w;

     * Initializes the weight vectors to the appropriate size for a
     * set of training data.
     * @return Number of weights created.
    public int initWeights (InstanceList training)
    { ("Template "+this+" : weights "+(supportedOnly ? "with NO" : "with ALL" ) +" unsupported features...");

      if (supportedOnly) {
        return initSparseWeights (training);
      } else {
        return initDenseWeights (training);

    private int initDenseWeights (InstanceList training)
      int numf = training.getDataAlphabet ().size ();
      int total = 0;

      // handle default weights
      int size = cliqueSizeFromInstance (training);
      total += allocateDefaultWeights (size);

      // and regular weights
      SparseVector[] newWeights = new SparseVector [size];
      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        newWeights [i] = new SparseVector (new double[numf], false);
        if (weights != null)
          newWeights [i].plusEqualsSparse (weights [i]);
        total += numf; ("ACRF template "+this+" weights ["+i+"] num features "+numf);
      } ("ACRF template "+this+" total num weights = "+total);
      weights = newWeights;

      return total;

    private int initSparseWeights (InstanceList training)
//      checkCliqueSizeConsistent (training); //debug

      int total = 0;
      // Build this bitsets that tell us what weights occur in the data
      int size = cliqueSizeFromInstance (training);
      BitSet[] weightsPresent = new BitSet [size];
      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        weightsPresent [i] = new BitSet ();
      assignmentsPresent = new BitSet (size);

      collectWeightsPresent (training, weightsPresent);
      if (weights != null) {
        addInCurrentWeights (weightsPresent);

      // We can allocate default Weights now
      total += allocateDefaultWeights (size);

      // Use those to allocate the SparseVectors
      SparseVector[] newWeights = new SparseVector [size];
      total += allocateNewWeights (weightsPresent, newWeights); ("ACRF template "+this+" total num weights = "+total);
      this.weights = newWeights;
      return total;

    private int allocateNewWeights (BitSet[] weightsPresent, SparseVector[] newWeights)
      int total = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < weightsPresent.length; i++) {
        // Create a sparse vector, with the allowable indices
        // specified in advance.
        int numLocations = weightsPresent [i].cardinality ();
        int indices[] = new int [numLocations];
        for (int j = 0; j < numLocations; j++) {
          indices[j] = weightsPresent [i].nextSetBit (j == 0 ? 0 : indices[j-1]+1);
//          System.out.println ("ACRF "+this+" ["+i+"] has index "+indices[j]);
        newWeights [i] = new HashedSparseVector (indices, new double[numLocations],
                                                 numLocations, numLocations, false, false, false);
        if (weights != null)
          newWeights [i].plusEqualsSparse (weights [i]);
        total += numLocations;
        if (numLocations != 0)
 ("ACRF template "+this+" weights ["+i+"] num features "+numLocations);
      return total;

    // assumes weights already initialized
    public int addSomeUnsupportedWeights (InstanceList training)
      // add debugging marker
      unsupportedWeightsAdded = true;

      int size = weights.length;
      BitSet[] weightsPresent = new BitSet [size];
      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        weightsPresent [i] = new BitSet ();

      collectSomeUnsupportedWeights (training, weightsPresent);
      addInCurrentWeights (weightsPresent);

      SparseVector[] newWeights = new SparseVector [size];
      int numAdded = allocateNewWeights (weightsPresent, newWeights); (this+" some supported weights added = "+numAdded);
      weights = newWeights;

      return numAdded;

    private void collectSomeUnsupportedWeights (InstanceList training, BitSet[] weightsPresent)
      for (int ii = 0; ii < training.size(); ii++) {
        Instance inst = training.get (ii);
        UnrolledGraph unrolled = new UnrolledGraph (inst, new Template[] { this }, new ArrayList (), true);
        for (Iterator it = unrolled.unrolledVarSetIterator (); it.hasNext();) {
          UnrolledVarSet vs = (UnrolledVarSet) ();
          Factor f = vs.getFactor ();
          Factor nrmed = f.normalize ();
          for (AssignmentIterator assnIt = nrmed.assignmentIterator (); assnIt.hasNext ();) {
            if (nrmed.value (assnIt) > SOME_UNSUPPORTED_THRESHOLD) {
              addPresentFeatures (weightsPresent [assnIt.indexOfCurrentAssn ()], vs.fv);
            assnIt.advance ();

    private int allocateDefaultWeights (int size)
      SparseVector newdefaultWeights = new SparseVector (new double [size], false);
      if (defaultWeights != null) newdefaultWeights.plusEqualsSparse (defaultWeights);
      defaultWeights = newdefaultWeights;
      return size;

    private int cliqueSizeFromInstance (InstanceList training)
      int maxWeight = 0;

      for (int i = 0; i < training.size(); i++) {
        Instance instance = training.get (i);
        UnrolledGraph unrolled = new UnrolledGraph (instance, new Template[] { this }, null, false);
        for (Iterator it = unrolled.unrolledVarSetIterator (); it.hasNext();) {
          UnrolledVarSet clique = (UnrolledVarSet) ();
          if (clique.tmpl == this) {
            int thisWeight = clique.weight ();
            if (thisWeight > maxWeight) {
              maxWeight = thisWeight;

      if (maxWeight == 0)
        logger.warning ("***ACRF: Don't know size of "+this+". Never needed in training data.");

      return maxWeight;

    // debugging function
    private void checkCliqueSizeConsistent (InstanceList training)
      int weight = -1;
      for (int i = 0; i < training.size(); i++) {
        Instance instance = training.get (i);
        UnrolledGraph unrolled = new UnrolledGraph (instance, new Template[] { this }, null, false);
        for (Iterator it = unrolled.unrolledVarSetIterator (); it.hasNext();) {
          UnrolledVarSet clique = (UnrolledVarSet) ();
          if (clique.tmpl == this) {
            if (weight != clique.weight ()) {
              System.err.println ("Weight change for clique "+clique+" template "+this+" old = "+weight+" new "+clique.weight ());
              for (int vi = 0; vi < clique.size(); vi++) {
                Variable var = clique.get(vi);
                System.err.println (var+"\t"+var.getNumOutcomes());
              if (weight == -1) {
                weight = clique.weight ();
              } else {
                 throw new IllegalStateException ("Error on instance "+instance+": Template "+this+" clique "+clique+" error.  Strange weight: was "+weight+" now is "+clique.weight());
    private void addInCurrentWeights (BitSet[] weightsPresent)
      for (int assn = 0; assn < weights.length; assn++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < weights[assn].numLocations(); j++) {
          weightsPresent[assn].set (weights[assn].indexAtLocation (j));

    private void collectWeightsPresent (InstanceList ilist, BitSet[] weightsPresent)
      for (int inum = 0; inum < ilist.size(); inum++) {
        Instance inst = ilist.get (inum);
        UnrolledGraph unrolled = new UnrolledGraph (inst, new Template[] { this }, null, false);
        collectTransitionsPresentForGraph (unrolled);
        collectWeightsPresentForGraph (unrolled, weightsPresent);

    private void collectTransitionsPresentForGraph (UnrolledGraph unrolled)
      for (Iterator it = unrolled.unrolledVarSetIterator (); it.hasNext();) {
        UnrolledVarSet clique = (UnrolledVarSet) ();
        if (clique.tmpl == this) {
          int assnNo = clique.lookupAssignmentNumber ();
          assignmentsPresent.set (assnNo);

    private void collectWeightsPresentForGraph (UnrolledGraph unrolled, BitSet[] weightsPresent)
      for (Iterator it = unrolled.unrolledVarSetIterator (); it.hasNext();) {
        UnrolledVarSet clique = (UnrolledVarSet) ();
        if (clique.tmpl == this) {
          int assn = clique.lookupAssignmentNumber ();
          addPresentFeatures (weightsPresent[assn], clique.fv);

    private void addPresentFeatures (BitSet wp, FeatureVector fv)
      for (int i = 0; i < fv.numLocations (); i++) {
        int index = fv.indexAtLocation (i);
        wp.set (index);

    public AbstractTableFactor computeFactor (UnrolledVarSet clique)
      Matrix phi = createFactorMatrix(clique);
      SparseVector[] weights = getWeights();

//        System.out.println("UnrolledClique "+clique);
//        System.out.println("FV : "+clique.fv);

      for (int loc = 0; loc < phi.numLocations(); loc++) {
        int idx = phi.indexAtLocation(loc);
        assert idx < weights.length :
           "Error: Instantiating "+this+" on "+clique+" : Clique has too many "
           +"assignments.\n  # of weights = "+weights.length+" clique weight = "+clique.weight();

        SparseVector w = weights[idx];
//          System.out.println("Weights "+idx+" : "+w);
//          w.print();
        double dp = w.dotProduct(clique.fv);
        dp += getDefaultWeight(idx);
        phi.setValueAtLocation(loc, dp);

      AbstractTableFactor ptl = new LogTableFactor(clique);
      return ptl;

     * Creates an empty matrix for use in storing factor values when this template is unrolled.
     *   By overriding this method, subclasses may enforce that factors generated be sparse.
     * @param clique
     * @return An empty Matrixn
    protected Matrix createFactorMatrix (UnrolledVarSet clique)
      int[] szs = clique.varDimensions ();
      return new Matrixn (szs);

    public int index;

    private SparseVector defaultWeights;

    public double getDefaultWeight (int i) { return defaultWeights.value (i); }
    public SparseVector getDefaultWeights () { return defaultWeights; }
    public void setDefaultWeights (SparseVector w) { defaultWeights = w; }
    public void setDefaultWeight (int i, double w) { defaultWeights.setValue (i, w); }

    private boolean trainable = true;
    public boolean isTrainable () { return trainable; }
    public void setTrainable (boolean tr) { trainable = tr; }

    // I hate serialization

          private static final long serialVersionUID = -727618747254644076L; //8830720632081401678L;

    private void readObject (ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
      in.defaultReadObject ();
      if (assignmentsPresent == null) {
        assignmentsPresent = new BitSet (weights.length);
        assignmentsPresent.flip (0, assignmentsPresent.size ());

    protected Assignment computeAssignment (Assignment graphAssn, VarSet vs)
      return (Assignment) graphAssn.marginalize (vs);

  /** Abstract class for Templates that expect a (FeatureVectorSequence, LabelsSequence) for their instances. */
  public abstract static class SequenceTemplate extends Template

     * Adds all instiated cliques for an instance.  This method is
     *  called as a graph is being unrolled for an instance.
     *  @param graph The graph that the cliques will be added to.
     * @param fvs The input features of the instance to unroll the
     *    cliques for.
     * @param lblseq The label sequence of the instance being unrolled.
    protected abstract void addInstantiatedCliques (UnrolledGraph graph, FeatureVectorSequence fvs, LabelsAssignment lblseq);

    public void addInstantiatedCliques (UnrolledGraph graph, Instance instance)
      FeatureVectorSequence fvs = (FeatureVectorSequence) instance.getData ();
      LabelsAssignment lblseq = (LabelsAssignment) instance.getTarget ();
      addInstantiatedCliques (graph, fvs, lblseq);

  // Abstract class for potentials that have no weights, but that know
  //  how te construct a potential
  public abstract static class FixedFactorTemplate extends Template {

    public int initWeights (InstanceList training) { return 0; }
    public SparseVector[] getWeights () { return new SparseVector [0]; }
    public SparseVector getDefaultWeights () { return new SparseVector (); }

    public boolean isTrainable () { return false; }

    public void setTrainable (boolean tr)
      if (tr)
       throw new IllegalArgumentException ("This template is never trainable.");

    public abstract AbstractTableFactor computeFactor (UnrolledVarSet clique);

   * A clique in the unrolled graphical model (an instantiation of
   *  some Template).  Contains a pointer to its corresponding
   *  template and a FeatureVector.
  public static class UnrolledVarSet extends HashVarSet
    Template tmpl;    // Template that generated this clique
    FeatureVector fv; // Features for the clique
    Variable[] vars;
    Factor factor;    // Factor compute for this clique
    UnrolledGraph graph;

    double lastChange; // If cacheGraphs, returns this change in this varSet's factor since last grad call

    public int[] varDimensions ()
      int[] dims = new int[size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
        dims [i] = get(i).getNumOutcomes();
      return dims;

    public UnrolledVarSet (UnrolledGraph graph, Template tmpl, Variable[] vars, FeatureVector fv)
      super (vars);
      this.graph = graph;
      this.vars = vars;
      this.tmpl = tmpl;
      this.fv = fv;

    Assignment getAssignmentByNumber (int assn)
      int[] sizes = varDimensions();
      int[] indices = new int [sizes.length];
      Matrixn.singleToIndices (assn, indices, sizes);
      return new Assignment (vars, indices);

    final public int lookupAssignmentNumber ()
      Assignment mine = lookupAssignment ();
      return mine.singleIndex ();

    final public Assignment lookupAssignment ()
      return tmpl.computeAssignment (graph.getAssignment (), this);

    public int lookupNumberOfAssignment (Assignment assn)
      int[] sizes = varDimensions();
      int[] indices = new int [sizes.length];

      for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {
        indices[i] = assn.get (vars[i]);

      return Matrixn.singleIndex (sizes, indices);

    public Template getTemplate ()
      return tmpl;

    public FeatureVector getFv () { return fv; }

    public Factor getFactor ()
      return factor;

    private void setFactor (Factor newF)
      if (factor != null) {
        lastChange = Factors.distLinf ((AbstractTableFactor) newF, (AbstractTableFactor) factor);
      this.factor = newF;

    public double getLastChange ()
      return lastChange;

  public static class UnrolledGraph extends UndirectedModel
//TODO:  public static class UnrolledGraph extends FactorGraph
  //  implements Compactible

    /** Array of Variables containing all nodes in model. */
    List allVars = new ArrayList ();

    /** Array containing all instantiated cliques (UnrolledClique) in the model. */
    List cliques = new ArrayList ();

    /** The number of Label objects in each Labels object */
    int numSlices;

    boolean isCached = false;

    Instance instance;
    FeatureVectorSequence fvs;
    private Assignment assignment; // output

    LabelAlphabet[] outputAlphabets;

    ACRF acrf;

    List allTemplates;
    private boolean isFactorsAdded = false;
    private THashMap uvsMap = new THashMap ();

    public UnrolledGraph (Instance inst, Template[] templates, Template[] fixed) {
      this (inst, templates, java.util.Arrays.asList (fixed));

    UnrolledGraph (Instance inst, Template[] templates, List fixed) { this (inst, templates, fixed, true); }

     *  Creates a graphical model for a given instance.
     *   This is called unrolling a dynamic model.
    public UnrolledGraph (Instance inst, Template[] templates, List fixed, boolean setupPotentials)
      super (initialCapacity (inst));
      instance = inst;
      fvs = (FeatureVectorSequence) inst.getData ();
      assignment = (Assignment) inst.getTarget ();

      allTemplates = new ArrayList ();
      if (fixed != null) {
        allTemplates.addAll (fixed);
      allTemplates.addAll (java.util.Arrays.asList (templates));
      setupGraph ();
      if (setupPotentials) {
        computeCPFs ();

    // Guesses how much cache the undirected model should have space for.
    private static int initialCapacity (Instance inst)
      if (inst.getData () == null) { return 8; }
      FeatureVectorSequence fvs = (FeatureVectorSequence) inst.getData ();
      int T = fvs.size ();
      return 3 * T;

    private void setupGraph ()
      for (Iterator it = allTemplates.iterator (); it.hasNext ();) {
        Template tmpl = (Template) ();
        tmpl.addInstantiatedCliques (this, instance);

    } // setupGraph

    public void addClique (UnrolledVarSet clique)
      cliques.add (clique);

    private void computeCPFs ()
      isFactorsAdded = true;
      TDoubleArrayList residTmp = new TDoubleArrayList ();
      for (Iterator it = cliques.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
        UnrolledVarSet clique = (UnrolledVarSet);
        AbstractTableFactor ptl = clique.tmpl.computeFactor (clique);
        addFactorInternal (clique, ptl);
        clique.tmpl.modifyPotential (this, clique, ptl);
        uvsMap.put (ptl, clique);
        // sigh
        LogTableFactor unif = new LogTableFactor (clique);
        residTmp.add (Factors.distLinf (unif, ptl));

      lastResids = residTmp.toNativeArray ();

    /** Adds FACTOR to this graph, but while maintaining the invariant that every set of variables has
     *   at most one factor over exactly that domain.  If the given FACTOR has a domain that is already
     *   used by some other factor PREV, then PREV is replaced with a FactorGraph containing PREV and FACTOR.
      * @param clique
     * @param factor The factor to add
    private void addFactorInternal (UnrolledVarSet clique, Factor factor)
      clique.setFactor (factor);
      Factor prevFactor = factorOf (factor.varSet ());
      if (prevFactor == null) {
        addFactor (factor);
      } else if (prevFactor instanceof FactorGraph) {
        prevFactor.multiplyBy (factor);
      } else {
        divideBy (prevFactor);
        addFactor (new FactorGraph (new Factor[] { factor, prevFactor }));

    private double[] lastResids;

    private void recomputeFactors ()
      lastResids = new double [factors ().size ()];
      for (Iterator it = cliques.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
        UnrolledVarSet clique = (UnrolledVarSet);
        AbstractTableFactor oldF = (AbstractTableFactor) clique.getFactor ();
        AbstractTableFactor newF = clique.tmpl.computeFactor (clique);

        double dist = Factors.distLinf ((AbstractTableFactor) oldF.duplicate ().normalize (), (AbstractTableFactor) newF.duplicate ().normalize ());
        lastResids [getIndex (oldF)] = dist;

        oldF.setValues (newF.getLogValueMatrix ());
        clique.tmpl.modifyPotential (this, clique, oldF);

    public double[] getLastResids ()
      return lastResids;

    // Accessors

    int getMaxTime () { return fvs.size(); }
    int getNumFactors () { return outputAlphabets.length;  }

     *  Returns an Assignment object that corresponds to the
     *   LabelSequence for which this graph was unrolled.
    public Assignment getAssignment ()
      return assignment;

    // xxx These should be refactor to UndirectedModel, and automatically add EvidencePotentials

    TObjectIntHashMap observedVars = new TObjectIntHashMap ();

    private boolean isObserved (Variable var)
      return observedVars.contains (var);

    public void setObserved (Variable var, int outcome)
      observedVars.put (var, outcome);

    public int observedValue (Variable var)
      return observedVars.get (var);

    public Iterator unrolledVarSetIterator ()
      return cliques.iterator ();

    public UnrolledVarSet getUnrolledVarSet (int cnum)
      return (UnrolledVarSet) cliques.get (cnum);

    public int getIndex (VarSet vs)
      return cliques.indexOf (vs);

    public Variable get (int idx)
      if (isFactorsAdded) {
        return super.get (idx);
      } else {
        return (Variable) allVars.get (idx);

    public int getIndex (Variable var)
      if (isFactorsAdded) {
        return super.getIndex (var);
      } else {
        return allVars.indexOf (var);

    public double getLogNumAssignments ()
      double total = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < numVariables (); i++) {
        Variable var = get(i);
        total += Math.log (var.getNumOutcomes ());
      return total;

    // convenience method
    public Variable varOfIndex (int t, int j)
      LabelsAssignment lblseq = (LabelsAssignment) instance.getTarget ();
      return lblseq.varOfIndex (t, j);

    public int numSlices ()
      LabelsAssignment lblseq = (LabelsAssignment) instance.getTarget ();
      return lblseq.numSlices ();

    // computes the residual of each factor, without actually changing this unrolled graph
    public double[] computeCurrentResids ()
      lastResids = new double [factors ().size ()];

      for (Iterator it = cliques.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
        UnrolledVarSet clique = (UnrolledVarSet);
        AbstractTableFactor oldF = (AbstractTableFactor) clique.getFactor ();
        AbstractTableFactor newF = clique.tmpl.computeFactor (clique);

        double dist = Factors.distLinf (oldF, newF);
        lastResids [getIndex (oldF)] = dist;

      return lastResids;

    public UnrolledVarSet getUnrolledVarSet (Factor f)
      return (UnrolledVarSet) uvsMap.get (f);

  public Optimizable.ByGradientValue getMaximizable (InstanceList ilst)
    return new MaximizableACRF (ilst);

  public List bestAssignment (InstanceList lst)
    List ret = new ArrayList (lst.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) {
      ret.add (bestAssignment (lst.get (i)));
    return ret;

  public Assignment bestAssignment (Instance inst)
    // Compute the MAP assignment
    UnrolledGraph unrolled  = unroll (inst);
    return Models.bestAssignment (unrolled, viterbi);

  public List getBestLabels (InstanceList lst)
    List ret = new ArrayList (lst.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) {
      ret.add (getBestLabels (lst.get (i)));
    return ret;

  public LabelsSequence getBestLabels (Instance inst)
    Assignment assn = bestAssignment (inst);
    LabelsAssignment gold = (LabelsAssignment) inst.getTarget ();
    return gold.toLabelsSequence (assn);

  public UnrolledGraph unroll (Instance inst)
    UnrolledGraph g;
    if (cacheUnrolledGraphs && graphCache.containsKey (inst)) {
      g = (UnrolledGraph) graphCache.get (inst);
      g.recomputeFactors ();
    } else {
      g = new UnrolledGraph (inst, templates, fixedPtls);
      if (graphProcessor != null)
        graphProcessor.process (g, inst);

    if (cacheUnrolledGraphs) graphCache.put (inst, g);

    return g;

  public UnrolledGraph unrollStructureOnly (Instance inst)
    UnrolledGraph g;
    if (cacheUnrolledGraphs && graphCache.containsKey (inst)) {
      g = (UnrolledGraph) graphCache.get (inst);
      g.recomputeFactors ();
    } else {
      g = new UnrolledGraph (inst, templates, fixedPtls, false);
      if (graphProcessor != null)
        graphProcessor.process (g, inst);

    if (cacheUnrolledGraphs) graphCache.put (inst, g);

    return g;

  private void reportOnGraphCache ()
  { ("Number of cached graphs = "+graphCache.size ());

  public class MaximizableACRF implements Optimizable.ByGradientValue, Serializable {

    InstanceList trainData;
    double cachedValue = -123456789;
    double[] cachedGradient;
    protected BitSet infiniteValues = null;
    boolean cachedValueStale, cachedGradientStale;
    private  int numParameters;

    private int totalNodes = 0;
    private static final boolean printGradient = false;

    /** An unrolled version of the ACRF. */
    transient private UnrolledGraph graph;

    protected Inferencer inferencer = globalInferencer.duplicate();

    /* Vectors that contain the counts of features observed in the
         training data. Maps
         (clique-template x feature-number) => count
    SparseVector constraints[][];

    /* Vectors that contain the expected value over the
       *  labels of all the features, have seen the training data
       *  (but not the training labels).
    SparseVector expectations[][];

    SparseVector defaultConstraints[];
    SparseVector defaultExpectations[];

    private void initWeights (InstanceList training)
      for (int tidx = 0; tidx < templates.length; tidx++) {
        numParameters += templates[tidx].initWeights (training);

    /* Initialize constraints[][] and expectations[][]
     *  to have the same dimensions as weights, but to
     *  be all zero.
    private void initConstraintsExpectations ()
      // Do the defaults first
      defaultConstraints = new SparseVector [templates.length];
      defaultExpectations = new SparseVector [templates.length];
      for (int tidx = 0; tidx < templates.length; tidx++) {
        SparseVector defaults = templates[tidx].getDefaultWeights();
        defaultConstraints[tidx] = (SparseVector) defaults.cloneMatrixZeroed ();
        defaultExpectations[tidx] = (SparseVector) defaults.cloneMatrixZeroed ();

      // And now the others
      constraints = new SparseVector [templates.length][];
      expectations = new SparseVector [templates.length][];
      for (int tidx = 0; tidx < templates.length; tidx++) {
        Template tmpl = templates [tidx];
        SparseVector[] weights = tmpl.getWeights();
        constraints [tidx] = new SparseVector [weights.length];
        expectations [tidx] = new SparseVector [weights.length];

        for (int i = 0; i < weights.length; i++) {
          constraints[tidx][i] = (SparseVector) weights[i].cloneMatrixZeroed ();
          expectations[tidx][i] = (SparseVector) weights[i].cloneMatrixZeroed ();

     * Set all expectations to 0 after they've been
     *    initialized.
    void resetExpectations ()
      for (int tidx = 0; tidx < expectations.length; tidx++) {
        defaultExpectations [tidx].setAll (0.0);
        for (int i = 0; i < expectations[tidx].length; i++) {
          expectations[tidx][i].setAll (0.0);

    protected MaximizableACRF (InstanceList ilist)
      logger.finest ("Initializing MaximizableACRF.");

      /* allocate for weights, constraints and expectations */
      this.trainData = ilist;

      int numInstances = trainData.size();
      cachedGradient = new double[numParameters];

      cachedValueStale = cachedGradientStale = true;

  if (cacheUnrolledGraphs) {
  unrolledGraphs = new UnrolledGraph [numInstances];
*/"Number of training instances = " + numInstances );"Number of parameters = " + numParameters );"Default feature index = " + defaultFeatureIndex );

      logger.fine("Computing constraints");
      collectConstraints (trainData);

    private void describePrior ()
    { ("Using gaussian prior with variance "+gaussianPriorVariance);

/* not tested
   protected MaximizableDCRF (MaximizableACRF maxable, InstanceList ilist)
   logger.finest ("Initializing MaximizableACRF.");

   this.trainData = ilist;
   constraints = maxable.constraints; // These can be shared
   int numInstances = trainData.size();
   // These must occur after initWeights()
   this.numParameters = numWeights;
   cachedGradient = new double[numParameters];

   cachedValueStale = cachedGradientStale = true;

   if (cacheUnrolledGraphs) {
   unrolledGraphs = new UnrolledGraph [numInstances];


    public int getNumParameters() { return numParameters; }

    /* Negate initialValue and finalValue because the parameters are in
       * terms of "weights", not "values".
    public void getParameters (double[] buf) {

      if ( buf.length != numParameters )
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument is not of the " +
                                           " correct dimensions");
      int idx = 0;
      for (int tidx = 0; tidx < templates.length; tidx++) {
        Template tmpl = templates [tidx];
        SparseVector defaults = tmpl.getDefaultWeights ();
        double[] values = defaults.getValues();
        System.arraycopy (values, 0, buf, idx, values.length);
        idx += values.length;

      for (int tidx = 0; tidx < templates.length; tidx++) {
        Template tmpl = templates [tidx];
        SparseVector[] weights = tmpl.getWeights();
        for (int assn = 0; assn < weights.length; assn++) {
          double[] values = weights [assn].getValues ();
          System.arraycopy (values, 0, buf, idx, values.length);
          idx += values.length;


    public void setParameters (double[] params)
      if ( params.length != numParameters )
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument is not of the " +
                                           " correct dimensions");

      cachedValueStale = cachedGradientStale = true;

      int idx = 0;
      for (int tidx = 0; tidx < templates.length; tidx++) {
        Template tmpl = templates [tidx];
        SparseVector defaults = tmpl.getDefaultWeights();
        double[] values = defaults.getValues ();
        System.arraycopy (params, idx, values, 0, values.length);
        idx += values.length;

      for (int tidx = 0; tidx < templates.length; tidx++) {
        Template tmpl = templates [tidx];
        SparseVector[] weights = tmpl.getWeights();
        for (int assn = 0; assn < weights.length; assn++) {
          double[] values = weights [assn].getValues ();
          System.arraycopy (params, idx, values, 0, values.length);
          idx += values.length;

    // Functions for unit tests to get constraints and expectations
    //  I'm too lazy to make a deep copy.  Callers should not
    //  modify these.

    public SparseVector[] getExpectations (int cnum) { return expectations [cnum]; }
    public SparseVector[] getConstraints (int cnum) { return constraints [cnum]; }

    /** print weights */
    private void printParameters()
      double[] buf = new double[numParameters];

      int len = buf.length;
      for (int w = 0; w < len; w++)
        System.out.print(buf[w] + "\t");

    public double getParameter (int index) { return(0.0); }
    public void setParameter (int index, double value) {}

    /** Returns the log probability of the training sequence labels */
    public double getValue ()
      if (cachedValueStale)
        cachedValue = computeLogLikelihood ();
        cachedValueStale = false;
        cachedGradientStale = true;

              if(saveNum++ % savePeriod == 0)  {
              System.out.println ("saving ACRF ...");
              System.out.println ("Done ....");
            */ ("getValue() (loglikelihood) = " + cachedValue);

        logger.warning("value is NaN");
        cachedValue = 0;

      return cachedValue;

    protected double computeLogLikelihood () {
      double retval = 0.0;
      int numInstances = trainData.size();

      long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
      long unrollTime = 0;
      long marginalsTime = 0;

      /* Instance values must either always or never be included in
          * the total values; we can't just sometimes skip a value
          * because it is infinite, that throws off the total values.
          * We only allow an instance to have infinite value if it happens
          * from the start (we don't compute the value for the instance
          * after the first round. If any other instance has infinite
          * value after that it is an error. */

      boolean initializingInfiniteValues = false;

      if (infiniteValues == null) {
        /* We could initialize bitset with one slot for every
             * instance, but it is *probably* cheaper not to, taking the
             * time hit to allocate the space if a bit becomes
             * necessary. */
        infiniteValues = new BitSet ();
        initializingInfiniteValues = true;

      /* Clear the sufficient statistics that we are about to fill */

      /* Fill in expectations for each instance */
      for (int i = 0; i < numInstances; i++)
        Instance instance = trainData.get(i);

        /* Compute marginals for each clique */
        long unrollStart = System.currentTimeMillis ();
        UnrolledGraph unrolled = unroll (instance);
        long unrollEnd = System.currentTimeMillis ();
        unrollTime += (unrollEnd - unrollStart);

        if (unrolled.numVariables () == 0) continue;   // Happens if all nodes are pruned.
        inferencer.computeMarginals (unrolled);
        marginalsTime += (System.currentTimeMillis () - unrollEnd);

//        unrolled.dump();

        /* Save the expected value of each feature for when we
               compute the gradient. */
        collectExpectations (unrolled, inferencer);

        /* Add in the joint prob of the labeling. */
        Assignment jointAssn = unrolled.getAssignment ();
        double value = inferencer.lookupLogJoint (jointAssn);

        if (Double.isInfinite(value))
          if (initializingInfiniteValues) {
            logger.warning ("Instance " + instance.getName() +
                            " has infinite value; skipping.");
            infiniteValues.set (i);
          } else if (!infiniteValues.get(i)) {
            logger.warning ("Infinite value on instance "+instance.getName()+
                            "returning -infinity");
            return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
            printDebugInfo (unrolled);
            throw new IllegalStateException
              ("Instance " + instance.getName()+ " used to have non-infinite"
               + " value, but now it has infinite value.");
        } else if (Double.isNaN (value)) {
          System.out.println("NaN on instance "+i+" : "+instance.getName ());
          printDebugInfo (unrolled);
/*          throw new IllegalStateException
            ("Value is NaN in ACRF.getValue() Instance "+i);
          logger.warning ("Value is NaN in ACRF.getValue() Instance "+i+" : "+
                          "returning -infinity... ");
          return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        } else {
          retval += value;


      if (doSizeScale) {
        retval = retval / trainData.size ();

      /* Incorporate Gaussian prior on parameters. This means
            that for each weight, we will add w^2 / (2 * variance) to the
            log probability. */

      double priorDenom = 2 * gaussianPriorVariance;

      for (int tidx = 0; tidx < templates.length; tidx++) {
        SparseVector[] weights = templates [tidx].getWeights ();
        for (int j = 0; j < weights.length; j++) {
          for (int fnum = 0; fnum < weights[j].numLocations(); fnum++) {
            double w = weights [j].valueAtLocation (fnum);
            if (weightValid (w, tidx, j)) {
              retval += -w*w/priorDenom;

      if (cacheUnrolledGraphs) reportOnGraphCache ();

      long end = System.currentTimeMillis (); ("ACRF Inference time (ms) = "+(end-start)); ("ACRF marginals time (ms) = "+marginalsTime); ("ACRF unroll time (ms) = "+unrollTime); ("getValue (loglikelihood) = "+retval);

      return retval;

     *  Computes the graident of the penalized log likelihood
     *   of the ACRF, and returns it in buf[].
    public void getValueGradient(double[] buf)
      if (cachedGradientStale)
        /* This will fill in the expectations */
        if (cachedValueStale) getValue ();

        computeGradient ();
        cachedGradientStale = false;

      if (buf.length != numParameters)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException
          ("Incorrect length buffer to getValueGradient(). Expected "
           + numParameters + ", received " + buf.length);

      System.arraycopy (cachedGradient, 0, buf, 0, cachedGradient.length);

     *  Computes the gradient of the penalized log likelihood of the
     *   ACRF, and places it in cachedGradient[].
     * Gradient is
     *   constraint - expectation - parameters/gaussianPriorVariance
    private void computeGradient ()
      /* Index into current element of cachedGradient[] array. */
      int gidx = 0;

      // First do gradient wrt defaultWeights
      for (int tidx = 0; tidx < templates.length; tidx++) {
        SparseVector theseWeights = templates[tidx].getDefaultWeights ();
        SparseVector theseConstraints = defaultConstraints [tidx];
        SparseVector theseExpectations = defaultExpectations [tidx];
        for (int j = 0; j < theseWeights.numLocations(); j++) {
          double weight = theseWeights.valueAtLocation (j);
          double constraint = theseConstraints.valueAtLocation (j);
          double expectation = theseExpectations.valueAtLocation (j);

          if (printGradient)
            System.out.println (" gradient [" + gidx + "] = DEFAULT("+templates[tidx]+"["+j+"]) = "
                    + constraint + " (ctr) - " + expectation + " (exp) - " +
                    (weight / gaussianPriorVariance) + " (reg) ");

          double scale = doSizeScale ? (1.0 / trainData.size()) : 1.0;
          cachedGradient [gidx++] = scale * (constraint - expectation) - (weight / gaussianPriorVariance);

      // Now do other weights
      for (int tidx = 0; tidx < templates.length; tidx++) {
        Template tmpl = templates [tidx];
        SparseVector[] weights = tmpl.getWeights ();
        for (int i = 0; i < weights.length; i++) {
          SparseVector thisWeightVec = weights [i];
          SparseVector thisConstraintVec = constraints [tidx][i];
          SparseVector thisExpectationVec = expectations [tidx][i];

          for (int j = 0; j < thisWeightVec.numLocations(); j++) {
            double w = thisWeightVec.valueAtLocation (j);
            double gradient;  // Computed below

            /* A parameter may be set to -infinity by an external user.
                   * We set gradient to 0 because the parameter's value can
                   * never change anyway and it will mess up future calculations
                   * on the matrix. */
            if (Double.isInfinite(w)) {
              logger.warning("Infinite weight for node index " +i+
                             " feature " +
                             inputAlphabet.lookupObject(j) );
              gradient = 0.0;
            } else {
              double constraint = thisConstraintVec.valueAtLocation (j);
              double expectation = thisExpectationVec.valueAtLocation (j);

              double scale = doSizeScale ? (1.0 / trainData.size()) : 1.0;
              gradient = scale * (constraint - expectation) - (w / gaussianPriorVariance);

              if (printGradient) {
                String featureName = (String) inputAlphabet.lookupObject (j);
                System.out.println (" gradient [" + gidx + "] = WEIGHT("+templates[tidx]+"["+i+"]) ["+featureName+"] = "
                        + constraint + " (ctr) - " + expectation + " (exp) - " +
                        (w / gaussianPriorVariance) + " (reg) ");

            cachedGradient[gidx++] = gradient;

      //      reportGradient ();

      // Only useful for debugging
      private int gradCallNo = 0;
      private void reportGradient ()
    if (verboseOutputDirectory != null) {
        try {
      File thisFile = new File (verboseOutputDirectory, "acrf-grad-"+gradCallNo+".txt");
      PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter (new FileWriter (thisFile));
      writer.println (ArrayUtils.toString (cachedGradient));
      writer.close ();

      thisFile = new File (verboseOutputDirectory, "acrf-value-"+gradCallNo+".txt");
      writer = new PrintWriter (new FileWriter (thisFile));
      writer.println (cachedValue);
      writer.close ();

      double[] buf = new double [getNumParameters()];
      getParameters (buf);

      thisFile = new File (verboseOutputDirectory, "acrf-weight-"+gradCallNo+".txt");
      writer = new PrintWriter (new FileWriter (thisFile));
      writer.println (ArrayUtils.toString (buf));
      writer.close ();

      thisFile = new File (verboseOutputDirectory, "acrf-constraint-"+gradCallNo+".txt");
      printVecs (thisFile, defaultConstraints, constraints);
      thisFile = new File (verboseOutputDirectory, "acrf-exp-"+gradCallNo+".txt");
      printVecs (thisFile, defaultExpectations, expectations);

      thisFile = new File (verboseOutputDirectory, "acrf-dumps-"+gradCallNo+".txt");
      writer = new PrintWriter (new FileWriter (thisFile));
      for (int ii = 0; ii < trainData.size(); ii++) {
          ACRF.UnrolledGraph unrolled = unroll (trainData.get (ii));
          writer.println (unrolled);
      writer.close ();

        } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException (e);

      private void printVecs (File thisFile, SparseVector[] defaultConstraints, SparseVector[][] constraints) throws IOException
    PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter (new FileWriter (thisFile));
    for (int ti = 0; ti < defaultConstraints.length; ti++) {
        writer.println (defaultConstraints [ti]);
    for (int ti = 0; ti < constraints.length; ti++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < constraints[ti].length; i++) {
      writer.println (constraints [ti][i]);
    writer.close ();

     * For every feature f_k, computes the expected value of f_k
     *  aver all possible label sequences given the list of instances
     *  we have.
     *  These values are stored in collector, that is,
     *    collector[i][j][k]  gets the expected value for the
     *    feature for clique i, label assignment j, and input features k.
    private void collectExpectations (UnrolledGraph unrolled, Inferencer inferencer)
      for (Iterator it = unrolled.unrolledVarSetIterator (); it.hasNext();) {
        UnrolledVarSet clique = (UnrolledVarSet);
        int tidx = clique.tmpl.index;
        if (tidx == -1) continue;
        Factor ptl = inferencer.lookupMarginal (clique);

        // for each assigment to the clique
        //  Note that we get the AssignmentIterator from the factor (rather than the clique), because the
        //   factor objects knows about any potential sparsity.
        /* Also, note that we use assnIt.indexOfCurrentAssn().  This assumes that the ordering of variables in the
         *  VarSet returned by lookupMargianl() is consistent between all calls to the method.  This is a somewhat brittle
         *  assumption, but I don't see how to relax it without being terribly inefficient. */
        AssignmentIterator assnIt = ptl.assignmentIterator ();
        while (assnIt.hasNext ()) {
          double marginal = ptl.value (assnIt);
          int idx = assnIt.indexOfCurrentAssn ();
          expectations [tidx][idx].plusEqualsSparse (clique.fv, marginal);
          if (defaultExpectations[tidx].location (idx) != -1)
            defaultExpectations [tidx].incrementValue (idx, marginal);
          assnIt.advance ();

    public void collectConstraints (InstanceList ilist)
      for (int inum = 0; inum < ilist.size(); inum++) {
        logger.finest ("*** Collecting constraints for instance "+inum);
        Instance inst = ilist.get (inum);
        UnrolledGraph unrolled = new UnrolledGraph (inst, templates, null, false);
        totalNodes =+ unrolled.numVariables ();
        for (Iterator it = unrolled.unrolledVarSetIterator (); it.hasNext();) {
          UnrolledVarSet clique = (UnrolledVarSet);
          int tidx = clique.tmpl.index;
          if (tidx == -1) continue;

          int assn = clique.lookupAssignmentNumber ();
          constraints [tidx][assn].plusEqualsSparse (clique.fv);
          if (defaultConstraints[tidx].location (assn) != -1)
            defaultConstraints [tidx].incrementValue (assn, 1.0);

    void dumpGradientToFile (String fileName)
      try {
        PrintStream w = new PrintStream (new FileOutputStream (fileName));
        for (int i = 0; i < numParameters; i++) {
          w.println (cachedGradient[i]);
        w.close ();
      } catch (IOException e) {
        System.err.println("Could not open output file.");
        e.printStackTrace ();

    void dumpDefaults ()
      System.out.println("Default constraints");
      for (int i = 0; i < defaultConstraints.length; i++) {
        System.out.println("Template "+i);
        defaultConstraints[i].print ();
      System.out.println("Default expectations");
      for (int i = 0; i < defaultExpectations.length; i++) {
        System.out.println("Template "+i);
        defaultExpectations[i].print ();

    void printDebugInfo (UnrolledGraph unrolled)
      print (System.err);
      Assignment assn = unrolled.getAssignment ();
      for (Iterator it = unrolled.unrolledVarSetIterator (); it.hasNext();) {
        UnrolledVarSet clique = (UnrolledVarSet);
        System.out.println("Clique "+clique);
        dumpAssnForClique (assn, clique);
        Factor ptl = unrolled.factorOf (clique);
        System.out.println("Value = "+ptl.value (assn));

    void dumpAssnForClique (Assignment assn, UnrolledVarSet clique)
      for (Iterator it = clique.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
        Variable var = (Variable);
        System.out.println(var+" ==> "+assn.getObject (var)
          +"  ("+assn.get (var)+")");

    private boolean weightValid (double w, int cnum, int j)
      if (Double.isInfinite (w)) {
        logger.warning ("Weight is infinite for clique "+cnum+"assignment "+j);
        return false;
      } else if (Double.isNaN (w)) {
        logger.warning ("Weight is Nan for clique "+cnum+"assignment "+j);
        return false;
      } else {
        return true;

    public void report ()
      int nmsg = -1;
      if (inferencer instanceof AbstractBeliefPropagation) {
        nmsg = ((AbstractBeliefPropagation)inferencer).getTotalMessagesSent();
      } else if (inferencer instanceof JunctionTreeInferencer) {
        nmsg = ((JunctionTreeInferencer)inferencer).getTotalMessagesSent();

      if (nmsg != -1) ("Total messages sent = "+nmsg);

    public void forceStale ()
      cachedValueStale = cachedGradientStale = true;

    public int getTotalNodes ()
      return totalNodes;
  } // MaximizableACRF

  // printing functions

  public void print (OutputStream os)
    PrintStream out = new PrintStream (os);
    out.println ("ACRF. Number of templates: == "+templates.length);

    out.println ("Weights");
    for (int tidx = 0; tidx < templates.length; tidx++) {
      Template tmpl = templates [tidx];
      out.println ("TEMPLATE "+tidx+" == "+tmpl);

      out.println ("Default weights: ");
      SparseVector defaults = tmpl.getDefaultWeights ();
      for (int loc = 0; loc < defaults.numLocations (); loc++)
        out.println (" ["+defaults.indexAtLocation (loc)+"] = "+defaults.valueAtLocation (loc));

      SparseVector[] weights = tmpl.getWeights ();
      for (int assn = 0; assn < weights.length; assn++) {
        out.println ("Assignment "+assn);
        SparseVector w = weights[assn];
        for (int x = 0; x < w.numLocations(); x++) {
          int idx = w.indexAtLocation (x);
          if (idx == defaultFeatureIndex) {
            out.print ("DEFAULT");
          } else {
            out.print (inputAlphabet.lookupObject (idx));
          out.println ("  "+w.valueAtLocation (x));

  private static void dumpValues (String title, SparseVector[][] values)
    try {
      for (int cnum = 0; cnum < values.length; cnum++) {
        System.out.println (title+" Clique: "+cnum);
        writeCliqueValues (values [cnum]);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.err.println("Error writing to file!");
      e.printStackTrace ();

  private static void writeCliqueValues (SparseVector[] values)
    throws IOException
    System.out.println("Num assignments = "+values.length);
    for (int assn = 0; assn < values.length; assn++) {
      System.out.println("Num locations = "+values[assn].numLocations());
      for (int j = 0; j < values[assn].numLocations(); j++) {
        int idx = values[assn].indexAtLocation (j);
        System.out.print ("sparse ["+assn+"]["+idx+"] = ");
        System.out.println (values[assn].valueAtLocation (j));

  private void dumpOneGraph (UnrolledGraph unrolled)
      Assignment assn = unrolled.getAssignment ();
      for (Iterator it = unrolled.unrolledVarSetIterator (); it.hasNext();) {
        UnrolledVarSet clique = (UnrolledVarSet);
        System.out.println("Clique "+clique);
//        dumpAssnForClique (assn, clique);
        Factor ptl = unrolled.factorOf (clique);
        if (ptl != null) System.out.println (ptl);

  public void dumpUnrolledGraphs (InstanceList lst)
    for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) {
      Instance inst = lst.get (i);
      System.out.println("INSTANCE "+i+" : "+inst.getName ());
      UnrolledGraph unrolled = unroll (inst);
      dumpOneGraph (unrolled);

  // Templates

   * A template that adds edges between adjacent nodes in a label
   *  sequence for one factor.
  public static class BigramTemplate extends ACRF.SequenceTemplate {

    int factor;

    public BigramTemplate (int factor)
      this.factor = factor;

    public void addInstantiatedCliques (ACRF.UnrolledGraph graph,
                                        FeatureVectorSequence fvs,
                                        LabelsAssignment lblseq)
      for (int i = 0; i < lblseq.maxTime() - 1; i++) {
        Variable v1 = lblseq.varOfIndex (i, factor);
        Variable v2 = lblseq.varOfIndex (i + 1, factor);
        FeatureVector fv = fvs.getFeatureVector (i);

        Variable[] vars = new Variable[] { v1, v2 };
        assert v1 != null : "Couldn't get label factor "+factor+" time "+i;
        assert v2 != null : "Couldn't get label factor "+factor+" time "+(i+1);

        ACRF.UnrolledVarSet clique = new ACRF.UnrolledVarSet (graph, this, vars, fv);
        graph.addClique (clique);

    public String toString ()
      return "[BigramTemplate ("+factor+")]";

    public int getFactor ()
      return factor;

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 8944142287103225874L;


   * A template that adds node potentials for a given factor.
  public static class UnigramTemplate extends ACRF.SequenceTemplate {

    int factor;

    public UnigramTemplate (int factor)
      this.factor = factor;

    public void addInstantiatedCliques (ACRF.UnrolledGraph graph,
                                        FeatureVectorSequence fvs,
                                        LabelsAssignment lblseq)
      for (int i = 0; i < lblseq.maxTime(); i++) {
        Variable v = lblseq.varOfIndex (i, factor);
        FeatureVector fv = fvs.getFeatureVector (i);

        Variable[] vars = new Variable[] { v };
        assert v != null : "Couldn't get label factor "+factor+" time "+i;

        ACRF.UnrolledVarSet clique = new ACRF.UnrolledVarSet (graph, this, vars, fv);
        graph.addClique (clique);

    public String toString ()
       return "[UnigramTemplate ("+factor+")]";

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

   * A template that adds edges between cotemporal nodes of a given pair
   *  of factors.
  public static class PairwiseFactorTemplate extends ACRF.SequenceTemplate {

    int factor0;
    int factor1;

    public PairwiseFactorTemplate (int factor0, int factor1)
      this.factor0 = factor0;
      this.factor1 = factor1;

    public void addInstantiatedCliques (ACRF.UnrolledGraph graph,
                                        FeatureVectorSequence fvs,
                                        LabelsAssignment lblseq)
      for (int i = 0; i < lblseq.maxTime(); i++) {
        Variable v1 = lblseq.varOfIndex (i, factor0);
        Variable v2 = lblseq.varOfIndex (i, factor1);
        FeatureVector fv = fvs.getFeatureVector (i);

        Variable[] vars = new Variable[] { v1, v2 };
        assert v1 != null : "Couldn't get label factor "+factor0+" time "+i;
        assert v2 != null : "Couldn't get label factor "+factor1+" time "+i;

        ACRF.UnrolledVarSet clique = new ACRF.UnrolledVarSet (graph, this, vars, fv);
        graph.addClique (clique);

    public String toString ()
       return "[PairwiseFactorTemplate ("+factor0+", "+factor1+")]";

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;


  public void readWeightsFromText (Reader reader) throws IOException
    try {
      Document d = new SAXBuilder ().build (reader);
      Element root = d.getRootElement ();
      List tmpls = root.getChildren ("TEMPLATE");
      for (Iterator it = tmpls.iterator (); it.hasNext ();) {
        Element tmplElt = (Element) ();
        String tmplName = tmplElt.getAttributeValue ("NAME");
        int ti = Integer.parseInt (tmplElt.getAttributeValue ("IDX"));

        ACRF.Template tmpl = templates[ti];
        if (! tmpl.getClass ().getName().equals (tmplName)) {
          throw new RuntimeException ("Expected template "+tmpl+"; got "+tmplName);

        Element defWElt = tmplElt.getChild ("DEFAULT_WEIGHTS");
        SparseVector defW = readSparseVector (defWElt.getText (), null);

        Element wVecElt = tmplElt.getChild ("WEIGHTS");
        int nw = Integer.parseInt (wVecElt.getAttributeValue ("SIZE"));
        SparseVector[] w = new SparseVector[nw];

        List wLst = wVecElt.getChildren ("WEIGHT");
        for (Iterator it2 = wLst.iterator (); it2.hasNext ();) {
          Element wElt = (Element) ();
          int wi = Integer.parseInt (wElt.getAttributeValue ("IDX"));
          w[wi] = readSparseVector (wElt.getText (), getInputAlphabet ());

        tmpl.setDefaultWeights (defW);
        tmpl.weights = w;
    } catch (JDOMException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException (e);

  private SparseVector readSparseVector (String str, Alphabet dict) throws IOException
    TIntArrayList idxs = new TIntArrayList ();
    TDoubleArrayList vals = new TDoubleArrayList ();
    String[] lines = str.split ("\n");
    for (int li = 0; li < lines.length; li++) {
      String line = lines[li];
      if (Pattern.matches ("^\\s*$", line)) continue;

      String[] fields = line.split ("\t");
      int idx;
      if (dict != null) {
        idx = dict.lookupIndex (fields[0]);
      } else {
        idx = Integer.parseInt (fields[0]);

      double val = Double.parseDouble (fields[1]);
      idxs.add (idx);
      vals.add (val);
    return new SparseVector (idxs.toNativeArray (), vals.toNativeArray ());

  public void writeWeightsText (Writer writer)
    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter (writer);
    out.println ("<CRF>");
    for (int ti = 0; ti < templates.length; ti++) {
      Template tmpl = templates[ti];
      out.println ("<TEMPLATE NAME=\""+tmpl.getClass ().getName ()+"\" IDX=\""+ti+"\" >");

      out.println ("<DEFAULT_WEIGHTS>");
      SparseVector defW = tmpl.getDefaultWeights ();
      for (int loc = 0; loc < defW.numLocations (); loc++) {
        out.print (defW.indexAtLocation (loc));
        out.print ("\t");
        out.println (defW.valueAtLocation (loc));
      out.println ("</DEFAULT_WEIGHTS>");
      out.println ();

      SparseVector[] w = tmpl.getWeights ();
      out.println ("<WEIGHTS SIZE=\""+w.length+"\">");
      for (int wi = 0; wi < w.length; wi++) {
        out.println ("<WEIGHT IDX=\""+wi+"\">");
        writeWeightVector (out, w[wi]);
        out.println ();
        out.println ("</WEIGHT>");
      out.println ("</WEIGHTS>");
      out.println ("</TEMPLATE>");
    out.println ("</CRF>");

  private void writeWeightVector (PrintWriter out, SparseVector sv)
    out.println ("<![CDATA[");
    Alphabet dict = getInputAlphabet ();
    for (int loc = 0; loc < sv.numLocations (); loc++) {
      int idx = sv.indexAtLocation (loc);
      double val = sv.valueAtLocation (loc);
      if (idx < dict.size()) {
        out.print (dict.lookupObject (idx));
      } else {
        out.print ("IDX"+idx);
      out.print ("\t");
      out.println (val);
    out.println ("]]>");

  // Convenient methods for constructing ACRFs
  public static ACRF makeFactorial (Pipe p, int numLevels)
    ArrayList t = new ArrayList ();
    for (int i = 0; i < numLevels; i++) {
      t.add (new BigramTemplate (i));
      if (i+1 < numLevels)
        t.add (new PairwiseFactorTemplate (i, i+1));
    Template[] tmpls = (Template[]) t.toArray (new Template [t.size()]);
    return new ACRF (p, tmpls);

     // I hate serialization

     private static final long serialVersionUID = 2865175696692468236L;//2113750667182393436L;

  private void readObject (ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
    in.defaultReadObject ();
    graphCache = new THashMap ();

    transient private File verboseOutputDirectory = null;

    public void setVerboseOutputDirectory (File dir) { verboseOutputDirectory = dir; }


Related Classes of cc.mallet.grmm.learning.ACRF$PairwiseFactorTemplate

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