Package com.pogofish.jadt.parser.javacc

Source Code of com.pogofish.jadt.parser.javacc.JavaCCTokenizerTest

AE  Copyright 2012 James Iry

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package com.pogofish.jadt.parser.javacc;

import static com.pogofish.jadt.parser.javacc.generated.BaseJavaCCParserImplConstants.*;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

import org.junit.Test;

import com.pogofish.jadt.parser.javacc.generated.BaseJavaCCParserImplTokenManager;
import com.pogofish.jadt.parser.javacc.generated.JavaCharStream;
import com.pogofish.jadt.parser.javacc.generated.Token;
import com.pogofish.jadt.source.Source;
import com.pogofish.jadt.source.StringSource;

* Test the tokenizer separately from the parser because it's easier that way
* @author jiry
public class JavaCCTokenizerTest {

     * Create a tokenizer that will read from the given string
    private BaseJavaCCParserImplTokenManager tokenizer(String testString) {
        final Source source = new StringSource("TokenizerTest", testString);
        return new BaseJavaCCParserImplTokenManager(new JavaCharStream(

     * Comments should be invisible in the output other than separating tokens
    public void testComments() {
        final BaseJavaCCParserImplTokenManager tokenizer1 = tokenizer("/*\nCopyright*/hello//comment\nworld/**another comment*/oh");
        check(tokenizer1, "hello", IDENTIFIER, 2);
        check(tokenizer1, "world", IDENTIFIER, 3);
        check(tokenizer1, "oh", IDENTIFIER, 3);
        check(tokenizer1, "<EOF>", EOF, 3);

        final BaseJavaCCParserImplTokenManager tokenizer2 = tokenizer("/**/hello");
        check(tokenizer2, "hello", IDENTIFIER, 1);
        check(tokenizer2, "<EOF>", EOF, 1);

        final BaseJavaCCParserImplTokenManager tokenizer3 = tokenizer("/***/hello");
        check(tokenizer3, "hello", IDENTIFIER, 1);
        check(tokenizer3, "<EOF>", EOF, 1);

        final BaseJavaCCParserImplTokenManager tokenizer4 = tokenizer("/****/hello");
        check(tokenizer4, "hello", IDENTIFIER, 1);
        check(tokenizer4, "<EOF>", EOF, 1);

        final BaseJavaCCParserImplTokenManager tokenizer5 = tokenizer("/*** */hello");
        check(tokenizer5, "hello", IDENTIFIER, 1);
        check(tokenizer5, "<EOF>", EOF, 1);

        final BaseJavaCCParserImplTokenManager tokenizer6 = tokenizer("/* ***/hello");
        check(tokenizer6, "hello", IDENTIFIER, 1);
        check(tokenizer6, "<EOF>", EOF, 1);

        final BaseJavaCCParserImplTokenManager tokenizer7 = tokenizer("/* **/hello");
        check(tokenizer7, "hello", IDENTIFIER, 1);
        check(tokenizer7, "<EOF>", EOF, 1);


     * Even unterminated comments should "work"
    public void testUnterminatedComments() {
        final BaseJavaCCParserImplTokenManager tokenizer1 = tokenizer("/** haha");
        check(tokenizer1, "/** haha", UNTERMINATED_COMMENT, 1);
        check(tokenizer1, "<EOF>", EOF, 1);

        final BaseJavaCCParserImplTokenManager tokenizer2 = tokenizer("/* haha");
        check(tokenizer2, "/* haha", UNTERMINATED_COMMENT, 1);
        check(tokenizer2, "<EOF>", EOF, 1);

        // I guess end of line comment ending with an EOF instead of an EOL isn't allt that unterminated
        final BaseJavaCCParserImplTokenManager tokenizer3 = tokenizer("// haha");
        check(tokenizer3, "<EOF>", EOF, 1);

     * Whitespace should be invisible in the output other than separating tokens
    public void testWhitespace() {
        final BaseJavaCCParserImplTokenManager tokenizer = tokenizer("hello    world   \toh");
        check(tokenizer, "hello", IDENTIFIER, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "world", IDENTIFIER, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "oh", IDENTIFIER, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "<EOF>", EOF, 1);

     * End of line should be invisible in the output other than separating
     * tokens and incrementing the line number
    public void testEol() {
        final BaseJavaCCParserImplTokenManager tokenizer = tokenizer("hello\nworld\ryeah\r\noh");
        check(tokenizer, "hello", IDENTIFIER, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "world", IDENTIFIER, 2);
        check(tokenizer, "yeah", IDENTIFIER, 3);
        check(tokenizer, "oh", IDENTIFIER, 4);
        check(tokenizer, "<EOF>", EOF, 4);

     * Various classes of non-keyword identifiers
    public void testIdentifiers() {
        final BaseJavaCCParserImplTokenManager tokenizer = tokenizer("hello \u00a5123\u00a512342");
        check(tokenizer, "hello", IDENTIFIER, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "\u00a5123\u00a512342", IDENTIFIER, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "<EOF>", EOF, 1);

     * Test various kinds of punctuation
    public void testPunctuation() {
        final BaseJavaCCParserImplTokenManager tokenizer = tokenizer(">><<>>>>=<=<>*/+-=|(),[].@?:");
        check(tokenizer, ">>", RIGHT_SHIFT, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "<<", LEFT_SHIFT, 1);
        check(tokenizer, ">>>", ZERO_EXTENDED_RIGHT_SHIFT, 1);
        check(tokenizer, ">=", GREATER_THAN_EQUAL, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "<=", LESS_THAN_EQUAL, 1);       
        check(tokenizer, "<", LANGLE, 1);
        check(tokenizer, ">", RANGLE, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "*", SPLAT, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "/", DIVIDE, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "+", PLUS, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "-", MINUS, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "=", EQUALS, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "|", BAR, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "(", LPAREN, 1);
        check(tokenizer, ")", RPAREN, 1);
        check(tokenizer, ",", COMMA, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "[", LBRACKET, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "]", RBRACKET, 1);
        check(tokenizer, ".", DOT, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "@", AT, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "?", QUESTION, 1);
        check(tokenizer, ":", COLON, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "<EOF>", EOF, 1);

    public void testEOF() {
        final BaseJavaCCParserImplTokenManager tokenizer = tokenizer("");
        check(tokenizer, "<EOF>", EOF, 1);

     * Test all the reserved keywords
    public void testKeywords() {
        final BaseJavaCCParserImplTokenManager tokenizer = tokenizer("import package final extends implements class boolean byte double char float int long short abstract assert break case catch const continue "
                + "default do else enum finally for goto if instanceof interface native new private protected public return "
                + "static strictfp super switch synchronized this throw throws try void while");

        // keywords used by jADT
        check(tokenizer, "import", IMPORT, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "package", PACKAGE, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "final", FINAL, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "extends", EXTENDS, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "implements", IMPLEMENTS, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "class", CLASS, 1);

        // primitive Java types
        check(tokenizer, "boolean", BOOLEAN, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "byte", BYTE, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "double", DOUBLE, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "char", CHAR, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "float", FLOAT, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "int", INT, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "long", LONG, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "short", SHORT, 1);

        // Java keywords not used by jADT but reserved to prevent bad Java
        // generation
        check(tokenizer, "abstract", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "assert", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "break", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "case", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "catch", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "const", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "continue", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "default", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "do", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "else", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "enum", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "finally", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "for", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "goto", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "if", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "instanceof", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "interface", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "native", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "new", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "private", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "protected", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "public", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "return", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "static", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "strictfp", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "super", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "switch", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "synchronized", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "this", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "throw", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "throws", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "try", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "void", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "while", JAVA_KEYWORD, 1);
        check(tokenizer, "<EOF>", EOF, 1);

     * Check that the next tokenType, symbol, and lineNo from the tokenizer are
     * as expected
    private void check(BaseJavaCCParserImplTokenManager tokenizer,
            String expectedSymbol, int expectedTokenType, int expectedLineNo) {
        final Token token = tokenizer.getNextToken();
        final String actualSymbol = token.kind == EOF ? "<EOF>" : token.image;
        assertEquals("Expected token type " + expectedTokenType
                + " with symbol " + expectedSymbol + " but got " + token.kind
                + " with symbol " + actualSymbol, expectedTokenType, token.kind);
        assertEquals("Got correct token type " + expectedTokenType
                + " but got wrong symbol", expectedSymbol, actualSymbol);
        assertEquals("Got correct token type and symbol but wrong line number",
                expectedLineNo, token.beginLine);

Related Classes of com.pogofish.jadt.parser.javacc.JavaCCTokenizerTest

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