Package org.codehaus.staxmate.samples

Source Code of org.codehaus.staxmate.samples.HTMLConverter

package org.codehaus.staxmate.samples;



import org.codehaus.staxmate.SMInputFactory;

* Simple demonstration of using StaxMate on top of StAX, to simplify
* nested XML parsing: implements a converter from well-formed HTML
* to a Wiki-line textual output format.
* General rules for output Wiki-like markup are:
* <ul>
<li>Blocks (~= paragraphs) are separated by one or more empty lines
*    (two or more consequtive linefeeds)
*   </li>
<li>There are 4 inline markups; bolding, italics, underline and
*    hyperlink; these are marked by (respectively), ***text***,
*    **text**, __text__, [[url | desc ]].
*   </li>
<li>Lists are marked lines that start with '*' (unordered) or '#'
*    chars (ordered), followed by one or more spaces and list contents;
*    nested lists are marked by indentation of 2 spaces per nesting level.
*    Only inline markup is allowed inside list items, in addition to
*    sub-lists.
*   </li>
<li>Non-nested tables are marked by pipe ('|') character starting a
*    line; each text row represents a table row, and cells are separated
*    by pipe chars as well. Cell or row spans are not supported, nor
*    nested tables; inline markup is allowed inside cells
*   </li>
* </ul>
* @author Tatu Saloranta
public final class HTMLConverter
    private HTMLConverter() { }

    private void convert(String filename)
        throws IOException, XMLStreamException
        XMLInputFactory f = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
        // Let's configure factory 'optimally'...
        f.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_COALESCING, Boolean.TRUE);
        f.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_NAMESPACE_AWARE, Boolean.FALSE);
        // just so it won't try to load DTD in if there's DOCTYPE
        f.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.SUPPORT_DTD, Boolean.FALSE);
        f.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_VALIDATING, Boolean.FALSE);
        InputStream in = new;
        XMLStreamReader sr = f.createXMLStreamReader(in);

        SMInputCursor it = SMInputFactory.rootElementCursor(sr);
        /* Need to store some information about preceding siblings,
         * so let's enable tracking.

        Writer out = new PrintWriter(System.out);

        try {
            processHTML(it, out);
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (Throwable t) { }
            try {
            } catch (Throwable t) { }

    private void processHTML(SMInputCursor it, Writer out)
        throws IOException, XMLStreamException
        it.getNext(); // has to be of type element now...

        String origName = it.getLocalName();
        String name = origName.toLowerCase();

        /* It _should_ be HTML... but let's also allow lone 'body'
         * as well, for additional robustness
        if (name.equals("body")) {
            processBody(it, out);
        } else if (!name.equals("html")) {
            throw new XMLStreamException("Non-HTML document? Root element '"
                                         +origName+"'; excepted <HTML> or <html>");

        SMInputCursor mainIt = it.childElementCursor();

        while (mainIt.getNext() != null) {
            origName = mainIt.getLocalName();
            name = origName.toLowerCase();

            // Should be 'head' or 'body'
            if (name.equals("head")) {
                processHead(mainIt, out);
            } else if (name.equals("body")) {
                processBody(mainIt, out);
            } else {
                throw new XMLStreamException("Non-HTML document? Unexpected element '"
                                             +origName+"'; under <HTML>.");

     * Simple handler for HEAD section of a html document. Only looks for
     * title element (for now); returns as soon as that's gotten.
    private void processHead(SMInputCursor parentIt, Writer out)
        throws IOException, XMLStreamException
        SMInputCursor headIt = parentIt.childElementCursor();
        while (headIt.getNext() != null) {
            if (headIt.getLocalName().toLowerCase().equals("title")) {
                // Could capitalize it too...
                out.write("== ");
                String str = headIt.collectDescendantText(true);
                // Let's remove linefeeds if there was any
                addSingleLine(out, str);
                out.write(" ==\n\n");
                // Ok, that's it, we don't care about other stuff

     * Simple handler for BODY section of a html document.
     * Has special handling for some elements (paragraphs, lists,
     * tables, links).
    private void processBody(SMInputCursor parentIt, Writer out)
        throws IOException, XMLStreamException
        /* We need both elements and text content (but not comments etc);
         * further, due to loose nesting of HTML, let's just do flat
         * iteration in general, as we can still do sub-scoping for
         * specific elements (tables etc)
        SMInputCursor bodyIt = parentIt.descendantMixedCursor();
        StringBuffer text = null; // for collected 'loose' text
        SMEvent evt;

        while ((evt = bodyIt.getNext()) != null) {
            // Let's weed out end elements right away...
            if (evt == SMEvent.END_ELEMENT) {
            // And straight text as well:
            String inline;
            if (evt == SMEvent.START_ELEMENT) {
                String tag = bodyIt.getLocalName().toLowerCase();
                if (processBlockElement(bodyIt, out, tag, text)) {
                    // true -> was succesfully handled
                    text = null;
                /* Ok; not a block we recognized... but maybe a well-known
                 * inline element?
                inline = checkInlineMarkup(bodyIt, tag);
            } else {
                inline = bodyIt.getText();

            if (inline != null) {
                if (text == null) {
                    text = new StringBuffer(inline);
                } else {
        } // while (...)

        if (text != null) {
            addPara(out, text);
            text = null;

     * Method that is used to figure out type and handling of a node,
     * at block level scope (but not from inside tables and lists)
    private boolean processBlockElement(SMInputCursor it, Writer out, String tag,
                                        StringBuffer text)
        throws IOException, XMLStreamException
        // We'll only get START_ELEMENT events here

        if (tag.charAt(0) == 'h' && tag.length() == 2) {
            char c = tag.charAt(1);
            // heading?
            if (c >= '1' && c <= '5') {
                if (text != null) {
                    addPara(out, text);
                processHeading(it, out, (c - '1'));
                return true;
        /* Handling of paragraphs depends on whether it's a main level
         * thing or not
        if (tag.equals("p") || tag.equals("blockquote")) {
            // (no special handling for blockquote currently)
            addPara(out, text);
            /* Let's recursively call the main loop, and then add an
             * empty line after it.
            processBody(it, out);
            return true;
        if (tag.equals("pre")) {
            addPara(out, text);
            // Can't have any markup in there...
            String str = it.collectDescendantText(true);
            if (str.length() > 0) {
                addPara(out, str);
            return true;
        if (tag.equals("ul") || tag.equals("o")) {
            addPara(out, text);
            processList(it, out, (tag.charAt(0) == 'u') ? '*' : '#', 0);
            return true;
        if (tag.equals("table")) {
            addPara(out, text);
            processTable(it, out, false);
            return true;

        // Not a recognized (or handlable) block element
        return false;

    private void processHeading(SMInputCursor it, Writer out, int depth)
        throws IOException, XMLStreamException
        depth += 2;
        if (depth > 5) {
            depth = 5;
        String prefix = "=====".substring(0, depth);
        out.write(' ');
        it.processDescendantText(out, true);
        out.write(' ');

    private void processList(SMInputCursor it, Writer out, char type, int depth)
        throws IOException, XMLStreamException
        /* Let's assume child elements have to be 'li' elements or
         * sublists ('ul', 'ol'); and ignore everything else.
        SMInputCursor listIt = it.childElementCursor();

        // We'll only get START_ELEMENTs here except for EOF:
        while (listIt.getNext() != null) {
            String tag = listIt.getLocalName().toLowerCase();
            if (tag.equals("li")) {
                processListItem(listIt, out, type, depth);
            } else if (tag.equals("ul")) {
                processList(listIt, out, '*', depth+1);
            } else if (tag.equals("ol")) {
                processList(listIt, out, '#', depth+1);
            } else {
                /* could add warnings, or append content to previous item,
                 * or create a list heading... whatever

        // And finally, trailing empty line, but only for main-level lists
        if (depth == 0) {

    private void processListItem(SMInputCursor it, Writer out, char listType, int depth)
        throws IOException, XMLStreamException
        // Ok, list item marker:
        for (int i = 0; i < depth; ++i) {
            out.write("  "); // 2 space indentation
        out.write(' ');

        /* List item contents are more varied; text, inline markup; maybe
         * even sublists.
        SMInputCursor itemIt = it.childMixedCursor();
        SMEvent evt;

        while ((evt = itemIt.getNext()) != null) {
            if (evt == SMEvent.START_ELEMENT) {
                String tag = itemIt.getLocalName().toLowerCase();
                // only care about sub-lists:
                if (tag.equals("ul") || tag.equals("ol")) {
                    out.write('\n'); // to finish off the current line
                    processList(itemIt, out, (tag.charAt(0) == 'u') ? '*' : '#',
                    /* Also, let's also ignore whatever came after the sublist,
                     * for this item, if anything; most likely just whitespace.
                     * Problem otherwise is how to handle "leftovers"; can't
                     * add them to this item any more, would need to start
                     * a new item or something.
                } else { // can also process inline markup
                    String str = checkInlineMarkup(itemIt, tag);
                    if (str != null) {
                        addSingleLine(out, str);
                // Otherwise, let's just collect and output text:
                addSingleLine(out, itemIt.collectDescendantText(true));
            } else {
                addSingleLine(out, itemIt.getText());

    private void processTable(SMInputCursor it, Writer out, boolean header)
        throws IOException, XMLStreamException
        /* Let's assume child elements have to be 'tr', or one of grouping
         * elements ('thead', 'tfoot' or 'tbody'), and ignore everything else.
        SMInputCursor tableIt = it.childElementCursor();
        // We'll only get START_ELEMENTs here except for EOF:
        while (tableIt.getNext() != null) {
            String tag = tableIt.getLocalName().toLowerCase();
            if (tag.equals("thead") || tag.equals("tfoot")
                || tag.equals("tbody")) {
                /* Let's just recursively call this method, should be
                 * safe?
                processTable(tableIt, out, header || tag.equals("thead"));
            } else if (tag.equals("tr")) {
                processTableRow(tableIt, out, header);
            // and ignore others....
        // Let's add empty line as paragraph separator...

    private void processTableRow(SMInputCursor it, Writer out, boolean headerRow)
        throws IOException, XMLStreamException
        // Let's assume only 'tr' elements are encountered...
        SMInputCursor rowIt = it.childElementCursor();
        // We'll only get START_ELEMENTs here except for EOF:
        while (rowIt.getNext() != null) {
            String tag = rowIt.getLocalName().toLowerCase();
            if (tag.equals("td")) {
                processTableCell(rowIt, out, headerRow);
            } else if (tag.equals("th")) {
                processTableCell(rowIt, out, true);
            } else {
        // Let's add lf, to separate rows...

    private void processTableCell(SMInputCursor it, Writer out, boolean headerCell)
        throws IOException, XMLStreamException
        /* Cells can have varied content, though... generally we only care
         * about text and inline markup, though.
        SMInputCursor cellIt = it.childMixedCursor();
        SMEvent evt;
        while ((evt = cellIt.getNext()) != null) {
            if (evt == SMEvent.START_ELEMENT) {
                String tag = cellIt.getLocalName().toLowerCase();
                // No sub-tables or lists allowed... just inline markup
                String str = checkInlineMarkup(cellIt, tag);
                if (str != null) {
                    addSingleLine(out, str);
                // Otherwise, let's just collect and output text:
                addSingleLine(out, cellIt.collectDescendantText(true));
            } else { // just plain text
                addSingleLine(out, cellIt.getText());

    private String checkInlineMarkup(SMInputCursor it, String tag)
        throws IOException, XMLStreamException
        if (tag.equals("a")) {
            String url = it.getAttrValue(null, "href");
            String str = it.collectDescendantText(true);
            return "[["+url+" | "+str+" ]]";
        if (tag.equals("b")) {
            String str = it.collectDescendantText(true);
            return "'''"+str+"'''";
        if (tag.equals("i")) {
            String str = it.collectDescendantText(true);
            return "'''"+str+"'''";
        if (tag.equals("u")) {
            String str = it.collectDescendantText(true);
            return "___"+str+"___";
        if (tag.equals("hr")) {
            return "\n-----\n";
        if (tag.equals("br")) {
            // Hmmh. This won't work too well...
            return "\n";
        // Nope, inline markup not recognized (or no effect can be applied)
        return null;

     * Method called to output "unwrapped" text (either not contained in
     * any element, or in unrecognized one). Let's just output it as
     * is, but add paragraph separator after the text.
    private void addPara(Writer out, StringBuffer textBuf)
        throws IOException
        addPara(out, textBuf.toString());

    private void addPara(Writer out, String text)
        throws IOException
        /* Let's remove all linefeeds from the start, and from the end,
         * to make sure we won't have excessive empty lines...
        int len = text.length();
        int i = 0;
        while (i < len) {
            char c = text.charAt(i);
            if (c != '\r' && c != '\n') {
        if (i > 0) {
            text = text.substring(i);

        i = len = text.length()-1;
        while (i >= 0) {
            char c = text.charAt(i);
            if (c != '\r' && c != '\n') {
        if (i < len) {
            text = text.substring(0, i+1);

        // Also, let's see if there's any non-space stuff left?
        if (text.trim().length() > 0) {

     * Simple (although not very efficient) method that'll replace linefeeds
     * with single space chars and output results
    private void addSingleLine(Writer out, String text)
        throws IOException
        // Need to replace linefeeds, that's all
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(text));
        String line;
        boolean first = true;

        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
            if (first) {
                first = false;
            } else {
                out.write(' ');

    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws Exception
        if (args.length != 1) {
            System.err.println("Usage: java "+SMInputFactory.class+" [input file]");
        new HTMLConverter().convert(args[0]);

Related Classes of org.codehaus.staxmate.samples.HTMLConverter

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