
Source Code of

* Copyright (C) 2011 Citrix Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.UUID;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.hibernate.LockMode;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;


* @author Kelven Yang
public class S3Engine {
    protected final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(S3Engine.class);
    private final int LOCK_ACQUIRING_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 10;    // ten seconds

    private final Map<Integer, S3BucketAdapter> bucketAdapters = new HashMap<Integer, S3BucketAdapter>();
    public S3Engine() {
      bucketAdapters.put(SHost.STORAGE_HOST_TYPE_LOCAL, new S3FileSystemBucketAdapter());
     * We treat this simply as first a get and then a put of the object the user wants to copy.
  public S3CopyObjectResponse handleRequest(S3CopyObjectRequest request)
    S3CopyObjectResponse response = new S3CopyObjectResponse();
    // [A] Get the object we want to copy
    S3GetObjectRequest getRequest = new S3GetObjectRequest();
    getRequest.setConditions( request.getConditions());

    getRequest.setInlineData( true );
    getRequest.setReturnData( true );
    if ( MetadataDirective.COPY == request.getDirective())
         getRequest.setReturnMetadata( true );
    else getRequest.setReturnMetadata( false );   
    //-> before we do anything verify the permissions on a copy basis
    String  destinationBucketName = request.getDestinationBucketName();
    String  destinationKeyName = request.getDestinationKey();
    S3PolicyContext context = new S3PolicyContext( PolicyActions.PutObject, destinationBucketName );
    context.setKeyName( destinationKeyName );
    context.setEvalParam( ConditionKeys.MetaData, request.getDirective().toString());
    context.setEvalParam( ConditionKeys.CopySource, "/" + request.getSourceBucketName() + "/" + request.getSourceKey());
    if (PolicyAccess.DENY == verifyPolicy( context ))
            throw new PermissionDeniedException( "Access Denied - bucket policy DENY result" );
      S3GetObjectResponse originalObject = handleRequest(getRequest);  
      int resultCode = originalObject.getResultCode();
      if (200 != resultCode) {
        response.setResultCode( resultCode );
        response.setResultDescription( originalObject.getResultDescription());
        return response;
      response.setCopyVersion( originalObject.getVersion());

      // [B] Put the object into the destination bucket
      S3PutObjectInlineRequest putRequest = new S3PutObjectInlineRequest();
      putRequest.setBucketName(request.getDestinationBucketName()) ;
    if ( MetadataDirective.COPY == request.getDirective())
    else putRequest.setMetaEntries(request.getMetaEntries())
      putRequest.setAcl(request.getAcl());                    // -> if via a SOAP call
      putRequest.setCannedAccess(request.getCannedAccess())// -> if via a REST call

      S3PutObjectInlineResponse putResp = handleRequest(putRequest)
      response.setResultCode( putResp.resultCode );
      response.setResultDescription( putResp.getResultDescription());
    response.setETag( putResp.getETag());
    response.setLastModified( putResp.getLastModified());
    response.setPutVersion( putResp.getVersion());
    return response;

    public S3CreateBucketResponse handleRequest(S3CreateBucketRequest request)
      S3CreateBucketResponse response = new S3CreateBucketResponse();
    String cannedAccessPolicy = request.getCannedAccess();
      String bucketName = request.getBucketName();
      response.setBucketName( bucketName );
    verifyBucketName( bucketName, false );
    S3PolicyContext context = new S3PolicyContext( PolicyActions.CreateBucket,  bucketName );
    context.setEvalParam( ConditionKeys.Acl, cannedAccessPolicy );
    if (PolicyAccess.DENY == verifyPolicy( context ))
            throw new PermissionDeniedException( "Access Denied - bucket policy DENY result" );
    if (PersistContext.acquireNamedLock("bucket.creation", LOCK_ACQUIRING_TIMEOUT_SECONDS))
      Tuple<SHost, String> shostTuple = null;
      boolean success = false;
      try {
        SBucketDao bucketDao = new SBucketDao();
        SAclDao    aclDao    = new SAclDao();
        if (bucketDao.getByName(request.getBucketName()) != null)
          throw new ObjectAlreadyExistsException("Bucket already exists");
        shostTuple = allocBucketStorageHost(request.getBucketName(), null);
        SBucket sbucket = new SBucket();
        sbucket.setOwnerCanonicalId( UserContext.current().getCanonicalUserId());

        S3AccessControlList acl = request.getAcl();
        if ( null != cannedAccessPolicy )
           setCannedAccessControls( cannedAccessPolicy, "SBucket", sbucket.getId(), sbucket );
        else if (null != acl)
 "SBucket", sbucket.getId(), acl );
        else setSingleAcl( "SBucket", sbucket.getId(), SAcl.PERMISSION_FULL );
        // explicitly commit the transaction
        success = true;       
        if(!success && shostTuple != null) {
          S3BucketAdapter bucketAdapter =  getStorageHostBucketAdapter(shostTuple.getFirst());
          bucketAdapter.deleteContainer(shostTuple.getSecond(), request.getBucketName());
    } else {
      throw new OutOfServiceException("Unable to acquire synchronization lock");
    return response;
    public S3Response handleRequest( S3DeleteBucketRequest request )
      S3Response response  = new S3Response();    
    SBucketDao bucketDao = new SBucketDao();
    String bucketName = request.getBucketName();
    SBucket sbucket   = bucketDao.getByName( bucketName );
    if ( sbucket != null )
       S3PolicyContext context = new S3PolicyContext( PolicyActions.DeleteBucket, bucketName );
       switch( verifyPolicy( context )) {
       case ALLOW:
          // -> bucket policy can give users permission to delete a bucket while ACLs cannot
       case DENY:
                throw new PermissionDeniedException( "Access Denied - bucket policy DENY result" );
       case DEFAULT_DENY:
          // -> does not matter what the ACLs say only the owner can delete a bucket
          String client = UserContext.current().getCanonicalUserId();
          if (!client.equals( sbucket.getOwnerCanonicalId())) {
              throw new PermissionDeniedException( "Access Denied - only the owner can delete a bucket" );

       // -> delete the file
       Tuple<SHost, String> tupleBucketHost = getBucketStorageHost(sbucket);
       S3BucketAdapter bucketAdapter = getStorageHostBucketAdapter(tupleBucketHost.getFirst());     
       bucketAdapter.deleteContainer(tupleBucketHost.getSecond(), request.getBucketName());
       // -> cascade-deleting can delete related SObject/SObjectItem objects, but not SAcl, SMeta and policy objects. We
       //    need to perform deletion of these objects related to bucket manually.
       //    Delete SMeta & SAcl objects: (1)Get all the objects in the bucket, (2)then all the items in each object, (3) then all meta & acl data for each item
       Set<SObject> objectsInBucket = sbucket.getObjectsInBucket();
       Iterator it = objectsInBucket.iterator();
       while( it.hasNext())
         SObject oneObject = (SObject);
        Set<SObjectItem> itemsInObject = oneObject.getItems();
        Iterator is = itemsInObject.iterator();
        while( is.hasNext())
          SObjectItem oneItem = (SObjectItem);
            deleteMetaData( oneItem.getId());
            deleteObjectAcls( "SObjectItem", oneItem.getId());
       // -> delete all the policy state associated with the bucket
       try {
                ServiceProvider.getInstance().deleteBucketPolicy( bucketName );
             BucketPolicyDao policyDao = new BucketPolicyDao();
             policyDao.deletePolicy( bucketName );
       catch( Exception e ) {
                logger.error("When deleting a bucket we must try to delete its policy: ", e);
       deleteBucketAcls( sbucket.getId());
       bucketDao.delete( sbucket );   
    {    response.setResultCode(404);
       response.setResultDescription("Bucket does not exist");
      return response;
    public S3ListBucketResponse listBucketContents(S3ListBucketRequest request, boolean includeVersions)
      S3ListBucketResponse response = new S3ListBucketResponse();
    String bucketName = request.getBucketName();
    String prefix = request.getPrefix();
    if (prefix == null) prefix = StringHelper.EMPTY_STRING;
    String marker = request.getMarker();
    if (marker == nullmarker = StringHelper.EMPTY_STRING;
    String delimiter = request.getDelimiter();
    int maxKeys = request.getMaxKeys();
    if(maxKeys <= 0) maxKeys = 1000;
    SBucketDao bucketDao = new SBucketDao();
    SBucket sbucket = bucketDao.getByName(bucketName);
    if (sbucket == null) throw new NoSuchObjectException("Bucket " + bucketName + " does not exist");
    PolicyActions action = (includeVersions ? PolicyActions.ListBucketVersions : PolicyActions.ListBucket);
    S3PolicyContext context = new S3PolicyContext( action, bucketName );
    context.setEvalParam( ConditionKeys.MaxKeys, new String( "" + maxKeys ));
    context.setEvalParam( ConditionKeys.Prefix, prefix );
    context.setEvalParam( ConditionKeys.Delimiter, delimiter );
    verifyAccess( context, "SBucket", sbucket.getId(), SAcl.PERMISSION_READ );

    // when we query, request one more item so that we know how to set isTruncated flag
    SObjectDao sobjectDao = new SObjectDao();
    List<SObject> l = null;
    if ( includeVersions )
             l = sobjectDao.listAllBucketObjects( sbucket, prefix, marker, maxKeys+1 );  
    else l = sobjectDao.listBucketObjects( sbucket, prefix, marker, maxKeys+1 );  
    response.setTruncated(l.size() > maxKeys);
    if(l.size() > maxKeys) {
      response.setNextMarker(l.get(l.size() - 1).getNameKey());

    // SOAP response does not support versioning
    response.setContents( composeListBucketContentEntries(l, prefix, delimiter, maxKeys, includeVersions, request.getVersionIdMarker()));
    response.setCommonPrefixes( composeListBucketPrefixEntries(l, prefix, delimiter, maxKeys));
    return response;
     * To check on bucket policies defined we have to (look for and) evaluate the policy on each
     * bucket the user owns.
     * @param request
     * @return
    public S3ListAllMyBucketsResponse handleRequest(S3ListAllMyBucketsRequest request)
      S3ListAllMyBucketsResponse response = new S3ListAllMyBucketsResponse();    
      SBucketDao bucketDao = new SBucketDao();
      // -> " can only list buckets for which you are the owner."
      List<SBucket> buckets = bucketDao.listBuckets(UserContext.current().getCanonicalUserId());
      S3CanonicalUser owner = new S3CanonicalUser();
      if (buckets != null)
        S3ListAllMyBucketsEntry[] entries = new S3ListAllMyBucketsEntry[buckets.size()];
        int i = 0;
        for(SBucket bucket : buckets)
          String bucketName = bucket.getName();
          S3PolicyContext context = new S3PolicyContext( PolicyActions.ListAllMyBuckets, bucketName );
          verifyAccess( context, "SBucket", bucket.getId(), SAcl.PERMISSION_PASS );
          entries[i] = new S3ListAllMyBucketsEntry();
      return response;
    public S3Response handleRequest(S3SetBucketAccessControlPolicyRequest request)
      S3Response response = new S3Response()
      SBucketDao bucketDao = new SBucketDao();
      String bucketName = request.getBucketName();
      SBucket sbucket = bucketDao.getByName(bucketName);
      if(sbucket == null) {
        response.setResultDescription("Bucket does not exist");
        return response;
      S3PolicyContext context = new S3PolicyContext( PolicyActions.PutBucketAcl, bucketName );
      verifyAccess( context, "SBucket", sbucket.getId(), SAcl.PERMISSION_WRITE_ACL );

      SAclDao aclDao = new SAclDao();"SBucket", sbucket.getId(), request.getAcl());
      return response;
    public S3AccessControlPolicy handleRequest(S3GetBucketAccessControlPolicyRequest request)
      S3AccessControlPolicy policy = new S3AccessControlPolicy();    
      SBucketDao bucketDao = new SBucketDao();
      String bucketName = request.getBucketName();
      SBucket sbucket = bucketDao.getByName( bucketName );
      if (sbucket == null)
        throw new NoSuchObjectException("Bucket " + bucketName + " does not exist");
      S3CanonicalUser owner = new S3CanonicalUser();
      S3PolicyContext context = new S3PolicyContext( PolicyActions.GetBucketAcl, bucketName );
      verifyAccess( context, "SBucket", sbucket.getId(), SAcl.PERMISSION_READ_ACL );

      SAclDao aclDao = new SAclDao();
      List<SAcl> grants = aclDao.listGrants("SBucket", sbucket.getId());
      return policy;
     * This function should be called if a multipart upload is aborted OR has completed successfully and
     * the individual parts have to be cleaned up.
     * @param bucketName
     * @param uploadId
     * @param verifyPermission - if false then don't check the user's permission to clean up the state
     * @return
    public int freeUploadParts(String bucketName, int uploadId, boolean verifyPermission)
    // -> we need to look up the final bucket to figure out which mount point to use to save the part in
    SBucketDao bucketDao = new SBucketDao();
    SBucket bucket = bucketDao.getByName(bucketName);
    if (bucket == null) {
      logger.error( "initiateMultipartUpload failed since " + bucketName + " does not exist" );
      return 404;
    Tuple<SHost, String> tupleBucketHost = getBucketStorageHost(bucket);   
    S3BucketAdapter bucketAdapter = getStorageHostBucketAdapter(tupleBucketHost.getFirst());

    try {
          MultipartLoadDao uploadDao = new MultipartLoadDao();
          Tuple<String,String> exists = uploadDao.multipartExits( uploadId );
          if (null == exists) {
          logger.error( "initiateMultipartUpload failed since multipart upload" + uploadId + " does not exist" );
            return 404;
          // -> the multipart initiator or bucket owner can do this action by default
          if (verifyPermission)
              String initiator = uploadDao.getInitiator( uploadId );
              if (null == initiator || !initiator.equals( UserContext.current().getAccessKey()))
                // -> write permission on a bucket allows a PutObject / DeleteObject action on any object in the bucket
              S3PolicyContext context = new S3PolicyContext( PolicyActions.AbortMultipartUpload, bucketName );
                context.setKeyName( exists.getSecond());
              verifyAccess( context, "SBucket", bucket.getId(), SAcl.PERMISSION_WRITE );

          // -> first get a list of all the uploaded files and delete one by one
          S3MultipartPart[] parts = uploadDao.getParts( uploadId, 10000, 0 );
          for( int i=0; i < parts.length; i++ )
              bucketAdapter.deleteObject( tupleBucketHost.getSecond(), ServiceProvider.getInstance().getMultipartDir(), parts[i].getPath());
          uploadDao.deleteUpload( uploadId );
          return 204;

    catch( PermissionDeniedException e ) {
      logger.error("freeUploadParts failed due to [" + e.getMessage() + "]", e)
            throw e;   
    catch (Exception e) {
      logger.error("freeUploadParts failed due to [" + e.getMessage() + "]", e)
      return 500;

     * The initiator must have permission to write to the bucket in question in order to initiate
     * a multipart upload.  Also check to make sure the special folder used to store parts of
     * a multipart exists for this bucket.
     * @param request
    public S3PutObjectInlineResponse initiateMultipartUpload(S3PutObjectInlineRequest request)
      S3PutObjectInlineResponse response = new S3PutObjectInlineResponse()
    String bucketName = request.getBucketName();
    String nameKey = request.getKey();

    // -> does the bucket exist and can we write to it?
    SBucketDao bucketDao = new SBucketDao();
    SBucket bucket = bucketDao.getByName(bucketName);
    if (bucket == null) {
      logger.error( "initiateMultipartUpload failed since " + bucketName + " does not exist" );
    S3PolicyContext context = new S3PolicyContext( PolicyActions.PutObject, bucketName );
    context.setKeyName( nameKey );
    context.setEvalParam( ConditionKeys.Acl, request.getCannedAccess());
    verifyAccess( context, "SBucket", bucket.getId(), SAcl.PERMISSION_WRITE );

    createUploadFolder( bucketName );

        try {
          MultipartLoadDao uploadDao = new MultipartLoadDao();
          int uploadId = uploadDao.initiateUpload( UserContext.current().getAccessKey(), bucketName, nameKey, request.getCannedAccess(), request.getMetaEntries());
          response.setUploadId( uploadId );
        } catch( Exception e ) {
            logger.error("initiateMultipartUpload exception: ", e);

        return response;

     * Save the object fragment in a special (i.e., hidden) directory inside the same mount point as
     * the bucket location that the final object will be stored in.
     * @param request
     * @param uploadId
     * @param partNumber
     * @return S3PutObjectInlineResponse
    public S3PutObjectInlineResponse saveUploadPart(S3PutObjectInlineRequest request, int uploadId, int partNumber)
      S3PutObjectInlineResponse response = new S3PutObjectInlineResponse()
    String bucketName = request.getBucketName();

    // -> we need to look up the final bucket to figure out which mount point to use to save the part in
    SBucketDao bucketDao = new SBucketDao();
    SBucket bucket = bucketDao.getByName(bucketName);
    if (bucket == null) {
      logger.error( "saveUploadedPart failed since " + bucketName + " does not exist" );
    S3PolicyContext context = new S3PolicyContext( PolicyActions.PutObject, bucketName );
    context.setKeyName( request.getKey());
    verifyAccess( context, "SBucket", bucket.getId(), SAcl.PERMISSION_WRITE );
    Tuple<SHost, String> tupleBucketHost = getBucketStorageHost(bucket);   
    S3BucketAdapter bucketAdapter = getStorageHostBucketAdapter(tupleBucketHost.getFirst());
    String itemFileName = new String( uploadId + "-" + partNumber );
    InputStream is = null;

    try {
      is = request.getDataInputStream();
      String md5Checksum = bucketAdapter.saveObject(is, tupleBucketHost.getSecond(), ServiceProvider.getInstance().getMultipartDir(), itemFileName);
          MultipartLoadDao uploadDao = new MultipartLoadDao();
          uploadDao.savePart( uploadId, partNumber, md5Checksum, itemFileName, (int)request.getContentLength());

    } catch (IOException e) {
      logger.error("UploadPart failed due to " + e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (OutOfStorageException e) {
      logger.error("UploadPart failed due to " + e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.error("UploadPart failed due to " + e.getMessage(), e)
    } finally {
      if(is != null) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
          logger.error("UploadPart unable to close stream from data handler.", e);
    return response;
     * Create the real object represented by all the parts of the multipart upload.      
     * @param httpResp - servelet response handle to return the headers of the response (including version header)
     * @param request - normal parameters need to create a new object (e.g., meta data)
     * @param parts - list of files that make up the multipart
     * @param os - response outputstream, this function can take a long time and we are required to
     *        keep the connection alive by returning whitespace characters back periodically.
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    public S3PutObjectInlineResponse concatentateMultipartUploads(HttpServletResponse httpResp, S3PutObjectInlineRequest request, S3MultipartPart[] parts, OutputStream os) throws IOException
      // [A] Set up and initial error checking
      S3PutObjectInlineResponse response = new S3PutObjectInlineResponse()
    String bucketName = request.getBucketName();
    String key = request.getKey();
    S3MetaDataEntry[] meta = request.getMetaEntries();
    SBucketDao bucketDao = new SBucketDao();
    SBucket bucket = bucketDao.getByName(bucketName);
    if (bucket == null) {
      logger.error( "completeMultipartUpload( failed since " + bucketName + " does not exist" );

    // [B] Now we need to create the final re-assembled object
    //  -> the allocObjectItem checks for the bucket policy PutObject permissions
    Tuple<SObject, SObjectItem> tupleObjectItem = allocObjectItem(bucket, key, meta, null, request.getCannedAccess());
    Tuple<SHost, String> tupleBucketHost = getBucketStorageHost(bucket);   
    S3BucketAdapter bucketAdapter = getStorageHostBucketAdapter(tupleBucketHost.getFirst());
    String itemFileName = tupleObjectItem.getSecond().getStoredPath();
    // -> Amazon defines that we must return a 200 response immediately to the client, but
    // -> we don't know the version header until we hit here
      httpResp.setContentType("text/xml; charset=UTF-8");
    String version = tupleObjectItem.getSecond().getVersion();
    if (null != version) httpResp.addHeader( "x-amz-version-id", version )

        // [C] Re-assemble the object from its uploaded file parts
    try {
      // explicit transaction control to avoid holding transaction during long file concatenation process
      Tuple<String, Long> result = bucketAdapter.concatentateObjects( tupleBucketHost.getSecond(), bucket.getName(), itemFileName, ServiceProvider.getInstance().getMultipartDir(), parts, os );
      response.setLastModified(DateHelper.toCalendar( tupleObjectItem.getSecond().getLastModifiedTime()));
      SObjectItemDao itemDao = new SObjectItemDao();
      SObjectItem item = itemDao.get( tupleObjectItem.getSecond().getId());

    catch (Exception e) {
      logger.error("completeMultipartUpload failed due to " + e.getMessage(), e);   
      return response; 
    public S3PutObjectInlineResponse handleRequest(S3PutObjectInlineRequest request)
      S3PutObjectInlineResponse response = new S3PutObjectInlineResponse()
    String bucketName = request.getBucketName();
    String key = request.getKey();
    long contentLength = request.getContentLength();
    S3MetaDataEntry[] meta = request.getMetaEntries();
    S3AccessControlList acl = request.getAcl();
    SBucketDao bucketDao = new SBucketDao();
    SBucket bucket = bucketDao.getByName(bucketName);
    if (bucket == null) throw new NoSuchObjectException("Bucket " + bucketName + " does not exist");

    // -> is the caller allowed to write the object?
    //  -> the allocObjectItem checks for the bucket policy PutObject permissions
    Tuple<SObject, SObjectItem> tupleObjectItem = allocObjectItem(bucket, key, meta, acl, request.getCannedAccess());
    Tuple<SHost, String> tupleBucketHost = getBucketStorageHost(bucket);   
    S3BucketAdapter bucketAdapter = getStorageHostBucketAdapter(tupleBucketHost.getFirst());
    String itemFileName = tupleObjectItem.getSecond().getStoredPath();
    InputStream is = null;

    try {
      // explicit transaction control to avoid holding transaction during file-copy process
      is = request.getDataInputStream();
      String md5Checksum = bucketAdapter.saveObject(is, tupleBucketHost.getSecond(), bucket.getName(), itemFileName);
      response.setLastModified(DateHelper.toCalendar( tupleObjectItem.getSecond().getLastModifiedTime()));
          response.setVersion( tupleObjectItem.getSecond().getVersion());
      SObjectItemDao itemDao = new SObjectItemDao();
      SObjectItem item = itemDao.get( tupleObjectItem.getSecond().getId());
    } catch (IOException e) {
      logger.error("PutObjectInline failed due to " + e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (OutOfStorageException e) {
      logger.error("PutObjectInline failed due to " + e.getMessage(), e);
    } finally {
      if(is != null) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
          logger.error("PutObjectInline unable to close stream from data handler.", e);
      return response;

    public S3PutObjectResponse handleRequest(S3PutObjectRequest request
      S3PutObjectResponse response = new S3PutObjectResponse()
    String bucketName = request.getBucketName();
    String key = request.getKey();
    long contentLength = request.getContentLength();
    S3MetaDataEntry[] meta = request.getMetaEntries();
    S3AccessControlList acl = request.getAcl();
    SBucketDao bucketDao = new SBucketDao();
    SBucket bucket = bucketDao.getByName(bucketName);
    if(bucket == null) throw new NoSuchObjectException("Bucket " + bucketName + " does not exist");
    // -> is the caller allowed to write the object? 
    //  -> the allocObjectItem checks for the bucket policy PutObject permissions
    Tuple<SObject, SObjectItem> tupleObjectItem = allocObjectItem(bucket, key, meta, acl, null);
    Tuple<SHost, String> tupleBucketHost = getBucketStorageHost(bucket);
    S3BucketAdapter bucketAdapter =  getStorageHostBucketAdapter(tupleBucketHost.getFirst());
    String itemFileName = tupleObjectItem.getSecond().getStoredPath();
    InputStream is = null;
    try {
      // explicit transaction control to avoid holding transaction during file-copy process
      is = request.getInputStream();
      String md5Checksum = bucketAdapter.saveObject(is, tupleBucketHost.getSecond(), bucket.getName(), itemFileName);
      response.setLastModified(DateHelper.toCalendar( tupleObjectItem.getSecond().getLastModifiedTime()));
      SObjectItemDao itemDao = new SObjectItemDao();
      SObjectItem item = itemDao.get( tupleObjectItem.getSecond().getId());
    } catch (OutOfStorageException e) {
      logger.error("PutObject failed due to " + e.getMessage(), e);
    } finally {
      if(is != null) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
          logger.error("Unable to close stream from data handler.", e);
      return response;

     * The ACL of an object is set at the object version level. By default, PUT sets the ACL of the latest
     * version of an object. To set the ACL of a different version, use the versionId subresource.
     * @param request
     * @return
    public S3Response handleRequest(S3SetObjectAccessControlPolicyRequest request)
      S3PolicyContext context = null;
      // [A] First find the object in the bucket
      S3Response response  = new S3Response();  
      SBucketDao bucketDao = new SBucketDao();
      String bucketName = request.getBucketName();
      SBucket sbucket = bucketDao.getByName( bucketName );
      if(sbucket == null) {
        response.setResultDescription("Bucket " + bucketName + "does not exist");
        return response;
      SObjectDao sobjectDao = new SObjectDao();
      String nameKey = request.getKey();
      SObject sobject = sobjectDao.getByNameKey( sbucket, nameKey );    
      if(sobject == null) {
        response.setResultDescription("Object " + request.getKey() + " in bucket " + bucketName + " does not exist");
        return response;
    String deletionMark = sobject.getDeletionMark();
    if (null != deletionMark) {
      response.setResultDescription("Object " + request.getKey() + " has been deleted (1)");
      return response;

    // [B] Versioning allow the client to ask for a specific version not just the latest
    SObjectItem item = null;
        int versioningStatus = sbucket.getVersioningStatus();
    String wantVersion = request.getVersion();
    if ( SBucket.VERSIONING_ENABLED == versioningStatus && null != wantVersion)
       item = sobject.getVersion( wantVersion );
    else item = sobject.getLatestVersion(( SBucket.VERSIONING_ENABLED != versioningStatus ));   
    if (item == null) {
      response.setResultDescription("Object " + request.getKey() + " has been deleted (2)");
      return response;     

    if ( SBucket.VERSIONING_ENABLED == versioningStatus ) {
       context = new S3PolicyContext( PolicyActions.PutObjectAclVersion, bucketName );
       context.setEvalParam( ConditionKeys.VersionId, wantVersion );
       response.setVersion( item.getVersion());
    else context = new S3PolicyContext( PolicyActions.PutObjectAcl, bucketName );   
    context.setKeyName( nameKey );
    verifyAccess( context, "SObjectItem", item.getId(), SAcl.PERMISSION_WRITE_ACL );   

    // -> the acl always goes on the instance of the object
      SAclDao aclDao = new SAclDao();"SObjectItem", item.getId(), request.getAcl());
      return response;
     * By default, GET returns ACL information about the latest version of an object. To return ACL
     * information about a different version, use the versionId subresource
     * @param request
     * @return
    public S3AccessControlPolicy handleRequest(S3GetObjectAccessControlPolicyRequest request)
      S3PolicyContext context = null;

      // [A] Does the object exist that holds the ACL we are looking for?
      S3AccessControlPolicy policy = new S3AccessControlPolicy()
      SBucketDao bucketDao = new SBucketDao();
      String bucketName = request.getBucketName();
      SBucket sbucket = bucketDao.getByName( bucketName );
      if (sbucket == null)
        throw new NoSuchObjectException("Bucket " + bucketName + " does not exist");
      SObjectDao sobjectDao = new SObjectDao();
      String nameKey = request.getKey();
      SObject sobject = sobjectDao.getByNameKey( sbucket, nameKey );
      if (sobject == null)
        throw new NoSuchObjectException("Object " + request.getKey() + " does not exist");
    String deletionMark = sobject.getDeletionMark();
    if (null != deletionMark) {
      policy.setResultDescription("Object " + request.getKey() + " has been deleted (1)");
      return policy;

    // [B] Versioning allow the client to ask for a specific version not just the latest
    SObjectItem item = null;
        int versioningStatus = sbucket.getVersioningStatus();
    String wantVersion = request.getVersion();
    if ( SBucket.VERSIONING_ENABLED == versioningStatus && null != wantVersion)
       item = sobject.getVersion( wantVersion );
    else item = sobject.getLatestVersion(( SBucket.VERSIONING_ENABLED != versioningStatus ));   
    if (item == null) {
      policy.setResultDescription("Object " + request.getKey() + " has been deleted (2)");
      return policy;     

    if ( SBucket.VERSIONING_ENABLED == versioningStatus ) {
       context = new S3PolicyContext( PolicyActions.GetObjectVersionAcl, bucketName );
       context.setEvalParam( ConditionKeys.VersionId, wantVersion );
       policy.setVersion( item.getVersion());
    else context = new S3PolicyContext( PolicyActions.GetObjectAcl, bucketName );   
    context.setKeyName( nameKey );
    verifyAccess( context, "SObjectItem", item.getId(), SAcl.PERMISSION_READ_ACL );   

        // [C] ACLs are ALWAYS on an instance of the object
      S3CanonicalUser owner = new S3CanonicalUser();
      SAclDao aclDao = new SAclDao();
      List<SAcl> grants = aclDao.listGrants( "SObjectItem", item.getId());
      return policy;
     * Implements both GetObject and GetObjectExtended.
     * @param request
     * @return
    public S3GetObjectResponse handleRequest(S3GetObjectRequest request)
      S3GetObjectResponse response = new S3GetObjectResponse();
      S3PolicyContext context = null;
      boolean ifRange = false;
    long bytesStart = request.getByteRangeStart();
    long bytesEnd   = request.getByteRangeEnd();
      int resultCode  = 200;

      // [A] Verify that the bucket and the object exist
    SBucketDao bucketDao = new SBucketDao();
    String bucketName = request.getBucketName();
    SBucket sbucket = bucketDao.getByName(bucketName);
    if (sbucket == null) {
      response.setResultDescription("Bucket " + request.getBucketName() + " does not exist");
      return response;

    SObjectDao objectDao = new SObjectDao();
    String nameKey = request.getKey();
    SObject sobject = objectDao.getByNameKey( sbucket, nameKey );
    if (sobject == null) {
      response.setResultDescription("Object " + request.getKey() + " does not exist in bucket " + request.getBucketName());
      return response;
    String deletionMark = sobject.getDeletionMark();
    if (null != deletionMark) {
        response.setDeleteMarker( deletionMark );
      response.setResultDescription("Object " + request.getKey() + " has been deleted (1)");
      return response;

    // [B] Versioning allow the client to ask for a specific version not just the latest
    SObjectItem item = null;
        int versioningStatus = sbucket.getVersioningStatus();
    String wantVersion = request.getVersion();
    if ( SBucket.VERSIONING_ENABLED == versioningStatus && null != wantVersion)      
       item = sobject.getVersion( wantVersion );
    else item = sobject.getLatestVersion(( SBucket.VERSIONING_ENABLED != versioningStatus ));   
    if (item == null) {
      response.setResultDescription("Object " + request.getKey() + " has been deleted (2)");
      return response;     
    if ( SBucket.VERSIONING_ENABLED == versioningStatus ) {
       context = new S3PolicyContext( PolicyActions.GetObjectVersion, bucketName );
       context.setEvalParam( ConditionKeys.VersionId, wantVersion );
    else context = new S3PolicyContext( PolicyActions.GetObject, bucketName );   
     context.setKeyName( nameKey );
    verifyAccess( context, "SObjectItem", item.getId(), SAcl.PERMISSION_READ );   
      // [C] Handle all the IFModifiedSince ... conditions, and access privileges
    // -> (HTTP If-Range header)
    if (request.isReturnCompleteObjectOnConditionFailure() && (0 <= bytesStart && 0 <= bytesEnd)) ifRange = true;

    resultCode = conditionPassed( request.getConditions(), item.getLastModifiedTime(), item.getMd5(), ifRange );
      if ( -1 == resultCode ) {
        // -> If-Range implementation, we have to return the entire object
        resultCode = 200;
        bytesStart = -1;
        bytesEnd = -1;
      else if (200 != resultCode) {
      response.setResultCode( resultCode );
        response.setResultDescription( "Precondition Failed" );     
      return response;

    // [D] Return the contents of the object inline 
    // -> extract the meta data that corresponds the specific versioned item
    SMetaDao metaDao = new SMetaDao();
    List<SMeta> itemMetaData = metaDao.getByTarget( "SObjectItem", item.getId());
    if (null != itemMetaData)
      int i = 0;
      S3MetaDataEntry[] metaEntries = new S3MetaDataEntry[ itemMetaData.size() ];
        ListIterator it = itemMetaData.listIterator();
        while( it.hasNext()) {
          SMeta oneTag = (SMeta);
          S3MetaDataEntry oneEntry = new S3MetaDataEntry();
          oneEntry.setName( oneTag.getName());
          oneEntry.setValue( oneTag.getValue());
          metaEntries[i++] = oneEntry;
        response.setMetaEntries( metaEntries );
    //  -> support a single byte range
    if ( 0 <= bytesStart && 0 <= bytesEnd ) {
         response.setContentLength( bytesEnd - bytesStart )
         resultCode = 206;
    else response.setContentLength( item.getStoredSize());
        response.setLastModified(DateHelper.toCalendar( item.getLastModifiedTime()));
        response.setVersion( item.getVersion());
        if (request.isInlineData())
          Tuple<SHost, String> tupleSHostInfo = getBucketStorageHost(sbucket);
        S3BucketAdapter bucketAdapter = getStorageHostBucketAdapter(tupleSHostInfo.getFirst());
        if ( 0 <= bytesStart && 0 <= bytesEnd )
               request.getBucketName(), item.getStoredPath(), bytesStart, bytesEnd ));
        else response.setData(bucketAdapter.loadObject(tupleSHostInfo.getSecond(), request.getBucketName(), item.getStoredPath()));
      response.setResultCode( resultCode );
      return response;
     * In one place we handle both versioning and non-versioning delete requests.
  public S3Response handleRequest(S3DeleteObjectRequest request)
    // -> verify that the bucket and object exist
    S3Response response  = new S3Response();
    SBucketDao bucketDao = new SBucketDao();
    String bucketName = request.getBucketName();
    SBucket sbucket = bucketDao.getByName( bucketName );
    if (sbucket == null) {
      response.setResultDescription("Bucket does not exist");
      return response;
    SObjectDao objectDao = new SObjectDao();
    String nameKey = request.getKey();
    SObject sobject = objectDao.getByNameKey( sbucket, nameKey );
    if (sobject == null) {
      response.setResultDescription("Bucket does not exist");
      return response;
    // -> versioning controls what delete means
    String storedPath = null;
    SObjectItem item = null;
        int versioningStatus = sbucket.getVersioningStatus();
    if ( SBucket.VERSIONING_ENABLED == versioningStatus )
       String wantVersion = request.getVersion();
       S3PolicyContext context = new S3PolicyContext( PolicyActions.DeleteObjectVersion, bucketName );
       context.setKeyName( nameKey );
       context.setEvalParam( ConditionKeys.VersionId, wantVersion );
       verifyAccess( context, "SBucket", sbucket.getId(), SAcl.PERMISSION_WRITE );

       if (null == wantVersion) {
         // -> if versioning is on and no versionId is given then we just write a deletion marker
         sobject.setDeletionMark( UUID.randomUUID().toString());
         objectDao.update( sobject );
          // -> are we removing the delete marker?
          String deletionMarker = sobject.getDeletionMark();
          if (null != deletionMarker && wantVersion.equalsIgnoreCase( deletionMarker )) {
            sobject.setDeletionMark( null )
              objectDao.update( sobject )
            return response;
          // -> if versioning is on and the versionId is given then we delete the object matching that version
            if ( null == (item = sobject.getVersion( wantVersion ))) {
               return response;
            else {
               // -> just delete the one item that matches the versionId from the database
               storedPath = item.getStoredPath();
               sobject.deleteItem( item.getId());
               objectDao.update( sobject );          
    {   // -> if versioning is off then we do delete the null object
       S3PolicyContext context = new S3PolicyContext( PolicyActions.DeleteObject, bucketName );
       context.setKeyName( nameKey );
       verifyAccess( context, "SBucket", sbucket.getId(), SAcl.PERMISSION_WRITE );

       if ( null == (item = sobject.getLatestVersion( true ))) {
            return response;
         else {
            // -> if no item with a null version then we are done
            if (null == item.getVersion()) {
                // -> remove the entire object
                // -> cascade-deleting can delete related SObject/SObjectItem objects, but not SAcl and SMeta objects.
                storedPath = item.getStoredPath();
              deleteMetaData( item.getId());
              deleteObjectAcls( "SObjectItem", item.getId());
                objectDao.delete( sobject );
    // -> delete the file holding the object
    if (null != storedPath)
       Tuple<SHost, String> tupleBucketHost = getBucketStorageHost( sbucket );
       S3BucketAdapter bucketAdapter =  getStorageHostBucketAdapter( tupleBucketHost.getFirst());    
       bucketAdapter.deleteObject( tupleBucketHost.getSecond(), bucketName, storedPath );   
    return response;

  private void deleteMetaData( long itemId ) {
      SMetaDao metaDao = new SMetaDao();
      List<SMeta> itemMetaData = metaDao.getByTarget( "SObjectItem", itemId );
      if (null != itemMetaData)
          ListIterator it = itemMetaData.listIterator();
        while( it.hasNext()) {
           SMeta oneTag = (SMeta);
           metaDao.delete( oneTag );

  private void deleteObjectAcls( String target, long itemId ) {
      SAclDao aclDao = new SAclDao();
      List<SAcl> itemAclData = aclDao.listGrants( target, itemId );
      if (null != itemAclData)
          ListIterator it = itemAclData.listIterator();
        while( it.hasNext()) {
           SAcl oneTag = (SAcl);
           aclDao.delete( oneTag );

  private void deleteBucketAcls( long bucketId ) {
      SAclDao aclDao = new SAclDao();
      List<SAcl> bucketAclData = aclDao.listGrants( "SBucket", bucketId );
      if (null != bucketAclData)
          ListIterator it = bucketAclData.listIterator();
        while( it.hasNext()) {
           SAcl oneTag = (SAcl);
           aclDao.delete( oneTag );
  private S3ListBucketPrefixEntry[] composeListBucketPrefixEntries(List<SObject> l, String prefix, String delimiter, int maxKeys)
    List<S3ListBucketPrefixEntry> entries = new ArrayList<S3ListBucketPrefixEntry>();   
    int count = 0;
    for(SObject sobject : l)
      if(delimiter != null && !delimiter.isEmpty())
        String subName = StringHelper.substringInBetween(sobject.getNameKey(), prefix, delimiter);
        if(subName != null)
          S3ListBucketPrefixEntry entry = new S3ListBucketPrefixEntry();
          if ( prefix != null && prefix.length() > 0)
             entry.setPrefix(prefix + delimiter + subName);
          else entry.setPrefix(subName);
      if(count >= maxKeys) break;
    if(entries.size() > 0) return entries.toArray(new S3ListBucketPrefixEntry[0]);
    return null;
   * The 'versionIdMarker' parameter only makes sense if enableVersion is true.  
   * versionIdMarker is the starting point to return information back.  So for example if an
   * object has versions 1,2,3,4,5 and the versionIdMarker is '3', then 3,4,5 will be returned
   * by this function.   If the versionIdMarker is null then all versions are returned.
   * TODO - how does the versionIdMarker work when there is a deletion marker in the object?
  private S3ListBucketObjectEntry[] composeListBucketContentEntries(List<SObject> l, String prefix, String delimiter, int maxKeys, boolean enableVersion, String versionIdMarker)
    List<S3ListBucketObjectEntry> entries = new ArrayList<S3ListBucketObjectEntry>();
    SObjectItem latest  = null;
    boolean hitIdMarker = false;
    int count = 0;
    for( SObject sobject : l )
      if (delimiter != null && !delimiter.isEmpty())
        if (StringHelper.substringInBetween(sobject.getNameKey(), prefix, delimiter) != null)
      if (enableVersion)
        hitIdMarker = (null == versionIdMarker ? true : false);

        // -> this supports the REST call GET /?versions
        String deletionMarker = sobject.getDeletionMark();
                if ( null != deletionMarker )
                   // -> TODO we don't save the timestamp when something is deleted
                   S3ListBucketObjectEntry entry = new S3ListBucketObjectEntry();
                 entry.setVersion( deletionMarker );
                 entry.setIsLatest( true );
                 entry.setIsDeletionMarker( true );
                 entry.setLastModified( Calendar.getInstance( TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT") ));
                 entries.add( entry );
                 latest = null;
                else latest = sobject.getLatestVersion( false );
        Iterator<SObjectItem> it = sobject.getItems().iterator();
        while( it.hasNext())
          SObjectItem item = (SObjectItem);
          if ( !hitIdMarker )
             if (item.getVersion().equalsIgnoreCase( versionIdMarker )) {
               hitIdMarker = true;
               entries.add( toListEntry( sobject, item, latest ));
          else entries.add( toListEntry( sobject, item, latest ));
      {   // -> if there are multiple versions of an object then just return its last version
        Iterator<SObjectItem> it = sobject.getItems().iterator();
        SObjectItem lastestItem = null;
        int maxVersion = 0;
        int version = 0;
          SObjectItem item = (SObjectItem);
          String versionStr = item.getVersion();
          if ( null != versionStr )
             version = Integer.parseInt(item.getVersion());
          else lastestItem = item;
          // -> if the bucket has versions turned on
          if (version > maxVersion) {
            maxVersion = version;
            lastestItem = item;
        if (lastestItem != null) {
          entries.add( toListEntry( sobject, lastestItem, null ));
      if(count >= maxKeys) break;
    if ( entries.size() > 0 )
       return entries.toArray(new S3ListBucketObjectEntry[0]);
    else return null;
  private static S3ListBucketObjectEntry toListEntry( SObject sobject, SObjectItem item, SObjectItem latest )
    S3ListBucketObjectEntry entry = new S3ListBucketObjectEntry();
    entry.setVersion( item.getVersion());
    entry.setETag( "\"" + item.getMd5() + "\"" );
    entry.setStorageClass( "STANDARD" );
    if (null != latest && item == latest) entry.setIsLatest( true );
    return entry;
  public Tuple<SHost, String> getBucketStorageHost(SBucket bucket)
    MHostMountDao mountDao = new MHostMountDao();
    SHost shost = bucket.getShost();
    if(shost.getHostType() == SHost.STORAGE_HOST_TYPE_LOCAL) {
      return new Tuple<SHost, String>(shost, shost.getExportRoot());
    MHostMount mount = mountDao.getHostMount(ServiceProvider.getInstance().getManagementHostId(), shost.getId());
    if(mount != null) {
      return new Tuple<SHost, String>(shost, mount.getMountPath());

    // need to redirect request to other node
    throw new HostNotMountedException("Storage host " + shost.getHost() + " is not locally mounted");
   * Locate the folder to hold upload parts at the same mount point as the upload's final bucket
   * location.   Create the upload folder dynamically.
   * @param bucketName
  private void createUploadFolder(String bucketName)
    if (PersistContext.acquireNamedLock("bucket.creation", LOCK_ACQUIRING_TIMEOUT_SECONDS))
      try {
          allocBucketStorageHost(bucketName, ServiceProvider.getInstance().getMultipartDir());
        finally {
   * The overrideName is used to create a hidden storage bucket (folder) in the same location
   * as the given bucketName.   This can be used to create a folder for parts of a multipart
   * upload for the associated bucket.
   * @param bucketName
   * @param overrideName
   * @return
  private Tuple<SHost, String> allocBucketStorageHost(String bucketName, String overrideName)
    MHostDao mhostDao = new MHostDao();
    SHostDao shostDao = new SHostDao();
    MHost mhost = mhostDao.get(ServiceProvider.getInstance().getManagementHostId());
    if(mhost == null)
      throw new OutOfServiceException("Temporarily out of service");
    if(mhost.getMounts().size() > 0) {
      Random random = new Random();
      MHostMount[] mounts = (MHostMount[])mhost.getMounts().toArray();
      MHostMount mount = mounts[random.nextInt(mounts.length)];
      S3BucketAdapter bucketAdapter =  getStorageHostBucketAdapter(mount.getShost());
      bucketAdapter.createContainer(mount.getMountPath(), (null != overrideName ? overrideName : bucketName));
      return new Tuple<SHost, String>(mount.getShost(), mount.getMountPath());
    // To make things simple, only allow one local mounted storage root
    String localStorageRoot = ServiceProvider.getInstance().getStartupProperties().getProperty("storage.root");
    if(localStorageRoot != null) {
      SHost localSHost = shostDao.getLocalStorageHost(mhost.getId(), localStorageRoot);
      if(localSHost == null)
        throw new InternalErrorException("storage.root is configured but not initialized");
      S3BucketAdapter bucketAdapter =  getStorageHostBucketAdapter(localSHost);
      bucketAdapter.createContainer(localSHost.getExportRoot(),(null != overrideName ? overrideName : bucketName));
      return new Tuple<SHost, String>(localSHost, localStorageRoot);
    throw new OutOfStorageException("No storage host is available");
  public S3BucketAdapter getStorageHostBucketAdapter(SHost shost)
    S3BucketAdapter adapter = bucketAdapters.get(shost.getHostType());
    if(adapter == null)
      throw new InternalErrorException("Bucket adapter is not installed for host type: " + shost.getHostType());
    return adapter;

   * If acl is set then the cannedAccessPolicy parameter should be null and is ignored.  
   * The cannedAccessPolicy parameter is for REST Put requests only where a simple set of ACLs can be
   * created with a single header value.  Note that we do not currently support "anonymous" un-authenticated
   * access in our implementation.
   * @throws IOException
  public Tuple<SObject, SObjectItem> allocObjectItem(SBucket bucket, String nameKey, S3MetaDataEntry[] meta, S3AccessControlList acl, String cannedAccessPolicy)
    SObjectDao     objectDao     = new SObjectDao();
    SObjectItemDao objectItemDao = new SObjectItemDao();
    SMetaDao       metaDao       = new SMetaDao();
    SAclDao        aclDao        = new SAclDao();
    SObjectItem    item          = null;
    int            versionSeq    = 1;
    int      versioningStatus    = bucket.getVersioningStatus();
    Session session = PersistContext.getSession();
    // [A] To write into a bucket the user must have write permission to that bucket
    S3PolicyContext context = new S3PolicyContext( PolicyActions.PutObject, bucket.getName());
    context.setKeyName( nameKey );
    context.setEvalParam( ConditionKeys.Acl, cannedAccessPolicy);
    verifyAccess( context, "SBucket", bucket.getId(), SAcl.PERMISSION_WRITE );

    // [A] If versioning is off them we over write a null object item
    SObject object = objectDao.getByNameKey(bucket, nameKey);
    if ( object != null )
       // -> if versioning is on create new object items
       if ( SBucket.VERSIONING_ENABLED == versioningStatus )
            session.lock(object, LockMode.UPGRADE);
            versionSeq = object.getNextSequence();
            object.setNextSequence(versionSeq + 1);
            item = new SObjectItem();
            Date ts = DateHelper.currentGMTTime();
       {    // -> find an object item with a null version, can be null
          //    if bucket started out with versioning enabled and was then suspended
          item = objectItemDao.getByObjectIdNullVersion( object.getId());
          if (item == null)
              item = new SObjectItem();
              Date ts = DateHelper.currentGMTTime();
    {    // -> there is no object nor an object item
       object = new SObject();
         item = new SObjectItem();
         if (SBucket.VERSIONING_ENABLED  == versioningStatus) item.setVersion(String.valueOf(versionSeq));
         Date ts = DateHelper.currentGMTTime();
    // [C] We will use the item DB id as the file name, MD5/contentLength will be stored later
    String suffix = null;
    int dotPos = nameKey.lastIndexOf('.');
    if (dotPos >= 0) suffix = nameKey.substring(dotPos);
    if ( suffix != null )
       item.setStoredPath(String.valueOf(item.getId()) + suffix);
    else item.setStoredPath(String.valueOf(item.getId()));"SObjectItem", item.getId(), meta);
    // [D] Are we setting an ACL along with the object
    //  -> the ACL is ALWAYS set on a particular instance of the object (i.e., a version)
    if ( null != cannedAccessPolicy )
       setCannedAccessControls( cannedAccessPolicy, "SObjectItem", item.getId(), bucket );
    else if (null == acl || 0 == acl.size())
       // -> this is termed the "private" or default ACL, "Owner gets FULL_CONTROL"
       setSingleAcl( "SObjectItem", item.getId(), SAcl.PERMISSION_FULL );
    else if (null != acl) { "SObjectItem", item.getId(), acl );
    return new Tuple<SObject, SObjectItem>(object, item);
   * Access controls that are specified via the "x-amz-acl:" headers in REST requests.
   * Note that canned policies can be set when the object's contents are set
  private void setCannedAccessControls( String cannedAccessPolicy, String target, long objectId, SBucket bucket )
      if ( cannedAccessPolicy.equalsIgnoreCase( "public-read" ))
             // -> owner gets FULL_CONTROL  and the anonymous principal (the 'A' symbol here) is granted READ access.
         setDefaultAcls( target, objectId, SAcl.PERMISSION_FULL, SAcl.PERMISSION_READ, "A" );
      else if (cannedAccessPolicy.equalsIgnoreCase( "public-read-write" ))
         // -> owner gets FULL_CONTROL and the anonymous principal (the 'A' symbol here) is granted READ and WRITE access
         setDefaultAcls( target, objectId, SAcl.PERMISSION_FULL, (SAcl.PERMISSION_READ | SAcl.PERMISSION_WRITE), "A" );
      else if (cannedAccessPolicy.equalsIgnoreCase( "authenticated-read" ))
         // -> Owner gets FULL_CONTROL and ANY principal authenticated as a registered S3 user (the '*' symbol here) is granted READ access
         setDefaultAcls( target, objectId, SAcl.PERMISSION_FULL, SAcl.PERMISSION_READ, "*" );
      else if (cannedAccessPolicy.equalsIgnoreCase( "private" ))
         // -> this is termed the "private" or default ACL, "Owner gets FULL_CONTROL"
         setSingleAcl( target, objectId, SAcl.PERMISSION_FULL );
      else if (cannedAccessPolicy.equalsIgnoreCase( "bucket-owner-read" ))
         // -> Object Owner gets FULL_CONTROL, Bucket Owner gets READ
         // -> is equivalent to private when used with PUT Bucket
         if ( target.equalsIgnoreCase( "SBucket" )) 
            setSingleAcl( target, objectId, SAcl.PERMISSION_FULL );         
         else setDefaultAcls( target, objectId, SAcl.PERMISSION_FULL, SAcl.PERMISSION_READ, bucket.getOwnerCanonicalId());
      else if (cannedAccessPolicy.equalsIgnoreCase( "bucket-owner-full-control" ))
         // -> Object Owner gets FULL_CONTROL, Bucket Owner gets FULL_CONTROL
         // -> is equivalent to private when used with PUT Bucket
         if ( target.equalsIgnoreCase( "SBucket" ))  
            setSingleAcl( target, objectId, SAcl.PERMISSION_FULL );         
         else setDefaultAcls( target, objectId, SAcl.PERMISSION_FULL, SAcl.PERMISSION_FULL, bucket.getOwnerCanonicalId());
      else throw new UnsupportedException( "Unknown Canned Access Policy: " + cannedAccessPolicy + " is not supported" );

  private void setSingleAcl( String target, long targetId, int permission )
    SAclDao aclDao  = new SAclDao();
        S3AccessControlList defaultAcl = new S3AccessControlList();
    // -> if an annoymous request, then do not rewrite the ACL
    String userId = UserContext.current().getCanonicalUserId();
        if (0 < userId.length())
            S3Grant defaultGrant = new S3Grant();
            defaultGrant.setCanonicalUserID( userId );
            defaultGrant.setPermission( permission );
            defaultAcl.addGrant( defaultGrant );      
   target, targetId, defaultAcl );

   * Note that we use the Cloud Stack API Access key for the Canonical User Id everywhere
   * (i.e., for buckets, and objects).  
   * @param owner - this can be the Cloud Access Key for a bucket owner or one of the
   *                following special symbols:
   *                (a) '*' - any principal authenticated user (i.e., any user with a registered Cloud Access Key)
   *                (b) 'A' - any anonymous principal (i.e., S3 request without an Authorization header)
  private void setDefaultAcls( String target, long objectId, int permission1, int permission2, String owner  )
    SAclDao aclDao = new SAclDao();
    S3AccessControlList defaultAcl = new S3AccessControlList();    
    // -> object owner
        S3Grant defaultGrant = new S3Grant();
        defaultGrant.setCanonicalUserID( UserContext.current().getCanonicalUserId());
        defaultGrant.setPermission( permission1 );
        defaultAcl.addGrant( defaultGrant )
        // -> bucket owner
        defaultGrant = new S3Grant();
        defaultGrant.setCanonicalUserID( owner );
        defaultGrant.setPermission( permission2 );
        defaultAcl.addGrant( defaultGrant );      target, objectId, defaultAcl );

  public static PolicyAccess verifyPolicy( S3PolicyContext context )
    S3BucketPolicy policy = null;
    // -> on error of getting a policy ignore it
    try {
      // -> in SOAP the HttpServletRequest object is hidden and not passed around
        if (null != context) {
          context.setHttp( UserContext.current().getHttp());
          policy = loadPolicy( context );
      if ( null != policy )
         return policy.eval(context, UserContext.current().getCanonicalUserId());
      else return PolicyAccess.DEFAULT_DENY;
    catch( Exception e ) {
            logger.error("verifyAccess - loadPolicy failed, bucket: " + context.getBucketName() + " policy ignored", e);
      return PolicyAccess.DEFAULT_DENY;
   * To determine access to a bucket or an object in a bucket evaluate first a define
   * bucket policy and then any defined ACLs.
   * @param context - all data needed for bucket policies
   * @param target - used for ACL evaluation, object identifier
   * @param targetId - used for ACL evaluation
   * @param requestedPermission - ACL type access requested
   * @throws ParseException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException
  public static void verifyAccess( S3PolicyContext context, String target, long targetId, int requestedPermission )
    switch( verifyPolicy( context ) ) {
        case ALLOW:   // overrides ACLs (?)

        case DENY:
             throw new PermissionDeniedException( "Access Denied - bucket policy DENY result" );
        case DEFAULT_DENY:
             accessAllowed( target, targetId, requestedPermission );
   * This function verifies that the accessing client has the requested
   * permission on the object/bucket/Acl represented by the tuble: <target, targetId>
   * For cases where an ACL is meant for any authenticated user we place a "*" for the
   * Canonical User Id ("*" is not a legal Cloud Stack Access key).  
   * For cases where an ACL is meant for any anonymous user (or 'AllUsers') we place a "A" for the
   * Canonical User Id ("A" is not a legal Cloud Stack Access key).
  public static void accessAllowed( String target, long targetId, int requestedPermission )
    if (SAcl.PERMISSION_PASS == requestedPermission) return;
    SAclDao aclDao = new SAclDao();
    // -> if an annoymous request, then canonicalUserId is an empty string
    String userId = UserContext.current().getCanonicalUserId();
        if ( 0 == userId.length())
             // -> is an anonymous principal ACL set for this <target, targetId>?
         if (hasPermission( aclDao.listGrants( target, targetId, "A" ), requestedPermission )) return;
        {    // -> no priviledges means no access allowed   
         if (hasPermission( aclDao.listGrants( target, targetId, userId ), requestedPermission )) return;

         // -> or maybe there is any principal authenticated ACL set for this <target, targetId>?
         if (hasPermission( aclDao.listGrants( target, targetId, "*" ), requestedPermission )) return;
        throw new PermissionDeniedException( "Access Denied - ACLs do not give user the required permission" );
   * This function assumes that the bucket has been tested to make sure it exists before
   * it is called.
   * @param context
   * @return S3BucketPolicy
   * @throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, ParseException
  public static S3BucketPolicy loadPolicy( S3PolicyContext context )
      throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, ParseException
    Tuple<S3BucketPolicy,Integer> result = ServiceProvider.getInstance().getBucketPolicy( context.getBucketName());
    S3BucketPolicy policy = result.getFirst();
    if ( null == policy )
       // -> do we have to load it from the database (any other value means there is no policy)?
       if (-1 == result.getSecond().intValue())
          BucketPolicyDao policyDao = new BucketPolicyDao();
          String policyInJson = policyDao.getPolicy( context.getBucketName());
          // -> place in cache that no policy exists in the database
          if (null == policyInJson) {
                ServiceProvider.getInstance().setBucketPolicy(context.getBucketName(), null);
            return null;
             PolicyParser parser = new PolicyParser();
          policy = parser.parse( policyInJson, context.getBucketName());
          if (null != policy)
                ServiceProvider.getInstance().setBucketPolicy(context.getBucketName(), policy);
    return policy;
  public static void verifyBucketName( String bucketName, boolean useDNSGuidelines ) throws InvalidBucketName
     // [A] To comply with Amazon S3 basic requirements, bucket names must meet the following conditions
     // -> must be between 3 and 255 characters long
     int size = bucketName.length();    
     if (3 > size || size > 255)
       throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " is not between 3 and 255 characters long" );
     // -> must start with a number or letter
     if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit( bucketName.charAt( 0 )))
       throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " does not start with a number or letter" );
     // -> can contain lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.), underscores (_), and dashes (-)
     // -> the bucket name can also contain uppercase letters but it is not recommended
     for( int i=0; i < bucketName.length(); i++ )
       char next = bucketName.charAt(i);
            if (Character.isLetter( next )) continue;
       else if (Character.isDigit( next ))  continue;
       else if ('.' == next)                continue;
       else if ('_' == next)                continue;
       else if ('-' == next)                continue;
       else throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " contains the invalid character: " + next );
     // -> must not be formatted as an IP address (e.g.,
     String[] parts = bucketName.split( "\\." );
     if (4 == parts.length)
       try {
         int first  = Integer.parseInt( parts[0] );
         int second = Integer.parseInt( parts[1] );
         int third  = Integer.parseInt( parts[2] );
         int fourth = Integer.parseInt( parts[3] );
         throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " is formatted as an IP address" );
       catch( NumberFormatException e ) {}
     // [B] To conform with DNS requirements, Amazon recommends following these additional guidelines when creating buckets
     // -> bucket names should be between 3 and 63 characters long
     if (useDNSGuidelines)
       // -> bucket names should be between 3 and 63 characters long
       if (3 > size || size > 63)
         throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " is not between 3 and 63 characters long" );

       // -> bucket names should not contain underscores (_)
       int pos = bucketName.indexOf( '_' );
       if (-1 != pos)
         throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not contain underscores" );
             // -> bucket names should not end with a dash
       if (bucketName.endsWith( "-" ))
         throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not end with a dash" );
       // -> bucket names cannot contain two, adjacent periods
       pos = bucketName.indexOf( ".." );
       if (-1 != pos)
         throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not contain \"..\"" );
       // -> bucket names cannot contain dashes next to periods (e.g., "" and "my.-bucket" are invalid)
       if (-1 != bucketName.indexOf( "-." ) || -1 != bucketName.indexOf( ".-" ))
           throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not contain \".-\" or \"-.\"" );
  private static boolean hasPermission( List<SAcl> priviledges, int requestedPermission )
        ListIterator it = priviledges.listIterator();
        while( it.hasNext())
           // -> is the requested permission "contained" in one or the granted rights for this user
           SAcl rights = (SAcl);
           int permission = rights.getPermission();
           if (requestedPermission == (permission & requestedPermission)) return true;
        return false;
   * ifRange is true and IfUnmodifiedSince or IfMatch fails then we return the entire object (indicated by
   * returning a -1 as the function result.
   * @param ifCond - conditional get defined by these tests
   * @param lastModified - value used on ifModifiedSince or ifUnmodifiedSince
   * @param ETag - value used on ifMatch and ifNoneMatch
   * @param ifRange - using an If-Range HTTP functionality
   * @return -1 means return the entire object with an HTTP 200 (not a subrange)
  private int conditionPassed( S3ConditionalHeaders ifCond, Date lastModified, String ETag, boolean ifRange )
    if (null == ifCond) return 200;
    if (0 > ifCond.ifModifiedSince( lastModified ))
      return 304;
    if (0 > ifCond.ifUnmodifiedSince( lastModified ))
      return (ifRange ? -1 : 412);
    if (0 > ifCond.ifMatchEtag( ETag ))         
      return (ifRange ? -1 : 412);
    if (0 > ifCond.ifNoneMatchEtag( ETag ))       
      return 412;
    return 200;

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