Package com.ikanow.infinit.e.harvest.enrichment.custom

Source Code of com.ikanow.infinit.e.harvest.enrichment.custom.StructuredAnalysisHarvester

* Copyright 2012, The Infinit.e Open Source Project.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package com.ikanow.infinit.e.harvest.enrichment.custom;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.script.*;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.utils.GeoOntologyMapping;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.utils.IkanowSecurityManager;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.harvest.HarvestContext;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.harvest.HarvestController;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.harvest.utils.DateUtility;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.harvest.utils.AssociationUtils;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.utils.DimensionUtility;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.harvest.utils.HarvestExceptionUtils;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBList;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;

* StructuredAnalysisHarvester
* @author cvitter
public class StructuredAnalysisHarvester
  public void setContext(HarvestContext context) {
    _context = context;
    _securityManager = _context.getSecurityManager();
    // Setup some globals if necessary
    if (null == _gson) {
      GsonBuilder gb = new GsonBuilder();
      _gson = gb.create();
  public void resetForNewDoc() {
  public void resetEntityCache() {
    // Clear geoMap before we start extracting entities and associations for each feed
    if (null != _entityMap) {
      if (!_geoMap.isEmpty()) _geoMap.clear();
      if (!_entityMap.isEmpty()) _entityMap.clear();
      // Fill in geoMap and entityMap with any existing docs/entities
      _entityMap = null;
      _geoMap = null;
  }//TESTED (entity_cache_reset_test)
  public void resetDocumentCache() {
    this._document = null;
    this._docPojo = null;
  // Load global functions
  // (scriptLang currently ignored)
  public void loadGlobalFunctions(List<String> imports, List<String> scripts, String scriptLang)
        // Pass scripts into the engine
        try {
          // Retrieve and eval script files in s.scriptFiles
          if (imports != null) {
            for (String file : imports) {
              if (null != file) {
                try {
                  _securityManager.eval(_scriptEngine, JavaScriptUtils.getJavaScriptFile(file, _securityManager));
                    catch (Exception e) {
                  this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("ScriptException (imports): " + e.getMessage(), true);
                  //logger.error("ScriptException (imports): " + e.getMessage(), e);
          }//(end load imports)
          // Eval script passed in s.script
          if (null != scripts) {
            for (String script: scripts) {
              if (null != script) {
                _securityManager.eval(_scriptEngine, script);
          }//(end load scripts)         
        catch (ScriptException e) {
      this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("ScriptException (globals): " + e.getMessage(), true);
      //logger.error("ScriptException (globals): " + e.getMessage(), e);
  }//TESTED (uah:import_and_lookup_test_uahSah.json)
  // Set the document level fields
  public void setDocumentMetadata(DocumentPojo doc, DocumentSpecPojo docMetadataConfig) throws JSONException, ScriptException {
    Gson g = _gson;
    intializeDocIfNeeded(doc, g);
    //TODO (INF-1938): allow setting of tags (here and in legacy code)
    // We'll just basically duplicate the code from executeHarvest() since it's pretty simple
    // and it isn't very easy to pull out the logic in there (which is unnecessarily complicated for
    // the pipeline version since you don't need to work out whether to generate the fields before or
    // after the other stages, you get to explicity specify)
    // Extract Title if applicable
    try {
      if (docMetadataConfig.title != null) {
        if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(docMetadataConfig.title)) {
          doc.setTitle((String)getValueFromScript(docMetadataConfig.title, null, null));
        else {
          doc.setTitle(getFormattedTextFromField(docMetadataConfig.title, null));
    catch (Exception e) {
      this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("title: " + e.getMessage(), true);
      //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
      //logger.error("title: " + e.getMessage(), e);
    //TESTED (fulltext_docMetaTest)

    // Extract display URL if applicable
    try {
      if (docMetadataConfig.displayUrl != null) {
        if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(docMetadataConfig.displayUrl)) {
          doc.setDisplayUrl((String)getValueFromScript(docMetadataConfig.displayUrl, null, null));
        else {
          doc.setDisplayUrl(getFormattedTextFromField(docMetadataConfig.displayUrl, null));
    catch (Exception e) {
      this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("displayUrl: " + e.getMessage(), true);
      //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
      //logger.error("displayUrl: " + e.getMessage(), e);
    //TESTED (fulltext_docMetaTest)

    // Extract Description if applicable
    try {
      if (docMetadataConfig.description != null) {
        if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(docMetadataConfig.description)) {
          doc.setDescription((String)getValueFromScript(docMetadataConfig.description, null, null));
        else {
          doc.setDescription(getFormattedTextFromField(docMetadataConfig.description, null));
    catch (Exception e)  {
      this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("description: " + e.getMessage(), true);           
      //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
      //logger.error("description: " + e.getMessage(), e);
    //TESTED (fulltext_docMetaTest)

    // Extract fullText if applicable
    try {
      if (docMetadataConfig.fullText != null) {
        if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(docMetadataConfig.fullText)) {
          doc.setFullText((String)getValueFromScript(docMetadataConfig.fullText, null, null));
        else {
          doc.setFullText(getFormattedTextFromField(docMetadataConfig.fullText, null));
    catch (Exception e) {
      this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("fullText: " + e.getMessage(), true);
      //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
      //logger.error("fullText: " + e.getMessage(), e);
    //TESTED (fulltext_docMetaTest)

    // Extract Published Date if applicable
    try {
      if (docMetadataConfig.publishedDate != null) {
        if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(docMetadataConfig.publishedDate)) {
            doc.setPublishedDate(new Date(
                DateUtility.parseDate((String)getValueFromScript(docMetadataConfig.publishedDate, null, null))));
        else {
          doc.setPublishedDate(new Date(
              DateUtility.parseDate((String)getFormattedTextFromField(docMetadataConfig.publishedDate, null))));
    catch (Exception e) {
      this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("publishedDate: " + e.getMessage(), true);
      //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
      //logger.error("publishedDate: " + e.getMessage(), e);
    //TESTED (fulltext_docMetaTest)
    // Extract Document GEO if applicable
    try {
      if (docMetadataConfig.geotag != null) {
    catch (Exception e) {
      this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("docGeo: " + e.getMessage(), true);           
      //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
      //logger.error("docGeo: " + e.getMessage(), e);
    //TESTED (fulltext_docMetaTest)
  //TESTED (fulltext_docMetaTest)
  // Set the entities
  StructuredAnalysisConfigPojo _pipelineTmpConfig = null;
  public void setEntities(DocumentPojo doc, List<EntitySpecPojo> entSpecs) throws JSONException, ScriptException {
    intializeDocIfNeeded(doc, _gson);
    if (null == _pipelineTmpConfig) {
      _pipelineTmpConfig = new StructuredAnalysisConfigPojo();
    List<EntityPojo> ents = getEntities(_pipelineTmpConfig.getEntities(), doc);
    if (null == doc.getEntities()) { // (else has already been added by getEntities)
  //TESTED (both first time through, and when adding to existing entities)
  // Set the associations
  public void setAssociations(DocumentPojo doc, List<AssociationSpecPojo> assocSpecs) throws JSONException, ScriptException {
    //TODO (INF-1922): Allow setting of directed sentiment (here and in legacy code)
    intializeDocIfNeeded(doc, _gson);
    if (null == _pipelineTmpConfig) {
      _pipelineTmpConfig = new StructuredAnalysisConfigPojo();
    List<AssociationPojo> assocs = getAssociations(_pipelineTmpConfig.getAssociations(), doc);
    if (null == doc.getAssociations()) { // (else has already been added by getAssociations)
  //TESTED (both first time through, and when adding to existing associations)
  // (Utility function for optimization)
  private void intializeDocIfNeeded(DocumentPojo f, Gson g) throws JSONException, ScriptException {
    if (null == _document) {
      // (don't need assocs or ents)
      List<EntityPojo> ents = f.getEntities();
      List<AssociationPojo> assocs = f.getAssociations();
      try {
        // Convert the DocumentPojo Object to a JSON document using GsonBuilder
        String docStr = g.toJson(f);
        _document = new JSONObject(docStr);
        _docPojo = f;
        // Add the document (JSONObject) to the engine
        if (null != _scriptEngine) {
              _scriptEngine.put("document", docStr);
              _securityManager.eval(_scriptEngine, JavaScriptUtils.initScript);
      finally {
  // Loads the caches into script
  public void loadLookupCaches(Map<String, ObjectId> caches, Set<ObjectId> communityIds) {
    //grab any json cache and make it available to the engine
      if (null != caches) {
        CacheUtils.addJSONCachesToEngine(caches, _scriptEngine, _securityManager, communityIds, _context);
    catch (Exception ex)
      _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("JSONcache: " + ex.getMessage(), true);
      //(no need to log this, appears in log under source -with URL- anyway):
      //logger.error("JSONcache: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
  }//TESTED (import_and_lookup_test_uahSah.json)

  // Tidy up metadadata after processing
  public void removeUnwantedMetadataFields(String metaFields, DocumentPojo f)
    if (null != f.getMetadata()) {
      if (null != metaFields) {
        boolean bInclude = true;
        if (metaFields.startsWith("+")) {
          metaFields = metaFields.substring(1);
        else if (metaFields.startsWith("-")) {
          metaFields = metaFields.substring(1);
          bInclude = false;
        String[] metaFieldArray = metaFields.split("\\s*,\\s*");
        if (bInclude) {
          Set<String> metaFieldSet = new HashSet<String>();
          Iterator<Entry<String,  Object[]>> metaField = f.getMetadata().entrySet().iterator();
          while (metaField.hasNext()) {
            Entry<String,  Object[]> metaFieldIt =;
            if (!metaFieldSet.contains(metaFieldIt.getKey())) {
        else { // exclude case, easier
          for (String metaField: metaFieldArray) {
            if (!metaField.contains(".")) {
            else { // more complex case, nested delete             
              MongoDbUtil.recursiveNestedMapDelete(metaField.split("\\s*\\.\\s*"), 0, f.getMetadata());           
          }//(end loop over metaFields)
        }//(end if exclude case)
        //TESTED: include (default + explicit) and exclude cases
    }//(if metadata exists)   
  }//TESTED (legacy code)
  public boolean rejectDoc(String rejectDocCriteria, DocumentPojo f) throws JSONException, ScriptException
    return rejectDoc(rejectDocCriteria, f, true);
  public boolean rejectDoc(String rejectDocCriteria, DocumentPojo f, boolean logMessage) throws JSONException, ScriptException
    if (null != rejectDocCriteria) {     
      intializeDocIfNeeded(f, _gson);     
      Object o = getValueFromScript(rejectDocCriteria, null, null, false);
      if (null != o) {
        if (o instanceof String) {
          String rejectDoc = (String)o;
          if (null != rejectDoc) {
            if (logMessage) {
              this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("SAH_reject: " + rejectDoc, true);
            return true;
        else if (o instanceof Boolean) {
          Boolean rejectDoc = (Boolean)o;
          if (rejectDoc) {
            if (logMessage) {
              this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("SAH_reject: reason not specified", true);
            return true;
        else {
          if (logMessage) {
            this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("SAH_reject: reason not specified", true);
          return true;         
    return false;
  }//TESTED (storageSettings_test + legacy code)
  public void handleDocumentUpdates(String onUpdateScript, DocumentPojo f) throws JSONException, ScriptException
    // Compare the new and old docs in the case when this doc is an update
    if ((null != onUpdateScript) && (null != f.getUpdateId())) {
      // (note we must be in integrated mode - not called from source/test - if f.getId() != null)
      intializeDocIfNeeded(f, _gson);     
      BasicDBObject query1 = new BasicDBObject(DocumentPojo._id_, f.getUpdateId());
      BasicDBObject query2 = new BasicDBObject(DocumentPojo.updateId_, f.getUpdateId());
      BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(DbManager.or_, Arrays.asList(query1, query2));

      BasicDBObject docObj = (BasicDBObject) DbManager.getDocument().getMetadata().findOne(query);
      if (null != docObj) {
        if (null == PARSING_SCRIPT) { // First time through, initialize parsing script
          // (to convert native JS return vals into something we can write into our metadata)
          PARSING_SCRIPT = JavaScriptUtils.generateParsingScript();
        if (!_isParsingScriptInitialized) {
          _securityManager.eval(_scriptEngine, PARSING_SCRIPT);
          _isParsingScriptInitialized = true;
        DocumentPojo doc = DocumentPojo.fromDb(docObj, DocumentPojo.class);
            _scriptEngine.put("old_document", _gson.toJson(doc));
            try {
              Object returnVal = _securityManager.eval(_scriptEngine, onUpdateScript);
          BasicDBList outList = JavaScriptUtils.parseNativeJsObject(returnVal, _scriptEngine);                       
          f.addToMetadata("_PERSISTENT_", outList.toArray());
            catch (Exception e) {
              // Extra step here...
              if (null != doc.getMetadata()) { // Copy persistent metadata across...
                Object[] persist = doc.getMetadata().get("_PERSISTENT_");
                if (null != persist) {
                  f.addToMetadata("_PERSISTENT_", persist);
            this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("SAH::onUpdateScript: " + e.getMessage(), true);
            //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
            //logger.error("SAH::onUpdateScript: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        //TODO (INF-1507): need to write more efficient code to deserialize metadata?
      _document = null;
      _docPojo = null;
      intializeDocIfNeeded(f, _gson);
    }//TESTED (end if callback-on-update)
  }//TESTED (legacy code)
  // Intialize script engine - currently only Java script is supported
  public void intializeScriptEngine()
    if (null == _scriptEngine) {
      //set up the security manager
      _securityManager = new IkanowSecurityManager();           
      _scriptFactory = new ScriptEngineManager();
      _scriptEngine = _scriptFactory.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
      if (null != _unstructuredHandler) { // Also initialize the scripting engine for the UAH
          // Make the engine invocable so that we can call functions in the script
          // using the inv.invokeFunction(function) method
          _scriptInvoker = (Invocable) _scriptEngine;
    }//(once only)
  // Private class variables
  private static Logger logger;
  private JSONObject _document = null; //TODO (INF-2488): change all the JSONObject logic to LinkedHashMap and (generic) Array so can just replace this with a string...
  private DocumentPojo _docPojo = null;
  private Gson _gson = null;
  private JSONObject _iterator = null;
  private String _iteratorIndex = null;
  private static Pattern SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\$([a-zA-Z._0-9]+)|\\$\\{([^}]+)\\}");
  private HashMap<String, GeoPojo> _geoMap = null;
  private HashSet<String> _entityMap = null;
  private HarvestContext _context;
   * Default Constructor
  public StructuredAnalysisHarvester()
    logger = Logger.getLogger(StructuredAnalysisHarvester.class);
  // Allows the unstructured handler to take advantage of text created by this
  public void addUnstructuredHandler(UnstructuredAnalysisHarvester uap) {
    _unstructuredHandler = uap;
  private UnstructuredAnalysisHarvester _unstructuredHandler = null;
  private ScriptEngineManager _scriptFactory = null;
  private ScriptEngine _scriptEngine = null;
  private IkanowSecurityManager _securityManager = null;
  private Invocable _scriptInvoker = null;
  private static String PARSING_SCRIPT = null;
  private boolean _isParsingScriptInitialized = false; // (needs to be done once per source)

   * executeHarvest(SourcePojo source, List<DocumentPojo> feeds) extracts document GEO, Entities,
   * and Associations based on the DocGeoSpec, EntitySpec, and AssociationSpec information contained
   * within the source document's StructuredAnalysis sections
   * @param source
   * @param docs
   * @return List<DocumentPojo>
   * @throws ScriptException
  public List<DocumentPojo> executeHarvest(HarvestController contextController, SourcePojo source, List<DocumentPojo> docs)
    _context = contextController;
    _securityManager = _context.getSecurityManager();
    if (null == _gson) {
      GsonBuilder gb = new GsonBuilder();
      _gson = gb.create();
    Gson g = _gson;
    // Skip if the StructuredAnalysis object of the source is null
    if (source.getStructuredAnalysisConfig() != null)
      StructuredAnalysisConfigPojo s = source.getStructuredAnalysisConfig();     
      // (some pre-processing to expand the specs)
      // Instantiate a new ScriptEngineManager and create an engine to execute 
      // the type of script specified in StructuredAnalysisPojo.scriptEngine
      this.loadLookupCaches(s.getCaches(), source.getCommunityIds());
      // Iterate over each doc in docs, create entity and association pojo objects
      // to add to the feed using the source entity and association spec pojos
      Iterator<DocumentPojo> it = docs.iterator();
      int nDocs = 0;
      while (it.hasNext())
        DocumentPojo f =;
          _document = null;
          _docPojo = null;
            // (don't create this until needed, since it might need to be (re)serialized after a call
            //  to the UAH which would obviously be undesirable)
          // If the script engine has been instantiated pass the feed document and any scripts
          if (_scriptEngine != null)
            List<String> scriptList = null;
            List<String> scriptFileList = null;
            try {
              // Script code embedded in source
              scriptList = Arrays.asList(s.getScript());
            catch (Exception e) {}
            try {
              // scriptFiles - can contain String[] of script files to import into the engine
              scriptFileList = Arrays.asList(s.getScriptFiles());             
            catch (Exception e) {}             
            this.loadGlobalFunctions(scriptFileList, scriptList, s.getScriptEngine());           
      // 1. Document level fields
          // Extract Title if applicable
          boolean bTryTitleLater = false;
          try {
            if (s.getTitle() != null)
              intializeDocIfNeeded(f, g);
              if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(s.getTitle()))
                f.setTitle((String)getValueFromScript(s.getTitle(), null, null));
                f.setTitle(getFormattedTextFromField(s.getTitle(), null));
              if (null == f.getTitle()) {
                bTryTitleLater = true;
          catch (Exception e)
            this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("title: " + e.getMessage(), true);           
            //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
            //logger.error("title: " + e.getMessage(), e);

          // Extract Display URL if applicable
          boolean bTryDisplayUrlLater = false;
          try {
            if (s.getDisplayUrl() != null)
              intializeDocIfNeeded(f, g);
              if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(s.getDisplayUrl()))
                f.setDisplayUrl((String)getValueFromScript(s.getDisplayUrl(), null, null));
                f.setDisplayUrl(getFormattedTextFromField(s.getDisplayUrl(), null));
              if (null == f.getDisplayUrl()) {
                bTryDisplayUrlLater = true;
          catch (Exception e)
            this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("displayUrl: " + e.getMessage(), true);           
            //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
            //logger.error("displayUrl: " + e.getMessage(), e);

          // Extract Description if applicable
          boolean bTryDescriptionLater = false;
          try {
            if (s.getDescription() != null)
              intializeDocIfNeeded(f, g);
              if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(s.getDescription()))
                f.setDescription((String)getValueFromScript(s.getDescription(), null, null));
                f.setDescription(getFormattedTextFromField(s.getDescription(), null));
              if (null == f.getDescription()) {
                bTryDescriptionLater = true;
          catch (Exception e)
            this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("description: " + e.getMessage(), true);           
            //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
            //logger.error("description: " + e.getMessage(), e);

          // Extract fullText if applicable
          boolean bTryFullTextLater = false;
          try {
            if (s.getFullText() != null)
              intializeDocIfNeeded(f, g);
              if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(s.getFullText()))
                f.setFullText((String)getValueFromScript(s.getFullText(), null, null));
                f.setFullText(getFormattedTextFromField(s.getFullText(), null));
              if (null == f.getFullText()) {
                bTryFullTextLater = true;
          catch (Exception e)
            this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("fullText: " + e.getMessage(), true);           
            //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
            //logger.error("fullText: " + e.getMessage(), e);
          // Published date is done after the UAH
          // (since the UAH can't access it, and it might be populated via the UAH)
      // 2. UAH/extraction properties
          // Add fields to metadata that can be used to create entities and associations
          // (Either with the UAH, or with the entity extractor)
          try {
            boolean bMetadataChanged = false;
            if (null != this._unstructuredHandler)
                bMetadataChanged = this._unstructuredHandler.executeHarvest(_context, source, f, (1 == nDocs), it.hasNext());
              catch (Exception e) {
                contextController.handleExtractError(e, source); //handle extractor error if need be   
                it.remove(); // remove the document from the list...
                f.setTempSource(null); // (can safely corrupt this doc since it's been removed)
                // (Note: this can't be source level error, so carry on harvesting - unlike below)
            if (contextController.isEntityExtractionRequired(source))
              bMetadataChanged = true;
              // Text/Entity Extraction
              List<DocumentPojo> toAdd = new ArrayList<DocumentPojo>(1);
              try {
                contextController.extractTextAndEntities(toAdd, source, false, false);
                if (toAdd.isEmpty()) { // this failed...
                  it.remove(); // remove the document from the list...
                  f.setTempSource(null); // (can safely corrupt this doc since it's been removed)
              catch (Exception e) {
                contextController.handleExtractError(e, source); //handle extractor error if need be       
                it.remove(); // remove the document from the list...
                f.setTempSource(null); // (can safely corrupt this doc since it's been removed)
                if (source.isHarvestBadSource())
                  // Source error, ignore all other documents
                  while (it.hasNext()) {
                    f =;
                    f.setTempSource(null); // (can safely corrupt this doc since it's been removed)
                else {
            if (bMetadataChanged) {
              // Ugly, but need to re-create doc json because metadata has changed
              String sTmpFullText = f.getFullText();
              f.setFullText(null); // (no need to serialize this, can save some cycles)
              _document = null;
              _docPojo = null;
              intializeDocIfNeeded(f, g);             
                  f.setFullText(sTmpFullText); //(restore)
            // Can copy metadata from old documents to new ones:           
            handleDocumentUpdates(s.getOnUpdateScript(), f);
            // Check (based on the metadata and entities so far) whether to retain the doc
            if (rejectDoc(s.getRejectDocCriteria(), f)) {
              it.remove(); // remove the document from the list...
              f.setTempSource(null); // (can safely corrupt this doc since it's been removed)
          catch (Exception e) {
            this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("SAH->UAH: " + e.getMessage(), true);           
            //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
            //logger.error("SAH->UAH: " + e.getMessage(), e);
          // Now create document since there's no risk of having to re-serialize
          intializeDocIfNeeded(f, g);
      // 3. final doc-level metadata fields:
          // If description was null before might need to get it from a UAH field
          if (bTryTitleLater) {
            try {
              if (s.getTitle() != null)
                intializeDocIfNeeded(f, g);
                if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(s.getTitle()))
                  f.setTitle((String)getValueFromScript(s.getTitle(), null, null));
                  f.setTitle(getFormattedTextFromField(s.getTitle(), null));
            catch (Exception e)
              this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("title: " + e.getMessage(), true);           
              //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
              //logger.error("title: " + e.getMessage(), e);
          // Extract Display URL if needed
          if (bTryDisplayUrlLater) {
            try {
              if (s.getDisplayUrl() != null)
                intializeDocIfNeeded(f, g);
                if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(s.getDisplayUrl()))
                  f.setDisplayUrl((String)getValueFromScript(s.getDisplayUrl(), null, null));
                  f.setDisplayUrl(getFormattedTextFromField(s.getDisplayUrl(), null));
            catch (Exception e)
              this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("displayUrl: " + e.getMessage(), true);           
              //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
              //logger.error("displayUrl: " + e.getMessage(), e);
          // If description was null before might need to get it from a UAH field
          if (bTryDescriptionLater) {
            try {
              if (s.getDescription() != null)
                intializeDocIfNeeded(f, g);
                if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(s.getDescription()))
                  f.setDescription((String)getValueFromScript(s.getDescription(), null, null));
                  f.setDescription(getFormattedTextFromField(s.getDescription(), null));
            catch (Exception e)
              this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("description2: " + e.getMessage(), true);           
              //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
              //logger.error("description2: " + e.getMessage(), e);
          // If fullText was null before might need to get it from a UAH field
          if (bTryFullTextLater) {
            try {
              if (s.getFullText() != null)
                intializeDocIfNeeded(f, g);
                if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(s.getFullText()))
                  f.setFullText((String)getValueFromScript(s.getFullText(), null, null));
                  f.setFullText(getFormattedTextFromField(s.getFullText(), null));
            catch (Exception e)
              this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("fullText2: " + e.getMessage(), true);           
              //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
              //logger.error("fullText2: " + e.getMessage(), e);
          // Extract Published Date if applicable
          if (s.getPublishedDate() != null)
            if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(s.getPublishedDate()))
                f.setPublishedDate(new Date(
                    DateUtility.parseDate((String)getValueFromScript(s.getPublishedDate(), null, null))));
              catch (Exception e)
                this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("publishedDate: " + e.getMessage(), true);           
                f.setPublishedDate(new Date(
                    DateUtility.parseDate((String)getFormattedTextFromField(s.getPublishedDate(), null))));
              catch (Exception e)
                this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("publishedDate: " + e.getMessage(), true);           
      // 4. Entity level fields   
          // Extract Document GEO if applicable
          if (s.getDocumentGeo() != null)
            catch (Exception e)
              this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("docGeo: " + e.getMessage(), true);           

          // Extract Entities
          if (s.getEntities() != null)
            f.setEntities(getEntities(s.getEntities(), f));

          // Extract Associations
          if (s.getAssociations() != null)
            f.setAssociations(getAssociations(s.getAssociations(), f));
      // 5. Remove unwanted metadata fields
          removeUnwantedMetadataFields(s.getMetadataFields(), f);         
        catch (Exception e)
          this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("Unknown: " + e.getMessage(), true);           
          //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
          //logger.error("Unknown: " + e.getMessage(), e);
          _document = null;
          _docPojo = null;
      } // (end loop over documents)
    } // (end if SAH specified) 
    return docs;

   * getEntities(EntitySpecPojo e, DocumentPojo f)
   * @param e
   * @param f
   * @return List<EntityPojo>
   * @throws JSONException
  private List<EntityPojo> getEntities(List<EntitySpecPojo> esps, DocumentPojo f) throws JSONException
    //TODO (INF-1922): should I always create in a new list and then add on? because of the entity map below...
    // If the feed already has entities we want to add the new entities to the list of existing entities
    List<EntityPojo> entities = null;
    if (f.getEntities() != null)
      entities = f.getEntities();
    // Otherwise we create a new arraylist to hold the new entities we are adding
      entities = new ArrayList<EntityPojo>();

    // Iterate over each EntitySpecPojo and try to create an entity, or entities, from the data
    JSONObject metadata = null;
    if (_document.has("metadata")) {
      metadata = _document.getJSONObject("metadata");
    for (EntitySpecPojo esp : esps)
      try {
        List<EntityPojo> tempEntities = getEntities(esp, f, metadata);
        for (EntityPojo e : tempEntities)
      catch (Exception e) {} // (carry on, prob just a missing field in this doc)
    return entities;
   * getEntities
   * @param esp
   * @param f
   * @return
  private List<EntityPojo> getEntities(EntitySpecPojo esp, DocumentPojo f, JSONObject currObj)
    List<EntityPojo> entities = new ArrayList<EntityPojo>();
    // Does the entity contain a list of entities to iterate over -
    if (esp.getIterateOver() != null)
        String iterateOver = esp.getIterateOver();

        // Check to see if the arrayRoot specified exists in the current doc before proceeding
        Object itEl = null;
        try {
          itEl = currObj.get(iterateOver);
        catch (JSONException e) {} // carry on, trapped below...
        if (null == itEl) {
          return entities;
        JSONArray entityRecords = null;
        try {
          entityRecords = currObj.getJSONArray(iterateOver);
        catch (JSONException e) {} // carry on, trapped below...
        if (null == entityRecords) {
          entityRecords = new JSONArray();

        // Get the type of object contained in EntityRecords[0]
        String objType = entityRecords.get(0).getClass().toString();

         *  EntityRecords is a simple String[] array of entities
        if (objType.equalsIgnoreCase("class java.lang.String"))
          // Iterate over array elements and extract entities
          for (int i = 0; i < entityRecords.length(); ++i)
            String field = entityRecords.getString(i);
            long nIndex = Long.valueOf(i);
            if (null != esp.getType()) { // (else cannot be a valid entity, must just be a list)
              EntityPojo entity = getEntity(esp, field, String.valueOf(i), f);
              if (entity != null) entities.add(entity)
            // Does the association break out into multiple associations?
            if (esp.getEntities() != null)
              // Iterate over the associations and call getAssociations recursively
              for (EntitySpecPojo subEsp : esp.getEntities())
                if (null != subEsp.getIterateOver()) {
                  if (null == subEsp.getCreationCriteriaScript()) {
                    _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(new StringBuffer("In iterator ").
                        append(esp.getIterateOver()).append(", trying to loop over field '").
                        append(subEsp.getIterateOver()).append("' in array of primitives.").toString(), true);
                  else {
                    this.executeEntityAssociationValidation(subEsp.getCreationCriteriaScript(), field, Long.toString(nIndex));
                  // (any creation criteria script indicates user accepts it can be either)
                if (null != subEsp.getDisambiguated_name()) {
                  EntityPojo entity = getEntity(subEsp, field, String.valueOf(i), f);
                  if (entity != null) entities.add(entity)
            }//TESTED (error case, mixed object)

         *  EntityRecords is a JSONArray
        else if (objType.equalsIgnoreCase("class org.json.JSONObject"))
          // Iterate over array elements and extract entities
          for (int i = 0; i < entityRecords.length(); ++i)
            // Get JSONObject containing entity fields and pass entityElement
            // into the script engine so scripts can access it
            JSONObject savedIterator = null;
            if (_scriptEngine != null)
              _iterator = savedIterator = entityRecords.getJSONObject(i);

            if (null != esp.getType()) { // (else cannot be a valid entity, must just be a list)
              EntityPojo entity = getEntity(esp, null, String.valueOf(i), f);
              if (entity != null) entities.add(entity);
            // Does the entity break out into multiple entities?
            if (esp.getEntities() != null)
              // Iterate over the entities and call getEntities recursively
              for (EntitySpecPojo subEsp : esp.getEntities())
                _iterator = savedIterator; // (reset this)
                List<EntityPojo> subEntities = getEntities(subEsp, f, _iterator);
                for (EntityPojo e : subEntities)

        if (_iterator != currObj) { // (ie at the top level)
          _iterator = null;
      catch (Exception e)
        //logger.error("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
    // Single entity
      // Does the entity break out into multiple entities?
      if (esp.getEntities() != null)
        // Iterate over the entities and call getEntities recursively
        for (EntitySpecPojo subEsp : esp.getEntities())
          List<EntityPojo> subEntities = getEntities(subEsp, f, currObj);
          for (EntityPojo e : subEntities)
        EntityPojo entity = getEntity(esp, null, null, f);
        if (entity != null) entities.add(entity)
    return entities;
   * getEntity
   * @param esp
   * @param field
   * @param index
   * @param f
   * @return
  private EntityPojo getEntity(EntitySpecPojo esp, String field, String index, DocumentPojo f)
    // If the EntitySpecPojo or DocumentPojo is null return null
    if ((esp == null) || (f == null)) return null;
      EntityPojo e = new EntityPojo();
      // Parse creation criteria script to determine if the entity should be added
      if (esp.getCreationCriteriaScript() != null && JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(esp.getCreationCriteriaScript()))
        boolean addEntity = executeEntityAssociationValidation(esp.getCreationCriteriaScript(), field, index);
        if (!addEntity) {
          return null;
      // Entity.disambiguous_name
      String disambiguatedName = null;
      if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(esp.getDisambiguated_name()))
        disambiguatedName = (String)getValueFromScript(esp.getDisambiguated_name(), field, index);
        if ((_iterator != null) && (esp.getDisambiguated_name().startsWith("$metadata.") || esp.getDisambiguated_name().startsWith("${metadata."))) {
          if (_context.isStandalone()) { // (minor message, while debugging only)
            _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("Warning: in disambiguated_name, using global $metadata when iterating", true);
        // Field - passed in via simple string array from getEntities
        if (field != null)
          disambiguatedName = getFormattedTextFromField(esp.getDisambiguated_name(), field);
          disambiguatedName = getFormattedTextFromField(esp.getDisambiguated_name(), field);
      // Only proceed if disambiguousName contains a meaningful value
      if (disambiguatedName != null && disambiguatedName.length() > 0)
      else // Always log failure to get a dname - to remove this, specify a creationCriteriaScript
        _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(new StringBuffer("Failed to get required disambiguated_name from: ").append(esp.getDisambiguated_name()).toString(), true);
        return null;
      // Entity.frequency (count)
      String freq = "1";
      if (esp.getFrequency() != null)
        if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(esp.getFrequency()))
          freq = getValueFromScript(esp.getFrequency(), field, index).toString();
          freq = getFormattedTextFromField(esp.getFrequency(), field);
        // Since we've specified freq, we're going to enforce it
        if (null == freq) { // failed to get it
          if (null == esp.getCreationCriteriaScript()) {
            _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(new StringBuffer("Failed to get required frequency from: ").append(esp.getFrequency()).toString(), true);
            return null;

      // Try converting the freq string value to its numeric (double) representation
      Double frequency = (double) 0;
        frequency = Double.parseDouble(freq);
      catch (Exception e1)
        this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(e1.getMessage(), true);
        return null;
      // Only proceed if frequency > 0
      if (frequency > 0)
        e.setFrequency(frequency.longValue()); // Cast to long from double
        return null;  
      // Entity.actual_name
      String actualName = null;
      if (esp.getActual_name() != null)
        if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(esp.getActual_name()))
          actualName = (String)getValueFromScript(esp.getActual_name(), field, index);
          if ((_iterator != null) && (esp.getActual_name().startsWith("$metadata.") || esp.getActual_name().startsWith("${metadata."))) {
            if (_context.isStandalone()) { // (minor message, while debugging only)
              _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("Warning: in actual_name, using global $metadata when iterating", true);
          actualName = getFormattedTextFromField(esp.getActual_name(), field);
        // Since we've specified actual name, we're going to enforce it (unless otherwise specified)
        if (null == actualName) { // failed to get it
          if (null == esp.getCreationCriteriaScript()) {
            if (_context.isStandalone()) { // (minor message, while debugging only)
              _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(new StringBuffer("Failed to get required actual_name from: ").append(esp.getActual_name()).toString(), true);
            return null;
      // If actualName == null set it equal to disambiguousName
      if (actualName == null) actualName = disambiguatedName;
      // Entity.type
      String type = null;
      if (esp.getType() != null)
        if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(esp.getType()))
          type = (String)getValueFromScript(esp.getType(), field, index);
          type = getFormattedTextFromField(esp.getType(), field);
        // Since we've specified type, we're going to enforce it (unless otherwise specified)
        if (null == type) { // failed to get it
          if (null == esp.getCreationCriteriaScript()) {
            _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(new StringBuffer("Failed to get required type from: ").append(esp.getType()).toString(), true);
            return null;
        type = "Keyword";
      // Entity.index
      String entityIndex = disambiguatedName + "/" + type;
      // Now check if we already exist, discard if so:
      if (_entityMap.contains(e.getIndex())) {
        return null;

      // Entity.dimension
      String dimension = null;
      if (esp.getDimension() != null)
        if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(esp.getDimension()))
          dimension = (String)getValueFromScript(esp.getDimension(), field, index);
          dimension = getFormattedTextFromField(esp.getDimension(), field);
        // Since we've specified dimension, we're going to enforce it (unless otherwise specified)
        if (null == dimension) { // failed to get it
          if (null == esp.getCreationCriteriaScript()) {
            _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(new StringBuffer("Failed to get required dimension from: ").append(esp.getDimension()).toString(), true);
            return null;
      if (null == dimension) {
        try {
        catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException ex) {
      else {
        try {
          EntityPojo.Dimension enumDimension = EntityPojo.Dimension.valueOf(dimension);
          if (null == enumDimension) {
            _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(new StringBuffer("Invalid dimension: ").append(dimension).toString(), true);
            return null; // (invalid dimension)
          else {
        catch (Exception e2) {
          _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(new StringBuffer("Invalid dimension: ").append(dimension).toString(), true);
          return null; // (invalid dimension)         
      // Entity.relevance
      String relevance = "0";
      if (esp.getRelevance() != null)
        if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(esp.getRelevance()))
          relevance = (String)getValueFromScript(esp.getRelevance(), field, index);
          relevance = getFormattedTextFromField(esp.getRelevance(), field);
        // Since we've specified relevance, we're going to enforce it (unless otherwise specified)
        if (null == relevance) { // failed to get it
          if (null == esp.getCreationCriteriaScript()) {
            _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(new StringBuffer("Failed to get required relevance from: ").append(esp.getRelevance()).toString(), true);
            return null;
      try {
      catch (Exception e1) {
        this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(e1.getMessage(), true);
        return null;       

      // Entity.sentiment (optional field)
      if (esp.getSentiment() != null)
        String sentiment;
        if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(esp.getSentiment()))
          sentiment = (String)getValueFromScript(esp.getSentiment(), field, index);
          sentiment = getFormattedTextFromField(esp.getSentiment(), field);
        // (sentiment is optional, even if specified)
        if (null != sentiment) {
          try {
            double d = Double.parseDouble(sentiment);
            if (null == e.getSentiment()) {
              if (_context.isStandalone()) { // (minor message, while debugging only)
                _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(new StringBuffer("Invalid sentiment: ").append(sentiment).toString(), true);
          catch (Exception e1) {
            this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(e1.getMessage(), true);
            return null;       

      // Entity Link data:
      if (esp.getLinkdata() != null)
        String linkdata = null;
        if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(esp.getLinkdata()))
          linkdata = (String)getValueFromScript(esp.getLinkdata(), field, index);
          linkdata = getFormattedTextFromField(esp.getLinkdata(), field);
        // linkdata is optional, even if specified
        if (null != linkdata) {
          String[] links = linkdata.split("\\s+");
      // Extract Entity GEO or set Entity Geo equal to DocGeo if specified via useDocGeo
      if (esp.getGeotag() != null)
        GeoPojo geo = getEntityGeo(esp.getGeotag(), null, field);
        if (null != geo) {
        // (Allow this field to be intrinsically optional)
        // If no ontology type is specified, derive it from getEntityGeo:
        if (null == esp.getOntology_type()) {
      else if (esp.getUseDocGeo() == true)
        GeoPojo geo = getEntityGeo(null, f, field);
        if (null != geo) {
        // (Allow this field to be intrinsically optional)

      // Entity.ontological_type (
      String ontology_type = null;
      if (esp.getOntology_type() != null)
        if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(esp.getOntology_type()))
          ontology_type = (String)getValueFromScript(esp.getOntology_type(), field, index);
          ontology_type = getFormattedTextFromField(esp.getOntology_type(), field);
        // Allow this field to be intrinsically optional
      // If ontological_type == null, go fetch it from the internal lookup
      if (ontology_type == null) {
      else if ('p' == GeoOntologyMapping.encodeOntologyCode(ontology_type) && !ontology_type.equals("point")) {
        // In this case we don't recognize the ontology type so we'll overwrite it
      // Add the index and geotag to geomap to get used by associations with matching indexes
      if (e.getGeotag() != null)
        _geoMap.put(e.getIndex(), e.getGeotag());
      return e;
    catch (Exception ex)
      return null;
   * getAssociations
   * @param esps
   * @param f
   * @return
   * @throws JSONException
  private List<AssociationPojo> getAssociations(List<AssociationSpecPojo> esps, DocumentPojo f) throws JSONException
    // If the feed already has associations we want to add the new associations to the list of existing associations
    List<AssociationPojo> associations = null;
    if (f.getAssociations() != null)
      associations = f.getAssociations();
    // Otherwise we create a new arraylist to hold the new associations we are adding
      associations = new ArrayList<AssociationPojo>();
    // Iterate over each AssociationSpecPojo and try to create an entity, or entities, from the data
    JSONObject metadata = null;
    if (_document.has("metadata")) {
      metadata = _document.getJSONObject("metadata");
    for (AssociationSpecPojo esp : esps)
      try {
        List<AssociationPojo> tempAssocs = getAssociations(esp, f, metadata);
        if (null != tempAssocs) {
          for (AssociationPojo e : tempAssocs)
      catch (Exception e) {} // (prob just a missing field)
    return associations;
   * getAssociations(List<AssociationSpecPojo> esps, DocumentPojo f)
   * @param esps
   * @param f
   * @return List<AssociationPojo>
  private List<AssociationPojo> getAssociations(AssociationSpecPojo esp, DocumentPojo f, JSONObject currObj)
    List<AssociationPojo> associations = new ArrayList<AssociationPojo>();
      if (esp.getIterateOver() != null)
        String iterateOver = esp.getIterateOver();

        String slashSplit[] = iterateOver.split("/");
        String commaSplit[] = iterateOver.split(",");

        // START - Multiplicative/Additive Association Creation
        // entity1/entity2/geo_index/time_start/time_end or entity1,entity2,geo_index,time_start,time_end
        if (slashSplit.length > 1 || commaSplit.length > 1)
          ArrayList<String[]> assocsToCreate =  new ArrayList<String[]> ();

          // Multiplicative - entity1/entity2/geo_index/time_start/time_end
          if (slashSplit.length > 1)
            assocsToCreate = getMultiplicativeAssociations(esp, iterateOver, f)

          // WARNING: This code has not been tested! It should work but...
          // Additive - entity1,entity2,geo_index,time_start,time_end
          else if (commaSplit.length > 1)
            assocsToCreate = getAdditiveAssociations(esp, iterateOver, f);
          // Iterate over each association String[] returned and (try to) create a new AssociationSpecPojo
          if (assocsToCreate != null)
            for (String[] assocToCreate : assocsToCreate)
              JSONObject currIt = new JSONObject();
              AssociationSpecPojo newAssoc = new AssociationSpecPojo();
              // Entity1
              if (assocToCreate[0] !=null) {
                newAssoc.setEntity1_index(assocToCreate[0].replace("$", "${$}"));
                currIt.put("entity1_index", assocToCreate[0]);
              else {
              // Entity2
              if (assocToCreate[1] !=null) {
                newAssoc.setEntity2_index(assocToCreate[1].replace("$", "${$}"));
                currIt.put("entity2_index", assocToCreate[1]);
              else {
              // Geo_index
              if (assocToCreate[2] !=null) {
                newAssoc.setGeo_index(assocToCreate[2].replace("$", "${$}"));
                currIt.put("geo_index", assocToCreate[2]);
              else { newAssoc.setGeo_index(esp.getGeo_index()); }
              // Time_start
              if (assocToCreate[3] !=null) {
                newAssoc.setTime_start(assocToCreate[3].replace("$", "${$}"));
                currIt.put("time_start", assocToCreate[3]);
              else { newAssoc.setTime_start(esp.getTime_start()); }
              // Time_end
              if (assocToCreate[4] !=null) {
                newAssoc.setTime_end(assocToCreate[4].replace("$", "${$}"));
                currIt.put("time_end", assocToCreate[4]);
              else { newAssoc.setTime_end(esp.getTime_end()); }
              // Misc. Fields to copy from the original pojo

              // Create an association from the AssociationSpecPojo and document
              JSONObject savedIterator = _iterator; // (just in case this needs to be retained - i don't think it does)
              if (null != _scriptEngine) { // (in case no script engine specified)
                _iterator = currIt;
              AssociationPojo association = getAssociation(newAssoc, null, null, f);
              if (association != null) associations.add(association);
              _iterator = savedIterator;
            //TESTED (including the ${$} escaping)
        // END - Multiplicative/Additive Association Creation

        else if (null != currObj) // Single field iterateOver
            // Check to see if the arrayRoot specified exists in the current doc before proceeding
            // Get array of association records from the specified root element
            Object itEl = null;
            try {
              itEl = currObj.get(iterateOver);
            catch (JSONException e) {} // carry on, trapped below...
            if (null == itEl) {
              return associations;
            JSONArray assocRecords = null;
            try {
              assocRecords = currObj.getJSONArray(iterateOver);
            catch (JSONException e) {} // carry on, trapped below...
            if (null == assocRecords) {
              assocRecords = new JSONArray();

            // Get the type of object contained in assocRecords[0]
            if (assocRecords.length() > 0) {
              String objType = assocRecords.get(0).getClass().toString();

              // EntityRecords is a simple String[] array of associations
              if (objType.equalsIgnoreCase("class java.lang.String"))
                // Iterate over array elements and extract associations
                for (int i = 0; i < assocRecords.length(); ++i)
                  String field = assocRecords.getString(i);
                  long nIndex = Long.valueOf(i);
                  if (null != esp.getVerb_category()) { // (ie a mandatory field is present)                   
                    AssociationPojo association = getAssociation(esp, field, nIndex, f);
                    if (association != null) associations.add(association);
                  // Does the association break out into multiple associations?
                  if (esp.getAssociations() != null)
                    // Iterate over the associations and call getAssociations recursively
                    for (AssociationSpecPojo subEsp : esp.getAssociations())
                      if (null != subEsp.getIterateOver()) {
                        if (null == subEsp.getCreationCriteriaScript()) {
                          _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(new StringBuffer("In iterator ").
                              append(esp.getIterateOver()).append(", trying to loop over field '").
                              append(subEsp.getIterateOver()).append("' in array of primitives.").toString(), true);
                        else {
                          this.executeEntityAssociationValidation(subEsp.getCreationCriteriaScript(), field, Long.toString(nIndex));
                        // (any creation criteria script indicates user accepts it can be either)
                      if (null != subEsp.getVerb_category()) { // (ie a mandatory field is present)                   
                        AssociationPojo association = getAssociation(subEsp, field, nIndex, f);
                        if (association != null) associations.add(association);
                  }//TESTED (error case)

              // EntityRecords is a JSONArray
              else if (objType.equalsIgnoreCase("class org.json.JSONObject"))
                // Iterate over array elements and extract associations
                for (int i = 0; i < assocRecords.length(); ++i)
                  // Get JSONObject containing association fields and pass assocElement
                  // into the script engine so scripts can access it
                  JSONObject savedIterator = null;
                  if (_scriptEngine != null)
                    _iterator = savedIterator = assocRecords.getJSONObject(i);

                  if (null != esp.getVerb_category()) { // (ie a mandatory field is present)                   
                    AssociationPojo association = getAssociation(esp, null, Long.valueOf(i), f);
                    if (association != null) associations.add(association)
                  // Does the association break out into multiple associations?
                  if (esp.getAssociations() != null)
                    // Iterate over the associations and call getAssociations recursively
                    for (AssociationSpecPojo subEsp : esp.getAssociations())
                      _iterator = savedIterator; // (reset this)
                      List<AssociationPojo> subAssocs = getAssociations(subEsp, f, _iterator);
                      for (AssociationPojo e : subAssocs)
                }//(else if is json object)
              }//(end if >0 array elements)

              if (_iterator != currObj) { // top level
                _iterator = null;
          catch (Exception e)
            //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
            //logger.error("Exception: " + e.getMessage(), e);

      else // No iterate over at all
        AssociationPojo association = getAssociation(esp, null, null, f);
        if (association != null) associations.add(association);

      return associations;
    catch (Exception e)
      //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
      //logger.error("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
      return null;
   * getMultiplicativeAssociations
   * @param iterateOver
   * @param f
   * @return
  private ArrayList<String[]> getMultiplicativeAssociations(AssociationSpecPojo esp, String iterateOver, DocumentPojo f)
    // Split iterateOver into a list of fields
    String[] entityFields = iterateOver.split("/");
    // ArrayList to store association entities in and extract the entities (disambiguous names) from feed.entities
    HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> entityLists = extractEntityLists(esp, entityFields, f);
    // Calculate the total number of associations to create from the EntitySpecPojo
    Hashtable<String, Integer> assocCounts = getTotalNumberOfAssociations(entityLists, entityFields);
    int totalNumberOfAssociations = (Integer) assocCounts.get("totalNumberOfAssociations");
    if (totalNumberOfAssociations > 0)
      ArrayList<String[]> assocsToCreate = new ArrayList<String[]> ();

      int entity1Number = 1;
      int entity2Number = 1;
      int geoIndexNumber = 1;
      int timeStartNumber = 1;
      int timeEndNumber = 1;
      for (int i = 0; i < totalNumberOfAssociations; i++)
          String[] assocToCreate = new String[5];

          // Entity1
          if (entityLists.get("entity1") != null && entityLists.get("entity1").get(entity1Number - 1) != null)
            assocToCreate[0] = entityLists.get("entity1").get(entity1Number - 1);
            if (((Integer) assocCounts.get("entity1Count") > 1) && (i % (Integer) assocCounts.get("entity1Repeat") == 0)) entity1Number++;
            if (entity1Number > entityLists.get("entity1").size()) entity1Number = 1;
          // Entity2
          if (entityLists.get("entity2") != null && entityLists.get("entity2").get(entity2Number - 1) != null)
            assocToCreate[1] = entityLists.get("entity2").get(entity2Number - 1);
            if (((Integer) assocCounts.get("entity2Count") > 1) && (i % (Integer) assocCounts.get("entity2Repeat") == 0)) entity2Number++;
            if (entity2Number > entityLists.get("entity2").size()) entity2Number = 1;
          // Geo_Index
          if (entityLists.get("geo_index") != null && entityLists.get("geo_index").get(geoIndexNumber - 1) != null)
            assocToCreate[2] = entityLists.get("geo_index").get(geoIndexNumber - 1);
            if (((Integer) assocCounts.get("geoIndexCount") > 1) && (i % (Integer) assocCounts.get("geoIndexCount") == 0)) geoIndexNumber++;
            if (geoIndexNumber > entityLists.get("geo_index").size()) geoIndexNumber = 1;
          // Time_Start
          if (entityLists.get("time_start") != null && entityLists.get("time_start").get(timeStartNumber - 1) != null)
            assocToCreate[3] = entityLists.get("time_start").get(timeStartNumber - 1);
            if (((Integer) assocCounts.get("timeStartCount") > 1) && (i % (Integer) assocCounts.get("timeStartCount") == 0)) timeStartNumber++;
            if (timeStartNumber > entityLists.get("time_start").size()) timeStartNumber = 1;
          // Time_End
          if (entityLists.get("time_end") != null && entityLists.get("time_end").get(timeEndNumber - 1) != null)
            assocToCreate[4] = entityLists.get("time_end").get(timeEndNumber - 1);
            if (((Integer) assocCounts.get("timeEndCount") > 1) && (i % (Integer) assocCounts.get("timeEndCount") == 0)) timeEndNumber++;
            if (timeEndNumber > entityLists.get("time_end").size()) timeEndNumber = 1;

        catch (Exception e)
          //logger.error("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
      return assocsToCreate;
      return null;
   * extractEntityLists
   * @param esp
   * @param entityFields
   * @param f
   * @return
  private HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> extractEntityLists(AssociationSpecPojo esp, String[] entityFields, DocumentPojo f)
    // ArrayList to store association entities in
    HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> entityLists = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
    // Get the list of entities from the feed
    List<EntityPojo> entities = f.getEntities();
    // These are the fields over which we are iterating
    for (String field : entityFields)
      // Get the specified type for this field
      String typeValue = getFieldValueFromAssociationSpecPojo(esp, field);
      // Get the index for any entity that matches the type field
      ArrayList<String> indexes = new ArrayList<String>();
      if (typeValue != null)
        for (EntityPojo e : entities)
          if (e.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(typeValue))
            if (null != e.getIndex()) {
              indexes.add(e.getIndex()); // (I think the code will always take this branch)
            else { // (this is just a harmless safety net I think)
              indexes.add(new StringBuffer(e.getDisambiguatedName().toLowerCase()).append(typeValue.toLowerCase()).toString());
        if (indexes.size() > 0) entityLists.put(field, indexes);
    //TESTED (see INF1360_test_source.json:test1 for entities, :test5 for geo_index)
    return entityLists;
   * getFieldValueFromAssociationSpecPojo
   * @param esp
   * @param field
   * @return
  private String getFieldValueFromAssociationSpecPojo(AssociationSpecPojo esp, String field)
    if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("entity1"))
      return esp.getEntity1();
    else if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("entity2"))
      return esp.getEntity2();
    else if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("geo_index"))
      return esp.getGeo_index();
    else if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("time_start"))
      return esp.getTime_start();
    else if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("time_end"))
      return esp.getTime_end();
      return null;
   * getTotalNumberOfAssociations
   * @param entityLists
   * @return
  private Hashtable<String, Integer> getTotalNumberOfAssociations(HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> entityLists, String[] entityFields)
    // Create Hashtable to hold count values referenced by name: i.e. totalNumberOfAssociations
    Hashtable<String, Integer> retVal = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
    int entity1_count = 0;
    int entity2_count = 0;
    int geo_index_count = 0;
    int time_start_count = 0;
    int time_end_count = 0;
    // Count up the total number of associations that need to be created
    // Total Number of Associations = entity1 * entity2 * geo_index * time_start * time_end
    // Note: Only calculates based on the fields passed in the entityFields String[] and
    // the number of matching values in entityLists. If one of those values is 0 then the
    // total number of associations = 0
    int totalAssocs = 1;
    for (String field : entityFields)
      if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("entity1"))
        entity1_count = (entityLists.get("entity1") != null) ? entityLists.get("entity1").size() : 0;
        totalAssocs = totalAssocs * entity1_count;
      if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("entity2"))
        entity2_count = (entityLists.get("entity2") != null) ? entityLists.get("entity2").size() : 0;
        totalAssocs = totalAssocs * entity2_count;
      if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("geo_index"))
        geo_index_count = (entityLists.get("geo_index") != null) ? entityLists.get("geo_index").size() : 0;
        totalAssocs = totalAssocs * geo_index_count;
      if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("time_start"))
        time_start_count = (entityLists.get("time_start") != null) ? entityLists.get("time_start").size() : 0;
        totalAssocs = totalAssocs * time_start_count;
      if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("time_end"))
        time_end_count = (entityLists.get("time_end") != null) ? entityLists.get("time_end").size() : 0;
        totalAssocs = totalAssocs * time_end_count;

    // Add total number of associations to the HashTable and return if the val == 0
    retVal.put("totalNumberOfAssociations", totalAssocs);
    if (totalAssocs == 0) return retVal;

    if (entity1_count == 0) entity1_count = 1;
    if (entity2_count == 0) entity2_count = 1;
    if (geo_index_count == 0) geo_index_count = 1;
    if (time_start_count == 0) time_start_count = 1;
    if (time_end_count == 0) time_end_count = 1;
    // Entity1
    Double repeat = (double) (totalAssocs / entity1_count);
    retVal.put("entity1Repeat", repeat.intValue());
    retVal.put("entity1Count", entity1_count);
    // Entity2
    repeat = (double) (totalAssocs / entity1_count / entity2_count);
    retVal.put("entity2Repeat", repeat.intValue());
    retVal.put("entity2Count", entity2_count);
    // Geo_Index
    repeat = (double) (totalAssocs / entity1_count / entity2_count / geo_index_count)
    retVal.put("geoIndexRepeat", repeat.intValue());
    retVal.put("geoIndexCount", geo_index_count);
    // Time_Start
    repeat = (double) (totalAssocs / entity1_count / entity2_count / geo_index_count / time_start_count)
    retVal.put("timeStartRepeat", repeat.intValue());
    retVal.put("timeStartCount", time_start_count);
    // Time_End
    repeat = (double) (totalAssocs / entity1_count / entity2_count / geo_index_count / time_start_count / time_end_count)
    retVal.put("timeEndRepeat", repeat.intValue());
    retVal.put("timeEndCount", time_end_count);
    return retVal;
   * getAdditiveAssociations
   * @param iterateOver
   * @param f
   * @return
  private ArrayList<String[]> getAdditiveAssociations(AssociationSpecPojo esp, String iterateOver, DocumentPojo f)
    // Split iterateOver into a list of entities on ','
    String[] entityFields = iterateOver.split(",");
    // ArrayList to store association entities in and extract the entities (disambiguous names) from doc.entities
    HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> entityLists = extractEntityLists(esp, entityFields, f);
    int itemCount = 0;
    if (entityLists.size() > 0)
      itemCount = (entityLists.get(entityFields[0]) != null) ? entityLists.get(entityFields[0]).size() : 0;
      // Get an ArrayList<String> from entity1, entity2, geo_index, time_start and time_end fields as appropriate
      ArrayList<String> entity1 = (entityLists.get("entity1") != null) ? entityLists.get("entity1") : null;
      ArrayList<String> entity2 = (entityLists.get("entity2") != null) ? entityLists.get("entity2") : null;
      ArrayList<String> geo_index = (entityLists.get("geo_index") != null) ? entityLists.get("geo_index") : null;
      ArrayList<String> time_start = (entityLists.get("time_start") != null) ? entityLists.get("time_start") : null;
      ArrayList<String> time_end = (entityLists.get("time_end") != null) ? entityLists.get("time_end") : null;
      ArrayList<String[]> assocsToCreate = new ArrayList<String[]>();
      for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
        String[] assocToCreate = new String[5];
        if (entity1 != null && entity1.get(i) != null) assocToCreate[0] = entity1.get(i);
        if (entity2 != null && entity2.get(i) != null) assocToCreate[1] = entity2.get(i);
        if (geo_index != null && geo_index.get(i) != null) assocToCreate[2] = geo_index.get(i);
        if (time_start != null && time_start.get(i) != null) assocToCreate[3] = time_start.get(i);
        if (time_end != null && time_end.get(i) != null) assocToCreate[4] = time_end.get(i);
        // Only add assocToCreate to associationsToCreate if each field passed via entityFields has a value
        boolean addAssocToCreate = true;
        for (String s : entityFields)
          if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("entity1") && assocToCreate[0] == null) { addAssocToCreate = false; break; }
          if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("entity2") && assocToCreate[1] == null) { addAssocToCreate = false; break; }
          if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("geo_index") && assocToCreate[2] == null) { addAssocToCreate = false; break; }
          if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("time_start") && assocToCreate[3] == null) { addAssocToCreate = false; break; }
          if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("time_end") && assocToCreate[4] == null) { addAssocToCreate = false; break; }
        if (addAssocToCreate) assocsToCreate.add(assocToCreate);
      return assocsToCreate;
      return null;

   * getAssociation
   * @param esp
   * @param field
   * @param count
   * @param f
   * @return
  private AssociationPojo getAssociation(AssociationSpecPojo esp, String field, Long count, DocumentPojo f)
    String index = (count != null) ? count.toString() : null;
      AssociationPojo e = new AssociationPojo();
      // If the AssociationSpecPojo has a creation criteria script check the association for validity
      if (esp.getCreationCriteriaScript() != null && JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(esp.getCreationCriteriaScript()))
        boolean addAssoc = executeEntityAssociationValidation(esp.getCreationCriteriaScript(), field, index);
        if (!addAssoc) {
          return null;
      boolean bDontResolveToIndices = false; // (can always override to summary)
      if (null != esp.getAssoc_type() && (esp.getAssoc_type().equalsIgnoreCase("summary"))) {
        bDontResolveToIndices = true;

      // Assoc.entity1
      if ((esp.getEntity1() != null) || (esp.getEntity1_index() != null))
        // Association.entity1_index
        if (esp.getEntity1_index() != null)
          if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(esp.getEntity1_index()))
            String s = (String)getValueFromScript(esp.getEntity1_index(), field, index);
            if (null != s) e.setEntity1_index(s.toLowerCase());
            if ((_iterator != null) && (esp.getEntity1_index().startsWith("$metadata.") || esp.getEntity1_index().startsWith("${metadata."))) {
              if (_context.isStandalone()) { // (minor message, while debugging only)
                _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("Warning: in entity1_index, using global $metadata when iterating", true);
            String s = getFormattedTextFromField(esp.getEntity1_index(), field);
            if (null != s) e.setEntity1_index(s.toLowerCase());
          if (null != e.getEntity1_index()) { // Convert to entity1
            int nTypeIndex = e.getEntity1_index().lastIndexOf('/');
            if (nTypeIndex > 0) {
              e.setEntity1(e.getEntity1_index().substring(0, nTypeIndex));
              if (!_entityMap.contains(e.getEntity1_index())) { // Needs to correlate with an entity
                StringBuffer error =  new StringBuffer("Failed to correlate entity1_index with: ").append(esp.getEntity1_index());
                if (_context.isStandalone()) {
                  error.append(" using ").append(e.getEntity1_index());                 
                _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(error.toString(), true);
              }//TESTED (INF1360_test_source.json:test8)
            else { // index must be malformed
              StringBuffer error =  new StringBuffer("Malformed entity1_index with: ").append(esp.getEntity1_index());
              if (_context.isStandalone()) {
                error.append(" using ").append(e.getEntity1_index());                 
              _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(error.toString(), true);
        }//TESTED (see INF1360_test_source.json:test2)
        // entity1       
        if (null != esp.getEntity1()) {
          if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(esp.getEntity1()))
            e.setEntity1((String)getValueFromScript(esp.getEntity1(), field, index));
            if ((_iterator != null) && (esp.getEntity1().startsWith("$metadata.") || esp.getEntity1().startsWith("${metadata."))) {
              if (_context.isStandalone()) { // (minor message, while debugging only)
                _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("Warning: in entity1, using global $metadata when iterating", true);
            e.setEntity1(getFormattedTextFromField(esp.getEntity1(), field));
          if (!bDontResolveToIndices && (null == e.getEntity1_index()))
            // Try using the entity.disambiguated name, this isn't perfect because 2 entities with different
            // types can have different dnames, but we'll try and then abandon if we get multiple hits
            int nHits = 0;
            String matchingIndex = null;
            for (EntityPojo entity : f.getEntities())
              if (entity.getDisambiguatedName().equalsIgnoreCase(e.getEntity1()))
                if (1 == nHits) {
                  matchingIndex = entity.getIndex();
                else if (!matchingIndex.equals(entity.getIndex())) { // Ambiguous reference so bail out
                  StringBuffer error =  new StringBuffer("Failed entity1_index disambiguation with: ").append(esp.getEntity1());
                  if (_context.isStandalone()) {
                    error.append(" using ").append(e.getEntity1());                 
                  _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(error.toString(), true);

            } // (end loop across all indices)
          }//TESTED (success and fail cases, see INF1360_test_source.json:test3)
        } // (end no entity1_index extracted, entity1 specified)
        // Quality checks:
        if ((esp.getEntity1() != null) && (null == e.getEntity1()) && (null == esp.getCreationCriteriaScript())) {
          // Specified this (entity1), so going to insist on it
          if (_context.isStandalone()) { // (minor message, while debugging only)
            _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(new StringBuffer("Failed to get required entity1 from: ").append(esp.getEntity1()).toString(), true);
          return null;
        if ((esp.getEntity1_index() != null) && (null == e.getEntity1_index()) && (null == esp.getCreationCriteriaScript())) {
          // Specified this (entity1_index), so going to insist on it
          if (_context.isStandalone()) { // (minor message, while debugging only)
            _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(new StringBuffer("Failed to get required entity1_index from: ").append(esp.getEntity1_index()).toString(), true);
          return null;
        //TESTED INF1360_test_source:test7 (no criteria), test8 (criteria)
      } // (end entity1)
      // Assoc.entity2
      if ((esp.getEntity2() != null) || (esp.getEntity2_index() != null))
        // Association.entity2_index
        if (esp.getEntity2_index() != null)
          if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(esp.getEntity2_index()))
            String s = (String)getValueFromScript(esp.getEntity2_index(), field, index);
            if (null != s) e.setEntity2_index(s.toLowerCase());
            if ((_iterator != null) && (esp.getEntity2_index().startsWith("$metadata.") || esp.getEntity2_index().startsWith("${metadata."))) {
              if (_context.isStandalone()) { // (minor message, while debugging only)
                _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("Warning: in entity2_index, using global $metadata when iterating", true);
            String s = getFormattedTextFromField(esp.getEntity2_index(), field);
            if (null != s) e.setEntity2_index(s.toLowerCase());
          if (null != e.getEntity2_index()) { // Convert to entity2
            int nTypeIndex = e.getEntity2_index().lastIndexOf('/');
            if (nTypeIndex > 0) {
              e.setEntity2(e.getEntity2_index().substring(0, nTypeIndex));
              if (!_entityMap.contains(e.getEntity2_index())) { // Needs to correlate with an entity
                StringBuffer error =  new StringBuffer("Failed to correlate entity2_index with: ").append(esp.getEntity2_index());
                if (_context.isStandalone()) {
                  error.append(" using ").append(e.getEntity2_index());                 
                _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(error.toString(), true);
              }//TESTED (INF1360_test_source.json:test8)
            else { // index must be malformed
              StringBuffer error =  new StringBuffer("Malformed entity2_index with: ").append(esp.getEntity2_index());
              if (_context.isStandalone()) {
                error.append(" using ").append(e.getEntity2_index());                 
              _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(error.toString(), true);
        }//TESTED (see INF1360_test_source.json:test2)
        // entity2       
        if (null != esp.getEntity2()) {
          if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(esp.getEntity2()))
            e.setEntity2((String)getValueFromScript(esp.getEntity2(), field, index));
            if ((_iterator != null) && (esp.getEntity2().startsWith("$metadata.") || esp.getEntity2().startsWith("${metadata."))) {
              if (_context.isStandalone()) { // (minor message, while debugging only)
                _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("Warning: in entity2, using global $metadata when iterating", true);
            e.setEntity2(getFormattedTextFromField(esp.getEntity2(), field));
          if (!bDontResolveToIndices && (null == e.getEntity2_index()))
            // Try using the entity.disambiguated name, this isn't perfect because 2 entities with different
            // types can have different dnames, but we'll try and then abandon if we get multiple hits
            int nHits = 0;
            String matchingIndex = null;
            for (EntityPojo entity : f.getEntities())
              if (entity.getDisambiguatedName().equalsIgnoreCase(e.getEntity2()))
                if (1 == nHits) {
                  matchingIndex = entity.getIndex();
                else if (!matchingIndex.equals(entity.getIndex())) { // Ambiguous reference so bail out
                  StringBuffer error =  new StringBuffer("Failed entity2_index disambiguation with: ").append(esp.getEntity2());
                  if (_context.isStandalone()) {
                    error.append(" using ").append(e.getEntity2());                 
                  _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(error.toString(), true);
            } // (end loop across all indices)
          }//TESTED (success and fail cases, see INF1360_test_source.json:test3)
        } // (end no entity2_index extracted, entity2 specified)
        // Quality checks:
        if ((esp.getEntity2() != null) && (null == e.getEntity2()) && (null == esp.getCreationCriteriaScript())) {
          // Specified this (entity2), so going to insist on it
          if (_context.isStandalone()) { // (minor message, while debugging only)
            _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(new StringBuffer("Failed to get required entity2 from: ").append(esp.getEntity2()).toString(), true);
          return null;
        if ((esp.getEntity2_index() != null) && (null == e.getEntity2_index()) && (null == esp.getCreationCriteriaScript())) {
          // Specified this (entity2_index), so going to insist on it
          if (_context.isStandalone()) { // (minor message, while debugging only)
            _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(new StringBuffer("Failed to get required entity2_index from: ").append(esp.getEntity2_index()).toString(), true);
          return null;
        //TESTED INF1360_test_source:test7 (no criteria), test8 (criteria)
      } // (end entity2)
      // Association.verb
      if (esp.getVerb() != null)
        if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(esp.getVerb()))
          e.setVerb((String)getValueFromScript(esp.getVerb(), field, index));
          e.setVerb(getFormattedTextFromField(esp.getVerb(), field));
        if ((null == e.getVerb()) && (null == esp.getCreationCriteriaScript())) {
          // Specified this, so going to insist on it
          if (_context.isStandalone()) { // (minor message, while debugging only)
            _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(new StringBuffer("Failed to get required verb from: ").append(esp.getVerb()).toString(), true);
          return null;
      // Association.verb_category
      if (esp.getVerb_category() != null)
        if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(esp.getVerb_category()))
          String s = (String)getValueFromScript(esp.getVerb_category(), field, index);
          if (null != s) e.setVerb_category(s.toLowerCase());
          String s = getFormattedTextFromField(esp.getVerb_category(), field);
          if (null != s) e.setVerb_category(s.toLowerCase());
      if (null == e.getVerb_category()) { // Needed: verb category (get from verb if not specified)
        _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(new StringBuffer("Failed to get required verb_category from: ").append(esp.getVerb_category()).toString(), true);
        return null;
      if (null == e.getVerb()) { // set from verb cat
      // Entity.start_time
      if (esp.getTime_start() != null)
        String startTimeString = null;
        if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(esp.getTime_start()))
          startTimeString = (String)getValueFromScript(esp.getTime_start(), field, index);
          startTimeString = getFormattedTextFromField(esp.getTime_start(), field);
        if (null != startTimeString) {
        // Allow this to be intrinsically optional
      // Entity.end_time
      if (esp.getTime_end() != null)
        String endTimeString = null;
        if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(esp.getTime_end()))
          endTimeString = (String)getValueFromScript(esp.getTime_end(), field, index);
          endTimeString = getFormattedTextFromField(esp.getTime_end(), field);
        if (null != endTimeString) {
        // Allow this to be intrinsically optional
      // Entity.geo_index
      if (esp.getGeo_index() != null)
        String geo_entity = null;
        if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(esp.getGeo_index()))
          geo_entity = (String)getValueFromScript(esp.getGeo_index(), field, index);
          if ((_iterator != null) && (esp.getGeo_index().startsWith("$metadata.") || esp.getGeo_index().startsWith("${metadata."))) {
            if (_context.isStandalone()) { // (minor message, while debugging only)
              _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("Warning: in geo_index, using global $metadata when iterating", true);
          geo_entity = getFormattedTextFromField(esp.getGeo_index(), field);
        if (null != geo_entity) {
          geo_entity = geo_entity.toLowerCase();
          if (geo_entity.lastIndexOf('/') < 0) {
            StringBuffer error =  new StringBuffer("Malformed entity2_index with: ").append(esp.getGeo_index());
            if (_context.isStandalone()) {
              error.append(" using ").append(geo_entity);                 
            _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(error.toString(), true);

            geo_entity = null;
          if (!_entityMap.contains(geo_entity)) {
            StringBuffer error =  new StringBuffer("Failed to disambiguate geo_index with: ").append(esp.getGeo_index());
            if (_context.isStandalone()) {
              error.append(" using ").append(geo_entity);                 
            _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(error.toString(), true);

            geo_entity = null;           
          //TESTED (INF1360_test_source:test4b)
        //TESTED (INF1360_test_source:test4, test5, test6)
        if (null != geo_entity) e.setGeo_index(geo_entity);
        GeoPojo s1 = _geoMap.get(geo_entity);
        //TESTED (INF1360_test_source:test4)
        // Allow this to be intrinsically optional
      // Get geo information based on geo tag
      if (e.getGeotag() == null)
        // Extract association geoTag if it exists in the association
        if (esp.getGeotag() != null)
          e.setGeotag(getEntityGeo(esp.getGeotag(), null, field));
        // Otherwise search geoMap on index (entity1_index, entity2_index) for a geoTag
          if (e.getEntity1_index() != null || e.getEntity2_index() != null)
            GeoPojo s1 = _geoMap.get(e.getEntity1_index());
            if (s1 != null)
            else {
              GeoPojo s2 = _geoMap.get(e.getEntity2_index());
              if (s2 != null)
        // Allow this to be intrinsically optional

      // If all the indexes are null don't add the association
      if (e.getEntity1_index() == null && e.getEntity2_index() == null && e.getGeo_index() == null) {
        if (bDontResolveToIndices  && _context.isStandalone()) { // (minor message, while debugging only)
          _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("Warning: for summaries, at least one entity must be manually specified as an index", true);
        return null;
      // Calculate association type
      if (bDontResolveToIndices) {
      else {       
        if (null != esp.getAssoc_type()) {
          if (!e.getAssociation_type().equals("Summary")) {
            // Allowed to switch event<->fact
            if (esp.getAssoc_type().equalsIgnoreCase("fact")) {
            else if (esp.getAssoc_type().equalsIgnoreCase("event")) {
      return e;
    catch (Exception e)
      // This can happen as part of normal logic flow
      //logger.error("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
      return null;

   * getValueFromScript
   * @param script
   * @param value
   * @param index
   * @return
  private Object getValueFromScript(String script, String value, String index)
    return getValueFromScript(script, value, index, true);
  private Object getValueFromScript(String script, String value, String index, boolean errorOnNull)
    Object retVal = null;
      // Create script object from entity or association JSON
      if (_iterator != null)
        if (null == _scriptEngine) {
          throw new RuntimeException("Using script without specifying 'scriptEngine' field in 'structuredAnalysis'");
        _scriptEngine.put("_iterator", _iterator);
        _securityManager.eval(_scriptEngine, JavaScriptUtils.iteratorDocScript);
      else {
        _scriptEngine.put("_iterator", null);       
      // Pass value into script as _value so it is accessible
      if (value != null) {
        if (null == _scriptEngine) {
          throw new RuntimeException("Using script without specifying 'scriptEngine' field in 'structuredAnalysis'");
        _scriptEngine.put("_value", value);
      else {
        _scriptEngine.put("_value", null);       
      if (index != null) {
        if (null == _scriptEngine) {
          throw new RuntimeException("Using script without specifying 'scriptEngine' field in 'structuredAnalysis'");
        _scriptEngine.put("_index", index);
      else if (_iteratorIndex != null) {
        if (null == _scriptEngine) {
          throw new RuntimeException("Using script without specifying 'scriptEngine' field in 'structuredAnalysis'");
        _scriptEngine.put("_index", _iteratorIndex);
      else {
        _scriptEngine.put("_index", null);        
      // $SCRIPT - string contains javacript to pass into the engine
      // via .eval and then invoke to get a return value of type Object
      if (script.toLowerCase().startsWith("$script"))
        if (null == _scriptEngine) {
          throw new RuntimeException("Using script without specifying 'scriptEngine' field in 'structuredAnalysis'");
        _securityManager.eval(_scriptEngine, JavaScriptUtils.getScript(script));
        //must turn the security back on when invoking calls
        try {
          retVal = _scriptInvoker.invokeFunction(JavaScriptUtils.genericFunctionCall);
        finally {
      // $FUNC - string contains the name of a function to call (i.e. getSometing(); )
      else if (script.toLowerCase().startsWith("$func"))
        if (null == _scriptEngine) {
          throw new RuntimeException("Using script without specifying 'scriptEngine' field in 'structuredAnalysis'");
        retVal = _securityManager.eval(_scriptEngine, JavaScriptUtils.getScript(script));
      if (errorOnNull && (null == retVal) && _context.isStandalone()) { // Display warning:
        StringBuffer error = new StringBuffer("Failed to get value from: ");
        error.append("script=").append(script).append("; iterator=").append(null==_iterator?"null":_iterator.toString()).
                    append("; value=").append(null==value?"null":value).
                    append("; index=").append(index == null?_iteratorIndex:index);
        _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(error.toString(), true);
    catch (Exception e)
      StringBuffer error = HarvestExceptionUtils.createExceptionMessage(e);
      error.append(": script=").append(script);
      if (_context.isStandalone()) { //  Standalone mode, provide more details
        error.append("; iterator=").append(null==_iterator?"null":_iterator.toString()).
                      append("; value=").append(null==value?"null":value).
                      append("; index=").append(index == null?_iteratorIndex:index);
      _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(error.toString(), true);
    return retVal;

   * getDocGeo(DocGeoSpecPojo d)
   * Convert the contents of a DocGeoSpecPojo to a GeoJSONPojo, i.e. return
   * latitude and longitude for a feed
   * @param d DocGeoSpecPojo
   * @return GeoJSONPojo
  private GeoPojo getDocGeo(GeoSpecPojo d)
    GeoPojo docGeo = new GeoPojo();
    String latValue = null;
    String lonValue = null;

      // The DocSpecGeoPojo already has lat and lon so we just need to retrieve the values
      if ((d.getLat() != null) && (d.getLon() != null))
        if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(d.getLat()))
          latValue = (String)getValueFromScript(d.getLat(), null, null);
          latValue = getStringFromJsonField(d.getLat(), null);

        if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(d.getLat()))
          lonValue = (String)getValueFromScript(d.getLon(), null, null);
          lonValue = getStringFromJsonField(d.getLon(), null);

      // Try and retrieve lat and lon using city, state, country values
        String city, region, country, countryCode = null;
        // Create a GeoReferencePojo from the DocSpecGeo object
        GeoFeaturePojo g = new GeoFeaturePojo();

        if (d.getCity() != null)
          if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(d.getCity()))
            city = (String)getValueFromScript(d.getCity(), null, null);
            city = getFormattedTextFromField(d.getCity(), null);


        if (d.getStateProvince() != null)
          if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(d.getStateProvince()))
            region = (String)getValueFromScript(d.getStateProvince(), null, null);
            region = getFormattedTextFromField(d.getStateProvince(), null);

          if (g.getSearch_field() == null) g.setSearch_field(region);

        if (d.getCountry() != null)
          if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(d.getCountry()))
            country = (String)getValueFromScript(d.getCountry(), null, null);
            country = getFormattedTextFromField(d.getCountry(), null);

          if (g.getSearch_field() == null) g.setSearch_field(country);

        if (d.getCountryCode() != null)
          if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(d.getCountryCode()))
            countryCode = (String)getValueFromScript(d.getCountryCode(), null, null);
            countryCode = getFormattedTextFromField(d.getCountryCode(), null);

          if (g.getSearch_field() == null) g.setSearch_field(countryCode);

        // Send the GeoReferencePojo to enrichGeoInfo to attempt to get lat and lon values
        boolean bStrictMatch = (null == d.getStrictMatch()) || d.getStrictMatch();
        List<GeoFeaturePojo> gList = GeoReference.enrichGeoInfo(g, bStrictMatch, true, 1);
        latValue = gList.get(0).getGeoindex().lat.toString();
        lonValue = gList.get(0).getGeoindex().lon.toString();

      // Set lat and long in DocGeo if possible = Double.parseDouble(latValue);
      docGeo.lon = Double.parseDouble(lonValue);
      if ( == 0 && docGeo.lon == 0) docGeo = null; // Don't save 0,0 vals
    catch (Exception e)
      if (null != d.getAlternatives()) {
        for (GeoSpecPojo altIn: d.getAlternatives()) {
          GeoPojo altOut =  getDocGeo(altIn);
          if (null != altOut) {
            return altOut;
      docGeo = null;
    return docGeo;

   * getEntityGeo
   * Get GeoPojo object for entities and associations
   * @param gsp
   * @return
  private GeoPojo getEntityGeo(GeoSpecPojo gsp, DocumentPojo f, String field)
      GeoPojo g = null;
      Double dLat = (double) 0;
      Double dLon = (double) 0;
      if (gsp != null)
        String latValue = null;
        String lonValue = null;
        // The GeoSpecPojo already has lat and lon so we just need to retrieve the values
        if ((gsp.getLat() != null) && (gsp.getLon() != null)) {
          if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(gsp.getLat()))
            latValue = (String)getValueFromScript(gsp.getLat(), null, null);
            latValue = getFormattedTextFromField(gsp.getLat(), field);
          if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(gsp.getLon()))
            lonValue = (String)getValueFromScript(gsp.getLon(), null, null);
            lonValue = getFormattedTextFromField(gsp.getLon(), field);
          if (latValue != null && lonValue != null)
            dLat = Double.parseDouble(latValue);
            dLon = Double.parseDouble(lonValue);
          String city, region, country, countryCode = null;
          // Create a GeoReferencePojo from the GeoSpec object
          GeoFeaturePojo gfp = new GeoFeaturePojo();

          if (gsp.getCity() != null)
            if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(gsp.getCity()))
              city = (String)getValueFromScript(gsp.getCity(), null, null);
              city = getFormattedTextFromField(gsp.getCity(), null);


          if (gsp.getStateProvince() != null)
            if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(gsp.getStateProvince()))
              region = (String)getValueFromScript(gsp.getStateProvince(), null, null);
              region = getFormattedTextFromField(gsp.getStateProvince(), null);

            if (gfp.getSearch_field() == null) gfp.setSearch_field(region);

          if (gsp.getCountry() != null)
            if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(gsp.getCountry()))
              country = (String)getValueFromScript(gsp.getCountry(), null, null);
              country = getFormattedTextFromField(gsp.getCountry(), null);

            if (gfp.getSearch_field() == null) gfp.setSearch_field(country);

          if (gsp.getCountryCode() != null)
            if (JavaScriptUtils.containsScript(gsp.getCountryCode()))
              countryCode = (String)getValueFromScript(gsp.getCountryCode(), null, null);
              countryCode = getFormattedTextFromField(gsp.getCountryCode(), null);

            // (Don't set to search field for country code - it will be equal to country...)

          // Send the GeoReferencePojo to enrichGeoInfo to attempt to get lat and lon values
          boolean bStrictMatch = (null == gsp.getStrictMatch()) || gsp.getStrictMatch();
          List<GeoFeaturePojo> gList = GeoReference.enrichGeoInfo(gfp, bStrictMatch, true, 1);
          GeoFeaturePojo firstGeo = gList.get(0);
          latValue = firstGeo.getGeoindex().lat.toString();
          lonValue = firstGeo.getGeoindex().lon.toString();
          // Set lat and long in DocGeo if possible
          dLat = Double.parseDouble(latValue);
          dLon = Double.parseDouble(lonValue);

      if (dLat != 0 && dLon !=0)
        g = new GeoPojo(); = dLat;
        g.lon = dLon;

      return g;
    catch (Exception e) // If alternatives are specified we can try them instead
      if (null != gsp.getAlternatives()) {
        for (GeoSpecPojo altIn: gsp.getAlternatives()) {
          GeoPojo altOut =  getEntityGeo(altIn, f, field);
          if (null != altOut) {
            return altOut;
      return null;
   * executeEntityAssociationValidation
   * @param s
   * @param j
   * @return
  private Boolean executeEntityAssociationValidation(String s, String value, String index)
    Boolean retVal = null;
      // Run our script that checks whether or not the entity/association should be added
      Object retValObj = getValueFromScript(s, value, index);
      try {
        retVal = (Boolean) retValObj;
      catch (Exception e) {} // case exception handled below
      if (null == retVal) { // If it's any string, then creation criteria == false and log message       
        _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage((String)retValObj, true);
        retVal = false;
    catch (Exception e)
      _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage(HarvestExceptionUtils.createExceptionMessage(e).toString(), true);
      retVal = false;
    return retVal;
   * getFormattedTextFromField
   * Accepts a string value that can contain a combination of literal text and
   * names of fields in the JSON document that need to be retrieved into the
   * literal text, i.e.:
   * 'On $metadata.reportdatetime MPD reported that a $metadata.offense occurred.'
   * @param v - origString
   * @return String
  private String getFormattedTextFromField(String origString, String value)
    // Don't bother running the rest of the code if there are no replacements to make (i.e. does not have $)
    if (!origString.contains("$")) return origString;
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    Matcher m = SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN.matcher(origString);
    int ncurrpos = 0;
    // Iterate over each match found within the string and concatenate values together:
    // string literal value + JSON field (matched pattern) retrieved
    while (m.find())
       int nnewpos = m.start();
       sb.append(origString.substring(ncurrpos, nnewpos));
       ncurrpos = m.end();
       // Retrieve the field information matched with the RegEx
       String match = ( != null) ?;
       String sreplace;
       if ((null != match) && match.equals("$")) { // $ escaping via ${$}
         sreplace = "$";
       else {
         // Retrieve the data from the JSON field and append
         sreplace = getStringFromJsonField(match, value);
       if (null == sreplace) {
         return null;
       sb.append( sreplace );
    return sb.toString();
   * getStringFromJsonField
   * Takes string in the form of: node1.nodeN.fieldName and returns
   * the value contained in the JSON for that field as an String
   * Note: supports leading $s in the field name, $s get stripped
   * out in getValueFromJsonField
   * @param fieldLocation
   * @return Object
  private String getStringFromJsonField(String fieldLocation, String value)
      if ((null != value) && fieldLocation.equalsIgnoreCase("value")) // ($value when iterating)
        return value;
      if ((null == _iterator) && (null != _docPojo) && fieldLocation.equalsIgnoreCase("fullText")) { // another special case
        return _docPojo.getFullText();
      return (String)getValueFromJsonField(fieldLocation);
    catch (Exception e)
      return null;
   * getValueFromJsonField
   * Takes string in the form of: node1.node2.fieldName and returns
   * the value contained in the JSON for that field as an Object
   * Note: supports leading $s in the field name
   * @param fieldLocation
   * @return
  private Object getValueFromJsonField(String fieldLocation)
      // Strip out $ chars if present and then split on '.'
      // to get the JSON node hierarchy and field name
      String[] field = fieldLocation.replace("$", "").split("\\.");

      StringBuffer node = new StringBuffer();
      // JSON node = all strings in field[] (except for the last string in the array)
      // concatenated together with the '.' char
      if (field.length > 1)
        for ( int i = 0; i < field.length - 1; i++ )
          if (node.length() > 0) node.append(".");

      // The field name is the final value in the array
      String fieldName = field[field.length - 1];
      return getValueFromJson(node.toString(), fieldName);
    catch (Exception e)
      // This can happen as part of normal logic flow
      //logger.error("getValueFromJsonField Exception: " + e.getMessage());
      return null;
   * getValueFromJson(String node, String field)
   * Attempts to retrieve a value from the node/field and return
   * and object containing the value to be converted by calling method
   * @param node
   * @param field
   * @return Object o
  private Object getValueFromJson(String node, String field)
    JSONObject json = (_iterator != null) ? _iterator : _document;   
    Object o = null;
      if (node.length() > 1)
        // (removed the [] case, you'll need to do that with scripts unless you want [0] for every field)
        // Mostly standard case $metadata(.object).+field
        if (node.indexOf('.') > -1) {
          String node_fields[] = node.split("\\.");
          JSONObject jo = json;
          for (String f: node_fields) {
            Object testJo = jo.get(f);
            if (testJo instanceof JSONArray) {
              jo = ((JSONArray)testJo).getJSONObject(0);
            else {
              jo = (JSONObject)testJo;
          Object testJo = jo.get(field);
          if (testJo instanceof JSONArray) {
            o = ((JSONArray)testJo).getString(0);
          else {
            o = testJo;
        // Standard case - $metadata.field
          JSONObject jo = json.getJSONObject(node);
          Object testJo = jo.get(field);
          if (testJo instanceof JSONArray)
            o = ((JSONArray)testJo).getString(0);
            o = testJo;
        Object testJo = json.get(field);
        if (testJo instanceof JSONArray)
          o = ((JSONArray)testJo).getString(0);
          o = testJo;
    catch (Exception e)
      // This can happen as part of normal logic flow
      //logger.error("getValueFromJson Exception: " + e.getMessage());
      return null;
    return o;

  // Utility function to expand all "iterateOver"s of the format a.b.c

  private static void expandIterationLoops(StructuredAnalysisConfigPojo s) {

    // Entities first:
    HashMap<String, EntitySpecPojo> nestedEntityMap = null;
    ArrayList<EntitySpecPojo> newEntityEntries = null;
    if (null != s.getEntities()) { 
      Iterator<EntitySpecPojo> entSpecIt = s.getEntities().iterator();
      while (entSpecIt.hasNext()) {
        EntitySpecPojo entS =;
        if ((null != entS.getIterateOver()) && (entS.getIterateOver().contains(".")))
          // For associations only: included here so it doesn't get forgotten in cut-and-pastes...
          //if (assocS.getIterateOver().contains(",") || assocS.getIterateOver().contains("/")) {
          //  continue;
          if (null == nestedEntityMap) { // (do need this map)
            nestedEntityMap = new HashMap<String, EntitySpecPojo>();
          if (null == newEntityEntries) {
            newEntityEntries = new ArrayList<EntitySpecPojo>(10);           
          EntitySpecPojo prevLevelSpec = null;         
          String iterateOver = entS.getIterateOver() + "."; // (end with "." to make life easier)
          entS.setIterateOver(null); // (this is now the end of the chain)
          entSpecIt.remove(); // (so remove from the list)
          boolean bChainBroken = false;
          for (int nCurrDot = iterateOver.indexOf('.'), nLastDot = -1;
              nCurrDot >= 0;
            nLastDot = nCurrDot, nCurrDot = iterateOver.indexOf('.', nCurrDot + 1))
            String currLevel = iterateOver.substring(0, nCurrDot); // (eg a, a.b, a.b.c)
            String lastComp_currLevel = iterateOver.substring(nLastDot + 1, nCurrDot); // (eg a, b, c)
            EntitySpecPojo currLevelSpec = null;
            if (!bChainBroken) {
              currLevelSpec = nestedEntityMap.get(currLevel);
            if (null == currLevelSpec) {
              bChainBroken = true; // (no point in doing any more lookups)
              currLevelSpec = new EntitySpecPojo();
              nestedEntityMap.put(currLevel, currLevelSpec);
              if (null != prevLevelSpec) { // add myself to the next level
                if (null == prevLevelSpec.getEntities()) {
                  prevLevelSpec.setEntities(new ArrayList<EntitySpecPojo>(5));
              else { // I am the first level, add myself to entity list
                newEntityEntries.add(currLevelSpec); // (this is now the head of the chain)                         
              prevLevelSpec = currLevelSpec;
            else { // We're already have this level, so carry on:
              prevLevelSpec = currLevelSpec; //(in case this was the last level...)
          } //(end loop over expansion levels)

          // Add entS (ie the spec with the content) to the end of the chain
          if (null != prevLevelSpec) { // (probably an internal logic error if not)
            if (null == prevLevelSpec.getEntities()) {
              prevLevelSpec.setEntities(new ArrayList<EntitySpecPojo>(5));
        }//(end found entity with expandable iterateOver)
        else if (null != entS.getIterateOver()) { // Non-nested case, simpler
          // For associations only: included here so it doesn't get forgotten in cut-and-pastes...
          //if (assocS.getIterateOver().contains(",") || assocS.getIterateOver().contains("/")) {
          //  continue;
          if (null == nestedEntityMap) { // (do need this map)
            nestedEntityMap = new HashMap<String, EntitySpecPojo>();
          //(and logic is different enough that it makes most sense to do separately rather than grovel to save a few lines)
          EntitySpecPojo currSpec = nestedEntityMap.get(entS.getIterateOver());
          if (null != currSpec) {
            if (null == currSpec.getEntities()) {
              currSpec.setEntities(new ArrayList<EntitySpecPojo>(5));
          else {
            nestedEntityMap.put(entS.getIterateOver(), entS);
      }// (end loop over entities)
      if (null != newEntityEntries) {
    }//(end if entities)
    // Identical code for associations:
    // Just going to cut and replace and rename a few variables
    //HashMap<String, AssociationSpecPojo> nestedAssociationMap = null;
    HashMap<String, AssociationSpecPojo> nestedAssocMap = null;
    ArrayList<AssociationSpecPojo> newAssocEntries = null;
    if (null != s.getAssociations()) { 
      Iterator<AssociationSpecPojo> assocSpecIt = s.getAssociations().iterator();
      while (assocSpecIt.hasNext()) {
        AssociationSpecPojo assocS =;
        if ((null != assocS.getIterateOver()) && (assocS.getIterateOver().contains(".")))
          // For associations only: included here so it doesn't get forgotten in cut-and-pastes...
          if (assocS.getIterateOver().contains(",") || assocS.getIterateOver().contains("/")) {
          if (null == nestedAssocMap) { // (do need this map)
            nestedAssocMap = new HashMap<String, AssociationSpecPojo>();
          if (null == newAssocEntries) {
            newAssocEntries = new ArrayList<AssociationSpecPojo>(10);           
          AssociationSpecPojo prevLevelSpec = null;         
          String iterateOver = assocS.getIterateOver() + "."; // (end with "." to make life easier)
          assocS.setIterateOver(null); // (this is now the end of the chain)
          assocSpecIt.remove(); // (so remove from the list)
          boolean bChainBroken = false;
          for (int nCurrDot = iterateOver.indexOf('.'), nLastDot = -1;
              nCurrDot >= 0;
            nLastDot = nCurrDot, nCurrDot = iterateOver.indexOf('.', nCurrDot + 1))
            String currLevel = iterateOver.substring(0, nCurrDot); // (eg a, a.b, a.b.c)
            String lastComp_currLevel = iterateOver.substring(nLastDot + 1, nCurrDot); // (eg a, b, c)
            AssociationSpecPojo currLevelSpec = null;
            if (!bChainBroken) {
              currLevelSpec = nestedAssocMap.get(currLevel);
            if (null == currLevelSpec) {
              bChainBroken = true; // (no point in doing any more lookups)
              currLevelSpec = new AssociationSpecPojo();
              nestedAssocMap.put(currLevel, currLevelSpec);
              if (null != prevLevelSpec) { // add myself to the next level
                if (null == prevLevelSpec.getAssociations()) {
                  prevLevelSpec.setAssociations(new ArrayList<AssociationSpecPojo>(5));
              else { // I am the first level, add myself to entity list
                newAssocEntries.add(currLevelSpec); // (this is now the head of the chain)                         
              prevLevelSpec = currLevelSpec;
            else { // We're already have this level, so carry on:
              prevLevelSpec = currLevelSpec; //(in case this was the last level...)
          } //(end loop over expansion levels)

          // Add entS (ie the spec with the content) to the end of the chain
          if (null != prevLevelSpec) { // (probably an internal logic error if not)
            if (null == prevLevelSpec.getAssociations()) {
              prevLevelSpec.setAssociations(new ArrayList<AssociationSpecPojo>(5));
        }//(end found entity with expandable iterateOver)
        else if (null != assocS.getIterateOver()) { // Non-nested case, simpler
          // For associations only: included here so it doesn't get forgotten in cut-and-pastes...
          if (assocS.getIterateOver().contains(",") || assocS.getIterateOver().contains("/")) {
          if (null == nestedAssocMap) { // (do need this map)
            nestedAssocMap = new HashMap<String, AssociationSpecPojo>();
          //(and logic is different enough that it makes most sense to do separately rather than grovel to save a few lines)
          AssociationSpecPojo currSpec = nestedAssocMap.get(assocS.getIterateOver());
          if (null != currSpec) {
            if (null == currSpec.getAssociations()) {
              currSpec.setAssociations(new ArrayList<AssociationSpecPojo>(5));
          else {
            nestedAssocMap.put(assocS.getIterateOver(), assocS);
      }// (end loop over entities)
      if (null != newAssocEntries) {
    }//(end if entities)

  // Share utility to repopulate the entity cache before ent/assoc processing
  private void repopulateEntityCacheIfNeeded(DocumentPojo f)
    if (null == _entityMap) {
      _entityMap = new HashSet<String>();
      _geoMap = new HashMap<String, GeoPojo>();
      if (f.getEntities() != null)
        for (EntityPojo ent: f.getEntities()) {
          if (null != ent.getIndex()) {
            if (null != ent.getGeotag()) {
              _geoMap.put(ent.getIndex(), ent.getGeotag());
      }//TESTED (in INF_1360_test_source.json:test8, hand created f.entities containing "entity2/type2")
  public static void main(String[] argv) {
    // Test entity expansion:
    StructuredAnalysisConfigPojo s = new StructuredAnalysisConfigPojo();
    s.setEntities(new ArrayList<EntitySpecPojo>(20));
    EntitySpecPojo e = null;
    e = new EntitySpecPojo();
    e = new EntitySpecPojo();
    e = new EntitySpecPojo();
    e = new EntitySpecPojo();
    e = new EntitySpecPojo();
    e = new EntitySpecPojo();
    e = new EntitySpecPojo();
    // null case
    e = new EntitySpecPojo();
    e.setDisambiguated_name("(null iterator)");
    System.out.println("TEST1: ENTITY ITERATION EXPANSION: ");
    System.out.println(new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create().toJson(s));
    s.setAssociations(new ArrayList<AssociationSpecPojo>(20));
    AssociationSpecPojo assoc = null;
    assoc = new AssociationSpecPojo();
    assoc = new AssociationSpecPojo();
    assoc = new AssociationSpecPojo();
    assoc = new AssociationSpecPojo();
    assoc =new AssociationSpecPojo();
    assoc =new AssociationSpecPojo();
    assoc =new AssociationSpecPojo();
    //"," case
    assoc =new AssociationSpecPojo();
    assoc.setEntity1("ITERATE OVER p.q,RR");
    //"/" case
    assoc =new AssociationSpecPojo();
    assoc.setEntity1("ITERATE OVER p.q/SS");
    // null case
    assoc =new AssociationSpecPojo();
    assoc.setEntity1("(null iterator)");
    //SHOULD HAVE TEST FOR ITERATE OVER p,q (now hand tested anyway)
    System.out.println(new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create().toJson(s));

Related Classes of com.ikanow.infinit.e.harvest.enrichment.custom.StructuredAnalysisHarvester

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