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import static java.util.Arrays.*;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.*;
import static*;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;


* <p>
* {@link PrimitiveGenerators} contains factory methods for primitive value
* generators. These can be used to build custom test case generators.
* <p/>
* <p>
* The default distribution for generators is {@link Distribution#UNIFORM}.
* </p>
public class PrimitiveGenerators {

  public static final int DEFAULT_STRING_MAX_LENGTH = StringGenerator.MAX_LENGTH;
   * Create a new string generator.<br>
   * The characters are from the Basic Latin and Latin-1 Supplement unicode blocks.
  public static ExtendibleGenerator<Character, String> strings() {
    return new StringGenerator();

   * Create a new string generator which generates strings of characters
   * ranging from lo to hi.
   * @param lo
   *            lower boundary character
   * @param hi
   *            upper boundary character
  public static ExtendibleGenerator<Character, String> strings(char lo,
      char hi) {
    return new StringGenerator(lo, hi);

   * Create a new string generator which generates strings of characters from
   * the given string.
  public static ExtendibleGenerator<Character, String> strings(
      String allowedCharacters) {
    return new StringGenerator(characters(allowedCharacters));

   * Create a new string generator which generates strings of characters from
   * the given string with a length between min and max.
  public static ExtendibleGenerator<Character, String> strings(String allowedCharacters, int min, int max) {
    return new StringGenerator(new IntegerGenerator(min, max), characters(allowedCharacters));

   * Creates a new String genearator which generates strings whose length
   * ranges from zero to given length.
  public static ExtendibleGenerator<Character, String> strings(int max) {
    return strings(0, max);

   * Create a new string generator which generates strings of sizes ranging
   * from loLength to hiLength.
   * @param min
   *            lower size boundary
   * @param max
   *            upper size boundary
  public static ExtendibleGenerator<Character, String> strings(int min, int max) {
    return new StringGenerator(new IntegerGenerator(min, max), new CharacterGenerator());

   * Create a new string generator which creates strings of characters
   * generated by the given character generator with a length generated by the
   * length generator.
  public static ExtendibleGenerator<Character, String> strings(
      Generator<Integer> length, Generator<Character> characters) {
    return new StringGenerator(length, characters);

   * Create a new string generator which creates strings of characters
   * generated by the given character generator.
  public static ExtendibleGenerator<Character, String> strings(
      Generator<Character> characterGenerator) {
    return new StringGenerator(characterGenerator);

   * Create a new string generator which creates strings of characters from
   * a-z and A-Z.
  public static ExtendibleGenerator<Character, String> letterStrings() {
    return new StringGenerator(characters('a', 'z')).add(characters('A', 'Z'));

   * Create a new string generator which creates strings with sizes ranging
   * from loLengh to hiLength of characters from a-z and A-Z.
  public static ExtendibleGenerator<Character, String> letterStrings(int min, int max) {
    StringGenerator generator = new StringGenerator(new IntegerGenerator(min, max), characters('a', 'z'));
    return generator.add(characters('A', 'Z'));

   * Create a new string generator which creates strings of characters
   * generated by {@link PrimitiveGenerators#basicLatinCharacters()} and
   * {@link PrimitiveGenerators#latin1SupplementCharacters()}.
  public static ExtendibleGenerator<Character, String> printableStrings() {
    return new StringGenerator(basicLatinCharacters()).add(latin1SupplementCharacters());

   * Create a new string generator for strings that are not empty.
  public static ExtendibleGenerator<Character, String> nonEmptyStrings() {
    return strings(1, StringGenerator.MAX_LENGTH);

   * Create a new character generator which generates characters ranging from
   * lo to hi.
  public static Generator<Character> characters(char lo, char hi) {
    return new CharacterGenerator(lo, hi);

   * Create a new character generator.<br>
   * The characters are from the Basic Latin and Latin-1 Supplement unicode blocks.
  public static Generator<Character> characters(){
    return new CharacterGenerator();
   * Create a new character generator which generates characters from the
   * given character array.
  public static Generator<Character> characters(Character... chars) {
    return characters(asList(chars));

   * Create a new character generator which generates characters from the
   * given string.
  public static Generator<Character> characters(String string) {
    Character[] chars = new Character[string.length()];
    for(int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) chars[i] = string.charAt(i);
    return characters(chars);

   * Create a new character generator which generates characters from the
   * given character collection.
  public static Generator<Character> characters(Collection<Character> chars) {
    return new FixedValuesGenerator<Character>(chars);

   * Create a new character generator which generates latin-1 supplement
   * characters.
  public static Generator<Character> latin1SupplementCharacters() {
    return characters(LATIN_1_SUPPLEMENT.getFirst(), LATIN_1_SUPPLEMENT.getSecond());

   * Create a new character generator which generates latin characters.
  public static Generator<Character> basicLatinCharacters() {
    return characters(BASIC_LATIN.getFirst(), BASIC_LATIN.getSecond());

   * Create a new integer generator which creates integers ranging from
   * {@link Integer#MIN_VALUE} to {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}.
  public static Generator<Integer> integers() {
    return new IntegerGenerator();

   * Create a new integer generator which creates integers that are at equal
   * or greater than low.
  public static Generator<Integer> integers(int low) {
    return new IntegerGenerator(low, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

   * Create a new integer generator which creates integers ranging from lo to
   * hi.
  public static Generator<Integer> integers(int lo, int hi) {
    return new IntegerGenerator(lo, hi);

   * Create a new integer generator which creates integers ranging from lo to
   * hi based on the given {@link Distribution}.
  public static Generator<Integer> integers(int lo, int hi,
      Distribution distribution) {
    return new IntegerGenerator(lo, hi, distribution);

   * Create a new integer generator which creates positive integers.
  public static Generator<Integer> positiveIntegers() {
    return positiveIntegers(Integer.MAX_VALUE);

   * Create a new integer generator which creates positive integers than are
   * equal or smaller than high.
  public static Generator<Integer> positiveIntegers(int high) {
    return new IntegerGenerator(1, high);

   * Create a new byte generator which creates byte values ranging from
   * {@link Byte#MIN_VALUE} to {@link Byte#MAX_VALUE}.
  public static Generator<Byte> bytes() {
    return new ByteGenerator();

   * Create a new byte generator which creates byte values ranging from lo to
   * hi.
  public static Generator<Byte> bytes(byte lo, byte hi) {
    return new ByteGenerator(lo, hi);

   * Create a new integer generator which creates integers ranging from lo to
   * hi based on the given {@link Distribution}.
  public static Generator<Byte> bytes(byte lo, byte hi,
      Distribution distribution) {
    return new ByteGenerator(lo, hi, distribution);

   * Create a new long generator which creates longs ranging from
   * {@link Long#MIN_VALUE} to {@link Long#MAX_VALUE}.
  public static Generator<Long> longs() {
    return new LongGenerator();

   * Create a new long generator which creates longs ranging from lo to hi.
  public static Generator<Long> longs(long lo, long hi) {
    return new LongGenerator(lo, hi, Distribution.UNIFORM);

   * Create a new long generator which creates longs ranging from lo to hi
   * based on the given {@link Distribution}.
  public static Generator<Long> longs(long lo, long hi,
      Distribution distribution) {
    return new LongGenerator(lo, hi, distribution);

   * Create a new long generator which creates long values ranging from 1 to
   * {@link Long#MAX_VALUE}.
  public static Generator<Long> positiveLongs() {
    return positiveLongs(Long.MAX_VALUE);

   * Create a new long generator which creates long values ranging from 1 to
   * hi.
  public static Generator<Long> positiveLongs(long hi) {
    return longs(1, hi);

   * Create a new double generator which creates doubles ranging from
   * {@link Double#MIN_VALUE} to {@link Double#MAX_VALUE}.
  public static Generator<Double> doubles() {
    return new DoubleGenerator();

   * Create a new double generator which creates doubles ranging from lo to
   * hi.
  public static Generator<Double> doubles(double lo, double hi) {
    return new DoubleGenerator(lo, hi);

   * Create a new double generator which creates doubles ranging from lo to hi
   * based on the given {@link Distribution}.
  public static Generator<Double> doubles(double lo, double hi,
      Distribution distribution) {
    return new DoubleGenerator(lo, hi, distribution);

   * Create a generator for boolean values.
  public static Generator<Boolean> booleans() {
    return new FixedValuesGenerator<Boolean>(Arrays.asList(Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE));

   * Create a generator for null values.
  public static <T> Generator<T> nulls() {
    return new FixedValuesGenerator<T>();

   * Create a generator for date values.
  public static Generator<Date> dates() {
    return dates(MILLISECONDS);

   * Create a generator for date values with the given precision.
  public static Generator<Date> dates(TimeUnit precision) {
    return dates(Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE, precision);

   * Create a generator for date values from low to high.
  public static Generator<Date> dates(Date low, Date high) {
    return dates(low.getTime(), high.getTime());

   * Create a generator for date values from low to high.
  public static Generator<Date> dates(long low, long high) {
    return dates(low, high, MILLISECONDS);

   * Create a generator for date values from low to high with the given
   * precision.
  public static Generator<Date> dates(Long low, Long high, TimeUnit precision) {
    return new DateGenerator(precision, low, high);

   * Create a generator for fixed value generator.
  public static <T> Generator<T> fixedValues(T value) {
    return new FixedValuesGenerator<T>(value);

   * Create a fixed value generator returning one of the values from the
   * values array.
  public static <T> Generator<T> fixedValues(T... values) {
    return fixedValues(Arrays.asList(values));

   * Create a fixed value generator returning one of the values from the
   * values collection.
  public static <T> Generator<T> fixedValues(Collection<T> values) {
    return new FixedValuesGenerator<T>(values);

   * A cloning generator which uses object serialization to create clones of
   * the prototype object. For each call a new copy of the prototype will be
   * generated.
  public static <T> Generator<T> clonedValues(T prototype) {
    return new CloningGenerator<T>(prototype);

   * Create a generator of enumeration values.
   * @param <T>
   *            Type of enumerations
   * @param enumClass
   *            class of enumeration
   * @return generator of enum values
  public static <T extends Enum<T>> Generator<T> enumValues(Class<T> enumClass) {
    return enumValues(enumClass, Collections.<T> emptyList());

   * Create a generator of enumeration values.
   * @param <T>
   *            Type of enumerations
   * @param enumClass
   *            class of enumeration
   * @param excluded
   *            excluded values of enumeration
   * @return generator of enum values
  public static <T extends Enum<T>> Generator<T> enumValues(
      Class<T> enumClass, T... excluded) {
    return enumValues(enumClass, Arrays.asList(excluded));

   * Create a generator of enumeration values.
   * @param <T>
   *            Type of enumerations
   * @param enumClass
   *            class of enumeration
   * @param excludedCollection
   *            excluded values of enumeration
   * @return generator of enum values
  public static <T extends Enum<T>> Generator<T> enumValues(
      Class<T> enumClass, Collection<T> excludedCollection) {
    EnumSet<T> excluded = EnumSet.noneOf(enumClass);
    return new FixedValuesGenerator<T>(EnumSet.complementOf(excluded));

   * Create a generator from a {@link ObjectGenerator declarative object generator definition}.
  public static <T> ObjectGenerator<T> objects(Class<T> objectType) {
    return new ObjectGeneratorImpl<T>(objectType);

   * Create a generator from a {@link ObjectGenerator declarative object generator definition}.<br/>
   * Default values will be used for all {@link ObjectGenerator#on(Object) undefined methods}.
  public static <T> ObjectGenerator<T> defaultObjects(Class<T> objectType) {
    return new ObjectDefaultMappingGenerator<T>(objectType);

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