Package net.mindengine.galen.specs.reader

Source Code of net.mindengine.galen.specs.reader.SpecReader

* Copyright 2014 Ivan Shubin
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.mindengine.galen.specs.reader;

import static net.mindengine.galen.parser.Expectations.*;
import static net.mindengine.galen.specs.Alignment.ALL;
import static net.mindengine.galen.specs.Alignment.BOTTOM;
import static net.mindengine.galen.specs.Alignment.CENTERED;
import static net.mindengine.galen.specs.Alignment.LEFT;
import static net.mindengine.galen.specs.Alignment.RIGHT;
import static net.mindengine.galen.specs.Alignment.TOP;
import static net.mindengine.galen.suite.reader.Line.UNKNOWN_LINE;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import net.mindengine.galen.browser.Browser;
import net.mindengine.galen.parser.*;
import net.mindengine.galen.specs.*;
import net.mindengine.galen.specs.colors.ColorRange;
import net.mindengine.rainbow4j.filters.*;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;

public class SpecReader {
    private static final Place NULL_PLACE = null;
    private Properties properties;
    private Map<Pattern, SpecProcessor> specsMap = new HashMap<Pattern, SpecProcessor>();
    private Browser browser;

    public SpecReader(Properties properties, Browser browser) {
        initSpecs(); = properties;
    private void initSpecs() {
        putSpec("absent", new SimpleSpecProcessor(new SpecInit() {
            public Spec init() {
                return new SpecAbsent();
        putSpec("visible", new SimpleSpecProcessor(new SpecInit() {
            public Spec init() {
                return new SpecVisible();
        putSpec("contains(\\s+partly)?", new SpecListProccessor(new SpecListInit() {
            public Spec init(String specName, List<String> list) {
                String arguments = specName.substring("contains".length()).trim();
                boolean isPartly = (!arguments.isEmpty() && arguments.equals("partly"));
                return new SpecContains(list, isPartly);
        putSpec("width", new SpecComplexProcessor(expectThese(range()), new SpecComplexInit() {
            public Spec init(String specName, String paramsText, String contextPath, Object[] args) {
                return new SpecWidth((Range) args[0]);
        putSpec("height", new SpecComplexProcessor(expectThese(range()), new SpecComplexInit() {
            public Spec init(String specName, String paramsText, String contextPath, Object[] args) {
                return new SpecHeight((Range) args[0]);

        putSpec("text\\s+.*", new SpecProcessor() {
            public Spec processSpec(String specName, String paramsText, String contextPath) {
                String arguments = specName.substring("text".length()).trim();

                List<String> allWords = Expectations.readAllWords(arguments);

                if (allWords.size() > 0) {
                    String type = allWords.get(allWords.size() - 1);

                    allWords.remove(allWords.size() - 1);
                    return new SpecText(SpecText.Type.fromString(type), paramsText.trim()).withOperations(allWords);
                else throw new SyntaxException("Missing validation type (is, starts, ends, contains, matches)");

        putSpec("css\\s+.*", new SpecProcessor() {
            public Spec processSpec(String specName, String paramsText, String contextPath) {
                String arguments = specName.substring("css".length()).trim();

                StringCharReader reader = new StringCharReader(arguments);

                String cssPropertyName = Expectations.word().read(reader);
                String typeString = Expectations.word().read(reader);

                if (cssPropertyName.isEmpty()) {
                    throw new SyntaxException("Missing css property name");
                if (typeString.isEmpty()) {
                    throw new SyntaxException("Missing validation type (is, contains, starts, ends, matches)");
                return new SpecCss(cssPropertyName, SpecText.Type.fromString(typeString), paramsText.trim());
        putSpec("inside.*", new SpecComplexProcessor(expectThese(objectName(), locations()), new SpecComplexInit() {
            public Spec init(String specName, String paramsText, String contextPath, Object[] args) {
                String leftoverName = specName.substring(6).trim();
                String objectName = (String) args[0];
                List<Location> locations = (List<Location>) args[1];
                SpecInside spec =  new SpecInside(objectName, locations);
                if (leftoverName.equals("partly")) {
                return spec;
        putSpec("near", new SpecComplexProcessor(expectThese(objectName(), locations()), new SpecComplexInit() {
            public Spec init(String specName, String paramsText, String contextPath, Object[] args) {
                String objectName = (String) args[0];
                List<Location> locations = (List<Location>) args[1];
                return new SpecNear(objectName, locations);
        putSpec("(above|below)", new SpecProcessor() {
            public Spec processSpec(String specName, String paramsText, String contextPath) throws IOException {
                StringCharReader reader = new StringCharReader(paramsText.trim());
                String objectName = new ExpectWord().read(reader);
                Range range;
                if (reader.hasMore()) {
                    range = Expectations.range().read(reader);
                else {
                    range = Range.greaterThan(-1.0);
        if (specName.equals("above")) {
          return new SpecAbove(objectName, range);
        else return new SpecBelow(objectName, range);
        putSpec("aligned\\s+.*", new SpecObjectAndErrorRateProcessor(new SpecObjectAndErrorRateInit() {
            public Spec init(String specName, String objectName, Integer errorRate) {
                String arguments = specName.substring("aligned".length()).trim();
                StringCharReader reader = new StringCharReader(arguments);
                String[] words = ExpectWord.readAllWords(reader);
                if (words.length == 0) {
                    throw new SyntaxException("Alignment is not defined. Should be either 'vertically' either 'horizonally'");
                String type = words[0];
                Alignment alignment = Alignment.ALL;
                if (words.length > 1) {
                    alignment = Alignment.parse(words[1]);
                if (errorRate == null) {
                    errorRate = 0;
                if (type.equals("horizontally")) {
                    if (alignment.isOneOf(CENTERED, TOP, BOTTOM, ALL)) {
                        return new SpecHorizontally(alignment, objectName).withErrorRate(errorRate);
                    else {
                        throw new SyntaxException(UNKNOWN_LINE, "Horizontal alignment doesn't allow this side: " + alignment.toString());
                else if (type.equals("vertically")) {
                    if (alignment.isOneOf(CENTERED, LEFT, RIGHT, ALL)) {
                        return new SpecVertically(alignment, objectName).withErrorRate(errorRate);
                    else {
                        throw new SyntaxException(UNKNOWN_LINE, "Verticall alignment doesn't allow this side: " + alignment.toString());
                else {
                    throw new SyntaxException("Unknown alignment: " + type);
        putSpec("centered\\s.*", new SpecObjectAndErrorRateProcessor(new SpecObjectAndErrorRateInit() {
            public Spec init(String specName, String objectName, Integer errorRate) {
                specName = specName.replace("centered", "").trim();
                String args[] = specName.split(" ");
                SpecCentered.Alignment alignment = SpecCentered.Alignment.ALL;
                SpecCentered.Location location = null;
                if (args.length == 1) {
                    location = SpecCentered.Location.fromString(args[0]);
                else {
                    alignment = SpecCentered.Alignment.fromString(args[0]);
                    location = SpecCentered.Location.fromString(args[1]);
                // Setting default 2 px error rate in case it was not provided in page spec
                if (errorRate == null) {
                    errorRate = 2;
                return new SpecCentered(objectName, alignment, location).withErrorRate(errorRate);
        putSpec("(on\\s.*|on)", new SpecComplexProcessor(expectThese(objectName(), locations()), new SpecComplexInit() {
            public Spec init(String specName, String paramsText, String contextPath, Object[] args) {
                String objectName = (String) args[0];
                String[] words = ExpectWord.readAllWords(new StringCharReader(specName));
                if (words.length > 3) {
                    throw new SyntaxException("Too many sides. Should use only 2");
                Side sideHorizontal = Side.TOP;
                Side sideVertical = Side.LEFT;
                boolean isFirstHorizontal = false;
                if (words.length > 1) {
                    Side side = Side.fromString(words[1]);
                    if (side == Side.TOP || side == Side.BOTTOM) {
                        isFirstHorizontal = true;
                        sideHorizontal = side;
                    else sideVertical = side;
                if (words.length > 2) {
                    Side side = Side.fromString(words[2]);
                    if (side == Side.TOP || side == Side.BOTTOM) {
                        if (isFirstHorizontal) {
                            throw new SyntaxException("Cannot use theses sides: " + words[1] + " " + words[2]);
                        sideHorizontal = side;
                    else {
                        if (!isFirstHorizontal) {
                            throw new SyntaxException("Cannot use theses sides: " + words[1] + " " + words[2]);
                        sideVertical = side;
                List<Location> locations = (List<Location>) args[1];
                return new SpecOn(objectName, sideHorizontal, sideVertical, locations);
        putSpec("component", new SpecProcessor() {
            public Spec processSpec(String specName, String paramsText, String contextPath) throws IOException {
                String childFilePath = paramsText.trim();
                if (childFilePath.isEmpty()) {
                    throw new SyntaxException("File path to component spec is not specified");
                String fullFilePath = childFilePath;
                if (contextPath != null) {
                    fullFilePath = contextPath + File.separator + childFilePath;
                SpecComponent spec = new SpecComponent();
                return spec;
        putSpec("color\\s+scheme", new SpecComplexProcessor(expectThese(colorRanges()), new SpecComplexInit() {
            public Spec init(String specName, String paramsText, String contextPath, Object[] args) {
                List<ColorRange> colorRanges = (List<ColorRange>)args[0];
                if (colorRanges == null || colorRanges.size() == 0) {
                    throw new SyntaxException("There are no colors defined");
                SpecColorScheme spec = new SpecColorScheme();
                return spec;

        putSpec("image", new SpecComplexProcessor(expectThese(commaSeparatedRepeatedKeyValues()), new SpecComplexInit() {
            public Spec init(String specName, String paramsText, String contextPath, Object[] args) {
                List<Pair<String, String>> parameters = (List<Pair<String, String>>) args[0];

                SpecImage spec = new SpecImage();
                spec.setImagePaths(new LinkedList<String>());

                for (Pair<String, String> parameter : parameters) {
                    if ("file".equals(parameter.getKey())) {
                        if (contextPath != null) {
                            spec.getImagePaths().add(contextPath + File.separator + parameter.getValue());
                        else {
                    else if ("error".equals(parameter.getKey())) {
                        Pair<Double, String> error = parseError(parameter.getValue());
                        if (error.getRight().equals("%")) {
                        else if (error.getRight().equals("px")) {
                        else throw new SyntaxException("Unknown error unit: " + error.getRight());
                    else if ("tolerance".equals(parameter.getKey())) {
                        spec.setTolerance(parseIntegerParameter("tolerance", parameter.getValue()));
                    else if ("stretch".equals(parameter.getKey())) {
                    else if ("area".equals(parameter.getKey())) {
                    else if ("filter".equals(parameter.getKey())) {
                        ImageFilter filter = parseImageFilter(parameter.getValue());
                    else if ("filter-a".equals(parameter.getKey())) {
                        ImageFilter filter = parseImageFilter(parameter.getValue());
                    else if ("filter-b".equals(parameter.getKey())) {
                        ImageFilter filter = parseImageFilter(parameter.getValue());
                    else if ("map-filter".equals(parameter.getKey())) {
                        ImageFilter filter = parseImageFilter(parameter.getValue());
                    else if ("crop-if-outside".equals(parameter.getKey())) {
                    else {
                        throw new SyntaxException("Unknown parameter: " + parameter.getKey());

                if (spec.getImagePaths() == null || spec.getImagePaths().size() == 0) {
                    throw new SyntaxException("There are no images defined");
                return spec;


    private ImageFilter parseImageFilter(String filterText) {
        StringCharReader reader = new StringCharReader(filterText);

        String filterName = new ExpectWord().read(reader);
        Double value = new ExpectNumber().read(reader);

        if ("contrast".equals(filterName)) {
            return new ContrastFilter(value.intValue());
        else if ("blur".equals(filterName)) {
            return new BlurFilter(value.intValue());
        else if ("denoise".equals(filterName)) {
            return new DenoiseFilter(value.intValue());
        else if ("saturation".equals(filterName)) {
            return new SaturationFilter(value.intValue());
        else if ("quantinize".equals(filterName)) {
            return new QuantinizeFilter(value.intValue());
        else throw new SyntaxException("Unknown image filter: " + filterName);

    private Rect parseRect(String text) {
        Integer[] numbers = new Integer[4];

        StringCharReader reader = new StringCharReader(text);
        for (int i=0;i<numbers.length; i++) {
            numbers[i] = new ExpectNumber().read(reader).intValue();

        return new Rect(numbers);

    private Pair<Double, String> parseError(String text) {
        StringCharReader reader = new StringCharReader(text);

        Double number = Expectations.number().read(reader);
        String unit = Expectations.word().read(reader);

        return new ImmutablePair<Double, String>(number, unit);

    private Integer parseIntegerParameter(String name, String value) {
        if (StringUtils.isNumeric(value)) {
            return Integer.parseInt(value);
        else throw new SyntaxException(name + " parameter should be integer: " + value);

    public Spec read(String specText) throws IOException {
        return read(specText, ".", NULL_PLACE);

    public Spec read(String specText, String contextPath) throws IOException {
        return read(specText, contextPath, NULL_PLACE);
    public Spec read(String specText, String contextPath, Place place) throws IOException {
        if (specText == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Spec text should not be null");
        else if(specText.trim().isEmpty()) {
            throw new SyntaxException(UNKNOWN_LINE, "Spec text should not be empty");
        specText = specText.trim();
        int splitterIndex = specText.indexOf(":");
        String statement = specText;
        String paramsText = "";
        if (splitterIndex > 0) {
            statement = specText.substring(0, splitterIndex);
            if (splitterIndex < specText.length()) {
                paramsText = specText.substring(splitterIndex + 1);
        Spec spec = readSpecWithParams(statement, paramsText, contextPath);
        if (spec != null) {
        return spec;

    private Spec readSpecWithParams(String specName, String paramsText, String contextPath) throws IOException {
        return findMatchingSpec(specName).processSpec(specName, paramsText, contextPath);

    private SpecProcessor findMatchingSpec(String specName) {
        for (Map.Entry<Pattern, SpecProcessor> entry : specsMap.entrySet()) {
            Matcher matcher = entry.getKey().matcher(specName);
            if (matcher.matches()) {
                return entry.getValue();
        throw new SyntaxException(UNKNOWN_LINE, "Such constraint does not exist: " + specName);

    private void putSpec(String patternText, SpecProcessor specProcessor) {
        specsMap.put(Pattern.compile(patternText), specProcessor);

    public Browser getBrowser() {
        return browser;

    public void setBrowser(Browser browser) {
        this.browser = browser;

    public Properties getProperties() {
        return properties;

    public void setProperties(Properties properties) { = properties;

Related Classes of net.mindengine.galen.specs.reader.SpecReader

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