Package org.jooq.test

Source Code of org.jooq.test.PlainSQLTest

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package org.jooq.test;

import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.POSTGRES;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.condition;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.val;

import org.jooq.Condition;
import org.jooq.QueryPart;
import org.jooq.impl.DSL;

import org.junit.Test;

* @author Lukas Eder
public class PlainSQLTest extends AbstractTest {

    public void testBindVariables() {
        Condition q = condition("a = ? and b = ?", val(1), 2);

        assertEquals("(a = ? and b = ?)", create.render(q));
        assertEquals("(a = 1 and b = 2)", create.renderInlined(q));
        assertEquals("(a = :1 and b = :2)", create.renderNamedParams(q));

        assertEquals("((a = ? and b = ?) and (a = ? and b = ?))", create.render(q.and(q)));
        assertEquals("((a = 1 and b = 2) and (a = 1 and b = 2))", create.renderInlined(q.and(q)));
        assertEquals("((a = :1 and b = :2) and (a = :3 and b = :4))", create.renderNamedParams(q.and(q)));

    public void testStringLiterals() {
        Condition q = condition("a = '?' and b = '{0}' and c = ?", 1);

        assertEquals("(a = '?' and b = '{0}' and c = ?)", create.render(q));
        assertEquals("(a = '?' and b = '{0}' and c = 1)", create.renderInlined(q));
        assertEquals("(a = '?' and b = '{0}' and c = :1)", create.renderNamedParams(q));

    public void testQuotedIdentifiers() {
        Condition c1 = condition("a = `?` and b = `{0}` and c = ?", 1);
        Condition c2 = condition("a = \"?\" and b = \"{0}\" and c = ?", 1);

        assertEquals("(a = `?` and b = `{0}` and c = ?)", create.render(c1));
        assertEquals("(a = `?` and b = `{0}` and c = 1)", create.renderInlined(c1));
        assertEquals("(a = `?` and b = `{0}` and c = :1)", create.renderNamedParams(c1));

        assertEquals("(a = \"?\" and b = \"{0}\" and c = ?)", create.render(c2));
        assertEquals("(a = \"?\" and b = \"{0}\" and c = 1)", create.renderInlined(c2));
        assertEquals("(a = \"?\" and b = \"{0}\" and c = :1)", create.renderNamedParams(c2));

        assertEquals("(a = \"?\" and b = \"{0}\" and c = ?)", DSL.using(POSTGRES).render(c2));
        assertEquals("(a = \"?\" and b = \"{0}\" and c = 1)", DSL.using(POSTGRES).renderInlined(c2));
        assertEquals("(a = \"?\" and b = \"{0}\" and c = :1)", DSL.using(POSTGRES).renderNamedParams(c2));

    public void testIndexedParameters() {
        QueryPart q = condition("a = ? and b = ? and ? = ?", 1, 2, "a", "b");

        assertEquals("(a = ? and b = ? and ? = ?)", create.render(q));
        assertEquals("(a = 1 and b = 2 and 'a' = 'b')", create.renderInlined(q));

    public void testNamedParameters() {

        // [#2906] TODO: It's not clear how we want to deal with all sorts of named bind variables. There
        // is substantial risk of breaking actual SQL syntax, e.g. PostgreSQL's :: operator

//        QueryPart q = condition("a = :1 and b = :2 and :3 = :4", 1, 2, "a", "b");
//        assertEquals("(a = ? and b = ? and ? = ?)", create.render(q));
//        assertEquals("(a = :1 and b = :2 and :3 = :4)", create.renderNamedParams(q));
//        assertEquals("(a = 1 and b = 2 and 'a' = 'b')", create.renderInlined(q));

Related Classes of org.jooq.test.PlainSQLTest

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