Package org.gephi.plugins.example.preview

Source Code of org.gephi.plugins.example.preview.GlowRenderer

Copyright 2008-2011 Gephi
Authors : Mathieu Bastian <>
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package org.gephi.plugins.example.preview;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.RadialGradientPaint;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import org.gephi.preview.api.*;
import org.gephi.preview.plugin.items.NodeItem;
import org.gephi.preview.plugin.renderers.NodeRenderer;
import org.gephi.preview.spi.ItemBuilder;
import org.gephi.preview.spi.Renderer;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.openide.util.lookup.ServiceProvider;
import processing.core.PGraphicsJava2D;

* Adds a glow effect on nodes by drawing a gradient sphere under nodes.
* <p>
* This example is rendering something new for an existing object (i.e. node). That's why
* the <code>isRendererForitem()</code> returns <code>true</code> for node items and
* the <code>render()</code> method will receive node items.
* <p>
* The rendering part shows how to retrieve attributes from node items such as
* the position, the size and the color. Then it shows how to draw something using
* Java2D instead of Processing. Processing is built on top of Java2D so it's not
* a problem to use either is the most convenient for a task. The PDF and SVG
* renderers are not implemented yet but doing a radial gradient should be easy.
* <p>
* Note that the renderer has <code>position = 10</code> parameter. That's below
* any default renderer (edge is 100, node is 300...) and will therefore execute
* this renderer first. This is important as we want the glow to be under the node.
* @author Mathieu Bastian
* @see NodeRenderer
@ServiceProvider(service = Renderer.class, position = 10)
public class GlowRenderer implements Renderer {

    //Custom properties
    public static final String ENABLE_NODE_GLOW = "node.glow.enable";
    public String getDisplayName() {
        return NbBundle.getMessage(GlowRenderer.class, "");
    public void preProcess(PreviewModel pm) {
    public void render(Item item, RenderTarget target, PreviewProperties properties) {
        if (target instanceof ProcessingTarget) {
            renderProcessing(item, (ProcessingTarget) target, properties);
        } else if (target instanceof SVGTarget) {
            renderSVG(item, (SVGTarget) target, properties);
        } else if (target instanceof PDFTarget) {
            renderPDF(item, (PDFTarget) target, properties);
    public void renderProcessing(Item item, ProcessingTarget target, PreviewProperties properties) {
        Float x = item.getData(NodeItem.X);
        Float y = item.getData(NodeItem.Y);
        Float size = item.getData(NodeItem.SIZE);
        Color color = item.getData(NodeItem.COLOR);
        Color startColor = new Color(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), 32);
        Color endColor = new Color(startColor.getRed(), startColor.getGreen(), startColor.getBlue(), 0);
        float radius = size * 6;

        //Get processing Java2D canvas, as its easier to use a RadialGradientPaint
        //here but we could do a 100% processing solution as well
        PGraphicsJava2D graphics = (PGraphicsJava2D) target.getGraphics();
        Graphics2D g2 = graphics.g2;
        RadialGradientPaint p = new RadialGradientPaint(new Point2D.Double(x, y), radius,
                new float[]{
                    0.0f, 1.0f},
                new Color[]{
        g2.fillOval((int) (x.floatValue() - radius), (int) (y.floatValue() - radius), (int) (radius * 2), (int) (radius * 2));
    public void renderPDF(Item item, PDFTarget target, PreviewProperties properties) {
        //TODO Not implemented
    public void renderSVG(Item item, SVGTarget target, PreviewProperties properties) {
        //TODO Not implemented
    public PreviewProperty[] getProperties() {
        return new PreviewProperty[]{
                    PreviewProperty.createProperty(this, ENABLE_NODE_GLOW, Boolean.class,
                    "Show glow effect",
                    "Glow effect around the node",
    public boolean isRendererForitem(Item item, PreviewProperties properties) {
        return item instanceof NodeItem && properties.getBooleanValue(ENABLE_NODE_GLOW);
    public boolean needsItemBuilder(ItemBuilder itemBuilder, PreviewProperties properties){
        return itemBuilder instanceof NodeBuilder && properties.getBooleanValue(ENABLE_NODE_GLOW);

Related Classes of org.gephi.plugins.example.preview.GlowRenderer

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