
Source Code of$StaticWsdlProxyRequestProcessor

* Copyright (c) MuleSoft, Inc.  All rights reserved.
* The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0
* license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the
* LICENSE.txt file.

import org.mule.MessageExchangePattern;
import org.mule.api.MessagingException;
import org.mule.api.MuleContext;
import org.mule.api.MuleEvent;
import org.mule.api.MuleException;
import org.mule.api.MuleMessage;
import org.mule.api.construct.FlowConstructInvalidException;
import org.mule.api.endpoint.InboundEndpoint;
import org.mule.api.endpoint.OutboundEndpoint;
import org.mule.api.expression.ExpressionManager;
import org.mule.api.expression.ExpressionRuntimeException;
import org.mule.api.processor.MessageProcessor;
import org.mule.api.processor.MessageProcessorChainBuilder;
import org.mule.api.source.MessageSource;
import org.mule.config.i18n.MessageFactory;
import org.mule.construct.AbstractConfigurationPattern;
import org.mule.endpoint.DynamicOutboundEndpoint;
import org.mule.processor.ResponseMessageProcessorAdapter;
import org.mule.transformer.TransformerTemplate;
import org.mule.transport.http.construct.HttpProxy;
import org.mule.util.ObjectUtils;
import org.mule.util.StringUtils;

import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

* This class is implemented to act as a Proxy for a Web Service. It listens for requests on the inbound endpoint and if
* it encounters the "WSDL" property in the address, it will fetch the WSDL from the original web service and return it
* back. In case the wsdlFile property is set, when the WSProxyService encounters a request for the wsdl, instead of
* fetching the WSDL from the original web service, it will return back the file expressed in the property. When a
* normal SOAP request is encountered, it will forward the call to the web service with no modifications to the SOAP
* message. The outbound router of this class must include the address of the webservice to be proxied. No need to
* include the method name as a parameter in the address, since it will be in the SOAP message as well. Furthermore a
* property named uriWsdl can optionally be set which as the name suggests, indicate the URL of the WSDL for the
* service. If this property is not set, the address of the WSDL will be assumed to be the value of uriWebservice
* followed by "?WSDL".
public class WSProxy extends AbstractConfigurationPattern
    private final AbstractProxyRequestProcessor proxyMessageProcessor;
    private final OutboundEndpoint outboundEndpoint;

    public WSProxy(final String name,
                   final MuleContext muleContext,
                   final MessageSource messageSource,
                   final OutboundEndpoint outboundEndpoint,
                   final List<MessageProcessor> transformers,
                   final List<MessageProcessor> responseTransformers) throws MuleException
        this(name, muleContext, messageSource, outboundEndpoint, transformers, responseTransformers,
            new DynamicWsdlProxyRequestProcessor(outboundEndpoint));

    public WSProxy(final String name,
                   final MuleContext muleContext,
                   final MessageSource messageSource,
                   final OutboundEndpoint outboundEndpoint,
                   final List<MessageProcessor> transformers,
                   final List<MessageProcessor> responseTransformers,
                   final String wsdlContents) throws MuleException
        this(name, muleContext, messageSource, outboundEndpoint, transformers, responseTransformers,
            new StaticWsdlProxyRequestProcessor(wsdlContents));

    public WSProxy(final String name,
                   final MuleContext muleContext,
                   final MessageSource messageSource,
                   final OutboundEndpoint outboundEndpoint,
                   final List<MessageProcessor> transformers,
                   final List<MessageProcessor> responseTransformers,
                   final URI wsdlUri) throws MuleException
        this(name, muleContext, messageSource, outboundEndpoint, transformers, responseTransformers,
            new DynamicWsdlProxyRequestProcessor(wsdlUri));

    private WSProxy(final String name,
                    final MuleContext muleContext,
                    final MessageSource messageSource,
                    final OutboundEndpoint outboundEndpoint,
                    final List<MessageProcessor> transformers,
                    final List<MessageProcessor> responseTransformers,
                    final AbstractProxyRequestProcessor proxyMessageProcessor) throws MuleException
        super(name, muleContext, transformers, responseTransformers);

        if (messageSource == null)
            throw new FlowConstructInvalidException(
                MessageFactory.createStaticMessage("messageSource can't be null on: " + this.toString()),


        if (outboundEndpoint == null)
            throw new FlowConstructInvalidException(
                MessageFactory.createStaticMessage("outboundEndpoint can't be null on: " + this.toString()),

        this.outboundEndpoint = outboundEndpoint;
        this.proxyMessageProcessor = proxyMessageProcessor;

    protected void configureMessageProcessorsBeforeTransformation(final MessageProcessorChainBuilder builder)
        HttpProxy.configureContentLengthRemover(this, builder);

    protected void configureMessageProcessorsAfterTransformation(final MessageProcessorChainBuilder builder)
        final TransformerTemplate copyInboundToOutboundPropertiesTransformer = new TransformerTemplate(new CopyInboundToOutboundPropertiesTransformerCallback());
        builder.chain(new ResponseMessageProcessorAdapter(copyInboundToOutboundPropertiesTransformer));

    protected void validateConstruct() throws FlowConstructInvalidException

        if ((messageSource instanceof InboundEndpoint)
            && (!((InboundEndpoint) messageSource).getExchangePattern().equals(
            throw new FlowConstructInvalidException(
                MessageFactory.createStaticMessage("WSProxy only works with a request-response inbound endpoint."),

        if (!outboundEndpoint.getExchangePattern().equals(MessageExchangePattern.REQUEST_RESPONSE))
            throw new FlowConstructInvalidException(
                MessageFactory.createStaticMessage("WSProxy only works with a request-response outbound endpoint."),

    private static abstract class AbstractProxyRequestProcessor implements MessageProcessor
        private static final String HTTP_REQUEST = "http.request";
        private static final String WSDL_PARAM_1 = "?wsdl";
        private static final String WSDL_PARAM_2 = "&wsdl";
        // Web Services can also serve Schemas
        private static final String XSD_PARAM_1 = "?xsd=";
        private static final String XSD_PARAM_2 = "&xsd=";
        private static final String LOCALHOST = "localhost";
        protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(WSProxy.class);
        private String outboundAddress;

        protected void setOutboundAddress(String outboundAddress)
            this.outboundAddress = outboundAddress;

        public MuleEvent process(final MuleEvent event) throws MuleException
            if (isWsdlOrXSDRequest(event))
                return buildWsdlOrXSDResult(event);

            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("Forwarding SOAP message");

            return event;

        private MuleEvent buildWsdlOrXSDResult(final MuleEvent event) throws MuleException
                String wsdlContents = getWsdlContents(event);
                wsdlContents = modifyServiceAddress(wsdlContents, event);

                // the processing is stopped so that the result is not passed through
                // the outbound router but will be passed back as a result
                return event;
            catch (final Exception e)
                throw new MessagingException(
                    MessageFactory.createStaticMessage("Impossible to retrieve WSDL for proxied service"),
                    event, e, this);

        private String modifyServiceAddress(String wsdlContents, MuleEvent event) throws UnknownHostException
            // create a new mule message with the new WSDL
            String inboundAddress = event.getMessageSourceURI().toASCIIString();
                String substitutedAddress = outboundAddress;
                ExpressionManager expressionManager = event.getMuleContext().getExpressionManager();
                if (expressionManager.isValidExpression(outboundAddress))
                    substitutedAddress = expressionManager.parse(outboundAddress, event, true);
                wsdlContents = wsdlContents.replaceAll(substitutedAddress, inboundAddress);
            catch (ExpressionRuntimeException ex)
                logger.warn("Unable to construct outbound address for WSDL request to proxied dynamic endpoint " + outboundAddress);

            if (wsdlContents.indexOf(LOCALHOST) > -1)
                wsdlContents = wsdlContents.replaceAll(LOCALHOST, InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName());

            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("WSDL modified successfully");

            return wsdlContents;

        private boolean isWsdlOrXSDRequest(final MuleEvent event) throws MuleException
            // retrieve the original HTTP request. This will be used to check if the
            // user asked for the WSDL or a service method.
            final String httpRequest = event.getMessage().<String> getInboundProperty(HTTP_REQUEST);

            if (httpRequest == null)
                logger.warn("WS Proxy can't rewrite WSDL for non-HTTP " + event);
                return false;

            final String lowerHttpRequest = httpRequest.toLowerCase();

            // check if the inbound request contains the WSDL or XSD parameter
            return (lowerHttpRequest.indexOf(WSDL_PARAM_1) != -1)
                   || (lowerHttpRequest.indexOf(WSDL_PARAM_2) != -1)
                    || (lowerHttpRequest.indexOf(XSD_PARAM_1) != -1)
                    || (lowerHttpRequest.indexOf(XSD_PARAM_2) != -1);

        protected abstract String getWsdlContents(MuleEvent event) throws Exception;

    private static class StaticWsdlProxyRequestProcessor extends AbstractProxyRequestProcessor
        private final String wsdlContents;

         * Instantiates a request processor that returns a static WSDL contents when the proxy receives a WSDL request.
         * @param wsdlContents the WSDL contents to use.
         * @throws FlowConstructInvalidException
        StaticWsdlProxyRequestProcessor(final String wsdlContents) throws FlowConstructInvalidException
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(wsdlContents))
                throw new FlowConstructInvalidException(
                    MessageFactory.createStaticMessage("wsdlContents can't be empty"));

            this.wsdlContents = wsdlContents;

        protected String getWsdlContents(final MuleEvent event) throws Exception
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("Serving static WSDL");

            return wsdlContents;

    private static class DynamicWsdlProxyRequestProcessor extends AbstractProxyRequestProcessor
        private interface WsdlAddressProvider
            String get(MuleEvent event);

        private final WsdlAddressProvider wsdlAddressProvider;

         * Instantiates a request processor that fetches and rewrites addresses of a remote WSDL when the proxy receives
         * a WSDL request.
         * @param wsdlUri the URI to fetch the WSDL from.
         * @throws FlowConstructInvalidException
        DynamicWsdlProxyRequestProcessor(final URI wsdlUri) throws FlowConstructInvalidException
            if (wsdlUri == null)
                throw new FlowConstructInvalidException(
                    MessageFactory.createStaticMessage("wsdlUri can't be null"));

            final String wsdlAddress = wsdlUri.toString();

            wsdlAddressProvider = new WsdlAddressProvider()
                public String get(final MuleEvent event)
                    return wsdlAddress;

  "Using url " + wsdlAddress + " as WSDL");

         * Instantiates a request processor that fetches and rewrites addresses of a remote WSDL when the proxy receives
         * a WSDL request.
         * @param outboundEndpoint the endpoint to fetch the WSDL from.
         * @throws FlowConstructInvalidException
        DynamicWsdlProxyRequestProcessor(final OutboundEndpoint outboundEndpoint)
            throws FlowConstructInvalidException
            if (outboundEndpoint == null)
                throw new FlowConstructInvalidException(
                    MessageFactory.createStaticMessage("outboundEndpoint can't be null"));

            final String wsAddress = outboundEndpoint.getAddress();

            if (outboundEndpoint instanceof DynamicOutboundEndpoint)
                wsdlAddressProvider = new WsdlAddressProvider()
                    public String get(final MuleEvent event)
                        final String resolvedWsAddress = event.getMuleContext()
                            .parse(wsAddress, event, true);

                        return makeWsdlOrXSDAddress(resolvedWsAddress, event.getMessage());

      "Using dynamic WSDL with service address: " + wsAddress);
                wsdlAddressProvider = new WsdlAddressProvider()
                    public String get(final MuleEvent event)
                        return makeWsdlOrXSDAddress(wsAddress, event.getMessage());

      "Setting WSDL address for: " + wsAddress);

        private static String makeWsdlOrXSDAddress(final String wsAddress, MuleMessage message)
            String request = message.getInboundProperty("http.request");
            String address = StringUtils.substringBefore(wsAddress, "?") + "?";
            // Parameters should be propagated, wsdl=1 or xsd=1 are valid
            if(request != null && request.indexOf("?") > -1)
                String queryString = StringUtils.substringAfter(request, "?");
                return address.concat(queryString);
                return address.concat("wsdl");

        protected String getWsdlContents(final MuleEvent event) throws Exception
            String wsdlAddress = wsdlAddressProvider.get(event);
            String wsdlString;

            final MuleContext muleContext = event.getMuleContext();
            final InboundEndpoint webServiceEndpoint = muleContext.getEndpointFactory().getInboundEndpoint(

            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("Retrieving WSDL from web service with: " + webServiceEndpoint);

            final MuleMessage replyWSDL = webServiceEndpoint.request(event.getTimeout());
            wsdlString = replyWSDL.getPayloadAsString();
            return wsdlString;

    public String toString()
        return ObjectUtils.toString(this);

    public String getConstructType()
        return "Web-Service-Proxy";

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