Package com.khorn.terraincontrol.forge

Source Code of com.khorn.terraincontrol.forge.ForgeWorld

package com.khorn.terraincontrol.forge;

import com.khorn.terraincontrol.*;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.configuration.BiomeConfig;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.configuration.BiomeLoadInstruction;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.configuration.ConfigProvider;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.configuration.WorldSettings;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.customobjects.CustomObjectStructureCache;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.exception.BiomeNotFoundException;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.forge.generator.ChunkProvider;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.forge.generator.structure.*;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.forge.util.NBTHelper;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.generator.biome.BiomeGenerator;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.logging.LogMarker;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.util.ChunkCoordinate;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.util.NamedBinaryTag;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.util.minecraftTypes.DefaultBiome;
import com.khorn.terraincontrol.util.minecraftTypes.TreeType;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;

import java.util.*;

public class ForgeWorld implements LocalWorld

    private ChunkProvider generator;
    private World world;
    private WorldSettings settings;
    private CustomObjectStructureCache structureCache;
    private String name;
    private long seed;
    private BiomeGenerator biomeGenerator;

    private static int nextBiomeId = 0;

    private static final int MAX_BIOMES_COUNT = 1024;
    private static final int MAX_SAVED_BIOMES_COUNT = 255;
    private static final int STANDARD_WORLD_HEIGHT = 128;

    private static BiomeGenBase[] biomesToRestore = new BiomeGenBase[BiomeGenBase.getBiomeGenArray().length];

    private HashMap<String, LocalBiome> biomeNames = new HashMap<String, LocalBiome>();

    public StrongholdGen strongholdGen;
    public VillageGen villageGen;
    public MineshaftGen mineshaftGen;
    public RareBuildingGen rareBuildingGen;
    public NetherFortressGen netherFortressGen;

    private WorldGenDungeons dungeonGen;

    private WorldGenTrees tree;
    private WorldGenSavannaTree acaciaTree;
    private WorldGenBigTree bigTree;
    private WorldGenForest birchTree;
    private WorldGenTrees cocoaTree;
    private WorldGenCanopyTree darkOakTree;
    private WorldGenShrub groundBush;
    private WorldGenBigMushroom hugeMushroom;
    private WorldGenMegaPineTree hugeTaigaTree1;
    private WorldGenMegaPineTree hugeTaigaTree2;
    private WorldGenMegaJungle jungleTree;
    private WorldGenForest longBirchTree;
    private WorldGenSwamp swampTree;
    private WorldGenTaiga1 taigaTree1;
    private WorldGenTaiga2 taigaTree2;

    private Chunk[] chunkCache;

    public static void restoreBiomes()
        BiomeGenBase[] biomeList = BiomeGenBase.getBiomeGenArray();
        for (BiomeGenBase oldBiome : biomesToRestore)
            if (oldBiome == null)
            biomeList[oldBiome.biomeID] = oldBiome;
        nextBiomeId = 0;

    public ForgeWorld(String _name)
    { = _name;

        // Save all original vanilla biomes, so that they can be restored
        // later on
        for (DefaultBiome defaultBiome : DefaultBiome.values())
            int biomeId = defaultBiome.Id;
            BiomeGenBase oldBiome = BiomeGenBase.getBiome(biomeId);
            biomesToRestore[biomeId] = oldBiome;

    public LocalBiome createBiomeFor(BiomeConfig biomeConfig, BiomeIds biomeIds)
        ForgeBiome biome = ForgeBiome.createBiome(biomeConfig, biomeIds);

        this.biomeNames.put(biome.getName(), biome);

        return biome;

    public int getMaxBiomesCount()
        return MAX_BIOMES_COUNT;

    public int getMaxSavedBiomesCount()
        return MAX_SAVED_BIOMES_COUNT;

    public int getFreeBiomeId()
        return nextBiomeId++;

    public ForgeBiome getBiomeById(int id) throws BiomeNotFoundException
        LocalBiome biome = settings.biomes[id];
        if (biome == null)
            throw new BiomeNotFoundException(id, Arrays.asList(settings.biomes));
        return (ForgeBiome) biome;
    public LocalBiome getBiomeByIdOrNull(int id)
        return settings.biomes[id];

    public LocalBiome getBiomeByName(String name) throws BiomeNotFoundException
        LocalBiome biome = biomeNames.get(name);
        if (biome == null)
            throw new BiomeNotFoundException(name, biomeNames.keySet());
        return biome;

    public Collection<BiomeLoadInstruction> getDefaultBiomes()
        // Loop through all default biomes and create the default
        // settings for them
        List<BiomeLoadInstruction> standardBiomes = new ArrayList<BiomeLoadInstruction>();
        for (DefaultBiome defaultBiome : DefaultBiome.values())
            int id = defaultBiome.Id;
            BiomeLoadInstruction instruction = defaultBiome.getLoadInstructions(ForgeMojangSettings.fromId(id), STANDARD_WORLD_HEIGHT);

        return standardBiomes;

    public void prepareDefaultStructures(int chunkX, int chunkZ, boolean dry)
        if (this.settings.worldConfig.strongholdsEnabled)
            this.strongholdGen.func_151539_a(null,, chunkX, chunkZ, null);
        if (this.settings.worldConfig.mineshaftsEnabled)
            this.mineshaftGen.func_151539_a(null,, chunkX, chunkZ, null);
        if (this.settings.worldConfig.villagesEnabled && dry)
            this.villageGen.func_151539_a(null,, chunkX, chunkZ, null);
        if (this.settings.worldConfig.rareBuildingsEnabled)
            this.rareBuildingGen.func_151539_a(null,, chunkX, chunkZ, null);
        if (this.settings.worldConfig.netherFortressesEnabled)
            this.netherFortressGen.func_151539_a(null,, chunkX, chunkZ, null);

    public void PlaceDungeons(Random rand, int x, int y, int z)
        dungeonGen.generate(, rand, x, y, z);

    public boolean PlaceTree(TreeType type, Random rand, int x, int y, int z)
        switch (type)
            case Tree:
                return tree.generate(, rand, x, y, z);
            case BigTree:
                bigTree.setScale(1.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D);
                return bigTree.generate(, rand, x, y, z);
            case Forest:
            case Birch:
                return birchTree.generate(, rand, x, y, z);
            case TallBirch:
                return longBirchTree.generate(, rand, x, y, z);
            case HugeMushroom:
                hugeMushroom.setScale(1.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D);
                return hugeMushroom.generate(, rand, x, y, z);
            case SwampTree:
                return swampTree.generate(, rand, x, y, z);
            case Taiga1:
                return taigaTree1.generate(, rand, x, y, z);
            case Taiga2:
                return taigaTree2.generate(, rand, x, y, z);
            case JungleTree:
                return jungleTree.generate(, rand, x, y, z);
            case GroundBush:
                return groundBush.generate(, rand, x, y, z);
            case CocoaTree:
                return cocoaTree.generate(, rand, x, y, z);
            case Acacia:
                return acaciaTree.generate(, rand, x, y, z);
            case DarkOak:
                return darkOakTree.generate(, rand, x, y, z);
            case HugeTaiga1:
                return hugeTaigaTree1.generate(, rand, x, y, z);
            case HugeTaiga2:
                return hugeTaigaTree2.generate(, rand, x, y, z);
                throw new AssertionError("Failed to handle tree of type " + type.toString());

    public boolean placeDefaultStructures(Random rand, ChunkCoordinate chunkCoord)
        int chunkX = chunkCoord.getChunkX();
        int chunkZ = chunkCoord.getChunkZ();

        boolean isVillagePlaced = false;
        if (this.settings.worldConfig.strongholdsEnabled)
            this.strongholdGen.generateStructuresInChunk(, rand, chunkX, chunkZ);
        if (this.settings.worldConfig.mineshaftsEnabled)
            this.mineshaftGen.generateStructuresInChunk(, rand, chunkX, chunkZ);
        if (this.settings.worldConfig.villagesEnabled)
            isVillagePlaced = this.villageGen.generateStructuresInChunk(, rand, chunkX, chunkZ);
        if (this.settings.worldConfig.rareBuildingsEnabled)
            this.rareBuildingGen.generateStructuresInChunk(, rand, chunkX, chunkZ);
        if (this.settings.worldConfig.netherFortressesEnabled)
            this.netherFortressGen.generateStructuresInChunk(, rand, chunkX, chunkZ);

        return isVillagePlaced;

    public void replaceBlocks(ChunkCoordinate chunkCoord)
        if (!this.settings.worldConfig.BiomeConfigsHaveReplacement)
            // Don't waste time here, ReplacedBlocks is empty everywhere

        // Get cache
        Chunk[] cache = getChunkCache(chunkCoord);

        // Replace the blocks
        replaceBlocks(cache[0], 8, 8);
        replaceBlocks(cache[1], 0, 8);
        replaceBlocks(cache[2], 8, 0);
        replaceBlocks(cache[3], 0, 0);

    private void replaceBlocks(Chunk rawChunk, int startXInChunk, int startZInChunk)
        int endXInChunk = startXInChunk + 8;
        int endZInChunk = startZInChunk + 8;
        int worldStartX = rawChunk.xPosition * 16;
        int worldStartZ = rawChunk.zPosition * 16;

        ExtendedBlockStorage[] sectionsArray = rawChunk.getBlockStorageArray();

        for (ExtendedBlockStorage section : sectionsArray)
            if (section == null)

            for (int sectionX = startXInChunk; sectionX < endXInChunk; sectionX++)
                for (int sectionZ = startZInChunk; sectionZ < endZInChunk; sectionZ++)
                    LocalBiome biome = this.getBiome(worldStartX + sectionX, worldStartZ + sectionZ);
                    if (biome != null && biome.getBiomeConfig().replacedBlocks.hasReplaceSettings())
                        LocalMaterialData[][] replaceArray = biome.getBiomeConfig().replacedBlocks.compiledInstructions;
                        for (int sectionY = 0; sectionY < 16; sectionY++)
                            Block block = section.getBlockByExtId(sectionX, sectionY, sectionZ);
                            int blockId = Block.getIdFromBlock(block);
                            if (replaceArray[blockId] == null)

                            int y = section.getYLocation() + sectionY;
                            if (y >= replaceArray[blockId].length)

                            ForgeMaterialData replaceTo = (ForgeMaterialData) replaceArray[blockId][y];
                            if (replaceTo == null || replaceTo.getBlockId() == blockId)

                            // section.setBlock(....)
                            section.func_150818_a(sectionX, sectionY, sectionZ, replaceTo.internalBlock());
                            section.setExtBlockMetadata(sectionX, sectionY, sectionZ, replaceTo.getBlockData());

    public void placePopulationMobs(LocalBiome biome, Random random, ChunkCoordinate chunkCoord)
        SpawnerAnimals.performWorldGenSpawning(this.getWorld(), ((ForgeBiome) biome).getHandle(), chunkCoord.getBlockXCenter(), chunkCoord.getBlockZCenter(),
                16, 16, random);

    private Chunk getChunk(int x, int y, int z)
        if (y < TerrainControl.WORLD_DEPTH || y >= TerrainControl.WORLD_HEIGHT)
            return null;

        int chunkX = x >> 4;
        int chunkZ = z >> 4;

        if (this.chunkCache == null)
            // Blocks requested outside population step
            // (Tree growing, /tc spawn, etc.)
           return world.getChunkFromChunkCoords(chunkX, chunkZ);

        // Restrict to chunks we are currently populating
        Chunk topLeftCachedChunk = this.chunkCache[0];
        int indexX = (chunkX - topLeftCachedChunk.xPosition);
        int indexZ = (chunkZ - topLeftCachedChunk.zPosition);
        if ((indexX == 0 || indexX == 1) && (indexZ == 0 || indexZ == 1))
            return this.chunkCache[indexX | (indexZ << 1)];
        } else
            // Outside area
            if (this.settings.worldConfig.populationBoundsCheck)
                return null;
            if (world.getChunkProvider().chunkExists(chunkX, chunkZ))
                return world.getChunkFromChunkCoords(chunkX, chunkZ);
            return null;

    public int getLiquidHeight(int x, int z)
        for (int y = getHighestBlockYAt(x, z) - 1; y > 0; y--)
            LocalMaterialData material = getMaterial(x, y, z);
            if (material.isLiquid())
                return y + 1;
            } else if (material.isSolid())
                // Failed to find a liquid
                return -1;
        return -1;

    public int getSolidHeight(int x, int z)
        for (int y = getHighestBlockYAt(x, z) - 1; y > 0; y--)
            LocalMaterialData material = getMaterial(x, y, z);
            if (material.isSolid())
                return y + 1;
        return -1;

    public boolean isEmpty(int x, int y, int z)
        Chunk chunk = this.getChunk(x, y, z);
        if (chunk == null)
            return true;
        return chunk.getBlock(x & 0xF, y, z & 0xF).getMaterial().equals(Material.air);

    public LocalMaterialData getMaterial(int x, int y, int z)
        Chunk chunk = this.getChunk(x, y, z);
        if (chunk == null)
            return ForgeMaterialData.ofMinecraftBlock(Blocks.air, 0);

        z &= 0xF;
        x &= 0xF;

        return ForgeMaterialData.ofMinecraftBlock(chunk.getBlock(x, y, z), chunk.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z));

    public void setBlock(int x, int y, int z, LocalMaterialData material)
         * This method usually breaks on every Minecraft update. Always check
         * whether the names are still correct. Often, you'll also need to
         * rewrite parts of this method for newer block place logic.
        if (y < TerrainControl.WORLD_DEPTH || y >= TerrainControl.WORLD_HEIGHT)

        // Get chunk from (faster) custom cache
        Chunk chunk = this.getChunk(x, y, z);

        if (chunk == null)
            // Chunk is unloaded

        // Temporarily make remote, so that torches etc. don't pop off
        boolean oldStatic = world.isRemote;
        world.isRemote = true;
        // chunk.setBlockAndMetadata(...)
        chunk.func_150807_a(x & 15, y, z & 15, ((ForgeMaterialData) material).internalBlock(), material.getBlockData());
        world.isRemote = oldStatic;

        // Relight and update players
        world.func_147451_t(x, y, z); // world.updateAllLightTypes
        if (!world.isRemote)
            world.markBlockForUpdate(x, y, z);

    public int getHighestBlockYAt(int x, int z)
        Chunk chunk = this.getChunk(x, 0, z);
        if (chunk == null)
            return -1;
        z &= 0xF;
        x &= 0xF;
        int y = chunk.getHeightValue(x, z);
        int maxSearchY = y + 5; // Don't search too far away
        // while(chunk.getBlock(...) != ...)
        while (chunk.getBlock(x, y, z) != Blocks.air && y <= maxSearchY)
            // Fix for incorrect lightmap
            y += 1;
        return y;

    public void startPopulation(ChunkCoordinate chunkCoord)
        if (this.chunkCache != null && settings.worldConfig.populationBoundsCheck)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Chunk is already being populated."
                    + " This may be a bug in Terrain Control, but it may also be"
                    + " another mod that is poking in unloaded chunks. Set"
                    + " PopulationBoundsCheck to false in the WorldConfig to"
                    + " disable this error.");

        // Initialize cache
        this.chunkCache = loadFourChunks(chunkCoord);

    private Chunk[] getChunkCache(ChunkCoordinate topLeft)
        if (this.chunkCache == null || !topLeft.coordsMatch(this.chunkCache[0].xPosition, this.chunkCache[0].zPosition))
            // Cache is invalid, most likely because two chunks are being
            // populated at once
            if (this.settings.worldConfig.populationBoundsCheck)
                // ... but this can never happen, as startPopulation() checks
                // for this if populationBoundsCheck is set to true
                // So we have a bug
                throw new IllegalStateException("chunkCache is null");
            } else
                // Use a temporary cache, best we can do
                return this.loadFourChunks(topLeft);
        return this.chunkCache;

    private Chunk[] loadFourChunks(ChunkCoordinate topLeft)
        Chunk[] chunkCache = new Chunk[4];
        for (int indexX = 0; indexX <= 1; indexX++)
            for (int indexZ = 0; indexZ <= 1; indexZ++)
                chunkCache[indexX | (indexZ << 1)] = world.getChunkFromChunkCoords(topLeft.getChunkX() + indexX, topLeft.getChunkZ()
                        + indexZ);
        return chunkCache;

    public void endPopulation()
        if (this.chunkCache == null && settings.worldConfig.populationBoundsCheck)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Chunk is not being populated."
                    + " This may be a bug in Terrain Control, but it may also be"
                    + " another mod that is poking in unloaded chunks. Set"
                    + " PopulationBoundsCheck to false in the WorldConfig to"
                    + " disable this error.");
        this.chunkCache = null;

    public int getLightLevel(int x, int y, int z)
        // Actually, this calculates the block and skylight as it were day.
        return world.getFullBlockLightValue(x, y, z);

    public boolean isLoaded(int x, int y, int z)
        return getChunk(x, y, z) != null;

    public WorldSettings getSettings()
        return this.settings;

    public ConfigProvider getConfigs()
        return this.settings;

    public String getName()

    public long getSeed()
        return this.seed;

    public int getHeightCap()
        return settings.worldConfig.worldHeightCap;

    public int getHeightScale()
        return settings.worldConfig.worldHeightScale;

    public ChunkProvider getChunkGenerator()
        return this.generator;

    public void InitM(World world, WorldSettings config)
        this.settings = config; = world;
        this.seed = world.getSeed();

    public void Init(World world, WorldSettings configs)
        this.settings = configs; = world;
        this.seed = world.getSeed();
        this.structureCache = new CustomObjectStructureCache(this);

        this.dungeonGen = new WorldGenDungeons();
        this.strongholdGen = new StrongholdGen(configs);

        this.villageGen = new VillageGen(configs);
        this.mineshaftGen = new MineshaftGen();
        this.rareBuildingGen = new RareBuildingGen(configs);
        this.netherFortressGen = new NetherFortressGen();

        this.tree = new WorldGenTrees(false);
        this.acaciaTree = new WorldGenSavannaTree(false);
        this.cocoaTree = new WorldGenTrees(false, 5, 3, 3, true);
        this.bigTree = new WorldGenBigTree(false);
        this.birchTree = new WorldGenForest(false, false);
        this.darkOakTree = new WorldGenCanopyTree(false);
        this.longBirchTree = new WorldGenForest(false, true);
        this.swampTree = new WorldGenSwamp();
        this.taigaTree1 = new WorldGenTaiga1();
        this.taigaTree2 = new WorldGenTaiga2(false);
        this.hugeMushroom = new WorldGenBigMushroom();
        this.hugeTaigaTree1 = new WorldGenMegaPineTree(false, false);
        this.hugeTaigaTree2 = new WorldGenMegaPineTree(false, true);
        this.jungleTree = new WorldGenMegaJungle(false, 10, 20, 3, 3);
        this.groundBush = new WorldGenShrub(3, 0);

        this.generator = new ChunkProvider(this);

    public void setBiomeManager(BiomeGenerator manager)
        this.biomeGenerator = manager;

    public World getWorld()

    public LocalBiome getCalculatedBiome(int x, int z)
        return getBiomeById(this.biomeGenerator.getBiome(x, z));

    public LocalBiome getBiome(int x, int z)
        if (this.settings.worldConfig.populateUsingSavedBiomes)
            return getSavedBiome(x, z);
        } else
            return getCalculatedBiome(x, z);

    public LocalBiome getSavedBiome(int x, int z) throws BiomeNotFoundException
        return getBiomeById(world.getBiomeGenForCoords(x, z).biomeID);

    public void attachMetadata(int x, int y, int z, NamedBinaryTag tag)
        // Convert Tag to a native nms tag
        NBTTagCompound nmsTag = NBTHelper.getNMSFromNBTTagCompound(tag);
        // Add the x, y and z position to it
        nmsTag.setInteger("x", x);
        nmsTag.setInteger("y", y);
        nmsTag.setInteger("z", z);
        // Add that data to the current tile entity in the world
        TileEntity tileEntity = world.getTileEntity(x, y, z);
        if (tileEntity != null)
        } else
            TerrainControl.log(LogMarker.DEBUG, "Skipping tile entity with id {}, cannot be placed at {},{},{} on id {}", new Object[] {
                    nmsTag.getString("id"), x, y, z, getMaterial(x, y, z)});

    public NamedBinaryTag getMetadata(int x, int y, int z)
        TileEntity tileEntity = world.getTileEntity(x, y, z);
        if (tileEntity == null)
            return null;
        NBTTagCompound nmsTag = new NBTTagCompound();
        return NBTHelper.getNBTFromNMSTagCompound(null, nmsTag);

    public CustomObjectStructureCache getStructureCache()
        return this.structureCache;

    public BiomeGenerator getBiomeGenerator() {
        return biomeGenerator;


Related Classes of com.khorn.terraincontrol.forge.ForgeWorld

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