Package net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.test

Source Code of net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.test.TestRunMojo

* Flexmojos is a set of maven goals to allow maven users to compile, optimize and test Flex SWF, Flex SWC, Air SWF and Air SWC.
* Copyright (C) 2008-2012  Marvin Froeder <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <>.
package net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.test;

import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.maven.plugin.Mojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.DirectoryScanner;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3DomBuilder;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParserException;
import net.flexmojos.oss.coverage.CoverageReportException;
import net.flexmojos.oss.coverage.CoverageReportRequest;
import net.flexmojos.oss.coverage.CoverageReporter;
import net.flexmojos.oss.coverage.CoverageReporterManager;
import net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.AbstractMavenMojo;
import net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.SourcePathAware;
import net.flexmojos.oss.test.TestRequest;
import net.flexmojos.oss.test.TestRunner;
import net.flexmojos.oss.test.TestRunnerException;
import net.flexmojos.oss.test.launcher.LaunchFlashPlayerException;
import net.flexmojos.oss.util.PathUtil;

* Goal to run unit tests on Flex. It does support the following frameworks:
* <ul>
* <li>Adobe Flexunit</li>
* <li>FUnit</li>
* <li>asunit</li>
* <li>advanced flex debug</li>
* <li>FlexMonkey</li>
* </ul>
* @author Marvin Herman Froeder (
* @since 1.0
* @goal test-run
* @requiresDependencyResolution test
* @phase test
* @threadSafe
public class TestRunMojo
    extends AbstractMavenMojo
    implements Mojo, SourcePathAware

    private static final String TEST_INFO = "Tests run: {0}, Failures: {1}, Errors: {2}, Time Elapsed: {3} sec";

     * The adl command
     * @parameter default-value="adl" expression="${flex.adl.command}"
    private String adlCommand;

     * When true, allow flexmojos to launch xvfb-run to run test if it detects headless linux env
     * @parameter default-value="true" expression="${flex.allowHeadlessMode}"
    private boolean allowHeadlessMode;

     * Uses instruments the bytecode (using apparat) to create test coverage report. Only the test-swf is affected by
     * this.
     * @parameter expression="${flex.coverage}"
    protected boolean coverage;
     * Classes that shouldn't be include on code coverage analysis.
     * @parameter
    private String[] coverageExclusions;

     * Location to save temporary files from coverage framework
     * @parameter default-value="${}/flexmojos"
     * @readonly
    private File coverageDataDirectory;

     * Location to write coverage report
     * @parameter default-value="${}/coverage" expression="${flex.reportDestinationDir}"
    protected File coverageOutputDirectory;

     * This is only used by flexmojos integration tests
     * @parameter expression="${flex.coverageOverwriteSourceRoots}"
     * @readonly
    private String coverageOverwriteSourceRoots;

     * Framework that will be used to produce the coverage report. Accepts "emma" and "cobertura"
     * @parameter expression="${flex.coverageProvider}" default-value="cobertura"
    private String coverageProvider;
     * Encoding used to generate coverage report
     * @parameter expression="${}"
    private String coverageReportEncoding;

     * @component
    private CoverageReporterManager coverageReporterManager;

     * The coverage report format. Can be 'html', 'xml' and/or 'summaryXml'. Default value is 'html'.
     * @parameter
    protected List<String> coverageReportFormat = Collections.singletonList( "html" );

     * The maven compile source roots. List of path elements that form the roots of ActionScript class
     * @parameter expression="${project.compileSourceRoots}"
     * @required
     * @readonly
    private List<String> coverageSourceRoots;

    private Throwable executionError;

    private boolean failures = false;

     * Timeout for the first connection on ping Thread. That means how much time flexmojos will wait for Flashplayer be
     * loaded at first time.
     * @parameter default-value="20000" expression="${flex.firstConnectionTimeout}"
    private int firstConnectionTimeout;

     * The flashplayer command
     * @parameter default-value="flashplayer" expression="${flex.flashPlayer.command}"
    private String flashPlayerCommand;

    private int numErrors;

    private int numFailures;

    private int numTests;

     * Place where all test reports are saved
    private File reportPath;

     * @parameter default-value="false" expression="${maven.test.skip}"
    private boolean skip;

     * @parameter default-value="false" expression="${skipTests}"
    private boolean skipTest;

     * If specified, the flexmojos will use this value as the control port to connect to during test runs.
     * @parameter expression="${flex.testControlPort}"
    private Integer testControlPort;

     * @parameter default-value="false" expression="${maven.test.failure.ignore}"
    private boolean testFailureIgnore;

     * @parameter expression="${}"
     * @readonly
    private File testOutputDirectory;

     * If specified, flexmojos will use this value as the port to connect to during test runs.
     * @parameter expression="${flex.testPort}"
    private Integer testPort;

     * @component role="net.flexmojos.oss.test.TestRunner"
    private TestRunner testRunner;

     * Test timeout to wait for socket responding
     * @parameter default-value="2000" expression="${flex.testTimeout}"
    private int testTimeout;

    private int time;

     * Create a server socket for receiving the test reports from FlexUnit. We read the test reports inside of a Thread.
    public void execute()
        throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException
        // I'm not surefire, but ok
        reportPath = new File( project.getBuild().getDirectory(), "surefire-reports" );

        if ( skip || skipTest )
            getLog().info( "Skipping test phase." );
        else if ( testOutputDirectory == null || !testOutputDirectory.isDirectory() )
            getLog().warn( "Skipping test run. Runner not found: " + testOutputDirectory );

    public File[] getSourcePath()
        List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();

        if ( coverageOverwriteSourceRoots == null )
            files.addAll( PathUtil.existingFilesList( coverageSourceRoots ) );
            files.addAll( PathUtil.existingFilesList( Arrays.asList( coverageOverwriteSourceRoots.split( "," ) ) ) );

        return files.toArray( new File[0] );

    protected void run()
        throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException
        DirectoryScanner scan = new DirectoryScanner();
        scan.setIncludes( new String[] { "*.swf" } );
        scan.setBasedir( testOutputDirectory );

        CoverageReporter reporter = null;
        if ( coverage )
                reporter = coverageReporterManager.getReporter( coverageProvider );
                reporter.setExcludes( coverageExclusions );
            catch ( CoverageReportException e )
                throw new MojoExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );

            String[] swfs = scan.getIncludedFiles();
            runTests( swfs, reporter );
            if ( coverage )
                CoverageReportRequest request =
                    new CoverageReportRequest( coverageDataDirectory, coverageReportFormat, coverageReportEncoding,
                                               new File( project.getBuild().getSourceDirectory() ) );
                    reporter.generateReport( request );
                    File index = new File(coverageOutputDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "/index.html");
                      FileUtils.copyFile(index, new File(coverageOutputDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "/index.bak.html"));
                catch ( CoverageReportException e )
                    throw new MojoExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
                catch ( IOException e )
                    throw new MojoExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );


    public void runTest( String swfName, Integer testPort, Integer testControlPort, CoverageReporter reporter )
        throws MojoExecutionException
        File swf = new File( testOutputDirectory, swfName );

        getLog().debug( "Flexmojos test port: " + testPort + " - control: " + testControlPort );

        TestRequest testRequest = new TestRequest();
        testRequest.setTestControlPort( testControlPort );
        testRequest.setTestPort( testPort );
        testRequest.setSwf( swf );
        testRequest.setAllowHeadlessMode( allowHeadlessMode );
        testRequest.setTestTimeout( testTimeout );
        testRequest.setFirstConnectionTimeout( firstConnectionTimeout );

        boolean isAirProject = getIsAirProject();
        testRequest.setUseAirDebugLauncher( isAirProject );
        if ( isAirProject )
            testRequest.setAdlCommand( adlCommand );
            testRequest.setSwfDescriptor( createSwfDescriptor( swf ) );
            testRequest.setFlashplayerCommand( flashPlayerCommand );

        if ( coverage )
            reporter.instrument( swf, getSourcePath() );

            List<String> results = runTest( testRequest );
            for ( String result : results )
                TestCaseReport report = writeTestReport( result );
                if ( coverage )
                    List<TestCoverageReport> coverageResult = report.getCoverage();
                    for ( TestCoverageReport testCoverageReport : coverageResult )
                        reporter.addResult( testCoverageReport.getClassname(), testCoverageReport.getTouchs() );
        catch ( TestRunnerException e )
            executionError = e;
        catch ( LaunchFlashPlayerException e )
            throw new MojoExecutionException(
                                              "Failed to launch Flash Player.  Probably java was not able to find flashplayer."
                                                  + "\n\t\tMake sure flashplayer is available on PATH"
                                                  + "\n\t\tor use -DflashPlayer.command=${flashplayer executable}"
                                                  + "\nRead more at:",
                                              e );

    public List<String> runTest( TestRequest testRequest )
        throws TestRunnerException, LaunchFlashPlayerException
        List<String> results;
        results = testRequest );
        return results;

    public void runTests( String[] swfs, CoverageReporter reporter )
        throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException
        if ( testPort == null )
            // This will fail if you are trying to run the "test-run" goal in a separate maven execution from the
            // "test-compile" goal! The reason is that the port is compiled into the generated swf and this is done
            // in the "test-compile" goal.
            testPort = getFromPluginContext( TestCompilerMojo.FLEXMOJOS_TEST_PORT );
        if ( testControlPort == null )
            // This will fail if you are trying to run the "test-run" goal in a separate maven execution from the
            // "test-compile" goal! The reason is that the port is compiled into the generated swf and this is done
            // in the "test-compile" goal.
            testControlPort = getFromPluginContext( TestCompilerMojo.FLEXMOJOS_TEST_CONTROL_PORT );
        getLog().debug( "Found " + swfs.length + " test runners:\n" + Arrays.toString( swfs ) );
        getLog().debug( "Using test port '" + testPort + "' and test control port '" + testControlPort + "'" );
        for ( String swfName : swfs )
            runTest( swfName, testPort, testControlPort, reporter );

    protected void tearDown()
        throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException

        getLog().info( "------------------------------------------------------------------------" );
        getLog().info( MessageFormat.format( TEST_INFO, new Object[] { numTests,
                           numErrors, numFailures, time} ) );

        if ( !testFailureIgnore )
            if ( executionError != null )
                throw new MojoExecutionException( executionError.getMessage(), executionError );

            if ( failures )
                throw new MojoExecutionException( "Some tests fail" );
            if ( executionError != null )
                getLog().error( executionError.getMessage(), executionError );

            if ( failures )
                getLog().error( "Some tests fail" );


     * Write a test report to disk.
     * @param reportString the report to write.
     * @return
     * @throws MojoExecutionException
    private TestCaseReport writeTestReport( final String reportString )
        throws MojoExecutionException
        // Parse the report.
        TestCaseReport report;
            report = new TestCaseReport( new StringReader( reportString ) ) );
        catch ( XmlPullParserException e )
            // should never happen
            throw new MojoExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
        catch ( IOException e )
            // should never happen
            throw new MojoExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );

        // Get the test attributes.
        final String name = report.getName();
        final int numFailures = report.getFailures();
        final int numErrors = report.getErrors();
        final int totalProblems = numFailures + numErrors;

        getLog().debug( "[MOJO] Test report of " + name );
        getLog().debug( reportString );

        // Get the output file name.
        final File file = new File( reportPath, "TEST-" + name.replace( "::", "." ) + ".xml" );

        FileWriter writer = null;
            writer = new FileWriter( file );
            IOUtil.copy( reportString, writer );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new MojoExecutionException( "Unable to save test result report", e );
            IOUtil.close( writer );

        // Pretty print the document to disk.
        // final XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter( new FileOutputStream( file ), format );
        // writer.write( document );
        // writer.close();

        // First write the report, then fail the build if the test failed.
        if ( totalProblems > 0 )
            failures = true;

            getLog().warn( "Unit test " + name + " failed." );


        this.numTests += report.getTests();
        this.numErrors += report.getErrors();
        this.numFailures += report.getFailures();

        return report;


Related Classes of net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.test.TestRunMojo

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