Package krati.core.array

Source Code of krati.core.array.SimpleDataArray

* Copyright (c) 2010-2012 LinkedIn, Inc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.

package krati.core.array;

import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;

import krati.core.StoreParams;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import krati.Mode;
import krati.Persistable;
import krati.PersistableListener;
import krati.array.Array;
import krati.array.DataArray;
import krati.core.array.SimpleDataArrayCompactor.CompactionUpdateBatch;
import krati.core.array.entry.Entry;
import krati.core.array.entry.EntryPersistAdapter;
import krati.core.array.entry.EntryValue;
import krati.core.segment.AddressFormat;
import krati.core.segment.Segment;
import krati.core.segment.SegmentException;
import krati.core.segment.SegmentIndexBuffer;
import krati.core.segment.SegmentManager;
import krati.core.segment.SegmentOverflowException;

* SimpleDataArray provides an array like interface to <code>get</code> and <code>set</code>
* raw bytes at a specified array index. This class provides the core code for implementing
* different sub-classes of {@link DataStore} and {@link DataSet}.
* <p>
* This class is not thread-safe by design. It is expected that the conditions below hold within one JVM.
* <pre>
*    1. There is one and only one instance of SimpleDataArray for a given home directory.
*    2. There is one and only one thread calling setData and transferTo methods at any given time.
* </pre>
* </p>
* <p>
* It is expected that this class is used in the case of multiple readers and single writer.
* </p>
* @author jwu
* <p>
* 05/09, 2011 - added support for Closeable <br/>
* 05/22, 2011 - fixed method close() <br/>
* 05/23, 2011 - sync compaction batches in method close() <br/>
* 05/26, 2011 - added methods for partially reading data bytes <br/>
* 06/22, 2011 - catch SegmentException in method set() for safety <br/>
* 06/03, 2012 - fixed problematic sync upon calling method close() <br/>
* 06/11, 2012 - Simplified compaction update <br/>
* 08/31, 2012 - Enabled segment index buffer <br/>
* 09/09, 2012 - Removed throttling as compaction is efficient with SIB <br/>
public class SimpleDataArray implements DataArray, Persistable, Closeable {
    private final static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(SimpleDataArray.class);
     * The internal address array (i.e. indexes.dat).
    protected final AddressArray _addressArray;
     * The internal address format encoding the Segment Id and the offset inside the Segment.
    protected final AddressFormat _addressFormat;
     * The Segment manager which manages Segments and the meta data associated with Segments.
    protected final SegmentManager _segmentManager;
     * The Segment compactor which reclaims a fragmented Segment by transferring data into a new one. 
    protected final SimpleDataArrayCompactor _compactor;
     * The load factor of Segment, below which a Segment is eligible for compaction (i.e. being reclaimed).
    protected final double _segmentCompactFactor;
     * Current working segment to append data to.
    private volatile Segment _segment;
     * The mode can only be <code>Mode.INIT</code>, <code>Mode.OPEN</code> and <code>Mode.CLOSED</code>.
    private volatile Mode _mode = Mode.INIT;
     * Current working segment index buffer.
    private volatile SegmentIndexBuffer _sib;
     * Segment index buffer is enabled by default.
    private volatile boolean _sibEnabled = true;
     * The Persistable event listener, default <code>null</code>.
    private volatile PersistableListener _listener = null;
     * The high water mark set so far.
    volatile long _hwmSet = 0;
     * The readers' view of high water mark for volatile piggyback.
    volatile long _hwmGet = 0;
     * Constructs a DataArray with Segment Compact Factor default to 0.5.
     * @param addressArray           the array of addresses (i.e. pointers to Segment).
     * @param segmentManager         the segment manager for loading, creating, freeing, maintaining segments.
    public SimpleDataArray(AddressArray addressArray, SegmentManager segmentManager) {
        this(addressArray, segmentManager, StoreParams.SEGMENT_COMPACT_FACTOR_DEFAULT);
     * Constructs a DataArray.
     * @param addressArray           the array of addresses (i.e. pointers to Segment).
     * @param segmentManager         the segment manager for loading, creating, freeing, maintaining segments.
     * @param segmentCompactFactor   the load factor below which a segment is eligible for compaction. The recommended value is 0.5.
    public SimpleDataArray(AddressArray addressArray,
                           SegmentManager segmentManager,
                           double segmentCompactFactor) {
        this._addressArray = addressArray;
        this._segmentManager = segmentManager;
        this._segmentCompactFactor = segmentCompactFactor;
        this._addressFormat = new AddressFormat();
        // Add segment persist listener
        addressArray.setPersistListener(new SegmentPersistListener());
        // Start segment data compactor
        _compactor = new SimpleDataArrayCompactor(this, getSegmentCompactFactor());
        this._mode = Mode.OPEN;"mode=" + _mode);
     * Consumes a {@link CompactionUpdateBatch} produced by the Segment compactor.
     * @param updateBatch - the batch of compaction updates produced by the Segment compactor.
     * @throws Exception if the updateBatch cannot be consumed
    private void consumeCompaction(CompactionUpdateBatch updateBatch) throws Exception {
        int ignoreCount = 0;
        int updateCount = updateBatch.size();
        int totalIgnoreBytes = 0;
        int totalUpdateBytes = updateBatch.getDataSizeTotal();
        /* Using lwMark is to guarantee that redo logs from compaction will not increase
         * the hwMark of the underlying array file. If hwMark is being used, the current
         * redo entry is discarded upon crash. Upon restart, the hwMark from the underlying
         * array file may prevent updates in the lost redo entry from being resent.  
        long updateScn = _addressArray.getLWMark();
        Segment segTarget = updateBatch.getTargetSegment();
        for(int i = 0; i < updateCount; i++) {
            int index = updateBatch.getUpdateIndex(i);
            long origAddr = updateBatch.getOriginDataAddr(i);
            long currAddr = getAddress(index);
            if(currAddr == 0 ||      /* data at the given index is deleted by writer */
               currAddr != origAddr  /* data at the given index is updated by writer */) {
                 * The address generated by the compactor is obsolete.
                int updateBytes = updateBatch.getUpdateDataSize(i);
                totalIgnoreBytes += updateBytes;
            } else {
                 * The address generated by the compactor has not been touched by the writer.
                 * Update the address array directly.
                setCompactionAddress(index, updateBatch.getUpdateDataAddr(i), updateScn);
        int consumeCount = updateCount - ignoreCount;
        int totalConsumeBytes = totalUpdateBytes - totalIgnoreBytes;
        if(_log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            _log.trace("consumed compaction batch " +
                       updateBatch.getDescriptiveId() +
                       " updates " + consumeCount + "/" + updateCount +
                       " bytes " + totalConsumeBytes + "/" + totalUpdateBytes);
        // Update segment load size
     * Consumes a {@link CompactionUpdateBatch} if available.
     * @return <code>true</code> if a {@link CompactionUpdateBatch} is found and then consumed.
     * Otherwise, <code>false</code>.
    protected boolean consumeCompactionBatch() {
         * Consume one compaction update batch generated by the compactor.
        CompactionUpdateBatch updateBatch = _compactor.pollCompactionBatch();
        if(updateBatch != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                _log.error("failed to consume compaction batch " + updateBatch.getDescriptiveId(), e);
            } finally {
            return true;
        return false;
     * Consumes all {@link CompactionUpdateBatch}(es) produced by the Segment compactor.
    protected void consumeCompactionBatches() {
        while(true) {
            CompactionUpdateBatch updateBatch = _compactor.pollCompactionBatch();
            if(updateBatch == null) break;
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                _log.error("failed to consume compaction batch " + updateBatch.getDescriptiveId(), e);
            } finally {
     * Sync with the Segment compactor to consume all the produced {@link CompactionUpdateBatch}(es).
    protected void syncCompactor() {
        ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Segment> queue = _compactor.getCompactedQueue();
        while(!queue.isEmpty()) {
            Segment seg = queue.remove();
     * Submit current segment index buffer for asynchronous handling.
    protected void submitSegmentIndexBuffer() {
        if(_sibEnabled && !_sib.isDirty()) {
        } else {
     * Initialize this SimpleDataArray after it is instantiated.
    protected void init() {
        try {
            // Initialize the current working segment
            _segment = _segmentManager.nextSegment();
            // Segment index buffer is enabled by default!
            _sib = _segmentManager.openSegmentIndexBuffer(_segment.getSegmentId());
            if(!_sibEnabled) _sib.markAsDirty();
  "Segment " + _segment.getSegmentId() + " online: " + _segment.getStatus());
        } catch(IOException ioe) {
            _log.error(ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
            throw new SegmentException("Instantiation failed due to " + ioe.getMessage());
     * Gets the {@link AddressFormat} used by this SimpleDataArray to locate data bytes in Segments.
    public final AddressFormat getAddressFormat() {
        return _addressFormat;
     * Gets the address array.
    public final AddressArray getAddressArray() {
        return _addressArray;
     * Gets the address (long value) at the specified array index.
     * @param index - the array index.
    public final long getAddress(int index) {
        _hwmGet = _hwmSet;
        return _addressArray.get(index);
     * Sets the address (long value) at the specified array index.
     * @param index - the array index.
     * @param value - the address value.
     * @param scn   - the System Change Number (SCN)  representing an ever-increasing update order.
     * @throws Exception if the address cannot be updated at the specified array index.
    protected void setAddress(int index, long value, long scn) throws Exception {
        _addressArray.set(index, value, scn);
        _hwmSet = Math.max(_hwmSet, scn);
     * Sets the address (long value), which is produced by the Segment compactor,
     * at the specified array index.
     * @param index - the array index.
     * @param value - the address value.
     * @param scn   - the System Change Number (SCN)  representing an ever-increasing update order.
     * @throws Exception if the address cannot be updated at the specified array index.
    protected void setCompactionAddress(int index, long value, long scn) throws Exception {
        _addressArray.setCompactionAddress(index, value, scn);
        _hwmSet = Math.max(_hwmSet, scn);
     * Gets the Segment compact factor, below which a Segment is eligible for compaction (i.e. being reclaimed).
    protected double getSegmentCompactFactor() {
        return _segmentCompactFactor;
     * Gets the Segment manager, which manages Segments and the meta data associated with Segments.
    protected SegmentManager getSegmentManager() {
        return _segmentManager;
     * Gets the current Segment to which data is written.
    protected Segment getCurrentSegment() {
        return _segment;
     * Decrease the load factor of a Segment based on the specified array index.
     * @param index - the array index.
    protected void decrOriginalSegmentLoad(int index) {
        try {
            long address = getAddress(index);
            int segPos = _addressFormat.getOffset(address);
            int segInd = _addressFormat.getSegment(address);
            int length = _addressFormat.getDataSize(address);
            if (segPos >= Segment.dataStartPosition) {
                // get data segment
                Segment seg = _segmentManager.getSegment(segInd);
                // read data length
                if(seg != null) seg.decrLoadSize(4 + ((length == 0) ? seg.readInt(segPos) : length));
        catch(IOException e1) {}
        catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e2) {}
     * Checks if the array index is out of the known bounds.
     * @param index - the array index
    private final void rangeCheck(int index) {
        if(!_addressArray.hasIndex(index)) {
            throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(index);
     * @return <code>true</code> if this array has data at the given index. Otherwise, <code>false</code>
     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of range.
    public boolean hasData(int index) {
        long address = getAddress(index);
        int segPos = _addressFormat.getOffset(address);
        int segInd = _addressFormat.getSegment(address);
        // no data found
        if(segPos < Segment.dataStartPosition) return false;
        // get data segment
        Segment seg = _segmentManager.getSegment(segInd);
        if(seg == null) return false;
        return true;
     * @return the length of data at the given index.
     * If the given index is out of the array index range, <code>-1<code> is returned.
    public int getLength(int index) {
        try {
            long address = getAddress(index);
            int segPos = _addressFormat.getOffset(address);
            int segInd = _addressFormat.getSegment(address);
            // no data found
            if(segPos < Segment.dataStartPosition) return -1;
            // get data segment
            Segment seg = _segmentManager.getSegment(segInd);
            if(seg == null) return -1;
            // read data length
            int size = _addressFormat.getDataSize(address);
            return (size == 0) ? seg.readInt(segPos) : size;
        } catch(Exception e) {
            return -1;
     * Gets data at a given index.
     * @param index  the array index
     * @return the data at a given index.
     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of range.
    public byte[] get(int index) {
        try {
            long address = getAddress(index);
            int segPos = _addressFormat.getOffset(address);
            int segInd = _addressFormat.getSegment(address);
            // no data found
            if(segPos < Segment.dataStartPosition) return null;
            // get data segment
            Segment seg = _segmentManager.getSegment(segInd);
            if(seg == null) return null;
            // read data length
            int size = _addressFormat.getDataSize(address);
            int len = (size == 0) ? seg.readInt(segPos) : size;
            // read data into byte array
            byte[] data = new byte[len];
            if (len > 0) {
       + 4, data);
            return data;
        } catch(Exception e) {
            return null;
     * Gets data at a given index.
     * @param index  the array index
     * @param data   the byte array to fill in
     * @return the length of data at the given index.
     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of range
     * or if the byte array does not have enough space to hold the read data.
    public int get(int index, byte[] data) {
        return get(index, data, 0);
     * Gets data at a given index.
     * @param index  the array index
     * @param data   the byte array to fill in
     * @param offset the offset of the byte array where data is filled in
     * @return the length of data at the given index.
     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of range
     * or if the byte array does not have enough space to hold the read data.
    public int get(int index, byte[] data, int offset) {
        try {
            long address = getAddress(index);
            int segPos = _addressFormat.getOffset(address);
            int segInd = _addressFormat.getSegment(address);
            // no data found
            if(segPos < Segment.dataStartPosition) return -1;
            // get data segment
            Segment seg = _segmentManager.getSegment(segInd);
            if(seg == null) return -1;
            // read data length
            int size = _addressFormat.getDataSize(address);
            int len = (size == 0) ? seg.readInt(segPos) : size;
            // read data into byte array
            if (len > 0) {
       + 4, data, offset, len);
            return len;
        } catch(Exception e) {
            return -1;
     * Reads data bytes at an index into a byte array.
     * This method does a full read of data bytes only if the destination byte
     * array has enough capacity to store all the bytes from the specified index.
     * Otherwise, a partial read is done to fill in the destination byte array.
     * @param index  the array index
     * @param dst    the byte array to fill in
     * @return the total number of bytes read if data is available at the given index.
     *         Otherwise, <code>-1</code>.
    public int read(int index, byte[] dst) {
        try {
            long address = getAddress(index);
            int segPos = _addressFormat.getOffset(address);
            int segInd = _addressFormat.getSegment(address);
            // no data found
            if(segPos < Segment.dataStartPosition) return -1;
            // get data segment
            Segment seg = _segmentManager.getSegment(segInd);
            if(seg == null) return -1;
            // read data length
            int size = _addressFormat.getDataSize(address);
            int len = (size == 0) ? seg.readInt(segPos) : size;
            // read data into byte array
            if (len > 0) {
                len = Math.min(len, dst.length);
       + 4, dst, 0, len);
            return len;
        } catch(Exception e) {
            return -1;
     * Reads data bytes from an offset of data at an index to fill in a byte array.
     * @param index  the array index
     * @param offset the offset of data bytes
     * @param dst    the byte array to fill in
     * @return the total number of bytes read if data is available at the given index.
     *         Otherwise, <code>-1</code>.
    public int read(int index, int offset, byte[] dst) {
        try {
            long address = getAddress(index);
            int segPos = _addressFormat.getOffset(address);
            int segInd = _addressFormat.getSegment(address);
            // no data found
            if(segPos < Segment.dataStartPosition) return -1;
            // get data segment
            Segment seg = _segmentManager.getSegment(segInd);
            if(seg == null) return -1;
            // read data length
            int size = _addressFormat.getDataSize(address);
            int len = (size == 0) ? seg.readInt(segPos) : size;
            // read data into byte array
            if (len > 0) {
                if (len > offset) {
                    len = Math.min(len - offset, dst.length);
           + 4 + offset, dst, 0, len);
                } else {
                    return -1;
            return len;
        } catch(Exception e) {
            return -1;
     * Transfers data at a given index to a writable channel.
     * @param index  the array index
     * @return the amount of bytes transferred (the length of data at the given index).
     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of range.
    public int transferTo(int index, WritableByteChannel channel) {
        try {
            long address = getAddress(index);
            int segPos = _addressFormat.getOffset(address);
            int segInd = _addressFormat.getSegment(address);
            // no data found
            if(segPos < Segment.dataStartPosition) return -1;
            // get data segment
            Segment seg = _segmentManager.getSegment(segInd);
            if(seg == null) return -1;
            // read data length
            int size = _addressFormat.getDataSize(address);
            int len = (size == 0) ? seg.readInt(segPos) : size;
            // transfer data to a writable channel
            if (len > 0) {
                seg.transferTo(segPos + 4, len, channel);
            return len;
        } catch(Exception e) {
            return -1;
     * Sets data at a given index.
     * @param index  the array index
     * @param data   the data (byte array).
     *               If <code>null</code>, the data at the given index will be removed.
     * @param scn    the global scn indicating the sequence of this change
     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of range.
    public void set(int index, byte[] data, long scn) throws Exception {
        if(data == null) {
            set(index, data, 0, 0, scn);
        } else {
            set(index, data, 0, data.length, scn);
     * Sets data at a given index.
     * @param index  the array index
     * @param data   the data (byte array)
     *               If <code>null</code>, the data at the given index will be removed.
     * @param offset the offset of byte array where data is read
     * @param length the length of data to read from the byte array
     * @param scn    the global scn indicating the sequence of this change
     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of range
     * or if the offset and length is not properly specified.
    public void set(int index, byte[] data, int offset, int length, long scn) throws Exception {
        // no data
        if (data == null) {
            setAddress(index, 0, scn);
        if (offset > data.length || (offset + length) > data.length) {
            throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(data.length);
        while(true) {
            // get append position
            long pos = _segment.getAppendPosition();
            try {
                // check append position is in range
                if ((pos >> _addressFormat.getSegmentShift()) > 0) {
                    throw new SegmentOverflowException(_segment);
                // append actual size
                // append actual data
                if (length > 0) {
                    _segment.append(data, offset, length);
                // update addressArray
                long address = _addressFormat.composeAddress((int)pos, _segment.getSegmentId(), length);
                setAddress(index, address, scn);
                // update segment index buffer
                if(!_sib.isDirty()) {
                    _sib.add(index, (int)pos);
                // consume one compaction batch if available
            } catch(SegmentException se) {
      "Segment " + _segment.getSegmentId() + " filled: " + _segment.getStatus());
                // submit current segment index buffer
                // update next segment and segment index buffer
                Segment nextSegment = _compactor.peekTargetSegment();
                if(nextSegment != null) {
                    _segment = nextSegment;
                    _log.trace("nextSegment from compactor");
                } else {
                    if(_compactor.isStarted()) {
                        if(_compactor.getAndDecrementSegmentPermit()) {
                            _log.trace("nextSegment permit granted");
                            _segment = _segmentManager.nextSegment();
                        } else {
                            _log.trace("nextSegment permit refused");
                            // wait until compactor is done
                            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                            while(_compactor.isStarted()) {
                            long elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
                  "nextSegment compaction wait " + elapsedTime + " ms");
                            // get the next segment available for appending
                            nextSegment = _compactor.pollTargetSegment();
                            _segment = (nextSegment != null) ? nextSegment : _segmentManager.nextSegment();
                    } else {
                        // get the next segment available for appending
                        _segment = _segmentManager.nextSegment();
                if(_sibEnabled) {
                    _sib = _segmentManager.openSegmentIndexBuffer(_segment.getSegmentId());
                } else {
      "Segment " + _segment.getSegmentId() + " online: " + _segment.getStatus());
            } catch(Exception e) {
                // restore append position
                throw e;
    public boolean hasIndex(int index) {
        return _addressArray.hasIndex(index);
    public int length() {
        return _addressArray.length();
    public long getLWMark() {
        return _addressArray.getLWMark();
    public long getHWMark() {
        return _addressArray.getHWMark();
    public synchronized void saveHWMark(long endOfPeriod) throws Exception {
        if(isOpen()) {
    public synchronized void sync() throws IOException {
        if(isOpen()) {
     * Sync changes/updates to storage devices.
     * @throws IOException
    private void syncInternal() throws IOException {
        /* CALLS ORDERED: Need force _segment first and then persist
         * _addressArray. During recovery, the _addressArray can always
         * point to addresses which are valid though may not reflect the
         * most recent address update.
    public synchronized void persist() throws IOException {
        if(isOpen()) {
            /* CALLS ORDERED: Need force _segment first and then persist
             * _addressArray. During recovery, the _addressArray can always
             * point to addresses which are valid though may not reflect the
             * most recent address update.
     * Clears all data stored in this SimpleDataArray.
     * This method is not effective if this SimpleDataArray is not open.
    public synchronized void clear() {
        if(isOpen()) {
     * Close to quit from serving requests.
     * @throws IOException if the underlying service cannot be closed properly.
    public synchronized void close() throws IOException {
        if (_mode == Mode.CLOSED) {
        _mode = Mode.CLOSED;
        try {
            // THE CALLS ORDERED.
            _compactor.shutdown();   // shutdown compactor
            /* Call syncInternal() to force update changes accumulated in
             * the last update batch and those generated by data compaction.
            syncInternal();          // consume compaction batches generated during shutdown
            /* Submit the current segment index buffer before closing _segmentManager
             * so that the last writer segment index buffer can be flushed to disk
             * when _segmentManager.close() is being invoked.
            _compactor.clear();      // cleanup compactor internal state
            _addressArray.close();   // close address array
            _segmentManager.close(); // close segment manager
        } catch(Exception e) {
            _log.error("Failed to close", e);
            throw (e instanceof IOException) ? (IOException)e : new IOException(e);
        } finally {
            _mode = Mode.CLOSED;
  "mode=" + _mode);
     * Open to start serving requests.
     * @throws IOException if the underlying service cannot be opened properly.
    public synchronized void open() throws IOException {
        if (_mode == Mode.OPEN) {
        try {
            _mode = Mode.OPEN;
        } catch(Exception e) {
            _mode = Mode.CLOSED;
            _log.error("Failed to open", e);
            if (_addressArray.isOpen()) {
            if (_segmentManager.isOpen()) {
            throw (e instanceof IOException) ? (IOException)e : new IOException(e);
        } finally {
  "mode=" + _mode);
    public boolean isOpen() {
        return _mode == Mode.OPEN;
     * SegmentPersistListener is being called back whenever a redo entry is being created.
     * This listener does two things:
     * <ol>
     *   <li>Forces updates in the current Segment for persistency</li>
     *   <li>Updates the meta data of all Segments for record keeping</li>
     * </ol>
    private class SegmentPersistListener extends EntryPersistAdapter {
        public void beforePersist(Entry<? extends EntryValue> e) throws IOException {
            if(_segment != null) {
        public void afterPersist(Entry<? extends EntryValue> e) throws IOException {
            if(_segmentManager != null) {
    public final Array.Type getType() {
        return _addressArray.getType();
     * Tests if the segment index buffer (SIB) is enabled.
    public final boolean isSibEnabled() {
        return _sibEnabled;
     * Enables the segment index buffer (SIB).
    public final void setSibEnabled(boolean b) {
        if(_sibEnabled != b) {
        _sibEnabled = b;
     * Gets the persistable event listener.
    public final PersistableListener getPersistableListener() {
        return _listener;
     * Sets the persistable event listener.
     * @param listener
    public final void setPersistableListener(PersistableListener listener) {
        this._listener = listener;
     * Fire beforePersist events to the PersistableListener.
    protected void fireBeforePersist() {
        PersistableListener l = _listener;
        if(l != null) {
            try {
            } catch(Exception e) {
                _log.error("failure on calling beforePersist", e);
     * Fire afterPersist events to the PersistableListener.
    protected void fireAfterPersist() {
        PersistableListener l = _listener;
        if(l != null) {
            try {
            } catch(Exception e) {
                _log.error("failure on calling afterPersist", e);

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