Package org.bson

Source Code of org.bson.BSONTest$TestDateTransformer

* Copyright (c) 2008-2014 MongoDB, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.


package org.bson;

import org.bson.types.CodeWScope;
import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

public class BSONTest {

    public BSONTest(){
        for ( int x = 8; x<2048; x*=2 ){
            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
            while ( buf.length() < x )
                buf.append( x );
            _data.add( buf.toString() );

    void _test( BSONObject o , int size , String hash )
        throws IOException {
        BSONEncoder e = new BasicBSONEncoder();
        OutputBuffer buf = new BasicOutputBuffer();
        e.set( buf );
        e.putObject( o );
        assertEquals( size , buf.size() );
        assertEquals( hash , buf.md5() );
        BSONDecoder d = new BasicBSONDecoder();
        BSONCallback cb = new BasicBSONCallback();
        int s = d.decode( new ByteArrayInputStream( buf.toByteArray() ) , cb );
        assertEquals( size , s );

        OutputBuffer buf2 = new BasicOutputBuffer();
        e.set( buf2 );
        e.putObject( (BSONObject)cb.get() );
        assertEquals( size , buf2.size() );
        assertEquals( hash , buf2.md5() );       
    public void testBasic1()
        throws IOException {
//        BSONObject o = new BasicBSONObject();
        _test( new BasicBSONObject( "x" , true ) , 9 , "6fe24623e4efc5cf07f027f9c66b5456" );   

        _test( new BasicBSONObject( "x" , null ) , 8 , "12d43430ff6729af501faf0638e68888" );
        _test( new BasicBSONObject( "x" , 5.2 ) , 16 , "aaeeac4a58e9c30eec6b0b0319d0dff2" );
        _test( new BasicBSONObject( "x" , "eliot" ), 18 , "331a3b8b7cbbe0706c80acdb45d4ebbe" );
        _test( new BasicBSONObject( "x" , 5.2 ).append( "y" , "truth" ).append( "z" , 1.1 ) ,
               40 , "7c77b3a6e63e2f988ede92624409da58" );
        _test( new BasicBSONObject( "a" , new BasicBSONObject( "b" , 1.1 ) ) , 24 , "31887a4b9d55cd9f17752d6a8a45d51f" );
        _test( new BasicBSONObject( "x" , 5.2 ).append( "y" , new BasicBSONObject( "a" , "eliot" ).append( "b" , true ) ).append( "z" , null ) , 44 , "b3de8a0739ab329e7aea138d87235205" );
        _test( new BasicBSONObject( "x" , 5.2 ).append( "y" , new Object[]{ "a" , "eliot" , "b" , true } ).append( "z" , null ) , 62 , "cb7bad5697714ba0cbf51d113b6a0ee8" );
        _test( new BasicBSONObject( "x" , 4 ) , 12 , "d1ed8dbf79b78fa215e2ded74548d89d" );

    @Test( expected =  IllegalArgumentException.class )
    public void testNullKeysFail() {
        BSONEncoder e = new BasicBSONEncoder();
        OutputBuffer buf = new BasicOutputBuffer();
        e.set( buf );
        e.putObject( new BasicBSONObject( "foo\0bar","baz" ) );
    public void testArray()
        throws IOException {
        _test( new BasicBSONObject( "x" , new int[]{ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4} ) , 41 , "e63397fe37de1349c50e1e4377a45e2d" );

    public void testOB1(){
        BasicOutputBuffer buf = new BasicOutputBuffer();
        buf.write( "eliot".getBytes() );
        assertEquals( 5 , buf.getPosition() );
        assertEquals( 5 , buf.size() );
        assertEquals( "eliot" , buf.asString() );

        buf.setPosition( 2 );
        buf.write( "z".getBytes() );
        assertEquals( "elzot" , buf.asString() );
        buf.write( "foo".getBytes() );
        assertEquals( "elzotfoo" , buf.asString() );

        buf.write( "bar".getBytes() );
        assertEquals( "barotfoo" , buf.asString() );


    public void testCode()
      throws IOException{
        BSONObject scope = new BasicBSONObject( "x", 1 );
        CodeWScope c = new CodeWScope( "function() { x += 1; }" , scope );
        BSONObject code_object = new BasicBSONObject( "map" , c);
        _test( code_object , 53 , "52918d2367533165bfc617df50335cbb" );

    public void testBinary()
      throws IOException{
        byte[] data = new byte[10000];
        for(int i=0; i<10000; i++) {
          data[i] = 1;
        BSONObject binary_object = new BasicBSONObject( "bin" , data);
        _test( binary_object , 10015 , "1d439ba5b959ecfe297a7862bf95bc10" );

    public void testOBBig1(){
        BasicOutputBuffer a = new BasicOutputBuffer();
        StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
        for ( String x : _data ){
            a.write( x.getBytes() );
            b.append( x );
        assertEquals( a.asString() , b.toString() );

    public void testUTF8() {
        for (int i = 1; i <= Character.MAX_CODE_POINT; i++) {

            if (Character.getType(i) == Character.SURROGATE) {

            String orig = new String(Character.toChars(i));
            BSONObject a = new BasicBSONObject(orig, orig);
            BSONObject b = BSON.decode(BSON.encode(a));
            assertEquals("Could not round trip code point " + i, a, b);

    public void testCustomEncoders()
      throws IOException{
        // If clearEncodingHooks isn't working the first test will fail.
        Transformer tf = new TestDateTransformer();
        BSON.addEncodingHook( TestDate.class, tf );
        TestDate td = new TestDate( 2009 , 01 , 23 , 10 , 53 , 42 );
        BSONObject o = new BasicBSONObject( "date" , td );
        BSONEncoder e = new BasicBSONEncoder();
        BSONDecoder d = new BasicBSONDecoder();
        BSONCallback cb = new BasicBSONCallback();
        OutputBuffer buf = new BasicOutputBuffer();
        e.set( buf );
        boolean encodeFailed = false;
        try {
            e.putObject( o );
        catch ( IllegalArgumentException ieE ) {
            encodeFailed = true;
        assertTrue( encodeFailed);
        // Reset the buffer
        assertTrue( tf.transform( td ) instanceof java.util.Date );

        BSON.addEncodingHook( TestDate.class, tf );
        e.putObject( o );

        d.decode( new ByteArrayInputStream( buf.toByteArray() ), cb );
        Object result = cb.get();
        assertTrue( result instanceof BSONObject );
        BSONObject bson = (BSONObject) result;
        assertNotNull( bson.get( "date" ) );
        assertTrue( bson.get( "date" ) instanceof java.util.Date );

        // Check that the hooks registered
        assertNotNull( BSON.getEncodingHooks( TestDate.class ) );
        Vector expect = new Vector( 1 );
        expect.add( tf );
        assertEquals( BSON.getEncodingHooks( TestDate.class ), expect );
        assertTrue( BSON.getEncodingHooks( TestDate.class ).contains( tf ) );
        BSON.removeEncodingHook( TestDate.class, tf );
        assertFalse( BSON.getEncodingHooks( TestDate.class ).contains( tf ) );

    @SuppressWarnings({"deprecation", "unchecked"})
    public void testCustomDecoders()
      throws IOException{
        // If clearDecodingHooks isn't working this whole test will fail.
        Transformer tf = new TestDateTransformer();
        BSON.addDecodingHook( Date.class, tf );
        TestDate td = new TestDate( 2009 , 01 , 23 , 10 , 53 , 42 );
        Date dt = new Date( 2009 , 01 , 23 , 10 , 53 , 42 );
        BSONObject o = new BasicBSONObject( "date" , dt );
        BSONDecoder d = new BasicBSONDecoder();
        BSONEncoder e = new BasicBSONEncoder();
        BSONCallback cb = new BasicBSONCallback();
        OutputBuffer buf = new BasicOutputBuffer();
        e.set( buf );
        e.putObject( o );

        d.decode( new ByteArrayInputStream( buf.toByteArray() ), cb );
        Object result = cb.get();
        assertTrue( result instanceof BSONObject );
        BSONObject bson = (BSONObject) result;
        assertNotNull( bson.get( "date" ) );
        assertTrue( bson.get( "date" ) instanceof java.util.Date );

        BSON.addDecodingHook( Date.class, tf );

        d.decode( new ByteArrayInputStream( buf.toByteArray() ), cb );
        bson = (BSONObject) cb.get();
        assertNotNull( bson.get( "date" ) );
        assertTrue( bson.get( "date" ) instanceof TestDate );
        assertEquals( bson.get( "date" ), td );

        // Check that the hooks registered
        assertNotNull( BSON.getDecodingHooks( Date.class ) );
        Vector expect = new Vector( 1 );
        expect.add( tf );
        assertEquals( BSON.getDecodingHooks( Date.class ), expect );
        assertTrue( BSON.getDecodingHooks( Date.class ).contains( tf ) );
        BSON.removeDecodingHook( Date.class, tf );
        assertFalse( BSON.getDecodingHooks( Date.class ).contains( tf ) );

    public void testEquals() {
        assertNotEquals(new BasicBSONObject("a", 1111111111111111111L), new BasicBSONObject("a", 1111111111111111112L));

        assertNotEquals(new BasicBSONObject("a", 100.1D), new BasicBSONObject("a", 100.2D));
        assertNotEquals(new BasicBSONObject("a", 100.1F), new BasicBSONObject("a", 100.2F));
        assertEquals(new BasicBSONObject("a", 100.1D), new BasicBSONObject("a", 100.1D));
        assertEquals(new BasicBSONObject("a", 100.1F), new BasicBSONObject("a", 100.1F));
        assertEquals(new BasicBSONObject("a", 100L), new BasicBSONObject("a", 100L));

    private class TestDate {
        final int year;
        final int month;
        final int date;
        final int hour;
        final int minute;
        final int second;

        public TestDate(int year , int month , int date , int hour , int minute , int second) {
            this.year = year;
            this.month = month;
   = date;
            this.hour = hour;
            this.minute = minute;
            this.second = second;

        public TestDate(int year , int month , int date) {
            this( year , month , date , 0 , 0 , 0 );

        public boolean equals( Object other ){
            if ( this == other )
                return true;
            if ( !( other instanceof TestDate ) )
                return false;

            TestDate otherDt = (TestDate) other;
            return ( otherDt.year == this.year && otherDt.month == this.month && == && otherDt.hour == this.hour
                    && otherDt.minute == this.minute && otherDt.second == this.second );

        public String toString(){
            return year + "-" + month + "-" + date + " " + hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second;

    private class TestDateTransformer implements Transformer {
        @SuppressWarnings( "deprecation" )
        public Object transform( Object o ){
            if ( o instanceof TestDate ) {
                TestDate td = (TestDate) o;
                return new java.util.Date( td.year , td.month , , td.hour , td.minute , td.second );
            else if ( o instanceof java.util.Date ) {
                Date d = (Date) o;
                return new TestDate( d.getYear() , d.getMonth() , d.getDate() , d.getHours() , d.getMinutes() , d.getSeconds() );
                return o;

    void _roundTrip( BSONObject o ){
        assertEquals( o , BSON.decode( BSON.encode( o ) ) );

    public void testRandomRoundTrips(){
        _roundTrip( new BasicBSONObject( "a" , "" ) );
        _roundTrip( new BasicBSONObject( "a" , "a" ) );
        _roundTrip( new BasicBSONObject( "a" , "b" ) );

    List<String> _data = new ArrayList<String>();


Related Classes of org.bson.BSONTest$TestDateTransformer

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