Package org.sleuthkit.autopsy.ingest

Source Code of org.sleuthkit.autopsy.ingest.IngestJob$IngestJobSnapshot

* Autopsy Forensic Browser
* Copyright 2014 Basis Technology Corp.
* Contact: carrier <at> sleuthkit <dot> org
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.sleuthkit.autopsy.ingest;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import org.netbeans.api.progress.ProgressHandle;
import org.netbeans.api.progress.ProgressHandleFactory;
import org.openide.util.Cancellable;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.sleuthkit.autopsy.coreutils.Logger;
import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.AbstractFile;
import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.Content;

* Encapsulates a data source to be processed and the settings, ingest module
* pipelines, and progress bars that are used to process it.
final class IngestJob {

    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(IngestJob.class.getName());

     * The task scheduler singleton is responsible for creating and scheduling
     * the ingest tasks that make up ingest jobs.
    private static final IngestTasksScheduler taskScheduler = IngestTasksScheduler.getInstance();

     * These static fields are used for the creation and management of ingest
     * jobs in progress.
    private static volatile boolean jobCreationIsEnabled;
    private static final AtomicLong nextJobId = new AtomicLong(0L);
    private static final ConcurrentHashMap<Long, IngestJob> jobsById = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

     * These fields define the ingest job, including its ingest pipelines. Note
     * that there is a collection of multiple copies of the file ingest
     * pipeline, one for each file ingest thread.
    private final long id;
    private final Content dataSource;
    private final boolean processUnallocatedSpace;
    private final Object dataSourceIngestPipelineLock;
    private DataSourceIngestPipeline firstStageDataSourceIngestPipeline;
    private DataSourceIngestPipeline secondStageDataSourceIngestPipeline;
    private DataSourceIngestPipeline currentDataSourceIngestPipeline;
    private final LinkedBlockingQueue<FileIngestPipeline> fileIngestPipelines;

     * An ingest runs in stages.
    private static enum Stages {

         * Setting up for processing.
         * Running high priority data source level ingest modules and file level
         * ingest modules.
         * Running lower priority, usually long-running, data source level
         * ingest modules.
         * Cleaning up.
    private Stages stage;
    private final Object stageCompletionCheckLock;

     * These fields are used to provide data source level task progress bars for
     * the job.
    private final Object dataSourceIngestProgressLock;
    private ProgressHandle dataSourceIngestProgress;

     * These fields are used to provide file level ingest task progress bars for
     * the job.
    private final Object fileIngestProgressLock;
    private final List<String> filesInProgress;
    private long estimatedFilesToProcess;
    private long processedFiles;
    private ProgressHandle fileIngestProgress;

     * These fields support cancellation of either the currently running data
     * source level ingest module or the entire ingest job.
    private volatile boolean currentDataSourceIngestModuleCancelled;
    private volatile boolean cancelled;

     * This field is used for generating ingest job diagnostic data.
    private final long startTime;

     * Enables and disables ingest job creation.
     * @param enabled True or false.
    static void jobCreationEnabled(boolean enabled) {
        IngestJob.jobCreationIsEnabled = enabled;

     * Starts an ingest job for a data source.
     * @param dataSource The data source to ingest.
     * @param ingestModuleTemplates The ingest module templates to use to create
     * the ingest pipelines for the job.
     * @param processUnallocatedSpace Whether or not the job should include
     * processing of unallocated space.
     * @return A collection of ingest module start up errors, empty on success.
    static List<IngestModuleError> startJob(Content dataSource, List<IngestModuleTemplate> ingestModuleTemplates, boolean processUnallocatedSpace) {
        List<IngestModuleError> errors = new ArrayList<>();
        if (IngestJob.jobCreationIsEnabled) {
            long jobId = nextJobId.incrementAndGet();
            IngestJob job = new IngestJob(jobId, dataSource, processUnallocatedSpace);
            IngestJob.jobsById.put(jobId, job);
            errors = job.start(ingestModuleTemplates);
            if (errors.isEmpty() && job.hasIngestPipeline()) {
                IngestJob.logger.log(Level.INFO, "Ingest job {0} started", jobId);
            } else {
        return errors;

     * Queries whether or not ingest jobs are running.
     * @return True or false.
    static boolean ingestJobsAreRunning() {
        return !jobsById.isEmpty();

     * Gets snapshots of the state of all running ingest jobs.
     * @return A list of ingest job state snapshots.
    static List<IngestJobSnapshot> getJobSnapshots() {
        List<IngestJobSnapshot> snapShots = new ArrayList<>();
        for (IngestJob job : IngestJob.jobsById.values()) {
        return snapShots;

     * Cancels all running ingest jobs.
    static void cancelAllJobs() {
        for (IngestJob job : jobsById.values()) {

     * Constructs an ingest job.
     * @param id The identifier assigned to the job.
     * @param dataSource The data source to be ingested.
     * @param processUnallocatedSpace Whether or not unallocated space should be
     * processed during the ingest job.
    private IngestJob(long id, Content dataSource, boolean processUnallocatedSpace) { = id;
        this.dataSource = dataSource;
        this.processUnallocatedSpace = processUnallocatedSpace;
        this.dataSourceIngestPipelineLock = new Object();
        this.fileIngestPipelines = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
        this.filesInProgress = new ArrayList<>();
        this.dataSourceIngestProgressLock = new Object();
        this.fileIngestProgressLock = new Object();
        this.stage = IngestJob.Stages.INITIALIZATION;
        this.stageCompletionCheckLock = new Object();
        this.startTime = new Date().getTime();

     * Gets the identifier assigned to this job.
     * @return The job identifier.
    long getId() {

     * Gets the data source to be ingested by this job.
     * @return A Content object representing the data source.
    Content getDataSource() {
        return this.dataSource;

     * Gets whether or not unallocated space should be processed as part of this
     * job.
     * @return True or false.
    boolean shouldProcessUnallocatedSpace() {
        return this.processUnallocatedSpace;

     * Passes the data source for this job through the currently active data
     * source level ingest pipeline.
     * @param task A data source ingest task wrapping the data source.
    void process(DataSourceIngestTask task) {
        try {
            synchronized (this.dataSourceIngestPipelineLock) {
                if (!this.isCancelled() && !this.currentDataSourceIngestPipeline.isEmpty()) {
                     * Run the data source through the pipeline.
                    List<IngestModuleError> errors = new ArrayList<>();
                    if (!errors.isEmpty()) {

             * Shut down the data source ingest progress bar right away. Data
             * source-level processing is finished for this stage.
            synchronized (this.dataSourceIngestProgressLock) {
                if (null != this.dataSourceIngestProgress) {
                    this.dataSourceIngestProgress = null;
        } finally {
             * No matter what happens, do ingest task bookkeeping.

     * Passes a file from the data source for this job through the file level
     * ingest pipeline.
     * @param task A file ingest task.
     * @throws InterruptedException if the thread executing this code is
     * interrupted while blocked on taking from or putting to the file ingest
     * pipelines collection.
    void process(FileIngestTask task) throws InterruptedException {
        try {
            if (!this.isCancelled()) {
                 * Get a file ingest pipeline not currently in use by another
                 * file ingest thread.
                FileIngestPipeline pipeline = this.fileIngestPipelines.take();
                if (!pipeline.isEmpty()) {
                     * Get the file to process.
                    AbstractFile file = task.getFile();

                     * Update the file ingest progress bar.
                    synchronized (this.fileIngestProgressLock) {
                        if (this.processedFiles <= this.estimatedFilesToProcess) {
                            this.fileIngestProgress.progress(file.getName(), (int) this.processedFiles);
                        } else {
                            this.fileIngestProgress.progress(file.getName(), (int) this.estimatedFilesToProcess);

                     * Run the file through the pipeline.
                    List<IngestModuleError> errors = new ArrayList<>();
                    if (!errors.isEmpty()) {

                     * Update the file ingest progress bar again, in case the
                     * file was being displayed.
                    if (!this.cancelled) {
                        synchronized (this.fileIngestProgressLock) {
                            if (this.filesInProgress.size() > 0) {
                            } else {

                 * Relinquish the pipeline so it can be reused by another file
                 * ingest thread.
        } finally {
             * No matter what happens, do ingest task bookkeeping.

     * Adds more files to an ingest job, i.e., extracted or carved files. Not
     * currently supported for the second stage of the job.
     * @param files A list of files to add.
    void addFiles(List<AbstractFile> files) {
         * Note: This implementation assumes that this is being called by an an
         * ingest module running code on an ingest thread that is holding a
         * reference to an ingest task, so no task completion check is done.
        if (IngestJob.Stages.FIRST == this.stage) {
            for (AbstractFile file : files) {
                IngestJob.taskScheduler.scheduleFileIngestTask(this, file);
        } else {
            IngestJob.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Adding files during second stage not supported"); //NON-NLS

         * The intended clients of this method are ingest modules running code
         * on an ingest thread that is holding a reference to an ingest task, in
         * which case a task completion check would not be necessary. This is a
         * bit of defensive programming.

     * Updates the display name of the data source level ingest progress bar.
     * @param displayName The new display name.
    void updateDataSourceIngestProgressBarDisplayName(String displayName) {
        if (!this.cancelled) {
            synchronized (this.dataSourceIngestProgressLock) {

     * Switches the data source level ingest progress bar to determinate mode.
     * This should be called if the total work units to process the data source
     * is known.
     * @param workUnits Total number of work units for the processing of the
     * data source.
    void switchDataSourceIngestProgressBarToDeterminate(int workUnits) {
        if (!this.cancelled) {
            synchronized (this.dataSourceIngestProgressLock) {
                if (null != this.dataSourceIngestProgress) {

     * Switches the data source level ingest progress bar to indeterminate mode.
     * This should be called if the total work units to process the data source
     * is unknown.
    void switchDataSourceIngestProgressBarToIndeterminate() {
        if (!this.cancelled) {
            synchronized (this.dataSourceIngestProgressLock) {
                if (null != this.dataSourceIngestProgress) {

     * Updates the data source level ingest progress bar with the number of work
     * units performed, if in the determinate mode.
     * @param workUnits Number of work units performed.
    void advanceDataSourceIngestProgressBar(int workUnits) {
        if (!this.cancelled) {
            synchronized (this.dataSourceIngestProgressLock) {
                if (null != this.dataSourceIngestProgress) {
                    this.dataSourceIngestProgress.progress("", workUnits);

     * Updates the data source level ingest progress with a new task name, where
     * the task name is the "subtitle" under the display name.
     * @param currentTask The task name.
    void advanceDataSourceIngestProgressBar(String currentTask) {
        if (!this.cancelled) {
            synchronized (this.dataSourceIngestProgressLock) {
                if (null != this.dataSourceIngestProgress) {

     * Updates the data source level ingest progress bar with a new task name
     * and the number of work units performed, if in the determinate mode. The
     * task name is the "subtitle" under the display name.
     * @param currentTask The task name.
     * @param workUnits Number of work units performed.
    void advanceDataSourceIngestProgressBar(String currentTask, int workUnits) {
        if (!this.cancelled) {
            synchronized (this.fileIngestProgressLock) {
                this.dataSourceIngestProgress.progress(currentTask, workUnits);

     * Queries whether or not a temporary cancellation of data source level
     * ingest in order to stop the currently executing data source level ingest
     * module is in effect.
     * @return True or false.
    boolean currentDataSourceIngestModuleIsCancelled() {
        return this.currentDataSourceIngestModuleCancelled;

     * Rescind a temporary cancellation of data source level ingest that was
     * used to stop a single data source level ingest module.
    void currentDataSourceIngestModuleCancellationCompleted() {
        this.currentDataSourceIngestModuleCancelled = false;

         * A new progress bar must be created because the cancel button of the
         * previously constructed component is disabled by NetBeans when the
         * user selects the "OK" button of the cancellation confirmation dialog
         * popped up by NetBeans when the progress bar cancel button was
         * pressed.
        synchronized (this.dataSourceIngestProgressLock) {
            this.dataSourceIngestProgress = null;

     * Requests cancellation of ingest, i.e., a shutdown of the data source
     * level and file level ingest pipelines.
    void cancel() {
         * Put a cancellation message on data source level ingest progress bar,
         * if it is still running.
        synchronized (this.dataSourceIngestProgressLock) {
            if (dataSourceIngestProgress != null) {
                final String displayName = NbBundle.getMessage(this.getClass(),

         * Put a cancellation message on the file level ingest progress bar, if
         * it is still running.
        synchronized (this.fileIngestProgressLock) {
            if (this.fileIngestProgress != null) {
                final String displayName = NbBundle.getMessage(this.getClass(),
                        NbBundle.getMessage(this.getClass(), "IngestJob.progress.cancelling",

        this.cancelled = true;

         * Tell the task scheduler to cancel all pending tasks, i.e., tasks not
         * not being performed by an ingest thread.

     * Queries whether or not cancellation of ingest i.e., a shutdown of the
     * data source level and file level ingest pipelines, has been requested.
     * @return True or false.
    boolean isCancelled() {
        return this.cancelled;

     * Starts up the ingest pipelines and ingest progress bars.
     * @return A collection of ingest module startup errors, empty on success.
    private List<IngestModuleError> start(List<IngestModuleTemplate> ingestModuleTemplates) {
        List<IngestModuleError> errors = startUpIngestPipelines();
        if (errors.isEmpty()) {
            if (this.hasFirstStageDataSourceIngestPipeline() || this.hasFileIngestPipeline()) {
            } else if (this.hasSecondStageDataSourceIngestPipeline()) {
        return errors;

     * Creates the file and data source ingest pipelines.
     * @param ingestModuleTemplates Ingest module templates to use to populate
     * the pipelines.
    private void createIngestPipelines(List<IngestModuleTemplate> ingestModuleTemplates) {
         * Make mappings of ingest module factory class names to templates.
        Map<String, IngestModuleTemplate> dataSourceModuleTemplates = new HashMap<>();
        Map<String, IngestModuleTemplate> fileModuleTemplates = new HashMap<>();
        for (IngestModuleTemplate template : ingestModuleTemplates) {
            if (template.isDataSourceIngestModuleTemplate()) {
                dataSourceModuleTemplates.put(template.getModuleFactory().getClass().getCanonicalName(), template);
            if (template.isFileIngestModuleTemplate()) {
                fileModuleTemplates.put(template.getModuleFactory().getClass().getCanonicalName(), template);

         * Use the mappings and the ingest pipelines configuration to create
         * ordered lists of ingest module templates for each ingest pipeline.
        IngestPipelinesConfiguration pipelineConfigs = IngestPipelinesConfiguration.getInstance();
        List<IngestModuleTemplate> firstStageDataSourceModuleTemplates = IngestJob.getConfiguredIngestModuleTemplates(dataSourceModuleTemplates, pipelineConfigs.getStageOneDataSourceIngestPipelineConfig());
        List<IngestModuleTemplate> fileIngestModuleTemplates = IngestJob.getConfiguredIngestModuleTemplates(fileModuleTemplates, pipelineConfigs.getFileIngestPipelineConfig());
        List<IngestModuleTemplate> secondStageDataSourceModuleTemplates = IngestJob.getConfiguredIngestModuleTemplates(dataSourceModuleTemplates, pipelineConfigs.getStageTwoDataSourceIngestPipelineConfig());

         * Add any module templates that were not specified in the pipelines
         * configuration to an appropriate pipeline - either the first stage
         * data source ingest pipeline or the file ingest pipeline.
        for (IngestModuleTemplate template : dataSourceModuleTemplates.values()) {
        for (IngestModuleTemplate template : fileModuleTemplates.values()) {

         * Construct the data source ingest pipelines.
        this.firstStageDataSourceIngestPipeline = new DataSourceIngestPipeline(this, firstStageDataSourceModuleTemplates);
        this.secondStageDataSourceIngestPipeline = new DataSourceIngestPipeline(this, secondStageDataSourceModuleTemplates);

         * Construct the file ingest pipelines, one per file ingest thread.
        try {
            int numberOfFileIngestThreads = IngestManager.getInstance().getNumberOfFileIngestThreads();
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFileIngestThreads; ++i) {
                this.fileIngestPipelines.put(new FileIngestPipeline(this, fileIngestModuleTemplates));
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
             * The current thread was interrupted while blocked on a full queue.
             * Blocking should actually never happen here, but reset the
             * interrupted flag rather than just swallowing the exception.

     * Use an ordered list of ingest module factory class names to create an
     * ordered output list of ingest module templates for an ingest pipeline.
     * The ingest module templates are removed from the input collection as they
     * are added to the output collection.
     * @param ingestModuleTemplates A mapping of ingest module factory class
     * names to ingest module templates.
     * @param pipelineConfig An ordered list of ingest module factory class
     * names representing an ingest pipeline.
     * @return
    private static List<IngestModuleTemplate> getConfiguredIngestModuleTemplates(Map<String, IngestModuleTemplate> ingestModuleTemplates, List<String> pipelineConfig) {
        List<IngestModuleTemplate> templates = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String moduleClassName : pipelineConfig) {
            if (ingestModuleTemplates.containsKey(moduleClassName)) {
        return templates;

     * Starts the first stage of the job.
    private void startFirstStage() {
        this.stage = IngestJob.Stages.FIRST;

         * Start one or both of the first stage ingest progress bars.
        if (this.hasFirstStageDataSourceIngestPipeline()) {
        if (this.hasFileIngestPipeline()) {

         * Make the first stage data source level ingest pipeline the current
         * data source level pipeline.
        synchronized (this.dataSourceIngestPipelineLock) {
            this.currentDataSourceIngestPipeline = this.firstStageDataSourceIngestPipeline;

         * Schedule the first stage tasks.
        if (this.hasFirstStageDataSourceIngestPipeline() && this.hasFileIngestPipeline()) {
        } else if (this.hasFirstStageDataSourceIngestPipeline()) {
        } else {

             * No data source ingest task has been scheduled for this stage, and
             * it is possible, if unlikely, that no file ingest tasks were
             * actually scheduled since there are files that get filtered out by
             * the tasks scheduler. In this special case, an ingest thread will
             * never to check for completion of this stage of the job.

     * Starts the second stage of the ingest job.
    private void startSecondStage() {
        this.stage = IngestJob.Stages.SECOND;
        synchronized (this.dataSourceIngestPipelineLock) {
            this.currentDataSourceIngestPipeline = this.secondStageDataSourceIngestPipeline;

     * Checks to see if this job has at least one ingest pipeline.
     * @return True or false.
    private boolean hasIngestPipeline() {
        return this.hasFirstStageDataSourceIngestPipeline()
                || this.hasFileIngestPipeline()
                || this.hasSecondStageDataSourceIngestPipeline();

     * Checks to see if this job has a first stage data source level ingest
     * pipeline.
     * @return True or false.
    private boolean hasFirstStageDataSourceIngestPipeline() {
        return (this.firstStageDataSourceIngestPipeline.isEmpty() == false);

     * Checks to see if this job has a second stage data source level ingest
     * pipeline.
     * @return True or false.
    private boolean hasSecondStageDataSourceIngestPipeline() {
        return (this.secondStageDataSourceIngestPipeline.isEmpty() == false);

     * Checks to see if the job has a file level ingest pipeline.
     * @return True or false.
    private boolean hasFileIngestPipeline() {
        return (this.fileIngestPipelines.peek().isEmpty() == false);

     * Starts up each of the file and data source level ingest modules to
     * collect possible errors.
     * @return A collection of ingest module startup errors, empty on success.
    private List<IngestModuleError> startUpIngestPipelines() {
        List<IngestModuleError> errors = new ArrayList<>();

        // Start up the first stage data source ingest pipeline.

        // Start up the second stage data source ingest pipeline.

        // Start up the file ingest pipelines (one per file ingest thread).
        for (FileIngestPipeline pipeline : this.fileIngestPipelines) {
            if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
                // If there are start up errors, the ingest job will not proceed
                // and the errors will ultimately be reported to the user for
                // possible remedy so shut down the pipelines now that an
                // attempt has been made to start up the data source ingest 
                // pipeline and at least one copy of the file ingest pipeline.
                // pipeline. There is no need to complete starting up all of the
                // file ingest pipeline copies since any additional start up
                // errors are likely redundant.
                while (!this.fileIngestPipelines.isEmpty()) {
                    pipeline = this.fileIngestPipelines.poll();
                    List<IngestModuleError> shutDownErrors = pipeline.shutDown();
                    if (!shutDownErrors.isEmpty()) {

        return errors;

     * Starts the data source level ingest progress bar.
    private void startDataSourceIngestProgressBar() {
        synchronized (this.dataSourceIngestProgressLock) {
            String displayName = NbBundle.getMessage(this.getClass(),
            this.dataSourceIngestProgress = ProgressHandleFactory.createHandle(displayName, new Cancellable() {
                public boolean cancel() {
                    // If this method is called, the user has already pressed
                    // the cancel button on the progress bar and the OK button
                    // of a cancelation confirmation dialog supplied by
                    // NetBeans. What remains to be done is to find out whether
                    // the user wants to cancel only the currently executing
                    // data source ingest module or the entire ingest job.
                    DataSourceIngestCancellationPanel panel = new DataSourceIngestCancellationPanel();
                    String dialogTitle = NbBundle.getMessage(IngestJob.this.getClass(), "IngestJob.cancellationDialog.title");
                    JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, panel, dialogTitle, JOptionPane.OK_OPTION, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
                    if (panel.cancelAllDataSourceIngestModules()) {
                    } else {
                    return true;

     * Starts the file level ingest progress bar.
    private void startFileIngestProgressBar() {
        synchronized (this.fileIngestProgressLock) {
            String displayName = NbBundle.getMessage(this.getClass(),
            this.fileIngestProgress = ProgressHandleFactory.createHandle(displayName, new Cancellable() {
                public boolean cancel() {
                    // If this method is called, the user has already pressed
                    // the cancel button on the progress bar and the OK button
                    // of a cancelation confirmation dialog supplied by
                    // NetBeans.
                    return true;
            this.estimatedFilesToProcess = this.dataSource.accept(new GetFilesCountVisitor());
            this.fileIngestProgress.switchToDeterminate((int) this.estimatedFilesToProcess);

     * Checks to see if the ingest tasks for the current stage are completed and
     * does a stage transition if they are.
    private void checkForStageCompleted() {
        synchronized (this.stageCompletionCheckLock) {
            if (IngestJob.taskScheduler.tasksForJobAreCompleted(this)) {
                switch (this.stage) {
                    case FIRST:
                    case SECOND:

     * Shuts down the first stage ingest pipelines and progress bars and starts
     * the second stage, if appropriate.
    private void finishFirstStage() {
        // Shut down the file ingest pipelines. Note that no shut down is
        // required for the data source ingest pipeline because data source
        // ingest modules do not have a shutdown() method.
        List<IngestModuleError> errors = new ArrayList<>();
        while (!this.fileIngestPipelines.isEmpty()) {
            FileIngestPipeline pipeline = fileIngestPipelines.poll();
        if (!errors.isEmpty()) {

        // Finish the first stage data source ingest progress bar, if it hasn't
        // already been finished.
        synchronized (this.dataSourceIngestProgressLock) {
            if (this.dataSourceIngestProgress != null) {
                this.dataSourceIngestProgress = null;

        // Finish the file ingest progress bar, if it hasn't already
        // been finished.
        synchronized (this.fileIngestProgressLock) {
            if (this.fileIngestProgress != null) {
                this.fileIngestProgress = null;

         * Start the second stage, if appropriate.
        if (!this.cancelled && this.hasSecondStageDataSourceIngestPipeline()) {
        } else {

     * Shuts down the ingest pipelines and progress bars for this job.
    private void finish() {
        this.stage = IngestJob.Stages.FINALIZATION;

        // Finish the second stage data source ingest progress bar, if it hasn't
        // already been finished.
        synchronized (this.dataSourceIngestProgressLock) {
            if (this.dataSourceIngestProgress != null) {
                this.dataSourceIngestProgress = null;

        if (!this.isCancelled()) {
            logger.log(Level.INFO, "Ingest job {0} completed",;
        } else {
            logger.log(Level.INFO, "Ingest job {0} cancelled",;

     * Write ingest module errors to the log.
     * @param errors The errors.
    private void logIngestModuleErrors(List<IngestModuleError> errors) {
        for (IngestModuleError error : errors) {
            IngestJob.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, error.getModuleDisplayName() + " experienced an error", error.getModuleError()); //NON-NLS

     * Requests a temporary cancellation of data source level ingest in order to
     * stop the currently executing data source ingest module.
    private void cancelCurrentDataSourceIngestModule() {
        this.currentDataSourceIngestModuleCancelled = true;

     * Gets a snapshot of this jobs state and performance.
     * @return An ingest job statistics object.
    private IngestJobSnapshot getSnapshot() {
        return new IngestJobSnapshot();


     * Stores basic diagnostic statistics for an ingest job.
    class IngestJobSnapshot {

        private final long jobId;
        private final String dataSource;
        private final long startTime;
        private final long processedFiles;
        private final long estimatedFilesToProcess;
        private final long snapShotTime;
        private final IngestTasksScheduler.IngestJobTasksSnapshot tasksSnapshot;

         * Constructs an object to stores basic diagnostic statistics for an
         * ingest job.
        IngestJobSnapshot() {
            this.jobId =;
            this.dataSource = IngestJob.this.dataSource.getName();
            this.startTime = IngestJob.this.startTime;
            synchronized (IngestJob.this.fileIngestProgressLock) {
                this.processedFiles = IngestJob.this.processedFiles;
                this.estimatedFilesToProcess = IngestJob.this.estimatedFilesToProcess;
                this.snapShotTime = new Date().getTime();

             * Get a snapshot of the tasks currently in progress for this job.
            this.tasksSnapshot = IngestJob.taskScheduler.getTasksSnapshotForJob(this.jobId);

         * Gets the identifier of the ingest job that is the subject of this
         * snapshot.
         * @return The ingest job id.
        long getJobId() {
            return this.jobId;

         * Gets the name of the data source associated with the ingest job that
         * is the subject of this snapshot.
         * @return A data source name string.
        String getDataSource() {
            return dataSource;

         * Gets files per second throughput since the ingest job that is the
         * subject of this snapshot started.
         * @return Files processed per second (approximate).
        double getSpeed() {
            return (double) processedFiles / ((snapShotTime - startTime) / 1000);

         * Gets the time the ingest job was started.
         * @return The start time as number of milliseconds since January 1,
         * 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
        long getStartTime() {
            return startTime;

         * Gets time these statistics were collected.
         * @return The statistics collection time as number of milliseconds
         * since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
        long getSnapshotTime() {
            return snapShotTime;

         * Gets the number of files processed for the job so far.
         * @return The number of processed files.
        long getFilesProcessed() {
            return processedFiles;

         * Gets an estimate of the files that still need to be processed for
         * this job.
         * @return The estimate.
        long getFilesEstimated() {
            return estimatedFilesToProcess;

        long getRootQueueSize() {
            return this.tasksSnapshot.getRootQueueSize();

        long getDirQueueSize() {
            return this.tasksSnapshot.getDirectoryTasksQueueSize();

        long getFileQueueSize() {
            return this.tasksSnapshot.getFileQueueSize();

        long getDsQueueSize() {
            return this.tasksSnapshot.getDsQueueSize();

        long getRunningListSize() {
            return this.tasksSnapshot.getRunningListSize();



Related Classes of org.sleuthkit.autopsy.ingest.IngestJob$IngestJobSnapshot

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