Package org.jfree.chart.axis

Source Code of org.jfree.chart.axis.DateAxis$DefaultTimeline

/* ===========================================================
* JFreeChart : a free chart library for the Java(tm) platform
* ===========================================================
* (C) Copyright 2000-2014, by Object Refinery Limited and Contributors.
* Project Info:
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
* License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301,
* USA.
* [Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.]
* -------------
* -------------
* (C) Copyright 2000-2013, by Object Refinery Limited and Contributors.
* Original Author:  David Gilbert;
* Contributor(s):   Jonathan Nash;
*                   David Li;
*                   Michael Rauch;
*                   Bill Kelemen;
*                   Pawel Pabis;
*                   Chris Boek;
*                   Peter Kolb (patches 1934255 and 2603321);
*                   Andrew Mickish (patch 1870189);
*                   Fawad Halim (bug 2201869);
* Changes (from 23-Jun-2001)
* --------------------------
* 23-Jun-2001 : Modified to work with null data source (DG);
* 18-Sep-2001 : Updated header (DG);
* 27-Nov-2001 : Changed constructors from public to protected, updated Javadoc
*               comments (DG);
* 16-Jan-2002 : Added an optional crosshair, based on the implementation by
*               Jonathan Nash (DG);
* 26-Feb-2002 : Updated import statements (DG);
* 22-Apr-2002 : Added a setRange() method (DG);
* 25-Jun-2002 : Removed redundant local variable (DG);
* 25-Jul-2002 : Changed order of parameters in ValueAxis constructor (DG);
* 21-Aug-2002 : The setTickUnit() method now turns off auto-tick unit
*               selection (fix for bug id 528885) (DG);
* 05-Sep-2002 : Updated the constructors to reflect changes in the Axis
*               class (DG);
* 18-Sep-2002 : Fixed errors reported by Checkstyle (DG);
* 25-Sep-2002 : Added new setRange() methods, and deprecated
*               setAxisRange() (DG);
* 04-Oct-2002 : Changed auto tick selection to parallel number axis
*               classes (DG);
* 24-Oct-2002 : Added a date format override (DG);
* 08-Nov-2002 : Moved to new package com.jrefinery.chart.axis (DG);
* 14-Jan-2003 : Changed autoRangeMinimumSize from Number --> double, moved
*               crosshair settings to the plot (DG);
* 15-Jan-2003 : Removed anchor date (DG);
* 20-Jan-2003 : Removed unnecessary constructors (DG);
* 26-Mar-2003 : Implemented Serializable (DG);
* 02-May-2003 : Added additional units to createStandardDateTickUnits()
*               method, as suggested by mhilpert in bug report 723187 (DG);
* 13-May-2003 : Merged HorizontalDateAxis and VerticalDateAxis (DG);
* 24-May-2003 : Added support for underlying timeline for
*               SegmentedTimeline (BK);
* 16-Jul-2003 : Applied patch from Pawel Pabis to fix overlapping dates (DG);
* 22-Jul-2003 : Applied patch from Pawel Pabis for monthly ticks (DG);
* 25-Jul-2003 : Fixed bug 777561 and 777586 (DG);
* 13-Aug-2003 : Implemented Cloneable and added equals() method (DG);
* 02-Sep-2003 : Fixes for bug report 790506 (DG);
* 04-Sep-2003 : Fixed tick label alignment when axis appears at the top (DG);
* 10-Sep-2003 : Fixes for segmented timeline (DG);
* 17-Sep-2003 : Fixed a layout bug when multiple domain axes are used (DG);
* 29-Oct-2003 : Added workaround for font alignment in PDF output (DG);
* 07-Nov-2003 : Modified to use new tick classes (DG);
* 12-Nov-2003 : Modified tick labelling to use roll unit from DateTickUnit
*               when a calculated tick value is hidden (which can occur in
*               segmented date axes) (DG);
* 24-Nov-2003 : Fixed some problems with the auto tick unit selection, and
*               fixed bug 846277 (labels missing for inverted axis) (DG);
* 30-Dec-2003 : Fixed bug in refreshTicksHorizontal() when start of time unit
*               (ex. 1st of month) was hidden, causing infinite loop (BK);
* 13-Jan-2004 : Fixed bug in previousStandardDate() method (fix by Richard
*               Wardle) (DG);
* 21-Jan-2004 : Renamed translateJava2DToValue --> java2DToValue, and
*               translateValueToJava2D --> valueToJava2D (DG);
* 12-Mar-2004 : Fixed bug where date format override is ignored for vertical
*               axis (DG);
* 16-Mar-2004 : Added plotState to draw() method (DG);
* 07-Apr-2004 : Changed string width calculation (DG);
* 21-Apr-2004 : Fixed bug in estimateMaximumTickLabelWidth() method (bug id
*               939148) (DG);
* 11-Jan-2005 : Removed deprecated methods in preparation for 1.0.0
*               release (DG);
* 13-Jan-2005 : Fixed bug (see
*      (DG);
* 21-Apr-2005 : Replaced Insets with RectangleInsets, removed redundant
*               argument from selectAutoTickUnit() (DG);
* ------------- JFREECHART 1.0.x ---------------------------------------------
* 10-Feb-2006 : Added some API doc comments in respect of bug 821046 (DG);
* 19-Apr-2006 : Fixed bug 1472942 in equals() method (DG);
* 25-Sep-2006 : Fixed bug 1564977 missing tick labels (DG);
* 15-Jan-2007 : Added get/setTimeZone() suggested by 'skunk' (DG);
* 18-Jan-2007 : Fixed bug 1638678, time zone for calendar in
*               previousStandardDate() (DG);
* 04-Apr-2007 : Use time zone in date calculations (CB);
* 19-Apr-2007 : Fix exceptions in setMinimum/MaximumDate() (DG);
* 03-May-2007 : Fixed minor bugs in previousStandardDate(), with new JUnit
*               tests (DG);
* 21-Nov-2007 : Fixed warnings from FindBugs (DG);
* 01-Sep-2008 : Use new methods from DateRange, added fix for bug
*               2078057 (DG);
* 18-Sep-2008 : Added locale to go with timezone (DG);
* 25-Sep-2008 : Added minor tick support, see patch 1934255 by Peter Kolb (DG);
* 25-Nov-2008 : Added bug fix 2201869 by Fawad Halim (DG);
* 21-Jan-2009 : Check tickUnit for minor tick count (DG);
* 19-Mar-2009 : Added entity support - see patch 2603321 by Peter Kolb (DG);
* 08-Feb-2012 : Bugfix for endless-loop, bug 3484403 by rbrabe (MH);
* 16-Jun-2012 : Removed JCommon dependencies (DG);

package org.jfree.chart.axis;

import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.font.LineMetrics;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import org.jfree.chart.event.AxisChangeEvent;
import org.jfree.chart.ui.RectangleEdge;
import org.jfree.chart.ui.RectangleInsets;
import org.jfree.chart.ui.TextAnchor;
import org.jfree.chart.util.ObjectUtils;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotRenderingInfo;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.ValueAxisPlot;
import org.jfree.chart.util.ParamChecks;

* The base class for axes that display dates.  You will find it easier to
* understand how this axis works if you bear in mind that it really
* displays/measures integer (or long) data, where the integers are
* milliseconds since midnight, 1-Jan-1970.  When displaying tick labels, the
* millisecond values are converted back to dates using a
* <code>DateFormat</code> instance.
* <P>
* You can also create a {@link org.jfree.chart.axis.Timeline} and supply in
* the constructor to create an axis that only contains certain domain values.
* For example, this allows you to create a date axis that only contains
* working days.
public class DateAxis extends ValueAxis implements Cloneable, Serializable {

    /** For serialization. */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -1013460999649007604L;

    /** The default axis range. */
    public static final DateRange DEFAULT_DATE_RANGE = new DateRange();

    /** The default minimum auto range size. */
    public static final double

    /** The default anchor date. */
    public static final Date DEFAULT_ANCHOR_DATE = new Date();

    /** The current tick unit. */
    private DateTickUnit tickUnit;

    /** The override date format. */
    private DateFormat dateFormatOverride;

     * Tick marks can be displayed at the start or the middle of the time
     * period.
    private DateTickMarkPosition tickMarkPosition = DateTickMarkPosition.START;

     * A timeline that includes all milliseconds (as defined by
     * <code>java.util.Date</code>) in the real time line.
    private static class DefaultTimeline implements Timeline, Serializable {

         * Converts a millisecond into a timeline value.
         * @param millisecond  the millisecond.
         * @return The timeline value.
        public long toTimelineValue(long millisecond) {
            return millisecond;

         * Converts a date into a timeline value.
         * @param date  the domain value.
         * @return The timeline value.
        public long toTimelineValue(Date date) {
            return date.getTime();

         * Converts a timeline value into a millisecond (as encoded by
         * <code>java.util.Date</code>).
         * @param value  the value.
         * @return The millisecond.
        public long toMillisecond(long value) {
            return value;

         * Returns <code>true</code> if the timeline includes the specified
         * domain value.
         * @param millisecond  the millisecond.
         * @return <code>true</code>.
        public boolean containsDomainValue(long millisecond) {
            return true;

         * Returns <code>true</code> if the timeline includes the specified
         * domain value.
         * @param date  the date.
         * @return <code>true</code>.
        public boolean containsDomainValue(Date date) {
            return true;

         * Returns <code>true</code> if the timeline includes the specified
         * domain value range.
         * @param from  the start value.
         * @param to  the end value.
         * @return <code>true</code>.
        public boolean containsDomainRange(long from, long to) {
            return true;

         * Returns <code>true</code> if the timeline includes the specified
         * domain value range.
         * @param from  the start date.
         * @param to  the end date.
         * @return <code>true</code>.
        public boolean containsDomainRange(Date from, Date to) {
            return true;

         * Tests an object for equality with this instance.
         * @param object  the object.
         * @return A boolean.
        public boolean equals(Object object) {
            if (object == null) {
                return false;
            if (object == this) {
                return true;
            if (object instanceof DefaultTimeline) {
                return true;
            return false;

    /** A static default timeline shared by all standard DateAxis */
    private static final Timeline DEFAULT_TIMELINE = new DefaultTimeline();

    /** The time zone for the axis. */
    private TimeZone timeZone;

     * The locale for the axis (<code>null</code> is not permitted).
     * @since 1.0.11
    private Locale locale;

    /** Our underlying timeline. */
    private Timeline timeline;

     * Creates a date axis with no label.
    public DateAxis() {
     * Creates a date axis with the specified label.
     * @param label  the axis label (<code>null</code> permitted).
    public DateAxis(String label) {
        this(label, TimeZone.getDefault(), Locale.getDefault());

     * Creates a date axis. A timeline is specified for the axis. This allows
     * special transformations to occur between a domain of values and the
     * values included in the axis.
     * @param label  the axis label (<code>null</code> permitted).
     * @param zone  the time zone.
     * @param locale  the locale (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @since 1.0.11
    public DateAxis(String label, TimeZone zone, Locale locale) {
        super(label, DateAxis.createStandardDateTickUnits(zone, locale));
        this.tickUnit = new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.DAY, 1,
                new SimpleDateFormat());
        setRange(DEFAULT_DATE_RANGE, false, false);
        this.dateFormatOverride = null;
        this.timeZone = zone;
        this.locale = locale;
        this.timeline = DEFAULT_TIMELINE;

     * Returns the time zone for the axis.
     * @return The time zone (never <code>null</code>).
     * @since 1.0.4
     * @see #setTimeZone(TimeZone)
    public TimeZone getTimeZone() {
        return this.timeZone;

     * Sets the time zone for the axis and sends an {@link AxisChangeEvent} to
     * all registered listeners.
     * @param zone  the time zone (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @since 1.0.4
     * @see #getTimeZone()
    public void setTimeZone(TimeZone zone) {
        ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(zone, "zone");
        this.timeZone = zone;
        setStandardTickUnits(createStandardDateTickUnits(zone, this.locale));

     * Returns the locale for this axis.
     * @return The locale (never <code>null</code>).
     * @since 1.0.18
    public Locale getLocale() {
        return this.locale;
     * Sets the locale for the axis and sends a change event to all registered
     * listeners.
     * @param locale  the new locale (<code>null</code> not permitted).
    public void setLocale(Locale locale) {
        ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(locale, "locale");
        this.locale = locale;

     * Returns the underlying timeline used by this axis.
     * @return The timeline.
    public Timeline getTimeline() {
        return this.timeline;

     * Sets the underlying timeline to use for this axis.  If the timeline is
     * changed, an {@link AxisChangeEvent} is sent to all registered listeners.
     * @param timeline  the timeline.
    public void setTimeline(Timeline timeline) {
        if (this.timeline != timeline) {
            this.timeline = timeline;

     * Returns the tick unit for the axis.
     * <p>
     * Note: if the <code>autoTickUnitSelection</code> flag is
     * <code>true</code> the tick unit may be changed while the axis is being
     * drawn, so in that case the return value from this method may be
     * irrelevant if the method is called before the axis has been drawn.
     * @return The tick unit (possibly <code>null</code>).
     * @see #setTickUnit(DateTickUnit)
     * @see ValueAxis#isAutoTickUnitSelection()
    public DateTickUnit getTickUnit() {
        return this.tickUnit;

     * Sets the tick unit for the axis.  The auto-tick-unit-selection flag is
     * set to <code>false</code>, and registered listeners are notified that
     * the axis has been changed.
     * @param unit  the tick unit.
     * @see #getTickUnit()
     * @see #setTickUnit(DateTickUnit, boolean, boolean)
    public void setTickUnit(DateTickUnit unit) {
        setTickUnit(unit, true, true);

     * Sets the tick unit attribute and, if requested, sends an
     * {@link AxisChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * @param unit  the new tick unit.
     * @param notify  notify registered listeners?
     * @param turnOffAutoSelection  turn off auto selection?
     * @see #getTickUnit()
    public void setTickUnit(DateTickUnit unit, boolean notify,
                            boolean turnOffAutoSelection) {

        this.tickUnit = unit;
        if (turnOffAutoSelection) {
            setAutoTickUnitSelection(false, false);
        if (notify) {


     * Returns the date format override.  If this is non-null, then it will be
     * used to format the dates on the axis.
     * @return The formatter (possibly <code>null</code>).
    public DateFormat getDateFormatOverride() {
        return this.dateFormatOverride;

     * Sets the date format override and sends an {@link AxisChangeEvent} to
     * all registered listeners.  If this is non-null, then it will be
     * used to format the dates on the axis.
     * @param formatter  the date formatter (<code>null</code> permitted).
    public void setDateFormatOverride(DateFormat formatter) {
        this.dateFormatOverride = formatter;

     * Sets the upper and lower bounds for the axis and sends an
     * {@link AxisChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.  As a side-effect,
     * the auto-range flag is set to false.
     * @param range  the new range (<code>null</code> not permitted).
    public void setRange(Range range) {
        setRange(range, true, true);

     * Sets the range for the axis, if requested, sends an
     * {@link AxisChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.  As a side-effect,
     * the auto-range flag is set to <code>false</code> (optional).
     * @param range  the range (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @param turnOffAutoRange  a flag that controls whether or not the auto
     *                          range is turned off.
     * @param notify  a flag that controls whether or not listeners are
     *                notified.
    public void setRange(Range range, boolean turnOffAutoRange,
                         boolean notify) {
        ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(range, "range");
        // usually the range will be a DateRange, but if it isn't do a
        // conversion...
        if (!(range instanceof DateRange)) {
            range = new DateRange(range);
        super.setRange(range, turnOffAutoRange, notify);

     * Sets the axis range and sends an {@link AxisChangeEvent} to all
     * registered listeners.
     * @param lower  the lower bound for the axis.
     * @param upper  the upper bound for the axis.
    public void setRange(Date lower, Date upper) {
        if (lower.getTime() >= upper.getTime()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requires 'lower' < 'upper'.");
        setRange(new DateRange(lower, upper));

     * Sets the axis range and sends an {@link AxisChangeEvent} to all
     * registered listeners.
     * @param lower  the lower bound for the axis.
     * @param upper  the upper bound for the axis.
    public void setRange(double lower, double upper) {
        if (lower >= upper) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requires 'lower' < 'upper'.");
        setRange(new DateRange(lower, upper));

     * Returns the earliest date visible on the axis.
     * @return The date.
     * @see #setMinimumDate(Date)
     * @see #getMaximumDate()
    public Date getMinimumDate() {
        Date result;
        Range range = getRange();
        if (range instanceof DateRange) {
            DateRange r = (DateRange) range;
            result = r.getLowerDate();
        else {
            result = new Date((long) range.getLowerBound());
        return result;

     * Sets the minimum date visible on the axis and sends an
     * {@link AxisChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.  If
     * <code>date</code> is on or after the current maximum date for
     * the axis, the maximum date will be shifted to preserve the current
     * length of the axis.
     * @param date  the date (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @see #getMinimumDate()
     * @see #setMaximumDate(Date)
    public void setMinimumDate(Date date) {
        ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(date, "date");
        // check the new minimum date relative to the current maximum date
        Date maxDate = getMaximumDate();
        long maxMillis = maxDate.getTime();
        long newMinMillis = date.getTime();
        if (maxMillis <= newMinMillis) {
            Date oldMin = getMinimumDate();
            long length = maxMillis - oldMin.getTime();
            maxDate = new Date(newMinMillis + length);
        setRange(new DateRange(date, maxDate), true, false);

     * Returns the latest date visible on the axis.
     * @return The date.
     * @see #setMaximumDate(Date)
     * @see #getMinimumDate()
    public Date getMaximumDate() {
        Date result;
        Range range = getRange();
        if (range instanceof DateRange) {
            DateRange r = (DateRange) range;
            result = r.getUpperDate();
        else {
            result = new Date((long) range.getUpperBound());
        return result;

     * Sets the maximum date visible on the axis and sends an
     * {@link AxisChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.  If
     * <code>maximumDate</code> is on or before the current minimum date for
     * the axis, the minimum date will be shifted to preserve the current
     * length of the axis.
     * @param maximumDate  the date (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @see #getMinimumDate()
     * @see #setMinimumDate(Date)
    public void setMaximumDate(Date maximumDate) {
        ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(maximumDate, "maximumDate");
        // check the new maximum date relative to the current minimum date
        Date minDate = getMinimumDate();
        long minMillis = minDate.getTime();
        long newMaxMillis = maximumDate.getTime();
        if (minMillis >= newMaxMillis) {
            Date oldMax = getMaximumDate();
            long length = oldMax.getTime() - minMillis;
            minDate = new Date(newMaxMillis - length);
        setRange(new DateRange(minDate, maximumDate), true, false);

     * Returns the tick mark position (start, middle or end of the time period).
     * @return The position (never <code>null</code>).
    public DateTickMarkPosition getTickMarkPosition() {
        return this.tickMarkPosition;

     * Sets the tick mark position (start, middle or end of the time period)
     * and sends an {@link AxisChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * @param position  the position (<code>null</code> not permitted).
    public void setTickMarkPosition(DateTickMarkPosition position) {
        ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(position, "position");
        this.tickMarkPosition = position;

     * Configures the axis to work with the specified plot.  If the axis has
     * auto-scaling, then sets the maximum and minimum values.
    public void configure() {
        if (isAutoRange()) {

     * Returns <code>true</code> if the axis hides this value, and
     * <code>false</code> otherwise.
     * @param millis  the data value.
     * @return A value.
    public boolean isHiddenValue(long millis) {
        return (!this.timeline.containsDomainValue(new Date(millis)));

     * Translates the data value to the display coordinates (Java 2D User Space)
     * of the chart.
     * @param value  the date to be plotted.
     * @param area  the rectangle (in Java2D space) where the data is to be
     *              plotted.
     * @param edge  the axis location.
     * @return The coordinate corresponding to the supplied data value.
    public double valueToJava2D(double value, Rectangle2D area,
                                RectangleEdge edge) {

        value = this.timeline.toTimelineValue((long) value);

        DateRange range = (DateRange) getRange();
        double axisMin = this.timeline.toTimelineValue(range.getLowerMillis());
        double axisMax = this.timeline.toTimelineValue(range.getUpperMillis());
        double result = 0.0;
        if (RectangleEdge.isTopOrBottom(edge)) {
            double minX = area.getX();
            double maxX = area.getMaxX();
            if (isInverted()) {
                result = maxX + ((value - axisMin) / (axisMax - axisMin))
                         * (minX - maxX);
            else {
                result = minX + ((value - axisMin) / (axisMax - axisMin))
                         * (maxX - minX);
        else if (RectangleEdge.isLeftOrRight(edge)) {
            double minY = area.getMinY();
            double maxY = area.getMaxY();
            if (isInverted()) {
                result = minY + (((value - axisMin) / (axisMax - axisMin))
                         * (maxY - minY));
            else {
                result = maxY - (((value - axisMin) / (axisMax - axisMin))
                         * (maxY - minY));
        return result;

     * Translates a date to Java2D coordinates, based on the range displayed by
     * this axis for the specified data area.
     * @param date  the date.
     * @param area  the rectangle (in Java2D space) where the data is to be
     *              plotted.
     * @param edge  the axis location.
     * @return The coordinate corresponding to the supplied date.
    public double dateToJava2D(Date date, Rectangle2D area,
                               RectangleEdge edge) {
        double value = date.getTime();
        return valueToJava2D(value, area, edge);

     * Translates a Java2D coordinate into the corresponding data value.  To
     * perform this translation, you need to know the area used for plotting
     * data, and which edge the axis is located on.
     * @param java2DValue  the coordinate in Java2D space.
     * @param area  the rectangle (in Java2D space) where the data is to be
     *              plotted.
     * @param edge  the axis location.
     * @return A data value.
    public double java2DToValue(double java2DValue, Rectangle2D area,
                                RectangleEdge edge) {

        DateRange range = (DateRange) getRange();
        double axisMin = this.timeline.toTimelineValue(range.getLowerMillis());
        double axisMax = this.timeline.toTimelineValue(range.getUpperMillis());

        double min = 0.0;
        double max = 0.0;
        if (RectangleEdge.isTopOrBottom(edge)) {
            min = area.getX();
            max = area.getMaxX();
        else if (RectangleEdge.isLeftOrRight(edge)) {
            min = area.getMaxY();
            max = area.getY();

        double result;
        if (isInverted()) {
             result = axisMax - ((java2DValue - min) / (max - min)
                      * (axisMax - axisMin));
        else {
             result = axisMin + ((java2DValue - min) / (max - min)
                      * (axisMax - axisMin));

        return this.timeline.toMillisecond((long) result);

     * Calculates the value of the lowest visible tick on the axis.
     * @param unit  date unit to use.
     * @return The value of the lowest visible tick on the axis.
    public Date calculateLowestVisibleTickValue(DateTickUnit unit) {
        return nextStandardDate(getMinimumDate(), unit);

     * Calculates the value of the highest visible tick on the axis.
     * @param unit  date unit to use.
     * @return The value of the highest visible tick on the axis.
    public Date calculateHighestVisibleTickValue(DateTickUnit unit) {
        return previousStandardDate(getMaximumDate(), unit);

     * Returns the previous "standard" date, for a given date and tick unit.
     * @param date  the reference date.
     * @param unit  the tick unit.
     * @return The previous "standard" date.
    protected Date previousStandardDate(Date date, DateTickUnit unit) {

        int milliseconds;
        int seconds;
        int minutes;
        int hours;
        int days;
        int months;
        int years;

        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(this.timeZone, this.locale);
        int count = unit.getMultiple();
        int current = calendar.get(unit.getCalendarField());
        int value = count * (current / count);

        if (DateTickUnitType.MILLISECOND.equals(unit.getUnitType())) {
            years = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
            months = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);
            days = calendar.get(Calendar.DATE);
            hours = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
            minutes = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
            seconds = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND);
            calendar.set(years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds);
            calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, value);
            Date mm = calendar.getTime();
            if (mm.getTime() >= date.getTime()) {
                calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, value - 1);
                mm = calendar.getTime();
            return mm;
        else if (DateTickUnitType.SECOND.equals(unit.getUnitType())) {
            years = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
            months = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);
            days = calendar.get(Calendar.DATE);
            hours = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
            minutes = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
            if (this.tickMarkPosition == DateTickMarkPosition.START) {
                milliseconds = 0;
            else if (this.tickMarkPosition == DateTickMarkPosition.MIDDLE) {
                milliseconds = 500;
            else {
                milliseconds = 999;
            calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, milliseconds);
            calendar.set(years, months, days, hours, minutes, value);
            Date dd = calendar.getTime();
            if (dd.getTime() >= date.getTime()) {
                calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, value - 1);
                dd = calendar.getTime();
            return dd;
        else if (DateTickUnitType.MINUTE.equals(unit.getUnitType())) {
            years = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
            months = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);
            days = calendar.get(Calendar.DATE);
            hours = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
            if (this.tickMarkPosition == DateTickMarkPosition.START) {
                seconds = 0;
            else if (this.tickMarkPosition == DateTickMarkPosition.MIDDLE) {
                seconds = 30;
            else {
                seconds = 59;
            calendar.set(years, months, days, hours, value, seconds);
            Date d0 = calendar.getTime();
            if (d0.getTime() >= date.getTime()) {
                calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, value - 1);
                d0 = calendar.getTime();
            return d0;
        else if (DateTickUnitType.HOUR.equals(unit.getUnitType())) {
            years = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
            months = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);
            days = calendar.get(Calendar.DATE);
            if (this.tickMarkPosition == DateTickMarkPosition.START) {
                minutes = 0;
                seconds = 0;
            else if (this.tickMarkPosition == DateTickMarkPosition.MIDDLE) {
                minutes = 30;
                seconds = 0;
            else {
                minutes = 59;
                seconds = 59;
            calendar.set(years, months, days, value, minutes, seconds);
            Date d1 = calendar.getTime();
            if (d1.getTime() >= date.getTime()) {
                calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, value - 1);
                d1 = calendar.getTime();
            return d1;
        else if (DateTickUnitType.DAY.equals(unit.getUnitType())) {
            years = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
            months = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);
            if (this.tickMarkPosition == DateTickMarkPosition.START) {
                hours = 0;
            else if (this.tickMarkPosition == DateTickMarkPosition.MIDDLE) {
                hours = 12;
            else {
                hours = 23;
            calendar.set(years, months, value, hours, 0, 0);
            // long result = calendar.getTimeInMillis();
            // won't work with JDK 1.3
            Date d2 = calendar.getTime();
            if (d2.getTime() >= date.getTime()) {
                calendar.set(Calendar.DATE, value - 1);
                d2 = calendar.getTime();
            return d2;
        else if (DateTickUnitType.MONTH.equals(unit.getUnitType())) {
            years = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
            calendar.set(years, value, 1, 0, 0, 0);
            Month month = new Month(calendar.getTime(), this.timeZone,
            Date standardDate = calculateDateForPosition(
                    month, this.tickMarkPosition);
            long millis = standardDate.getTime();
            if (millis >= date.getTime()) {
                month = (Month) month.previous();
                // need to peg the month in case the time zone isn't the
                // default - see bug 2078057
                standardDate = calculateDateForPosition(
                        month, this.tickMarkPosition);
            return standardDate;
        else if (DateTickUnitType.YEAR.equals(unit.getUnitType())) {
            if (this.tickMarkPosition == DateTickMarkPosition.START) {
                months = 0;
                days = 1;
            else if (this.tickMarkPosition == DateTickMarkPosition.MIDDLE) {
                months = 6;
                days = 1;
            else {
                months = 11;
                days = 31;
            calendar.set(value, months, days, 0, 0, 0);
            Date d3 = calendar.getTime();
            if (d3.getTime() >= date.getTime()) {
                calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, value - 1);
                d3 = calendar.getTime();
            return d3;
        else {
            return null;


     * Returns a {@link java.util.Date} corresponding to the specified position
     * within a {@link RegularTimePeriod}.
     * @param period  the period.
     * @param position  the position (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @return A date.
    private Date calculateDateForPosition(RegularTimePeriod period,
                                          DateTickMarkPosition position) {
        ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(period, "period");
        Date result = null;
        if (position == DateTickMarkPosition.START) {
            result = new Date(period.getFirstMillisecond());
        else if (position == DateTickMarkPosition.MIDDLE) {
            result = new Date(period.getMiddleMillisecond());
        else if (position == DateTickMarkPosition.END) {
            result = new Date(period.getLastMillisecond());
        return result;


     * Returns the first "standard" date (based on the specified field and
     * units).
     * @param date  the reference date.
     * @param unit  the date tick unit.
     * @return The next "standard" date.
    protected Date nextStandardDate(Date date, DateTickUnit unit) {
        Date previous = previousStandardDate(date, unit);
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(this.timeZone, this.locale);
        calendar.add(unit.getCalendarField(), unit.getMultiple());
        return calendar.getTime();

     * Returns a collection of standard date tick units that uses the default
     * time zone.  This collection will be used by default, but you are free
     * to create your own collection if you want to (see the
     * {@link ValueAxis#setStandardTickUnits(TickUnitSource)} method inherited
     * from the {@link ValueAxis} class).
     * @return A collection of standard date tick units.
    public static TickUnitSource createStandardDateTickUnits() {
        return createStandardDateTickUnits(TimeZone.getDefault(),

     * Returns a collection of standard date tick units.  This collection will
     * be used by default, but you are free to create your own collection if
     * you want to (see the
     * {@link ValueAxis#setStandardTickUnits(TickUnitSource)} method inherited
     * from the {@link ValueAxis} class).
     * @param zone  the time zone (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @param locale  the locale (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @return A collection of standard date tick units.
     * @since 1.0.11
    public static TickUnitSource createStandardDateTickUnits(TimeZone zone,
            Locale locale) {

        ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(zone, "zone");
        ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(locale, "locale");
        TickUnits units = new TickUnits();

        // date formatters
        DateFormat f1 = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS", locale);
        DateFormat f2 = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss", locale);
        DateFormat f3 = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm", locale);
        DateFormat f4 = new SimpleDateFormat("d-MMM, HH:mm", locale);
        DateFormat f5 = new SimpleDateFormat("d-MMM", locale);
        DateFormat f6 = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM-yyyy", locale);
        DateFormat f7 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy", locale);


        // milliseconds
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MILLISECOND, 1, f1));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MILLISECOND, 5,
                DateTickUnitType.MILLISECOND, 1, f1));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MILLISECOND, 10,
                DateTickUnitType.MILLISECOND, 1, f1));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MILLISECOND, 25,
                DateTickUnitType.MILLISECOND, 5, f1));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MILLISECOND, 50,
                DateTickUnitType.MILLISECOND, 10, f1));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MILLISECOND, 100,
                DateTickUnitType.MILLISECOND, 10, f1));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MILLISECOND, 250,
                DateTickUnitType.MILLISECOND, 10, f1));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MILLISECOND, 500,
                DateTickUnitType.MILLISECOND, 50, f1));

        // seconds
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.SECOND, 1,
                DateTickUnitType.MILLISECOND, 50, f2));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.SECOND, 5,
                DateTickUnitType.SECOND, 1, f2));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.SECOND, 10,
                DateTickUnitType.SECOND, 1, f2));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.SECOND, 30,
                DateTickUnitType.SECOND, 5, f2));

        // minutes
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MINUTE, 1,
                DateTickUnitType.SECOND, 5, f3));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MINUTE, 2,
                DateTickUnitType.SECOND, 10, f3));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MINUTE, 5,
                DateTickUnitType.MINUTE, 1, f3));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MINUTE, 10,
                DateTickUnitType.MINUTE, 1, f3));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MINUTE, 15,
                DateTickUnitType.MINUTE, 5, f3));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MINUTE, 20,
                DateTickUnitType.MINUTE, 5, f3));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MINUTE, 30,
                DateTickUnitType.MINUTE, 5, f3));

        // hours
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.HOUR, 1,
                DateTickUnitType.MINUTE, 5, f3));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.HOUR, 2,
                DateTickUnitType.MINUTE, 10, f3));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.HOUR, 4,
                DateTickUnitType.MINUTE, 30, f3));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.HOUR, 6,
                DateTickUnitType.HOUR, 1, f3));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.HOUR, 12,
                DateTickUnitType.HOUR, 1, f4));

        // days
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.DAY, 1,
                DateTickUnitType.HOUR, 1, f5));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.DAY, 2,
                DateTickUnitType.HOUR, 1, f5));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.DAY, 7,
                DateTickUnitType.DAY, 1, f5));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.DAY, 15,
                DateTickUnitType.DAY, 1, f5));

        // months
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MONTH, 1,
                DateTickUnitType.DAY, 1, f6));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MONTH, 2,
                DateTickUnitType.DAY, 1, f6));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MONTH, 3,
                DateTickUnitType.MONTH, 1, f6));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MONTH, 4,
                DateTickUnitType.MONTH, 1, f6));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MONTH, 6,
                DateTickUnitType.MONTH, 1, f6));

        // years
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.YEAR, 1,
                DateTickUnitType.MONTH, 1, f7));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.YEAR, 2,
                DateTickUnitType.MONTH, 3, f7));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.YEAR, 5,
                DateTickUnitType.YEAR, 1, f7));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.YEAR, 10,
                DateTickUnitType.YEAR, 1, f7));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.YEAR, 25,
                DateTickUnitType.YEAR, 5, f7));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.YEAR, 50,
                DateTickUnitType.YEAR, 10, f7));
        units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.YEAR, 100,
                DateTickUnitType.YEAR, 20, f7));

        return units;


     * Rescales the axis to ensure that all data is visible.
    protected void autoAdjustRange() {

        Plot plot = getPlot();

        if (plot == null) {
            return// no plot, no data

        if (plot instanceof ValueAxisPlot) {
            ValueAxisPlot vap = (ValueAxisPlot) plot;

            Range r = vap.getDataRange(this);
            if (r == null) {
                r = new DateRange();

            long upper = this.timeline.toTimelineValue(
                    (long) r.getUpperBound());
            long lower;
            long fixedAutoRange = (long) getFixedAutoRange();
            if (fixedAutoRange > 0.0) {
                lower = upper - fixedAutoRange;
            else {
                lower = this.timeline.toTimelineValue((long) r.getLowerBound());
                double range = upper - lower;
                long minRange = (long) getAutoRangeMinimumSize();
                if (range < minRange) {
                    long expand = (long) (minRange - range) / 2;
                    upper = upper + expand;
                    lower = lower - expand;
                upper = upper + (long) (range * getUpperMargin());
                lower = lower - (long) (range * getLowerMargin());

            upper = this.timeline.toMillisecond(upper);
            lower = this.timeline.toMillisecond(lower);
            DateRange dr = new DateRange(new Date(lower), new Date(upper));
            setRange(dr, false, false);


     * Selects an appropriate tick value for the axis.  The strategy is to
     * display as many ticks as possible (selected from an array of 'standard'
     * tick units) without the labels overlapping.
     * @param g2  the graphics device.
     * @param dataArea  the area defined by the axes.
     * @param edge  the axis location.
    protected void selectAutoTickUnit(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D dataArea,
                                      RectangleEdge edge) {

        if (RectangleEdge.isTopOrBottom(edge)) {
            selectHorizontalAutoTickUnit(g2, dataArea, edge);
        else if (RectangleEdge.isLeftOrRight(edge)) {
            selectVerticalAutoTickUnit(g2, dataArea, edge);


     * Selects an appropriate tick size for the axis.  The strategy is to
     * display as many ticks as possible (selected from a collection of
     * 'standard' tick units) without the labels overlapping.
     * @param g2  the graphics device.
     * @param dataArea  the area defined by the axes.
     * @param edge  the axis location.
    protected void selectHorizontalAutoTickUnit(Graphics2D g2,
            Rectangle2D dataArea, RectangleEdge edge) {

        long shift = 0;
        double zero = valueToJava2D(shift + 0.0, dataArea, edge);
        double tickLabelWidth = estimateMaximumTickLabelWidth(g2,

        // start with the current tick unit...
        TickUnitSource tickUnits = getStandardTickUnits();
        TickUnit unit1 = tickUnits.getCeilingTickUnit(getTickUnit());
        double x1 = valueToJava2D(shift + unit1.getSize(), dataArea, edge);
        double unit1Width = Math.abs(x1 - zero);

        // then extrapolate...
        double guess = (tickLabelWidth / unit1Width) * unit1.getSize();
        DateTickUnit unit2 = (DateTickUnit) tickUnits.getCeilingTickUnit(guess);
        double x2 = valueToJava2D(shift + unit2.getSize(), dataArea, edge);
        double unit2Width = Math.abs(x2 - zero);
        tickLabelWidth = estimateMaximumTickLabelWidth(g2, unit2);
        if (tickLabelWidth > unit2Width) {
            unit2 = (DateTickUnit) tickUnits.getLargerTickUnit(unit2);
        setTickUnit(unit2, false, false);

     * Selects an appropriate tick size for the axis.  The strategy is to
     * display as many ticks as possible (selected from a collection of
     * 'standard' tick units) without the labels overlapping.
     * @param g2  the graphics device.
     * @param dataArea  the area in which the plot should be drawn.
     * @param edge  the axis location.
    protected void selectVerticalAutoTickUnit(Graphics2D g2,
            Rectangle2D dataArea, RectangleEdge edge) {

        // start with the current tick unit...
        TickUnitSource tickUnits = getStandardTickUnits();
        double zero = valueToJava2D(0.0, dataArea, edge);

        // start with a unit that is at least 1/10th of the axis length
        double estimate1 = getRange().getLength() / 10.0;
        DateTickUnit candidate1
            = (DateTickUnit) tickUnits.getCeilingTickUnit(estimate1);
        double labelHeight1 = estimateMaximumTickLabelHeight(g2, candidate1);
        double y1 = valueToJava2D(candidate1.getSize(), dataArea, edge);
        double candidate1UnitHeight = Math.abs(y1 - zero);

        // now extrapolate based on label height and unit height...
        double estimate2
            = (labelHeight1 / candidate1UnitHeight) * candidate1.getSize();
        DateTickUnit candidate2
            = (DateTickUnit) tickUnits.getCeilingTickUnit(estimate2);
        double labelHeight2 = estimateMaximumTickLabelHeight(g2, candidate2);
        double y2 = valueToJava2D(candidate2.getSize(), dataArea, edge);
        double unit2Height = Math.abs(y2 - zero);

       // make final selection...
       DateTickUnit finalUnit;
       if (labelHeight2 < unit2Height) {
           finalUnit = candidate2;
       else {
           finalUnit = (DateTickUnit) tickUnits.getLargerTickUnit(candidate2);
       setTickUnit(finalUnit, false, false);


     * Estimates the maximum width of the tick labels, assuming the specified
     * tick unit is used.
     * <P>
     * Rather than computing the string bounds of every tick on the axis, we
     * just look at two values: the lower bound and the upper bound for the
     * axis.  These two values will usually be representative.
     * @param g2  the graphics device.
     * @param unit  the tick unit to use for calculation.
     * @return The estimated maximum width of the tick labels.
    private double estimateMaximumTickLabelWidth(Graphics2D g2,
                                                 DateTickUnit unit) {

        RectangleInsets tickLabelInsets = getTickLabelInsets();
        double result = tickLabelInsets.getLeft() + tickLabelInsets.getRight();

        Font tickLabelFont = getTickLabelFont();
        FontRenderContext frc = g2.getFontRenderContext();
        LineMetrics lm = tickLabelFont.getLineMetrics("ABCxyz", frc);
        if (isVerticalTickLabels()) {
            // all tick labels have the same width (equal to the height of
            // the font)...
            result += lm.getHeight();
        else {
            // look at lower and upper bounds...
            DateRange range = (DateRange) getRange();
            Date lower = range.getLowerDate();
            Date upper = range.getUpperDate();
            String lowerStr, upperStr;
            DateFormat formatter = getDateFormatOverride();
            if (formatter != null) {
                lowerStr = formatter.format(lower);
                upperStr = formatter.format(upper);
            else {
                lowerStr = unit.dateToString(lower);
                upperStr = unit.dateToString(upper);
            FontMetrics fm = g2.getFontMetrics(tickLabelFont);
            double w1 = fm.stringWidth(lowerStr);
            double w2 = fm.stringWidth(upperStr);
            result += Math.max(w1, w2);

        return result;


     * Estimates the maximum width of the tick labels, assuming the specified
     * tick unit is used.
     * <P>
     * Rather than computing the string bounds of every tick on the axis, we
     * just look at two values: the lower bound and the upper bound for the
     * axis.  These two values will usually be representative.
     * @param g2  the graphics device.
     * @param unit  the tick unit to use for calculation.
     * @return The estimated maximum width of the tick labels.
    private double estimateMaximumTickLabelHeight(Graphics2D g2,
                                                  DateTickUnit unit) {

        RectangleInsets tickLabelInsets = getTickLabelInsets();
        double result = tickLabelInsets.getTop() + tickLabelInsets.getBottom();

        Font tickLabelFont = getTickLabelFont();
        FontRenderContext frc = g2.getFontRenderContext();
        LineMetrics lm = tickLabelFont.getLineMetrics("ABCxyz", frc);
        if (!isVerticalTickLabels()) {
            // all tick labels have the same width (equal to the height of
            // the font)...
            result += lm.getHeight();
        else {
            // look at lower and upper bounds...
            DateRange range = (DateRange) getRange();
            Date lower = range.getLowerDate();
            Date upper = range.getUpperDate();
            String lowerStr, upperStr;
            DateFormat formatter = getDateFormatOverride();
            if (formatter != null) {
                lowerStr = formatter.format(lower);
                upperStr = formatter.format(upper);
            else {
                lowerStr = unit.dateToString(lower);
                upperStr = unit.dateToString(upper);
            FontMetrics fm = g2.getFontMetrics(tickLabelFont);
            double w1 = fm.stringWidth(lowerStr);
            double w2 = fm.stringWidth(upperStr);
            result += Math.max(w1, w2);

        return result;


     * Calculates the positions of the tick labels for the axis, storing the
     * results in the tick label list (ready for drawing).
     * @param g2  the graphics device.
     * @param state  the axis state.
     * @param dataArea  the area in which the plot should be drawn.
     * @param edge  the location of the axis.
     * @return A list of ticks.
    public List<ValueTick> refreshTicks(Graphics2D g2, AxisState state,
            Rectangle2D dataArea, RectangleEdge edge) {
        List<ValueTick> result = null;
        if (RectangleEdge.isTopOrBottom(edge)) {
            result = refreshTicksHorizontal(g2, dataArea, edge);
        else if (RectangleEdge.isLeftOrRight(edge)) {
            result = refreshTicksVertical(g2, dataArea, edge);
        return result;

     * Corrects the given tick date for the position setting.
     * @param time  the tick date/time.
     * @param unit  the tick unit.
     * @param position  the tick position.
     * @return The adjusted time.
    private Date correctTickDateForPosition(Date time, DateTickUnit unit,
            DateTickMarkPosition position) {
        Date result = time;
        if (unit.getUnitType().equals(DateTickUnitType.MONTH)) {
            result = calculateDateForPosition(new Month(time, this.timeZone,
                    this.locale), position);
        } else if (unit.getUnitType().equals(DateTickUnitType.YEAR)) {
            result = calculateDateForPosition(new Year(time, this.timeZone,
                    this.locale), position);
        return result;

     * Recalculates the ticks for the date axis.
     * @param g2  the graphics device.
     * @param dataArea  the area in which the data is to be drawn.
     * @param edge  the location of the axis.
     * @return A list of ticks.
    protected List<ValueTick> refreshTicksHorizontal(Graphics2D g2,
                Rectangle2D dataArea, RectangleEdge edge) {

        List<ValueTick> result = new java.util.ArrayList<ValueTick>();

        Font tickLabelFont = getTickLabelFont();

        if (isAutoTickUnitSelection()) {
            selectAutoTickUnit(g2, dataArea, edge);

        DateTickUnit unit = getTickUnit();
        Date tickDate = calculateLowestVisibleTickValue(unit);
        Date upperDate = getMaximumDate();

        boolean hasRolled = false;
        while (tickDate.before(upperDate)) {
            // could add a flag to make the following correction optional...
            if (!hasRolled) {
                tickDate = correctTickDateForPosition(tickDate, unit,

            long lowestTickTime = tickDate.getTime();
            long distance = unit.addToDate(tickDate, this.timeZone).getTime()
                    - lowestTickTime;
            int minorTickIntervals = unit.getMinorTickIntervals();
            for (int mt = 1; mt < minorTickIntervals; mt++) {
                long minorTickTime = lowestTickTime
                        - distance * mt / minorTickIntervals;
                if (minorTickTime > 0 && getRange().contains(minorTickTime)
                        && (!isHiddenValue(minorTickTime))) {
                    result.add(new DateTick(TickType.MINOR,
                            new Date(minorTickTime), "", TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER,
                            TextAnchor.CENTER, 0.0));

            if (!isHiddenValue(tickDate.getTime())) {
                // work out the value, label and position
                String tickLabel;
                DateFormat formatter = getDateFormatOverride();
                if (formatter != null) {
                    tickLabel = formatter.format(tickDate);
                else {
                    tickLabel = this.tickUnit.dateToString(tickDate);
                TextAnchor anchor, rotationAnchor;
                double angle = 0.0;
                if (isVerticalTickLabels()) {
                    anchor = TextAnchor.CENTER_RIGHT;
                    rotationAnchor = TextAnchor.CENTER_RIGHT;
                    if (edge == RectangleEdge.TOP) {
                        angle = Math.PI / 2.0;
                    else {
                        angle = -Math.PI / 2.0;
                else {
                    if (edge == RectangleEdge.TOP) {
                        anchor = TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER;
                        rotationAnchor = TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER;
                    else {
                        anchor = TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER;
                        rotationAnchor = TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER;

                result.add(new DateTick(tickDate, tickLabel, anchor,
                        rotationAnchor, angle));
                hasRolled = false;

                long currentTickTime = tickDate.getTime();
                tickDate = unit.addToDate(tickDate, this.timeZone);
                long nextTickTime = tickDate.getTime();
                for (int mt = 1; mt < minorTickIntervals; mt++) {
                    long minorTickTime = currentTickTime
                            + (nextTickTime - currentTickTime)
                            * mt / minorTickIntervals;
                    if (getRange().contains(minorTickTime)
                            && (!isHiddenValue(minorTickTime))) {
                        result.add(new DateTick(TickType.MINOR,
                                new Date(minorTickTime), "",
                                TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER, TextAnchor.CENTER, 0.0));
            } else {
                tickDate = unit.rollDate(tickDate, this.timeZone);
                hasRolled = true;
        return result;


     * Recalculates the ticks for the date axis.
     * @param g2  the graphics device.
     * @param dataArea  the area in which the plot should be drawn.
     * @param edge  the location of the axis.
     * @return A list of ticks.
    protected List<ValueTick> refreshTicksVertical(Graphics2D g2,
            Rectangle2D dataArea, RectangleEdge edge) {

        List<ValueTick> result = new java.util.ArrayList<ValueTick>();

        Font tickLabelFont = getTickLabelFont();

        if (isAutoTickUnitSelection()) {
            selectAutoTickUnit(g2, dataArea, edge);
        DateTickUnit unit = getTickUnit();
        Date tickDate = calculateLowestVisibleTickValue(unit);
        Date upperDate = getMaximumDate();

        boolean hasRolled = false;
        while (tickDate.before(upperDate)) {

            // could add a flag to make the following correction optional...
            if (!hasRolled) {
                tickDate = correctTickDateForPosition(tickDate, unit,

            long lowestTickTime = tickDate.getTime();
            long distance = unit.addToDate(tickDate, this.timeZone).getTime()
                    - lowestTickTime;
            int minorTickIntervals = unit.getMinorTickIntervals();
            for (int mt = 1; mt < minorTickIntervals; mt++) {
                long minorTickTime = lowestTickTime
                        - distance * mt / minorTickIntervals;
                if (minorTickTime > 0 && getRange().contains(minorTickTime)
                        && (!isHiddenValue(minorTickTime))) {
                    result.add(new DateTick(TickType.MINOR,
                            new Date(minorTickTime), "", TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER,
                            TextAnchor.CENTER, 0.0));
            if (!isHiddenValue(tickDate.getTime())) {
                // work out the value, label and position
                String tickLabel;
                DateFormat formatter = getDateFormatOverride();
                if (formatter != null) {
                    tickLabel = formatter.format(tickDate);
                } else {
                    tickLabel = this.tickUnit.dateToString(tickDate);
                TextAnchor anchor, rotationAnchor;
                double angle = 0.0;
                if (isVerticalTickLabels()) {
                    anchor = TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER;
                    rotationAnchor = TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER;
                    if (edge == RectangleEdge.LEFT) {
                        angle = -Math.PI / 2.0;
                    } else {
                        angle = Math.PI / 2.0;
                else {
                    if (edge == RectangleEdge.LEFT) {
                        anchor = TextAnchor.CENTER_RIGHT;
                        rotationAnchor = TextAnchor.CENTER_RIGHT;
                    else {
                        anchor = TextAnchor.CENTER_LEFT;
                        rotationAnchor = TextAnchor.CENTER_LEFT;

                result.add(new DateTick(tickDate, tickLabel, anchor,
                        rotationAnchor, angle));
                hasRolled = false;

                long currentTickTime = tickDate.getTime();
                tickDate = unit.addToDate(tickDate, this.timeZone);
                long nextTickTime = tickDate.getTime();
                for (int mt = 1; mt < minorTickIntervals; mt++) {
                    long minorTickTime = currentTickTime
                            + (nextTickTime - currentTickTime)
                            * mt / minorTickIntervals;
                    if (getRange().contains(minorTickTime)
                            && (!isHiddenValue(minorTickTime))) {
                        result.add(new DateTick(TickType.MINOR,
                                new Date(minorTickTime), "",
                                TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER, TextAnchor.CENTER,
            } else {
                tickDate = unit.rollDate(tickDate, this.timeZone);
                hasRolled = true;
        return result;

     * Draws the axis on a Java 2D graphics device (such as the screen or a
     * printer).
     * @param g2  the graphics device (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @param cursor  the cursor location.
     * @param plotArea  the area within which the axes and data should be
     *                  drawn (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @param dataArea  the area within which the data should be drawn
     *                  (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @param edge  the location of the axis (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @param plotState  collects information about the plot
     *                   (<code>null</code> permitted).
     * @return The axis state (never <code>null</code>).
    public AxisState draw(Graphics2D g2, double cursor, Rectangle2D plotArea,
            Rectangle2D dataArea, RectangleEdge edge,
            PlotRenderingInfo plotState) {

        // if the axis is not visible, don't draw it...
        if (!isVisible()) {
            AxisState state = new AxisState(cursor);
            // even though the axis is not visible, we need to refresh ticks in
            // case the grid is being drawn...
            List<ValueTick> ticks = refreshTicks(g2, state, dataArea, edge);
            return state;

        AxisState state = drawTickMarksAndLabels(g2, cursor, plotArea,
                dataArea, edge);

        // draw the axis label (note that 'state' is passed in *and*
        // returned)...
        state = drawLabel(getLabel(), g2, plotArea, dataArea, edge, state);
        createAndAddEntity(cursor, state, dataArea, edge, plotState);
        return state;


     * Zooms in on the current range (zoom-in stops once the axis length
     * reaches the equivalent of one millisecond). 
     * @param lowerPercent  the new lower bound.
     * @param upperPercent  the new upper bound.
    public void zoomRange(double lowerPercent, double upperPercent) {
        double start = this.timeline.toTimelineValue(
                (long) getRange().getLowerBound());
        double end = this.timeline.toTimelineValue(
                (long) getRange().getUpperBound());
        double length = end - start;
        Range adjusted;
        long adjStart, adjEnd;
        if (isInverted()) {
            adjStart = (long) (start + (length * (1 - upperPercent)));
            adjEnd = (long) (start + (length * (1 - lowerPercent)));
        else {
            adjStart = (long) (start + length * lowerPercent);
            adjEnd = (long) (start + length * upperPercent);
        // when zooming to sub-millisecond ranges, it can be the case that
        // adjEnd == adjStart...and we can't have an axis with zero length
        // so we apply this instead:
        if (adjEnd <= adjStart) {
            adjEnd = adjStart + 1L;
        adjusted = new DateRange(this.timeline.toMillisecond(adjStart),

     * Tests this axis for equality with an arbitrary object.
     * @param obj  the object (<code>null</code> permitted).
     * @return A boolean.
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (obj == this) {
            return true;
        if (!(obj instanceof DateAxis)) {
            return false;
        DateAxis that = (DateAxis) obj;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equal(this.timeZone, that.timeZone)) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equal(this.locale, that.locale)) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equal(this.tickUnit, that.tickUnit)) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equal(this.dateFormatOverride,
                that.dateFormatOverride)) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equal(this.tickMarkPosition,
                that.tickMarkPosition)) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equal(this.timeline, that.timeline)) {
            return false;
        return super.equals(obj);

     * Returns a hash code for this object.
     * @return A hash code.
    public int hashCode() {
        return super.hashCode();

     * Returns a clone of the object.
     * @return A clone.
     * @throws CloneNotSupportedException if some component of the axis does
     *         not support cloning.
    public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
        DateAxis clone = (DateAxis) super.clone();
        // 'dateTickUnit' is immutable : no need to clone
        if (this.dateFormatOverride != null) {
                = (DateFormat) this.dateFormatOverride.clone();
        // 'tickMarkPosition' is immutable : no need to clone
        return clone;


Related Classes of org.jfree.chart.axis.DateAxis$DefaultTimeline

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