
Source Code of$CheckerData$CheckerElement

// License: GPL. See LICENSE file for details.

import static;
import static;

import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;

import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;

import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.ChangePropertyCommand;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.ChangePropertyKeyCommand;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.Command;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.SequenceCommand;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.preferences.validator.ValidatorPreference;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.progress.ProgressMonitor;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.tagging.TaggingPreset;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.tagging.TaggingPresetItem;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.tagging.TaggingPresetItems.Check;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.tagging.TaggingPresetItems.CheckGroup;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.tagging.TaggingPresetItems.KeyedItem;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.tagging.TaggingPresets;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.EditableList;

* Check for misspelled or wrong tags
* @author frsantos
public class TagChecker extends Test.TagTest {

    /** The default data file of tagchecker rules */
    public static final String DATA_FILE = "resource://data/validator/tagchecker.cfg";
    /** The config file of ignored tags */
    public static final String IGNORE_FILE = "resource://data/validator/ignoretags.cfg";
    /** The config file of dictionary words */
    public static final String SPELL_FILE = "resource://data/validator/words.cfg";

    /** The spell check key substitutions: the key should be substituted by the value */
    private static Map<String, String> spellCheckKeyData;
    /** The spell check preset values */
    private static MultiMap<String, String> presetsValueData;
    /** The TagChecker data */
    private static final List<CheckerData> checkerData = new ArrayList<>();
    private static final List<String> ignoreDataStartsWith = new ArrayList<>();
    private static final List<String> ignoreDataEquals = new ArrayList<>();
    private static final List<String> ignoreDataEndsWith = new ArrayList<>();
    private static final List<IgnoreKeyPair> ignoreDataKeyPair = new ArrayList<>();

    /** The preferences prefix */
    protected static final String PREFIX = ValidatorPreference.PREFIX + "." + TagChecker.class.getSimpleName();

    public static final String PREF_CHECK_VALUES = PREFIX + ".checkValues";
    public static final String PREF_CHECK_KEYS = PREFIX + ".checkKeys";
    public static final String PREF_CHECK_COMPLEX = PREFIX + ".checkComplex";
    public static final String PREF_CHECK_FIXMES = PREFIX + ".checkFixmes";

    public static final String PREF_SOURCES = PREFIX + ".source";

    public static final String PREF_CHECK_KEYS_BEFORE_UPLOAD = PREF_CHECK_KEYS + "BeforeUpload";
    public static final String PREF_CHECK_VALUES_BEFORE_UPLOAD = PREF_CHECK_VALUES + "BeforeUpload";
    public static final String PREF_CHECK_COMPLEX_BEFORE_UPLOAD = PREF_CHECK_COMPLEX + "BeforeUpload";
    public static final String PREF_CHECK_FIXMES_BEFORE_UPLOAD = PREF_CHECK_FIXMES + "BeforeUpload";

    protected boolean checkKeys = false;
    protected boolean checkValues = false;
    protected boolean checkComplex = false;
    protected boolean checkFixmes = false;

    protected JCheckBox prefCheckKeys;
    protected JCheckBox prefCheckValues;
    protected JCheckBox prefCheckComplex;
    protected JCheckBox prefCheckFixmes;
    protected JCheckBox prefCheckPaint;

    protected JCheckBox prefCheckKeysBeforeUpload;
    protected JCheckBox prefCheckValuesBeforeUpload;
    protected JCheckBox prefCheckComplexBeforeUpload;
    protected JCheckBox prefCheckFixmesBeforeUpload;
    protected JCheckBox prefCheckPaintBeforeUpload;

    protected static final int EMPTY_VALUES      = 1200;
    protected static final int INVALID_KEY       = 1201;
    protected static final int INVALID_VALUE     = 1202;
    protected static final int FIXME             = 1203;
    protected static final int INVALID_SPACE     = 1204;
    protected static final int INVALID_KEY_SPACE = 1205;
    protected static final int INVALID_HTML      = 1206; /* 1207 was PAINT */
    protected static final int LONG_VALUE        = 1208;
    protected static final int LONG_KEY          = 1209;
    protected static final int LOW_CHAR_VALUE    = 1210;
    protected static final int LOW_CHAR_KEY      = 1211;
    /** 1250 and up is used by tagcheck */

    protected EditableList sourcesList;

    protected static final Entities entities = new Entities();

    static final List<String> DEFAULT_SOURCES = Arrays.asList(DATA_FILE, IGNORE_FILE, SPELL_FILE);

     * Constructor
    public TagChecker() {
        super(tr("Tag checker"), tr("This test checks for errors in tag keys and values."));

    public void initialize() throws IOException {

     * Reads the spellcheck file into a HashMap.
     * The data file is a list of words, beginning with +/-. If it starts with +,
     * the word is valid, but if it starts with -, the word should be replaced
     * by the nearest + word before this.
     * @throws FileNotFoundException
     * @throws IOException
    private static void initializeData() throws IOException {

        spellCheckKeyData = new HashMap<>();

        String errorSources = "";
        for (String source : Main.pref.getCollection(PREF_SOURCES, DEFAULT_SOURCES)) {
            try (
                InputStream s = new CachedFile(source).getInputStream();
                BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(UTFInputStreamReader.create(s));
            ) {
                String okValue = null;
                boolean tagcheckerfile = false;
                boolean ignorefile = false;
                boolean isFirstLine = true;
                String line;
                while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null && (tagcheckerfile || line.length() != 0)) {
                    if (line.startsWith("#")) {
                        if (line.startsWith("# JOSM TagChecker")) {
                            tagcheckerfile = true;
                            if (!DEFAULT_SOURCES.contains(source)) {
                      "Adding {0} to tag checker", source));
                        } else
                        if (line.startsWith("# JOSM IgnoreTags")) {
                            ignorefile = true;
                            if (!DEFAULT_SOURCES.contains(source)) {
                      "Adding {0} to ignore tags", source));
                    } else if (ignorefile) {
                        line = line.trim();
                        if (line.length() < 4) {

                        String key = line.substring(0, 2);
                        line = line.substring(2);

                        switch (key) {
                        case "S:":
                        case "E:":
                        case "F:":
                        case "K:":
                            IgnoreKeyPair tmp = new IgnoreKeyPair();
                            int mid = line.indexOf('=');
                            tmp.key = line.substring(0, mid);
                            tmp.value = line.substring(mid+1);
                    } else if (tagcheckerfile) {
                        if (line.length() > 0) {
                            CheckerData d = new CheckerData();
                            String err = d.getData(line);

                            if (err == null) {
                            } else {
                                Main.error(tr("Invalid tagchecker line - {0}: {1}", err, line));
                    } else if (line.charAt(0) == '+') {
                        okValue = line.substring(1);
                    } else if (line.charAt(0) == '-' && okValue != null) {
                        spellCheckKeyData.put(line.substring(1), okValue);
                    } else {
                        Main.error(tr("Invalid spellcheck line: {0}", line));
                    if (isFirstLine) {
                        isFirstLine = false;
                        if (!(tagcheckerfile || ignorefile) && !DEFAULT_SOURCES.contains(source)) {
                  "Adding {0} to spellchecker", source));
            } catch (IOException e) {
                errorSources += source + "\n";

        if (errorSources.length() > 0)
            throw new IOException( tr("Could not access data file(s):\n{0}", errorSources) );

     * Reads the presets data.
    public static void initializePresets() {

        if (!Main.pref.getBoolean(PREF_CHECK_VALUES, true))

        Collection<TaggingPreset> presets = TaggingPresets.getTaggingPresets();
        if (!presets.isEmpty()) {
            presetsValueData = new MultiMap<>();
            for (String a : OsmPrimitive.getUninterestingKeys()) {
            // TODO directionKeys are no longer in OsmPrimitive (search pattern is used instead)
            /*  for(String a : OsmPrimitive.getDirectionKeys())
            for (String a : Main.pref.getCollection(ValidatorPreference.PREFIX + ".knownkeys",
                    Arrays.asList(new String[]{"is_in", "int_ref", "fixme", "population"}))) {
            for (TaggingPreset p : presets) {
                for (TaggingPresetItem i : {
                    if (i instanceof KeyedItem) {
                        addPresetValue(p, (KeyedItem) i);
                    } else if (i instanceof CheckGroup) {
                        for (Check c : ((CheckGroup) i).checks) {
                            addPresetValue(p, c);

    private static void addPresetValue(TaggingPreset p, KeyedItem ky) {
        Collection<String> values = ky.getValues();
        if (ky.key != null && values != null) {
            try {
                presetsValueData.putAll(ky.key, values);
            } catch (NullPointerException e) {
                Main.error(p+": Unable to initialize "+ky);

     * Checks given string (key or value) if it contains characters with code below 0x20 (either newline or some other special characters)
     * @param s string to check
    private boolean containsLow(String s) {
        if (s == null)
            return false;
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
            if (s.charAt(i) < 0x20)
                return true;
        return false;

     * Checks the primitive tags
     * @param p The primitive to check
    public void check(OsmPrimitive p) {
        // Just a collection to know if a primitive has been already marked with error
        MultiMap<OsmPrimitive, String> withErrors = new MultiMap<>();

        if (checkComplex) {
            Map<String, String> keys = p.getKeys();
            for (CheckerData d : checkerData) {
                if (d.match(p, keys)) {
                    errors.add( new TestError(this, d.getSeverity(), tr("Suspicious tag/value combinations"),
                            d.getDescription(), d.getDescriptionOrig(), d.getCode(), p) );
                    withErrors.put(p, "TC");

        for (Entry<String, String> prop : p.getKeys().entrySet()) {
            String s = marktr("Key ''{0}'' invalid.");
            String key = prop.getKey();
            String value = prop.getValue();
            if (checkValues && (containsLow(value)) && !withErrors.contains(p, "ICV")) {
                errors.add( new TestError(this, Severity.WARNING, tr("Tag value contains character with code less than 0x20"),
                        tr(s, key), MessageFormat.format(s, key), LOW_CHAR_VALUE, p) );
                withErrors.put(p, "ICV");
            if (checkKeys && (containsLow(key)) && !withErrors.contains(p, "ICK")) {
                errors.add( new TestError(this, Severity.WARNING, tr("Tag key contains character with code less than 0x20"),
                        tr(s, key), MessageFormat.format(s, key), LOW_CHAR_KEY, p) );
                withErrors.put(p, "ICK");
            if (checkValues && (value!=null && value.length() > 255) && !withErrors.contains(p, "LV")) {
                errors.add( new TestError(this, Severity.ERROR, tr("Tag value longer than allowed"),
                        tr(s, key), MessageFormat.format(s, key), LONG_VALUE, p) );
                withErrors.put(p, "LV");
            if (checkKeys && (key!=null && key.length() > 255) && !withErrors.contains(p, "LK")) {
                errors.add( new TestError(this, Severity.ERROR, tr("Tag key longer than allowed"),
                        tr(s, key), MessageFormat.format(s, key), LONG_KEY, p) );
                withErrors.put(p, "LK");
            if (checkValues && (value==null || value.trim().length() == 0) && !withErrors.contains(p, "EV")) {
                errors.add( new TestError(this, Severity.WARNING, tr("Tags with empty values"),
                        tr(s, key), MessageFormat.format(s, key), EMPTY_VALUES, p) );
                withErrors.put(p, "EV");
            if (checkKeys && spellCheckKeyData.containsKey(key) && !withErrors.contains(p, "IPK")) {
                errors.add( new TestError(this, Severity.WARNING, tr("Invalid property key"),
                        tr(s, key), MessageFormat.format(s, key), INVALID_KEY, p) );
                withErrors.put(p, "IPK");
            if (checkKeys && key.indexOf(' ') >= 0 && !withErrors.contains(p, "IPK")) {
                errors.add( new TestError(this, Severity.WARNING, tr("Invalid white space in property key"),
                        tr(s, key), MessageFormat.format(s, key), INVALID_KEY_SPACE, p) );
                withErrors.put(p, "IPK");
            if (checkValues && value != null && (value.startsWith(" ") || value.endsWith(" ")) && !withErrors.contains(p, "SPACE")) {
                errors.add( new TestError(this, Severity.WARNING, tr("Property values start or end with white space"),
                        tr(s, key), MessageFormat.format(s, key), INVALID_SPACE, p) );
                withErrors.put(p, "SPACE");
            if (checkValues && value != null && !value.equals(entities.unescape(value)) && !withErrors.contains(p, "HTML")) {
                errors.add( new TestError(this, Severity.OTHER, tr("Property values contain HTML entity"),
                        tr(s, key), MessageFormat.format(s, key), INVALID_HTML, p) );
                withErrors.put(p, "HTML");
            if (checkValues && value != null && value.length() > 0 && presetsValueData != null) {
                final Set<String> values = presetsValueData.get(key);
                final boolean keyInPresets = values != null;
                final boolean tagInPresets = values != null && (values.isEmpty() || values.contains(prop.getValue()));

                boolean ignore = false;
                for (String a : ignoreDataStartsWith) {
                    if (key.startsWith(a)) {
                        ignore = true;
                for (String a : ignoreDataEquals) {
                    if(key.equals(a)) {
                        ignore = true;
                for (String a : ignoreDataEndsWith) {
                    if(key.endsWith(a)) {
                        ignore = true;

                if (!tagInPresets) {
                    for (IgnoreKeyPair a : ignoreDataKeyPair) {
                        if (key.equals(a.key) && value.equals(a.value)) {
                            ignore = true;

                if (!ignore) {
                    if (!keyInPresets) {
                        String i = marktr("Key ''{0}'' not in presets.");
                        errors.add( new TestError(this, Severity.OTHER, tr("Presets do not contain property key"),
                                tr(i, key), MessageFormat.format(i, key), INVALID_VALUE, p) );
                        withErrors.put(p, "UPK");
                    } else if (!tagInPresets) {
                        String i = marktr("Value ''{0}'' for key ''{1}'' not in presets.");
                        errors.add( new TestError(this, Severity.OTHER, tr("Presets do not contain property value"),
                                tr(i, prop.getValue(), key), MessageFormat.format(i, prop.getValue(), key), INVALID_VALUE, p) );
                        withErrors.put(p, "UPV");
            if (checkFixmes && value != null && value.length() > 0) {
                if ((value.toLowerCase().contains("fixme")
                        || value.contains("check and delete")
                        || key.contains("todo") || key.toLowerCase().contains("fixme"))
                        && !withErrors.contains(p, "FIXME")) {
                    errors.add(new TestError(this, Severity.OTHER,
                            tr("FIXMES"), FIXME, p));
                    withErrors.put(p, "FIXME");

    public void startTest(ProgressMonitor monitor) {
        checkKeys = Main.pref.getBoolean(PREF_CHECK_KEYS, true);
        if (isBeforeUpload) {
            checkKeys = checkKeys && Main.pref.getBoolean(PREF_CHECK_KEYS_BEFORE_UPLOAD, true);

        checkValues = Main.pref.getBoolean(PREF_CHECK_VALUES, true);
        if (isBeforeUpload) {
            checkValues = checkValues && Main.pref.getBoolean(PREF_CHECK_VALUES_BEFORE_UPLOAD, true);

        checkComplex = Main.pref.getBoolean(PREF_CHECK_COMPLEX, true);
        if (isBeforeUpload) {
            checkComplex = checkValues && Main.pref.getBoolean(PREF_CHECK_COMPLEX_BEFORE_UPLOAD, true);

        checkFixmes = Main.pref.getBoolean(PREF_CHECK_FIXMES, true);
        if (isBeforeUpload) {
            checkFixmes = checkFixmes && Main.pref.getBoolean(PREF_CHECK_FIXMES_BEFORE_UPLOAD, true);

    public void visit(Collection<OsmPrimitive> selection) {
        if (checkKeys || checkValues || checkComplex || checkFixmes) {

    public void addGui(JPanel testPanel) {
        GBC a = GBC.eol();
        a.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;

        testPanel.add(new JLabel(name+" :"), GBC.eol().insets(3,0,0,0));

        prefCheckKeys = new JCheckBox(tr("Check property keys."), Main.pref.getBoolean(PREF_CHECK_KEYS, true));
        prefCheckKeys.setToolTipText(tr("Validate that property keys are valid checking against list of words."));
        testPanel.add(prefCheckKeys, GBC.std().insets(20,0,0,0));

        prefCheckKeysBeforeUpload = new JCheckBox();
        prefCheckKeysBeforeUpload.setSelected(Main.pref.getBoolean(PREF_CHECK_KEYS_BEFORE_UPLOAD, true));
        testPanel.add(prefCheckKeysBeforeUpload, a);

        prefCheckComplex = new JCheckBox(tr("Use complex property checker."), Main.pref.getBoolean(PREF_CHECK_COMPLEX, true));
        prefCheckComplex.setToolTipText(tr("Validate property values and tags using complex rules."));
        testPanel.add(prefCheckComplex, GBC.std().insets(20,0,0,0));

        prefCheckComplexBeforeUpload = new JCheckBox();
        prefCheckComplexBeforeUpload.setSelected(Main.pref.getBoolean(PREF_CHECK_COMPLEX_BEFORE_UPLOAD, true));
        testPanel.add(prefCheckComplexBeforeUpload, a);

        final Collection<String> sources = Main.pref.getCollection(PREF_SOURCES, Arrays.asList(DATA_FILE, IGNORE_FILE, SPELL_FILE));
        sourcesList = new EditableList(tr("TagChecker source"));
        testPanel.add(new JLabel(tr("Data sources ({0})", "*.cfg")), GBC.eol().insets(23, 0, 0, 0));
        testPanel.add(sourcesList, GBC.eol().fill(GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL).insets(23, 0, 0, 0));

        ActionListener disableCheckActionListener = new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {


        prefCheckValues = new JCheckBox(tr("Check property values."), Main.pref.getBoolean(PREF_CHECK_VALUES, true));
        prefCheckValues.setToolTipText(tr("Validate that property values are valid checking against presets."));
        testPanel.add(prefCheckValues, GBC.std().insets(20,0,0,0));

        prefCheckValuesBeforeUpload = new JCheckBox();
        prefCheckValuesBeforeUpload.setSelected(Main.pref.getBoolean(PREF_CHECK_VALUES_BEFORE_UPLOAD, true));
        testPanel.add(prefCheckValuesBeforeUpload, a);

        prefCheckFixmes = new JCheckBox(tr("Check for FIXMES."), Main.pref.getBoolean(PREF_CHECK_FIXMES, true));
        prefCheckFixmes.setToolTipText(tr("Looks for nodes or ways with FIXME in any property value."));
        testPanel.add(prefCheckFixmes, GBC.std().insets(20,0,0,0));

        prefCheckFixmesBeforeUpload = new JCheckBox();
        prefCheckFixmesBeforeUpload.setSelected(Main.pref.getBoolean(PREF_CHECK_FIXMES_BEFORE_UPLOAD, true));
        testPanel.add(prefCheckFixmesBeforeUpload, a);

    public void handlePrefEnable() {
        boolean selected = prefCheckKeys.isSelected() || prefCheckKeysBeforeUpload.isSelected()
                || prefCheckComplex.isSelected() || prefCheckComplexBeforeUpload.isSelected();

    public boolean ok() {
        enabled = prefCheckKeys.isSelected() || prefCheckValues.isSelected() || prefCheckComplex.isSelected() || prefCheckFixmes.isSelected();
        testBeforeUpload = prefCheckKeysBeforeUpload.isSelected() || prefCheckValuesBeforeUpload.isSelected()
                || prefCheckFixmesBeforeUpload.isSelected() || prefCheckComplexBeforeUpload.isSelected();

        Main.pref.put(PREF_CHECK_VALUES, prefCheckValues.isSelected());
        Main.pref.put(PREF_CHECK_COMPLEX, prefCheckComplex.isSelected());
        Main.pref.put(PREF_CHECK_KEYS, prefCheckKeys.isSelected());
        Main.pref.put(PREF_CHECK_FIXMES, prefCheckFixmes.isSelected());
        Main.pref.put(PREF_CHECK_VALUES_BEFORE_UPLOAD, prefCheckValuesBeforeUpload.isSelected());
        Main.pref.put(PREF_CHECK_COMPLEX_BEFORE_UPLOAD, prefCheckComplexBeforeUpload.isSelected());
        Main.pref.put(PREF_CHECK_KEYS_BEFORE_UPLOAD, prefCheckKeysBeforeUpload.isSelected());
        Main.pref.put(PREF_CHECK_FIXMES_BEFORE_UPLOAD, prefCheckFixmesBeforeUpload.isSelected());
        return Main.pref.putCollection(PREF_SOURCES, sourcesList.getItems());

    public Command fixError(TestError testError) {
        List<Command> commands = new ArrayList<>(50);

        Collection<? extends OsmPrimitive> primitives = testError.getPrimitives();
        for (OsmPrimitive p : primitives) {
            Map<String, String> tags = p.getKeys();
            if (tags == null || tags.isEmpty()) {

            for (Entry<String, String> prop: tags.entrySet()) {
                String key = prop.getKey();
                String value = prop.getValue();
                if (value == null || value.trim().length() == 0) {
                    commands.add(new ChangePropertyCommand(p, key, null));
                } else if (value.startsWith(" ") || value.endsWith(" ")) {
                    commands.add(new ChangePropertyCommand(p, key, Tag.removeWhiteSpaces(value)));
                } else if (key.startsWith(" ") || key.endsWith(" ")) {
                    commands.add(new ChangePropertyKeyCommand(p, key, Tag.removeWhiteSpaces(key)));
                } else {
                    String evalue = entities.unescape(value);
                    if (!evalue.equals(value)) {
                        commands.add(new ChangePropertyCommand(p, key, evalue));
                    } else {
                        String replacementKey = spellCheckKeyData.get(key);
                        if (replacementKey != null) {
                            commands.add(new ChangePropertyKeyCommand(p, key, replacementKey));

        if (commands.isEmpty())
            return null;
        if (commands.size() == 1)
            return commands.get(0);

        return new SequenceCommand(tr("Fix tags"), commands);

    public boolean isFixable(TestError testError) {
        if (testError.getTester() instanceof TagChecker) {
            int code = testError.getCode();
            return code == INVALID_KEY || code == EMPTY_VALUES || code == INVALID_SPACE || code == INVALID_KEY_SPACE || code == INVALID_HTML;

        return false;

    protected static class IgnoreKeyPair {
        public String key;
        public String value;

    protected static class CheckerData {
        private String description;
        protected List<CheckerElement> data = new ArrayList<>();
        private OsmPrimitiveType type;
        private int code;
        protected Severity severity;
        protected static final int TAG_CHECK_ERROR  = 1250;
        protected static final int TAG_CHECK_WARN   = 1260;
        protected static final int TAG_CHECK_INFO   = 1270;

        protected static class CheckerElement {
            public Object tag;
            public Object value;
            public boolean noMatch;
            public boolean tagAll = false;
            public boolean valueAll = false;
            public boolean valueBool = false;

            private Pattern getPattern(String str) throws IllegalStateException, PatternSyntaxException {
                if (str.endsWith("/i"))
                    return Pattern.compile(str.substring(1,str.length()-2), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
                if (str.endsWith("/"))
                    return Pattern.compile(str.substring(1,str.length()-1));

                throw new IllegalStateException();
            public CheckerElement(String exp) throws IllegalStateException, PatternSyntaxException {
                Matcher m = Pattern.compile("(.+)([!=]=)(.+)").matcher(exp);

                String n =;

                if ("*".equals(n)) {
                    tagAll = true;
                } else {
                    tag = n.startsWith("/") ? getPattern(n) : n;
                    noMatch = "!=".equals(;
                    n =;
                    if ("*".equals(n)) {
                        valueAll = true;
                    } else if ("BOOLEAN_TRUE".equals(n)) {
                        valueBool = true;
                        value = OsmUtils.trueval;
                    } else if ("BOOLEAN_FALSE".equals(n)) {
                        valueBool = true;
                        value = OsmUtils.falseval;
                    } else {
                        value = n.startsWith("/") ? getPattern(n) : n;

            public boolean match(OsmPrimitive osm, Map<String, String> keys) {
                for (Entry<String, String> prop: keys.entrySet()) {
                    String key = prop.getKey();
                    String val = valueBool ? OsmUtils.getNamedOsmBoolean(prop.getValue()) : prop.getValue();
                    if ((tagAll || (tag instanceof Pattern ? ((Pattern) tag).matcher(key).matches() : key.equals(tag)))
                            && (valueAll || (value instanceof Pattern ? ((Pattern) value).matcher(val).matches() : val.equals(value))))
                        return !noMatch;
                return noMatch;

        private static final Pattern CLEAN_STR_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(" *# *([^#]+) *$");
        private static final Pattern SPLIT_TRIMMED_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(" *: *");
        private static final Pattern SPLIT_ELEMENTS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(" *&& *");

        public String getData(final String str) {
            Matcher m = CLEAN_STR_PATTERN.matcher(str);
            String trimmed = m.replaceFirst("").trim();
            try {
                description =;
                if (description != null && description.length() == 0) {
                    description = null;
            } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                description = null;
            String[] n = SPLIT_TRIMMED_PATTERN.split(trimmed, 3);
            switch (n[0]) {
            case "way":
                type = OsmPrimitiveType.WAY;
            case "node":
                type = OsmPrimitiveType.NODE;
            case "relation":
                type = OsmPrimitiveType.RELATION;
            case "*":
                type = null;
                return tr("Could not find element type");
            if (n.length != 3)
                return tr("Incorrect number of parameters");

            switch (n[1]) {
            case "W":
                severity = Severity.WARNING;
                code = TAG_CHECK_WARN;
            case "E":
                severity = Severity.ERROR;
                code = TAG_CHECK_ERROR;
            case "I":
                severity = Severity.OTHER;
                code = TAG_CHECK_INFO;
                return tr("Could not find warning level");
            for (String exp: SPLIT_ELEMENTS_PATTERN.split(n[2])) {
                try {
                    data.add(new CheckerElement(exp));
                } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                    return tr("Illegal expression ''{0}''", exp);
                } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
                    return tr("Illegal regular expression ''{0}''", exp);
            return null;

        public boolean match(OsmPrimitive osm, Map<String, String> keys) {
            if (type != null && OsmPrimitiveType.from(osm) != type)
                return false;

            for (CheckerElement ce : data) {
                if (!ce.match(osm, keys))
                    return false;
            return true;

        public String getDescription() {
            return tr(description);

        public String getDescriptionOrig() {
            return description;

        public Severity getSeverity() {
            return severity;

        public int getCode() {
            if (type == null)
                return code;

            return code + type.ordinal() + 1;

Related Classes of$CheckerData$CheckerElement

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