Package org.jgroups.tests

Source Code of org.jgroups.tests.Relay2Test$MyReceiver

package org.jgroups.tests;

import org.jgroups.*;
import org.jgroups.protocols.*;
import org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.GMS;
import org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.NAKACK2;
import org.jgroups.protocols.relay.RELAY2;
import org.jgroups.protocols.relay.Relayer;
import org.jgroups.protocols.relay.config.RelayConfig;
import org.jgroups.stack.Protocol;
import org.jgroups.util.Util;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

* Various RELAY2-related tests
* @author Bela Ban
* @since 3.2
public class Relay2Test {
    protected JChannel a, b, c;  // members in site "lon"
    protected JChannel x, y, z;  // members in site "sfo

    protected static final String BRIDGE_CLUSTER = "global";
    protected static final String LON_CLUSTER    = "lon-cluster";
    protected static final String SFO_CLUSTER    = "sfo-cluster";
    protected static final String SFO            = "sfo", LON="lon";

    @AfterMethod protected void destroy() {Util.close(z,y,x,c,b,a);}

     * Test that RELAY2 can be added to an already connected channel.
    public void testAddRelay2ToAnAlreadyConnectedChannel() throws Exception {
        // 1- Create and connect a channel.
        a=new JChannel();
        System.out.println("Channel " + a.getName() + " is connected. View: " + a.getView());

        // 3- Add RELAY2 protocol to the already connected channel.
        RELAY2 relayToInject = createRELAY2(SFO);
        // Util.setField(Util.getField(relayToInject.getClass(), "local_addr"), relayToInject, a.getAddress());

        relayToInject.down(new Event(Event.SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS, a.getAddress()));

        // 4- Check RELAY2 presence.
        RELAY2 ar=(RELAY2)a.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(RELAY2.class);
        assert ar != null;

        waitUntilRoute(SFO, true, 10000, 500, a);

        assert !ar.printRoutes().equals("n/a (not site master)") : "This member should be site master";

        Relayer.Route route=getRoute(a, SFO);
        System.out.println("Route at sfo to sfo: " + route);
        assert route != null;
     * Tests that routes are correctly registered after a partition and a subsequent merge
     * (
    public void testMissingRouteAfterMerge() throws Exception {
        a=createNode(LON, "A", LON_CLUSTER, null);
        b=createNode(LON, "B", LON_CLUSTER, null);
        Util.waitUntilAllChannelsHaveSameSize(30000, 1000, a,b);

        x=createNode(SFO, "X", SFO_CLUSTER, null);
        assert x.getView().size() == 1;

        RELAY2 ar=(RELAY2)a.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(RELAY2.class),

        assert ar != null && xr != null;

        JChannel a_bridge=null, x_bridge=null;
        for(int i=0; i < 20; i++) {
            if(a_bridge != null && x_bridge != null && a_bridge.getView().size() == 2 && x_bridge.getView().size() == 2)

        assert a_bridge != null && x_bridge != null;

        System.out.println("A's bridge channel: " + a_bridge.getView());
        System.out.println("X's bridge channel: " + x_bridge.getView());
        assert a_bridge.getView().size() == 2 : "bridge view is " + a_bridge.getView();
        assert x_bridge.getView().size() == 2 : "bridge view is " + x_bridge.getView();

        Relayer.Route route=getRoute(x, LON);
        System.out.println("Route at sfo to lon: " + route);
        assert route != null;

        // Now inject a partition into site LON
        System.out.println("Creating partition between A and B:");
        createPartition(a, b);

        System.out.println("A's view: " + a.getView() + "\nB's view: " + b.getView());
        assert a.getView().size() == 1 && b.getView().size() == 1;

        route=getRoute(x, LON);
        System.out.println("Route at sfo to lon: " + route);
        assert route != null;

        View bridge_view=xr.getBridgeView(BRIDGE_CLUSTER);
        System.out.println("bridge_view = " + bridge_view);

        // Now make A and B form a cluster again:
        View merge_view=new MergeView(a.getAddress(), 10, Arrays.asList(a.getAddress(), b.getAddress()),
                                      Arrays.asList(View.create(a.getAddress(), 5, a.getAddress()),
                                                    View.create(b.getAddress(), 5, b.getAddress())));
        GMS gms=(GMS)a.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(GMS.class);
        gms.installView(merge_view, null);
        gms.installView(merge_view, null);

        Util.waitUntilAllChannelsHaveSameSize(20000, 500, a, b);
        System.out.println("A's view: " + a.getView() + "\nB's view: " + b.getView());

        for(int i=0; i < 20; i++) {
            if(bridge_view != null && bridge_view.size() == 2)

        route=getRoute(x, LON);
        System.out.println("Route at sfo to lon: " + route);
        assert route != null;

     * Tests whether the bridge channel connects and disconnects ok.
    public void testConnectAndReconnectOfBridgeStack() throws Exception {
        a=new JChannel(createBridgeStack());
        b=new JChannel(createBridgeStack());

        Util.waitUntilAllChannelsHaveSameSize(10000, 500, a, b);

        Util.waitUntilAllChannelsHaveSameSize(10000, 500, a);

        Util.waitUntilAllChannelsHaveSameSize(10000, 500, a, b);

     * Tests sites LON and SFO, with SFO disconnecting (bridge view on LON should be 1) and reconnecting (bridge view on
     * LON and SFO should be 2)
    public void testDisconnectAndReconnect() throws Exception {
        a=createNode(LON, "A", LON_CLUSTER, null);
        x=createNode(SFO, "X", SFO_CLUSTER, null);

        System.out.println("Started A and X; waiting for bridge view of 2 on A and X");
        waitForBridgeView(2, 20000, 500, a, x);

        System.out.println("Disconnecting X; waiting for a bridge view on 1 on A");
        waitForBridgeView(1, 20000, 500, a);

        System.out.println("Reconnecting X again; waiting for a bridge view of 2 on A and X");
        waitForBridgeView(2, 20000, 500, a, x);

    public void testCoordinatorShutdown() throws Exception {
        a=createNode(LON, "A", LON_CLUSTER, null);
        b=createNode(LON, "B", LON_CLUSTER, null);
        x=createNode(SFO, "X", SFO_CLUSTER, null);
        y=createNode(SFO, "Y", SFO_CLUSTER, null);
        Util.waitUntilAllChannelsHaveSameSize(10000, 100, a, b);
        Util.waitUntilAllChannelsHaveSameSize(10000, 100, x, y);
        waitForBridgeView(2, 20000, 100, a, x); // A and X are site masters

        long start=System.currentTimeMillis();
        long time=System.currentTimeMillis()-start;
        System.out.println("A took " + time + " ms");

        Util.waitUntilAllChannelsHaveSameSize(10000, 100, b);
        waitForBridgeView(2, 20000, 100, b, x); // B and X are now site masters

        long start2=System.currentTimeMillis();
        long time2=System.currentTimeMillis() - start2;
        System.out.println("B took " + time2 + " ms");

        waitForBridgeView(1, 20000, 100, x);


     * Tests the following scenario:
     * <ul>
     *     <li>Nodes A in LON and B in SFO, both are up</li>
     *     <li>B goes down</li>
     *     <li>The status of site SFO in LON is set to UNKNOWN and a task T is started which will set SFO's status
     *     to DOWN in site_down_timeout ms</li>
     *     <li>Before T kicks in, B in SFO is started again</li>
     *     <li>The status of site SFO in LON is now UP</li>
     *     <li>Make sure T is cancelled when transitioning from UNKNOWN to UP, or else it'll set the status
     *     of SFO to DOWN when it triggers</li>
     * </ul>
    public void testUnknownAndUpStateTransitions() throws Exception {
        a=createNode(LON, "A", LON_CLUSTER, null);
        x=createNode(SFO, "X", SFO_CLUSTER, null);
        waitForBridgeView(2, 20000, 500, a, x);

        System.out.println("Disconnecting X");
        System.out.println("A: waiting for site SFO to be UNKNOWN");
        waitUntilRoute(SFO, false, 20000, 500, a);

        System.out.println("Reconnecting X, waiting for 5 seconds to see if the route is marked as DOWN");
        Relayer.Route route=getRoute(a, SFO);
        assert route != null : "route is " + route + " (expected to be UP)";

        route=getRoute(x, LON);
        assert route != null : "route is " + route + " (expected to be UP)";

    protected JChannel createNode(String site_name, String node_name, String cluster_name,
                                  Receiver receiver) throws Exception {
        JChannel ch=new JChannel(new SHARED_LOOPBACK(),
                                 new SHARED_LOOPBACK_PING(),
                                 new MERGE3().setValue("max_interval", 3000).setValue("min_interval", 1000),
                                 new NAKACK2(),
                                 new UNICAST3(),
                                 new GMS().setValue("print_local_addr", false),
                                 new FORWARD_TO_COORD(),
        if(receiver != null)
        if(cluster_name != null)
        return ch;

    protected RELAY2 createRELAY2(String site_name) {
        RELAY2 relay=new RELAY2().site(site_name).enableAddressTagging(false).asyncRelayCreation(false);

        RelayConfig.SiteConfig lon_cfg=new RelayConfig.SiteConfig(LON),
          sfo_cfg=new RelayConfig.SiteConfig(SFO);

        lon_cfg.addBridge(new RelayConfig.ProgrammaticBridgeConfig(BRIDGE_CLUSTER, createBridgeStack()));
        sfo_cfg.addBridge(new RelayConfig.ProgrammaticBridgeConfig(BRIDGE_CLUSTER, createBridgeStack()));
        relay.addSite(LON, lon_cfg).addSite(SFO, sfo_cfg);
        return relay;

    protected static Protocol[] createBridgeStack() {
        return new Protocol[]{
          new SHARED_LOOPBACK(),
          new SHARED_LOOPBACK_PING(),
          new MERGE3().setValue("max_interval", 3000).setValue("min_interval", 1000),
          new NAKACK2(),
          new UNICAST3(),
          new GMS().setValue("print_local_addr", false)

    /** Creates a singleton view for each channel listed and injects it */
    protected static void createPartition(JChannel ... channels) {
        for(JChannel ch: channels) {
            View view=View.create(ch.getAddress(), 5, ch.getAddress());
            GMS gms=(GMS)ch.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(GMS.class);

    protected void waitForBridgeView(int expected_size, long timeout, long interval, JChannel ... channels) {
        long deadline=System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout;

        while(System.currentTimeMillis() < deadline) {
            boolean views_correct=true;
            for(JChannel ch: channels) {
                RELAY2 relay=(RELAY2)ch.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(RELAY2.class);
                View bridge_view=relay.getBridgeView(BRIDGE_CLUSTER);
                if(bridge_view == null || bridge_view.size() != expected_size) {

        System.out.println("Bridge views:\n");
        for(JChannel ch: channels) {
            RELAY2 relay=(RELAY2)ch.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(RELAY2.class);
            View bridge_view=relay.getBridgeView(BRIDGE_CLUSTER);
            System.out.println(ch.getAddress() + ": " + bridge_view);

        for(JChannel ch: channels) {
            RELAY2 relay=(RELAY2)ch.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(RELAY2.class);
            View bridge_view=relay.getBridgeView(BRIDGE_CLUSTER);
            assert bridge_view != null && bridge_view.size() == expected_size
              : ch.getAddress() + ": bridge view=" + bridge_view + ", expected=" + expected_size;

    protected void waitUntilRoute(String site_name, boolean present,
                                  long timeout, long interval, JChannel ch) throws Exception {
        RELAY2 relay=(RELAY2)ch.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(RELAY2.class);
        if(relay == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Protocol RELAY2 not found");
        Relayer.Route route=null;
        long deadline=System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout;
        while(System.currentTimeMillis() < deadline) {
            if((route != null && present) || (route == null && !present))
        assert (route != null && present) || (route == null && !present);

    protected Relayer.Route getRoute(JChannel ch, String site_name) {
        RELAY2 relay=(RELAY2)ch.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(RELAY2.class);
        return relay.getRoute(site_name);

    protected static class MyReceiver extends ReceiverAdapter {
        protected final List<Integer> list=new ArrayList<Integer>(5);

        public List<Integer> getList()            {return list;}
        public void          clear()              {list.clear();}

        public void          receive(Message msg) {
            System.out.println("<-- " + msg.getObject());


Related Classes of org.jgroups.tests.Relay2Test$MyReceiver

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