Package org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource

Source Code of org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.ResourceManagerImpl

package org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource;

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.apache.velocity.exception.ParseErrorException;
import org.apache.velocity.exception.ResourceNotFoundException;
import org.apache.velocity.exception.VelocityException;
import org.apache.velocity.runtime.RuntimeConstants;
import org.apache.velocity.runtime.RuntimeServices;
import org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ResourceLoader;
import org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ResourceLoaderFactory;
import org.apache.velocity.util.ClassUtils;
import org.apache.velocity.util.StringUtils;

import com.dotmarketing.util.Logger;
import com.dotmarketing.velocity.DotResourceLoader;

* Class to manage the text resource for the Velocity Runtime.
* @author  <a href="">Will Glass-Husain</a>
* @author  <a href="">Jason van Zyl</a>
* @author  <a href="">Paulo Gaspar</a>
* @author  <a href="">Geir Magnusson Jr.</a>
* @author  <a href="">Henning P. Schmiedehausen</a>
* @version  $Id: 745757 2009-02-19 06:48:10Z nbubna $
public class ResourceManagerImpl
    implements ResourceManager

    /** A template resources. */
    public static final int RESOURCE_TEMPLATE = 1;

    /** A static content resource. */
    public static final int RESOURCE_CONTENT = 2;

    /** token used to identify the loader internally. */

    /** Object implementing ResourceCache to be our resource manager's Resource cache. */
    protected ResourceCache globalCache = null;

    /** The List of templateLoaders that the Runtime will use to locate the InputStream source of a template. */
    protected final List resourceLoaders = new ArrayList();

     * This is a list of the template input stream source initializers, basically properties for a particular template stream
     * source. The order in this list reflects numbering of the properties i.e.
     * <p>&lt;loader-id&gt;.resource.loader.&lt;property&gt; = &lt;value&gt;</p>
    private final List sourceInitializerList = new ArrayList();

     * Has this Manager been initialized?
    private boolean isInit = false;

    /** switch to turn off log notice when a resource is found for the first time. */
    private boolean logWhenFound = true;

    /** The internal RuntimeServices object. */
    protected RuntimeServices rsvc = null;

     * Initialize the ResourceManager.
     * @param  rsvc  The Runtime Services object which is associated with this Resource Manager.
    public synchronized void initialize(final RuntimeServices rsvc)
        if (isInit)
            Logger.debug(this,"Re-initialization of ResourceLoader attempted and ignored.");
        ResourceLoader resourceLoader = null;

        this.rsvc = rsvc;
        Logger.debug(this,"Default ResourceManager initializing. (" + this.getClass() + ")");


        for (Iterator it = sourceInitializerList.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
             * Resource loader can be loaded either via class name or be passed
             * in as an instance.
            ExtendedProperties configuration = (ExtendedProperties);

            String loaderClass = StringUtils.nullTrim(configuration.getString("class"));
            ResourceLoader loaderInstance = (ResourceLoader) configuration.get("instance");

            if (loaderInstance != null)
                resourceLoader = loaderInstance;
            else if (loaderClass != null)
                resourceLoader = ResourceLoaderFactory.getLoader(rsvc, loaderClass);
                String msg = "Unable to find '" +
                          configuration.getString(RESOURCE_LOADER_IDENTIFIER) +
                          ".resource.loader.class' specification in configuration." +
                          " This is a critical value.  Please adjust configuration.";
                throw new VelocityException(msg);

            resourceLoader.commonInit(rsvc, configuration);

         * now see if this is overridden by configuration

        logWhenFound = rsvc.getBoolean(RuntimeConstants.RESOURCE_MANAGER_LOGWHENFOUND, true);

         *  now, is a global cache specified?

        String cacheClassName = rsvc.getString(RuntimeConstants.RESOURCE_MANAGER_CACHE_CLASS);

        Object cacheObject = null;

        if (
                cacheObject = ClassUtils.getNewInstance(cacheClassName);
            catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
                String msg = "The specified class for ResourceCache (" + cacheClassName +
                          ") does not exist or is not accessible to the current classloader.";
                Logger.error(this,msg, cnfe);
                throw new VelocityException(msg, cnfe);
            catch (IllegalAccessException ae)
                throw new VelocityException("Could not access class '"
                    + cacheClassName + "'", ae);
            catch (InstantiationException ie)
                throw new VelocityException("Could not instantiate class '"
                    + cacheClassName + "'", ie);

            if (!(cacheObject instanceof ResourceCache))
                String msg = "The specified resource cache class (" + cacheClassName +
                          ") must implement " + ResourceCache.class.getName();
                throw new RuntimeException(msg);

         *  if we didn't get through that, just use the default.
        if (cacheObject == null)
            cacheObject = new ResourceCacheImpl();

        globalCache = (ResourceCache) cacheObject;


        Logger.debug(this,"Default ResourceManager initialization complete.");

     * This will produce a List of Hashtables, each hashtable contains the intialization info for a particular resource loader. This
     * Hashtable will be passed in when initializing the the template loader.
    private void assembleResourceLoaderInitializers()
        Vector resourceLoaderNames = rsvc.getConfiguration().getVector(RuntimeConstants.RESOURCE_LOADER);

        for (Iterator it = resourceLoaderNames.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )

             * The loader id might look something like the following:
             * file.resource.loader
             * The loader id is the prefix used for all properties
             * pertaining to a particular loader.
            String loaderName = (String);
            StringBuffer loaderID = new StringBuffer(loaderName);

            ExtendedProperties loaderConfiguration =

             *  we can't really count on ExtendedProperties to give us an empty set
            if (loaderConfiguration == null)
                Logger.debug(this,"ResourceManager : No configuration information found "+
                          "for resource loader named '" + loaderName +
                          "' (id is "+loaderID+"). Skipping it...");

             *  add the loader name token to the initializer if we need it
             *  for reference later. We can't count on the user to fill
             *  in the 'name' field

            loaderConfiguration.setProperty(RESOURCE_LOADER_IDENTIFIER, loaderName);

             * Add resources to the list of resource loader
             * initializers.

     * Gets the named resource. Returned class type corresponds to specified type (i.e. <code>Template</code> to <code>
     * RESOURCE_TEMPLATE</code>).
     * This method is now unsynchronized which requires that ResourceCache
     * implementations be thread safe (as the default is).
     * @param  resourceName  The name of the resource to retrieve.
     * @param  resourceType  The type of resource (<code>RESOURCE_TEMPLATE</code>, <code>RESOURCE_CONTENT</code>, etc.).
     * @param  encoding  The character encoding to use.
     * @return  Resource with the template parsed and ready.
     * @throws  ResourceNotFoundException  if template not found from any available source.
     * @throws  ParseErrorException  if template cannot be parsed due to syntax (or other) error.
    public Resource getResource(final String resourceName, final int resourceType, final String encoding)
        throws ResourceNotFoundException,
         * Check to see if the resource was placed in the cache.
         * If it was placed in the cache then we will use
         * the cached version of the resource. If not we
         * will load it.
         * Note: the type is included in the key to differentiate ContentResource
         * (static content from #include) with a Template.

        String resourceKey = resourceType + resourceName;
        Resource resource = globalCache.get(resourceKey);

        if (resource != null)
                // avoids additional method call to refreshResource
                if (resource.requiresChecking())
                     * both loadResource() and refreshResource() now return
                     * a new Resource instance when they are called
                     * (put in the cache when appropriate) in order to allow
                     * several threads to parse the same template simultaneously.
                     * It is redundant work and will cause more garbage collection but the
                     * benefit is that it allows concurrent parsing and processing
                     * without race conditions when multiple requests try to
                     * refresh/load the same template at the same time.
                     * Another alternative is to limit template parsing/retrieval
                     * so that only one thread can parse each template at a time
                     * but that creates a scalability bottleneck.
                     * See VELOCITY-606, VELOCITY-595 and VELOCITY-24
                    resource = refreshResource(resource, encoding);
            catch (ResourceNotFoundException rnfe)
                 *  something exceptional happened to that resource
                 *  this could be on purpose,
                 *  so clear the cache and try again


                return getResource(resourceName, resourceType, encoding);
            catch (ParseErrorException pee)
                Logger.error(this,"ResourceManager.getResource() exception", pee);
                throw pee;
            catch (RuntimeException re)
                Logger.error(this,"ResourceManager.getResource() exception", re);
              throw re;
                 *  it's not in the cache, so load it.
                resource = loadResource(resourceName, resourceType, encoding);

                if (DotResourceLoader.getInstance().isCachingOn())
                    globalCache.put(resourceKey, resource);
            catch (ResourceNotFoundException rnfe)
                Logger.error(this,"ResourceManager : unable to find resource '" +
                          resourceName + "' in any resource loader.");
                throw rnfe;
            catch (ParseErrorException pee)
                Logger.error(this,"ResourceManager.getResource() parse exception", pee);
                throw pee;
            catch (RuntimeException re)
                Logger.error(this,"ResourceManager.getResource() load exception", re);
                throw re;

        return resource;

     * Create a new Resource of the specified type.
     * @param  resourceName  The name of the resource to retrieve.
     * @param  resourceType  The type of resource (<code>RESOURCE_TEMPLATE</code>, <code>RESOURCE_CONTENT</code>, etc.).
     * @return  new instance of appropriate resource type
     * @since 1.6
    protected Resource createResource(String resourceName, int resourceType)
        return ResourceFactory.getResource(resourceName, resourceType);

     * Loads a resource from the current set of resource loaders.
     * @param  resourceName  The name of the resource to retrieve.
     * @param  resourceType  The type of resource (<code>RESOURCE_TEMPLATE</code>, <code>RESOURCE_CONTENT</code>, etc.).
     * @param  encoding  The character encoding to use.
     * @return  Resource with the template parsed and ready.
     * @throws  ResourceNotFoundException  if template not found from any available source.
     * @throws  ParseErrorException  if template cannot be parsed due to syntax (or other) error.
    protected Resource loadResource(String resourceName, int resourceType, String encoding)
        throws ResourceNotFoundException,
        Resource resource = createResource(resourceName, resourceType);

         * Now we have to try to find the appropriate
         * loader for this resource. We have to cycle through
         * the list of available resource loaders and see
         * which one gives us a stream that we can use to
         * make a resource with.

        long howOldItWas = 0;

        for (Iterator it = resourceLoaders.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
            ResourceLoader resourceLoader = (ResourceLoader);

             *  catch the ResourceNotFound exception
             *  as that is ok in our new multi-loader environment


                if (resource.process())
                     *  FIXME  (gmj)
                     *  moved in here - technically still
                     *  a problem - but the resource needs to be
                     *  processed before the loader can figure
                     *  it out due to to the new
                     *  multi-path support - will revisit and fix

                    if (logWhenFound && Logger.isDebugEnabled(this.getClass()))
                        Logger.debug(this,"ResourceManager : found " + resourceName +
                                  " with loader " +

                    howOldItWas = resourceLoader.getLastModified(resource);

            catch (ResourceNotFoundException rnfe)
                 *  that's ok - it's possible to fail in
                 *  multi-loader environment

         * Return null if we can't find a resource.
        if (resource.getData() == null)
            throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Unable to find resource '" + resourceName + "'");

         *  some final cleanup



        return resource;

     * Takes an existing resource, and 'refreshes' it. This generally means that the source of the resource is checked for changes
     * according to some cache/check algorithm and if the resource changed, then the resource data is reloaded and re-parsed.
     * @param  resource  resource to refresh
     * @param  encoding  character encoding of the resource to refresh.
     * @throws  ResourceNotFoundException  if template not found from current source for this Resource
     * @throws  ParseErrorException  if template cannot be parsed due to syntax (or other) error.
    protected Resource refreshResource(Resource resource, final String encoding)
        throws ResourceNotFoundException, ParseErrorException
         * The resource knows whether it needs to be checked
         * or not, and the resource's loader can check to
         * see if the source has been modified. If both
         * these conditions are true then we must reload
         * the input stream and parse it to make a new
         * AST for the resource.

         *  touch() the resource to reset the counters

        /* check whether this can now be found in a higher priority
         * resource loader.  if so, pass the request off to loadResource.
        ResourceLoader loader = DotResourceLoader.getInstance();
        if (resourceLoaders.size() > 0 && resourceLoaders.indexOf(loader) > 0)
            String name = resource.getName();
            if (loader != getLoaderForResource(name))
                return loadResource(name, resource.getType(), encoding);

        if (resource.isSourceModified())
             *  now check encoding info.  It's possible that the newly declared
             *  encoding is different than the encoding already in the resource
             *  this strikes me as bad...

            if (!, encoding))
                Logger.warn(this,"Declared encoding for template '" +
                             resource.getName() +
                             "' is different on reload. Old = '" +
                             resource.getEncoding() + "' New = '" + encoding);


             *  read how old the resource is _before_
             *  processing (=>reading) it
            long howOldItWas = loader.getLastModified(resource);

            String resourceKey = resource.getType() + resource.getName();

             * we create a copy to avoid partially overwriting a
             * template which may be in use in another thread

            Resource newResource =
                ResourceFactory.getResource(resource.getName(), resource.getType());


            resource = newResource;

            globalCache.put(resourceKey, newResource);
        return resource;

     * Gets the named resource. Returned class type corresponds to specified type (i.e. <code>Template</code> to <code>
     * RESOURCE_TEMPLATE</code>).
     * @param  resourceName  The name of the resource to retrieve.
     * @param  resourceType  The type of resource (<code>RESOURCE_TEMPLATE</code>, <code>RESOURCE_CONTENT</code>, etc.).
     * @return  Resource with the template parsed and ready.
     * @throws  ResourceNotFoundException  if template not found from any available source.
     * @throws  ParseErrorException  if template cannot be parsed due to syntax (or other) error.
     * @throws  Exception  if a problem in parse
     * @deprecated  Use {@link #getResource(String resourceName, int resourceType, String encoding )}
    public Resource getResource(String resourceName, int resourceType)
        throws ResourceNotFoundException,
        return getResource(resourceName, resourceType, RuntimeConstants.ENCODING_DEFAULT);

     * Determines if a template exists, and returns name of the loader that provides it. This is a slightly less hokey way to
     * support the Velocity.templateExists() utility method, which was broken when per-template encoding was introduced. We can
     * revisit this.
     * @param  resourceName  Name of template or content resource
     * @return  class name of loader than can provide it
    public String getLoaderNameForResource(String resourceName)
        ResourceLoader loader = getLoaderForResource(resourceName);
        if (loader == null)
            return null;
        return loader.getClass().toString();

     * Returns the first {@link ResourceLoader} in which the specified
     * resource exists.
    private ResourceLoader getLoaderForResource(String resourceName)
        for (Iterator i = resourceLoaders.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            ResourceLoader loader = (ResourceLoader);
            if (loader.resourceExists(resourceName))
                return loader;
        return null;


Related Classes of org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.ResourceManagerImpl

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