Package io.crate.integrationtests

Source Code of io.crate.integrationtests.TransportSQLActionTest

* Licensed to CRATE Technology GmbH ("Crate") under one or more contributor
* license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.  Crate licenses
* this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may
* obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* However, if you have executed another commercial license agreement
* with Crate these terms will supersede the license and you may use the
* software solely pursuant to the terms of the relevant commercial agreement.

package io.crate.integrationtests;

import io.crate.TimestampFormat;
import io.crate.action.sql.SQLActionException;
import io.crate.action.sql.SQLBulkResponse;
import io.crate.executor.TaskResult;
import io.crate.test.integration.CrateIntegrationTest;
import io.crate.testing.TestingHelpers;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.exists.indices.IndicesExistsRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.MapBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentFactory;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import static;
import static org.elasticsearch.common.settings.ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;
import static;

@CrateIntegrationTest.ClusterScope(scope = CrateIntegrationTest.Scope.GLOBAL)
public class TransportSQLActionTest extends SQLTransportIntegrationTest {

    static {

    private Setup setup = new Setup(sqlExecutor);

    public ExpectedException expectedException = ExpectedException.none();

    private <T> List<T> getCol(Object[][] result, int idx) {
        ArrayList<T> res = new ArrayList<>(result.length);
        for (Object[] row : result) {
            res.add((T) row[idx]);
        return res;

    public void testSelectKeepsOrder() throws Exception {
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id1").setSource("{}").execute().actionGet();
        execute("select \"_id\" as b, \"_version\" as a from test");
        assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"b", "a"}, response.cols());
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertThat(response.duration(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(0L));

    public void testSelectCountStar() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (\"type\" string) with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into test (name) values (?)", new Object[]{"Arthur"});
        execute("insert into test (name) values (?)", new Object[]{"Trillian"});
        execute("select count(*) from test");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals(2L, response.rows()[0][0]);

    public void testSelectCountStarWithWhereClause() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (name string) with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into test (name) values (?)", new Object[]{"Arthur"});
        execute("insert into test (name) values (?)", new Object[]{"Trillian"});
        execute("select count(*) from test where name = 'Trillian'");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals(1L, response.rows()[0][0]);

    public void testSelectStar() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (\"firstName\" string, \"lastName\" string)");
        execute("select * from test");
        assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"firstName", "lastName"}, response.cols());
        assertEquals(0, response.rowCount());

    public void testSelectStarEmptyMapping() throws Exception {
        execute("select * from test");
        assertArrayEquals(new String[]{}, response.cols());
        assertEquals(0, response.rowCount());

    public void testGroupByOnAnalyzedColumn() throws Exception {
        expectedException.expectMessage("Cannot select analyzed column 'test1.col1' within grouping or aggregations");

        execute("create table test1 (col1 string index using fulltext)");
        execute("insert into test1 (col1) values ('abc def, ghi. jkl')");
        execute("select count(col1) from test1 group by col1");

    public void testSelectStarWithOther() throws Exception {
                        "firstName", "type=string",
                        "lastName", "type=string")
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id1").setRefresh(true)
        execute("select \"_version\", *, \"_id\" from test");
        assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"_version", "firstName", "lastName", "_id"},
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertArrayEquals(new Object[]{1L, "Youri", "Zoon", "id1"}, response.rows()[0]);

    public void testSelectWithParams() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (first_name string, last_name string, age double) with (number_of_replicas = 0)");
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id1").setRefresh(true)
                .setSource("{\"first_name\":\"Youri\",\"last_name\":\"Zoon\", \"age\": 38}")

        Object[] args = new Object[]{"id1"};
        execute("select first_name, last_name from test where \"_id\" = $1", args);
        assertArrayEquals(new Object[]{"Youri", "Zoon"}, response.rows()[0]);

        args = new Object[]{"Zoon"};
        execute("select first_name, last_name from test where last_name = $1", args);
        assertArrayEquals(new Object[]{"Youri", "Zoon"}, response.rows()[0]);

        args = new Object[]{38, "Zoon"};
        execute("select first_name, last_name from test where age = $1 and last_name = $2", args);
        assertArrayEquals(new Object[]{"Youri", "Zoon"}, response.rows()[0]);

        args = new Object[]{38, "Zoon"};
        execute("select first_name, last_name from test where age = ? and last_name = ?", args);
        assertArrayEquals(new Object[]{"Youri", "Zoon"}, response.rows()[0]);

    public void testSelectStarWithOtherAndAlias() throws Exception {
                        "firstName", "type=string",
                        "lastName", "type=string")
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id1").setRefresh(true)
        execute("select *, \"_version\", \"_version\" as v from test");
        assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"firstName", "lastName", "_version", "v"},
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertArrayEquals(new Object[]{"Youri", "Zoon", 1L, 1L}, response.rows()[0]);

    public void testFilterByEmptyString() throws Exception {
                        "name", "type=string,index=not_analyzed")
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id1").setRefresh(true)
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id2").setRefresh(true)
                .setSource("{\"name\":\"Ruben Lenten\"}")

        execute("select name from test where name = ''");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("", response.rows()[0][0]);

        execute("select name from test where name != ''");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("Ruben Lenten", response.rows()[0][0]);


    public void testFilterByNull() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (name string, o object)");

        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id1").setRefresh(true)
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id2").setRefresh(true)
                .setSource("{\"name\":\"Ruben Lenten\"}")
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id3").setRefresh(true)

        execute("select \"_id\" from test where name is null");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("id1", response.rows()[0][0]);

        execute("select \"_id\" from test where name is not null order by \"_uid\"");
        assertEquals(2, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("id2", response.rows()[0][0]);

        // missing field is null returns no match, since we cannot filter by it
        execute("select \"_id\" from test where o['invalid'] is null");
        assertEquals(0, response.rowCount());

        execute("select name from test where name is not null and name!=''");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("Ruben Lenten", response.rows()[0][0]);


    public void testFilterByBoolean() throws Exception {
                        "sunshine", "type=boolean,index=not_analyzed")

        execute("insert into test values (?)", new Object[]{true});

        execute("select sunshine from test where sunshine = true");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals(true, response.rows()[0][0]);

        execute("update test set sunshine=false where sunshine = true");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        execute("select sunshine from test where sunshine = ?", new Object[]{false});
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals(false, response.rows()[0][0]);

     * Queries are case sensitive by default, however column names without quotes are converted
     * to lowercase which is the same behaviour as in postgres
     * see also
     * @throws Exception
    public void testColsAreCaseSensitive() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (\"firstname\" string, \"firstName\" string) " +
                "with (number_of_replicas = 0)");
        execute("insert into test (\"firstname\", \"firstName\") values ('LowerCase', 'CamelCase')");

        execute("select FIRSTNAME, \"firstname\", \"firstName\" from test");
        assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"firstname", "firstname", "firstName"}, response.cols());
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("LowerCase", response.rows()[0][0]);
        assertEquals("LowerCase", response.rows()[0][1]);
        assertEquals("CamelCase", response.rows()[0][2]);

    public void testIdSelectWithResult() throws Exception {
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id1").setSource("{}").execute().actionGet();
        execute("select \"_id\" from test");
        assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"_id"}, response.cols());
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals(1, response.rows()[0].length);
        assertEquals("id1", response.rows()[0][0]);

    public void testDelete() throws Exception {
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id1").setSource("{}").execute().actionGet();
        execute("delete from test");
        assertEquals(-1, response.rowCount());
        assertThat(response.duration(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(0L));
        execute("select \"_id\" from test");
        assertEquals(0, response.rowCount());

    public void testDeleteWithWhere() throws Exception {
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id1").setSource("{}").execute().actionGet();
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id2").setSource("{}").execute().actionGet();
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id3").setSource("{}").execute().actionGet();
        execute("delete from test where \"_id\" = 'id1'");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        execute("select \"_id\" from test");
        assertEquals(2, response.rowCount());

    public void testSqlRequestWithLimit() throws Exception {
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id1").setSource("{}").execute().actionGet();
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id2").setSource("{}").execute().actionGet();
        execute("select \"_id\" from test limit 1");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

    public void testSqlRequestWithLimitAndOffset() throws Exception {
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id1").setSource("{}").execute().actionGet();
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id2").setSource("{}").execute().actionGet();
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id3").setSource("{}").execute().actionGet();
        execute("select \"_id\" from test limit 1 offset 1");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

    public void testSqlRequestWithFilter() throws Exception {
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id1").setSource("{}").execute().actionGet();
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id2").setSource("{}").execute().actionGet();
        execute("select \"_id\" from test where \"_id\"='id1'");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("id1", response.rows()[0][0]);

    public void testSqlRequestWithNotEqual() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (id string primary key) with (number_of_replicas = 0)");
        execute("insert into test (id) values (?)", new Object[][] {
                new Object[] { "id1" },
                new Object[] { "id2" }
        execute("select id from test where id != 'id1'");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("id2", response.rows()[0][0]);

    public void testSqlRequestWithOneOrFilter() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (id string) with (number_of_replicas = 0)");
        execute("insert into test (id) values ('id1'), ('id2'), ('id3')");
        execute("select id from test where id='id1' or id='id3'");
        assertEquals(2, response.rowCount());
        assertThat(this.<String>getCol(response.rows(), 0), containsInAnyOrder("id1", "id3"));

    public void testSqlRequestWithOneMultipleOrFilter() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (id string) with (number_of_replicas = 0)");
        execute("insert into test (id) values ('id1'), ('id2'), ('id3'), ('id4')");
        execute("select id from test where id='id1' or id='id2' or id='id4'");
        assertEquals(3, response.rowCount());

        List<String> col1 = this.getCol(response.rows(), 0);
        assertThat(col1, containsInAnyOrder("id1", "id2", "id4"));

    public void testSqlRequestWithDateFilter() throws Exception {
                .addMapping("default", XContentFactory.jsonBuilder()
                        .field("type", "date")
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id1")
                .setSource("{\"date\": " +
                        TimestampFormat.parseTimestampString("2013-10-01") + "}")
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id2")
                .setSource("{\"date\": " +
                        TimestampFormat.parseTimestampString("2013-10-02") + "}")
                "select date from test where date = '2013-10-01'");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals(1380585600000L, response.rows()[0][0]);

    public void testSqlRequestWithDateGtFilter() throws Exception {
                        "date", "type=date")
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id1")
                .setSource("{\"date\": " +
                        TimestampFormat.parseTimestampString("2013-10-01") + "}")
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id2")
                .setSource("{\"date\":" +
                        TimestampFormat.parseTimestampString("2013-10-02") + "}")
                "select date from test where date > '2013-10-01'");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals(1380672000000L, response.rows()[0][0]);

    public void testSqlRequestWithNumericGtFilter() throws Exception {
                        "i", "type=long")
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id1")
        client().prepareIndex("test", "default", "id2")
                "select i from test where i > 10");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals(20, response.rows()[0][0]);

    public void testInsertWithColumnNames() throws Exception {
                        "firstName", "type=string,store=true,index=not_analyzed",
                        "lastName", "type=string,store=true,index=not_analyzed")
        execute("insert into test (\"firstName\", \"lastName\") values('Youri', 'Zoon')");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertThat(response.duration(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(0L));

        execute("select * from test where \"firstName\" = 'Youri'");

        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("Youri", response.rows()[0][0]);
        assertEquals("Zoon", response.rows()[0][1]);

    public void testInsertWithoutColumnNames() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (\"firstName\" string, \"lastName\" string)");
        execute("insert into test values('Youri', 'Zoon')");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        execute("select * from test where \"firstName\" = 'Youri'");

        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("Youri", response.rows()[0][0]);
        assertEquals("Zoon", response.rows()[0][1]);

    public void testInsertAllCoreDatatypes() throws Exception {
                        "boolean", "type=boolean",
                        "datetime", "type=date",
                        "double", "type=double",
                        "float", "type=float",
                        "integer", "type=integer",
                        "long", "type=long",
                        "short", "type=short",
                        "string", "type=string,index=not_analyzed")

        execute("insert into test values(true, '2013-09-10T21:51:43', 1.79769313486231570e+308, 3.402, 2147483647, 9223372036854775807, 32767, 'Youri')");
        execute("insert into test values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
                new Object[]{true, "2013-09-10T21:51:43", 1.79769313486231570e+308, 3.402, 2147483647, 9223372036854775807L, 32767, "Youri"});
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        execute("select * from test");

        assertEquals(2, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals(true, response.rows()[0][0]);
        assertEquals(1378849903000L, response.rows()[0][1]);
        assertEquals(1.79769313486231570e+308, response.rows()[0][2]);
        assertEquals(3.402f, ((Number) response.rows()[0][3]).floatValue(), 0.002f);
        assertEquals(2147483647, response.rows()[0][4]);
        assertEquals(9223372036854775807L, response.rows()[0][5]);
        assertEquals(32767, response.rows()[0][6]);
        assertEquals("Youri", response.rows()[0][7]);

        assertEquals(true, response.rows()[1][0]);
        assertEquals(1378849903000L, response.rows()[1][1]);
        assertEquals(1.79769313486231570e+308, response.rows()[1][2]);
        assertEquals(3.402f, ((Number) response.rows()[1][3]).floatValue(), 0.002f);
        assertEquals(2147483647, response.rows()[1][4]);
        assertEquals(9223372036854775807L, response.rows()[1][5]);
        assertEquals(32767, response.rows()[1][6]);
        assertEquals("Youri", response.rows()[1][7]);

    public void testArraySupport() throws Exception {
        execute("create table t1 (id int primary key, strings array(string), integers array(integer)) with (number_of_replicas=0)");

        execute("insert into t1 (id, strings, integers) values (?, ?, ?)",
                new Object[]{
                        new String[]{"foo", "bar"},
                        new Integer[]{1, 2, 3}

        execute("select id, strings, integers from t1");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[0][0], is(1));
        assertThat(((List<String>) response.rows()[0][1]).get(0), is("foo"));
        assertThat(((List<String>) response.rows()[0][1]).get(1), is("bar"));
        assertThat(((List<Integer>) response.rows()[0][2]).get(0), is(1));
        assertThat(((List<Integer>) response.rows()[0][2]).get(1), is(2));
        assertThat(((List<Integer>) response.rows()[0][2]).get(2), is(3));

    public void testArrayInsideObject() throws Exception {
        execute("create table t1 (id int primary key, details object as (names array(string))) with (number_of_replicas=0)");

        Map<String, Object> details = new HashMap<>();
        details.put("names", new Object[]{"Arthur", "Trillian"});
        execute("insert into t1 (id, details) values (?, ?)", new Object[]{1, details});

        execute("select details['names'] from t1");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
        assertThat(((List<String>) response.rows()[0][0]).get(0), is("Arthur"));
        assertThat(((List<String>) response.rows()[0][0]).get(1), is("Trillian"));

    public void testArrayInsideObjectArray() throws Exception {
        execute("create table t1 (id int primary key, details array(object as (names array(string)))) with (number_of_replicas=0)");

        Map<String, Object> detail1 = new HashMap<>();
        detail1.put("names", new Object[]{"Arthur", "Trillian"});

        Map<String, Object> detail2 = new HashMap<>();
        detail2.put("names", new Object[]{"Ford", "Slarti"});

        List<Map<String, Object>> details = Arrays.asList(detail1, detail2);

        execute("insert into t1 (id, details) values (?, ?)", new Object[]{1, details});

        expectedException.expectMessage("cannot query for arrays inside object arrays explicitly");

        execute("select details['names'] from t1");


    public void testFullPathRequirement() throws Exception {
        // verifies that the "fullPath" setting in the es mapping is no longer required
        execute("create table t1 (id int primary key, details object as (id int, more_details object as (id int))) with (number_of_replicas=0)");

        Map<String, Object> more_details = new HashMap<>();
        more_details.put("id", 2);

        Map<String, Object> details = new HashMap<>();
        details.put("id", 1);
        details.put("more_details", more_details);

        execute("insert into t1 (id, details) values (2, ?)", new Object[]{details});
        execute("refresh table t1");

        execute("select details from t1 where details['id'] = 2");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(0L));

    public void testArraySupportWithNullValues() throws Exception {
        execute("create table t1 (id int primary key, strings array(string)) with (number_of_replicas=0)");

        execute("insert into t1 (id, strings) values (?, ?)",
                new Object[]{
                        new String[]{"foo", null, "bar"},

        execute("select id, strings from t1");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[0][0], is(1));
        assertThat(((List<String>) response.rows()[0][1]).get(0), is("foo"));
        assertThat(((List<String>) response.rows()[0][1]).get(1), is((String) null));
        assertThat(((List<String>) response.rows()[0][1]).get(2), is("bar"));

    public void testObjectArrayInsertAndSelect() throws Exception {
        execute("create table t1 (" +
                "  id int primary key, " +
                "  objects array(" +
                "   object as (" +
                "     name string, " +
                "     age int" +
                "   )" +
                "  )" +
                ") with (number_of_replicas=0)");

        Map<String, Object> obj1 = new MapBuilder<String, Object>().put("name", "foo").put("age", 1).map();
        Map<String, Object> obj2 = new MapBuilder<String, Object>().put("name", "bar").put("age", 2).map();

        Object[] args = new Object[]{1, new Object[]{obj1, obj2}};
        execute("insert into t1 (id, objects) values (?, ?)", args);

        execute("select objects from t1");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));

        List<Map<String, Object>> objResults = (List<Map<String, Object>>) response.rows()[0][0];
        Map<String, Object> obj1Result = objResults.get(0);
        assertThat((String) obj1Result.get("name"), is("foo"));
        assertThat((Integer) obj1Result.get("age"), is(1));

        Map<String, Object> obj2Result = objResults.get(1);
        assertThat((String) obj2Result.get("name"), is("bar"));
        assertThat((Integer) obj2Result.get("age"), is(2));

        execute("select objects['name'] from t1");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));

        List<String> names = (List<String>) response.rows()[0][0];
        assertThat(names.get(0), is("foo"));
        assertThat(names.get(1), is("bar"));

        execute("select objects['name'] from t1 where ? = ANY (objects['name'])", new Object[]{"foo"});
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));

    public void testInsertCoreTypesAsArray() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (" +
                        "\"boolean\" array(boolean), " +
                        "\"datetime\" array(timestamp), " +
                        "\"double\" array(double), " +
                        "\"float\" array(float), " +
                        "\"integer\" array(integer), " +
                        "\"long\" array(long), " +
                        "\"short\" array(short), " +
                        "\"string\" array(string) " +
                        ") with (number_of_replicas=0)"

        execute("insert into test values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
                new Object[]{
                        new Boolean[]{true, false},
                        new String[]{"2013-09-10T21:51:43", "2013-11-10T21:51:43"},
                        new Double[]{1.79769313486231570e+308, 1.69769313486231570e+308},
                        new Float[]{3.402f, 3.403f, null},
                        new Integer[]{2147483647, 234583},
                        new Long[]{9223372036854775807L, 4L},
                        new Short[]{32767, 2},
                        new String[]{"Youri", "Juri"}

        execute("select * from test");
        assertEquals(true, ((List<Boolean>) response.rows()[0][0]).get(0));
        assertEquals(false, ((List<Boolean>) response.rows()[0][0]).get(1));

        assertThat(((List<Long>) response.rows()[0][1]).get(0), is(1378849903000L));
        assertThat(((List<Long>) response.rows()[0][1]).get(1), is(1384120303000L));

        assertThat(((List<Double>) response.rows()[0][2]).get(0), is(1.79769313486231570e+308));
        assertThat(((List<Double>) response.rows()[0][2]).get(1), is(1.69769313486231570e+308));

        assertEquals(3.402f, ((Number) ((List) response.rows()[0][3]).get(0)).floatValue(), 0.002f);
        assertEquals(3.403f, ((Number) ((List) response.rows()[0][3]).get(1)).floatValue(), 0.002f);
        assertThat(((List<Float>) response.rows()[0][3]).get(2), nullValue());

        assertThat(((List<Integer>) response.rows()[0][4]).get(0), is(2147483647));
        assertThat(((List<Integer>) response.rows()[0][4]).get(1), is(234583));

        assertThat(((List<Long>) response.rows()[0][5]).get(0), is(9223372036854775807L));
        assertThat(((List<Integer>) response.rows()[0][5]).get(1), is(4));

        assertThat(((List<Integer>) response.rows()[0][6]).get(0), is(32767));
        assertThat(((List<Integer>) response.rows()[0][6]).get(1), is(2));

        assertThat(((List<String>) response.rows()[0][7]).get(0), is("Youri"));
        assertThat(((List<String>) response.rows()[0][7]).get(1), is("Juri"));

    public void testInsertMultipleRows() throws Exception {
                        "age", "type=integer",
                        "name", "type=string,store=true,index=not_analyzed")

        execute("insert into test values(32, 'Youri'), (42, 'Ruben')");
        assertEquals(2, response.rowCount());

        execute("select * from test order by \"name\"");

        assertEquals(2, response.rowCount());
        assertArrayEquals(new Object[]{42, "Ruben"}, response.rows()[0]);
        assertArrayEquals(new Object[]{32, "Youri"}, response.rows()[1]);

    public void testInsertWithParams() throws Exception {
                        "age", "type=integer",
                        "name", "type=string,store=true,index=not_analyzed")

        Object[] args = new Object[]{32, "Youri"};
        execute("insert into test values(?, ?)", args);
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        execute("select * from test where name = 'Youri'");

        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals(32, response.rows()[0][0]);
        assertEquals("Youri", response.rows()[0][1]);

    public void testInsertMultipleRowsWithParams() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (age integer, name string) with (number_of_replicas=0)");

        Object[] args = new Object[]{32, "Youri", 42, "Ruben"};
        execute("insert into test values(?, ?), (?, ?)", args);
        assertEquals(2, response.rowCount());

        execute("select * from test order by \"name\"");

        assertEquals(2, response.rowCount());
        assertArrayEquals(new Object[]{42, "Ruben"}, response.rows()[0]);
        assertArrayEquals(new Object[]{32, "Youri"}, response.rows()[1]);

    public void testInsertObject() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (message string, person object) with (number_of_replicas=0)");

        Map<String, Object> person = new HashMap<>();
        person.put("first_name", "Youri");
        person.put("last_name", "Zoon");
        Object[] args = new Object[]{"I'm addicted to kite", person};

        execute("insert into test values(?, ?)", args);
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        execute("select * from test");

        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertArrayEquals(args, response.rows()[0]);

    public void testInsertEmptyObjectArray() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (" +
                "  id integer primary key," +
                "  details array(object)" +
        execute("insert into test (id, details) values (?, ?)", new Object[]{1, new Map[0]});
        execute("select id, details from test");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals(1, response.rows()[0][0]);
        assertThat(response.rows()[0][1], instanceOf(List.class));
        assertThat(((List) response.rows()[0][1]).size(), is(0));

    public void testUpdate() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (message string)");

        execute("insert into test values('hello'),('again')");
        assertEquals(2, response.rowCount());

        execute("update test set message='b' where message = 'hello'");

        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertThat(response.duration(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(0L));

        execute("select message from test where message='b'");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("b", response.rows()[0][0]);


    public void testUpdateMultipleDocuments() throws Exception {
                        "message", "type=string,index=not_analyzed")
        execute("insert into test values('hello'),('again'),('hello')");
        assertEquals(3, response.rowCount());

        execute("update test set message='b' where message = 'hello'");

        assertEquals(2, response.rowCount());

        execute("select message from test where message='b'");
        assertEquals(2, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("b", response.rows()[0][0]);


    public void testTwoColumnUpdate() throws Exception {
                        "col1", "type=string,index=not_analyzed",
                        "col2", "type=string,index=not_analyzed")

        execute("insert into test values('hello', 'hallo'), ('again', 'nochmal')");
        assertEquals(2, response.rowCount());

        execute("update test set col1='b' where col1 = 'hello'");

        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        execute("select col1, col2 from test where col1='b'");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("b", response.rows()[0][0]);
        assertEquals("hallo", response.rows()[0][1]);


    public void testUpdateWithArgs() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (" +
                "  coolness float, " +
                "  details array(object)" +

        execute("insert into test values(1.1, ?),(2.2, ?)", new Object[]{new Object[0],
                new Object[]{
                        new HashMap<String, Object>(),
                        new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
                            put("hello", "world");
        assertEquals(2, response.rowCount());

        execute("update test set coolness=3.3, details=? where coolness = ?", new Object[]{new Object[0], 2.2});

        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        execute("select coolness from test where coolness=3.3");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals(3.3, response.rows()[0][0]);


    public void testUpdateNestedObjectWithoutDetailedSchema() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (coolness object)");

        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("x", "1");
        map.put("y", 2);
        Object[] args = new Object[]{map};

        execute("insert into test values (?)", args);
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        execute("update test set coolness['x'] = '3'");

        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        execute("select coolness['x'], coolness['y'] from test");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("3", response.rows()[0][0]);
        assertEquals(2, response.rows()[0][1]);

    public void testUpdateNestedNestedObject() throws Exception {
        Settings settings = settingsBuilder()
                .put("mapper.dynamic", true)
                .put("number_of_replicas", 0)

        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("x", "1");
        map.put("y", 2);
        Object[] args = new Object[]{map};

        execute("insert into test (a) values (?)", args);

        execute("update test set coolness['x']['y']['z'] = 3");

        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        execute("select coolness['x'], a from test");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("{y={z=3}}", response.rows()[0][0].toString());
        assertEquals(map, response.rows()[0][1]);

        execute("update test set firstcol = 1, coolness['x']['a'] = 'a', coolness['x']['b'] = 'b', othercol = 2");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        execute("select coolness['x']['b'], coolness['x']['a'], coolness['x']['y']['z'], " +
                "firstcol, othercol from test");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        Object[] firstRow = response.rows()[0];
        assertEquals("b", firstRow[0]);
        assertEquals("a", firstRow[1]);
        assertEquals(3, firstRow[2]);
        assertEquals(1, firstRow[3]);
        assertEquals(2, firstRow[4]);

    public void testUpdateNestedObjectDeleteWithArgs() throws Exception {
        Settings settings = settingsBuilder()
                .put("mapper.dynamic", true)
                .put("number_of_replicas", 0)

        Map<String, Object> map = newHashMap();
        Map<String, Object> nestedMap = newHashMap();
        nestedMap.put("y", 2);
        nestedMap.put("z", 3);
        map.put("x", nestedMap);
        Object[] args = new Object[]{map};

        execute("insert into test (a) values (?)", args);
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        execute("update test set a['x']['z'] = ?", new Object[]{null});

        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        execute("select a['x']['y'], a['x']['z'] from test");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals(2, response.rows()[0][0]);

    public void testUpdateNestedObjectDeleteWithoutArgs() throws Exception {
        Settings settings = settingsBuilder()
                .put("mapper.dynamic", true)
                .put("number_of_replicas", 0)

        Map<String, Object> map = newHashMap();
        Map<String, Object> nestedMap = newHashMap();
        nestedMap.put("y", 2);
        nestedMap.put("z", 3);
        map.put("x", nestedMap);
        Object[] args = new Object[]{map};

        execute("insert into test (a) values (?)", args);
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        execute("update test set a['x']['z'] = null");

        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        execute("select a['x']['z'], a['x']['y'] from test");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals(2, response.rows()[0][1]);

    public void testUpdateWithNestedObjectArrayIdxAccess() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (coolness array(float)) with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into test values (?)", new Object[]{new Object[]{2.2, 2.3, 2.4}});
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        expectedException.expectMessage("Array index must be in range 1 to 2147483648");

        execute("update test set coolness[0] = 3.3");

    public void testUpdateNestedObjectWithDetailedSchema() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (coolness object as (x string, y string))");
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("x", "1");
        map.put("y", "2");
        Object[] args = new Object[]{map};

        execute("insert into test values (?)", args);
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        execute("update test set coolness['x'] = '3'");

        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        execute("select coolness from test");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("{y=2, x=3}", response.rows()[0][0].toString());

    public void testUpdateResetNestedObject() throws Exception {
                        "coolness", "type=object,index=not_analyzed")

        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("x", "1");
        map.put("y", 2);
        Object[] args = new Object[]{map};

        execute("insert into test values (?)", args);
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        // update with different map
        Map<String, Object> new_map = new HashMap<>();
        new_map.put("z", 1);

        execute("update test set coolness = ?", new Object[]{new_map});
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        execute("select coolness from test");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals(new_map, response.rows()[0][0]);

        // update with empty map
        Map<String, Object> empty_map = new HashMap<>();

        execute("update test set coolness = ?", new Object[]{empty_map});
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        execute("select coolness from test");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals(empty_map, response.rows()[0][0]);

    public void testUpdateResetNestedObjectUsingUpdateRequest() throws Exception {
        XContentBuilder mapping = XContentFactory.jsonBuilder().startObject()
                .startObject("_meta").field("primary_keys", "id").endObject()
                .field("type", "string")
                .field("index", "not_analyzed")
                .field("type", "object")
                .field("index", "not_analyzed")
                .field("dynamic", false)

                .addMapping("default", mapping)

        Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
            put("foo", "bar");
            put("days", new ArrayList<String>() {{
        execute("insert into test (id, data) values (?, ?)", new Object[]{"1", data});

        execute("select data from test where id = ?", new Object[]{"1"});
        assertEquals(data, response.rows()[0][0]);

        Map<String, Object> new_data = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
            put("days", new ArrayList<String>() {{
        execute("update test set data = ? where id = ?", new Object[]{new_data, "1"});
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        execute("select data from test where id = ?", new Object[]{"1"});
        assertEquals(new_data, response.rows()[0][0]);

    public void testGetResponseWithObjectColumn() throws Exception {
        XContentBuilder mapping = XContentFactory.jsonBuilder().startObject()
                .startObject("_meta").field("primary_keys", "id").endObject()
                .field("type", "string")
                .field("index", "not_analyzed")
                .field("type", "object")
                .field("index", "not_analyzed")
                .field("dynamic", false)

                .addMapping("default", mapping)

        Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
        data.put("foo", "bar");
        execute("insert into test (id, data) values (?, ?)", new Object[]{"1", data});

        execute("select data from test where id = ?", new Object[]{"1"});
        assertEquals(data, response.rows()[0][0]);

    public void testUpdateResetNestedNestedObject() throws Exception {
                        "coolness", "type=object,index=not_analyzed")

        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
            put("x", "1");
            put("y", new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
                put("z", 3);

        execute("insert into test values (?)", new Object[]{map});
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        Map<String, Object> new_map = new HashMap<>();
        new_map.put("a", 1);

        execute("update test set coolness['y'] = ?", new Object[]{new_map});
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        execute("select coolness['y'], coolness['x'] from test");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals(new_map, response.rows()[0][0]);
        assertEquals("1", response.rows()[0][1]);

    public void testInsertWithPrimaryKey() throws Exception {

        Object[] args = new Object[]{"1",
                "A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitch hiker can have."};
        execute("insert into test (pk_col, message) values (?, ?)", args);

        GetResponse response = client().prepareGet("test", "default", "1").execute().actionGet();

    public void testInsertWithPrimaryKeyMultiValues() throws Exception {

        Object[] args = new Object[]{
                "1", "All the doors in this spaceship have a cheerful and sunny disposition.",
                "2", "I always thought something was fundamentally wrong with the universe"
        execute("insert into test (pk_col, message) values (?, ?), (?, ?)", args);

        GetResponse response = client().prepareGet("test", "default", "1").execute().actionGet();

    public void testInsertWithUniqueConstraintViolation() throws Exception {

        Object[] args = new Object[]{
                "1", "All the doors in this spaceship have a cheerful and sunny disposition.",
        execute("insert into test (pk_col, message) values (?, ?)", args);

        args = new Object[]{
                "1", "I always thought something was fundamentally wrong with the universe"

        expectedException.expectMessage("A document with the same primary key exists already");

        execute("insert into test (pk_col, message) values (?, ?)", args);

    public void testInsertWithPKMissingOnInsert() throws Exception {

        Object[] args = new Object[]{
                "In the beginning the Universe was created.\n" +
                        "This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."

        expectedException.expectMessage("Primary key is required but is missing from the insert statement");

        execute("insert into test (message) values (?)", args);

    public void testSelectToGetRequestByPlanner() throws Exception {

        execute("insert into test (some_id, foo) values ('124', 'bar1')");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        waitNoPendingTasksOnAll(); // wait for mapping update as foo is being added

        execute("select some_id, foo from test where some_id='124'");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("124", response.rows()[0][0]);
        assertThat(response.duration(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(0L));

    public void testDeleteToDeleteRequestByPlanner() throws Exception {

        execute("insert into test (some_id, foo) values ('123', 'bar')");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());

        execute("delete from test where some_id='123'");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertThat(response.duration(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(0L));

        execute("select * from test where some_id='123'");
        assertEquals(0, response.rowCount());

    public void testUpdateToUpdateRequestByPlanner() throws Exception {

        execute("insert into test (some_id, foo) values ('123', 'bar')");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        waitNoPendingTasksOnAll(); // wait for new columns to be available

        execute("update test set foo='bar1' where some_id='123'");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertThat(response.duration(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(0L));

        execute("select foo from test where some_id='123'");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("bar1", response.rows()[0][0]);

    public void testSelectToRoutedRequestByPlanner() throws Exception {

        execute("insert into test (some_id, foo) values ('1', 'foo')");
        execute("insert into test (some_id, foo) values ('2', 'bar')");
        execute("insert into test (some_id, foo) values ('3', 'baz')");

        execute("SELECT * FROM test WHERE some_id='1' OR some_id='2'");
        assertEquals(2, response.rowCount());
        assertThat(response.duration(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(0L));

        execute("SELECT * FROM test WHERE some_id=? OR some_id=?", new Object[]{"1", "2"});
        assertEquals(2, response.rowCount());

        awaitBusy(new Predicate<Object>() {
            public boolean apply(@Nullable Object input) {
                execute("SELECT * FROM test WHERE (some_id=? OR some_id=?) OR some_id=?", new Object[]{"1", "2", "3"});
                return response.rowCount() == 3
                        && Joiner.on(',').join(Arrays.asList(response.cols())).equals("foo,some_id,type");
        }, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);


    public void testSelectToRoutedRequestByPlannerMissingDocuments() throws Exception {

        execute("insert into test (some_id, foo) values ('1', 'foo')");
        execute("insert into test (some_id, foo) values ('2', 'bar')");
        execute("insert into test (some_id, foo) values ('3', 'baz')");

        execute("SELECT some_id, foo FROM test WHERE some_id='4' OR some_id='3'");
        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertThat(Arrays.asList(response.rows()[0]), hasItems(new Object[]{"3", "baz"}));
        assertThat(response.duration(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(0L));

        execute("SELECT some_id, foo FROM test WHERE some_id='4' OR some_id='99'");
        assertEquals(0, response.rowCount());

    public void testSelectToRoutedRequestByPlannerWhereIn() throws Exception {

        execute("insert into test (some_id, foo) values ('1', 'foo')");
        execute("insert into test (some_id, foo) values ('2', 'bar')");
        execute("insert into test (some_id, foo) values ('3', 'baz')");

        execute("SELECT * FROM test WHERE some_id IN (?,?,?)", new Object[]{"1", "2", "3"});
        assertEquals(3, response.rowCount());
        assertThat(response.duration(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(0L));

    public void testDeleteToRoutedRequestByPlannerWhereIn() throws Exception {

        execute("insert into test (some_id, foo) values ('1', 'foo')");
        execute("insert into test (some_id, foo) values ('2', 'bar')");
        execute("insert into test (some_id, foo) values ('3', 'baz')");

        execute("DELETE FROM test WHERE some_Id IN (?, ?, ?)", new Object[]{"1", "2", "4"});
        assertThat(response.duration(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(0L));

        execute("SELECT some_id FROM test");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
        assertEquals(response.rows()[0][0], "3");


    public void testSelectWithWhereLike() throws Exception {

        execute("select name from characters where name like '%ltz'");
        assertEquals(2L, response.rowCount());

        execute("select count(*) from characters where name like 'Jeltz'");
        assertEquals(1L, response.rows()[0][0]);

        execute("select count(*) from characters where race like '%o%'");
        assertEquals(3L, response.rows()[0][0]);

        Map<String, Object> emptyMap = new HashMap<>();
        Map<String, Object> details = new HashMap<>();
        details.put("age", 30);
        details.put("job", "soldier");
        execute("insert into characters (race, gender, name, details) values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
                new Object[]{"Vo*", "male", "Kwaltzz", emptyMap}
        execute("insert into characters (race, gender, name, details) values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
                new Object[]{"Vo?", "male", "Kwaltzzz", emptyMap}
        execute("insert into characters (race, gender, name, details) values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
                new Object[]{"Vo!", "male", "Kwaltzzzz", details}
        execute("insert into characters (race, gender, name, details) values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
                new Object[]{"Vo%", "male", "Kwaltzzzz", details}

        execute("select race from characters where race like 'Vo*'");
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("Vo*", response.rows()[0][0]);

        execute("select race from characters where race like ?", new Object[]{"Vo?"});
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("Vo?", response.rows()[0][0]);

        execute("select race from characters where race like 'Vo!'");
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("Vo!", response.rows()[0][0]);

        execute("select race from characters where race like 'Vo\\%'");
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("Vo%", response.rows()[0][0]);

        execute("select race from characters where race like 'Vo_'");
        assertEquals(4L, response.rowCount());

        execute("select race from characters where details['job'] like 'sol%'");
        assertEquals(2L, response.rowCount());

    public void testSelectMatch() throws Exception {
        execute("create table quotes (quote string)");
        assertTrue(client().admin().indices().exists(new IndicesExistsRequest("quotes"))

        execute("insert into quotes values (?)", new Object[]{"don't panic"});

        execute("select quote from quotes where match(quote, ?)", new Object[]{"don't panic"});
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("don't panic", response.rows()[0][0]);


    public void testSelectNotMatch() throws Exception {
        execute("create table quotes (quote string) with (number_of_replicas = 0)");
        assertTrue(client().admin().indices().exists(new IndicesExistsRequest("quotes"))

        execute("insert into quotes values (?), (?)", new Object[]{"don't panic", "hello"});

        execute("select quote from quotes where not match(quote, ?)",
                new Object[]{"don't panic"});
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("hello", response.rows()[0][0]);

    public void testSelectOrderByScore() throws Exception {
        execute("create table quotes (quote string index off," +
                "index quote_ft using fulltext(quote))");
        execute("insert into quotes values (?)",
                new Object[]{"Would it save you a lot of time if I just gave up and went mad now?"}
        execute("insert into quotes values (?)",
                new Object[]{"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so"}

        execute("select * from quotes");
        execute("select quote, \"_score\" from quotes where match(quote_ft, ?) " +
                        "order by \"_score\" desc",
                new Object[]{"time", "time"}
        assertEquals(2L, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so", response.rows()[0][0]);

    public void testSelectScoreMatchAll() throws Exception {
        execute("create table quotes (quote string) with (number_of_replicas = 0)");
        assertTrue(client().admin().indices().exists(new IndicesExistsRequest("quotes"))

        execute("insert into quotes values (?), (?)",
                new Object[]{"Would it save you a lot of time if I just gave up and went mad now?",
                        "Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so"}

        execute("select quote, \"_score\" from quotes");
        assertEquals(2L, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals(1.0f, response.rows()[0][1]);
        assertEquals(1.0f, response.rows()[1][1]);

    public void testSelectWhereScore() throws Exception {
        execute("create table quotes (quote string, " +
                "index quote_ft using fulltext(quote)) with (number_of_replicas = 0)");
        assertTrue(client().admin().indices().exists(new IndicesExistsRequest("quotes"))

        execute("insert into quotes values (?), (?)",
                new Object[]{"Would it save you a lot of time if I just gave up and went mad now?",
                        "Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so. Take your time."}

        execute("select quote, \"_score\" from quotes where match(quote_ft, 'time') " +
                "and \"_score\" >= 0.98");
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals(1, ((Float) response.rows()[0][1]).compareTo(0.98f));

    public void testSelectMatchAnd() throws Exception {
        execute("create table quotes (id int, quote string, " +
                "index quote_fulltext using fulltext(quote) with (analyzer='english')) with (number_of_replicas = 0)");
        assertTrue(client().admin().indices().exists(new IndicesExistsRequest("quotes"))

        execute("insert into quotes (id, quote) values (?, ?), (?, ?)",
                new Object[]{
                        1, "Would it save you a lot of time if I just gave up and went mad now?",
                        2, "Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so"}

        execute("select quote from quotes where match(quote_fulltext, 'time') and id = 1");
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());

    private void nonExistingColumnSetup() {
        execute("create table quotes (" +
                "id integer primary key, " +
                "quote string index off, " +
                "index quote_fulltext using fulltext(quote) with (analyzer='snowball')" +
                ") clustered by (id) into 3 shards with (number_of_replicas = 0)");
        execute("insert into quotes (id, quote) values (1, '\"Nothing particularly exciting," +
                "\" it admitted, \"but they are alternatives.\"')");
        execute("insert into quotes (id, quote) values (2, '\"Have another drink," +
                "\" said Trillian. \"Enjoy yourself.\"')");

    public void selectNonExistingColumn() throws Exception {
        execute("select o['notExisting'] from quotes");
        assertEquals(2L, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("o['notExisting']", response.cols()[0]);

    public void selectNonExistingAndExistingColumns() throws Exception {
        execute("select o['unknown'], id from quotes order by id asc");
        assertEquals(2L, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals("o['unknown']", response.cols()[0]);
        assertEquals("id", response.cols()[1]);
        assertEquals(1, response.rows()[0][1]);
        assertEquals(2, response.rows()[1][1]);

    public void selectWhereNonExistingColumn() throws Exception {
        execute("select * from quotes where o['something'] > 0");
        assertEquals(0L, response.rowCount());

    public void selectWhereDynamicColumnIsNull() throws Exception {
        // dynamic fields are not indexed, so we just don't know if it matches
        execute("select * from quotes where o['something'] IS NULL");
        assertEquals(0, response.rowCount());

    public void selectWhereNonExistingColumnWhereIn() throws Exception {
        execute("select * from quotes where o['something'] IN(1,2,3)");
        assertEquals(0L, response.rowCount());

    public void selectWhereNonExistingColumnLike() throws Exception {
        execute("select * from quotes where o['something'] Like '%bla'");
        assertEquals(0L, response.rowCount());

    public void selectWhereNonExistingColumnMatchFunction() throws Exception {

        expectedException.expectMessage("cannot MATCH on non existing column quotes.o['something']");

        execute("select * from quotes where match(o['something'], 'bla')");

    public void testSelectCountDistinctZero() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (col1 int) with (number_of_replicas=0)");

        execute("select count(distinct col1) from test");

        assertEquals(1, response.rowCount());
        assertEquals(0L, response.rows()[0][0]);

    public void testRefresh() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (id int primary key, name string)");
        execute("insert into test (id, name) values (0, 'Trillian'), (1, 'Ford'), (2, 'Zaphod')");
        execute("select count(*) from test");
        assertThat((Long) response.rows()[0][0], lessThan(3L));

        execute("refresh table test");
        assertThat(response.rows(), is(TaskResult.EMPTY_RESULT.rows()));

        execute("select count(*) from test");
        assertThat((Long) response.rows()[0][0], is(3L));

    public void testInsertWithClusteredByNull() throws Exception {
        execute("create table quotes (id integer, quote string) clustered by(id) " +
                "with (number_of_replicas=0)");

        expectedException.expectMessage("Clustered by value must not be NULL");
        execute("insert into quotes (id, quote) values(?, ?)",
                new Object[]{null, "I'd far rather be happy than right any day."});

    public void testInsertWithClusteredByWithoutValue() throws Exception {
        execute("create table quotes (id integer, quote string) clustered by(id) " +
                "with (number_of_replicas=0)");

        expectedException.expectMessage("Clustered by value is required but is missing from the insert statement");
        execute("insert into quotes (quote) values(?)",
                new Object[]{"I'd far rather be happy than right any day."});

    public void testInsertSelectWithClusteredBy() throws Exception {
        execute("create table quotes (id integer, quote string) clustered by(id) " +
                "with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into quotes (id, quote) values(?, ?)",
                new Object[]{1, "I'd far rather be happy than right any day."});
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());

        execute("select \"_id\", id, quote from quotes where id=1");
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());

        // Validate generated _id, must be: <generatedRandom>
        assertThat(((String) response.rows()[0][0]).length(), greaterThan(0));

    public void testInsertSelectWithAutoGeneratedId() throws Exception {
        execute("create table quotes (id integer, quote string)" +
                "with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into quotes (id, quote) values(?, ?)",
                new Object[]{1, "I'd far rather be happy than right any day."});
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());

        execute("select \"_id\", id, quote from quotes where id=1");
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());

        // Validate generated _id, must be: <generatedRandom>
        assertThat(((String) response.rows()[0][0]).length(), greaterThan(0));

    public void testInsertSelectWithPrimaryKey() throws Exception {
        execute("create table quotes (id integer primary key, quote string)" +
                "with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into quotes (id, quote) values(?, ?)",
                new Object[]{1, "I'd far rather be happy than right any day."});
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());

        execute("select \"_id\", id, quote from quotes where id=1");
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());

        // Validate generated _id.
        // Must equal to id because its the primary key
        String _id = (String) response.rows()[0][0];
        Integer id = (Integer) response.rows()[0][1];
        assertEquals(id.toString(), _id);

    public void testInsertSelectWithMultiplePrimaryKey() throws Exception {
        execute("create table quotes (id integer primary key, author string primary key, " +
                "quote string) with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into quotes (id, author, quote) values(?, ?, ?)",
                new Object[]{1, "Ford", "I'd far rather be happy than right any day."});
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());

        execute("select \"_id\", id from quotes where id=1 and author='Ford'");
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[0][0], is("AgExBEZvcmQ="));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[0][1], is(1));

    public void testInsertSelectWithMultiplePrimaryKeyAndClusteredBy() throws Exception {
        execute("create table quotes (id integer primary key, author string primary key, " +
                "quote string) clustered by(author) with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into quotes (id, author, quote) values(?, ?, ?)",
                new Object[]{1, "Ford", "I'd far rather be happy than right any day."});
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());

        execute("select \"_id\", id from quotes where id=1 and author='Ford'");
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[0][0], is("AgRGb3JkATE="));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[0][1], is(1));

    public void testInsertSelectWithMultiplePrimaryOnePkSame() throws Exception {
        execute("create table quotes (id integer primary key, author string primary key, " +
                "quote string) clustered by(author) with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into quotes (id, author, quote) values (?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?)",
                new Object[]{1, "Ford", "I'd far rather be happy than right any day.",
                        1, "Douglas", "Don't panic"}
        assertEquals(2L, response.rowCount());

        execute("select \"_id\", id from quotes where id=1 order by author");
        assertEquals(2L, response.rowCount());
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[0][0], is("AgdEb3VnbGFzATE="));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[0][1], is(1));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[1][0], is("AgRGb3JkATE="));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[1][1], is(1));

    public void testUpdateByIdWithMultiplePrimaryKeyAndClusteredBy() throws Exception {
        execute("create table quotes (id integer primary key, author string primary key, " +
                "quote string) clustered by(author) with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into quotes (id, author, quote) values(?, ?, ?)",
                new Object[]{1, "Ford", "I'd far rather be happy than right any day."});
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());

        execute("update quotes set quote=? where id=1 and author='Ford'",
                new Object[]{"Don't panic"});
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());

        execute("select quote from quotes where id=1 and author='Ford'");
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[0][0], is("Don't panic"));

    public void testUpdateByQueryWithMultiplePrimaryKeyAndClusteredBy() throws Exception {
        execute("create table quotes (id integer primary key, author string primary key, " +
                "quote string) clustered by(author) with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into quotes (id, author, quote) values(?, ?, ?)",
                new Object[]{1, "Ford", "I'd far rather be happy than right any day."});
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());

        execute("update quotes set quote=? where id=1",
                new Object[]{"Don't panic"});
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());

        execute("select quote from quotes where id=1 and author='Ford'");
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[0][0], is("Don't panic"));

    public void testDeleteByIdWithMultiplePrimaryKey() throws Exception {
        execute("create table quotes (id integer primary key, author string primary key, " +
                "quote string) with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into quotes (id, author, quote) values (?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?)",
                new Object[]{1, "Ford", "I'd far rather be happy than right any day.",
                        1, "Douglas", "Don't panic"}
        assertEquals(2L, response.rowCount());

        execute("delete from quotes where id=1 and author='Ford'");
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());

        execute("select quote from quotes where id=1");
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());

    public void testDeleteByQueryWithMultiplePrimaryKey() throws Exception {
        execute("create table quotes (id integer primary key, author string primary key, " +
                "quote string) with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into quotes (id, author, quote) values (?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?)",
                new Object[]{1, "Ford", "I'd far rather be happy than right any day.",
                        1, "Douglas", "Don't panic"}
        assertEquals(2L, response.rowCount());

        execute("delete from quotes where id=1");
        // no rowCount available for deleteByQuery requests
        assertEquals(-1L, response.rowCount());

        execute("select quote from quotes where id=1");
        assertEquals(0L, response.rowCount());

    public void testSelectWhereBoolean() {
        execute("create table a (v boolean)");

        execute("insert into a values (true)");
        execute("insert into a values (true)");
        execute("insert into a values (true)");
        execute("insert into a values (false)");
        execute("insert into a values (false)");

        execute("select v from a where v");
        assertEquals(3L, response.rowCount());

        execute("select v from a where not v");
        assertEquals(2L, response.rowCount());

        execute("select v from a where v or not v");
        assertEquals(5L, response.rowCount());

        execute("select v from a where v and not v");
        assertEquals(0L, response.rowCount());

    public void testSelectWhereBooleanPK() {
        execute("create table b (v boolean primary key) clustered by (v)");

        execute("insert into b values (true)");
        execute("insert into b values (false)");

        execute("select v from b where v");
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());

        execute("select v from b where not v");
        assertEquals(1L, response.rowCount());

        execute("select v from b where v or not v");
        assertEquals(2L, response.rowCount());

        execute("select v from b where v and not v");
        assertEquals(0L, response.rowCount());

    public void testBulkOperations() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (id integer primary key, name string) with (number_of_replicas = 0)");
        SQLBulkResponse bulkResp = execute("insert into test (id, name) values (?, ?), (?, ?)",
                new Object[][] {
                        {1, "Earth", 2, "Saturn"},    // bulk row 1
                        {3, "Moon", 4, "Mars"}        // bulk row 2
        assertThat(bulkResp.results().length, is(4));
        for (SQLBulkResponse.Result result : bulkResp.results()) {
            assertThat(result.rowCount(), is(1L));

        bulkResp = execute("insert into test (id, name) values (?, ?), (?, ?)",
            new Object[][] {
                {1, "Earth", 2, "Saturn"},    // bulk row 1
                {3, "Moon", 4, "Mars"}        // bulk row 2
        assertThat(bulkResp.results().length, is(4));
        for (SQLBulkResponse.Result result : bulkResp.results()) {
            assertThat(result.rowCount(), is(-2L));

        execute("select name from test order by id asc");
        assertEquals("Earth\nSaturn\nMoon\nMars\n", TestingHelpers.printedTable(response.rows()));

        bulkResp = execute("update test set name = 'bulk_update' where id = ?", new Object[][]{
                new Object[]{2},
                new Object[]{3},
                new Object[]{4},
        assertThat(bulkResp.results().length, is(3));
        for (SQLBulkResponse.Result result : bulkResp.results()) {
            assertThat(result.rowCount(), is(1L));

        execute("select count(*) from test where name = 'bulk_update'");
        assertThat((Long) response.rows()[0][0], is(3L));

        bulkResp = execute("delete from test where id = ?", new Object[][] {
                new Object[] { 1 },
                new Object[] { 3 }
        assertThat(bulkResp.results().length, is(2));
        for (SQLBulkResponse.Result result : bulkResp.results()) {
            assertThat(result.rowCount(), is(1L));

        execute("select count(*) from test");
        assertThat((Long) response.rows()[0][0], is(2L));


    public void testSelectFormatFunction() throws Exception {

        execute("select format('%s is a %s', name, kind) as sentence from locations order by name");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(13L));
        assertArrayEquals(response.cols(), new String[]{"sentence"});
        assertThat(response.rows()[0].length, is(1));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[0][0], is(" is a Planet"));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[1][0], is("Aldebaran is a Star System"));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[2][0], is("Algol is a Star System"));
        // ...


    public void testUpdateVersionHandling() throws Exception {
        execute("create table test (id int primary key, c int) with (number_of_replicas=0, refresh_interval=0)");
        execute("insert into test (id, c) values (1, 1)");
        execute("refresh table test");
        execute("select _version, c from test");

        long version = (Long) response.rows()[0][0];
        assertThat(version, is(1L));

        // with primary key optimization:

        execute("update test set c = 2 where id = 1 and _version = 1"); // this one works
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
        execute("update test set c = 3 where id = 1 and _version = 1"); // this doesn't
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(0L));

        execute("refresh table test");
        execute("select _version, c from test");
        assertThat((Long) response.rows()[0][0], is(2L));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[0][1], is(2));

        // without primary key optimization:
        execute("update test set c = 4 where _version = 2"); // this one works
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
        execute("update test set c = 5 where _version = 2"); // this doesn't
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(0L));

        execute("refresh table test");
        execute("select _version, c from test");
        assertThat((Long) response.rows()[0][0], is(3L));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[0][1], is(4));

    public void testAnyArray() throws Exception {

        execute("select count(*) from any_table where 'Berlin' = ANY (names)");
        assertThat((Long) response.rows()[0][0], is(2L));

        execute("select id, names from any_table where 'Berlin' = ANY (names) order by id");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(2L));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[0][0], is(1));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[1][0], is(3));

        execute("select id from any_table where 'Berlin' != ANY (names) order by id");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(3L));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[0][0], is(1));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[1][0], is(2));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[2][0], is(3));

        execute("select count(id) from any_table where 0.0 < ANY (temps)");
        assertThat((Long) response.rows()[0][0], is(2L));

        execute("select id, names from any_table where 0.0 < ANY (temps) order by id");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(2L));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[0][0], is(2));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[1][0], is(3));

        execute("select count(*) from any_table where 0.0 > ANY (temps)");
        assertThat((Long) response.rows()[0][0], is(2L));

        execute("select id, names from any_table where 0.0 > ANY (temps) order by id");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(2L));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[0][0], is(2));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[1][0], is(3));

        execute("select id, names from any_table where 'Ber%' LIKE ANY (names) order by id");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(2L));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[0][0], is(1));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[1][0], is(3));


    public void testNotAnyArray() throws Exception {

        execute("select id from any_table where NOT 'Hangelsberg' = ANY (names) order by id");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(3L));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[0][0], is(1));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[1][0], is(2));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[2][0], is(4)); // null values matched because of negation

        execute("select id from any_table where 'Hangelsberg' != ANY (names) order by id");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(3L));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[0][0], is(1));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[1][0], is(2));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[2][0], is(3));

    public void testAnyLike() throws Exception {

        execute("select id from any_table where 'kuh%' LIKE ANY (tags) order by id");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(2L));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[0][0], is(3));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[1][0], is(4));

        execute("select id from any_table where 'kuh%' NOT LIKE ANY (tags) order by id");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(3L));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[0][0], is(1));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[1][0], is(2));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[2][0], is(3));


    public void testInsertAndSelectGeoType() throws Exception {
        execute("create table geo_point_table (id int primary key, p geo_point) with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into geo_point_table (id, p) values (?, ?)", new Object[]{1, new Double[]{47.22, 12.09}});
        execute("insert into geo_point_table (id, p) values (?, ?)", new Object[]{2, new Double[]{57.22, 7.12}});

        execute("select p from geo_point_table order by id desc");

        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(2L));
        assertThat((List<Double>) response.rows()[0][0], is(Arrays.asList(57.22, 7.12)));
        assertThat((List<Double>) response.rows()[1][0], is(Arrays.asList(47.22, 12.09)));

    public void testGroupByOnIpType() throws Exception {
        execute("create table t (i ip) with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into t (i) values (''), (''), ('')");
        execute("refresh table t");
        execute("select i, count(*) from t group by 1 order by count(*) desc");

        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(2L));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[0][0], is(""));
        assertThat((Long) response.rows()[0][1], is(2L));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[1][0], is(""));
        assertThat((Long) response.rows()[1][1], is(1L));

    public void testGeoTypeQueries() throws Exception {
        // setup
        execute("create table t (id int primary key, i int, p geo_point) " +
                "clustered into 1 shards " +
                "with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into t (id, i, p) values (1, 1, 'POINT (10 20)')");
        execute("insert into t (id, i, p) values (2, 1, 'POINT (11 21)')");

        // order by
        execute("select distance(p, 'POINT (11 21)') from t order by 1");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(2L));

        Double result1 = (Double) response.rows()[0][0];
        Double result2 = (Double) response.rows()[1][0];

        assertThat(result1, is(0.0d));
        assertThat(result2, is(152462.70754934277));

        String stmtOrderBy = "SELECT id " +
                "FROM t " +
                "ORDER BY distance(p, 'POINT(30.0 30.0)')";
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(2L));
        String expectedOrderBy =
                "2\n" +
        assertEquals(expectedOrderBy, TestingHelpers.printedTable(response.rows()));

        // aggregation (max())
        String stmtAggregate = "SELECT i, max(distance(p, 'POINT(30.0 30.0)')) " +
                "FROM t " +
                "GROUP BY i";
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
        String expectedAggregate = "1| 2297790.338709135\n";
        assertEquals(expectedAggregate, TestingHelpers.printedTable(response.rows()));

        // queries
        execute("select p from t where distance(p, 'POINT (11 21)') > 0.0");
        List<Double> row = (List<Double>) response.rows()[0][0];
        assertThat(row.get(0), is(10.0d));
        assertThat(row.get(1), is(20.0d));

        execute("select p from t where distance(p, 'POINT (11 21)') < 10.0");
        row = (List<Double>) response.rows()[0][0];
        assertThat(row.get(0), is(11.0d));
        assertThat(row.get(1), is(21.0d));

        execute("select p from t where distance(p, 'POINT (11 21)') < 10.0 or distance(p, 'POINT (11 21)') > 10.0");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(2L));

        execute("select p from t where distance(p, 'POINT (10 20)') = 0");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));

    public void testWithinQuery() throws Exception {
        execute("create table t (id int primary key, p geo_point) " +
                "clustered into 1 shards " +
                "with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into t (id, p) values (1, 'POINT (10 10)')");

        execute("select within(p, 'POLYGON (( 5 5, 30 5, 30 30, 5 30, 5 5 ))') from t");
        assertThat((Boolean) response.rows()[0][0], is(true));

        execute("select * from t where within(p, 'POLYGON (( 5 5, 30 5, 30 30, 5 30, 5 5 ))')");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
        execute("select * from t where within(p, 'POLYGON (( 5 5, 30 5, 30 30, 5 35, 5 5 ))') = false");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(0L));

    public void testInsertFromQueryGlobalAggregate() throws Exception {
        execute("refresh table locations");

        execute("create table aggs (" +
                " c long," +
                " s double" +
                ") with (number_of_replicas=0)");

        execute("insert into aggs (c, s) (select count(*), sum(position) from locations)");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));

        execute("refresh table aggs");
        execute("select c, s from aggs");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
        assertThat(((Number) response.rows()[0][0]).longValue(), is(13L));
        assertThat((Double) response.rows()[0][1], is(38.0));

    public void testInsertFromQueryCount() throws Exception {
        execute("refresh table locations");

        execute("create table aggs (" +
                " c long" +
                ") with (number_of_replicas=0)");

        execute("insert into aggs (c) (select count(*) from locations)");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));

        execute("refresh table aggs");
        execute("select c from aggs");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
        assertThat(((Number) response.rows()[0][0]).longValue(), is(13L));

    public void testInsertFromQuery() throws Exception {
        execute("refresh table locations");

        execute("select * from locations order by id");
        Object[][] rowsOriginal = response.rows();

        execute("create table locations2 (" +
                " id string primary key," +
                " name string," +
                " date timestamp," +
                " kind string," +
                " position long," +         // <<-- original type is integer, testing implicit cast
                " description string," +
                " race object," +
                " index name_description_ft using fulltext(name, description) with (analyzer='english')" +
                ") clustered by(id) into 2 shards with(number_of_replicas=0)");

        execute("insert into locations2 (select * from locations)");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(13L));

        execute("refresh table locations2");
        execute("select * from locations2 order by id");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(13L));
        assertThat(response.rows(), is(rowsOriginal));

    public void testInsertFromQueryWithGeoType() throws Exception {
        execute("create table t (p geo_point) clustered into 1 shards with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into t (p) values (?)", new Object[]{new Double[]{10.d, 10.d}});
        execute("refresh table t");
        execute("create table t2 (p geo_point) clustered into 1 shards with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into t2 (p) (select p from t)");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));

    public void testTwoSubStrOnSameColumn() throws Exception {
        execute("select name, substr(name, 4, 3), substr(name, 3, 4) from sys.nodes order by name");
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[0][0], is("node_0"));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[0][1], is("e_0"));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[0][2], is("de_0"));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[1][0], is("node_1"));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[1][1], is("e_1"));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[1][2], is("de_1"));


    public void testMathFunctionNullArguments() throws Exception {
        testMathFunction("log(null, 1)");
        testMathFunction("log(1, null)");
        testMathFunction("log(null, null)");

    public void testMathFunction(String function) {
        assertNull(execute("select " + function + " from sys.cluster").rows()[0][0]);

    public void testSelectWhereArithmeticScalar() throws Exception {
        execute("create table t (d double, i integer) clustered into 1 shards with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into t (d) values (?), (?), (?)", new Object[]{1.3d, 1.6d, 2.2d});
        execute("refresh table t");

        execute("select * from t where round(d) < 2");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));

        execute("select * from t where ceil(d) < 3");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(2L));

        execute("select floor(d) from t where floor(d) = 2");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
        assertThat((Long) response.rows()[0][0], is(2L));

        execute("insert into t (d, i) values (?, ?)", new Object[]{-0.2, 10});
        execute("refresh table t");

        execute("select abs(d) from t where abs(d) = 0.2");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
        assertThat((Double) response.rows()[0][0], is(0.2));

        execute("select ln(i) from t where ln(i) = 2.302585092994046");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
        assertThat((Double) response.rows()[0][0], is(2.302585092994046));

        execute("select log(i, 100) from t where log(i, 100) = 0.5");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
        assertThat((Double) response.rows()[0][0], is(0.5));

        execute("select round(d), count(*) from t where abs(d) > 1 group by 1 order by 1");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(2L));
        assertThat((Long) response.rows()[0][0], is(1L));
        assertThat((Long) response.rows()[0][1], is(1L));
        assertThat((Long) response.rows()[1][0], is(2L));
        assertThat((Long) response.rows()[1][1], is(2L));

    public void testSelectOrderByScalar() throws Exception {
        execute("create table t (d double, i integer, name string) clustered into 1 shards with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into t (d, name) values (?, ?)", new Object[][] {
                new Object[] {1.3d, "Arthur" },
                new Object[] {1.6d, null },
                new Object[] {2.2d, "Marvin" }
        execute("refresh table t");

        execute("select * from t order by round(d) * 2 + 3");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(3L));
        assertThat((Double) response.rows()[0][0], is(1.3d));

        execute("select name from t order by substr(name, 1, 1) nulls first");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(3L));
        assertThat(response.rows()[0][0], nullValue());
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[1][0], is("Arthur"));

        execute("select * from t order by ceil(d), d");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(3L));
        assertThat((Double) response.rows()[0][0], is(1.3d));

        execute("select * from t order by floor(d), d");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(3L));
        assertThat((Double) response.rows()[0][0], is(1.3d));

        execute("insert into t (d, i) values (?, ?), (?, ?)", new Object[]{-0.2, 10, 0.1, 5});
        execute("refresh table t");

        execute("select * from t order by abs(d)");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(5L));
        assertThat((Double) response.rows()[0][0], is(0.1));

        execute("select i from t order by ln(i)");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(5L));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[0][0], is(5));

        execute("select i from t order by log(i, 100)");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(5L));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[0][0], is(5));

    public void testSelectWhereArithmeticScalarTwoReferences() throws Exception {
        execute("create table t (d double, i integer) clustered into 1 shards with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into t (d, i) values (?, ?), (?, ?), (?, ?)", new Object[]{
                1.3d, 1,
                1.6d, 2,
                2.2d, 9,
                -3.4, 6});
        execute("refresh table t");

        execute("select i from t where round(d) = i order by i");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(2L));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[0][0], is(1));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[1][0], is(2));

    public void testSelectWhereArithmeticScalarTwoReferenceArgs() throws Exception {
        execute("create table t (x long, base long) clustered into 1 shards with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into t (x, base) values (?, ?), (?, ?), (?, ?)", new Object[]{
                144L, 12L, // 2
                65536L, 2L, // 16
                9L, 3L, // 2
                700L, 3L // 5.9630...
        execute("refresh table t");

        execute("select x, base, log(x, base) from t where log(x, base) = 2.0 order by x");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(2L));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[0][0], is(9));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[0][1], is(3));
        assertThat((Double) response.rows()[0][2], is(2.0));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[1][0], is(144));
        assertThat((Integer) response.rows()[1][1], is(12));
        assertThat((Double) response.rows()[1][2], is(2.0));

    public void testScalarInOrderByAndSelect() throws Exception {
        execute("create table t (i integer, l long, d double) clustered into 3 shards with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into t (i, l, d) values (1, 2, 90.5), (-1, 4, 90.5), (193384, 31234594433, 99.0)");
        execute("insert into t (i, l, d) values (1, 2, 99.0), (-1, 4, 99.0)");
        execute("select l, log(d,l) from t order by l, log(d,l) desc");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(5L));
                is("2| 6.6293566200796095\n" +
                        "2| 6.499845887083206\n" +
                        "4| 3.3146783100398047\n" +
                        "4| 3.249922943541603\n" +
                        "31234594433| 0.19015764044502392\n"));

    public void testNonIndexedColumnInRegexScalar() throws Exception {
        execute("create table regex_noindex (i integer, s string INDEX OFF) clustered into 3 shards with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into regex_noindex (i, s) values (?, ?)", new Object[][]{
                new Object[]{1, "foo"},
                new Object[]{2, "bar"},
                new Object[]{3, "foobar"}
        execute("select regexp_replace(s, 'foo', 'crate') from regex_noindex order by i");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(3L));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[0][0], is("crate"));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[1][0], is("bar"));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[2][0], is("cratebar"));

        execute("select regexp_matches(s, '^(bar).*') from regex_noindex order by i");
        assertThat(response.rows()[0][0], nullValue());
        assertThat(((String[]) response.rows()[1][0])[0], is("bar"));
        assertThat(response.rows()[2][0], nullValue());

    public void testFulltextColumnInRegexScalar() throws Exception {
        execute("create table regex_fulltext (i integer, s string INDEX USING FULLTEXT) clustered into 3 shards with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into regex_fulltext (i, s) values (?, ?)", new Object[][]{
                new Object[]{1, "foo is first"},
                new Object[]{2, "bar is second"},
                new Object[]{3, "foobar is great"},
                new Object[]{4, "crate is greater"}

        execute("select regexp_replace(s, 'is', 'was') from regex_fulltext order by i");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(4L));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[0][0], is("foo was first"));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[1][0], is("bar was second"));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[2][0], is("foobar was great"));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[3][0], is("crate was greater"));

        execute("select regexp_matches(s, '(\\w+) is (\\w+)') from regex_fulltext order by i");
        String[] match1 = (String[]) response.rows()[0][0];
        assertThat(match1[0], is("foo"));
        assertThat(match1[1], is("first"));

        String[] match2 = (String[]) response.rows()[1][0];
        assertThat(match2[0], is("bar"));
        assertThat(match2[1], is("second"));

        String[] match3 = (String[]) response.rows()[2][0];
        assertThat(match3[0], is("foobar"));
        assertThat(match3[1], is("great"));

        String[] match4 = (String[]) response.rows()[3][0];
        assertThat(match4[0], is("crate"));
        assertThat(match4[1], is("greater"));

    public void testSelectRandomTwoTimes() throws Exception {
        execute("select random(), random() from sys.cluster limit 1");
        assertThat(response.rows()[0][0], is(not(response.rows()[0][1])));

        execute("select random(), random() from characters limit 1");
        assertThat(response.rows()[0][0], is(not(response.rows()[0][1])));

    public void testSelectArithmeticOperatorInWhereClause() throws Exception {
        execute("create table t (i integer, l long, d double) clustered into 3 shards with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into t (i, l, d) values (1, 2, 90.5), (2, 5, 90.5), (193384, 31234594433, 99.0), (10, 21, 99.0), (-1, 4, 99.0)");

        execute("select i from t where i%2 = 0 order by i");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(3L));

        assertThat(TestingHelpers.printedTable(response.rows()), is("2\n10\n193384\n"));

        execute("select l from t where i * -1 > 0");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
        assertThat(TestingHelpers.printedTable(response.rows()), is("4\n"));

        execute("select l from t where i * 2 = l");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
        assertThat(TestingHelpers.printedTable(response.rows()), is("2\n"));

        execute("select i%3, sum(l) from t where i+1 > 2 group by i%3 order by sum(l)");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(2L));
        assertThat(TestingHelpers.printedTable(response.rows()), is(
                "2| 5.0\n" +
                        "1| 3.1234594454E10\n"));

    public void testSelectArithMetricOperatorInOrderBy() throws Exception {
        execute("create table t (i integer, l long, d double) clustered into 3 shards with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into t (i, l, d) values (1, 2, 90.5), (2, 5, 90.5), (193384, 31234594433, 99.0), (10, 21, 99.0), (-1, 4, 99.0)");

        execute("select i, i%3 from t order by i%3, l");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(5L));
        assertThat(TestingHelpers.printedTable(response.rows()), is(
                "-1| -1\n" +
                        "1| 1\n" +
                        "10| 1\n" +
                        "193384| 1\n" +
                        "2| 2\n"));

    public void testSelectFailingSearchScript() throws Exception {
        expectedException.expectMessage("log(x, b): given arguments would result in: 'NaN'");

        execute("create table t (i integer, l long, d double) clustered into 1 shards with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into t (i, l, d) values (1, 2, 90.5)");

        execute("select log(d, l) from t where log(d, -1) >= 0");

    public void testSelectGroupByFailingSearchScript() throws Exception {
        expectedException.expectMessage("log(x, b): given arguments would result in: 'NaN'");

        execute("create table t (i integer, l long, d double) with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into t (i, l, d) values (1, 2, 90.5), (0, 4, 100)");
        execute("refresh table t");

        execute("select log(d, l) from t where log(d, -1) >= 0 group by log(d, l)");

    public void testNumericScriptOnAllTypes() throws Exception {
        // this test validates that no exception is thrown
        execute("create table t (b byte, s short, i integer, l long, f float, d double, t timestamp) with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into t (b, s, i, l, f, d, t) values (1, 2, 3, 4, 5.7, 6.3, '2014-07-30')");

        String[] functionCalls = new String[]{
                "log(%s, 2)",

        for (String functionCall : functionCalls) {
            String byteCall = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, functionCall, "b");
            execute(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "select %s, b from t where %s < 2", byteCall, byteCall));

            String shortCall = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, functionCall, "s");
            execute(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "select %s, s from t where %s < 2", shortCall, shortCall));

            String intCall = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, functionCall, "i");
            execute(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "select %s, i from t where %s < 2", intCall, intCall));

            String longCall = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, functionCall, "l");
            execute(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "select %s, l from t where %s < 2", longCall, longCall));

            String floatCall = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, functionCall, "f");
            execute(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "select %s, f from t where %s < 2", floatCall, floatCall));

            String doubleCall = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, functionCall, "d");
            execute(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "select %s, d from t where %s < 2", doubleCall, doubleCall));


    public void testMatchNotOnSubColumn() throws Exception {
        execute("create table matchbox (" +
                "  s string index using fulltext with (analyzer='german')," +
                "  o object as (" +
                "    s string index using fulltext with (analyzer='german')," +
                "    m string index using fulltext with (analyzer='german')" +
                "  )" +
                ") with (number_of_replicas=0)");
        execute("insert into matchbox (s, o) values ('Arthur Dent', {s='Zaphod Beeblebroox', m='Ford Prefect'})");
        execute("select * from matchbox where match(s, 'Arthur')");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));

        execute("select * from matchbox where match(o['s'], 'Arthur')");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(0L));

        execute("select * from matchbox where match(o['s'], 'Zaphod')");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));

        execute("select * from matchbox where match(s, 'Zaphod')");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(0L));

        execute("select * from matchbox where match(o['m'], 'Ford')");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));

        expectedException.expectMessage("cannot MATCH on non existing column matchbox.o['a']");

        execute("select * from matchbox where match(o['a'], 'Ford')");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(0L));

    public void testSelectWhereMultiColumnMatchDifferentTypesDifferentScore() throws Exception {
        execute("select name, description, kind, _score from locations " +
                "where match((kind, name_description_ft 0.5), 'Planet earth') using most_fields with (analyzer='english')");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(5L));
                is("Alpha Centauri| 4.1 light-years northwest of earth| Star System| 0.049483635\n" +
                        "| This Planet doesn't really exist| Planet| 0.04724514\nAllosimanius Syneca| Allosimanius Syneca is a planet noted for ice, snow, mind-hurtling beauty and stunning cold.| Planet| 0.021473126\n" +
                        "Bartledan| An Earthlike planet on which Arthur Dent lived for a short time, Bartledan is inhabited by Bartledanians, a race that appears human but only physically.| Planet| 0.018788986\n" +
                        "Galactic Sector QQ7 Active J Gamma| Galactic Sector QQ7 Active J Gamma contains the Sun Zarss, the planet Preliumtarn of the famed Sevorbeupstry and Quentulus Quazgar Mountains.| Galaxy| 0.017716927\n"));

        execute("select name, description, kind, _score from locations " +
                "where match((kind, name_description_ft 0.5), 'Planet earth') using cross_fields");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(5L));
                is("Alpha Centauri| 4.1 light-years northwest of earth| Star System| 0.06658964\n" +
                        "| This Planet doesn't really exist| Planet| 0.06235056\n" +
                        "Allosimanius Syneca| Allosimanius Syneca is a planet noted for ice, snow, mind-hurtling beauty and stunning cold.| Planet| 0.02889618\n" +
                        "Bartledan| An Earthlike planet on which Arthur Dent lived for a short time, Bartledan is inhabited by Bartledanians, a race that appears human but only physically.| Planet| 0.025284158\n" +
                        "Galactic Sector QQ7 Active J Gamma| Galactic Sector QQ7 Active J Gamma contains the Sun Zarss, the planet Preliumtarn of the famed Sevorbeupstry and Quentulus Quazgar Mountains.| Galaxy| 0.02338146\n"));

    public void testSimpleMatchWithBoost() throws Exception {
        execute("create table characters ( " +
                "  id int primary key, " +
                "  name string, " +
                "  quote string, " +
                "  INDEX name_ft using fulltext(name) with (analyzer = 'english'), " +
                "  INDEX quote_ft using fulltext(quote) with (analyzer = 'english') " +
        execute("insert into characters (id, name, quote) values (?, ?, ?)", new Object[][]{
                new Object[] { 1, "Arthur", "It's terribly small, tiny little country." },
                new Object[] { 2, "Trillian", " No, it's a country. Off the coast of Africa." },
                new Object[] { 3, "Marvin", " It won't work, I have an exceptionally large mind." }
        execute("select AS characters_name, _score " +
                "from characters " +
                "where match(characters.quote_ft 1.0, 'country')");
        assertThat(response.rows().length, is(2));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[0][0], is("Trillian"));
        assertThat((float) response.rows()[0][1], greaterThan(0.0f));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[1][0], is("Arthur"));
        assertThat((float) response.rows()[1][1], greaterThan(0.0f));

    public void testMatchTypes() throws Exception {
        execute("select name, _score from locations where match((kind 0.8, name_description_ft 0.6), 'planet earth') using best_fields");
                is("Alpha Centauri| 0.22184466\n| 0.21719791\nAllosimanius Syneca| 0.09626817\nBartledan| 0.08423465\nGalactic Sector QQ7 Active J Gamma| 0.08144922\n"));

        execute("select name, _score from locations where match((kind 0.6, name_description_ft 0.8), 'planet earth') using most_fields");
                is("Alpha Centauri| 0.12094267\n| 0.1035407\nAllosimanius Syneca| 0.05248235\nBartledan| 0.045922056\nGalactic Sector QQ7 Active J Gamma| 0.038827762\n"));

        execute("select name, _score from locations where match((kind 0.4, name_description_ft 1.0), 'planet earth') using cross_fields");
                is("Alpha Centauri| 0.14147125\n| 0.116184436\nAllosimanius Syneca| 0.061390605\nBartledan| 0.05371678\nGalactic Sector QQ7 Active J Gamma| 0.043569162\n"));

        execute("select name, _score from locations where match((kind 1.0, name_description_ft 0.4), 'Alpha Centauri') using phrase");
                is("Alpha Centauri| 0.94653714\n"));

        execute("select name, _score from locations where match(name_description_ft, 'Alpha Centauri') using phrase_prefix");
                is("Alpha Centauri| 1.5739591\n"));

    public void testMatchOptions() throws Exception {

        execute("select name, _score from locations where match((kind, name_description_ft), 'galaxy') " +
                "using best_fields with (analyzer='english') order by _score desc");
                is("NULL| 0.6417877\nAltair| 0.2895972\nNorth West Ripple| 0.25339755\nOuter Eastern Rim| 0.2246257\n"));

        execute("select name, _score from locations where match((kind, name_description_ft), 'galaxy') " +
                "using best_fields with (fuzziness=0.5) order by _score desc");
                is("Outer Eastern Rim| 1.4109559\nNULL| 1.4109559\nNorth West Ripple| 1.2808706\nGalactic Sector QQ7 Active J Gamma| 1.2808706\nAltair| 0.3842612\nAlgol| 0.25617412\n"));

        execute("select name, _score from locations where match((kind, name_description_ft), 'gala') " +
                "using best_fields with (operator='or', minimum_should_match=2) order by _score desc");

        execute("select name, _score from locations where match((kind, name_description_ft), 'gala') " +
                "using phrase_prefix with (slop=1) order by _score desc");
                is("NULL| 0.664469\nOuter Eastern Rim| 0.5898516\nGalactic Sector QQ7 Active J Gamma| 0.34636837\nAlgol| 0.32655922\nAltair| 0.32655922\nNorth West Ripple| 0.2857393\n"));

        execute("select name, _score from locations where match((kind, name_description_ft), 'galaxy') " +
                "using phrase with (tie_breaker=2.0) order by _score desc");
                is("NULL| 0.40825456\nAltair| 0.18054473\nNorth West Ripple| 0.15797664\nOuter Eastern Rim| 0.1428891\n"));

        execute("select name, _score from locations where match((kind, name_description_ft), 'galaxy') " +
                "using best_fields with (zero_terms_query='all') order by _score desc");
                is("NULL| 0.6417877\nAltair| 0.2895972\nNorth West Ripple| 0.25339755\nOuter Eastern Rim| 0.2246257\n"));

    public void testRegexpMatchOperator() throws Exception {
        execute("select distinct name from locations where name ~ '[A-Z][a-z0-9]+' order by name");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(5L));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[0][0], is("Aldebaran"));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[1][0], is("Algol"));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[2][0], is("Altair"));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[3][0], is("Argabuthon"));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[4][0], is("Bartledan"));

        execute("select name from locations where name !~ '[A-Z][a-z0-9]+' order by name");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(8L));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[0][0], is(""));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[1][0], is("Allosimanius Syneca"));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[2][0], is("Alpha Centauri"));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[3][0], is("Arkintoofle Minor"));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[4][0], is("Galactic Sector QQ7 Active J Gamma"));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[5][0], is("North West Ripple"));
        assertThat((String) response.rows()[6][0], is("Outer Eastern Rim"));
        assertThat(response.rows()[7][0], is(nullValue()));

    public void testWhereColumnEqColumnAndFunctionEqFunction() throws Exception {

        execute("select name from locations where name = name");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(12L))// one name is null and  null = null -> false

        execute("select name from locations where substr(name, 1, 1) = substr(name, 1, 1)");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(12L));


Related Classes of io.crate.integrationtests.TransportSQLActionTest

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