Package org.geoserver.config

Source Code of org.geoserver.config.GeoServerDataDirectory

/* (c) 2014 Open Source Geospatial Foundation - all rights reserved
* (c) 2001 - 2013 OpenPlans
* This code is licensed under the GPL 2.0 license, available at the root
* application directory.
package org.geoserver.config;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import org.geoserver.catalog.CoverageInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.CoverageStoreInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.DataStoreInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.FeatureTypeInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.LayerGroupInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.LayerInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.NamespaceInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.ResourceInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.StoreInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.StyleInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.Styles;
import org.geoserver.catalog.WMSLayerInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.WMSStoreInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.WorkspaceInfo;
import org.geoserver.platform.GeoServerResourceLoader;
import org.geoserver.platform.resource.Files;
import org.geoserver.platform.resource.Paths;
import org.geoserver.platform.resource.Resource;
import org.geoserver.platform.resource.Resource.Type;
import org.geoserver.platform.resource.ResourceListener;
import org.geoserver.platform.resource.ResourceStore;
import org.geoserver.platform.resource.Resources;
import org.geotools.styling.AbstractStyleVisitor;
import org.geotools.styling.ChannelSelection;
import org.geotools.styling.DefaultResourceLocator;
import org.geotools.styling.ExternalGraphic;
import org.geotools.styling.SelectedChannelType;
import org.geotools.styling.Style;
import org.geotools.styling.StyledLayerDescriptor;

* File or Resource access to GeoServer data directory. In addition to paths Catalog obhjects such as workspace or FeatureTypeInfo can be used to
* locate resources.
* <p>
* Example usage:
* <pre>
* <code>
*   GeoServerDataDirectory dd = new GeoServerDataDirectory(resourceLoader);
*   //find some data
*   File shp = dd.findDataFile( "shapefiles/somedata.shp" );
*   //create a directory for some data
*   File shapefiles = dd.findOrCreateDataDirectory("shapefiles");
*   //find a template file for a feature type
*   FeatureTypeInfo ftinfo = ...;
*   File template = dd.findSuppResourceFile(ftinfo,"title.ftl");
* </code>
* </pre>
* </p>
* @author Justin Deoliveira, OpenGeo
public class GeoServerDataDirectory implements ResourceStore {

     * resource loader
    GeoServerResourceLoader resourceLoader;

     * Creates the data directory specifying the resource loader.
    public GeoServerDataDirectory(GeoServerResourceLoader resourceLoader) {
        this.resourceLoader = resourceLoader;

     * Creates the data directory specifying the base directory.
    public GeoServerDataDirectory(File baseDirectory) {
        this(new GeoServerResourceLoader(baseDirectory));

     * Returns the underlying resource loader.
    public GeoServerResourceLoader getResourceLoader() {
        return resourceLoader;

    public Resource get(String path) {
        return resourceLoader.get(path);

    public boolean move(String path, String target) {
        return resourceLoader.move(path, target);

    public boolean remove(String path) {
        return resourceLoader.remove(path);

     * The root of the data directory.
    public File root() {
        return resourceLoader.getBaseDirectory();

     * Returns a directory under the {@link #root()} directory, if the directory does not exist it will be created.
     * @return directory (created if needed)
    public File findOrCreateDir(String... location) throws IOException {
        return get(Paths.path(location)).dir();

     * Returns a file under the {@link #root()} directory, if the file does not exist null is returned.
    public File findFile(String... location) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = get(Paths.path(location));
        return Resources.find(resource);

     * Returns the root of the directory which contains spatial data files, if the directory does exist, null is returned.
     * <p>
     * This directory is called 'data', and is located directly under {@link #root()}
     * </p>
    public File findDataRoot() throws IOException {
        Resource directory = get("data");

     * Returns the root of the directory which contains spatial data files, if the directory does not exist it will be created.
     * <p>
     * This directory is called 'data', and is located directly under {@link #root()}
     * </p>
    public File findOrCreateDataRoot() throws IOException {
        Resource directory = get("data");
        return directory.dir(); // will create directory as needed

     * Returns a directory under the {@link #dataRoot()} directory, if the directory does not exist null will be returned.
    public File findDataDir(String... location) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = get(Paths.path("data", Paths.path(location)));

     * Returns a directory under the {@link #dataRoot()} directory, if the directory does not exist it will be created.
    public File findOrCreateDataDir(String... location) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = get(Paths.path("data", Paths.path(location)));
        return resource.dir();

     * Returns a directory under the {@link #dataRoot()} directory.
     * @param create Create directory if needed
     * @param location directory location
     * @return Directory (which may be newly created) or null if not found
     * @deprecated Unused
    private File dataDir(boolean create, String... location) throws IOException {
        Resource directory = get(Paths.path("data", Paths.path(location)));
        if (create) {
            return directory.dir();
        } else {

     * Returns a file under the {@link #dataRoot()} directory, if the file does not exist null is returned.
    public File findDataFile(String... location) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = get(Paths.path("data", Paths.path(location)));
        return Resources.file(resource);

     * Returns a file under the {@link #dataRoot()} directory, if the file does not exist it a file object will still be returned.
     * @deprecated Unused
    public File findOrResolveDataFile(String... location) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = get(Paths.path("data", Paths.path(location)));
        return resource.file();

     * Returns a file under the {@link #dataRoot()} directory.
     * @param create Create file (if required)
     * @param location file location
     * @return File (created if needed) or null if not found
     * @deprecated Unused
    private File dataFile(boolean create, String... location) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = get(Paths.path("data", Paths.path(location)));
        if (create) {
            return resource.file();
        } else {
            return Resources.file(resource);

     * Returns the root of the directory which contains security configuration files, if the directory does exist, null is returned.
     * <p>
     * This directory is called 'security', and is located directly under {@link #root()}
     * </p>
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by @link {@link #getSecurity()}
    public File findSecurityRoot() throws IOException {

     * Returns the root of the directory which contains security configuration files, if the directory does exist it is created.
     * <p>
     * This directory is called 'security', and is located directly under {@link #root()}
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by @link {@link #getSecurity()}
    public File findOrCreateSecurityRoot() throws IOException {
        return getSecurity().dir(); // will create directory as needed

     * Access to security directory.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by @link {@link #getSecurity()}
    private File securityRoot(boolean create) throws IOException {
        final Resource directory = getSecurity();
        final File f;
        if (create) {
            f = directory.dir();
        } else {
            f =;
        return f;

     * Returns a directory under the {@link #securityRoot()} directory, if the directory does not exist null will be returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by @link {@link #getSecurity()}
    public File findSecurityDir(String... location) throws IOException {

     * Returns a directory under the {@link #securityRoot()} directory, if the directory does not exist it will be created.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by @link {@link #getSecurity()}
    public File findOrCreateSecurityDir(String... location) throws IOException {
        return getSecurity(location).dir();

     * Copies a file into a security configuration directory.
     * <p>
     * If the security configuration directory does exist it will be created.
     * </p>
      * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by @link {@link #getSecurity()}
    public void copyToSecurityDir(File f) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = getSecurity();
        Resources.copy(f, resource);

     * Copies data into a security configuration directory.
     * <p>
     * If the security configuration directory does exist it will be created
     * </p>
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by @link {@link #getSecurity()}
    public void copyToSecurityDir(InputStream data, String filename) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = getSecurity();
        Resources.copy(data, resource, filename);

     * Returns the directory for the specified workspace, if the directory does not exist null is returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by @link {@link #get(WorkspaceInfo)}
    public File findWorkspaceDir(WorkspaceInfo ws) throws IOException {
        Resource directory = get(ws);
     * Returns the directory for the specified workspace, if the directory does not exist it will be created.
     * @param create If set to true the directory will be created when it does not exist.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(WorkspaceInfo, String...)}
    public File findOrCreateWorkspaceDir(WorkspaceInfo ws) throws IOException {
        Resource directory = get(ws);
        return directory.dir();

     * Returns the configuration file for the specified workspace, if the file does not exist null is returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #config(WorkspaceInfo)}
    public File findWorkspaceFile(WorkspaceInfo ws) throws IOException {
        Resource workspaceFile = config(ws);
        return Resources.file(workspaceFile);

     * Returns the configuration file for the specified workspace, if the file does not exist a file object will still be returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #config(WorkspaceInfo)}
    public File findOrResolveWorkspaceFile(WorkspaceInfo ws) throws IOException {
        Resource workspaceFile = config(ws);
        return workspaceFile.file();

     * Returns a supplementary configuration file for a workspace, if the file does not exist null is returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(WorkspaceInfo, String...)}
    public File findSuppWorkspaceFile(WorkspaceInfo ws, String filename) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = get(ws, filename);
        return Resources.file(resource);

     * Returns a supplementary configuration file in the workspaces directory, if the file does not exist null is returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #getWorkspaces(String...)}
    public File findSuppWorkspacesFile(WorkspaceInfo ws, String filename) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = getWorkspaces(filename);
        return Resources.file(resource);

     * Copies a file into a workspace configuration directory.
     * <p>
     * If the workspace configuration directory does exist it will be created.
     * </p>
     * @param ws Target workspace for copied file
     * @param file File to copy
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(WorkspaceInfo, String...)}
    public void copyToWorkspaceDir(WorkspaceInfo ws, File file) throws IOException {
        Resource directory = get(ws);
        Resources.copy(file, directory);

     * Copies data into a workspace configuration directory.
     * <p>
     * If the workspace configuration directory does exist it will be created
     * </p>
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(WorkspaceInfo, String...)}
    public void copyToWorkspaceDir(WorkspaceInfo ws, InputStream data, String filename)
            throws IOException {
        Resource directory = get(ws);
        Resources.copy(data, directory, filename);

     * Copies data into the root workspaces configuration directory.
     * <p>
     * If the workspace configuration directory does exist it will be created
     * </p>
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(WorkspaceInfo, String...)}
    public void copyToWorkspacesDir(InputStream data, String filename) throws IOException {
        Resources.copy(data, getWorkspaces(), filename);

     * Returns the directory in which a stores configuration is persisted, if the directory does not exists null is returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(StoreInfo, String...)}
    public File findStoreDir(StoreInfo store) throws IOException {
        Resource directory = get(store);

    private String path(StoreInfo store) {
        WorkspaceInfo workspace = store.getWorkspace();
        return Paths.path("workspaces", workspace.getName(), store.getName());

     * Returns the directory in which a stores configuration is persisted, if the directory does not exist it is created.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(StoreInfo, String...)}
    public File findOrCreateStoreDir(StoreInfo store) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = get(store);
        return resource.dir();

     * Returns the configuration file for the specified store, if the file does not exist null is returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #config(DataStoreInfo)}, {@link #config(CoverageStoreInfo)}, and {@link #config(WMSStoreInfo)}
    public File findStoreFile(StoreInfo store) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = config(store);
        return Resources.file(resource);

     * Returns the configuration file for the specified store, if the file does not exist a file object is still returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(StoreInfo, String...)}
    public File findOrResolveStoreFile(StoreInfo store) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = get(store);
        return resource.file();

     * Returns a supplementary configuration file for a store, if the file does not exist null is returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(StoreInfo, String...)}
    public File findSuppStoreFile(StoreInfo store, String filename) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = get(store, filename);
        return Resources.file(resource);

     * Copies a file into a store configuration directory.
     * <p>
     * If the store configuration directory does exist it will be created
     * </p>
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(StoreInfo, String...)}
    public void copyToStoreDir(StoreInfo store, File file) throws IOException {
        Resource directory = get(path(store));
        Resources.copy(file, directory);

     * Copies data into a store configuration directory.
     * <p>
     * If the store configuration directory does exist it will be created
     * </p>
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(StoreInfo, String...)}
    public void copyToStoreDir(StoreInfo store, InputStream data, String filename)
            throws IOException {
        Resource directory = get(store);
        Resources.copy(data, directory, filename);

     * Returns the directory in which a resources configuration is persisted, if the directory does not exist null is returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(ResourceInfo, String...)}
    public File findResourceDir(ResourceInfo resource) throws IOException {
        Resource directory = get(resource);

     * Finds the directory for the resource assuming a 1.x style data directory.
     * <p>
     * Something like:
     * <pre>
     * featureTypes/states_shapefile_states
     * coverages/sfdem_dem
     * </pre>
     * </p>
     * @param resource The resource.
     * @return The directory for the resource, or null if it could not be found.
    public File findLegacyResourceDir(ResourceInfo resource) throws IOException {
        StoreInfo store = resource.getStore();
        String dirname = store.getName() + "_" + resource.getName();
        File dir = null;
        if (resource instanceof FeatureTypeInfo) {
            dir = resourceLoader.find("featureTypes", dirname);
        } else if (resource instanceof CoverageInfo) {
            dir = resourceLoader.find("coverages", dirname);

        return dir != null ? dir : null;

     * Returns the directory in which a resources configuration is persisted, if the directory does not exist it will be created.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(ResourceInfo, String...)}
    public File findOrCreateResourceDir(ResourceInfo r) throws IOException {
        Resource directory = get(r);
        return directory.dir();

     * Returns the configuration file for the specified resource, if the file does not exist null is returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #config(FeatureTypeInfo, String...)}, {@link #config(CoverageInfo, String...)}, {@link #config(WMSLayerInfo, String...)}
    public File findResourceFile(ResourceInfo r) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = config(r);
        return Resources.file(resource);

     * Returns the configuration file for the specified resource, if the file does not exist a file object is still returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #config(FeatureTypeInfo, String...)}, {@link #config(CoverageInfo, String...)}, {@link #config(WMSLayerInfo, String...)}
    public File findOrResolveResourceFile(ResourceInfo r) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = config(r);
        return resource.file();

     * Returns a supplementary configuration file for a resource, if the file does not exist null is returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(ResourceInfo, String...)}
    public File findSuppResourceFile(ResourceInfo r, String filename) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = get(r, filename);
        return Resources.file(resource);

     * Returns a supplementary configuration file for a resource in a 1.x data directory format. If the file does not exist null is returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(ResourceInfo, String...)}
    public File findSuppLegacyResourceFile(ResourceInfo r, String filename) throws IOException {
        File rdir = findLegacyResourceDir(r);
        if (rdir != null) {
            File file = new File(rdir, filename);
            return file.exists() ? file : null;
        } else {
            return null;

     * Copies a file into a feature type configuration directory.
     * <p>
     * If the resource directory does exist it will be created
     * </p>
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(ResourceInfo, String...)}
    public void copyToResourceDir(ResourceInfo resource, File file) throws IOException {
        Resource directory = get(resource);
        Resources.copy(file, directory);

     * Copies data into a feature type configuration directory.
     * <p>
     * If the resource directory does exist it will be created
     * </p>
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(ResourceInfo, String...)}
    public void copyToResourceDir(ResourceInfo resource, InputStream data, String filename)
            throws IOException {
        Resource directory = get(resource);
        Resources.copy(data, directory, filename);

     * Returns the configuration file for the specified namespace, if the file does not exist null is returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(WorkspaceInfo, String...)}
    public File findNamespaceFile(WorkspaceInfo ws) throws IOException {
        Resource directory = get(ws);

     * Returns the configuration file for the specified namespace, if the file does not exist a file object is still returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(WorkspaceInfo, String...)}
    public File findOrResolveNamespaceFile(WorkspaceInfo ws) throws IOException {
        Resource directory = get(ws);
        return directory.dir();

     * Returns the configuration file for the specified layer, if the file does not exist null is returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(LayerInfo, String...)}
    public File findLayerFile(LayerInfo layer) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = get(layer);
        return Resources.file(resource);

     * Returns the configuration file for the specified layer, if the file does not exist a file object is still returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(LayerInfo, String...)}
    public File findOrResolveLayerFile(LayerInfo layer) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = get(layer);
        return resource.file();

     * Returns the directory in which global styles are persisted, if the directory does not exist null is returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(StyleInfo, String...)}
    public File findStyleDir() throws IOException {
        Resource styles = get(STYLE_DIR);

     * Returns the directory in which global styles are persisted, if the directory does not exist it will be created.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(StyleInfo, String...)}
    public File findOrCreateStyleDir() throws IOException {
        Resource styles = get(STYLE_DIR);
        return styles.dir();

     * Styles directory (using StyleInfo).
     * Package visibility {@link GeoServerPersister#dir(StyleInfo).
     * @param create Create if needed
     * @param styleInfo
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(StyleInfo, String...)}
    File styleDir(boolean create, StyleInfo styleInfo) throws IOException {
        Resource styles = get(styleInfo);
        return, create);

     * Access to styles directory for provided workspace (or global styles directory if workspace not provided).
     * Package visibility for {@link GeoServerPersister}.
     * @param create Create directory if required
     * @param workspaceInfo Workspace used to access styles directory
     * @return styles directory
     * @throws IOException
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(StyleInfo, String...)}
    File styleDir(boolean create, WorkspaceInfo workspaceInfo) throws IOException {
        Resource styles = get(workspaceInfo, STYLE_DIR);
        return, create);

     * Returns the configuration file for the specified style, if the file does not exist null is returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #config(StyleInfo, String...)}
    public File findStyleFile(StyleInfo s) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = config(s);
        return Resources.file(resource);

     * Returns the SLD file for the specified style, if the file does not exist null is returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #style(StyleInfo, String...)}
    public File findStyleSldFile(StyleInfo s) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = style(s);
        return Resources.file(resource);

     * Returns the configuration file for the specified style, if the file does not exist a file object is still returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #config(StyleInfo, String...)}
    public File findOrCreateStyleFile(StyleInfo s) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = config(s);
        return resource.file();

     * Returns the SLD file for the specified style, if the file does not exist a file object is still returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #style(StyleInfo, String...)}
    public File findOrCreateStyleSldFile(StyleInfo s) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = style(s);
        return resource.file();
    // Resource lookup methods
    static final String WORKSPACE_XML = "workspace.xml";
    static final String NAMESPACE_XML = "namespace.xml";
    static final String DATASTORE_XML = "datastore.xml";
    static final String COVERAGESTORE_XML = "coveragestore.xml";
    static final String WMSSTORE_XML = "wmsstore.xml";
    static final String FEATURETYPE_XML = "featuretype.xml";
    static final String COVERAGE_XML = "coverage.xml";
    static final String WMSLAYER_XML = "wmslayer.xml";
    static final String LAYER_XML = "layer.xml";
    static final String WORKSPACE_DIR = "workspaces";
    static final String LAYERGROUP_DIR = "layergroups";
    static final String STYLE_DIR = "styles";
    static final String SECURITY_DIR = "security";

     * Retrieve a resource relative to the root of the data directory. An empty path will retrieve
     * the directory itself.
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource getRoot(String... path) {
        Resource r = get(Paths.path(path));
        assert r!=null;
        return r;

     * Retrieve a resource in the the security directory. An empty path will retrieve
     * the directory itself.
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource getSecurity(String... path) {
        Resource r = getPaths.path( SECURITY_DIR, Paths.path(path)));
        assert r!=null;
        return r;

     * Retrieve a resource in the the workspaces directory. An empty path will retrieve
     * the directory itself.
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource getWorkspaces(String... path) {
        Resource r = getPaths.path( WORKSPACE_DIR, Paths.path(path)));
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve the configuration xml for the default workspace.
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource defaultWorkspaceConfig() {
        Resource r = getRoot("default.xml");
        assert r!=null;
        return r;

     * Retrieve a resource in the the workspace configuration directory. An empty path will retrieve
     * the directory itself.
     * @param ws The workspace
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource get(WorkspaceInfo ws, String... path) {
        Resource r;
        if(ws==null) {
            return resourceLoader.get("");
        } else {
            r = getWorkspacesws.getName(), Paths.path(path));
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve the workspace configuration XML as a Resource
     * @param ws The workspace
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource config(WorkspaceInfo ws) {
        Resource r = get(ws, WORKSPACE_XML);
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve a resource in the the configuration directory of the workspace associated with a
     * namespace.  An empty path will retrieve the directory itself.
     * @param ws The namespace
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource get(NamespaceInfo ns, String... path) {
        Resource r = getWorkspaces(ns.getPrefix(), Paths.path(path));
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve the namespace configuration XML as a Resource
     * @param ns The namespace
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource config(NamespaceInfo ns) {
        Resource r = get(ns, NAMESPACE_XML);
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve a resource in the the configuration directory of a Store.  An empty path will
     * retrieve the directory itself.
     * @param store The store
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource get(StoreInfo store, String... path) {
        Resource r = get(store.getWorkspace(), store.getName(), Paths.path(path));
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve the datastore configuration XML as a Resource
     * @param ds The datastore
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource config(DataStoreInfo ds) {
        Resource r = get(ds, DATASTORE_XML);
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve the coverage store configuration XML as a Resource
     * @param cs The coverage store
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource config(CoverageStoreInfo cs) {
        Resource r = get(cs, COVERAGESTORE_XML);
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve the WMS store configuration XML as a Resource
     * @param wmss The coverage store
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource config(WMSStoreInfo wmss) {
        Resource r = get(wmss, WMSSTORE_XML);
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve the WMS store configuration XML as a Resource
     * @param wmss The coverage store
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    private @Nonnull Resource config(StoreInfo si) {
        final Resource r;
        if(si instanceof DataStoreInfo) {
            r=config((DataStoreInfo) si);
        } else if(si instanceof CoverageStoreInfo) {
            r=config((CoverageStoreInfo) si);
        } else if(si instanceof WMSStoreInfo) {
            r=config((WMSStoreInfo) si);
        } else {
            // It'd be nice if we could be generic and cover potential future StoreInfo types.
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Only DataStoreInfo, CoverageStoreInfo, and WMSStoreInfo are supported.");
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve the resource configuration XML as a Resource
     * @param wmss The resource
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    private @Nonnull Resource config(ResourceInfo si) {
        final Resource r;
        if(si instanceof FeatureTypeInfo) {
            r=config((FeatureTypeInfo) si);
        } else if(si instanceof CoverageInfo) {
            r=config((CoverageInfo) si);
        } else if(si instanceof WMSLayerInfo) {
            r=config((WMSLayerInfo) si);
        } else {
            // It'd be nice if we could be generic and cover potential future ResourceInfo types.
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Only FeatureTypeInfo, CoverageInfo, and WMSLayerInfo are supported.");
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve a resource in the the configuration directory of a Resource.  An empty path will
     * retrieve the directory itself.
     * @param ri The store
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource get(ResourceInfo ri, String... path) {
        Resource r = get(ri.getStore(), ri.getName(), Paths.path(path));
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve the feature type configuration XML as a Resource
     * @param fti The feature type
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource config(FeatureTypeInfo fti) {
        Resource r = get(fti, FEATURETYPE_XML);
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve the coverage configuration XML as a Resource
     * @param c The feature type
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource config(CoverageInfo c) {
        Resource r = get(c, COVERAGE_XML);
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve the WMS layer configuration XML as a Resource
     * @param wmsl The feature type
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource config(WMSLayerInfo wmsl) {
        Resource r = get(wmsl, WMSLAYER_XML);
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve a resource in the the configuration directory of a Layer.  An empty path will
     * retrieve the directory itself.
     * @param li The store
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource get(LayerInfo l, String... path ) {
        final Resource r;
        if ( l.getResource() instanceof FeatureTypeInfo) {
            r = get( (FeatureTypeInfo) l.getResource(), path );
        else if ( l.getResource() instanceof CoverageInfo ) {
            r = get( (CoverageInfo) l.getResource(), path );
        else if ( l.getResource() instanceof WMSLayerInfo ) {
            r = get( (WMSLayerInfo) l.getResource(), path );
        else {
            // It'd be nice if we could be generic and cover potential future ResourceInfo types.
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Only FeatureTypeInfo, CoverageInfo, and WMSLayerInfo are supported.");
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve the layer configuration XML as a Resource
     * @param li The feature type
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource config(LayerInfo li) {
        Resource r = get(li, LAYER_XML);
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve a resource in the the layer groups directory. An empty path will retrieve
     * the directory itself.
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource getLayerGroups(String... path) {
        Resource r = getPaths.path( LAYERGROUP_DIR, Paths.path(path)));
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve a resource in the the layer groups directory of a workspace. An empty path will retrieve
     * the directory itself.
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource getLayerGroups(WorkspaceInfo wsi, String... path) {
        Resource r = get(wsi, Paths.path( LAYERGROUP_DIR, Paths.path(path)));
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve a resource in the the configuration directory of a LayerGroup.  An empty path will
     * retrieve the directory itself. This directory is shared by all Layer Groups in a Workspace.
     * @param lgi The store
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource get(LayerGroupInfo lgi, String... path) {
        WorkspaceInfo wsi = lgi.getWorkspace();
        final Resource r;
        if(wsi==null) {
            r = getLayerGroups(path);
        } else {
            r = getLayerGroups(wsi, path);
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve the layer group configuration XML as a Resource
     * @param lgi The layer group
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource config(LayerGroupInfo lgi) {
        Resource r = get(lgi, String.format("%s.xml", lgi.getName()));
        assert r!=null;
        return r;

     * Retrieve a resource in the the styles directory. An empty path will retrieve
     * the directory itself.
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource getStyles(String... path) {
        Resource r = getPaths.path( STYLE_DIR, Paths.path(path)));
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve a resource in the the styles directory of a workspace. An empty path will retrieve
     * the directory itself.
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource getStyles(WorkspaceInfo wsi, String... path) {
        Resource r = get(wsi, Paths.path( STYLE_DIR, Paths.path(path)));
        assert r!=null;
        return r;

     * Retrieve a resource in the the configuration directory of a Resource.  An empty path will
     * retrieve the directory itself.
     * @param si The store
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource get(StyleInfo si, String... path) {
        WorkspaceInfo workspace = si != null ? si.getWorkspace() : null;
        final Resource r;
        if (workspace == null) {
            r = getStyles(path);
        } else {
            r = getStyles(workspace, path);
        assert r!=null;
        return r;

     * Retrieve the style configuration XML as a Resource
     * @param c The style
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource config(StyleInfo s) {
        //special case for styles, if the file name (minus the suffix) matches the id of the style
        // and the suffix is xml (rather than sld) we need to avoid overwritting the actual
        // style file
        final String filename;
        if (s.getFilename() != null && s.getFilename().endsWith(".xml")
                && s.getFilename().startsWith(s.getName()+".")) {
            //append a second .xml suffix
            filename = s.getName() + ".xml.xml";
        } else {
            filename = s.getName() + ".xml";

        Resource r = get(s, filename);
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve the style definition (SLD) as a Resource
     * @param c The style
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource style(StyleInfo s) {
        // Must be a simple filename
        final String filename = s.getFilename();
        Resource r = get(s, filename);
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve the StyleInfo as a GeoTools Style object. Note this is just
     * the data structure as written, the matching external graphics are unmodified
     * and may not be (yet) available on the local system.
     * @param s The style
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    protected @Nonnull Style parsedStyleResources(StyleInfo s) throws IOException {
        final Resource styleResource = style(s);
        if ( styleResource.getType() == Type.UNDEFINED ){
            throw new IOException( "No such resource: " + s.getFilename());
        final DefaultResourceLocator locator = new DefaultResourceLocator();
        StyledLayerDescriptor sld =
            Styles.handler(s.getFormat()).parse(styleResource, s.getFormatVersion(), locator, null);
        final Style style =;
        assert style!=null;
        return style;
     * Retrieve the style prepared for direct GeoTools use. All file references
     * have been made absolute.
     * @param s The style
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Style parsedStyle(final StyleInfo s) throws IOException {
        final Resource styleResource = style(s);
        if ( styleResource.getType() == Type.UNDEFINED ){
            throw new IOException( "No such resource: " + s.getFilename());
        File input = styleResource.file();

        DefaultResourceLocator locator = new DefaultResourceLocator() {
            public URL locateResource(String uri) {
                URL url = super.locateResource(uri);
                if(url.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("resource")) {
                    return fileToUrlPreservingCqlTemplates(urlToResource(url).file());
                } else {
                    return url;
        final StyledLayerDescriptor sld =
            Styles.handler(s.getFormat()).parse(input, s.getFormatVersion(), locator, null);
        final Style style =;
        assert style!=null;
        return style;
     * Retrieve the settings configuration XML as a Resource
     * @param s The settings
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource config(SettingsInfo s) {
        Resource r = get(s.getWorkspace(), "settings.xml");
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve the logging configuration XML as a Resource
     * @param l The settings
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource config(LoggingInfo l) {
        Resource r = getRoot("logging.xml");
        assert r!=null;
        return r;
     * Retrieve the global configuration xml
     * @param g The global info
     * @return A {@link Resource}
    public @Nonnull Resource config(GeoServerInfo g) {
        Resource r = getRoot("global.xml");
        assert r!=null;
        return r;

    // SLD Manipulation

     * Copy file to styles directory (determined using {@link StyleInfo#getWorkspace()}).
     * @param file
     * @param style
     * @throws IOException
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(StyleInfo, String...)}
    public void copyToStyleDir(File file, StyleInfo style) throws IOException {
        Resource styles = get(style);
        FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(file, styles.dir());

     * Returns the directory in which global layer groups are persisted, if the directory does not exist null is returned.
     * @deprecated As of GeoServer 2.6, replaced by {@link #get(LayerGroupInfo, String...)}
    public File findLayerGroupDir() throws IOException {
        Resource resource = getLayerGroups();

    List<Resource> additionalStyleResources(StyleInfo s) throws IOException {
        final List<Resource> resources = new ArrayList<Resource>();
        final Resource baseDir = get(s);
        try {
            Style parsedStyle = parsedStyleResources(s);
            parsedStyle.accept(new AbstractStyleVisitor() {
                public void visit(ExternalGraphic exgr) {
                    if (exgr.getOnlineResource() == null) {
                    try {
                        Resource r = urlToResource(exgr.getLocation());
                        if (r!=null && r.getType()!=Type.UNDEFINED){
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException|MalformedURLException e) {
                        GeoServerPersister.LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error attemping to process SLD resource", e);

                // TODO: Workaround for GEOT-4803, Remove when it is fixed, KS
                public void visit(ChannelSelection cs) {
                    if (cs.getGrayChannel() != null) {
                    final SelectedChannelType[] rgbChannels = cs.getRGBChannels();
                    for (SelectedChannelType ch : rgbChannels) {
                        if(ch!=null) ch.accept(this);
        catch(IOException e) {
            GeoServerPersister.LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error loading style", e);
        return resources;

    URL resourceToUrl(final Resource res) {
        try {
            return new URL("resource", null, -1, String.format(res.getType()==Type.DIRECTORY?"/%s/":"/%s", res.path()),
                new URLStreamHandler(){

                protected URLConnection openConnection(URL u)
                        throws IOException {
                    return new URLConnection(u){

                        public void connect() throws IOException {
                            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

                        public long getLastModified() {
                            return res.lastmodified();

                        public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {

                        public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
                            return res.out();
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Should not happen",e);
            //LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, e.getMessage(), e);
    @Nullable Resource urlToResource(URL url) {
        if(url.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("resource")) {
            return get(url.getPath());
        } else if (url.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("file")){
            return Files.asResource(DataUtilities.urlToFile(url));
        } else {
            return null;
    Resource uriToResource(Resource base, URI uri) throws MalformedURLException {
        if(uri.getScheme()!=null && !uri.getScheme().equals("file")) {
            return null;
        if(uri.isAbsolute() && ! uri.isOpaque()) {
            assert uri.getScheme().equals("file");
            return Files.asResource(new File(uri.toURL().getFile()));
        else {
            return base.get(uri.normalize().getSchemeSpecificPart());

     * Wrapper for {@link DataUtilities#fileToURL} that unescapes braces used to delimit CQL templates.
    public static URL fileToUrlPreservingCqlTemplates(File file) {
        URL url = DataUtilities.fileToURL(file);
        if (!file.getPath().contains("${")) {
            // guard against situations in which braces are used but not for CQL templates
            return url;
        } else {
            try {
                return new URL(url.toExternalForm().replace("%7B", "{").replace("%7D", "}"));
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                return null;


Related Classes of org.geoserver.config.GeoServerDataDirectory

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