Package com.pugh.sockso.web.action

Source Code of com.pugh.sockso.web.action.DownloaderTest

package com.pugh.sockso.web.action;

import com.pugh.sockso.Constants;
import com.pugh.sockso.Properties;
import com.pugh.sockso.StringProperties;
import com.pugh.sockso.tests.SocksoTestCase;
import com.pugh.sockso.tests.TestLocale;
import com.pugh.sockso.tests.TestUtils;
import com.pugh.sockso.web.BadRequestException;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;

public class DownloaderTest extends SocksoTestCase {

    public void testGetTrackZipPath() {
        final Properties p = new StringProperties();
        final Downloader d = new Downloader();
        d.setProperties( p );
        final Artist artist = TestUtils.getArtist();
        final Album album = TestUtils.getAlbum(artist);
        final Genre genre = TestUtils.getGenre();
        final Track track = new Track.Builder()
                .artist( artist )
                .album( album )
                .genre( genre )
                .dateAdded(new Date())

        final String path = d.getTrackZipPath( track );
        assertTrue( path.contains(artist.getName()) );
        assertTrue( path.contains(album.getName()) );
        assertTrue( path.contains(track.getName()) );
        assertTrue( path.contains("04") ); // tens should be padded

    private Track getTrack( final String artistName ) {
        return getTrack( artistName, "album", "year" );
    private Track getTrack( final String artistName, final String albumName, final String albumYear ) {
        final Artist artist = new Artist.Builder()
        final Album album = new Album.Builder()
        final Genre genre = new Genre( 1, "genre" );
        return new Track.Builder()
                .artist( artist )
                .album( album )
                .genre( genre )

    public void testGettingTheFileNameWhenAllArtistsAreTheSame() {
        List<Track> tracks = new ArrayList<Track>();
        tracks.add( getTrack("artist") );
        tracks.add( getTrack("artist") );
        Downloader d = new Downloader();
        assertEquals( "", d.getFileName(tracks) );
    public void testGettingFilenameWhenDifferentArtists() {
        List<Track> tracks = new ArrayList<Track>();
        tracks.add( getTrack("artist1") );
        tracks.add( getTrack("artist2") );
        Downloader d = new Downloader();
        assertEquals( "", d.getFileName(tracks) );
    public void testGettingFilenameWhenDifferentAlbumsUsesMultipleAlbums() {
        List<Track> tracks = new ArrayList<Track>();
        tracks.add( getTrack("artist","album1","year") );
        tracks.add( getTrack("artist","album2","year") );
        Downloader d = new Downloader();
        assertEquals( "", d.getFileName(tracks) );

    public void testExceptionThrownWhenDownloadsAreDisabled() throws Exception {
        Downloader d = new Downloader();
        Properties p = new StringProperties();
        p.set( Constants.WWW_DOWNLOADS_DISABLE, Properties.YES );
        boolean gotException = false;
        d.setProperties( p );
        d.setLocale( new TestLocale() );
        try { d.handleRequest(); }
        catch ( BadRequestException e ) { gotException = true; }
        assertTrue( gotException );

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