
Source Code of bstar

*     -------------------------------------------------------------------------
*     Copyright (c) 2012-2013 InfiniLoop Corporation
*     Copyright other contributors as noted in the AUTHORS file.
*     This file is part of Zyni, an open-source message based application framework.
*     This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
*     the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
*     Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
*     option) any later version.
*     This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
*     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTA-
*     Public License for more details.
*     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
*     along with this program. If not, see
*     =========================================================================

import org.zeromq.ZContext;
import org.zeromq.ZLoop;
import org.zeromq.ZLoop.IZLoopHandler;
import org.zeromq.ZMQ;
import org.zeromq.ZMQ.PollItem;
import org.zeromq.ZMQ.Socket;
import org.zeromq.ZMsg;

//  bstar class - Binary Star reactor
public class bstar
    //  States we can be in at any point in time
    enum State {
        STATE_PRIMARY,          //  Primary, waiting for peer to connect
        STATE_BACKUP,           //  Backup, waiting for peer to connect
        STATE_ACTIVE,           //  Active - accepting connections
        STATE_PASSIVE           //  Passive - not accepting connections

    //  Events, which start with the states our peer can be in
    enum Event {
        PEER_PRIMARY,           //  HA peer is pending primary
        PEER_BACKUP,            //  HA peer is pending backup
        PEER_ACTIVE,            //  HA peer is active
        PEER_PASSIVE,           //  HA peer is passive
        CLIENT_REQUEST          //  Client makes request

    private ZContext ctx;                   //  Our private context
    private ZLoop loop;                     //  Reactor loop
    private Socket statepub;                //  State publisher
    private Socket statesub;                //  State subscriber
    private State state;                    //  Current state
    private Event event;                    //  Current event
    private long peerExpiry;                //  When peer is considered 'dead'
    private ZLoop.IZLoopHandler voterFn;    //  Voting socket handler
    private Object voterArg;              //  Arguments for voting handler
    private ZLoop.IZLoopHandler activeFn;   //  Call when become active
    private Object activeArg;             //  Arguments for handler
    private ZLoop.IZLoopHandler passiveFn;  //  Call when become passive
    private Object passiveArg;            //  Arguments for handler

    //  The finite-state machine is the same as in the proof-of-concept server.
    //  To understand this reactor in detail, first read the ZLoop class.
    //  .skip

    //  We send state information this often
    //  If peer doesn't respond in two heartbeats, it is 'dead'
    private final static int BSTAR_HEARTBEAT = 1000;          //  In msecs

    //  Binary Star finite state machine (applies event to state)
    //  Returns false if there was an exception, true if event was valid.

    private boolean execute()
        boolean rc = true;

        //  Primary server is waiting for peer to connect
        //  Accepts CLIENT_REQUEST events in this state
        if (state == State.STATE_PRIMARY) {
            if (event == Event.PEER_BACKUP) {
                System.out.printf ("I: connected to backup (passive), ready active\n");
                state = State.STATE_ACTIVE;
                if (activeFn != null)
                    activeFn.handle(loop, null, activeArg);
            if (event == Event.PEER_ACTIVE) {
                System.out.printf ("I: connected to backup (active), ready passive\n");
                state = State.STATE_PASSIVE;
                if (passiveFn != null)
                    passiveFn.handle(loop, null, passiveArg);
            if (event == Event.CLIENT_REQUEST) {
                // Allow client requests to turn us into the active if we've
                // waited sufficiently long to believe the backup is not
                // currently acting as active (i.e., after a failover)
                assert (peerExpiry > 0);
                if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= peerExpiry) {
                    System.out.printf ("I: request from client, ready as active\n");
                    state = State.STATE_ACTIVE;
                    if (activeFn != null)
                        activeFn.handle(loop, null, activeArg);
                } else
                    // Don't respond to clients yet - it's possible we're
                    // performing a failback and the backup is currently active
                    rc = false;
        if (state == State.STATE_BACKUP) {
            if (event == Event.PEER_ACTIVE) {
                System.out.printf ("I: connected to primary (active), ready passive\n");
                state = State.STATE_PASSIVE;
                if (passiveFn != null)
                    passiveFn.handle(loop, null, passiveArg);
                //  Reject client connections when acting as backup
                if (event == Event.CLIENT_REQUEST)
                    rc = false;
        //  .split active and passive states
        //  These are the ACTIVE and PASSIVE states:
        if (state == State.STATE_ACTIVE) {
            if (event == Event.PEER_ACTIVE) {
                //  Two actives would mean split-brain
                System.out.printf ("E: fatal error - dual actives, aborting\n");
                rc = false;
        //  Server is passive
        //  CLIENT_REQUEST events can trigger failover if peer looks dead
        if (state == State.STATE_PASSIVE) {
            if (event == Event.PEER_PRIMARY) {
                //  Peer is restarting - become active, peer will go passive
                System.out.printf ("I: primary (passive) is restarting, ready active\n");
                state = State.STATE_ACTIVE;
            if (event == Event.PEER_BACKUP) {
                //  Peer is restarting - become active, peer will go passive
                System.out.printf ("I: backup (passive) is restarting, ready active\n");
                state = State.STATE_ACTIVE;
            if (event == Event.PEER_PASSIVE) {
                //  Two passives would mean cluster would be non-responsive
                System.out.printf ("E: fatal error - dual passives, aborting\n");
                rc = false;
            if (event == Event.CLIENT_REQUEST) {
                //  Peer becomes active if timeout has passed
                //  It's the client request that triggers the failover
                assert (peerExpiry > 0);
                if (System.currentTimeMillis () >= peerExpiry) {
                    //  If peer is dead, switch to the active state
                    System.out.printf ("I: failover successful, ready active\n");
                    state = State.STATE_ACTIVE;
                    //  If peer is alive, reject connections
                    rc = false;

                //  Call state change handler if necessary
                if (state == State.STATE_ACTIVE && activeFn != null)
                    activeFn.handle(loop, null, activeArg);
        return rc;

    private void updatePeerExpiry()
        peerExpiry = System.currentTimeMillis() + 2 * BSTAR_HEARTBEAT;

    //  Reactor event handlers...

    //  Publish our state to peer
    private static IZLoopHandler SendState = new IZLoopHandler () {

        public int handle(ZLoop loop, PollItem item, Object arg)
            bstar self = (bstar) arg;
            self.statepub.send(String.format("%d", self.state.ordinal()));
            return 0;

    //  Receive state from peer, execute finite state machine
    private static IZLoopHandler RecvState = new IZLoopHandler () {

        public int handle(ZLoop loop, PollItem item, Object arg)
            bstar self = (bstar) arg;
            String state = item.getSocket().recvStr();
            if (state != null) {
                self.event = Event.values()[Integer.parseInt(state)];
            return self.execute() ? 0 : -1;

    //  Application wants to speak to us, see if it's possible
    private static IZLoopHandler VoterReady = new IZLoopHandler () {

        public int handle(ZLoop loop, PollItem item, Object arg)
            bstar self = (bstar) arg;
            //  If server can accept input now, call appl handler
            self.event = Event.CLIENT_REQUEST;
            if (self.execute())
                self.voterFn.handle(loop, item, self.voterArg);
            else {
                //  Destroy waiting message, no-one to read it
                ZMsg msg = ZMsg.recvMsg(item.getSocket());
            return 0;

    //  .until
    //  .split constructor
    //  This is the constructor for our {{bstar}} class. We have to tell it
    //  whether we're primary or backup server, as well as our local and
    //  remote endpoints to bind and connect to:
    public bstar(boolean primary, String local, String remote) {
        //  Initialize the Binary Star
        ctx = new ZContext();
        loop = new ZLoop();
        state = primary? State.STATE_PRIMARY: State.STATE_BACKUP;

        //  Create publisher for state going to peer
        statepub = ctx.createSocket(ZMQ.PUB);

        //  Create subscriber for state coming from peer
        statesub = ctx.createSocket(ZMQ.SUB);

        //  Set-up basic reactor events
        loop.addTimer(BSTAR_HEARTBEAT, 0, SendState, this);
        PollItem poller = new PollItem(statesub, ZMQ.Poller.POLLIN);
        loop.addPoller(poller, RecvState, this);

    //  .split destructor
    //  The destructor shuts down the bstar reactor:
    public void destroy()

    //  .split zloop method
    //  This method returns the underlying zloop reactor, so we can add
    //  additional timers and readers:
    public ZLoop zloop()
        return loop;

    //  .split voter method
    //  This method registers a client voter socket. Messages received
    //  on this socket provide the CLIENT_REQUEST events for the Binary Star
    //  FSM and are passed to the provided application handler. We require
    //  exactly one voter per {{bstar}} instance:
    public int voter(String endpoint, int type, IZLoopHandler handler, Object arg)
        //  Hold actual handler+arg so we can call this later
        Socket socket = ctx.createSocket(type);
        voterFn = handler;
        voterArg = arg;
        PollItem poller = new PollItem(socket, ZMQ.Poller.POLLIN);
        return loop.addPoller(poller, VoterReady, this);

    //  .split register state-change handlers
    //  Register handlers to be called each time there's a state change:
    public void newActive(IZLoopHandler handler, Object arg)
        activeFn = handler;
        activeArg = arg;

    public void newPassive(IZLoopHandler handler, Object arg)
        passiveFn = handler;
        passiveArg = arg;

    //  .split enable/disable tracing
    //  Enable/disable verbose tracing, for debugging:
    public void setVerbose(boolean verbose)

    //  .split start the reactor
    //  Finally, start the configured reactor. It will end if any handler
    //  returns -1 to the reactor, or if the process receives Interrupt

    public int start()
        assert (voterFn != null);
        return loop.start();

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