Package org.msgpack.core

Source Code of org.msgpack.core.MessagePacker

// MessagePack for Java
//    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
//    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
//    You may obtain a copy of the License at
//    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
//    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
//    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
//    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
//    limitations under the License.
package org.msgpack.core;

import org.msgpack.core.buffer.MessageBuffer;
import org.msgpack.core.buffer.MessageBufferOutput;
import org.msgpack.value.Value;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder;
import java.nio.charset.CoderResult;
import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction;

import static org.msgpack.core.MessagePack.Code.*;
import static org.msgpack.core.Preconditions.*;

* Writer of message packed data.
* <p>
* MessagePacker provides packXXX methods for writing values in the message pack format.
* To write raw string or binary data, first use packRawStringHeader or packBinaryHeader to specify the data length,
* then call writePayload(...) method.
* </p>
* <p>
* MessagePacker class has no guarantee to produce the correct message-pack format data if it is not used correctly:
* packXXX methods of primitive values always produce the correct format, but
* packXXXHeader (e.g. array, map, ext) must be followed by correct number of array/map/ext type values.
* packRawStringHeader(length) and packBinaryHeader(length) must be followed by writePayload( ... length) to supply
* the binary data of the specified length in the header.
* </p>
public class MessagePacker implements Closeable {

    private final MessagePack.Config config;

    private MessageBufferOutput out;
    private MessageBuffer buffer;
    private MessageBuffer strLenBuffer;

    private int position;

     * String encoder
    private CharsetEncoder encoder;

     * Create an MessagePacker that outputs the packed data to the given {@link org.msgpack.core.buffer.MessageBufferOutput}
     * @param out MessageBufferOutput. Use {@link org.msgpack.core.buffer.OutputStreamBufferOutput}, {@link org.msgpack.core.buffer.ChannelBufferOutput} or
     *            your own implementation of {@link org.msgpack.core.buffer.MessageBufferOutput} interface.
    public MessagePacker(MessageBufferOutput out) {
        this(out, MessagePack.DEFAULT_CONFIG);

    public MessagePacker(MessageBufferOutput out, MessagePack.Config config) {
        this.config = checkNotNull(config, "config is null");
        this.out = checkNotNull(out, "MessageBufferOutput is null");
        this.position = 0;

    public void reset(MessageBufferOutput out) throws IOException {
        // Validate the argument
        MessageBufferOutput newOut = checkNotNull(out, "MessageBufferOutput is null");

        try {
            if(this.out != newOut) {
        finally {
            // Reset the internal states here for the exception safety
            this.out = newOut;
            this.position = 0;

    private void prepareEncoder() {
        if(encoder == null) {
            this.encoder = MessagePack.UTF8.newEncoder().onMalformedInput(config.getActionOnMalFormedInput()).onUnmappableCharacter(config.getActionOnMalFormedInput());

    private void prepareBuffer() throws IOException {
        if(buffer == null) {
            buffer =;

    public void flush() throws IOException {
        if(buffer == null) {

        if(position == buffer.size()) {
        else {
            out.flush(buffer.slice(0, position));
        buffer = null;
        position = 0;

    public void close() throws IOException {
        try {
        finally {

    private void ensureCapacity(int numBytesToWrite) throws IOException {
        if(buffer == null || position + numBytesToWrite >= buffer.size()) {
            buffer =, numBytesToWrite));

    private void writeByte(byte b) throws IOException {
        buffer.putByte(position++, b);

    private void writeByteAndByte(byte b, byte v) throws IOException {
        buffer.putByte(position++, b);
        buffer.putByte(position++, v);

    private void writeByteAndShort(byte b, short v) throws IOException {
        buffer.putByte(position++, b);
        buffer.putShort(position, v);
        position += 2;

    private void writeByteAndInt(byte b, int v) throws IOException {
        buffer.putByte(position++, b);
        buffer.putInt(position, v);
        position += 4;

    private void writeByteAndFloat(byte b, float v) throws IOException {
        buffer.putByte(position++, b);
        buffer.putFloat(position, v);
        position += 4;

    private void writeByteAndDouble(byte b, double v) throws IOException {
        buffer.putByte(position++, b);
        buffer.putDouble(position, v);
        position += 8;

    private void writeByteAndLong(byte b, long v) throws IOException {
        buffer.putByte(position++, b);
        buffer.putLong(position, v);
        position += 8;

    private void writeShort(short v) throws IOException {
        buffer.putShort(position, v);
        position += 2;

    private void writeInt(int v) throws IOException {
        buffer.putInt(position, v);
        position += 4;

    private void writeLong(long v) throws IOException {
        buffer.putLong(position, v);
        position += 8;

    public MessagePacker packNil() throws IOException {
        return this;

    public MessagePacker packBoolean(boolean b) throws IOException {
        writeByte(b ? TRUE : FALSE);
        return this;

    public MessagePacker packByte(byte b) throws IOException {
        if(b < -(1 << 5)) {
            writeByteAndByte(INT8, b);
        } else {
        return this;

    public MessagePacker packShort(short v) throws IOException {
        if(v < -(1 << 5)) {
            if(v < -(1 << 7)) {
                writeByteAndShort(INT16, v);
            } else {
                writeByteAndByte(INT8, (byte) v);
        } else if(v < (1 << 7)) {
            writeByte((byte) v);
        } else {
            if(v < (1 << 8)) {
                writeByteAndByte(UINT8, (byte) v);
            else {
                writeByteAndShort(UINT16, v);
        return this;

    public MessagePacker packInt(int r) throws IOException {
        if (r < -(1 << 5)) {
            if (r < -(1 << 15)) {
                writeByteAndInt(INT32, r);
            } else if (r < -(1 << 7)) {
                writeByteAndShort(INT16, (short) r);
            } else {
                writeByteAndByte(INT8, (byte) r);
        } else if (r < (1 << 7)) {
            writeByte((byte) r);
        } else {
            if (r < (1 << 8)) {
                writeByteAndByte(UINT8, (byte) r);
            } else if (r < (1 << 16)) {
                writeByteAndShort(UINT16, (short) r);
            } else {
                // unsigned 32
                writeByteAndInt(UINT32, r);
        return this;

    public MessagePacker packLong(long v) throws IOException {
        if (v < -(1L << 5)) {
            if (v < -(1L << 15)) {
                if (v < -(1L << 31)) {
                    writeByteAndLong(INT64, v);
                } else {
                    writeByteAndInt(INT32, (int) v);
            } else {
                if (v < -(1 << 7)) {
                    writeByteAndShort(INT16, (short) v);
                } else {
                    writeByteAndByte(INT8, (byte) v);
        } else if (v < (1 << 7)) {
            // fixnum
            writeByte((byte) v);
        } else {
            if (v < (1L << 16)) {
                if (v < (1 << 8)) {
                    writeByteAndByte(UINT8, (byte) v);
                } else {
                    writeByteAndShort(UINT16, (short) v);
            } else {
                if (v < (1L << 32)) {
                    writeByteAndInt(UINT32, (int) v);
                } else {
                    writeByteAndLong(UINT64, v);
        return this;

    public MessagePacker packBigInteger(BigInteger bi) throws IOException {
        if(bi.bitLength() <= 63) {
        } else if(bi.bitLength() == 64 && bi.signum() == 1) {
            writeByteAndLong(UINT64, bi.longValue());
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Messagepack cannot serialize BigInteger larger than 2^64-1");
        return this;

    public MessagePacker packFloat(float v) throws IOException {
        writeByteAndFloat(FLOAT32, v);
        return this;

    public MessagePacker packDouble(double v) throws IOException {
        writeByteAndDouble(FLOAT64, v);
        return this;

     * Pack the input String in UTF-8 encoding
     * @param s
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    public MessagePacker packString(String s) throws IOException {
        if(s.length() <= 0) {
            return this;

        CharBuffer in = CharBuffer.wrap(s);


        boolean isExtended = false;
        ByteBuffer encodeBuffer = buffer.toByteBuffer(position, buffer.size()-position);
        while(in.hasRemaining()) {
            try {
                CoderResult cr = encoder.encode(in, encodeBuffer, true);

                if(cr.isUnderflow()) {
                    cr = encoder.flush(encodeBuffer);

                if(cr.isOverflow()) {
                    // Allocate a larger buffer
                    int estimatedRemainingSize = Math.max(1, (int) (in.remaining() * encoder.averageBytesPerChar()));
                    ByteBuffer newBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Math.max((int) (encodeBuffer.capacity() * 1.5), encodeBuffer.remaining() + estimatedRemainingSize));
                    encodeBuffer = newBuffer;
                    isExtended = true;

                if(cr.isError()) {
                    if((cr.isMalformed() && config.getActionOnMalFormedInput() == CodingErrorAction.REPORT) ||
                            (cr.isUnmappable() && config.getActionOnUnmappableCharacter() == CodingErrorAction.REPORT)) {
            } catch(CharacterCodingException e) {
                throw new MessageStringCodingException(e);

        int strLen = encodeBuffer.remaining();

        // Preserve the current buffer
        MessageBuffer tmpBuf = buffer;

        // Switch the buffer to write the string length
        if(strLenBuffer == null) {
            strLenBuffer = MessageBuffer.newBuffer(5);
        buffer = strLenBuffer;
        position = 0;
        // pack raw string header (string binary size)
        flush(); // We need to dump the data here to MessageBufferOutput so that we can switch back to the original buffer

        // Reset to the original buffer (or encodeBuffer if new buffer is allocated)
        buffer = isExtended ? MessageBuffer.wrap(encodeBuffer) : tmpBuf;
        // No need exists to write payload since the encoded string is already written to the buffer
        position = strLen;
        return this;

    public MessagePacker packArrayHeader(int arraySize) throws IOException {
        if(arraySize < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("array size must be >= 0");

        if(arraySize < (1 << 4)) {
            writeByte((byte) (FIXARRAY_PREFIX | arraySize));
        } else if(arraySize < (1 << 16)) {
            writeByteAndShort(ARRAY16, (short) arraySize);
        } else {
            writeByteAndInt(ARRAY32, arraySize);
        return this;

    public MessagePacker packMapHeader(int mapSize) throws IOException {
        if(mapSize < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("map size must be >= 0");

        if(mapSize < (1 << 4)) {
            writeByte((byte) (FIXMAP_PREFIX | mapSize));
        } else if(mapSize < (1 << 16)) {
            writeByteAndShort(MAP16, (short) mapSize);
        } else {
            writeByteAndInt(MAP32, mapSize);
        return this;

    public MessagePacker packValue(Value v) throws IOException {
        return this;

    public MessagePacker packExtendedTypeHeader(int extType, int payloadLen) throws IOException {
        if(payloadLen < (1 << 8)) {
            if(payloadLen > 0 && (payloadLen & (payloadLen - 1)) == 0) { // check whether dataLen == 2^x
                if(payloadLen == 1) {
                    writeByteAndByte(FIXEXT1, (byte) extType);
                } else if(payloadLen == 2){
                    writeByteAndByte(FIXEXT2, (byte) extType);
                } else if(payloadLen == 4) {
                    writeByteAndByte(FIXEXT4, (byte) extType);
                } else if(payloadLen == 8) {
                    writeByteAndByte(FIXEXT8, (byte) extType);
                } else {
                    writeByteAndByte(FIXEXT16, (byte) extType);
            } else {
                writeByteAndByte(EXT8, (byte) payloadLen);
                writeByte((byte) extType);
        } else if(payloadLen < (1 << 16)) {
            writeByteAndShort(EXT16, (short) payloadLen);
            writeByte((byte) extType);
        } else {
            writeByteAndInt(EXT32, payloadLen);
            writeByte((byte) extType);

            // TODO support dataLen > 2^31 - 1
        return this;

    public MessagePacker packBinaryHeader(int len) throws IOException {
        if(len < (1 << 8)) {
            writeByteAndByte(BIN8, (byte) len);
        } else if(len < (1 << 16)) {
            writeByteAndShort(BIN16, (short) len);
        } else {
            writeByteAndInt(BIN32, len);
        return this;

    public MessagePacker packRawStringHeader(int len) throws IOException {
        if(len < (1 << 5)) {
            writeByte((byte) (FIXSTR_PREFIX | len));
        } else if(len < (1 << 8)) {
            writeByteAndByte(STR8, (byte) len);
        } else if(len < (1 << 16)) {
            writeByteAndShort(STR16, (short) len);
        } else {
            writeByteAndInt(STR32, len);
        return this;

    public MessagePacker writePayload(ByteBuffer src) throws IOException {
        if(src.remaining() >= config.getPackerRawDataCopyingThreshold()) {
            // Use the source ByteBuffer directly to avoid memory copy

            // First, flush the current buffer contents

            // Wrap the input source as a MessageBuffer
            MessageBuffer wrapped = MessageBuffer.wrap(src).slice(src.position(), src.remaining());
            // Then, dump the source data to the output
        else {
            // If the input source is small, simply copy the contents to the buffer
            while(src.remaining() > 0) {
                if(position >= buffer.size())
                int writeLen = Math.min(buffer.size() - position, src.remaining());
                buffer.putByteBuffer(position, src, writeLen);
                position += writeLen;
        return this;

    public MessagePacker writePayload(byte[] src) throws IOException {
        return writePayload(src, 0, src.length);

    public MessagePacker writePayload(byte[] src, int off, int len) throws IOException {
        if(len >= config.getPackerRawDataCopyingThreshold()) {
            // Use the input array directory to avoid memory copy

            // Flush the current buffer contents

            // Wrap the input array as a MessageBuffer
            MessageBuffer wrapped = MessageBuffer.wrap(src).slice(off, len);
            // Dump the source data to the output
        else {
            int cursor = 0;
            while(cursor < len) {
                if(buffer != null && position >= buffer.size()) {
                int writeLen = Math.min(buffer.size() - position, len - cursor);
                buffer.putBytes(position, src, off + cursor, writeLen);
                position += writeLen;
                cursor += writeLen;
        return this;


Related Classes of org.msgpack.core.MessagePacker

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