Package er.extensions.eof

Source Code of er.extensions.eof.EOEnterpriseObjectClazz$DefaultClazzFactory

// Project ERExtensions
// Created by ak on Fri Apr 12 2002
package er.extensions.eof;

import java.util.Enumeration;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAttribute;
import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabaseContext;
import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabaseDataSource;
import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOEntity;
import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOModelGroup;
import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOArrayDataSource;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOClassDescription;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOFetchSpecification;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOKeyValueQualifier;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSortOrdering;


* <h4>Adds class-level inheritance to EOF.</h4>
* <p>In Java, static methods are similar to class methods in Objective-C, but
* one cannot use static methods in interfaces and static methods cannot be overridden
* by a subclass. Using the clazz pattern removes those limitations.</p>
* <p>Instead of using a static method, we can use a static inner class (a clazz)
* instead. This allows for the methods on the clazz to be available statically to
* the class. The advantage is that static utility methods don't need to be
* generated for every subclass of an EOEnterpriseObject. It is generally sufficient to
* simply use the utility methods available on the EOEnterpriseObjectClazz.</p>
* <p>Every subclass of this class will get their own "ClazzObject" instance, so it's
* OK to store things which might be different in superclasses. That is, the "User"'s
* implementation can override the "Person"'s and because Person.clazz() will get
* it's own instance, it will do only "Person" things.</p>
* <p>Use subclasses of EOEnterpriseObjectClazz as inner classes in your EO subclasses
* to work around the missing class object inheritance of java. They <b>must</b>
* be named XX.XXClazz to work.</p>
* <p>The methods from EOUtilities are mirrored here so you don't have to import EOAccess
* in your subclasses, which is not legal for client-side classes. The implementation
* for a client-side class could then be easily switched to use the server-side EOUtilites
* implementation.</p>
* @param <T>
public class EOEnterpriseObjectClazz<T extends EOEnterpriseObject> {
     * logging support
    public static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(EOEnterpriseObjectClazz.class);
     * caches the clazz objects
    private static NSMutableDictionary allClazzes = new NSMutableDictionary();

     * caches the count attribute
    private static EOAttribute _objectCountAttribute = null;

     * Creates and caches an eo attribute that can be
     * used to return the number of objects that a given
     * fetch specification will return.
     * @return eo count attribute
    protected static EOAttribute objectCountAttribute() {
        if ( _objectCountAttribute == null ) {
            _objectCountAttribute = new EOAttribute();

        return _objectCountAttribute;

     * @param foo
    protected static EOAttribute objectCountUniqueAttribute(EOAttribute foo) {
        EOAttribute tmp = new EOAttribute();

        tmp.setReadFormat("count( distinct t0."+foo.columnName()+")");
        return tmp;

     * caches the entity name
    private String _entityName;

     * Default public constructor. In case you let your code generate with a template,
     * you can simply call:<pre><code>
     * public static FooClazz clazz = new FooClazz();
     * </code></pre> and the constructor will auto-discover your entity name. This only
     * works when you have a concrete subclass for the entity in question, though.
    public EOEnterpriseObjectClazz() {
     * Called by the constructor.
    protected void initialize() {
  protected void discoverEntityName() {
    // AK: If your class is enclosed by a EO subclass the constructor
    // will auto-discover the corresponding entity name. Not sure we need this, though.
    if(_entityName == null) {
      String className = getClass().getName();
      int index = className.indexOf('$');
      if(index > 0) {
        className = className.substring(0, index);
        Class c = ERXPatcher.classForName(className);
        if(c != null) {
          // we should use the class description, but it's too early for that when we
          // do this as a result of a static variable init.
          NSArray entities = (NSArray) EOModelGroup.defaultGroup().models().valueForKeyPath("entities.@flatten");
          EOQualifier q = new EOKeyValueQualifier("className", EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual, className);
          NSArray candidates = EOQualifier.filteredArrayWithQualifier(entities, q);
          if(candidates.count() > 1) {
            log.warn("More than one entity found: " + candidates);
          EOEntity entity = (EOEntity) candidates.lastObject();
          if(entity != null) {
            String entityName =;
            // HACK AK: this relies on you having set up your classes correctly,
            // meaning that you have exactly one final class var per EO class, with the correct
            // superclasses set up (so EOBase gets loaded before EOSubclass)
            if(allClazzes.containsKey(entityName)) {
              _entityName = entityName;
            } else {

     * Constructor that also supplies an entity name.
     * @param entityName
    public EOEnterpriseObjectClazz(String entityName) {
     * Convenience init so you can chain constructor calls:<pre><code>
     * public static FooClazz clazz = (FooClazz)new FooClazz().init("Foo");
     * </code></pre>
     * without having to override the default constructor or the one
     * that takes an entity name. Also useful when you don't have a special
     * clazz defined for your entity, but would rather take one from a superclass.
     * @param entityName
    public EOEnterpriseObjectClazz init(String entityName) {
    return this;

     * Returns the class description for the entity.
    public EOClassDescription classDescription() {
      return entity().classDescriptionForInstances();

     * Utility to return a new array datasource
     * @param ec
    public EOArrayDataSource newArrayDataSource(EOEditingContext ec) {
      return new EOArrayDataSource(classDescription(), ec);
     * Utility to return a new database datasource
     * @param ec
     public EODatabaseDataSource newDatabaseDataSource(EOEditingContext ec) {
      return new EODatabaseDataSource(ec, entityName());

     * Resets the clazz cache.
    public static void resetClazzCache() { allClazzes.removeAllObjects(); }
     * Method used to get a clazz object for a given entity name.
     * This method will cache the generated clazz object so that
     * for a given entity name only one clazz object will be created.
     * @param entityName name of the entity to get the Clazz object for
     * @return clazz object for the given entity
    public static EOEnterpriseObjectClazz clazzForEntityNamed(String entityName) {
        EOEnterpriseObjectClazz clazz = (EOEnterpriseObjectClazz)allClazzes.objectForKey(entityName);
        if(clazz == null) {
            clazz = factory().classFromEntity(ERXEOAccessUtilities.entityNamed(null, entityName));
        if(log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("clazzForEntityNamed '" +entityName+ "': " + clazz.getClass().getName());
        return clazz;
     * Creates and inserts an object of the type of
     * the clazz into the given editing context.
     * @param ec an editing context
     * @return newly created and inserted object
    public T createAndInsertObject(EOEditingContext ec) {
        T eo = (T) ERXEOControlUtilities.createAndInsertObject(ec,entityName());
        return eo;

     * Generates an array of primary key values for
     * the clazz's entity. Uses the database context
     * for the entity's model and the given editingcontext.
     * @param ec am editing context
     * @param i number of primary keys to generate
     * @return array of new primary keys
    public NSArray newPrimaryKeys(EOEditingContext ec, int i) {
        EOEntity entity = entity(ec);
        EODatabaseContext dbc = EODatabaseContext.registeredDatabaseContextForModel(entity.model(), ec);
        try {
          return dbc.availableChannel().adaptorChannel().primaryKeysForNewRowsWithEntity(i, entity);
        } finally {

     * Gets all of the objects for the clazz's entity.
     * Just a cover method for the {@link com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities EOUtilities}
     * method <code>objectsForEntityNamed</code>.
     * @param ec editingcontext to fetch the objects into
     * @return array of all the objects for a given entity name.
    public NSArray<T> allObjects(EOEditingContext ec) {
        return EOUtilities.objectsForEntityNamed(ec, entityName());

     * Creates an enterprise object from a raw row
     * for the clazz's entity in the given editing context.
     * @param ec editing context to create the eo in
     * @param dict raw row dictionary
     * @return enterprise object for the raw row
    public T objectFromRawRow(EOEditingContext ec, NSDictionary dict) {
        return (T) EOUtilities.objectFromRawRow(ec, entityNameFromRawRow(ec, dict), dict);

     * Utility method to get the entity name from a raw row dictionary, taking subclasses and restricting qualifiers into account.
     * @param ec an editing context
     * @param dict raw row dictionary
     * @return entity name, if any
    protected String entityNameFromRawRow(EOEditingContext ec, NSDictionary dict) {
        String entityName = entityName();
        EOEntity entity = entity(ec);
        if(entity.isAbstractEntity() && entity.subEntities().count() > 0) {
            for(Enumeration e = entity.subEntities().objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
                EOEntity sub = (EOEntity)e.nextElement();
                if(sub.restrictingQualifier() != null) {
                    if(sub.restrictingQualifier().evaluateWithObject(dict)) {
                } else {
                    if(sub.isAbstractEntity()) {
                        // do sth useful?
        return entityName;

     * Fetches the enterprise object for the specified
     * primary key value and corresponding to the clazz's
     * entity name.
     * @param ec editing context to fetch into
     * @param pk primary key value. Compound primary keys are given as NSDictionaries.
     * @return enterprise object for the specified primary key value.
    public T objectWithPrimaryKeyValue(EOEditingContext ec, Object pk) {
        return (T) ERXEOControlUtilities.objectWithPrimaryKeyValue(ec, entityName(), pk, null);

     * Fetches all of the objects matching the given qualifier
     * format corresponding to the clazz's entity using the
     * given editing context.
     * @param ec editing context
     * @param qualifier qualifier string
     * @param args qualifier format arguments
     * @return array of objects corresponding to the passed in parameters.
    public NSArray<T> objectsWithQualifierFormat(EOEditingContext ec, String qualifier, NSArray args) {
        return EOUtilities.objectsWithQualifierFormat(ec, entityName(), qualifier, args);
     * Fetches all of the objects matching the given key and value
     * corresponding to the clazz's entity using the
     * given editing context.
     * @param ec editing context
     * @param key key string
     * @param value value
     * @return array of objects corresponding to the passed in parameters.
    public NSArray<T> objectsMatchingKeyAndValue(EOEditingContext ec, String key, Object value) {
        return EOUtilities.objectsMatchingKeyAndValue(ec, entityName(), key, value);
    public NSArray<T> objectsMatchingQualifier(EOEditingContext ec, EOQualifier qualifier) {
        return objectsMatchingQualifier(ec, qualifier, null);
    public NSArray<T> objectsMatchingQualifier(EOEditingContext ec, EOQualifier qualifier, NSArray<EOSortOrdering> sortOrdering) {
        return ec.objectsWithFetchSpecification(new EOFetchSpecification(entityName(), qualifier, sortOrdering));
     * Fetches the object matching the given key and value
     * corresponding to the clazz's entity using the
     * given editing context. If more than one matches, throws a EOMoreThanOneException,
     * otherwise returns null or the match.
     * @param ec editing context
     * @param key key string
     * @param value value
     * @return array of objects corresponding to the passed in parameters.
    public T objectMatchingKeyAndValue(EOEditingContext ec, String key, Object value) {
        NSArray<T> result = objectsMatchingKeyAndValue(ec, key, value);
        if(result.count() > 1) {
          throw new EOUtilities.MoreThanOneException("More than one: " + key + "->" + value);
        return result.lastObject();

     * Fetches an array of objects for a given fetch specification
     * and an array of bindings. The fetch specifiation is resolved
     * off of the entity corresponding to the current clazz.
     * @param ec editing content to fetch into
     * @param name fetch specification name
     * @param bindings used to resolve binding keys within the fetch
     *     specification
     * @return array of objects fetched using the given fetch specification
    public NSArray<T> objectsWithFetchSpecificationAndBindings(EOEditingContext ec, String name, NSDictionary bindings) {
        return EOUtilities.objectsWithFetchSpecificationAndBindings(ec, entityName(), name, bindings);

     * Sets the entity name of the clazz. Also registers the clazz in the cache.
     * @param name of the entity
    protected void setEntityName(String name) {
    _entityName = name;
      allClazzes.setObjectForKey(this, _entityName);
     * Gets the entity name of the clazz.
     * @return entity name of the clazz.
  public String entityName() {
    return _entityName;

     * Gets the entity corresponding to the entity
     * name of the clazz.
     * @return entity for the clazz
    public EOEntity entity() {
        return entity(null);

     * Gets the entity corresponding to the entity
     * name of the clazz.
     * @param ec an editing context
     * @return entity for the clazz
    public EOEntity entity(EOEditingContext ec) {
        return ERXEOAccessUtilities.entityNamed(ec,entityName());

     * Gets a fetch specification for a given name.
     * @param name of the fetch specification
     * @return fetch specification for the given name and the clazz's entity
     *     name
    public EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecificationNamed(String name) {
        return fetchSpecificationNamed(null,name);

     * Gets a fetch specification for a given name.
     * @param ec editing context to use for finding the model group
     * @param name of the fetch specification
     * @return fetch specification for the given name and the clazz's entity
     *     name
    public EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecificationNamed(EOEditingContext ec, String name) {
        return entity(ec).fetchSpecificationNamed(name);

     * Creates a fetch spec for the entity.
     * @return fetch specification for the given name and the clazz's entity
     *     name
    public ERXFetchSpecification<T> createFetchSpecification(EOQualifier qualifier, NSArray<EOSortOrdering> sortings) {
        return new ERXFetchSpecification(entityName(), qualifier, sortings);

     * Filters an array with a given fetch spec.
     * @param array
     * @param spec
     * @param bindings
    public NSArray<T> filteredArray(NSArray<T> array, EOFetchSpecification spec, NSDictionary bindings) {
      EOQualifier qualifier;

        if (bindings != null) {
            spec = spec.fetchSpecificationWithQualifierBindings(bindings);

        NSArray<T> result = new NSArray(array);
        qualifier = spec.qualifier();
        if (qualifier != null) {
            result = EOQualifier.filteredArrayWithQualifier(result, qualifier);
        NSArray sortOrderings = spec.sortOrderings();
        if (sortOrderings != null) {
            result = EOSortOrdering.sortedArrayUsingKeyOrderArray(result,sortOrderings);

        return result;
     * Returns the number of objects matching the given
     * qualifier for the clazz's entity name. Implementation
     * wise this method will generate the correct sql to only
     * perform a count, i.e. all of the objects wouldn't be
     * pulled into memory.
     * @param ec editing context to use for the count qualification
     * @param qualifier to find the matching objects
     * @return number of matching objects
    public Number objectCountWithQualifier(EOEditingContext ec, EOQualifier qualifier) {
      return (Number) ERXEOControlUtilities._aggregateFunctionWithQualifierAndAggregateAttribute(ec, entityName(), qualifier, EOEnterpriseObjectClazz.objectCountAttribute());

     * Find the number of objects matching the given fetch
     * specification and bindings for the clazz's entity
     * name. Implementation wise the sql generated will
     * only return the count of the query, not all of the
     * rows matching the qualification.
     * @param ec ec used to perform the count in
     * @param fetchSpecName name of the fetch specification
     * @param bindings dictionary of bindings for the fetch
     *     specification
     * @return number of objects matching the given fetch  specification and
     *     bindings
    public Number objectCountWithFetchSpecificationAndBindings(EOEditingContext ec, String fetchSpecName,  NSDictionary bindings) {
        EOFetchSpecification unboundFetchSpec;
        EOFetchSpecification boundFetchSpec;

        unboundFetchSpec = fetchSpecificationNamed(ec, fetchSpecName);
        if (unboundFetchSpec == null) {
            return null;
        boundFetchSpec = unboundFetchSpec.fetchSpecificationWithQualifierBindings(bindings);
        return objectCountWithQualifier(ec, boundFetchSpec.qualifier());

     * Constructs a fetch specification that will only fetch the primary
     * keys for a given qualifier.
     * @param ec editing context, not used
     * @param eoqualifier to construct the fetch spec with
     * @param sortOrderings array of sort orderings to sort the result
     *     set with.
     * @param additionalKeys array of additional key paths to construct
     *      the raw rows key paths to fetch.
     * @return fetch specification that can be used to fetch primary keys for
     *     a given qualifier and sort orderings.
    // FIXME: The ec parameter is not needed, nor used.
    public EOFetchSpecification primaryKeyFetchSpecificationForEntity(EOEditingContext ec, EOQualifier eoqualifier, NSArray sortOrderings, NSArray additionalKeys) {
        String entityName = entityName();
        EOFetchSpecification fs = new EOFetchSpecification(entityName, eoqualifier, sortOrderings);
        EOEntity entity = entity(ec);
        NSMutableArray keys = new NSMutableArray(entity.primaryKeyAttributeNames());
        if(additionalKeys != null) {
        if(entity.restrictingQualifier() != null) {
            NSArray restrict = entity.restrictingQualifier().allQualifierKeys().allObjects();
        if(entity.isAbstractEntity()) {
            NSArray restrict = (NSArray)entity.subEntities().valueForKeyPath("restrictingQualifier.allQualifierKeys.allObjects.@flatten.@unique");
        return fs;

     * Fetches an array of primary keys matching a given qualifier
     * and sorted with a given array of sort orderings.
     * @param ec editing context to fetch into
     * @param eoqualifier to restrict matching primary keys
     * @param sortOrderings array of sort orders to sort result set
     * @return array of primary keys matching a given qualifier
    public NSArray primaryKeysMatchingQualifier(EOEditingContext ec, EOQualifier eoqualifier, NSArray sortOrderings) {
        EOFetchSpecification fs = primaryKeyFetchSpecificationForEntity(ec, eoqualifier, sortOrderings, null);
        //NSArray nsarray = EOUtilities.rawRowsForQualifierFormat(ec, fs.qualifier(), );
        NSArray nsarray = ec.objectsWithFetchSpecification(fs);
        return nsarray;

     * Fetches an array of primary keys matching the values
     * in a given dictionary.
     * @param ec editing context to fetch into
     * @param nsdictionary dictionary of key value pairs to match
     *     against.
     * @param sortOrderings array of sort orders to sort the result set
     *      by.
     * @return array of primary keys matching the given criteria.
    public NSArray primaryKeysMatchingValues(EOEditingContext ec, NSDictionary nsdictionary, NSArray sortOrderings) {
        return primaryKeysMatchingQualifier(ec, EOQualifier.qualifierToMatchAllValues(nsdictionary), sortOrderings);

     * Constructs an array of faults for a given array
     * of primary keys in a given editing context for
     * the clazz's entity.
     * @param ec editing context to construct the faults in
     * @param nsarray array of primary key dictionaries
     * @return array of faults for an array of primary key dictionaries.
    public NSArray<T> faultsFromRawRows(EOEditingContext ec, NSArray nsarray) {
        int count = nsarray.count();
        NSMutableArray<T> faults = new NSMutableArray(count);
        for( int i = 0; i < count; i ++ ) {
            faults.addObject(objectFromRawRow(ec, (NSDictionary)nsarray.objectAtIndex(i)));
        return faults;
     * Fetches an array of faults matching a given qualifier.
     * @param ec editing context to use to fetch into
     * @param eoqualifier qualifier to match against
     * @return array of faults that match the given qualifier
    public NSArray<T> faultsMatchingQualifier(EOEditingContext ec, EOQualifier eoqualifier) {
        NSArray<T> nsarray = primaryKeysMatchingQualifier(ec, eoqualifier, null);
        return faultsFromRawRows(ec, nsarray);

     * Fetches an array of faults matching a given qualifier
     * and sorted by an array of sort orderings.
     * @param ec editing context to use to fetch into
     * @param eoqualifier qualifier to match against
     * @param sortOrderings array of sort orderings to order the faults
     * @return array of faults that match the given qualifier
    public NSArray<T> faultsMatchingQualifier(EOEditingContext ec, EOQualifier eoqualifier, NSArray<EOSortOrdering> sortOrderings) {
        NSArray<T> nsarray = primaryKeysMatchingQualifier(ec, eoqualifier, sortOrderings);
        return faultsFromRawRows(ec, nsarray);

     * Fetches an array of faults for a given set of criteria.
     * @param ec editing context to use to fetch into
     * @param nsdictionary key value criteria to match against
     * @param sortOrderings array of sort orderings to order the faults
     * @return array of faults that match the given criteria
    public NSArray<T> faultsMatchingValues(EOEditingContext ec, NSDictionary nsdictionary, NSArray<EOSortOrdering> sortOrderings) {
        NSArray nsarray = primaryKeysMatchingValues(ec, nsdictionary, sortOrderings);
        return faultsFromRawRows(ec, nsarray);

     * Provides a hook to control how a clazz object is chosen from a given entity.
    public static interface ClazzFactory {
        public EOEnterpriseObjectClazz classFromEntity(EOEntity entity);


    private static ClazzFactory _factory = new DefaultClazzFactory();

    public static ClazzFactory factory() { return _factory; }
    public static void setFactory(ClazzFactory value) { _factory = value; }

     * Default factory implementation.
     * @author ak
    public static class DefaultClazzFactory implements ClazzFactory {

      protected boolean classNameIsGenericRecord(final String className) {
            return className.equals("ERXGenericRecord");

      protected EOEnterpriseObjectClazz newInstanceOfDefaultClazz() {
            return new EOEnterpriseObjectClazz();

      protected EOEnterpriseObjectClazz newInstanceOfGenericRecordClazz() {
            return new ERXGenericRecord.ERXGenericRecordClazz();
      protected String clazzNameForEntity(EOEntity entity) {
        return entity.className() + "$" + + "Clazz";

         * Creates a clazz object for a given entity.
         * Will look for a clazz object with the name:
         * <entity name>$<entity name>Clazz.
         * @param entity to generate the clazz for
         * @return clazz object for the given entity
        public EOEnterpriseObjectClazz classFromEntity(EOEntity entity) {
            EOEnterpriseObjectClazz clazz = null;
            if(entity == null) {
                clazz = newInstanceOfDefaultClazz();
            } else {
                try {
                    String className = entity.className();
                    if(classNameIsGenericRecord(className)) {
                        clazz = newInstanceOfGenericRecordClazz();
                    } else {
                      String clazzName = clazzNameForEntity(entity);
                        clazz = (EOEnterpriseObjectClazz)Class.forName(clazzName).newInstance();
                } catch (InstantiationException ex) {
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
            if(clazz == null) return classFromEntity(entity.parentEntity());
            return clazz;

Related Classes of er.extensions.eof.EOEnterpriseObjectClazz$DefaultClazzFactory

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