
Source Code of WBUtilities

import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOGlobalID;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSortOrdering;

* WBUtilities only has static methods that are used to sort, filter, and manipulate EOEnterpriseObjects.<BR>
* This class also has a convience toHTML(String str) method.
public final class WBUtilities  {
    private static final WBComboFormatter htmlFormatter = new WBComboFormatter(false, false, true);

    private WBUtilities(){

     * Sorts an array of EOEnterpriseObjects with a key.  The array will be ascending.
     * @param anArray    Array of EOEnterpriseObjects
     * @param key    Key to sort by
     * @see #reverseSortArrayWithKey
    public static void sortArrayWithKey(NSMutableArray anArray, String key){
        NSMutableArray sortOrderings = new NSMutableArray();
        sortOrderings.addObject(new EOSortOrdering(key, EOSortOrdering.CompareAscending));
        EOSortOrdering.sortArrayUsingKeyOrderArray(anArray, sortOrderings);

     * Sorts an array of EOEnterpriseObjects with a key.  The array will be descending.
     * @param anArray    Array of EOEnterpriseObjects
     * @param key    Key to sort by
     * @see #sortArrayWithKey
    public static void reverseSortArrayWithKey(NSMutableArray anArray, String key){
        NSMutableArray sortOrderings = new NSMutableArray();
        sortOrderings.addObject(new EOSortOrdering(key, EOSortOrdering.CompareDescending));
        EOSortOrdering.sortArrayUsingKeyOrderArray(anArray, sortOrderings);

     * Sorts an array of EOEnterpriseObjects with two keys.  The array will be ascending.
     * @param anArray    Array of EOEnterpriseObjects
     * @param key1    Key to sort by first
     * @param key3    Key to sort by second
     * @see #reverseSortArrayWithKey1And2
    public static void sortArrayWithKey1And2(NSMutableArray anArray, String key1, String key2){
        NSMutableArray sortOrderings = new NSMutableArray();
        sortOrderings.addObject(new EOSortOrdering(key1, EOSortOrdering.CompareAscending));
        sortOrderings.addObject(new EOSortOrdering(key2, EOSortOrdering.CompareAscending));
        EOSortOrdering.sortArrayUsingKeyOrderArray(anArray, sortOrderings);

     * Sorts an array of EOEnterpriseObjects with two keys.  The array will be descending.
     * @param anArray    Array of EOEnterpriseObjects
     * @param key1    Key to sort by first
     * @param key3    Key to sort by second
     * @see #sortArrayWithKey1And2
    public static void reverseSortArrayWithKey1And2(NSMutableArray anArray, String key1, String key2){
        NSMutableArray sortOrderings = new NSMutableArray();
        sortOrderings.addObject(new EOSortOrdering(key1, EOSortOrdering.CompareDescending));
        sortOrderings.addObject(new EOSortOrdering(key2, EOSortOrdering.CompareDescending));
        EOSortOrdering.sortArrayUsingKeyOrderArray(anArray, sortOrderings);

     * Sorts an array of EOEnterpriseObjects with a key.  The array will be ascending.
     * @return      NSArray of sorted EOEnterpriseObjects
     * @param anArray    Array of EOEnterpriseObjects
     * @param key    Key to sort by
     * @see #reverseSortedArrayWithKey
    public static NSArray sortedArrayWithKey(NSMutableArray anArray, String key){
        NSMutableArray sortOrderings = new NSMutableArray();
        sortOrderings.addObject(new EOSortOrdering(key, EOSortOrdering.CompareAscending));
        return EOSortOrdering.sortedArrayUsingKeyOrderArray(anArray, sortOrderings);

     * Sorts an array of EOEnterpriseObjects with a key.  The array will be descending.
     * @return      NSArray of sorted EOEnterpriseObjects
     * @param anArray    Array of EOEnterpriseObjects
     * @param key    Key to sort by
     * @see #sortedArrayWithKey
    public static NSArray reverseSortedArrayWithKey(NSMutableArray anArray, String key){
        NSMutableArray sortOrderings = new NSMutableArray();
        sortOrderings.addObject(new EOSortOrdering(key, EOSortOrdering.CompareDescending));
        return EOSortOrdering.sortedArrayUsingKeyOrderArray(anArray, sortOrderings);

     * Filters an array of EOEnterpriseObjects with a key and value.
     * @return      NSArray of filted EOEnterpriseObjects
     * @param anArray    Array of EOEnterpriseObjects
     * @param key    Key to filter by
     * @param value    Value for key
     * @see #sortedArrayWithKey
    public static NSArray filteredArrayWithKeyAndValue(NSArray anArray, String key, String value){
        NSMutableArray args = new NSMutableArray();
        EOQualifier qualifier = EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat("%@ = %@", args);
        return EOQualifier.filteredArrayWithQualifier(anArray, qualifier);

     * Takes a String and converts the carriage returns to breaks and tabs to five non-break spaces.
     * @return      HTML formatted string
     * @param str    String to format
    public static String toHTML(String str){
        if(str != null){
            return htmlFormatter.format(str);
        return null;

     * Short hand method for EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(ec, anObject);.
     * @return      EOEnterpriseObject
     * @param ec    EOEditingContext
     * @param anObject    EOEnterpriseObject
    public static EOEnterpriseObject localInstance(EOEditingContext ec, EOEnterpriseObject anObject){
        return (EOEnterpriseObject)EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(ec, anObject);

     * Invalidate the Object
     * @param object    EOEnterpriseObject to invalidate
    public static void invalidateObject(EOEnterpriseObject object){
        if(object != null){
            EOEditingContext ec = object.editingContext();
            EOGlobalID globalID = ec.globalIDForObject(object);
            //invalidate the object
            if(globalID != null){
                NSArray globalIDs = new NSArray(globalID);

     * Returns the Primary Key for an EOEnterpriseObject.
     * @return      Returns Primary Key for object if object and key are not null, 0 otherwise.
     * @param object    EOEnterpriseObject to get the Primary Key
     * @param key    Key for Primary Key
    public static Number primaryKeyForObjectWithKey(EOEnterpriseObject object, String key){
        if(object !=null && key != null){
            NSDictionary pDict = (NSDictionary)EOUtilities.primaryKeyForObject(object.editingContext(), object);
            return (Number)pDict.objectForKey(key);
        return Integer.valueOf(0);


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