Package AGEvalSwipl

Source Code of AGEvalSwipl.Generator

package AGEvalSwipl;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Vector;

import jpl.Term;
import jpl.Variable;
import AGEval.AGEvaluator;
import AGEval.Function;
import AGEval.InvalidGrammarException;
import AGEvalSwipl.AGEvaluatorSwipl.Schedule;
import aleGrammar.ALEParser;
import aleGrammar.AleFrontend;
import aleGrammar.ALEParser.ExtendedClass;

//FIXME: @deprecated (this vs. abstractgenerator?)
public class Generator implements GeneratorI {

  public final boolean debug = true;
  private final Backend backend;
  public Generator (Backend backend_) {
    backend = backend_;
  public static Vertex lookupAttribute(String lhsRaw, AGEval.Class cls) throws InvalidGrammarException {
    String lhs = lhsRaw.replace("$$", "").replace("$-", "").replace("$i", "");
    return lhs.split("@").length == 2 ?
        (lhs.split("@")[0].equals("self") ? cls.findVertexByExtName(lhs.split("@")[1])           
         : cls.getChildByName(lhs.split("@")[0]).findVertexByExtName(lhs.split("@")[1]))
        : cls.findVertexByExtName(lhs);         
  public static AGEval.IFace getIFaceByEc(ALEParser ast, ExtendedClass ec) throws InvalidGrammarException {
    for (Entry<AGEval.IFace, ExtendedClass> e : ast.extendedClasses.entrySet())
      if (e.getValue() == ec) return e.getKey();
    throw new InvalidGrammarException("Cannot find name for ec");
  public static ALEParser.ExtendedVertex extendedGet(ALEParser ast, AGEval.IFace clsRaw, String prop) throws InvalidGrammarException {
    String uProp = AGEvaluatorSwipl.attribName(prop).toLowerCase().replace("$$", "").replace("$-", "").replace("$i", "");
    //AGEval.IFace cls;
    String base = AGEvaluatorSwipl.attribBase(prop);
    ExtendedClass ec;
    if (base.equals("self")) {
      //cls = clsRaw;
      ec = ast.extendedClasses.get(clsRaw);
    } else {
      if (clsRaw instanceof AGEval.Class) {
        AGEval.Class clsC = (AGEval.Class) clsRaw;
        if (clsC.hasChildName(base)) { //singleton
          ec = ast.extendedClasses.get(clsC.getChildByName(base).getInterface());
        } else { //multichild
          ec = ast.extendedClasses.get(ast.interfaceTable.get(ast.extendedClasses.get(clsRaw).multiChildren.get(base)));         
      } else {
        ec = ast.extendedClasses.get(clsRaw);
    for (Entry<String, ALEParser.ExtendedVertex> e : ec.extendedVertices.entrySet())
      if (e.getKey().toLowerCase().equals(uProp)) return e.getValue();   
    AGEval.IFace cls = getIFaceByEc(ast, ec);
    if (cls instanceof AGEval.Class) return extendedGet(ast, cls.getInterface(), uProp); //retry on interface
    throw new InvalidGrammarException("Extended get on class fail: " + clsRaw.getName() + " (ec: " + cls.getName() + ") for " + prop);
    AGEval.IFace iface = cls.getInterface();
    if (iface == cls || iface == null) throw new InvalidGrammarException("Extended get on interface fail: " + cls.getName() + " for " + prop);   
      for (Entry<String, ALEParser.ExtendedVertex> e : ast.extendedClasses.get(iface).extendedVertices.entrySet())
        if (e.getKey().toLowerCase().equals(uProp)) return e.getValue();   
  public static AGEval.IFace lookupChildGeneral(AGEval.Class cls, String child) throws InvalidGrammarException {
    AGEval.IFace res = cls.getChildByName(child);
    if (res != null) return res;
    else {
      for (Entry<String, AGEval.IFace> e: cls.getChildMappings().entrySet()) {
        if (e.getKey().toLowerCase().equals(child)) {
          if (e.getValue() != null) return e.getValue();
          else throw new InvalidGrammarException("Looked up null child: " + cls.getName() + "'s " + child);         
    throw new InvalidGrammarException("Cannot find child " + child + " of " + cls.getName());
  public static ALEParser.ExtendedVertex lookupAttributeExtended(String lhsRaw, AGEval.Class cls, ALEParser ast) throws InvalidGrammarException {
    String lhs = lhsRaw.toLowerCase().replace("$$", "").replace("$-", "").replace("$i", "").replace("_init", "").replace("_last", "").replace("_step", "");
    String rhsRaw = AGEvaluatorSwipl.attribName(lhs);
    String node;
    String prop;
    if (lhs.split("_").length == 2) { //child_prop or self@child_prop
      node = AGEvaluatorSwipl.attribName(lhsRaw).split("_")[0];
      prop = lhsRaw.split("_")[1];
    } else {
      node = AGEvaluatorSwipl.attribBase(lhs);
      prop = rhsRaw;
    try {
      return extendedGet(ast, node.equals("self") ? cls : lookupChildGeneral(cls, node), prop);
    } catch (InvalidGrammarException e) {
      throw new InvalidGrammarException("Bad lookupAttributeExtended: " + lhsRaw + " in class/interface " + cls.getName() + "\n" + e.getMessage());

  public HashMap<String, String> genExprPrinter(AGEvaluator aleg, HashMap<AGEval.Class, ArrayList<ALEParser.Cond>> conds, Schedule sched) throws InvalidGrammarException {
    HashMap<String, String> exprPrinter = new HashMap<String, String>();
    for (AGEval.Class cls : aleg.classes) {
      for (Function f : cls.getFunctions()) {
        String printArgs = "";
        for (String src : f.getStringSrcs())
          printArgs += backend.logStmtVar(2, 8, src.toString(), sched._ast, cls, src, backend.rhsToVal(src, cls, sched._ast));
        String printer = "";
        printer += backend.logStmtVar(2, 4, f.getName(), sched._ast, cls, f.myDest, backend.rhsToVal(f.myDest, cls, sched._ast));       
        exprPrinter.put(f.getName().toLowerCase(), printer + printArgs);
    for (ALEParser.Assignment asgn : sched._ast.assignments) {
      if (!"".equals(asgn.loopVar)) {
        AGEval.Class cls = asgn._class;
        String lhsRaw = asgn._sink;
        String lhs = lhsRaw.toLowerCase();
           boolean isParentAttrib = !lhsRaw.contains("@") || lhsRaw.split("@")[0].equals("self");
        if (asgn.isReduction) {
          String whoInit = cls.getName().toLowerCase() + "_" + lhsRaw.toLowerCase().replace("@", "_") + "_init";
          String initVar = isParentAttrib ? (lhsRaw + "_init") : ("self@" + AGEvaluatorSwipl.attribBase(lhsRaw) + "_" + AGEvaluatorSwipl.attribName(lhsRaw) + "_init");
                  0, 6, "init " + asgn._sink, sched._ast, cls, initVar,
                  backend.rhsToVal(initVar, cls, sched._ast)));
          //String dupeLhs = backend.lhsToAddress((isParentAttrib ? AGEvaluatorSwipl.attribName(lhs) : (lhs.replace("@","_") + "_last")), cls, sched._ast);
          String dupe = isParentAttrib ? AGEvaluatorSwipl.attribName(lhs) : (lhs.replace("@","_") + "_last");
              exprPrinter.get(whoInit+ backend.logStmtVar(0, 4, "last init " + dupe, sched._ast, cls, dupe, backend.rhsToVal(dupe, cls, sched._ast)));
        if (asgn._sink.contains("[-1]")) {
          String whoInit = cls.getName().toLowerCase() + "_" + lhsRaw.toLowerCase().replace("@", "_").replace("[-1]", "") + "_init";
          exprPrinter.put(whoInit, backend.logStmtVar(6, 9, "init " + lhsRaw, sched._ast, cls, lhsRaw, backend.rhsToVal(lhsRaw, cls, sched._ast)));
        } else {
          String whoStep = cls.getName().toLowerCase() + "_" + lhsRaw.toLowerCase().replace("@", "_") + "_step";
          exprPrinter.put(whoStep, backend.logStmtVar(6, 9, "step " + lhsRaw, sched._ast, cls, lhsRaw, backend.rhsToVal(lhsRaw, cls, sched._ast)));
        if (asgn.isReduction) {
          String printVar = (isParentAttrib ? AGEvaluatorSwipl.attribName(lhs) : (lhs.replace("@","_"))) + "_last";
          exprPrinter.put(cls.getName().toLowerCase() + "_" + lhsRaw.toLowerCase().replace("@", "_") + "_last",
              backend.logStmtVar(0, 6, "last " + lhs, sched._ast, cls, printVar, backend.rhsToVal(printVar, cls, sched._ast)));

    //NOTE: conds handled with exprToCall's invocation of addNestedConditionals
      return exprPrinter;
  public String nestedTernary(ALEParser.Case c, String lhs, AGEval.Class cls, Schedule sched) throws InvalidGrammarException {
    String res = "";
    if (!c.isElse) {   
      res += bindExpr(c.openBody, c.indexedVariables, cls, false, false, backend.toAcc(lhs, cls), sched);
      res += " ? ";
    } else {
      //res += " : ";

    for (ALEParser.Assignment asgn : c.assignments) {
      if (asgn._sink.equals(lhs)) {
        res += "(" + bindExpr(asgn._indexedBody, asgn._variables, cls, false, false, backend.toAcc(lhs, cls), sched) + ")";
        return res + (c.isElse ? "" : ":");

    //not directly available, try from conds
    //FIXME only use cond that (recursively) covers lhs (should be exactly 1 -- verify?)
    for (ALEParser.Cond cnd : c.conditionals) {
      res += nestedTernary(cnd, lhs, cls, sched);

    return res + (c.isElse ? "" : ":");
  //navigate cases until got assignment
  public String nestedTernary(ALEParser.Cond c, String lhs, AGEval.Class cls, Schedule sched) throws InvalidGrammarException {
    String res = "(";
    res += nestedTernary(c.testCase, lhs, cls, sched);
    for (ALEParser.Case cs : c.elseifs) res += nestedTernary(cs, lhs, cls, sched);
    res += nestedTernary(c.elseCase, lhs, cls, sched);
    return res + ")";

  public String nestedTernaryLoopStep(ALEParser.Case c, String lhsRaw, AGEval.Class cls, Schedule sched) throws InvalidGrammarException {
      String res = "";
      if (!c.isElse) {   
        res += bindExpr(c.openBody, c.indexedVariables, cls, true, false, backend.toAcc(lhsRaw, cls), sched);
        res += " ? ";
      } else {
      //  res += " : ";
      for (ALEParser.Assignment asgn : c.assignments) {
        if (asgn._sink.equals(lhsRaw)) {
          return res += asgnLoopExpr(cls, asgn, lhsRaw, false, sched+ (c.isElse ? "" : ":");
      for (ALEParser.Cond cnd : c.conditionals) {
        res += nestedTernaryLoopStep(cnd, lhsRaw, cls, sched);
      return res  + (c.isElse ? "" : ":");
    public String nestedTernaryLoopStep(ALEParser.Cond c, String lhsRaw, AGEval.Class cls, Schedule sched) throws InvalidGrammarException {
      String res = "(";
      res += nestedTernaryLoopStep(c.testCase, lhsRaw, cls, sched);
      for (ALEParser.Case cs : c.elseifs) res += nestedTernaryLoopStep(cs, lhsRaw, cls, sched);
      res += nestedTernaryLoopStep(c.elseCase, lhsRaw, cls, sched);
      return res + ")";
  public String nestedTernaryLoopInit(ALEParser.Case c, String lhsRaw, AGEval.Class cls, Schedule sched) throws InvalidGrammarException {
      String res = "";
      if (!c.isElse) {   
        //cppGen.checkInitable(sched.reductions, cls, c.indexedVariables, lhsRaw);
        res += bindExpr(c.openBody, c.indexedVariables, cls, true, true, backend.toAcc(lhsRaw, cls), sched);
        res += " ? ";
      } else {
        //res += " : ";
      for (ALEParser.Assignment asgn : c.assignments) {
        if (asgn._sink.equals(lhsRaw)) {
          return res += asgnLoopExpr(cls, asgn, lhsRaw, true, sched) + (c.isElse ? "" : ":");
      for (ALEParser.Cond cnd : c.conditionals) {
        res += nestedTernaryLoopInit(cnd, lhsRaw, cls, sched);
      return res + (c.isElse ? "" : ":");
    public String nestedTernaryLoopInit(ALEParser.Cond c, String lhsRaw, AGEval.Class cls, Schedule sched) throws InvalidGrammarException {
      String res = "(";
      res += nestedTernaryLoopInit(c.testCase, lhsRaw, cls, sched);
      for (ALEParser.Case cs : c.elseifs) res += nestedTernaryLoopInit(cs, lhsRaw, cls, sched);
      res += nestedTernaryLoopInit(c.elseCase, lhsRaw, cls, sched);
      return res + ")";
//  public static String bindExpr(String openBody, HashMap<String,String> indexedVariables, AGEval.Class cls) throws InvalidGrammarException {
  public String bindExpr(String openBody, HashMap<String,String> indexedVariables, AGEval.Class cls, boolean allowStep, boolean replaceStep, String acc, Schedule sched) throws InvalidGrammarException {   
    String res = backend.replaceTypeVals(openBody, sched._ast);
    for (Entry<String, String> e : indexedVariables.entrySet()) {
//      res = res.replaceAll(e.getValue() + " ", rhsToVal(e.getKey(), cls) + " ");
//      res = res.replaceAll(e.getValue() + "$", rhsToVal(e.getKey(), cls) + " ");
      if (!allowStep && (e.getKey().equals("$-") || e.getKey().contains("$i") || e.getKey().contains("$$"))) {
        throw new InvalidGrammarException("reduction variables ($ identifiers) must be in loop steps, error binding expression "
            + openBody + " with " + e.getKey() + " == " + e.getValue());
      if (e.getKey().contains("$-")) {
        if (replaceStep) {
          throw new InvalidGrammarException("$acc must be in loop steps, error binding expression "
              + openBody + " with " + e.getKey() + " == " + e.getValue());
        } else {
          res = res.replaceAll(e.getValue() + " ", backend.rhsToVal(e.getKey(), cls, sched._ast) + " ");
          res = res.replaceAll(e.getValue() + ",", backend.rhsToVal(e.getKey(), cls, sched._ast) + ",");
          res = res.replaceAll(e.getValue() + "\\)", backend.rhsToVal(e.getKey(), cls, sched._ast+ ")");           
          res = res.replaceAll(e.getValue() + "$", backend.rhsToVal(e.getKey(), cls, sched._ast+ " ");           
      } else if (e.getKey().contains("$i")) {   
        if (replaceStep) {
          //FIXME init $i => final
          res = res.replaceAll(e.getValue() + " ", backend.rhsToVal(e.getKey(), cls, sched._ast).replace("$", "\\$"+ " ");
          res = res.replaceAll(e.getValue() + ",", backend.rhsToVal(e.getKey(), cls, sched._ast).replace("$", "\\$"+ ",");
          res = res.replaceAll(e.getValue() + "\\)", backend.rhsToVal(e.getKey(), cls, sched._ast).replace("$", "\\$"+ ")");
          res = res.replaceAll(e.getValue() + "$", backend.rhsToVal(e.getKey(), cls, sched._ast).replace("$", "\\$"+ " ");
          //FIXME data structure generation must provide (in case using more lax check than just isReduct...)
        } else {
          //step $i => child
          res = res.replaceAll(e.getValue() + " ", backend.rhsToVal(e.getKey(), cls, sched._ast).replace("$", "\\$"+ " ");
          res = res.replaceAll(e.getValue() + ",", backend.rhsToVal(e.getKey(), cls, sched._ast).replace("$", "\\$"+ ",");
          res = res.replaceAll(e.getValue() + "\\)", backend.rhsToVal(e.getKey(), cls, sched._ast).replace("$", "\\$"+ ")");           
          res = res.replaceAll(e.getValue() + "$", backend.rhsToVal(e.getKey(), cls, sched._ast).replace("$", "\\$"+ " ");           
      } else {
        res = res.replaceAll(e.getValue() + " ", backend.rhsToVal(e.getKey(), cls, sched._ast).replace("$", "\\$"+ " ");
        res = res.replaceAll(e.getValue() + ",", backend.rhsToVal(e.getKey(), cls, sched._ast).replace("$", "\\$"+ ",");
        res = res.replaceAll(e.getValue() + "\\)", backend.rhsToVal(e.getKey(), cls, sched._ast).replace("$", "\\$"+ ")");
        res = res.replaceAll(e.getValue() + "$", backend.rhsToVal(e.getKey(), cls, sched._ast).replace("$", "\\$"+ " ");
    return res;
  public String asgnLoopExpr (AGEval.Class cls, ALEParser.Assignment asgn, String lhsRaw, boolean isInit, Schedule sched) throws InvalidGrammarException {
    String res = "";
    if (asgn.isReduction) {
      res += "(" +
          isInit ? asgn.startBody : asgn.stepBody,
          isInit ? asgn.startVariables : asgn.stepVariables,
          cls, true, isInit, backend.toAcc(lhsRaw, cls), sched) + ")";
    } else {
      //if (sched.reductions.accessedAsLast.get(cls).contains(lhsRaw)) CppGenerator.checkInitable(sched.reductions, cls, asgn._variables, lhsRaw);     
      res += "(" + bindExpr(asgn._indexedBody, asgn._variables, cls, true, isInit, backend.toAcc(lhsRaw, cls), sched) + ")";
    return res;
  public void addAssign(String lhsRaw, AGEval.Class cls, AGEvaluatorSwipl.Schedule sched, boolean isReduction,
      ALEParser.Assignment maybeAsgn, ALEParser.Cond maybeCond, HashMap<String, String> exprToCall) throws InvalidGrammarException
      boolean isParentAttrib = !lhsRaw.contains("@") || lhsRaw.split("@")[0].equals("self");
      String lhs = lhsRaw.toLowerCase();
      if (isReduction) {
        String whoInit = cls.getName().toLowerCase() + "_" + lhsRaw.toLowerCase().replace("@", "_") + "_init";
        String initLhs = backend.lhsToAddress(isParentAttrib ? (lhsRaw + "_init") : ("self@" + AGEvaluatorSwipl.attribBase(lhsRaw) + "_" + AGEvaluatorSwipl.attribName(lhsRaw) + "_init"), cls, sched._ast);
            backend.asgnE(initLhs, (maybeCond == null ? asgnLoopExpr(cls, maybeAsgn, lhsRaw, true, sched)
                : nestedTernaryLoopInit(maybeCond, lhsRaw, cls, sched))));
        String dupeLhs = backend.lhsToAddress((isParentAttrib ? AGEvaluatorSwipl.attribName(lhs) : (lhs.replace("@","_") + "_last")), cls, sched._ast);                 
        exprToCall.put(whoInit, exprToCall.get(whoInit) +
            + backend.asgnE(dupeLhs,
                backend.rhsToVal(isParentAttrib ? (lhsRaw + "_init") : ("self@" + AGEvaluatorSwipl.attribBase(lhsRaw) + "_" + AGEvaluatorSwipl.attribName(lhsRaw) + "_init"), cls, sched._ast)));

      if (lhsRaw.contains("[-1]")) {
        String whoInit = cls.getName().toLowerCase() + "_" + lhsRaw.toLowerCase().replace("@", "_").replace("[-1]","") + "_init";
        String initLhs = backend.lhsToAddress(isParentAttrib ? (lhsRaw + "_init") : ("self@" + AGEvaluatorSwipl.attribBase(lhsRaw) + "_" + AGEvaluatorSwipl.attribName(lhsRaw).replace("[-1]","") + "_init"), cls, sched._ast);       
            backend.asgnE(initLhs, (maybeCond == null ? asgnLoopExpr(cls, maybeAsgn, lhsRaw, true, sched)
                : nestedTernaryLoopInit(maybeCond, lhsRaw, cls, sched))));
      } else {
        String whoStep = cls.getName().toLowerCase() + "_" + lhsRaw.toLowerCase().replace("@", "_") + "_step";
            backend.asgnE(backend.lhsToAddress(lhsRaw, cls, sched._ast), (maybeCond == null ? asgnLoopExpr(cls, maybeAsgn, lhsRaw, false, sched)
                : nestedTernaryLoopStep(maybeCond, lhsRaw, cls, sched))));
      if (isReduction) {
        String dupeLhs = backend.lhsToAddress((isParentAttrib ? AGEvaluatorSwipl.attribName(lhs) : (lhs.replace("@","_"))) + "_last", cls, sched._ast);                 
        exprToCall.put(cls.getName().toLowerCase() + "_" + lhsRaw.toLowerCase().replace("@", "_") + "_last",
            "      " + backend.asgnE(dupeLhs, backend.rhsToVal(lhsRaw, cls, sched._ast)));

  public HashMap<String, String> genExprToCall(AGEvaluator aleg, HashMap<AGEval.Class, ArrayList<ALEParser.Cond>> conds, Schedule sched, HashMap<String, String> exprPrinter) throws InvalidGrammarException {
    HashMap<String, String> exprToCall = new HashMap<String, String>();
    for (AGEval.Class cls : aleg.classes) {
      for (Function f : cls.getFunctions()) {
        String lhs = backend.lhsToAddress(f.myDest, cls, sched._ast);
        String rhs = f.getName() + "(";
        boolean isFirst = true;
        for (String src : f.getStringSrcs()) {
          if (isFirst) isFirst = false;
          else rhs += ", ";
          rhs += backend.rhsToVal(src, cls, sched._ast);
        rhs += ")";
        exprToCall.put(f.getName().toLowerCase(), backend.asgnE(lhs, rhs));
    for (ALEParser.Assignment asgn : sched._ast.assignments) {
      if (!"".equals(asgn.loopVar)) {
        addAssign(asgn._sink, asgn._class, sched, asgn.isReduction, asgn, null, exprToCall);
    addNestedConditionals(exprToCall, exprPrinter, conds, aleg, sched);
    return exprToCall;
  public static void gatherVariables(ALEParser.Case c, HashSet<String> nonReductSinks, HashSet<String> reductSinks) {
      for (ALEParser.Assignment asgn : c.assignments) {
        if (asgn.isReduction) reductSinks.add(asgn._sink);
        else nonReductSinks.add(asgn._sink);
      for (ALEParser.Cond cnd : c.conditionals) {
        gatherVariables(cnd, nonReductSinks, reductSinks);
    public static void gatherVariables(ALEParser.Cond c, HashSet<String> nonReductSinks, HashSet<String> reductSinks) {
      gatherVariables(c.testCase, nonReductSinks, reductSinks);
      for (ALEParser.Case cs : c.elseifs) gatherVariables(cs, nonReductSinks, reductSinks);
      gatherVariables(c.elseCase, nonReductSinks, reductSinks);

  public void addNestedConditionals (
      HashMap<String, String> exprToCall,
      HashMap<String, String> exprPrinter,
      HashMap<AGEval.Class, ArrayList<ALEParser.Cond>> conds,
      AGEvaluator aleg,
      Schedule sched) throws InvalidGrammarException {     
    if (conds == null) return;     
    for (AGEval.Class cls : aleg.classes) {
      if (conds.containsKey(cls)) {
        for (ALEParser.Cond cnd  : conds.get(cls)) {
          HashSet<String> nonReductSinks = new HashSet<String>();       
          HashSet<String> reductSinks = new HashSet<String>();
          gatherVariables(cnd, nonReductSinks, reductSinks);
          HashSet<String> sinks = new HashSet<String>();
          for (String lhsRaw : sinks) {
            String lhs = lhsRaw.toLowerCase();
            String loop = sched._ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).idToLoop.get(lhs);
            if (loop == null) {
              System.err.println("- loop cnd asgn, class " + cls.getName() + ": lhs " + lhs);
              for (String opt : sched._ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).idToLoop.keySet()) {
                System.err.println("  option: " + opt);
              throw new InvalidGrammarException("could not find enclosing loop");

            boolean inLoop = !"".equals(sched._ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).idToLoop.get(lhs));
            String fname = cls.getName().toLowerCase() + "_" + lhs.replace("@", "_");
            String assign = backend.lhsToAddress(lhsRaw, cls, sched._ast);
            if (!inLoop) {                  
              String rhs = nestedTernary(cnd, lhsRaw, cls, sched);
              exprToCall.put(fname, backend.asgnE(assign, rhs));
              exprPrinter.put(fname, backend.logStmtVar(0, 0, fname, sched._ast, cls,  lhs, backend.rhsToVal(lhs, cls, sched._ast)));
            } else {
              boolean isReduction = reductSinks.contains(lhsRaw);
              addAssign(lhsRaw, cls, sched, isReduction, null, cnd, exprToCall);             
                  backend.logStmtVar(0, 0, fname + "_step", sched._ast, cls, lhs, backend.rhsToVal(lhs, cls, sched._ast)));
            if (reductSinks.contains(lhsRaw)) {
              String iLhs = "self@"
                + (AGEvaluatorSwipl.attribBase(lhsRaw).equals("self") ? "": (AGEvaluatorSwipl.attribBase(lhsRaw)+"_"))
                + AGEvaluatorSwipl.attribName(lhsRaw) + "_init";               
                  backend.logStmtVar(0, 0, fname + "_init", sched._ast, cls, iLhs, backend.rhsToVal(iLhs, cls, sched._ast)));             
  // Each HashMap returned from this method is equivalent to one pass in generated visitors
  public HashMap<AGEval.Class, String> visit (
      AGEvaluator aleg, HashMap<String, AGEval.Class> classMap,
      HashMap<String, String> exprToCall,
      HashMap<String, String> exprPrinter,
      int visitNum, Term pass, HashMap<AGEval.Class, ArrayList<String>> childOrders,
      Schedule sched) throws InvalidGrammarException {

    HashMap<AGEval.Class, String>  visit = new HashMap<AGEval.Class, String> (aleg.classes.size());
    for (AGEval.Class cls : aleg.classes) {
      visit.put(cls, backend.visitHeader(cls, visitNum, sched._ast)); //e.g., function vbox0 {
    HashMap<AGEval.Class, ArrayList<String>> openLoopVars = new HashMap<AGEval.Class, ArrayList<String>>();   
    int childI = 0;
    for (Term act : pass.toTermArray()) {
      if (act.isInteger()) {
        visitRecursion(sched, visitNum, childOrders, act, childI, openLoopVars, visit, exprToCall, exprPrinter);
        //System.err.println("Calling visit recursion on " + act.toString());
      } else {
        visitAction(sched, act, openLoopVars, visit, exprToCall, exprPrinter);
        //System.err.println("Calling visit action on " + act.toString());
    //System.err.println("(pass: " + pass + ")\n==\n");
    // Add the footer to each visit
    for (AGEval.Class cls : aleg.classes) {
      if (openLoopVars.containsKey(cls))
        throw new InvalidGrammarException("End of visit with unclosed loop: " + cls.getName()+"::"+openLoopVars.get(cls).get(0));
        //closeLoop(cls, sched, openLoopVars, visit, exprToCall, exprPrinter);
      visit.put(cls, visit.get(cls) + backend.visitFooter(cls, visitNum, sched._ast));     
    return visit;
  public String visits(
      AGEvaluator aleg,
      Hashtable<Variable, Term> binding, HashMap<AGEval.Class, ArrayList<String>> childOrder,
      HashMap<String, AGEval.Class> classMap,
      HashMap<String, String> exprToCall,
      HashMap<String, String> exprPrinter,
      Schedule sched) throws InvalidGrammarException {
    String res = "";
    int numVisits = binding.get("P").toTermArray().length;
    ArrayList<HashMap<AGEval.Class, String> > visits = new ArrayList<HashMap<AGEval.Class, String> > (numVisits);     
    ArrayList<String> directions = new ArrayList<String>(numVisits);
    int visitI = 0;          
    for (Term visit : binding.get("P").toTermArray()) {
      //System.out.println("Pass: " + visit);
      //(Visit, Direction, Previous, Assume, VisitO); car/cdr for each nesting
      String stencil = visit.arg(2).arg(1).toString();
      visits.add(visit(aleg, classMap, exprToCall, exprPrinter, visitI, visit.arg(2).arg(2).arg(2).arg(2), childOrder, sched));

    //res += "\nStencil order: ";
    //for (String dir : directions) res += dir + " ";
    //res += "\n";
    for (HashMap<AGEval.Class, String>  pass : visits) {
      res += "///// pass /////\n";
      for (String visit : pass.values()) {
        res += visit;
    return res;
  public boolean isPhantom(String f, ExtendedClass cls2) {
    String cleanF = f.replace("_step","").replace("_init","").replace("_last","");   
    String[] parts = cleanF.split("_");
    String nodeF;
    String attribF;
      if (parts.length == 2) {
        nodeF = "self";
        attribF = parts[1];
      } else {
        nodeF = parts[parts.length - 2];
        attribF = parts[parts.length - 1];
    String cmp = nodeF + "@" + attribF;
    if (cls2.phantomAttributes.contains(cmp)) {
//      System.err.println("skip phantom F: " + f);
      return true;
    } else {
//      System.err.println("do F: " + f);
      return false;
  public void closeLoop (AGEval.Class cls, String loopVar,
      AGEvaluatorSwipl.Schedule sched, HashMap<AGEval.Class,
      ArrayList<String>> openLoops, HashMap<AGEval.Class, String>  soFar,
      HashMap<String, String> exprToCall, HashMap<String, String> exprPrinter) throws InvalidGrammarException {
    String res = "";
    //String loopVar = sched._ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).idToLoop.get(openLoops.get(cls).get(0).replace("_step", "").replace("_","@"));   
    ExtendedClass cls2 = sched._ast.extendedClasses.get(cls);
    res += backend.openLastChild(cls, loopVar);
    boolean hasAnyToCopy = false;
    if (!openLoops.containsKey(cls)) {
      String options = "";
      for (AGEval.Class c : openLoops.keySet()) options += "option: " + c.getName() + "\n";
      throw new InvalidGrammarException("No loop to close on class " + cls.getName() + ":" + options);
    for (String f : openLoops.get(cls)) {
      String cleanF = f.replace("_step", "").replace("_", "@");   
      //System.err.println("Checking for closure open var " + cleanF);
      //for (String s : schedule2.reductions.accessedAsLast.get(cls)) System.err.println("  " + s);
      if (sched.reductions.accessedAsLast.get(cls).contains(cleanF)) { //set: x, child@y, ...
        String base = AGEvaluatorSwipl.attribBase(cleanF);
        if (base.equals("self")) continue;
        hasAnyToCopy = true;     
        String attrib = cleanF.split("@")[1];
        String lastAttrib = (base + "_" + attrib + "_last").toLowerCase();
        String lastLhs = "self@" + lastAttrib;
        res += "        " + backend.asgnS(backend.lhsToAddress(lastLhs, cls, sched._ast), backend.rhsToVal(cleanF, cls, sched._ast));
        res += backend.logStmtVar(8,4,cleanF, sched._ast, cls, lastLhs, backend.rhsToVal(lastLhs, cls, sched._ast));
      res += backend.closeLastChild();
    for (String f : openLoops.get(cls)) {
      if (!isPhantom(cls.getName().toLowerCase() + "_" + f, cls2)) {
        if (exprToCall.containsKey(f + "_last")) {
          hasAnyToCopy = true;
          res += exprToCall.get(f + "_last") + ";\n";
    res = (hasAnyToCopy ? res : "") + backend.closeChildLoop() + "\n";
    String inits = "\n";
    for (String s : openLoops.get(cls)) {
      String sClean = cls.getName().toLowerCase() + "_" + s.replace("_step", "_init");
      //if (!schedule2.reductions.accessedAsReduction.get(cls).contains(s.replace("_step", "").replace("_", "@"))) {
        //System.err.println("Not accessed as reduction: " + s.replace("_step", "").replace("_", "@") + ", searching: ");
        //for (String o : schedule2.reductions.accessedAsReduction.get(cls)) System.err.println("  Option: " + o);
      if (!exprToCall.containsKey(sClean)) { //FIXME prescreen
        //System.err.println("Missing " + s + " => " + sClean);
        //for (String o : exprToCall.keySet()) System.err.println("  opt: " + o);       
      if (isPhantom(sClean, cls2)) continue;
      //else System.err.println("hit: "+ s + " => " + sClean);
      inits += "  " + exprToCall.get(sClean).replace("\n", "\n  ") + ";\n";
      String log = exprPrinter.get(sClean);
      if (debug && log != null)
        inits += "  " + log.replace("\n", "\n  ");
        System.err.println("Missing log: " + sClean);       
    inits += backend.openChildLoop(cls, loopVar, sched._ast);
    soFar.put(cls, soFar.get(cls).replace("#openLoop# {\n", inits) + res);
  public static boolean childrenContains(Collection<String> rawCollection, String entry) {
    String entryClean = entry.toLowerCase();
    for (String s : rawCollection) {
      if (s.toLowerCase().equals(entryClean)) return true;
    return false;
  public void visitRecursion(Schedule sched, int visitNum, HashMap<AGEval.Class, ArrayList<String>> childOrders, Term act, int childI,
      HashMap<AGEval.Class, ArrayList<String>> openLoopVars, HashMap<AGEval.Class, String>  visit, HashMap<String, String> exprToCall, HashMap<String, String> exprPrinter) throws InvalidGrammarException {
    for (AGEval.Class cls : sched._aleg.classes) {
      if (cls.getChildMappings().size() > childI) {
        ArrayList<String> visitOrder = childOrders.get(cls);
        if (visitOrder == null) {
          String available = "";
          for (AGEval.Class key : childOrders.keySet()) {
            available += key.getName().toLowerCase() + " ";
          throw new InvalidGrammarException("No visit order for class " + cls.getName().toLowerCase() + ", available: " + available);
        String childName = visitOrder.get(childI);
        if (childrenContains(sched._ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).multiChildren.keySet(), childName)) {
          boolean selfLoop = openLoopVars.get(cls) == null;
          if (selfLoop) {
            visit.put(cls, visit.get(cls) + openLoop(cls, openLoopVars));
          visit.put(cls, visit.get(cls) + backend.childrenRecur(cls, childName, visitNum, sched._ast));
          if (selfLoop) {
            closeLoop(cls, childName, sched, openLoopVars, visit, exprToCall, exprPrinter);
        } else {
          visit.put(cls, visit.get(cls) + "  " + backend.childRecur(cls, childName, visitNum));
          visit.put(cls, visit.get(cls) + backend.logStmt(2, 2, "resume visit " + cls.getName(), "" + visitNum));

  public static String openLoop (AGEval.Class cls, HashMap<AGEval.Class, ArrayList<String>> openLoops)  {
    // This string is later regex'ed into our actual open loop statement
    // (in the closeLoop method.)
    // Seriously??? Let this comment save you the three hours it took me to figure this out.
    String res = "  #openLoop# {\n";
    openLoops.put(cls, new ArrayList<String>());
    return res;

  //Rather tricky: statements may or may not be in a loop, scheduler might interleave loop statements
  //1. loop opening/restarting:
  //  Currently: (assumes loops only over one child)
  //    track which loop is currently open (signaled by a _step), including order of loop vars (_steps) and recursions
  //    close when first _last is reached, flush open vars
  //    don't re-close if open vars is empty (TODO: check that close is of a last-flushed var?)
  //    error if in open loop and out of loop call (assuming screening of phantoms)
  //    careful to put recursion inside current loop or within its own loop if on a multichild
  //  Future: support loops over multiple children
  //    may need to commute loops to support multiple loop vars
  //2. if a child.x is used as an $-, introduce a local var for it
  //3. if a child.x is used as a $$, need to store last assign to it (up to lower-level compiler to remove #2 in this case)
  //All of these can be better optimized than currently done (e.g., no need for field if a priv class attrib is local to this visit)
  //FIXME concurrent loops may be open, need to stage them
  public void visitAction (Schedule schedule2, Term act,
      HashMap<AGEval.Class, ArrayList<String>> openLoopVars, HashMap<AGEval.Class, String>  visit,
      HashMap<String, String> exprToCall, HashMap<String, String> exprPrinter) throws InvalidGrammarException {
    AGEval.Class cls = schedule2.classMap.get(act.toTermArray()[0].toString());
    ExtendedClass cls2 = schedule2._ast.extendedClasses.get(cls);
    Term[] vertex = act.toTermArray()[1].toTermArray();
    String lhsVertex =
      ( vertex[0].toString().equals("self") ? "": (vertex[0].toString() + "@"))
      + vertex[1].toString();
    String exprName = cls.getName().toLowerCase() + "_" + lhsVertex.replace("@","_");
    //  x such that x_step (assignment implicitly handled in x_step)
    //  x_step such that x is not locally assigned
    if (exprToCall.containsKey(exprName+"_step")) {
    } else if (exprToCall.get(exprName) == null && !exprName.contains("_last")) {
      if (exprName.contains("testpred") || exprName.contains("elsepred") || exprName.contains("elseifpred")) {
        //System.err.println(" (skip; is pred)");
      } else if (exprName.contains("_step")) {
        //do nothing if another class handles this child write
        if (exprName.split("_").length == 4) {
          //String c = exprName.split("_")[0];
          String child = exprName.split("_")[1];
          String fld = exprName.split("_")[2];
          boolean hasWrite = false;
          for (String w : schedule2.reductions.allClassWrites.get(cls)) {
            if (w.toLowerCase().equals(child + "@" + fld)) {
              hasWrite= true;
          if (!hasWrite) return;
      for (String s : exprToCall.keySet()) {       
        System.err.println("  option: " + s);
      throw new InvalidGrammarException("Could not find action for " + exprName);

    //close loop
    String origLhs = (vertex[0].toString().equals("self") ? "": (vertex[0].toString() + "@"))
    + (vertex[0].toString().equals("self") ?
          vertex[1].toString().replace("_step", "").replace("_last", "").replace("_", "@")
        : vertex[1].toString());
    String newLoopVar = schedule2._ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).idToLoop.get(origLhs);
    if (origLhs.contains("@init"))
      newLoopVar = "";
    if (newLoopVar == null)
      throw new InvalidGrammarException("could not find enclosing loop, if any: " + origLhs);
    if (vertex[1].toString().contains("_last")) {
      if (newLoopVar.equals(""))
        throw new InvalidGrammarException("last variable " + cls.getName()+"::"+origLhs + " not in loop");
      if (openLoopVars.get(cls) == null)
        return; //already closed
      else {
        if (openLoopVars.get(cls).size() == 0)
          throw new InvalidGrammarException("Closing open loop with nothing in it");
        String oldLoopVar = "";
        if (openLoopVars.containsKey(cls)) {
          for (String lhsRaw : openLoopVars.get(cls)) {
            String lhs = lhsRaw.toLowerCase();
            oldLoopVar = schedule2._ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).idToLoop.get(lhs.replace("_step", "").replaceFirst("_", "@"));
        if (!oldLoopVar.equals(newLoopVar))
          throw new InvalidGrammarException("Wrong loop var on closing " + cls.getName() + "::" + origLhs);
        closeLoop(cls, oldLoopVar, schedule2, openLoopVars, visit, exprToCall, exprPrinter);
    } else {
      boolean inLoop = vertex[1].toString().contains("_step");
      if (inLoop) {
        if (openLoopVars.get(cls) != null) {
          if (openLoopVars.get(cls).size() == 0)
            throw new InvalidGrammarException("Continuing open loop that is empty on " + cls.getName()+ "::" + origLhs);
          String oldLoopVar = "";
          if (openLoopVars.containsKey(cls)) {
            for (String lhsRaw : openLoopVars.get(cls)) {
              String lhs = lhsRaw.toLowerCase();
              oldLoopVar = schedule2._ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).idToLoop.get(lhs.replace("_step", "").replaceFirst("_", "@"));
          if (!oldLoopVar.equals(newLoopVar)) throw new InvalidGrammarException("Wrong loop var on continuing " + cls.getName() + "::" + origLhs);       
        } else {
          visit.put(cls, visit.get(cls) + openLoop(cls, openLoopVars));
      if (visit.get(cls) == null)
        System.err.println("failed to get cls on Vertex " + exprName + ", " + cls.getName());
      else if (visit.get(cls).equals("null"))
        System.err.println("Got null str on cls of Vertex " + exprName + ", " + cls.getName())
      if (exprToCall.get(exprName) == null || exprPrinter.get(exprName) == null) {
        //TODO horvbox's vbox_child_x_step printer because assigned as a (loop) conditional?
          System.err.println("failed to get expr (" + exprName + ") -- " + (exprToCall.get(exprName) == null ? "expr" : "printer"));
          System.err.println("  base: "+ vertex[0].toString());
          System.err.println("  name: " + vertex[1].toString());
          if (exprToCall.get(exprName) == null) {
            //for (String e : exprToCall.keySet())
            //  System.err.println("  c opt: " + e);
          } else {
            //for (String e : exprPrinter.keySet())
            //  System.err.println("  p opt: " + e);         
      String padding = inLoop ? "      " : "  ";
      //FIXME skip nullaries
      if (exprToCall.containsKey(exprName)) {
        boolean isP = isPhantom(exprName, cls2);
        String p = debug && !isP ? exprPrinter.get(exprName) : "";
        if (p == null) {
          System.err.println("Missing printer: " + cls.getName()+"::"+exprName);
        //System.err.println("putting: " + exprToCall.get(exprName));
        //System.err.println("print: " + p);
        String extra = isP ? "" : exprToCall.get(exprName).replace("\n", "\n      ");
        visit.put(cls, visit.get(cls) + padding + extra + ";\n" + p);
  public String visitDispatchers(int visits, AGEvaluator aleg, Vector<HashSet<AGEval.Class>> buSubInorderBuIns, Vector<HashSet<AGEval.Class>> buSubInorderBus) {
    String res = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < visits; i++) res += backend.visitDispatcher(i, aleg, buSubInorderBuIns.get(i), buSubInorderBus.get(i));
    return res;
  public String functionHeaders (ALEParser g) throws InvalidGrammarException {
    //sort lifted expressions by class
    HashMap<AGEval.Class, ArrayList<ALEParser.Assignment>> assignments = new HashMap<AGEval.Class, ArrayList<ALEParser.Assignment>>();
    for (ALEParser.Assignment asgn : g.assignments) {
      if (!assignments.containsKey(asgn._class)) assignments.put(asgn._class, new ArrayList<ALEParser.Assignment>());
      if (!asgn.isReduction) assignments.get(asgn._class).add(asgn);
    String res = "";
    for (ArrayList<ALEParser.Assignment> cAssigns : assignments.values() ) {
      for (ALEParser.Assignment assign : cAssigns) res += backend.functionHeader(assign, g);
    return res;
  public Schedule synthesizeAll(String alePath, String outputDir, String resourceDir, boolean verbose, boolean isFixedChildOrder, boolean isExhaustive, int maxLen, boolean stripFloats) throws Exception {
    File variants = (new File(outputDir + File.separator + "variants"));
    if (variants != null && variants.isDirectory()) {
      for (File d : variants.listFiles()) {
        for (File f : d.listFiles()) f.delete();

    AleFrontend grammar = new AleFrontend(alePath, AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoops, stripFloats);
    grammar.initFtl(!AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoops); //play with old alegen core
    String fHeaders = functionHeaders(grammar.ast);
    AGEvaluatorSwipl ages = new AGEvaluatorSwipl(grammar.alegEval, grammar.ast, verbose);   
    String prologGrammar = ages.alegAstToSwiplAst();
    File prettyGrammar = new File(alePath);
        String baseName = prettyGrammar.getName().split("\\.")[0];
    String prologGrammarPath = outputDir + File.separator + baseName + ".pl";
    AGEvaluatorSwipl.writeFile(prologGrammarPath, prologGrammar);
    if (verbose) System.out.println("=== PL GRAMMAR: === \n " + prologGrammar);
    ages.runGrammar(resourceDir, prologGrammarPath);
    Schedule sched = ages.generateVisits(isFixedChildOrder, isExhaustive, false, maxLen, grammar.alegEval, grammar.ast);   
    HashMap<String, String> exprPrinter = genExprPrinter(sched._aleg, grammar.ast.condsTop, sched);
    HashMap<String, String> exprToCall = genExprToCall(sched._aleg, grammar.ast.condsTop, sched, exprPrinter);

    Hashtable<Variable, Term> binding = null;
    int round = 0;   
    (new File(outputDir + File.separator + "variants")).mkdir();
    long queryTime = -System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.err.println("Start time: " + queryTime + "ms");
    long timeSinceLastQuery = -System.currentTimeMillis();
    int found = 0;
    int cumQTime = 0;
    int totLen = 0;
    double pcnt = 100;
    int pLen = 100;
    while (sched.hasNext()) {
      binding = sched.moveNext();   
      //if (!sched.isAllParallel()) continue;
      long qTime = timeSinceLastQuery + System.currentTimeMillis();
      cumQTime += qTime;
      String seq = "";
      int sLen = 0;
      int numPar = 0;
      for (Term visit : sched.binding.get("P").toTermArray()) {
        String str = visit.arg(2).arg(1).toString();
        if (str.equals("td") || str.equals("bu")) numPar++;
        seq += " " + visit.arg(2).arg(1).toString().replace("tdLtrU", "inorder");
      double pPcnt = (0.0 + numPar) / (0.0 + sLen);
      pcnt = Math.min(pcnt,  pPcnt);
      totLen += sLen;
      System.out.println("sched: " + seq);
      System.out.println("find time: " + qTime + "ms");
      System.out.println("Running average: " + (cumQTime / found) + "ms/query (over " + found + " queries)");
      System.out.println("Avg len: " + (totLen / found));
      System.out.println("Pcnt self: " + pPcnt);
      System.out.println("Roll pcnt: " + pcnt);

      if (true) continue;
      long compeTime = -System.currentTimeMillis();
      (new File(outputDir + File.separator + "variants/variant" + round)).mkdir();

      backend.generateParseFiles(grammar.ast, sched, outputDir + File.separator + "variants/variant" + round + File.separator, verbose, fHeaders);
      String visitOut =
        backend.preVisits(grammar.alegEval, sched)
        + visits(sched._aleg, binding, sched.computeVisitOrders(), sched.classMap, exprToCall, exprPrinter, sched)
        + backend.postVisits(grammar.alegEval, sched);
      String visitDispatches = visitDispatchers(sched.numVisits(), grammar.alegEval, sched.buSubInorderBuIn, sched.buSubInorderBus);
      backend.output(baseName, visitOut, visitDispatches, outputDir + File.separator + "variants/variant" + round + File.separator, true, verbose, grammar.ast, sched, fHeaders, binding, grammar.alegEval);
      AGEvaluatorSwipl.writeFile(outputDir + File.separator + "variants/variant" + round + File.separator + "schedule", seq);
      //if (!isExhaustive) {
      //  System.err.println("(breaking early: not exhaustive");
      //  break;
      System.err.println("Code gen time: " + (compeTime + System.currentTimeMillis()) + " ms");
      timeSinceLastQuery = -System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.err.println("Total time: " + (queryTime + System.currentTimeMillis()) + "ms");

    return sched;
  public Schedule synthesize(String alePath, String outputDir, String resourceDir, boolean verbose, boolean isFixedChildOrder, boolean isExhaustive, int maxLen, boolean stripFloats) throws Exception {
    AleFrontend grammar = new AleFrontend(alePath, AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoops, stripFloats);
    grammar.initFtl(!AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoops); //play with old alegen core
    AGEvaluatorSwipl ages = new AGEvaluatorSwipl(grammar.alegEval, grammar.ast, verbose);   
    String prologGrammar = ages.alegAstToSwiplAst();
    File prettyGrammar = new File(alePath);
        String baseName = prettyGrammar.getName().split("\\.")[0];
    String prologGrammarPath = outputDir + File.separator + baseName + ".pl";
    AGEvaluatorSwipl.writeFile(prologGrammarPath, prologGrammar);
    if (verbose) System.out.println("=== PL GRAMMAR: === \n " + prologGrammar);
    ages.runGrammar(resourceDir, prologGrammarPath);
    Schedule sched = ages.generateVisits(isFixedChildOrder, isExhaustive, true, maxLen, grammar.alegEval, grammar.ast);   
    Hashtable<Variable, Term> binding = null;
    //int vlen =  0;
    if (true) {
      while (sched.hasNext()) {

        binding = sched.moveNext();       
        String seq = "";
        //int len = 0;
        for (Term visit : sched.binding.get("P").toTermArray()) {
          seq += " " + visit.arg(2).arg(1).toString().replace("tdLtrU", "inorder");
        System.err.println("sched: " + seq);
        //if (sched.isAllParallel()) break;
    } //else {
//      while (sched.hasNext()) {
//        Hashtable<Variable, Term> nextBinding = sched.moveNext();
//        int nextLen = sched.binding.get("P").toTermArray().length;
//        if (binding == null || nextLen < vlen) {
//          binding = nextBinding;
//          vlen = nextLen;
//        }
//        if (!sched.isAllParallel()) continue;
//        //break;
//      }
//    }

    String schedPath = outputDir +File.separator + baseName +".sched";
    AGEvaluatorSwipl.writeFile(schedPath, sched.printBinding());   
    AGEvaluatorSwipl.writeFile(schedPath +"Summary", sched.printBindingShort());

    String fHeaders = functionHeaders(grammar.ast);
    backend.generateParseFiles(grammar.ast, sched, outputDir, verbose, fHeaders);
    HashMap<String, String> exprPrinter = genExprPrinter(sched._aleg, grammar.ast.condsTop, sched);
    HashMap<String, String> exprToCall = genExprToCall(sched._aleg, grammar.ast.condsTop, sched, exprPrinter);
    String visitOut =
      backend.preVisits(grammar.alegEval, sched)
      + visits(sched._aleg, binding, sched.computeVisitOrders(), sched.classMap, exprToCall, exprPrinter, sched)
      + backend.postVisits(grammar.alegEval, sched);
    String visitDispatches = visitDispatchers(sched.numVisits(), grammar.alegEval, sched.buSubInorderBuIn, sched.buSubInorderBus);
    backend.output(baseName, visitOut, visitDispatches, outputDir, true, verbose, grammar.ast, sched, fHeaders, binding, grammar.alegEval);
    return sched;

Related Classes of AGEvalSwipl.Generator

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