Package org.opentripplanner.api.resource

Source Code of org.opentripplanner.api.resource.PlanGenerator

/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
the License, or (props, at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>. */

package org.opentripplanner.api.resource;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Agency;
import org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Route;
import org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Stop;
import org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Trip;
import org.opentripplanner.api.model.Itinerary;
import org.opentripplanner.api.model.Leg;
import org.opentripplanner.api.model.Place;
import org.opentripplanner.api.model.RelativeDirection;
import org.opentripplanner.api.model.TripPlan;
import org.opentripplanner.api.model.WalkStep;
import org.opentripplanner.common.geometry.DirectionUtils;
import org.opentripplanner.common.geometry.GeometryUtils;
import org.opentripplanner.common.geometry.PackedCoordinateSequence;
import org.opentripplanner.common.model.P2;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.alertpatch.Alert;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.alertpatch.AlertPatch;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.RoutingContext;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.RoutingRequest;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.ServiceDay;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.State;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TraverseMode;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.AreaEdge;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.StreetEdge;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.ElevatorAlightEdge;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.FreeEdge;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.OnboardEdge;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.PatternEdge;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.PatternInterlineDwell;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.TripPattern;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.error.PathNotFoundException;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.error.TrivialPathException;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.error.VertexNotFoundException;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Edge;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Graph;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Vertex;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.spt.GraphPath;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.TripTimes;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.ExitVertex;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.OnboardDepartVertex;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.TransitVertex;
import org.opentripplanner.util.PolylineEncoder;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.PathwayEdge;

public class PlanGenerator {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PlanGenerator.class);

    private static final double MAX_ZAG_DISTANCE = 30;

    public PathService pathService;
    public GraphService graphService;

    public PlanGenerator(GraphService graphService, PathService pathService) {
        this.graphService = graphService;
        this.pathService = pathService;

    /** Generates a TripPlan from a Request */
    public TripPlan generate(RoutingRequest options) {

        // TODO: this seems to only check the endpoints, which are usually auto-generated
        //if ( ! options.isAccessible())
        //    throw new LocationNotAccessible();
        // Copy options to keep originals
        RoutingRequest originalOptions = options.clone();

        /* try to plan the trip */
        List<GraphPath> paths = null;
        boolean tooSloped = false;
        try {
            paths = pathService.getPaths(options);
            if (paths == null && options.wheelchairAccessible) {
                // There are no paths that meet the user's slope restrictions.
                // Try again without slope restrictions (and warn user).
                options.maxSlope = Double.MAX_VALUE;
                options.maxWalkDistance = originalOptions.maxWalkDistance;
                paths = pathService.getPaths(options);
                tooSloped = true;
        } catch (VertexNotFoundException e) {
  "Vertex not found: " + options.from + " : " +;
            throw e;

        if (paths == null || paths.size() == 0) {
  "Path not found: " + options.from + " : " +;
            throw new PathNotFoundException();

        for (GraphPath graphPath : paths) {
            if (originalOptions.arriveBy) {
                if (graphPath.states.getLast().getTimeSeconds() > originalOptions.dateTime) {
                    LOG.error("A graph path arrives after the requested time. This implies a bug.");
            } else {
                if (graphPath.states.getFirst().getTimeSeconds() < originalOptions.dateTime) {
                    LOG.error("A graph path leaves before the requested time. This implies a bug.");

        TripPlan plan = generatePlan(paths, originalOptions);
        if (plan != null) {
            for (Itinerary i : plan.itinerary) {
                i.tooSloped = tooSloped;
                /* fix up from/to on first/last legs */
                if (i.legs.size() == 0) {
                    LOG.warn("itinerary has no legs");
                Leg firstLeg = i.legs.get(0);
                firstLeg.from.orig = plan.from.orig;
                Leg lastLeg = i.legs.get(i.legs.size() - 1);
        return plan;

     * Generates a TripPlan from a set of paths
    TripPlan generatePlan(List<GraphPath> paths, RoutingRequest request) {

        GraphPath exemplar = paths.get(0);
        Vertex tripStartVertex = exemplar.getStartVertex();
        Vertex tripEndVertex = exemplar.getEndVertex();
        String startName = tripStartVertex.getName();
        String endName = tripEndVertex.getName();

        // Use vertex labels if they don't have names
        if (startName == null) {
            startName = tripStartVertex.getLabel();
        if (endName == null) {
            endName = tripEndVertex.getLabel();
        Place from = new Place(tripStartVertex.getX(), tripStartVertex.getY(), startName);
        Place to = new Place(tripEndVertex.getX(), tripEndVertex.getY(), endName);

        from.orig =;
        to.orig =;

        TripPlan plan = new TripPlan(from, to, request.getDateTime());

        for (GraphPath path : paths) {
            Itinerary itinerary = generateItinerary(path, request.showIntermediateStops);
            itinerary = adjustItinerary(request, itinerary);
        return plan;

     * Check whether itinerary needs adjustments based on the request.
     * @param itinerary is the itinerary
     * @param request is the request containing the original trip planning options
     * @return the (adjusted) itinerary
    private Itinerary adjustItinerary(RoutingRequest request, Itinerary itinerary) {
        // Check walk limit distance
        if (itinerary.walkDistance > request.maxWalkDistance) {
            itinerary.walkLimitExceeded = true;
        // Return itinerary
        return itinerary;

     * Generate an itinerary from a {@link GraphPath}. This method first slices the list of states
     * at the leg boundaries. These smaller state arrays are then used to generate legs. Finally the
     * rest of the itinerary is generated based on the complete state array.
     * @param path The graph path to base the itinerary on
     * @param showIntermediateStops Whether to include intermediate stops in the itinerary or not
     * @return The generated itinerary
    public Itinerary generateItinerary(GraphPath path, boolean showIntermediateStops) {
        if (path.states.size() < 2) {
            throw new TrivialPathException();

        Itinerary itinerary = new Itinerary();

        State[] states = new State[path.states.size()];
        State lastState = path.states.getLast();
        states = path.states.toArray(states);

        Edge[] edges = new Edge[path.edges.size()];
        edges = path.edges.toArray(edges);

        Graph graph = path.getRoutingContext().graph;

        FareService fareService = graph.getService(FareService.class);

        State[][] legsStates = sliceStates(states);

        if (fareService != null) {
            itinerary.fare = fareService.getCost(path);

        for (State[] legStates : legsStates) {
            itinerary.addLeg(generateLeg(graph, legStates, showIntermediateStops));

        addWalkSteps(graph, itinerary.legs, legsStates);

        fixupLegs(itinerary.legs, legsStates);

        itinerary.duration = lastState.getElapsedTimeSeconds();
        itinerary.startTime = makeCalendar(states[0]);
        itinerary.endTime = makeCalendar(lastState);

        calculateTimes(itinerary, states);

        calculateElevations(itinerary, edges);

        itinerary.walkDistance = lastState.getWalkDistance();

        itinerary.transfers = lastState.getNumBoardings();
        if (itinerary.transfers > 0 && !(states[0].getVertex() instanceof OnboardDepartVertex)) {

        return itinerary;

    private Calendar makeCalendar(State state) {
        RoutingContext rctx = state.getContext();
        TimeZone timeZone = rctx.graph.getTimeZone();
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(timeZone);
        return calendar;

     * Generate a {@link CoordinateArrayListSequence} based on an {@link Edge} array.
     * @param edges The array of input edges
     * @return The coordinates of the points on the edges
    private static CoordinateArrayListSequence makeCoordinates(Edge[] edges) {
        CoordinateArrayListSequence coordinates = new CoordinateArrayListSequence();

        for (Edge edge : edges) {
            LineString geometry = edge.getGeometry();

            if (geometry != null) {
                if (coordinates.size() == 0) {
                } else {
                    coordinates.extend(geometry.getCoordinates(), 1); // Avoid duplications

        return coordinates;

     * Slice a {@link State} array at the leg boundaries. Leg switches occur when:
     * 1. A LEG_SWITCH mode (which itself isn't part of any leg) is seen
     * 2. The mode changes otherwise, for instance from BICYCLE to WALK
     * 3. A PatternInterlineDwell edge (i.e. interlining) is seen
     * @param states The one-dimensional array of input states
     * @return An array of arrays of states belonging to a single leg (i.e. a two-dimensional array)
    private State[][] sliceStates(State[] states) {
        int[] legIndexPairs = {0, states.length - 1};
        List<int[]> legsIndexes = new ArrayList<int[]>();

        for (int i = 1; i < states.length - 1; i++) {
            TraverseMode backMode = states[i].getBackMode();
            TraverseMode forwardMode = states[i + 1].getBackMode();

            if (backMode == null || forwardMode == null) continue;

            Edge edge = states[i + 1].getBackEdge();

            if (backMode == TraverseMode.LEG_SWITCH || forwardMode == TraverseMode.LEG_SWITCH) {
                if (backMode != TraverseMode.LEG_SWITCH) {              // Start of leg switch
                    legIndexPairs[1] = i;
                } else if (forwardMode != TraverseMode.LEG_SWITCH) {    // End of leg switch
                    if (legIndexPairs[1] != states.length - 1) {
                    legIndexPairs = new int[] {i, states.length - 1};
            } else if (backMode != forwardMode) {                       // Mode change => leg switch
                legIndexPairs[1] = i;
                legIndexPairs = new int[] {i, states.length - 1};
            } else if (edge instanceof PatternInterlineDwell) {         // Interlining => leg switch
                legIndexPairs[1] = i;
                legIndexPairs = new int[] {i + 1, states.length - 1};

        // Final leg

        State[][] legsStates = new State[legsIndexes.size()][];

        // Fill the two-dimensional array with states
        for (int i = 0; i < legsStates.length; i++) {
            legIndexPairs = legsIndexes.get(i);
            legsStates[i] = new State[legIndexPairs[1] - legIndexPairs[0] + 1];
            for (int j = 0; j <= legIndexPairs[1] - legIndexPairs[0]; j++) {
                legsStates[i][j] = states[legIndexPairs[0] + j];

        return legsStates;

     * Generate one leg of an itinerary from a {@link State} array.
     * @param states The array of states to base the leg on
     * @param showIntermediateStops Whether to include intermediate stops in the leg or not
     * @return The generated leg
    private Leg generateLeg(Graph graph, State[] states, boolean showIntermediateStops) {
        Leg leg = new Leg();

        Edge[] edges = new Edge[states.length - 1];

        leg.startTime = makeCalendar(states[0]);
        leg.endTime = makeCalendar(states[states.length - 1]);

        // Calculate leg distance and fill array of edges
        leg.distance = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
            edges[i] = states[i + 1].getBackEdge();
            leg.distance += edges[i].getDistance();

        addModeAndAlerts(graph, leg, states);

        TimeZone timeZone = leg.startTime.getTimeZone();
        leg.agencyTimeZoneOffset = timeZone.getOffset(leg.startTime.getTimeInMillis());

        addTripFields(leg, states);

        addPlaces(leg, states, edges, showIntermediateStops);

        if (leg.isTransitLeg()) addRealTimeData(leg, states);

        CoordinateArrayListSequence coordinates = makeCoordinates(edges);
        Geometry geometry = GeometryUtils.getGeometryFactory().createLineString(coordinates);

        leg.legGeometry = PolylineEncoder.createEncodings(geometry);

        leg.interlineWithPreviousLeg = states[0].getBackEdge() instanceof PatternInterlineDwell;

        addFrequencyFields(states, leg);

        leg.rentedBike = states[0].isBikeRenting() && states[states.length - 1].isBikeRenting();

        return leg;

    private void addFrequencyFields(State[] states, Leg leg) {
        /* TODO adapt to new frequency handling.
        if (states[0].getBackEdge() instanceof FrequencyBoard) {
            State preBoardState = states[0].getBackState();

            FrequencyBoard fb = (FrequencyBoard) states[0].getBackEdge();
            FrequencyBasedTripPattern pt = fb.getPattern();
            int boardTime;
            if (preBoardState.getServiceDay() == null) {
                boardTime = 0; //TODO why is this happening?
            } else {
                boardTime = preBoardState.getServiceDay().secondsSinceMidnight(
            int period = pt.getPeriod(fb.getStopIndex(), boardTime); //TODO fix

            leg.isNonExactFrequency = !pt.isExact();
            leg.headway = period;

     * Add a {@link WalkStep} {@link List} to a {@link Leg} {@link List}.
     * It's more convenient to process all legs in one go because the previous step should be kept.
     * @param legs The legs of the itinerary
     * @param legsStates The states that go with the legs
    private void addWalkSteps(Graph graph, List<Leg> legs, State[][] legsStates) {
        WalkStep previousStep = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < legsStates.length; i++) {
            List<WalkStep> walkSteps = generateWalkSteps(graph, legsStates[i], previousStep);

            legs.get(i).walkSteps = walkSteps;

            if (walkSteps.size() > 0) {
                previousStep = walkSteps.get(walkSteps.size() - 1);
            } else {
                previousStep = null;

     * This was originally in TransitUtils.handleBoardAlightType.
     * Edges that always block traversal (forbidden pickups/dropoffs) are simply not ever created.
    public String getBoardAlightMessage (int boardAlightType) {
        switch (boardAlightType) {
        case 1:
            return "impossible";
        case 2:
            return "mustPhone";
        case 3:
            return "coordinateWithDriver";
            return null;

     * Fix up a {@link Leg} {@link List} using the information available at the leg boundaries.
     * This method will fill holes in the arrival and departure times associated with a
     * {@link Place} within a leg and add board and alight rules. It will also ensure that stop
     * names propagate correctly to the non-transit legs that connect to them.
     * @param legs The legs of the itinerary
     * @param legsStates The states that go with the legs
    private void fixupLegs(List<Leg> legs, State[][] legsStates) {
        for (int i = 0; i < legsStates.length; i++) {
            boolean toOther = i + 1 < legsStates.length && legs.get(i + 1).interlineWithPreviousLeg;
            boolean fromOther = legs.get(i).interlineWithPreviousLeg;
            String boardRule = null;
            String alightRule = null;

            for (int j = 1; j < legsStates[i].length; j++) {
                if (legsStates[i][j].getBackEdge() instanceof PatternEdge) {
                    PatternEdge patternEdge = (PatternEdge) legsStates[i][j].getBackEdge();
                    TripPattern tripPattern = patternEdge.getPattern();

                    Integer fromIndex = legs.get(i).from.stopIndex;
                    Integer toIndex = legs.get(i).to.stopIndex;

                    int boardType = (fromIndex != null) ? (tripPattern.getBoardType(fromIndex)) : 0;
                    int alightType = (toIndex != null) ? (tripPattern.getAlightType(toIndex)) : 0;

                    boardRule = getBoardAlightMessage(boardType);
                    alightRule = getBoardAlightMessage(alightType);
                if (legsStates[i][j].getBackEdge() instanceof PathwayEdge) {
                    legs.get(i).pathway = true;

            if (i + 1 < legsStates.length) {
                legs.get(i + 1).from.arrival = legs.get(i).to.arrival;
                legs.get(i).to.departure = legs.get(i + 1).from.departure;

                if (legs.get(i).isTransitLeg() && !legs.get(i + 1).isTransitLeg()) {
                    legs.get(i + 1).from = legs.get(i).to;
                if (!legs.get(i).isTransitLeg() && legs.get(i + 1).isTransitLeg()) {
                    legs.get(i).to = legs.get(i + 1).from;

            if (legs.get(i).isTransitLeg()) {
                if (boardRule != null && !fromOther) {      // If boarding in some other leg
                    legs.get(i).boardRule = boardRule;      // (interline), don't board now.
                if (alightRule != null && !toOther) {       // If alighting in some other
                    legs.get(i).alightRule = alightRule;    // leg, don't alight now.

     * Calculate the walkTime, transitTime and waitingTime of an {@link Itinerary}.
     * @param itinerary The itinerary to calculate the times for
     * @param states The states that go with the itinerary
    private void calculateTimes(Itinerary itinerary, State[] states) {
        for (State state : states) {
            if (state.getBackMode() == null) continue;

            switch (state.getBackMode()) {
                    itinerary.transitTime += state.getTimeDeltaSeconds();

                case LEG_SWITCH:
                    itinerary.waitingTime += state.getTimeDeltaSeconds();

                case WALK:
                case BICYCLE:
                case CAR:
                case CUSTOM_MOTOR_VEHICLE:
                    itinerary.walkTime += state.getTimeDeltaSeconds();

     * Calculate the elevationGained and elevationLost fields of an {@link Itinerary}.
     * @param itinerary The itinerary to calculate the elevation changes for
     * @param edges The edges that go with the itinerary
    private void calculateElevations(Itinerary itinerary, Edge[] edges) {
        for (Edge edge : edges) {
            if (!(edge instanceof StreetEdge)) continue;

            StreetEdge edgeWithElevation = (StreetEdge) edge;
            PackedCoordinateSequence coordinates = edgeWithElevation.getElevationProfile();

            if (coordinates == null) continue;
            // TODO Check the test below, AFAIU current elevation profile has 3 dimensions.
            if (coordinates.getDimension() != 2) continue;

            for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.size() - 1; i++) {
                double change = coordinates.getOrdinate(i + 1, 1) - coordinates.getOrdinate(i, 1);

                if (change > 0) {
                    itinerary.elevationGained += change;
                } else if (change < 0) {
                    itinerary.elevationLost -= change;

     * Add mode and alerts fields to a {@link Leg}.
     * @param leg The leg to add the mode and alerts to
     * @param states The states that go with the leg
    private void addModeAndAlerts(Graph graph, Leg leg, State[] states) {
        for (State state : states) {
            TraverseMode mode = state.getBackMode();
            Set<Alert> alerts = graph.streetNotesService.getNotes(state);
            Edge edge = state.getBackEdge();

            if (mode != null) {
                leg.mode = mode.toString();

            if (alerts != null) {
                for (Alert alert : alerts) {

            for (AlertPatch alertPatch : graph.getAlertPatches(edge)) {
                if (alertPatch.displayDuring(state)) {

     * Add trip-related fields to a {@link Leg}.
     * @param leg The leg to add the trip-related fields to
     * @param states The states that go with the leg
    private void addTripFields(Leg leg, State[] states) {
        Trip trip = states[states.length - 1].getBackTrip();

        if (trip != null) {
            Route route = trip.getRoute();
            Agency agency = route.getAgency();
            ServiceDay serviceDay = states[states.length - 1].getServiceDay();

            leg.agencyId = agency.getId();
            leg.agencyName = agency.getName();
            leg.agencyUrl = agency.getUrl();
            leg.headsign = states[states.length - 1].getBackDirection();
            leg.route = states[states.length - 1].getBackEdge().getName();
            leg.routeColor = route.getColor();
            leg.routeId = route.getId().getId();
            leg.routeLongName = route.getLongName();
            leg.routeShortName = route.getShortName();
            leg.routeTextColor = route.getTextColor();
            leg.routeType = route.getType();
            leg.tripId = trip.getId().getId();
            leg.tripShortName = trip.getTripShortName();
            leg.tripBlockId = trip.getBlockId();

            if (serviceDay != null) {
                leg.serviceDate = serviceDay.getServiceDate().getAsString();

            if (leg.headsign == null) {
                leg.headsign = trip.getTripHeadsign();

     * Add {@link Place} fields to a {@link Leg}.
     * There is some code duplication because of subtle differences between departure, arrival and
     * intermediate stops.
     * @param leg The leg to add the places to
     * @param states The states that go with the leg
     * @param edges The edges that go with the leg
     * @param showIntermediateStops Whether to include intermediate stops in the leg or not
    private void addPlaces(Leg leg, State[] states, Edge[] edges, boolean showIntermediateStops) {
        Vertex firstVertex = states[0].getVertex();
        Vertex lastVertex = states[states.length - 1].getVertex();

        Stop firstStop = firstVertex instanceof TransitVertex ?
                ((TransitVertex) firstVertex).getStop(): null;
        Stop lastStop = lastVertex instanceof TransitVertex ?
                ((TransitVertex) lastVertex).getStop(): null;
        TripTimes tripTimes = states[states.length - 1].getTripTimes();

        leg.from = makePlace(states[0], firstVertex, edges[0], firstStop, tripTimes);
        leg.from.arrival = null; = makePlace(states[states.length - 1], lastVertex, null, lastStop, tripTimes); = null;

        if (showIntermediateStops) {
            leg.stop = new ArrayList<Place>();

            Stop previousStop = null;
            Stop currentStop;

            for (int i = 1; i < edges.length; i++) {
                Vertex vertex = states[i].getVertex();

                if (!(vertex instanceof TransitVertex)) continue;

                currentStop = ((TransitVertex) vertex).getStop();
                if (currentStop == firstStop) continue;

                if (currentStop == previousStop) {                  // Avoid duplication of stops
                    leg.stop.get(leg.stop.size() - 1).departure = makeCalendar(states[i]);

                previousStop = currentStop;
                if (currentStop == lastStop) break;

                leg.stop.add(makePlace(states[i], vertex, edges[i], currentStop, tripTimes));

     * Make a {@link Place} to add to a {@link Leg}.
     * @param state The {@link State} that the {@link Place} pertains to.
     * @param vertex The {@link Vertex} at the {@link State}.
     * @param edge The {@link Edge} leading out of the {@link Vertex}.
     * @param stop The {@link Stop} associated with the {@link Vertex}.
     * @param tripTimes The {@link TripTimes} associated with the {@link Leg}.
     * @return The resulting {@link Place} object.
    private Place makePlace(State state, Vertex vertex, Edge edge, Stop stop, TripTimes tripTimes) {
        // If no edge was given, it means we're at the end of this leg and need to work around that.
        boolean endOfLeg = (edge == null);
        Place place = new Place(vertex.getX(), vertex.getY(), vertex.getName(),
                makeCalendar(state), makeCalendar(state));

        if (endOfLeg) edge = state.getBackEdge();

        if (vertex instanceof TransitVertex && edge instanceof OnboardEdge) {
            place.stopId = stop.getId();
            place.stopCode = stop.getCode();
            place.platformCode = stop.getPlatformCode();
            place.zoneId = stop.getZoneId();
            place.stopIndex = ((OnboardEdge) edge).getStopIndex();
            if (endOfLeg) place.stopIndex++;
            if (tripTimes != null) {
                place.stopSequence = tripTimes.getStopSequence(place.stopIndex);

        return place;

     * Add information about real-time data to a {@link Leg}.
     * @param leg The leg to add the real-time information to
     * @param states The states that go with the leg
    private void addRealTimeData(Leg leg, State[] states) {
        TripTimes tripTimes = states[states.length - 1].getTripTimes();

        if (tripTimes != null && !tripTimes.isScheduled()) {
            leg.realTime = true;
            if (leg.from.stopIndex != null) {
                leg.departureDelay = tripTimes.getDepartureDelay(leg.from.stopIndex);
            leg.arrivalDelay = tripTimes.getArrivalDelay(;

     * Converts a list of street edges to a list of turn-by-turn directions.
     * @param previous a non-transit leg that immediately precedes this one (bike-walking, say), or null
     * @return
    public static List<WalkStep> generateWalkSteps(Graph graph, State[] states, WalkStep previous) {
        List<WalkStep> steps = new ArrayList<WalkStep>();
        WalkStep step = null;
        double lastAngle = 0, distance = 0; // distance used for appending elevation profiles
        int roundaboutExit = 0; // track whether we are in a roundabout, and if so the exit number
        String roundaboutPreviousStreet = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < states.length - 1; i++) {
            State backState = states[i];
            State forwardState = states[i + 1];
            Edge edge = forwardState.getBackEdge();
            boolean createdNewStep = false, disableZagRemovalForThisStep = false;
            if (edge instanceof FreeEdge) {
            if (forwardState.getBackMode() == null || !forwardState.getBackMode().isOnStreetNonTransit()) {
                continue; // ignore STLs and the like
            Geometry geom = edge.getGeometry();
            if (geom == null) {

            // generate a step for getting off an elevator (all
            // elevator narrative generation occurs when alighting). We don't need to know what came
            // before or will come after
            if (edge instanceof ElevatorAlightEdge) {
                // don't care what came before or comes after
                step = createWalkStep(graph, forwardState);
                createdNewStep = true;
                disableZagRemovalForThisStep = true;

                // tell the user where to get off the elevator using the exit notation, so the
                // i18n interface will say 'Elevator to <exit>'
                // what happens is that the webapp sees name == null and ignores that, and it sees
                // exit != null and uses to <exit>
                // the floor name is the AlightEdge name
                // reset to avoid confusion with 'Elevator on floor 1 to floor 1'
                step.streetName = ((ElevatorAlightEdge) edge).getName();

                step.relativeDirection = RelativeDirection.ELEVATOR;


            String streetName = edge.getName();
            int idx = streetName.indexOf('(');
            String streetNameNoParens;
            if (idx > 0)
                streetNameNoParens = streetName.substring(0, idx - 1);
                streetNameNoParens = streetName;

            if (step == null) {
                // first step
                step = createWalkStep(graph, forwardState);
                createdNewStep = true;

                double thisAngle = DirectionUtils.getFirstAngle(geom);
                if (previous == null) {
                    step.relativeDirection = RelativeDirection.DEPART;
                } else {
                    step.setDirections(previous.angle, thisAngle, false);
                // new step, set distance to length of first edge
                distance = edge.getDistance();
            } else if (((step.streetName != null && !step.streetNameNoParens().equals(streetNameNoParens))
                    && (!step.bogusName || !edge.hasBogusName())) ||
                    // if we are on a roundabout now and weren't before, start a new step
                    edge.isRoundabout() != (roundaboutExit > 0) ||
                    isLink(edge) && !isLink(backState.getBackEdge())
                    ) {
                /* street name has changed, or we've changed state from a roundabout to a street */
                if (roundaboutExit > 0) {
                    // if we were just on a roundabout,
                    // make note of which exit was taken in the existing step
                    step.exit = Integer.toString(roundaboutExit); // ordinal numbers from
                    if (streetNameNoParens.equals(roundaboutPreviousStreet)) {
                        step.stayOn = true;
                    // localization
                    roundaboutExit = 0;
                /* start a new step */
                step = createWalkStep(graph, forwardState);
                createdNewStep = true;

                if (edge.isRoundabout()) {
                    // indicate that we are now on a roundabout
                    // and use one-based exit numbering
                    roundaboutExit = 1;
                    roundaboutPreviousStreet = backState.getBackEdge().getName();
                    idx = roundaboutPreviousStreet.indexOf('(');
                    if (idx > 0)
                        roundaboutPreviousStreet = roundaboutPreviousStreet.substring(0, idx - 1);
                double thisAngle = DirectionUtils.getFirstAngle(geom);
                step.setDirections(lastAngle, thisAngle, edge.isRoundabout());
                // new step, set distance to length of first edge
                distance = edge.getDistance();
            } else {
                /* street name has not changed */
                double thisAngle = DirectionUtils.getFirstAngle(geom);
                RelativeDirection direction = WalkStep.getRelativeDirection(lastAngle, thisAngle,
                boolean optionsBefore = backState.multipleOptionsBefore();
                if (edge.isRoundabout()) {
                    // we are on a roundabout, and have already traversed at least one edge of it.
                    if (optionsBefore) {
                        // increment exit count if we passed one.
                        roundaboutExit += 1;
                if (edge.isRoundabout() || direction == RelativeDirection.CONTINUE) {
                    // we are continuing almost straight, or continuing along a roundabout.
                    // just append elevation info onto the existing step.

                } else {
                    // we are not on a roundabout, and not continuing straight through.

                    // figure out if there were other plausible turn options at the last
                    // intersection
                    // to see if we should generate a "left to continue" instruction.
                    boolean shouldGenerateContinue = false;
                    if (edge instanceof StreetEdge) {
                        // the next edges will be PlainStreetEdges, we hope
                        double angleDiff = getAbsoluteAngleDiff(thisAngle, lastAngle);
                        for (Edge alternative : backState.getVertex().getOutgoingStreetEdges()) {
                            if (alternative.getName().equals(streetName)) {
                                // alternatives that have the same name
                                // are usually caused by street splits
                            double altAngle = DirectionUtils.getFirstAngle(alternative
                            double altAngleDiff = getAbsoluteAngleDiff(altAngle, lastAngle);
                            if (angleDiff > Math.PI / 4 || altAngleDiff - angleDiff < Math.PI / 16) {
                                shouldGenerateContinue = true;
                    } else {
                        double angleDiff = getAbsoluteAngleDiff(lastAngle, thisAngle);
                        // FIXME: this code might be wrong with the removal of the edge-based graph
                        State twoStatesBack = backState.getBackState();
                        Vertex backVertex = twoStatesBack.getVertex();
                        for (Edge alternative : backVertex.getOutgoingStreetEdges()) {
                            List<Edge> alternatives = alternative.getToVertex()
                            if (alternatives.size() == 0) {
                                continue; // this is not an alternative
                            alternative = alternatives.get(0);
                            if (alternative.getName().equals(streetName)) {
                                // alternatives that have the same name
                                // are usually caused by street splits
                            double altAngle = DirectionUtils.getFirstAngle(alternative
                            double altAngleDiff = getAbsoluteAngleDiff(altAngle, lastAngle);
                            if (angleDiff > Math.PI / 4 || altAngleDiff - angleDiff < Math.PI / 16) {
                                shouldGenerateContinue = true;

                    if (shouldGenerateContinue) {
                        // turn to stay on same-named street
                        step = createWalkStep(graph, forwardState);
                        createdNewStep = true;
                        step.setDirections(lastAngle, thisAngle, false);
                        step.stayOn = true;
                        // new step, set distance to length of first edge
                        distance = edge.getDistance();

            State exitState = backState;
            Edge exitEdge = exitState.getBackEdge();
            while (exitEdge instanceof FreeEdge) {
                exitState = exitState.getBackState();
                exitEdge = exitState.getBackEdge();
            if (exitState.getVertex() instanceof ExitVertex) {
                step.exit = ((ExitVertex) exitState.getVertex()).getExitName();

            if (createdNewStep && !disableZagRemovalForThisStep && forwardState.getBackMode() == backState.getBackMode()) {
                //check last three steps for zag
                int last = steps.size() - 1;
                if (last >= 2) {
                    WalkStep threeBack = steps.get(last - 2);
                    WalkStep twoBack = steps.get(last - 1);
                    WalkStep lastStep = steps.get(last);

                    if (twoBack.distance < MAX_ZAG_DISTANCE
                            && lastStep.streetNameNoParens().equals(threeBack.streetNameNoParens())) {
                        if (((lastStep.relativeDirection == RelativeDirection.RIGHT ||
                                lastStep.relativeDirection == RelativeDirection.HARD_RIGHT) &&
                                (twoBack.relativeDirection == RelativeDirection.RIGHT ||
                                twoBack.relativeDirection == RelativeDirection.HARD_RIGHT)) ||
                                ((lastStep.relativeDirection == RelativeDirection.LEFT ||
                                lastStep.relativeDirection == RelativeDirection.HARD_LEFT) &&
                                (twoBack.relativeDirection == RelativeDirection.LEFT ||
                                twoBack.relativeDirection == RelativeDirection.HARD_LEFT))) {
                            // in this case, we have two left turns or two right turns in quick
                            // succession; this is probably a U-turn.
                            steps.remove(last - 1);
                            lastStep.distance += twoBack.distance;
                            // A U-turn to the left, typical in the US.
                            if (lastStep.relativeDirection == RelativeDirection.LEFT ||
                                    lastStep.relativeDirection == RelativeDirection.HARD_LEFT)
                                lastStep.relativeDirection = RelativeDirection.UTURN_LEFT;
                                lastStep.relativeDirection = RelativeDirection.UTURN_RIGHT;
                            // in this case, we're definitely staying on the same street
                            // (since it's zag removal, the street names are the same)
                            lastStep.stayOn = true;
                        else {
                            // total hack to remove zags.
                            steps.remove(last - 1);
                            step = threeBack;
                            step.distance += twoBack.distance;
                            distance += step.distance;
                            if (twoBack.elevation != null) {
                                if (step.elevation == null) {
                                    step.elevation = twoBack.elevation;
                                } else {
                                    for (P2<Double> d : twoBack.elevation) {
                                        step.elevation.add(new P2<Double>(d.first + step.distance, d.second));
            } else {
                if (!createdNewStep && step.elevation != null) {
                    List<P2<Double>> s = encodeElevationProfile(edge, distance);
                    if (step.elevation != null && step.elevation.size() > 0) {
                    } else {
                        step.elevation = s;
                distance += edge.getDistance();


            // increment the total length for this step
            step.distance += edge.getDistance();
            lastAngle = DirectionUtils.getLastAngle(geom);
        return steps;

    private static boolean isLink(Edge edge) {
        return edge instanceof StreetEdge && (((StreetEdge)edge).getStreetClass() & StreetEdge.CLASS_LINK) == StreetEdge.CLASS_LINK;

    private static double getAbsoluteAngleDiff(double thisAngle, double lastAngle) {
        double angleDiff = thisAngle - lastAngle;
        if (angleDiff < 0) {
            angleDiff += Math.PI * 2;
        double ccwAngleDiff = Math.PI * 2 - angleDiff;
        if (ccwAngleDiff < angleDiff) {
            angleDiff = ccwAngleDiff;
        return angleDiff;

    private static WalkStep createWalkStep(Graph graph, State s) {
        Edge en = s.getBackEdge();
        WalkStep step;
        step = new WalkStep();
        step.streetName = en.getName();
        step.lon = en.getFromVertex().getX(); = en.getFromVertex().getY();
        step.elevation = encodeElevationProfile(s.getBackEdge(), 0);
        step.bogusName = en.hasBogusName();
        step.angle = DirectionUtils.getFirstAngle(s.getBackEdge().getGeometry());
        if (s.getBackEdge() instanceof AreaEdge) {
            step.area = true;
        return step;

    private static List<P2<Double>> encodeElevationProfile(Edge edge, double offset) {
        if (!(edge instanceof StreetEdge)) {
            return new ArrayList<P2<Double>>();
        StreetEdge elevEdge = (StreetEdge) edge;
        if (elevEdge.getElevationProfile() == null) {
            return new ArrayList<P2<Double>>();
        ArrayList<P2<Double>> out = new ArrayList<P2<Double>>();
        Coordinate[] coordArr = elevEdge.getElevationProfile().toCoordinateArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < coordArr.length; i++) {
            out.add(new P2<Double>(coordArr[i].x + offset, coordArr[i].y));
        return out;

    /** Returns the first trip of the service day. Currently unused.
     * TODO This should probably be done with a special time value. */
    public TripPlan generateFirstTrip(RoutingRequest request) {
        Graph graph = graphService.getGraph(request.routerId);


        TimeZone tz = graph.getTimeZone();

        GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(tz);
        calendar.setTimeInMillis(request.dateTime * 1000);
        calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0);
        calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
        calendar.set(Calendar.AM_PM, 0);
        calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, graph.index.overnightBreak);

        request.dateTime = calendar.getTimeInMillis() / 1000;
        return generate(request);

    /** Return the last trip of the service day. Currently unused.
     * TODO This should probably be done with a special time value. */
    public TripPlan generateLastTrip(RoutingRequest request) {
        Graph graph = graphService.getGraph(request.routerId);


        TimeZone tz = graph.getTimeZone();

        GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(tz);
        calendar.setTimeInMillis(request.dateTime * 1000);
        calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0);
        calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
        calendar.set(Calendar.AM_PM, 0);
        calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, graph.index.overnightBreak);
        calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1);

        request.dateTime = calendar.getTimeInMillis() / 1000;

        return generate(request);


Related Classes of org.opentripplanner.api.resource.PlanGenerator

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