
Source Code of$PrefixGrammar$PrefixGrammarNode

/* This file is part of the Joshua Machine Translation System.
* Joshua is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;

import joshua.corpus.vocab.BuildinSymbol;
import joshua.corpus.vocab.SymbolTable;
import joshua.decoder.Support;
import joshua.decoder.ff.state_maintenance.NgramDPState;
import joshua.decoder.hypergraph.DiskHyperGraph;
import joshua.decoder.hypergraph.HGNode;
import joshua.decoder.hypergraph.HyperEdge;
import joshua.decoder.hypergraph.HyperGraph;
import joshua.decoder.hypergraph.KBestExtractor;
import joshua.decoder.hypergraph.ViterbiExtractor;
import joshua.util.FileUtility;

* approximated BLEU
* (1) do not consider clipping effect
* (2) in the dynamic programming, do not maintain different states
*     for different hyp length
* (3) brief penalty is calculated based on the avg ref length
* (4) using sentence-level BLEU, instead of doc-level BLEU
* @author Zhifei Li, <> (Johns Hopkins University)
* @version $LastChangedDate: 2010-02-08 13:03:13 -0600 (Mon, 08 Feb 2010) $
public class OracleExtractionHG extends SplitHg {
  static String BACKOFF_LEFT_LM_STATE_SYM="<lzfbo>";
  public int BACKOFF_LEFT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID;//used for equivelant state
  static String NULL_LEFT_LM_STATE_SYM="<lzflnull>";
  public int NULL_LEFT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID;//used for equivelant state
  static String NULL_RIGHT_LM_STATE_SYM="<lzfrnull>";
  public int NULL_RIGHT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID;//used for equivelant state
//  int[] ref_sentence;//reference string (not tree)
  protected  int src_sent_len =0;
  protected  int ref_sent_len =0;
  protected  int g_lm_order=4; //only used for decide whether to get the LM state by this class or not in compute_state
  static protected boolean do_local_ngram_clip =false;
  static protected boolean maitain_length_state = false;
  static protected  int g_bleu_order=4;
  static boolean using_left_equiv_state = true;
  static boolean using_right_equiv_state = true;
  //TODO Add generics to hash tables in this class
  HashMap<String, Boolean> tbl_suffix = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
  HashMap<String, Boolean> tbl_prefix = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
  static PrefixGrammar grammar_prefix = new PrefixGrammar();//TODO
  static PrefixGrammar grammar_suffix = new PrefixGrammar();//TODO
//  key: item; value: best_deduction, best_bleu, best_len, # of n-gram match where n is in [1,4]
  protected HashMap<String, Integer> tbl_ref_ngrams = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

  static boolean always_maintain_seperate_lm_state = true; //if true: the virtual item maintain its own lm state regardless whether lm_order>=g_bleu_order
  SymbolTable p_symbolTable;
  int lm_feat_id=0; //the baseline LM feature id
   * Constructs a new object capable of extracting a tree
   * from a hypergraph that most closely matches a provided
   * oracle sentence.
   * <p>
   * It seems that the symbol table here should only need to
   * represent monolingual terminals, plus nonterminals.
   * @param symbolTable
   * @param lm_feat_id_
  public OracleExtractionHG(SymbolTable symbolTable, int lm_feat_id_){
    this.p_symbolTable = symbolTable;
    this.lm_feat_id = lm_feat_id_;
    this.BACKOFF_LEFT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID = p_symbolTable.addTerminal(BACKOFF_LEFT_LM_STATE_SYM);
    this.NULL_LEFT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID = p_symbolTable.addTerminal(NULL_RIGHT_LM_STATE_SYM);
    this.NULL_RIGHT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID = p_symbolTable.addTerminal(NULL_RIGHT_LM_STATE_SYM);
  /*for 919 sent, time_on_reading: 148797
  time_on_orc_extract: 580286*/
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    /*String f_hypergraphs="C:\\Users\\zli\\Documents\\";
    String f_rule_tbl="C:\\Users\\zli\\Documents\\";
    String f_ref_files="C:\\Users\\zli\\Documents\\mt03.ref.txt.1";
    String f_orc_out ="C:\\Users\\zli\\Documents\\mt03.orc.txt";*/
    if (6 != args.length) {
      System.out.println("Usage: java Decoder f_hypergraphs f_rule_tbl f_ref_files f_orc_out lm_order orc_extract_nbest");
      System.out.println("num of args is "+ args.length);
      for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
        System.out.println("arg is: " + args[i]);
    String f_hypergraphs = args[0].trim();
    String f_rule_tbl = args[1].trim();
    String f_ref_files = args[2].trim();
    String f_orc_out =  args[3].trim();
    int lm_order = Integer.parseInt(args[4].trim());
    boolean orc_extract_nbest = Boolean.valueOf(args[5].trim()); // oracle extraction from nbest or hg
    int baseline_lm_feat_id = 0;
    SymbolTable p_symbolTable = new BuildinSymbol(null);
    KBestExtractor kbest_extractor = null;
    int topN = 300;//TODO
    boolean extract_unique_nbest = true;//TODO
    boolean do_ngram_clip_nbest = true; //TODO
    if (orc_extract_nbest) {
      System.out.println("oracle extraction from nbest list");
      kbest_extractor = new KBestExtractor(p_symbolTable, extract_unique_nbest, false, false, false,  false, true);
    BufferedWriter orc_out = FileUtility.getWriteFileStream(f_orc_out);
    long start_time0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long time_on_reading = 0;
    long time_on_orc_extract = 0;
    BufferedReader t_reader_ref = FileUtility.getReadFileStream(f_ref_files);
    DiskHyperGraph dhg_read  = new DiskHyperGraph(p_symbolTable, baseline_lm_feat_id, true, null);
    dhg_read.initRead(f_hypergraphs, f_rule_tbl, null);
    OracleExtractionHG orc_extractor = new OracleExtractionHG(p_symbolTable, baseline_lm_feat_id);
    String ref_sent= null;
    long start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    int sent_id=0;
    while( (ref_sent=FileUtility.read_line_lzf(t_reader_ref))!= null ){
      System.out.println("############Process sentence " + sent_id);
      start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
      HyperGraph hg = dhg_read.readHyperGraph();
      String orc_sent=null;
      double orc_bleu=0;
      //System.out.println("read disk hyp: " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-start_time));
      time_on_reading += System.currentTimeMillis()-start_time;
      start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Object[] res = orc_extractor.oracle_extract_nbest(kbest_extractor, hg, topN, do_ngram_clip_nbest, ref_sent);
        orc_sent = (String) res[0];
        orc_bleu = (Double) res[1];
        HyperGraph hg_oracle = orc_extractor.oracle_extract_hg(hg, hg.sentLen, lm_order, ref_sent);
        orc_sent =  ViterbiExtractor.extractViterbiString(p_symbolTable, hg_oracle.goalNode);
        orc_bleu = orc_extractor.get_best_goal_cost(hg, orc_extractor.g_tbl_split_virtual_items);
        time_on_orc_extract += System.currentTimeMillis()-start_time;
        System.out.println("num_virtual_items: " + orc_extractor.g_num_virtual_items + " num_virtual_dts: " + orc_extractor.g_num_virtual_deductions);
        //System.out.println("oracle extract: " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-start_time));
      System.out.println("orc bleu is " + orc_bleu);
    System.out.println("time_on_reading: " + time_on_reading);
    System.out.println("time_on_orc_extract: " + time_on_orc_extract);
    System.out.println("total running time: "
      + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start_time0));
  //find the oracle hypothesis in the nbest list
  public Object[] oracle_extract_nbest(KBestExtractor kbest_extractor, HyperGraph hg, int n, boolean do_ngram_clip, String ref_sent){
    if(hg.goalNode==null) return null;
    int next_n=0;
    double orc_bleu=-1;
    String orc_sent=null;
      String hyp_sent = kbest_extractor.getKthHyp(hg.goalNode, ++next_n, -1, null, null);//?????????
      if(hyp_sent==null || next_n > n) break;
      double t_bleu = compute_sentence_bleu(this.p_symbolTable, ref_sent, hyp_sent, do_ngram_clip, 4);
        orc_bleu = t_bleu;
        orc_sent = hyp_sent;
    System.out.println("Oracle sent: " + orc_sent);
    System.out.println("Oracle bleu: " + orc_bleu);
    Object[] res = new Object[2];
    return res;

  public HyperGraph oracle_extract_hg(HyperGraph hg, int src_sent_len_in, int lm_order,
        String ref_sent_str)
    int[] ref_sent = this.p_symbolTable.addTerminals(ref_sent_str.split("\\s+"));
    src_sent_len = src_sent_len_in;
    ref_sent_len = ref_sent.length;   
    get_ngrams(tbl_ref_ngrams, g_bleu_order, ref_sent, false)
    if(using_left_equiv_state || using_right_equiv_state){
      tbl_prefix.clear();  tbl_suffix.clear();
      setup_prefix_suffix_tbl(ref_sent, g_bleu_order, tbl_prefix, tbl_suffix);
      setup_prefix_suffix_grammar(ref_sent, g_bleu_order, grammar_prefix, grammar_suffix);//TODO
    //System.out.println("best bleu is " +  get_best_goal_cost( hg, g_tbl_split_virtual_items));
    return get_1best_tree_hg(hg, g_tbl_split_virtual_items);
  /*This procedure does
   * (1) identify all possible match
   * (2) add a new deduction for each matches*/
  protected  void process_one_combination_axiom(HGNode parent_item, HashMap<String, VirtualItem> virtual_item_sigs, HyperEdge cur_dt){
    if (null == cur_dt.getRule()) {
      throw new RuntimeException("error null rule in axiom");
    double avg_ref_len = (parent_item.j-parent_item.i>=src_sent_len) ? ref_sent_len :  (parent_item.j-parent_item.i)*ref_sent_len*1.0/src_sent_len;//avg len?
    double bleu_score[] = new double[1];
    DPStateOracle dps = compute_state(parent_item, cur_dt, null, tbl_ref_ngrams, do_local_ngram_clip, g_lm_order, avg_ref_len, bleu_score, tbl_suffix, tbl_prefix);
    VirtualDeduction t_dt = new VirtualDeduction(cur_dt, null, -bleu_score[0]);//cost: -best_bleu
    add_deduction(parent_item, virtual_item_sigs,  t_dt, dps, true);     
  /*This procedure does
   * (1) create a new deduction (based on cur_dt and ant_virtual_item)
   * (2) find whether an Item can contain this deduction (based on virtual_item_sigs which is a hashmap specific to a parent_item)
   *   (2.1) if yes, add the deduction,
   *  (2.2) otherwise
   *    (2.2.1) create a new item
   *    (2.2.2) and add the item into virtual_item_sigs
  protected  void process_one_combination_nonaxiom(HGNode parent_item, HashMap<String, VirtualItem> virtual_item_sigs, HyperEdge cur_dt, ArrayList<VirtualItem> l_ant_virtual_item){
    if (null == l_ant_virtual_item) {
      throw new RuntimeException("wrong call in process_one_combination_nonaxiom");
    double avg_ref_len = (parent_item.j-parent_item.i>=src_sent_len) ? ref_sent_len :  (parent_item.j-parent_item.i)*ref_sent_len*1.0/src_sent_len;//avg len?
    double bleu_score[] = new double[1];
    DPStateOracle dps = compute_state(parent_item, cur_dt, l_ant_virtual_item, tbl_ref_ngrams,  do_local_ngram_clip, g_lm_order, avg_ref_len, bleu_score, tbl_suffix, tbl_prefix);
    VirtualDeduction t_dt = new VirtualDeduction(cur_dt, l_ant_virtual_item, -bleu_score[0]);//cost: -best_bleu 
    add_deduction(parent_item, virtual_item_sigs,  t_dt, dps, true);     

  //DPState maintain all the state information at an item that is required during dynamic programming
  protected static class DPStateOracle extends DPState {
    int best_len; //this may not be used in the signature
    int[] ngram_matches;
    int[] left_lm_state;
    int[] right_lm_state; 
    public DPStateOracle(int blen, int[] matches, int[] left, int[] right){
      best_len = blen;
      ngram_matches = matches;
      left_lm_state = left;
      right_lm_state = right;
    protected String get_signature() {
      StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer();
      if (maitain_length_state) {
        res.append(' ');
      if (null != left_lm_state) { // goal-item have null state
        for (int i = 0; i < left_lm_state.length; i++) {
          res.append(' ');
      res.append("lzf ")
      if (null != right_lm_state) { // goal-item have null state
        for (int i = 0; i < right_lm_state.length; i++) {
          res.append(' ');
      //if(left_lm_state==null || right_lm_state==null)System.out.println("sig is: " + res.toString());
      return res.toString();
    protected void print(){
      StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer();
      res.append("DPstate: best_len: ");
      for(int i=0; i<ngram_matches.length; i++){
        res.append("; ngram: ");
//  ########################## commmon funcions #####################
  //based on tbl_oracle_states, tbl_ref_ngrams, and dt, get the state
  protected DPStateOracle compute_state(
    HGNode parent_item, HyperEdge dt, ArrayList<VirtualItem> l_ant_virtual_item, HashMap<String,Integer> tbl_ref_ngrams,
    boolean do_local_ngram_clip, int lm_order, double ref_len, double[] bleu_score, HashMap<String, Boolean> tbl_suffix, HashMap<String, Boolean> tbl_prefix
  ) {
    //##### deductions under "goal item" does not have rule
    if (null == dt.getRule()) {
      if (l_ant_virtual_item.size() != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("error deduction under goal item have more than one item");
      bleu_score[0] = -l_ant_virtual_item.get(0).best_virtual_deduction.best_cost;
      return new DPStateOracle(0, null, null,null); // no DPState at all
    //################## deductions *not* under "goal item"
    HashMap<String, Integer> new_ngram_counts = new HashMap<String, Integer>();//new ngrams created due to the combination
    HashMap<String, Integer> old_ngram_counts = new HashMap<String, Integer>();//the ngram that has already been computed
    int total_hyp_len =0;
    int[] num_ngram_match = new int[g_bleu_order];
    int[] en_words = dt.getRule().getEnglish();
    //####calulate new and old ngram counts, and len
    ArrayList<Integer> words= new ArrayList<Integer>();
    // used for compute left- and right- lm state
    ArrayList<Integer> left_state_sequence = null;
    // used for compute left- and right- lm state
    ArrayList<Integer> right_state_sequence = null;
    int correct_lm_order = lm_order;
    if (always_maintain_seperate_lm_state || lm_order < g_bleu_order) {
        left_state_sequence  = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        right_state_sequence = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        correct_lm_order = g_bleu_order; // if lm_order is smaller than g_bleu_order, we will get the lm state by ourself
    //#### get left_state_sequence, right_state_sequence, total_hyp_len, num_ngram_match
    for (int c = 0; c < en_words.length; c++) {
      int c_id = en_words[c];
      if (this.p_symbolTable.isNonterminal(c_id)) {
        int index = this.p_symbolTable.getTargetNonterminalIndex(c_id);
        DPStateOracle ant_state = (DPStateOracle) l_ant_virtual_item.get(index).dp_state;
        total_hyp_len += ant_state.best_len;
        for (int t = 0; t < g_bleu_order; t++) {
          num_ngram_match[t] += ant_state.ngram_matches[t];
        int[] l_context = ant_state.left_lm_state;
        int[] r_context = ant_state.right_lm_state;
        for (int t : l_context) { // always have l_context
          if (null != left_state_sequence
          && left_state_sequence.size() < g_bleu_order-1) {
        get_ngrams(old_ngram_counts, g_bleu_order, l_context, true);         
        if (r_context.length >= correct_lm_order-1) { // the right and left are NOT overlapping
          get_ngrams(new_ngram_counts, g_bleu_order, words, true);
          get_ngrams(old_ngram_counts, g_bleu_order, r_context, true);
          words.clear();//start a new chunk
          if (null != right_state_sequence) {
          for (int t : r_context) {
        if (null != right_state_sequence) {
          for(int t : r_context) {
      } else {
        total_hyp_len += 1;
        if (null != left_state_sequence
        && left_state_sequence.size() < g_bleu_order-1) {
        if (null != right_state_sequence) {
    get_ngrams(new_ngram_counts, g_bleu_order, words, true);
    //####now deduct ngram counts
    for (String ngram : new_ngram_counts.keySet()) {
      if (tbl_ref_ngrams.containsKey(ngram)) {
        int final_count = (Integer)new_ngram_counts.get(ngram);
        if (old_ngram_counts.containsKey(ngram)) {
          final_count -= (Integer)old_ngram_counts.get(ngram);
          // BUG: Whoa, is that an actual hard-coded ID in there? :)
          if (final_count < 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("negative count for ngram: "
              + this.p_symbolTable.getWord(11844)
              + "; new: " + new_ngram_counts.get(ngram)
              + "; old: " + old_ngram_counts.get(ngram) );
        if (final_count > 0) { // TODO: not correct/global ngram clip
          if (do_local_ngram_clip) {
            // BUG: use joshua.util.Regex.spaces.split(...)
            num_ngram_match[ngram.split("\\s+").length-1] +=
            Support.findMin(final_count, (Integer)tbl_ref_ngrams.get(ngram));
          } else {
            // BUG: use joshua.util.Regex.spaces.split(...)
            num_ngram_match[ngram.split("\\s+").length-1] += final_count; //do not do any cliping
    //####now calculate the BLEU score and state
    int[] left_lm_state  = null;
    int[] right_lm_state = null;
    if (!always_maintain_seperate_lm_state && lm_order >= g_bleu_order) {  //do not need to change lm state, just use orignal lm state
      NgramDPState state = (NgramDPState) parent_item.getDPState(this.lm_feat_id);
      left_lm_state = intListToArray( state.getLeftLMStateWords() );
      right_lm_state = intListToArray( state.getRightLMStateWords() );
    } else {
      left_lm_state = get_left_equiv_state(left_state_sequence, tbl_suffix);
      right_lm_state = get_right_equiv_state(right_state_sequence, tbl_prefix);
      //System.out.println("lm_order is " + lm_order);
      //compare_two_int_arrays(left_lm_state, (int[])parent_item.tbl_states.get(Symbol.LM_L_STATE_SYM_ID));
      //compare_two_int_arrays(right_lm_state, (int[])parent_item.tbl_states.get(Symbol.LM_R_STATE_SYM_ID));
    bleu_score[0] = compute_bleu(total_hyp_len, ref_len, num_ngram_match, g_bleu_order);
    //System.out.println("blue score is " + bleu_score[0]);
    return new DPStateOracle(total_hyp_len, num_ngram_match, left_lm_state, right_lm_state);
  private int[] intListToArray(List<Integer> words){
    int[] res = new int[words.size()];
    int i=0;
    for(int wrd : words)
      res[i++] = wrd;
    return res;
  private int[] get_left_equiv_state(ArrayList<Integer> left_state_sequence,
    HashMap<String, Boolean> tbl_suffix)
    int l_size = (left_state_sequence.size()<g_bleu_order-1)? left_state_sequence.size() : (g_bleu_order-1);
    int[] left_lm_state = new int[l_size];
    if (!using_left_equiv_state || l_size < g_bleu_order-1) { // regular
      for (int i = 0; i < l_size; i++) {
        left_lm_state[i] = left_state_sequence.get(i);
    } else {
      for (int i = l_size-1; i >= 0; i--) { // right to left
        if (is_a_suffix_in_tbl(left_state_sequence, 0, i, tbl_suffix)) {
          //if(is_a_suffix_in_grammar(left_state_sequence, 0, i, grammar_suffix)){
          for (int j = i; j >= 0; j--) {
            left_lm_state[j] = left_state_sequence.get(j);
        } else {
          left_lm_state[i] = this.NULL_LEFT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID;
      //System.out.println("origi left:" + Symbol.get_string(left_state_sequence) + "; equiv left:" + Symbol.get_string(left_lm_state));
    return left_lm_state;
  private boolean is_a_suffix_in_tbl(ArrayList<Integer> left_state_sequence,
    int start_pos, int end_pos, HashMap<String, Boolean> tbl_suffix)
    if ((Integer)left_state_sequence.get(end_pos) == this.NULL_LEFT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID) {
      return false;
    StringBuffer suffix = new StringBuffer();
    for (int i = end_pos; i >= start_pos; i--) { // right-most first
      if (i > start_pos) suffix.append(' ');
    return (Boolean) tbl_suffix.containsKey(suffix.toString());
  // TODO: never called. remove?
  private boolean is_a_suffix_in_grammar(
    ArrayList<Integer> left_state_sequence,
    int start_pos, int end_pos, PrefixGrammar grammar_suffix)
    if ((Integer)left_state_sequence.get(end_pos) == this.NULL_LEFT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID) {
      return false;
    ArrayList<Integer> suffix = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    for (int i = end_pos; i >= start_pos; i--) { // right-most first
    return grammar_suffix.contain_ngram(suffix, 0, suffix.size()-1);
  private int[] get_right_equiv_state(
    ArrayList<Integer> right_state_sequence,
    HashMap<String, Boolean> tbl_prefix)
    int r_size = (right_state_sequence.size() < g_bleu_order-1)
      ? right_state_sequence.size()
      : (g_bleu_order-1);
    int[] right_lm_state = new int[r_size];
    if (!using_right_equiv_state || r_size < g_bleu_order-1) { // regular
      for (int i = 0; i < r_size; i++) {
        right_lm_state[i] = (Integer)right_state_sequence.get(right_state_sequence.size()-r_size+i);
    } else {
      for (int i = 0; i < r_size; i++) { // left to right
        if (is_a_prefix_in_tbl(right_state_sequence, right_state_sequence.size()-r_size+i, right_state_sequence.size()-1, tbl_prefix)) {
        //if(is_a_prefix_in_grammar(right_state_sequence, right_state_sequence.size()-r_size+i, right_state_sequence.size()-1, grammar_prefix)){
          for (int j = i; j < r_size; j++) {
            right_lm_state[j] = (Integer)right_state_sequence.get(right_state_sequence.size()-r_size+j);
        } else {
          right_lm_state[i] = this.NULL_RIGHT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID;
      //System.out.println("origi right:" + Symbol.get_string(right_state_sequence)+ "; equiv right:" + Symbol.get_string(right_lm_state));
    return right_lm_state;
  private boolean is_a_prefix_in_tbl(ArrayList<Integer> right_state_sequence,
    int start_pos, int end_pos, HashMap<String, Boolean> tbl_prefix)
    if (right_state_sequence.get(start_pos) == this.NULL_RIGHT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID) {
      return false;
    StringBuffer prefix = new StringBuffer();
    for (int i = start_pos; i <= end_pos; i++) {
      if (i < end_pos) prefix.append(' ');
    return (Boolean) tbl_prefix.containsKey(prefix.toString());
  // TODO: never called. remove?
  private boolean isAPrefixInGrammar(
    ArrayList<Integer> right_state_sequence,
    int start_pos, int end_pos, PrefixGrammar gr_prefix)
    if (right_state_sequence.get(start_pos) == this.NULL_RIGHT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID) {
      return false;
    return gr_prefix.contain_ngram(right_state_sequence, start_pos, end_pos);
  public static void compare_two_int_arrays(int[] a, int[] b) {
    if (a.length != b.length) {
      throw new RuntimeException("two arrays do not have same size");
    for (int i = 0; i<a.length; i++) {
      if (a[i] != b[i]) {
        throw new RuntimeException("elements in two arrays are not same");
  //sentence-bleu: BLEU= bp * prec; where prec = exp (sum 1/4 * log(prec[order]))
  public static double compute_bleu(int hyp_len, double ref_len, int[] num_ngram_match, int bleu_order){
    if (hyp_len <= 0 || ref_len <= 0){
      throw new RuntimeException("ref or hyp is zero len");
    double res = 0;
    double wt = 1.0/bleu_order;
    double prec = 0;
    double smooth_factor=1.0;
    for (int t = 0; t < bleu_order && t < hyp_len; t++) {
      if (num_ngram_match[t] > 0) {
        prec += wt*Math.log(num_ngram_match[t]*1.0/(hyp_len-t));
      } else {
        smooth_factor *= 0.5;//TODO
        prec += wt*Math.log(smooth_factor/(hyp_len-t));
    double bp = (hyp_len>=ref_len) ? 1.0 : Math.exp(1-ref_len/hyp_len);
    res = bp*Math.exp(prec);
    //System.out.println("hyp_len: " + hyp_len + "; ref_len:" + ref_len + "prec: " + Math.exp(prec) + "; bp: " + bp + "; bleu: " + res);
    return res;
  //accumulate ngram counts into tbl
  public void get_ngrams(HashMap<String,Integer> tbl, int order, int[] wrds, boolean ignore_null_equiv_symbol) {
    for (int i = 0; i < wrds.length; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < order && j+i < wrds.length; j++) { // ngram: [i,i+j]
        boolean contain_null = false;
        StringBuffer ngram = new StringBuffer();
        for (int k = i; k <= i+j; k++) {
          if (wrds[k] == this.NULL_LEFT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID
          || wrds[k] == this.NULL_RIGHT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID) {
            contain_null = true;
            if (ignore_null_equiv_symbol) break;
          if (k < i+j) ngram.append(' ');
        if (ignore_null_equiv_symbol && contain_null) continue; // skip this ngram
        String ngram_str = ngram.toString();
        if (tbl.containsKey(ngram_str)) {
          tbl.put(ngram_str, (Integer)tbl.get(ngram_str)+1);
        } else {
          tbl.put(ngram_str, 1);
  /** accumulate ngram counts into tbl. */
  public void get_ngrams(HashMap<String, Integer> tbl, int order,
    ArrayList<Integer> wrds, boolean ignore_null_equiv_symbol)
    for (int i = 0; i < wrds.size(); i++) {
      // ngram: [i,i+j]
      for (int j = 0; j < order && j+i < wrds.size(); j++) {
        boolean contain_null = false;
        StringBuffer ngram = new StringBuffer();
        for (int k = i; k <= i+j; k++) {
          int t_wrd = (Integer) wrds.get(k);
          if (t_wrd == this.NULL_LEFT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID
          || t_wrd == this.NULL_RIGHT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID) {
            contain_null = true;
            if (ignore_null_equiv_symbol) break;
          if (k < i+j) ngram.append(' ');
        // skip this ngram
        if (ignore_null_equiv_symbol && contain_null) continue;
        String ngram_str = ngram.toString();
        if (tbl.containsKey(ngram_str)) {
          tbl.put(ngram_str, (Integer)tbl.get(ngram_str)+1);
        } else {
          tbl.put(ngram_str, 1);
  //do_ngram_clip: consider global n-gram clip
  public  double compute_sentence_bleu(SymbolTable p_symbol, String ref_sent, String hyp_sent, boolean do_ngram_clip, int bleu_order) {
    // BUG: use joshua.util.Regex.spaces.split(...)
    int[] numeric_ref_sent = p_symbol.addTerminals(ref_sent.split("\\s+"));
    int[] numeric_hyp_sent = p_symbol.addTerminals(hyp_sent.split("\\s+"));
    return compute_sentence_bleu(numeric_ref_sent, numeric_hyp_sent, do_ngram_clip, bleu_order);
  public  double compute_sentence_bleu(int[] ref_sent, int[] hyp_sent, boolean do_ngram_clip, int bleu_order) {
    double res_bleu = 0;
    int order = 4;
    HashMap<String, Integer> ref_ngram_tbl = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    get_ngrams(ref_ngram_tbl, order, ref_sent, false);
    HashMap<String, Integer> hyp_ngram_tbl = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    get_ngrams(hyp_ngram_tbl, order, hyp_sent, false);
    int[] num_ngram_match = new int[order];
    for (String ngram : hyp_ngram_tbl.keySet()) {
      if (ref_ngram_tbl.containsKey(ngram)) {
        if (do_ngram_clip) {
          // BUG: use joshua.util.Regex.spaces.split(...)
          num_ngram_match[ngram.split("\\s+").length-1] += Support.findMin((Integer)ref_ngram_tbl.get(ngram),(Integer)hyp_ngram_tbl.get(ngram)); //ngram clip
        } else {
          // BUG: use joshua.util.Regex.spaces.split(...)
          num_ngram_match[ngram.split("\\s+").length-1] += (Integer)hyp_ngram_tbl.get(ngram);//without ngram count clipping
    res_bleu = compute_bleu(hyp_sent.length, ref_sent.length, num_ngram_match, bleu_order);
    //System.out.println("hyp_len: " + hyp_sent.length + "; ref_len:" + ref_sent.length + "; bleu: " + res_bleu +" num_ngram_matches: " + num_ngram_match[0] + " " +num_ngram_match[1]+
    //    " " + num_ngram_match[2] + " " +num_ngram_match[3]);
    return res_bleu;
  // TODO: never called, remove?
  private static void printState(Object[] state) {
    System.out.println("State is");
    for (int i = 0; i < state.length; i++) {
      System.out.print(state[i] + " ---- ");
  //#### equivalent lm stuff ############
  public static void setup_prefix_suffix_tbl(int[] wrds, int order,
    HashMap<String, Boolean> prefix_tbl, HashMap<String, Boolean> suffix_tbl)
    for (int i = 0; i < wrds.length; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < order && j+i < wrds.length; j++) { // ngram: [i,i+j]
        StringBuffer ngram = new StringBuffer();
        //### prefix
        for (int k = i; k < i+j; k++) { // all ngrams [i,i+j-1]
          prefix_tbl.put(ngram.toString(), true);
          ngram.append(' ');
        //### suffix: right-most wrd first
        ngram = new StringBuffer();
        for (int k = i+j; k > i; k--) { // all ngrams [i+1,i+j]: reverse order
          suffix_tbl.put(ngram.toString(), true);//stored in reverse order
          ngram.append(' ');
  // #### equivalent lm stuff ############
  public static void setup_prefix_suffix_grammar(int[] wrds, int order,
    PrefixGrammar prefix_gr, PrefixGrammar suffix_gr)
    for (int i = 0; i < wrds.length; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < order && j+i < wrds.length; j++) { // ngram: [i,i+j]
        //### prefix
        prefix_gr.add_ngram(wrds, i, i+j-1);//ngram: [i,i+j-1]
        //### suffix: right-most wrd first
        int[] reverse_wrds = new int[j];
        for (int k = i+j, t = 0; k > i; k--) { // all ngrams [i+1,i+j]: reverse order
          reverse_wrds[t++] = wrds[k];
        suffix_gr.add_ngram(reverse_wrds, 0, j-1);
  /* a backoff node is a hashtable, it may include:
   * (1) probabilititis for next words
   * (2) pointers to a next-layer backoff node (hashtable)
   * (3) backoff weight for this node
   * (4) suffix/prefix flag to indicate that there is ngrams start from this suffix
  private static class PrefixGrammar {
    private static class PrefixGrammarNode extends HashMap<Integer, PrefixGrammarNode> {
      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    PrefixGrammarNode root = new PrefixGrammarNode();
    //add prefix information
    public void add_ngram(int[] wrds, int start_pos, int end_pos) {
      //######### identify the position, and insert the trinodes if necessary
      PrefixGrammarNode pos = root;
      for (int k = start_pos; k <= end_pos; k++) {
        int cur_sym_id = wrds[k];
        PrefixGrammarNode next_layer = pos.get(cur_sym_id);
        if (null != next_layer) {
          pos = next_layer;
        } else {
          // next layer node
          PrefixGrammarNode tmp = new PrefixGrammarNode();
          pos.put(cur_sym_id, tmp);
          pos = tmp;
    public boolean contain_ngram(ArrayList<Integer> wrds, int start_pos, int end_pos) {
      if (end_pos < start_pos) return false;
      PrefixGrammarNode pos = root;
      for (int k = start_pos; k <= end_pos; k++) {
        int cur_sym_id = wrds.get(k);
        PrefixGrammarNode next_layer = pos.get(cur_sym_id);
        if (next_layer != null) {
          pos = next_layer;
        } else {
          return false;
      return true;

Related Classes of$PrefixGrammar$PrefixGrammarNode

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